Learning portfolio in progress week 6

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Dog House I

Dog House I- Week 1

Reflec%on Strengths : -­‐  Created and designed my first Dog House with certain measures and put two figures as measure -­‐  Successfully created hexagon and half circle shaped windows. -­‐  Tried to build stairs and base for the boCom part of the house Two Point Perspec.ve

Weaknesses : -­‐  Too less for designing the walls and other part of the house -­‐  Size and shape of the house it is too mainstream

LeH Standard Perspec.ve

Standard Perspec.ve Front

Opportuni.es : -­‐  I should learn more about new ways and tricks to make simple thing faster -­‐  Redo the stairs with the right ways to do it

Standard Perspec.ve Back

Risk : -­‐  Slept around 1 am to recheck the measure and that also the .me when all my ideas came out. Almost slept in my Economic class -­‐  Borrowed my Father’s mouse to do this

Cubes in Space – Week 1

Plan View

Reflections: Strengths: ●  Successfully created array of cubes with additional design. Transformed into component and replicate multiple times. ●  Placed 2D designed figures on particular spot. Turned the shadow on and took zoomed 2D graphic from different perspectives.

Challenges: ●  Created an array which as the array goes up the numbers of the cubes decreased. ●  Placing the figures on hollowed top of the cubes. Elevation

Perspec.ve fron ISO

How do I do beCer next .me? •  Move the figures parallel with blue lines, green lines and red lines. •  Make different component on an array, so it could have different design. •  Crea.ng a pyramid array.

Crazy Cube Arrays in Space

Reflections Strengths •  Successfully create cube ,transformed into a component and replicated multiple times to create this complex array •  Zoomed into array, turned my shadows on and place several human figures for scale to create a dramatic shot. Challenges : •  I need to learn how to use rapid visualization technique to hand draw something similar to what I produced in SketchUp

Plan View


Perspective View within Array

Plan View Perspective

Free Hand Drawing

Rapid Visualization

Reflec%on Strength : ! Draw mul.ple lines from different points focused on two point and one point ! Created cubes in space by free hand drawing ! Created cubes developed into cylinder, cone and different shapes from a cube two point ! Created cubes hollowed in specific part

Challenges and Threats : o Drawing circle into ball o Hairy lines on the main structure o Decide to bold the main line o Drawing too small size shape o Forgot to get off at the right bus stop when drawing in Muni Bus

Opportuni.es : " Draw straight lines more frequently, so it wont become hairy " Draw circles and spiral more frequently " Consider the angle " look closely and correctly before bolding a line " create shade to make strong effect of the hollowed part

Rotate, Stairs and Follow me tool – Week 2

Strengths : -­‐ Successful at trying out new ways to do SketchUp; Rotate, build stairs, and using follow me tool. -­‐ Made the stairs into component so it will be easier to move around -­‐ Experimented using various colors to make it more catchy Weakness : > S.ll inaccurate when rota.ng >S.ll have hard .me to arrange posi.on for component

Opprtuni.es : -­‐ Find out more about coloring the shape created with follow me tool without coloring per surface between lines -­‐ Prac.ce more to adjust components

Risk : > Having too much fun with the tools, lost when listening to Jerry > Had to ask him and slowing everyone down

Floor Patterns, Layers and Scenes – Week 3

Reflec.ons Strengths : -­‐  Created opened front wall house, transformed into component and copied five .mes with certain distance. -­‐  Learned how to make scenes, layers and arrange the hidden and the appearance of a structure Two Point Perspec.ves-­‐ Front -­‐  Successfully created anima.on with 23 scenes about different perspec.ves for each house -­‐  Successfully created six different floor paCerns with various tools – rotate, move, rectangle, line, scale, measure and protractor. -­‐  Added style and fog for the background to make it more interes.ng Two Point Perspec.ve-­‐ ISO

Ba.k Flower PaCern

Challenges : o  Decide good point of view to make scenes for the anima.on o  Brainstorm the ideas for 4 different floor paCerns o  Erase small lines outside and inside the design o  Arranging the best .me for scene transi.ons and delay

Blue Diamond Pies PaCern

Dizzy Water PaCern

Black Yellow Wood Pin PaCern

How do I do beCer next .me ? ! Freehand sketch more to brainstorm ideas ! Prac.ce to take beCer 2D graphic from different perspec.ve ! Recheck thoroughly each scene transi.ons before finishing the anima.on to see if it is good

Piazza Campidoglio Inspired Plaza – Week 4

Reflec.on Strengths : " Successfully recreated the Piazza Campidoglio with addi.on of statue figure and human figures for scale to create drama.c shot " Successfully created a shape, replicate mul.ple .mes and turned into a design " Created stairs, turned the shadow on, put brick and stone paint for the floor and the stairs, and changed the background " Made it into anima.on with several scenes

Challenge : -­‐  Erase the lines especially the small ones -­‐  Create the star shape in the middle, the line has to be from end point to end point -­‐  Create the stairs without hollow part on the top -­‐  Create a perfect offset for outside part of the circle

How do I do beCer next .me? •  Prac.ce using offset tool for different shapes and space •  Be more careful drawing line from point to point

My Own Designed Museum Floor – Week 4

Inspired Building – Week 5

Wall Study - Week 6

Reflec%on Strengths -­‐ successfully created 3 different designed walls and 2 intersected face created different shapes using follow me tool, intersected with other shape and made it into my unique and interes.ng -­‐Created doors and windows with intersec.ng them Turned on shadow and took drama.c 2D graphic

Challenges and Threats •  Using the rotate tool to the intersected shapes • Collaborate two shapes into one shape. Moving the right point from one to another point • Drawing shape and create window on the curve side • Scale shape that already intersect with other shape • Brainstorming for ideas at midnight Opportuni%es • Put every shape into different layer, so that it will be easier to rotate, scale, move it, and color it • Consider the sides and shape inside a shape • Turn on x-­‐ray mode more oHen to see what is inside

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