Yoga tip for a tiny belly

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“Yoga Tip For a Tiny Belly" Presented By amro 6 Reasons Yoga Benefits Weight Loss

Three Simple and Easy Yoga Postures to Tone Your Abs

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Yoga for Belly Fat There is widespread belief that an hour of physical yoga is enough cardiovascular activity to fulfill the average person's daily fitness needs. The truth is that many schools of yoga burn calories at a low rate and are therefore not the ideal form of exercise to target fat burn. Of course, it is also true that certain forms of yoga are considered more active and do burn calories while tightening and toning the body. Different styles and yoga instructors vary in the physical challenge they present. A person weighing 150 pounds doing an hour of Hatha yoga burns 180 calories, for example, while an hour of Ashtanga yoga burns 350 calories. Asthanga yoga is considered one of the most physically difficult schools of yoga, but even this form is outpaced by a slow run. In an hour, a runner going at a slow 12-minute-mile pace can still burn upwards of 500 calories. So why practice yoga for belly fat? It is true that yoga may burn fewer calories than running, but the overall health benefits like increased flexibility, improved focus, stronger bodies and relatively low risk of injury have a lot to say in favor of practicing yoga instead of or to complement other forms of fitness activities. However, because it may not burn calories at an intense pace like running or elliptical training can, yogis who would like to use yoga

to burn belly fat must practice a targeted, intentional sequence of poses. Four Tips for Practicing Yoga to Burn Belly Fat 1. Keep it moving! Choose a series that is designed to flow easily from pose to pose. Hold each pose for a minute or two and move quickly into the next pose. The fast flowing sequence should simultaneously tax your strength and elevate your heart rate, increasing the rate of calorie burn. 2. Target your practice! Make sure to use or design a sequence that strengthens your core muscles. Chair pose, plank pose, sun salutations and forward, side and back bends all target your abs, back and sides. 3. Finish and repeat! Do the pose sequence several times in order to get the maximum benefit from your practice; make sure your focus on the second and third repetitions is on correct posture since technique often begins to lag as your muscles fatigue. 4. Go long! Ideally, it takes 40 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise for your body to start burning through its fat reserves. So don't settle for a quick 30 minute session; you need to stay active for most of an hour in order to get the best fat-burning results.

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Yoga Dispels Disease, Aging and Death According to a hymn in Shvetashvataropanishad, when the traits of Yoga enters into the body which is composed of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space, one does not receive disease, aging or death who receives the fire of Yoga(II.12). Our body is a miniature universe. Spiritually universe is composed of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space and so our body is composed of. Through the practice of yogic exercises(tapa) we give heat or fire to the body. Every exercise supplies heat to the body. But in Yoga, not only heat but mind is applied to each and every part of the body. For this the heat of Yoga is so much vital to the body. The characteristic of heat or fire is to purify a substance by burning undesirable and foreign matter contaminating the substance. Similarly the fire of Yoga burns undesirable and foreign matter entering into the body which is composed of five basic elements. When these elements are purified, the body is purified and when body is purified one easily dispels disease, aging and death. Yoga is not only an exercise of body but also an exercise of mind. In fact mind is more important than the body. The greatest thing in the

universe is our mind. Body is the direct and complete manifestation of mind. A single body is the manifestation of a single mind and this universe is the manifestation of all minds of all beings inhabiting the universe. Mind and soul(atman) are the same. If soul is an ocean of consciousness, mind is its waves. This soul as well as mind pervades every part and every cell of the body. Every cell is conscious and lively because of this soul and mind. For this, mind has a great influence over the body. We can dispel disease, aging and death through the will power of mind. Disease, old age and death are the same thing. Disease accelerates the coming of old age and old age generates fear of death in the mind. When mind is in the grip of fear of death, one succumbs to death early. Soul is indestructible, eternal, immortal and ageless. It is the source of unending life and consciousness. In every birth this soul fills up our body with unending life and consciousness. Soul is always pure and never contaminated. Since the body is inhabited by such a soul, which pervades and rules over every cell, the body should remain pure, uncontaminated and ageless always. Disease or old age cannot be a part of this body. If disease or old age affects the body, it is because of our ignorance. Body has a natural immune system to protect it from disease. Common cold, cough, fever, loose motion etc. are not the symptoms of disease but the symptoms of the body fighting against the invading foreign

matter into the body. These symptoms show that body is flushing out germs and impurities from the body. Because of ignorance or over sincerity we fear of some disease and rush to a doctor. With doctor's prescribed drugs we get immediate relief but by this the immune system is not strengthened. So as a result we suffer from recurrent illness. The wild animals and nomadic people seldom fall ill because they do not see disease as disease. Similarly we can feel freshness and youngness in old age through the practice of true Yoga and following true spiritualism. When we choose traditional and religious belief and practices we fail to rejuvenate us from old age. An old man gets trapped in the traditional belief that one who has born must die. He sees that people seldom live after 70 or 80 years of age. This is true, but a Yogi should not think about disease, aging or death. Death is dead and it is lifeless. So how can a lifeless thing take away life? death is like darkness. As darkness disappears through a burning candle, so the darkness of death disappears on acquiring true knowledge about true self. From the time immemorial the greatest challenge before men is to win over death and the endeavour of spiritual people has been to win over it. When one wins over death one wins over birth also cuts off the cycle of birth and death. This is called liberation or salvation. When one wins over death, it does not mean that one cannot die. One takes birth and leaves this world at his will. To live for ever is again a bondage. Salvation should come when one is alive. Several hymns of the Upanishads teaches men to get liberated from birth and death while

one is alive. But religious leaders would teach people to work in the service of God so that after death they may be liberated and may enter into heaven. A true Yogi should not wait for liberation after death. Liberation after death is a misleading sermon given by those who are far away from true spiritualism and Yoga. Their aim is to make people religious so that they may rule over them. True freedom and true liberation lies in the self.

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Complimenting Your Workout With Yoga Calories Burned Have you tried supplementing your workout by adding yoga calories burned? More and more people are augmenting their normal workout routines with a yoga class. The coupling of strength training and cardio training with yoga is a sure way to whole fitness. Many brave souls have stepped into a yoga class thinking that it's only about stretching, and have discovered it to be an ass-kicking workout by itself. If you don't buy it, then check out the popular programs like P90X and see how much yoga they incorporate into their systems. Replacing your regular workout with a yoga class doesn't mean you have to sacrifice calorie burning. The correct yoga class will shed the same amount of calories that an hour on of running will. It's all depends on the style of class you decide to take. Ashtanga: This style of yoga can be very demanding. The asanas are fixed in their sequence, which allows for a repeated attempt at mastery. You can choose to go as slow or as fast as you like. The flow of ashtanga postures calls for jumping, but allows for stepping instead. If you

choose the lighter flow, you will burn fewer calories. The average number of yoga calories burned in ashtanga borders 300. Vinyasa: This type of yoga can be challenging. The tempo of the class depends solely on the instructor. They sometimes have routines that they like to teach, but often they enjoy mixing it up each time. You are required to focus and keep moving. This vigorous, unrelenting flow of postures will surely help to slim you down. Average yoga calories burned is somewhere near 450. Hatha: If its fast yoga you want, then skip hatha classes. If you are looking for slower paced yoga, then try hatha on for size. Hatha may honestly be the best compliment to weight and endurance training, because it helps to move restorative energy into exhausted muscle fibers. You just might burn over 150 calories in this class. Power: Power yoga is hit and miss. Many types of yoga classes can be considered power yoga. It all depends on the way the instructor works. Be sure that in a power yoga class you will hold poses longer, which is prime for muscle energy and fat burning. You may sometimes find classes labeled as power vinyasa classes. The advice is to shop around and try a handful. On average you may burn 300 calories. Hot or Bikram

These classes are conducted under 40% humidity and a temperature of 105°F (40.5°C). This reason alone will help to burn more calories. The asanas are the same twenty-six postures each time. The single tool that likely leads to better calorie burning is the pranayama technique called ujjayi. It is designed to heat the body from the inside out. Students of this style will burn between 500 - 1200 calories, considering that the class times are 90 minutes long. If you are hoping is to create a full aspect workout, then you should try to add yoga postures into the workouts you already use. Four or five postures before you begin is a good warm-up. Two postures working the muscle groups you're working after each set, will improve recovery time and keep the tissues elongated. Six or seven postures after you finish, will help to solidify the full cardio or strength workout. Listen to your body, and it will tell you what's the best way for you to get those yoga calories burned more efficiently.

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Excerpt From the Book Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy on Kriya Yoga DIALOGUE: THE VOICE OF BABAJI Kriya Yoga You will not die, should not die and cannot die. This truth, if accepted, will put an end to the materialists' mad race for power and physical enjoyment and make all seek Babaji, the eternal mystic bliss. You refers to the atman, the eternal Spirit. "The wise mourn neither for the dead nor for the living. I, you and the assembled kings have lived and will live at all times. Jivatman, the dweller in this body passes through childhood, youth and old age and then with the same ease into another body through the door of death, hence the wise are not deceived by the phenomenon of death." "Arjuna! Bear heat and cold and pleasure and pain as they are ephemeral, being dependent on the senses. This serene existence will lead to immortality." "The wise know that if Truth is non-existent, it cannot be created and if it is existent, it can never cease to be. It is changeless and pervades the Universe."

"Bodies die, but the Truth, which possesses the body is eternal and indestructible. This is the Atman. It is without a beginning and an end and unchanging forever. How can it slay or be slain? Don't dream that you kill the Atman. It only sheds bodies like worn-out garments and dons new ones. It is not wounded by weapons, burned by fire, dried by wind and wetted by water. On the other hand, it is the being of being, changeless and eternal, as it is beyond the senses and the mind, it is not subject to modification." "All that is born must die. Rebirth is certain for the dead. Hence, do not grieve." "Some have realized this Atman in all its wonder, some speak of it and others have heard about it. While a few others though told about it, do not understand a word." (Bhagavad Gita, II.12Thus, Lord Krishna preached the Gospel of eternal Atman to his devotee Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. If this Atman, the Spark of Divinity in Man, is realized and made the basis of human existence, all sorrows will vanish and nothing but peace (shanti) will remain.









Paramatman, the Universal Spirit, It becomes the Holy Spirit or Ghost. If one attains this exalted state, one need not fear death for the Holy Ghost can materialize itself anywhere at will. All this is not fiction. For example Jesus Christ, the Son, came from the Father, the Brahman and arose after the crucifixion, as the Holy Ghost who appeared not only

before the direct disciples, but also before other saints, like the well known German Catholic stigmatist Therese Neumann, and Mahatma Ram Das of India. Another eminent incarnation who has attained this State is Babaji, reviver of KRIYA which is yet another name for Raja Yoga. Yoga is an ancient science of God-realization leading to the union of the Jivatman with the Paramatman. Yoga seems to have been practiced even by the Dravidians, the pre-Aryan inhabitants of India. There is some evidence to show that the Dravidians worshipped the lingam, the symbol which represents Shiva, the third member of the Hindu Trinity, the King of Yogis. Then came the great Aryan invasion. They came to conquer, only to be conquered and to be gradually assimilated. Obviously the Aryans must have learned the science of Yoga from the Dravidians and made their own original contribution to it. There is a clear reference in the Hindu scriptures (Bhagavad Gita, IV.1-2), that Yoga was taught to Vivasvat, an illuminary who passed it on to Manu, the Hindu Moses. He instructed Ikshvaku, the founder of the Solar dynasty and thus, it was learned by succeeding royal sages. As Sri1 Aurobindo has clearly stated, that no nation has or can dominate the world eternally. Time has witnessed the rise and fall of many Roman Empires and in every age some nation or other has been in the limelight. India has had its turn. During such an age, which may be called the satya yuga or Golden Age of that particular nation, the characteristic national traits dominate the show. Yoga must have been practiced extensively though not openly when saintly kings like Rajarishi Janaka ruled the land. But for every day there must be a night

and India was soon overwhelmed by a dark materialistic age. To minimize the misuse of the powerful science of Yoga during this time, it was rightly made inaccessible by the great exponents. For sometime it was even lost and had to be revived by a great Master. In the dvapara yuga, Lord Krishna definitely taught the secret science of Yoga to Arjuna (Bhagavad Gita, IV.27-29). Then came sage Patanjali, who made the science systematic by composing aphorisms, which constitute one of six important systems of Hindu Philosophy. Prophets like Elijah, Jesus and Kabir have used a technique similar to the Raja Yoga of Patanjali, who actually uses the term Kriya Yoga. When India came into her own there was a gradual renaissance and great mystics like Babuji Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and Babaji came to the forefront. The contribution of Babaji in this national awakening lies in re-discovering and clarifying the lost technique of Yoga, which he re-named simply KRIYA. This is a precious gem in the crown of India's cultural heritage.

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Life of Kriya Babaji One fine day in the nineteenth century, a lonely pilgrim was seen frantically climbing the steep cliff leading to an almost inaccessible ledge, in a sacred Himalayan region sanctified to this day by the tapas and presence of great saints. The valiant soul had been searching for months with unabated enthusiasm for his paranmukta, who had conquered time and death. Obviously goaded on by an unseen Force, he managed to scramble to a lofty, flat ledge, where he found his cynosure, an immortal Youth of twenty-five. He was fair-skinned with a beautiful, strong, luminous body of medium height and build. He had long lustrous copper-colored hair, dark calm sparkling yogic eyes and a characteristic broad nose and held a danda (bamboo staff). In short, he was a youthful replica of his favorite and foremost disciple, Lahiri Mahasaya. The strange intruder entered the circle of devotees, which included Swami Kebalananda and a couple of American saints. He spoke with reverent intuition: "Sir, you must be the great Babaji," and begged to be accepted as a disciple. The great Master was as silent and as rigid as the rock on which he sat. He was testing the aspirant, but, AUM! it turned out to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The pilgrim's patience was exhausted and threatened to commit suicide, if Babaji's guidance to attain the Divine goal was not to be available to him. "Do so," was Babaji's calm, unruffled reply. The worthy aspirant rose to the occasion and jumped down the rocky chasm to meet with certain death. This unhappy development shocked and stunned the group of

devotees, as they were not aware of the fact that the Satguru was merely carrying out the ancient rigid injunction of Yoga, which demands that the aspirant is prepared to sacrifice and dedicate his life for the realization of God through yogic meditation. "Bring the body," the command of Babaji broke the grave-like silence of the sacred group. Some hastened to fulfill the order and the mangled mass of flesh and bone lay at his feet. "Now he is fit to be accepted," calmly spoke the Satguru and touched the remains with his holy hands. Marvel of marvels! Wonder of wonders! Miracle of miracles! The aspirant sprang to life and fell prostrate at the Lotus Feet of Satguru Deva. "Death shall not touch you again." He was beaming with love for his new child who had become immortal within a few hours through his Divine grace. It takes generations of sadhana for ordinary folk to attain that exalted level. Babaji seemed to be cruel only to be kind. "Shifting camp and staff (dera danda uthao)," the musical voice of the Master rang out the familiar command. The whole circle, including the resurrected chela, dematerialized and disappeared from the ledge. This astral means was one of the methods used by Babaji to shift from crag to crag, in the holy region of Badrinath. He has been living here for centuries, as an active witness of the slow but steady evolutionary progress of mankind towards the attainment of perfection through the mystic path of Kriya.

Little was known, of the life of the imperfect physical frame of Kriya Babaji. None before had dared to ask him these trifling, though interesting details. All we were permitted to know is his deep lasting faith in the emancipation of mankind through Kriya. The life history of Babaji is really a history of his global mission, which knows no destruction of creeds, sects or nationalities. In the ninth century, Acharya Shankara, the well-known monist, completed his gurukulavasa under Govinda Bhagavatpada and went to Banaras, the heart of Hindustan. There Babaji materialized to initiate him into the mysteries of Kriya Yoga. (This event was described by the Master himself to Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Kebalananda). In the medieval period there was a religious upheaval in India, which culminated in the rule of the Hindu-Muslim emperor, Akbar, the Great. During this era many eminent saints adorned different parts of India. Of these, Kabirdas, the Master Yogi of Banaras, was one. It had been a mystery to the writer, how this saint could have been one of the greatest yogis when his mantra guru was only a bhakta. The fact is, he was initiated by Babaji, in the fifteenth century. All these clearly show that the age of the Master exceeds many centuries. The nineteenth century was a "red-letter epoch" in the history of India. It marked the beginning of the modern renaissance with the first war of Indian independence. The time was ripe to spread the exalted Gospel of Kriya, far and wide. The worthy soul chosen for the purpose was his favorite disciple, Lahiri, as he called him.

The love of Babaji for Lahiri Mahasaya was deathless and deep. In one incarnation, Lahiri spent many years with his Master, mainly in the cave of Drongiri Mountain, but was forced by his past actions to shuffle off his mortal coils and lose sight of his Satguru. Babaji, being a perfected Being, was able to follow him, even in the life beyond death. After guarding him like a mother cat through thick-and-thin, he had the joy of seeing his disciple complete the torturous womb-life and be born, as the baby of Multakashi and Gaur Mohan Lahiri, in the Nadia district, Bengal on September 30, 1828. He was named Shyama Charan Lahiri. When he buried himself in the sands of Nadia, at the age of four in the vesture of a yogi, his guru in life, death and after was watching him. Thus, for more than three decades, Babaji guided and patiently waited for his beloved disciple to return to his fold. Even his cave, asana blanket and bowl were kept clean by his unexcelled Satguru! After thirty-three years of worldly family life the great moment arrived. At that time Lahiri Mahasaya was working as a government accountant in the Military Engineering Department at Danapur. Babaji tapped his superior officer and a telegram was sent from the main office transferring Lahiri Mahasaya to Ranikhet, a new army post in the Himalayas. With a servant, he took thirty days to complete the arduous journey of five hundred miles by tonga. Fortunately, the office duties were light and he had ample time to roam in the sacred jungles, in quest of great saints. One afternoon when he was rambling, he was surprised beyond description to hear a distant voice beckoning him by name. Walking quickly he climbed Drongiri Mountain and reached a level clearing where he was welcomed affectionately by a stranger, who

looked physically to be his mirror-image-reflection. He rested in one of the tidy caves, but was not able to recognize his saintly Host. Many years of separation and layers of new experiences had formed a thick overburden on his past memories. References to his favorite woolen-seat and the familiarity of the grotto did not help him. Finally, he was struck gently on the forehead and at once the delightful impressions of his previous birth came to the forefront. With joy, Lahiri Mahasaya recognized Babaji, who narrated how he had followed him all these years.

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6 Yoga Positions To Burn Calories "A healthy mind is healthy body," they say. This is a mere fact that most people around the globe believe. Therefore, many people are trying hard to keep their daily routine of exercise and diet every day. One of these routines is yoga. Everyone regardless of his or her religious or spiritual beliefs can practice it. There 6 yoga positions in which you can burn your calories. Aside from that, other yoga positions are also done for fertility, for beginners and others. All these can help you achieve whatever you desire. It is mainly the reason why most people in every corner of the world are now practicing yoga, particularly the 6 yoga positions to burn calories or fats. The mere fact that it is an aid to acquire more patience, deep understanding of nature and yourself plus a good way to release tension and to burn those unwanted fats on their bodies, people indulge and join others to learn them and formally practice them at home and other places. In addition, these yoga positions are a really good way to release tensions and pressures you get from a long weekday of tedious job in the office or in whatever career you have. They also make your health stay in good condition because of some techniques that help you to have a proper and correct blood circulation that is necessary for your health. Indeed, they are very helpful and are proven the best way to do all these things without spending an enormous amount of money in order to buy slimming goods and fitness equipment that have almost the same benefits. They even help your budget, so that you can spend

for other important things and events rather than wasting them in expensive fitness programs in town or purchasing heavy fitness machine that may only get the needed areas in your home and offices. To add more, these positions are very easy to do and will not eat too much of your time. In fact, they can be done anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, here are some stretches that can wake you up without noticing that there was already a change in regards to burning of those hidden fats in almost every area of your body. Instead of drinking caffeinated beverages that may only cost you a little and add more toxins in your body, you may start doing your yoga routine early in the morning. Spinal stretch- sit cross-legged allowing your bones to lay on the floor then lengthen your spine. Now, gently reach for your head. Place your right hand on your left knee, breathe properly. Before you twist on your right, exhale. Repeat exactly the same procedures on the other part then breathe. Cat tilt- lowers your knees and hands to the lower. Lengthen your spine and do like what angry cat does. Repeat three times. Puppy dog- gently presses your hands towards the floor then tucks your toes. Slowly lift your hips back and up. Bend the knee, and bring the other towards the floor. Breathe and repeat the same procedure. Other three are lunge, triangle pose, and runner's stretch, which gives almost the same result. Just simply repeat the first three steps these

three based on their name suggest with a exhale and inhale in between each process. Finally, here are other six yoga positions terms to help burn your calories: Chaturanga- uses the upper portion of your body. This will help you to have strong yoga body that you will need to obtain the remaining five poses. Boat- this is an intense abs toner and belly flattener. Chair- this will help you sculpts your build and thigh quickly. You will really sweat on this one, though they seem to be so simple. Wheel- it requires incredible arm strength and lower back. This is the best way to tone shoulders and sculpt sexy back. Warrior 3- this will sculpts certain region of the body, particularly the leg - hamstring, quad, calf and others. Its focus is for metabolism booster. Handstand- an inverted position in which will balance you more and help your heart rate to increase in order to pumped better. Lastly, you have witnessed how these 6 yoga positions can be totally and completely a great help to your needs. The importance of practicing them is not only to burn those unwanted fats or calories but also to relieve you from great stress. If you do them regularly, that

could be the only time when you can experience the relaxing and healthy things that yoga can bring to your life.

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