AMSA Internship Guide 2017

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17 Internship Guide Informing Your Future

You’ve endured the ups and downs, now you can enjoy the rewards You’re almost there. But before you throw yourself into your career, take a moment to appreciate what a great position you’re in. Not only are you qualified to practice, you’re now qualified to join the many doctors who have chosen to trust us with their finances. Like you, we’re specialists. We’ve worked closely with the medical profession for over 25 years. In that time, we’ve learned a lot about you. That’s why we are better equipped to help you with your personal and business finances and make sure your career gets off on the right track.

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about the

australian medical students’ association AMSA is the peak representative body for medical students in Australia. AMSA exists to connect, inform and represent each of the 17,000 medical students at Australia’s 20 medical schools. Each of the 20 medical schools in Australia elects a representative to sit on AMSA Council. Advocacy: AMSA advocates for medical students through policy development, advocacy campaigns and representation to governments, universities and relevant medical and medico-political bodies. AMSA has a strong grass-roots approach to policy development, whereby ThinkTanks produce and review policy and other initiatives. Events: The events calendar kicks off in May, with AMSA’s premier event, the National Leadership Development Seminar (NLDS). NLDS brings together 90 of Australia’s budding health leaders. There is focused upskilling in leadership, advocacy, and political engagement. In July, AMSA runs its famed National Convention, which has been held annually since 1960. Convention sees over 1,200 Australian medical students unite for the world’s largest entirely student-run event. AMSA’s Global Health Conference (GHC) runs each August, with over 700 delegates passionate about innovation and equity in global health. Projects: AMSA’s projects cover a diverse range of topics including rural health, refugee health, LGBTIQ health and climate change. The Mental Health Campaign aims to improve medical student mental health

and wellbeing. Vampire Cup unites AMSA and the Red Cross to pit medical schools against one another in a race to donate blood, registering 1800 donations in a year - and counting. AMSA Academy is an online educational platform with courses on topics including global, sexual and mental health. Publications: AMSA produces various publications, such as this guide, that are distributed both online and in hardcopy. These publications are an important conduit through which AMSA connects and informs Australian medical students.

about the

internship guide The aim of the AMSA Internship Guide is to make the process of applying for internships easier for our graduating students. It’s built on the hard work of the executive and representatives, contacting each and every hospital in Australia to collate the most comprehensive guide to help you into the workforce. The Internship Guide lists all the basics about each and every hospital in Australia that final year students can apply for an internship at. It includes information about clinical locations, available rotations, and internship allocations. Current contact details are also provided where applicants may wish for further information.


While we endeavour to bring you the most up to date information available, please bare in mind that changes may occur. Thus, we strongly encourage that applicants supplement the information provided in this guide with further research. Visit the relevant website of the state, territory or training provider, as well as the hospital/s of interest.


guide contents foreword


information for applicants




new south wales


australian capital territory




south australia


western australia


northern territory




acknowledgements The Internship Guide was compiled entirely by medical students, who have volunteered an immense amount of their own time in contacting hospitals and networks, searching for the most current information, and assembling this guide to its current form. We would also like to acknowledge all contributors of previous guides, from which the information in this version was based on as a starting point for data collection. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Michelle Kim (UQ) CONTRIBUTORS Maddi Taylor (Griffith) Letti Sweet (Adelaide) Dane Lyons (ANU) Haleem Mohammed Abdul (Bond) Tom Richardson (Deakin) Nicola Robinson (Flinders) Evie Allcroft (Flinders) Tyron March (Griffith) Reece Tso (JCU) Eloise Silvester (Melbourne) Joshua Darlow (Newcastle) Ruby Osman-Mulraney (UNDF) Nadine Sexton (UNDS) Kate Penfold (UNE) Milonee Shah (UNSW) Chris Simpson (UQ) Alex Yip (USyd) Phillip Rothschild (UTas) Emma McCormack (UWA) Henness Wong (Wollongong) Jessica Yang (WSU)

Doug Roche (Griffith) Tarren Zimsen (JCU) Bella Gosper (UQ) Phoebe Macintosh-Evans (UNSW) Helena Franco (Bond) Alice Aitkenhead (Bond) Shaurya Jhamb (JCU) Chris McKenna (UQ) Nicole Georgiadis (Griffith) Jeffery Wang (Monash) SPONSORSHIP Chris McKenna (UQ) Nicole Georgiadis (Griffith) We would like to thank our major partners for their ongoing support.

PROOFING Maddi Taylor (Griffith) Rob Thomas (UQ)


from the from the amsa president internship guide editor To the graduating class of 2017:

Congratulations on approaching the final months of your medical degree! I know it’s been a tough road, with many ups and downs along the way. We hope that overall your medical school experience has been an enjoyable one, and that you take the time to enjoy your final months. The decision as to where to go from here can be a very daunting one, and AMSA is here to support you in that decision. Overall, internship should be an exciting time, where you transfer the knowledge you’ve gained over the past 4-6 years, and work towards your future careers. I’d like to thank all of the contributors for this document, ensuring that details are current and useful to our members. I’d particularly like to thank Michelle Kim, who has worked tirelessly to bring this publication together. I’d also like to take the time to thank each and every one of you for your engagement with AMSA through the years. Whether it be attending our events, engaging with our advocacy or just reading some of our publications, AMSA hopes to continue to provide opportunities for all its students.

The Internship Guide is a huge annual project of AMSA, designed to inform final year medical students by collating important internship information into one unique document. This guide is here to support your journey into the next chapter of your career, and we hope that it is helpful in your search for the right internship. We understand that applying for internships can be a long and difficult process, and thus have endeavoured to provide the most useful and up-to-date information from across Australia. This year’s guide contains updates from every hospital and network, with information that is as representative as possible for 2018. We’re also introducing the inaugural ‘Intern Insights’, personally written by individuals who were in your exact shoes this time last year. I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our volunteers for their phenomenal help; especially the 2017 AMSA Representatives and VPi Maddi Taylor. This would not have been made possible without their effort and dedication.

There are many opportunities to final year students to be involved with AMSA for the remainder of this year. I’d encourage each of you to talk to your local AMSA rep to learn more. As always, I’m available and interested in feedback on your journey with AMSA, and can be reached at

Lastly, remember that there is further support available in each state and territory, and you can also get in touch with us at AMSA if you are unsure of who to reach out to. Additionally, you can reach me directly at au for any queries or feedback.

All the best and congratulations!

Enjoy the guide and best wishes,

Rob Thomas AMSA President

Michelle Kim Internship Guide Editor-in-Chief & AMSA Publications Officer

from the ama president Making a world of difference As it always has been, it is an exciting and rewarding time to be a doctor. It is a career full of challenges, opportunities, and rewards – both professional and personal. Along with the traditional career choices and opportunities, today there are new technologies, new techniques, much greater variety, and greater mobility. These might allow you to use your knowledge and skills in multiple areas of interest and in more locations. The new generation of doctors has a global view of health and medicine. You also want to make a real difference in society. You are dedicated to your patients and your profession, but you also have interests beyond the local horizon. Perhaps more than ever before, collectively you are interested in international health, environmental health, refugee health, Indigenous health, and working in places that are experiencing poor health, poverty, turmoil, and crisis. You want to help. You want to bring about change. As a group, you speak out on health issues related to asylum seekers, marriage equality, climate change, and areas of conflict around the world. I applaud you for that.

But you will continue learning and building newer and bigger networks. That is the nature of medicine. The best career network for doctors is the AMA. To stay connected, the natural progression for students and young doctors is AMSA to the AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT), a powerful Committee at the centre of the AMA’s considerations and advocacy. This is the path I followed in my medical career. I have had a near continuous association with the work of the AMA since being elected to AMSA Council in third year, and as its President in 1993. On the overwhelming majority of issues, AMSA works with the AMA in your interest. The AMA is all about leadership. It is also about friends, colleagues, mentors, and, importantly, making a difference – a difference for you and your fellow doctors, a difference for the health system, and a difference for patients and society. Health policy and the practice of medicine have an influence on individuals, families, communities, the national interest, the poor and disadvantaged both here and overseas, and the environment.

You will love being a doctor. It is a profession of unlimited opportunity and immense satisfaction.

The AMA – at the Federal and State levels – influences governments and the decisions they make both on health policy and broader social policy.

Your studies will provide you with skills and experiences and friends and contacts that will set you off on your career, and stay with you throughout life. They will be your foundation.

The AMA works to improve the working conditions for doctors – remuneration, rosters, safe hours, training places, work/ life balance, tax, medical indemnity, business advice, legal advice, practice incentives,


research, infrastructure grants, supporting family doctors, supporting international medical graduates, and more. The AMA works hard to get a better deal for patients and communities – affordable access to GPs, more hospital beds, reduced waiting lists, safer hospitals, after hours care, properly resourced emergency departments, a healthy start to life, better rural health programs and resources, promoting health literacy, quality palliative care, better aged care, medical research funding, better mental health, electronic health, and better medical training. The AMA is a champion for public health – anti-smoking legislation, education and awareness of the health risks of alcohol and other drugs, climate change policy, health care for refugees and asylum seekers, better funding for Indigenous health, protecting the environment, battling obesity, promoting exercise and prevention, and looking after the poorest and the neediest in the community. The AMA has a focus on world health – helping developing countries with our medical knowledge and expertise. The AMA provides a Code of Ethics to help guide your professional life. The AMA also has strong commercial partnerships, which provide members with special deals and discounts on professional and personal goods and services. The AMA is also a place where you will meet new friends, colleagues, and mentors from other parts of the country and the health system who will be with you throughout your career and your life. The AMA offers you the best things attainable in a medical career – friendship, fraternity, professional support, leadership, good health policy, good social policy, and a constant reminder that you are valued by your profession and by society.


The AMA is respected and admired by governments, the public, the medical profession, and everybody else involved in improving the health of the Australian population. Above all, the AMA will make you feel good about being a doctor. Join us now – you will never regret it. The AMA is a friend for life. Dr Michael Gannon AMA President

from the ama cdt chair Congratulations! On behalf of the Australian Medical Association, please let me join the enthusiastic chorus of people who have welcomed you to the profession of medicine, and applaud you on surviving medical school. Chances are that you and I have never met, but our futures are now intrinsically linked and that’s why I’m talking to you now. I’m the Chair of the AMA Council of Doctors in Training. We’re a council of your Federal AMA, which works together with your State AMA, to represent more than 30,000 doctors in training across Australia. We have representatives from all States and Territories, and we also have representatives from all of the training colleges across Australia. We deal with issues that affect all of the doctors in training across Australia, from internship right up to fellowship. That’s a lot of doctors to represent, and a lot of issues to advocate on. Major issues for CDT at the moment include our work on mental health and doctor suicide, bullying and harassment in medicine, the continued advocacy for safe working hours in medicine, a renewed push for flexible work arrangements across the country, support for Indigenous trainees and a fierce call for the protection of education and training conditions in the pre-vocational space (that’s you now!). But do you want to know the biggest issue? It’s that your profession needs you. Now, more than ever. Having trained in the system for the past few years, you of course have had a chance to see the way the practice of medicine is changing in the modern healthcare landscape. The doctor in training is often drowning in a sea of mandatory training and paperwork, unable to spend the time they need to with their patients. Healthcare has returned from the political shadows, with governments no longer able to “fix it tomorrow”. Training pipelines are everyone’s problem and nobody’s responsibility, with a workforce that finds itself in oversupply and undersupply simultaneously. Increased pressure in the workplace leads to toxic cultures, increased rates of absenteeism and

less sustainable workloads. And yet the system still works, because of the dedicated healthcare professionals who care so passionately about the patients that they treat. This passion is one of the reasons that it truly is a privilege to be a doctor. It’s a well-worn cliché, but you do get to help some amazing people in their hours of need. You’ll work with outstanding colleagues and learn from some of the most inspiring teachers a profession can even hope for. None of this happens by accident, of course. Healthcare is incredibly complex, and there are plenty of people with very strong opinions on how the system should or shouldn’t work. Healthcare needs doctors who are passionate about the health of their patients to advocate for the protection and advancement of a world class healthcare system. Your transition to internship is not the time to calm the fires of the passion that I’m sure brought you to this job in the first place. And that brings us to you. You’re the newest member of a proud and dedicated profession, and you’re a powerful one at that, because you’ve already got more time than every doctor ahead of you. Your profession needs you, the same way your patients need you. Your involvement is critical in advancing to the next stage of medicine and to the future of healthcare. Every successful profession needs a peak representative body to lead it forward, and in medicine that body is the AMA. Not the medical board. Not AHPRA. Not the medical defence organisations. It’s the AMA. So, what are you waiting for? Find your voice inside your AMA and inside your profession. Become a member today and get in touch with your State AMA doctor in training committees and subdivisions. Be part of the conversation, and take ownership of your new profession! Congratulations once again, and may the best of your past be the worst of your future. Dr John Zorbas Chair, AMA Council of

Doctors in Training

information for applicants What is an internship? An internship is a one-year period where a medical graduate undergoes supervised clinical training within an accredited hospital. Interns have been granted provisional registration with the Medical Board of Australia and will gain full registration at the completion of their intern year. In general, interns are required to complete 47 weeks of clinical training, which excludes time taken off for sick or annual leave. What is the structure of the year? Most hospitals operate with five rotation blocks throughout the year for interns, whilst some may have four. Each rotation ranges between 10 to 12 weeks in duration. What terms do I need to complete? Australian interns are required to complete five terms throughout the year, consisting of at least one surgical, medical, and emergency term. Each hospital offers a different selection of terms for their interns. Residents do not tend to have core terms. How much will I need to work? For all states across Australia, a standard week is 38 hours plus overtime. Applicants need to look out for their particular state and hospital’s regulations regarding overtime work. Generally, an intern can expect at least one overtime shift per fortnight, if not once per week. These include evening shifts, night shifts, and weekend shifts. Applicants should also look out for sick relief shift requirements. A doctor on sick relief can be called at any time of the day or night to step in. This includes being called to step into a night shift when an intern might need to forego sleep. Each state has a different policy on ‘unrostered overtime’. Applicants should further research their state and hospital policies prior to commencing work.


Can I make a couple application with someone else? Most states do accept applications for couples or joint-tickets. The details can be found on the websites listed under each state’s application information section. Am I eligible for special consideration of my application? Each state has a separate and different policy for special consideration. Special consideration is generally reserved for applicants with extenuating circumstances such as dependent children or a serious illness. Make sure to check their websites for details. What is the base salary of an intern? Each state has a different award salary. JMOs are paid a base salary, with additional professional development allowances, overtime, and penalty rates. The amount of overtime an intern is paid will depend on the hours worked. The approximate starting salaries in 2014 (including known allowances, and excluding overtime) range between $61,000 to $73,000 across Australia. What does it mean if I am an international student graduating from an Australian medical school? Changes have recently been made to the 457 Visa. AMSA encourages international students to contact their migration agent or lawyer for advice. Some states require proof of English language proficiency to begin internship. Please check upon application if this is the case, as students have been held up considerably by this process in the past. Can I apply to New Zealand? All Australian graduates are eligible to work in New Zealand without having to sit further examination. New Zealand intern/

house surgeon positions are offered to doctors by the District Health Boards (DHB) that administer the hospitals. In general, it is one health board per city, plus the surrounding province. All of the health boards normally employ doctors under the same contract, meaning work conditions are comparable across the country. Wages are based on a pay scale that takes into account the expected working hours. Job offers are allocated to graduates through a system called ACE (Advanced Choice of Employment), which matches applicants’ preferences to available DHB positions.


the commonwealth medical internships initiative OVERVIEW In 2016, the Federal Government renewed funding for the Commonwealth Medical Internships Initiative (CMI). The renewal applies for a period of four years, until 2020. The CMIs are the internships of last resort for full-fee paying international students with strong ties to Australia and who are willing to serve rural and remote communities. Up to 100 CMI places are funded each year. These positions are released after state internship applications close and an audit is conducted to ascertain how many international students are still awaiting offers by August of each year. Generally, one hundred international students accept CMI offers each year. Any International student found ineligible must rely on finding state internships or wait until the following year’s intake. Training generally takes place in private hospitals, including some in rural and remote areas. All positions carry a 48-week return of service clause in a rural or remote setting which is to be completed within five years of commencing internship. In many cases, this can also be undertaken concurrently with the intern year. Anyone who breaks contract or is unable to complete their intern year will be subject to fines according to the payback clause of up to $140 000, which covers the cost of the intern’s salary, recruitment and training costs or other hospital costs.


HOW TO APPLY This information is based on the 2017 process, as the Department of Health has yet to release information for the 2018 CMI at the time of publishing. CMI applications ask about basic information including university, completion date, nationality, intern placement number and contact details. Students must attest that they are eligible and willing to undertake the return of service in an area of need - usually a rural or remote site. Applicants will also need to nominate a region or hospital they may be interested in working in. After the application period is closed, details of eligible applicants are shared with hospitals offering placements. Hospitals will then get in touch with applicants of interest to discuss the internship and make offers. Hospitals recruit students according to their own recruitment policies. This usually occurs 4-6 weeks after closing dates. Subsequent to a hospital offer, the student must email CMI organizers advising them of their offer and enter into a Deed of Agreement with the Commonwealth, which is required to guarantee their internship. If the agreement is not signed within 28 days, offers are rescinded and students are withdrawn from the pool. Of note, CMI applicants who accept offers from a state will be removed from the CMI pool. Conversely, CMI applicants who accept a CMI offer will have their details provided to states and territories, which may alter the status of any offers or acceptances they have made.

ELIGIBILITY Applicants must meet all requirements.


Applicants must: • Be a full-fee paying international student completing their medical degree during the current calendar year from an onshore medical school in Australia, having completed all of their medical degree in Australia (short-term elective rotations completed offshore will not exclude applicants provided rotations have university approval); and • Have met the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) English language proficiency requirements for registration purposes (provisional registration as a medical practitioner cannot be obtained without meeting this standard); and • Not be an Australian Citizen; and • Commit to obtaining an appropriate visa to work in Australia during the internship year and as long as necessary to complete the return of service obligation (refer to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website for details au). Individuals are not eligible for a CMI internship if: • Their medical degree was undertaken in an offshore campus of an Australian university, such as Monash Malaysia or as part of the UQ-Ochsner MBBS Program or commenced their medical degree at an overseas university such as the International Medical University and are completing the final part of the degree in Australia;

• They have a return of service obligation to a country which has sponsored their university medical studies; • They have accepted a state or territory internship place for the next calendar year; • They will not be completing their medical degree in the current calendar year; • The student is an Australian citizen; and/or • They cannot show they have met the MBA English language requirements at the time of application for the CMI. For a private hospital to be able to host internships under the CMI initiative, it must be accredited to train interns by a state or territory postgraduate medical council and be large enough to provide the required internship rotations in-house or be willing and able to rotate interns to other hospitals accordingly. Priority will be given to funding hospitals that are able to offer CMI places located in rural or regional areas or be able to offer interns a regional, rural or remote training component. The number of private hospitals which can offer these requirements is limited. USEFUL RESOURCES Official website of the Commonwealth Medical Internships: au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/ work-commonwealth-medical-internships



training in qld Perhaps the greatest thing about Queensland is the wide variety of opportunities to its residents. For doctors, a relaxed euphoric lifestyle and affordable Queenslander-style homes pair well with high-quality teaching and a strong health focus in our state. The people of Queensland enjoy a blessed outdoor lifestyle with worldclass beaches and waterways, national parks, rainforests, tropical reefs, as well as an awesome climate with more winter sunshine and warmth than most other Australian states. Applications for Queensland internships have undergone overhaul with the new ‘Intern2018’ campaign, which includes major changes to the priority system. Information for this guide has been sourced from the Queensland Health website. For more information search “Queensland Health intern recruitment”. The term dates for interns begin with a paid week of orientation starting from the 15th of January 2018, with the first term beginning on the 22nd of January and the last term finishing 52 weeks later on the 20th of January 2019. APPLICATIONS Applications are submitted via an online application portal on the Queensland Health website. Applicants are required to prepare and upload supporting documentation including criminal history form, evidence for vaccinations, curriculum vitae, and any other documents required based on their applicant group eligibility. Applicants are also required to submit hospital preferences (1-18) for all participating hospitals.

Queensland for 2018. Group B, C, and D are not guaranteed a position, and are instead required to participate in merit selection processes in order to be selected for an intern position in Queensland. There is no inherent priority within groups B-D. Each participating Hospital and Health Service establishes individual assessment processes to merit select from their available applicant pool, and are not obligated to sequentially select through the applicant groups. Briefly: Group A: Medical graduates from Queensland universities who are Australia/ New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents. Group B: Medical graduates of interstate or New Zealand universities who are Australian/New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents. Group C: Medical graduates of Australian or New Zealand universities who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Group D: Medical graduates of AMC accredited universities located outside of Australia or New Zealand. This does not reflect the full complexity of the groupings. Applicants are encouraged to refer to the official Queensland Health website (‘Applicant groups for intern positions’ page) for more detailed information regarding eligibility for these groups.

Applicant groups have changed compared to previous years. Group A graduates are guaranteed an internship position in


KEY DATES Queensland Rural Generalist pathway applications open: Thursday 2nd – Thursday 16th March 2017 General intern applicants open: Thursday 18th May – Friday 2nd June 2017 Round 1 offers (guaranteed offer graduates and Queensland Rural Generalist pathway candidates): 10th July 2017 via email. Accept or decline by Wednesday the 12th July. Roll-back process from Friday the 14th of July. Round 2 offers (non-guaranteed offer graduates): Wednesday 26th July – Friday 28th July. Open round (remaining candidates): From Thursday 10th August. For more information please see the official Queensland Health site (‘Campaign dates’ page). APPLICATION SUPPORT QLDMSC has a Facebook group set up to support medical students from all around Australia with internship applications to Queensland. This group can be joined by either searching “QLDMSC Internship Application Support Group” or clicking here. RURAL GENERALIST PATHWAY Each hospital, where applicable, has provided the number of positions offered in 2018 under the Rural Generalist Pathway. For further details, you can contact: Deanne Bond Manager Medical Education and Training Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway Phone: (07) 4688 8022 Email:


ama queensland How AMA Queensland is helping their Junior Doctor members? AMA Queensland is dedicated to advocating for all members across all specialties and career stages. In 2015, AMA Queensland and the Australian Salaried Medical Officers’ Federation Queensland (ASMOFQ) fought hard for fair employment terms and conditions for Doctors in Training, through the negotiation of the Medical Officers’ (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No.4) 2015 (MOCA 4) which improved vital entitlements, including fatigue provisions, protection of working hours, equity of payment for motor vehicle allowances, $2,500 professional development allowance for vocational trainees, the introduction of $1,500 for non-vocational trainees and a 2.5 per cent salary increase per annum. 1. Fairer working conditions AMA Queensland membership provides you with access to our specialist industrial/ workplace relations consultants who will help resolve any problems regarding your working conditions, such as underpayments, overpayments, bullying and harassment and leave entitlements. Let us help you with any workplace related issues, while you focus on your career progression. 2. Doctors’ health and wellbeing AMA Queensland Council of Doctors in Training (CDT) is leading the way, promoting junior doctors’ health and wellbeing to ensure that doctors are provided with safe and healthy working environments. We have led the AMA Queensland’s first Resident Hospital Health Check as a comprehensive survey analysing how hospitals are doing on key performance areas such as addressing bullying and harassment, work hours and overtime, and access to professional development leave. In 2017 and beyond,

AMA Queensland CDT will continue to benchmark these survey results and this great annual resource will assist you with your decision making for intern and RMO positions. We are also delivering our “Resilience on the Run” intern wellbeing program around the state to help support you in your first year of practice – this educational program is a first Australiawide. 3. Payment for actual hours worked In recent times, an AMA Queensland survey in relation to actual hours worked showed that 30 per cent of junior doctors are not paid for overtime worked. AMA Queensland CDT identified a number of barriers that junior doctors face when working and claiming overtime. CDT is fully committed to working towards eliminating these barriers by advocating for better rostering practices to ensure that doctors are paid appropriately. 4. MOCA 4 - Medical Officers’ Certified Agreement (No.4) 2015 (MOCA 4) This agreement will expire in 2018. In 2017, AMA Queensland and our affiliate union partner ASMOFQ will begin seeking feedback to develop a log of claims that secure fairer and more equitable contracts and working conditions to better support you on the job. We will then commence negotiating the new agreement which will cover you in your RMO years. The more junior doctor members we have the greater our bargaining power to secure the best possible terms, conditions and pay to support you on the job.

Doctors in Training, we also deliver free, innovative seminars and webinars on junior doctor leadership to help you develop as a young leader. You can also get involved by joining our Council of Doctors in Training, who are taking the lead on crucial advocacy issues for junior doctors including ensuring there are sufficient training places and junior doctor mental health. Interested in joining AMA Queensland? Sign up now for free as a student member on our website to access our valuable support and get intern-year ready! AMA Queensland provide a range of intern readiness lunches and workshops for student members from September for your university. You can join at these events as an intern member, and tax-deductible membership is less than a dollar a day. For further information on these events visit the event calendar on the AMA Queensland website. Contact us at or phone our friendly membership team on (07) 3872 2222 for more information. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin for the latest updates.

5. Medical leadership AMA Queensland are developing a discussion paper to improve medical leadership in Queensland and ensure that the best outcomes for patients and doctors are fully realised. Through our Council of


a new grad’s perspective on internship in queensland

patrick owens

an intern at gold coast hospital health service

Having started internship in January of this year as a new doctor there are still many things I am yet to be exposed to. That said, having completed my first rotation in general medicine and moving now through surgery the broad strokes of life as an intern are forming a picture of what life as a junior doctor can be expected to look like. The tasks for an intern are a mixture of the administrative and the clinical. Your boss’s assessment of your competence comes from your completion of the administrative tasks, because that is what they see and what effects their ability to function in the hospital. Whether their patient goes home on time, whether their theatre list occurs as planned, whether their referrals are accepted or their discharges are completed. This is important, but it is not what many of us considered to be our core business while we were studying. The tasks of any given day on ward work involve preparing a list for morning rounds and populating that list with all the changing information, both clinical and administrative, rounding with your consultant/registrar and then completing the tasks that come from that ward round. This is likely to take you a substantial portion of the day but you are often also required to attend clinics, clerk patients who are predicted to come in under your team and discharge patients who are ready to go home. Interactions with patients are often handled by you as an intern and you are likely to be one of the faces that the patient associates most with your team. The decision-making power that you have as such a junior doctor is considerable and having your decisions acted upon to the betterment of the patient is, for me, the most rewarding part of the job. Countless will be the times when you are called to see a patient and find that the decisions that you make resolve the issue entirely. That is a great feeling, having the confidence to know, and the authority to implement, a solution to someone’s medical issue. Uncertainty for me has presented the greatest challenge however. Despite the previous statement there are a myriad of situations


where you are beset by doubt on even the simplest of patient care issues. Dose of x drug in y scenario in z demographic or what to cease before each different surgery becomes a very simple question that you are often entirely unable to answer. You will call your registrars and seniors with the most rudimentary of questions in the early days and asking those questions on which you are 95% sure of the answer, but need the affirmation of a boss, that fear of sounding foolish, wasting their time or being wrong is the first challenge to overcome in the intern year I think. Support comes, as in all things, from your friends and peers first and foremost. You will share offices and wards with many of your intern class and they are far and away the biggest help, for clinical decisions and personal crisis management. Beyond that there are many junior doctors’ associations who will lend a hand, and they are different at each hospital. Gold Coast has a strong presence from the Doctors in Training Society (DiTS) and they are both great people to get advice from and an invaluable resource to have in your corner. When deciding which hospital to choose the factors depend largely on priorities. The trade off from staying in a large, competitive, metropolitan hospital has been the difficulty in securing rotations of interest, the production line esque approach to teaching and the oft times indifferent approach taken to career development. That said, large hospitals equal many specialties and many contacts, and with specialties becoming more reliant on references for prospective applicants to gain acceptance, knowing the big teams at the big hospitals is hugely valuable. Support is also never lacking at tertiary centres like Gold Coast. If you have concerns about any patient the cavalry is only moments away from arriving, ICU is just a phone call away and there are usually specialists on call for advice overnight making your job easier and giving you considerable peace of mind when seeing to patients on ward call. Those who have gone regional in their hospital choice have given glowing reviews. My friends who selected Toowoomba have gushed about their new hospital families. They had a deeper pool to choose from for rotations and less competition for those that were contested. They were included in the community immediately and have already, in the first quarter of the year, been courted to stay on.


The decision is a very personal one and the balance of convenience (both geographical and service based), specialty rotation options, reviews from the previous intern cohort and the potential to build relationships in teams you hope to one day be a part of are all for consideration. Personally, I am very happy with Gold Coast and I suspect that no matter where you end up you will love the work. It is truly a great job and though the hours are long (much longer than advertised) they pass each day without you even noticing.



BUNDABERG HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*10 additional places via the CMI program offered in 2017. No estimate for 2018 available yet. There will be 8 positions at Bundaberg Hospital with a further 16 positions in the Wide Bay hospital and Health service (10 at Hervey Bay Hospital) as part of the QLD Health positions. *5 of 24 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist Pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Bundaberg Hospital, Hervey Bay Hospital, Mater Hospital Bundaberg, Friendly Society Private Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: Emergency Medicine, General Medicine and Surgery (General or Orthopaedics) Non-core: Paediatrics, Mental Health, Intensive Care Medicine & Anaesthetics, O&G BASIC INFORMATION • Interns are allocated across the Wide Bay to accredited public and private sector terms • Close to beaches and the ocean: snorkelling, diving, surfing and fishing experiences await interns and residents • Get away from it all on the weekend on Fraser Island in a 4WD and see the spectacular rainforests and lakes • Fabulous weather and perfect temperatures in a relaxed location • Serves a population of 100,000 people. Bundaberg hospital is a 179 bed facility REASONS TO APPLY • Weekly junior doctor education sessions • Fortnightly Grand Rounds


• Intern and junior doctor focused department/unit education program, teleconferenced multidisciplinary team meetings, video conferenced teaching and educational sessions with tertiary facilities • Intern SIM based skills & professional development workshops including suturing, plastering, ECG workshops, ALS and Teaching on the Run • Mentoring for Interns • The Simulation training facilities are the most active in non-metropolitan in Queensland • There is a UQ Library onsite, free car parking, free staff gym and swimming pool CONTACT DETAILS Anne Russell Medical Education Unit Phone: (07) 4150 2234 Email:

CABOOLTURE HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*1 of the 17 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Caboolture Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, General Medicine, Cardiology, O&G Anaesthetics, Paediatrics, Psychiatry BASIC INFORMATION At Caboolture Hospital, we are committed to changing the way health care is delivered. We are a 265 bed facility, located in an area growing both in

d demographics and infrastructure. Our promise is to put people first, providing safe, effective, person centred care. We strive to ensure our patients have equity of access, outcomes and experience, whilst nurturing a culture of teamwork, learning, improvement and being part of a community that provides connected healthcare. Caboolture Hospital is aiming to be the first hospital in Australia to be accredited in Patient and Family Centred Care. Our vision is to improve the health of our community by caring together. REASONS TO APPLY Caboolture Hospital is a part of Australia’s biggest and most diverse Hospital and Health Service delivering the best care via the best health care professionals. Caboolture Hospital provides training opportunities for doctors pursuing generalist or specialist career pathways. Caboolture’s size as an accredited training facility places it in perfect stead to build your clinical competence and assist your professional advancement through the diverse range of clinical exposure and hands on experience you will gain in our friendly and supportive environment. CONTACT DETAILS Jessica Miller Medical Education Officer Phone: (07) 5433 8243 Email:

CAIRNS HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, ICU, Endocrinology, Mental Health, Gastroenterology, Acute Geriatrics, Infectious Diseases, Rehabilitation, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, O&G, Paediatrics, Sexual Health, Rural Hospital Term BASIC INFORMATION Cairns is an extremely popular international tourist destination with the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree rainforest, as well as Port Douglas, Mission Beach, Cape Tribulation and Atherton Tablelands. Hospital services at this training site includes all major health specialties. REASONS TO APPLY • Relocation expenses may be negotiated • 21 days of accommodation provided on commencement • Fantastic teaching opportunities available • Great work life balance CONTACT DETAILS Gail Walker Senior Medical Education Officer Phone: (07) 4226 7453 Email:

GOLD COAST HEALTH SERVICE Predicted internship positions for 2018



*1 of the 90 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway

*5 of the 45 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Gold Coast University and Robina Hospitals

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Cairns Hospital, Atherton Hospital, Mareeba District Hospital

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine (including Endrocrinology, Respiratory), Cardiology, Haematology


Palliative Care, Neurology, Renal, General Surgery (including Colorectal, Hepatobilary, upper GI and Endocrine), Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Emergency (including More Learning for Interns in Emergency Program (MoLIE)) BASIC INFORMATION Gold Coast Health Service is the largest Health Service District in Queensland. The Health Service has 2 incredible campuses; the brand-new Gold Coast University Hospital and the refurbished Robina Campus. The hospital is also committed to education and research. REASONS TO APPLY The Gold Coast offers the opportunity to combine professional advancement, job satisfaction and relaxation into one fulfilling lifestyle. Enjoy an ideal year round climate, endless golden surfing beaches and hectares of relaxing rainforest hinterland; it truly offers something for everyone. With first rate facilities, world class staff and the perfect mix of encouragement, support and workload, Gold Coast Health offers the ideal place for a first year doctor to learn, grow and progress. CONTACT DETAILS Maggie Armitage Medical Services Unit Phone: (07) 5687 3883 Email:

IPSWICH HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018:


*4 of the 35 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.



ROTATIONS AVAILABLE The Internship year consists of five (5) terms of 10–12 weeks, including three (3) core rotations and two (2) non-core rotations: Core: General Medicine, Rehabilitation, Geriatric Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Urology, Emergency Medicine Non-core: Paediatrics (Rural Generalist), Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Rural Generalist), Anaesthetics and Intensive Care (Rural Generalist), Mental Health, Palliative Care, Cardiology, ENT Annual Leave is allocated in 5 week blocks, with reference to individual preferences. BASIC INFORMATION West Moreton Hospital and Health Service’s (WMHHS) current population is approximately 245,000 people, which is forecast to increase to an expected 450,000 people by 2026 – an 82 percent increase. This projected increase is the largest of any hospital and health service in Queensland. WMHHS provides public services for residents across the continuum of health care including preventative and primary health care services, ambulatory services, acute care, sub-acute care, oral health, and mental health and specialised services (including offender health and alcohol and other drugs). WMHHS’s demographics are diverse and are comprised of four local government areas (LGAs) - Scenic Rim Regional Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, Somerset Regional Council and Ipswich City Council. Ipswich is the major city in the hospital and health service, with the townships of Esk, Laidley, Gatton, Boonah and Wacol spread throughout the area. The Ipswich Hospital is a major acute hospital with 341 beds and offers services in all major health specialities, including

anaesthetics, emergency medicine, medicine, surgery, intensive and coronary care, orthopaedics, obstetrics, paediatrics, palliative care and rehabilitation along with a full range of allied health services. REASONS TO APPLY Ipswich Hospital is a close, supportive facility that encourages both professional and personal development in a clinical environment that strives for excellence in patient care delivery. Medical Administration and the Medical Education Unit have open door policies and encourage broad collaboration with medical staff to meet the challenges of a growing patient population. The hospital also offers broad clinical exposure and hands on experience in a friendly and supportive environment, has a strong training platform for doctors pursuing either a generalist or specialist career pathway, and it is a Rural Generalist Pathway endorsed hospital. Facility benefits include: Education: • Junior Doctor Education Program – 2 x 1 hour sessions per week which consist of both tutorial and practical based learning • Hospital Grand Rounds session once a month • Department specific presentations held on a weekly basis which includes case studies, presentations, Grand Rounds, Journal Club, and department meetings to review team work and training strategies. • Residents are encouraged to attend any additional education sessions provided within the hospital, including plastering demonstrations, ECG workshops, and APLS courses held inhouse. • Teaching on the Run program twice a year • Pocket Simulation Centre in Anaesthetics & Emergency Medicine • Internal Advanced Life Support Program

Other: • Library with 24 hour internet access, free photocopying/faxing facilities • Staff dining room with discounted meals • RMO room • Car parking – monitored & discounted for staff Social: • Close to shopping centres, rail links within walking distance, easy access to transportation, local bus services • Located 40km west of Brisbane, an hour from the Gold Coast and an hour from Toowoomba, Ipswich offers a blend of heritage charm, metropolitan sophistication and expansive green spaces. Ipswich has direct rail links to Brisbane, as well as domestic and international airports, and an extensive road transport network to Brisbane, the Brisbane Valley and the Lockyer Valley. CONTACT DETAILS Ms Sandra Head Senior Medical Education Officer Email: Dr Eleri Carrahar Director Medical Services Email: Medical Recruitment Coordinator Ipswich Hospital Medical Education Phone: (07) 3810 1307


LOGAN HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018

Email: logan_medical_education_unit@


*2 of the 40 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Logan Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Redlands Hospital, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Beaudesert Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ICU, General Medicine, Cardiology, Palliative Care, Respiratory Medicine, Adult Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, O&G, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Radiology, General Surgery, ENT BASIC INFORMATION The hospital is a part of Metro South Health, and a recent $145 million expansion project has transformed the hospital. Logan Hospital now includes a new Emergency Department, Children’s inpatient ward and Rehabilitation Unit. REASONS TO APPLY • A modern, fast paced, complex, clinical environment • Specialist training in most specialties • Multidisciplinary Simulation Centre, comprehensive junior doctor education program and clinical skills workshops • Located 25 minutes from Brisbane city and 35 minutes from the Gold Coast • Free parking for staff, and a bus stop and railway station adjacent to the hospital CONTACT DETAILS Logan Hospital Medical Education Unit Phone: (07) 3299 8930


Predicted internship positions for 2018


*8 of the 37 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Interns may have the opportunity to rotate to Proserpine Hospital, either for a core Emergency Medicine term or a Rural Elective; or Bowen Hospital for a Rural Elective; or Mater Misericordiae Hospital Mackay, either for a core Surgical or Medical term ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: • Emergency Medicine Available at: Mackay Base Hospital Emergency Department or Proserpine Hospital Emergency Department • Medicine Available at: Mackay Base Hospital Medical Department,; Cardiology, Mater Misericordiae Hospital Mackay • Surgery Available as: General Surgery, Orthopaedics; at Mater Misericordiae Hospital Mackay Elective: Anaesthetics, Paediatrics, Mental Health, Proserpine Hospital Rural Placement, Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ICU, Bowen Hospital Rural Placement BASIC INFORMATION Mackay Hospital & Health Service offers an unbeatable lifestyle! Be a part of a thriving coastal community with over 160,000 people, while working and living

in a tropical setting close to beaches, the Great Barrier Reef and the Whitsunday Islands. The MHHS provides an integrated approach to service delivery across acute, primary health and other community cased services including aged care assessment, aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and ATSI programs. Primary Health services with the Mackay HHS cover a range of program areas including integrated mental Health; Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs; Sexual Health; Aged Care Assessment Team; and Breast Screen. Mackay also offers: • Exceptional hands on training, development programmes, and on-site support. • A state of the art training precinct. • A new facility • Relocation expenses reimbursement • Excellent career opportunities for Generalist Medical Officers • Negotiation of elective terms (all requests are considered, but cannot be guaranteed) REASONS TO APPLY Are you looking at joining a friendly team in a sunny coastal location only 1 hour 20 minutes flight from Brisbane, Queensland? Then Mackay Hospital and Health service is the place for you! Mackay is a vibrant and exciting tropical city with close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef, Whitsunday Islands and some of the world’s most beautiful rainforests. Imagine a city with so many beaches that every weekend you could be visiting a different one! Sun, water sports, palm fringed beaches, native rainforests and BBQ’s on the beach - The Mackay region offers the best of the Australian experience in typical laid back “Aussie Style”.

market rates. FREE on-site secure parking. Flexible working arrangements, 76 hour fortnights, 5 weeks annual leave, senior staff support and interaction across a variety of specialities, a professional team environment and great social events! Mackay Base Hospital provides state-ofthe-art health facilities and services to ensure our employees can thrive and provide the best possible care to our community. Discover Mackay’s arts and culture scene by visiting the award winning Artspace Gallery, host to many major national and international art exhibitions, the MECC for world class music, theatre and comedy shows, the newly developed Mackay Regional Botanical Gardens which showcases the regions cultural diversity and native flora or the award winning, 20 kilometre Bluewater Trail. Get out and enjoy Mackay’s many award winning Restaurants, Bars, Clubs and Shops (including Myer and all your other favourites!) and so much more! CONTACT DETAILS Ralph Johnson Medical Education Officer Phone: (07) 4885 7085 Email: Cathy Roberts Manager, MHHS Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (07) 4885 7517 Email: Cathy.Roberts2@health.qld

Mackay Health Service District offers FREE Hospital Accommodation for the first 4 weeks followed by a further 4 weeks at


MATER HEALTH SERVICE Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Mater Health Services, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Perioperative Medicine, General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Oncology/Palliative Care, Breast/ Endocrine Surgery, Orthopaedics, O&G, Urology, ICU, Neonatology, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics and Paediatric Orthopaedics

BASIC INFORMATION Located on the edge of the south of the Brisbane CBD, Mater Health Services enjoys a unique position in the QLD health care system, providing three public and four private colocated hospitals and a medical research institute. REASONS TO APPLY • Streaming in Medicine, Surgery, O&G, Paediatrics, Critical Care and GP training • The hospital is in close proximity to the South Bank of Brisbane, with multiple restaurants and dining opportunities in addition to cinemas, social events, the museum and art galleries • Easy access to the city via bus (5 minutes to Queen Street), Kangaroo Point and the Gabba • Multiple accommodation options are available and the hospital is less than an hour to the Gold Coast • The hospital itself has a library, swimming pool, gym and cafés available to staff CONTACT DETAILS Medical Education Unit Email:


SUNSHINE COAST UNIVERSITY/ NAMBOUR HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*5 of the 54 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Nambour General Hospital, Maleny Hospital, Gympie Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine Elective: Anaesthetics, ICU, Department of Emergency Medicine, O&G, Paediatrics, Acute Medical Unit, Cardiology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Nephrology, Respiratory Medicine, Stroke Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Rural Generalist terms, Ortho-geriatrics BASIC INFORMATION The Sunshine Coast HHS offers a major tertiary teaching hospital experience enabling excellent and broad intern and junior doctor training, while retaining a friendly and collegiate learning environment. The Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH) opened in March 2017 with 450 beds, expanding to 738 beds by 2021. The commissioning of the university hospital further enhances the reputation of the SCHHS as an excellent learning environment for junior doctors. The health service provides ‘state of the art’ clinical facilities, senior staff specialists, education and research facilities. Other hospitals in the health service include Nambour, Maleny and Gympie.

The expanding Sunshine Coast hospital network is able to offer a wide range of clinical experiences and numerous extra job opportunities and vocational career paths for doctors of all levels. The area covered by our health service has fantastic surfing beaches, tropical rainforests and rural hinterland areas. It is located 95kms north of Brisbane and is home to the national icons of Noosa Heads and Fraser Island, services a population of about 410 000 people. This number expands greatly in holiday seasons. Sunshine Coast University Hospital is the primary hospital that interns will be allocated to, though there is opportunity to do rotations at Nambour, Maleny and Gympie Hospitals. REASONS TO APPLY The great learning opportunities and lifestyle in this area result in over 90% of interns choosing to stay on for their house officer years and beyond. Our hospitals provide great learning opportunities, including dedicated junior doctor teaching programs and engaged senior clinicians. With the SIM skills centre at SCUH, and pocket SIM labs at Nambour and Gympie Hospitals everything is focused on individualising each intern and house officers’ learning opportunities. This training site also offers a rich social lifestyle – the Sunshine Coast Junior Doctor Society organises boat trips, balls, social drinks and other activities. It also organise an annual RMO Careers Expo and is a strong advocate on intern and junior doctor issues. The Sunshine Coast offers a unique blend of metropolitan sophistication, friendly regional hospital atmosphere and the relaxed Sunshine Coast lifestyle. It is close to surfing beaches, rainforest areas, as well as Fraser Island and the surrounding coral reefs. There are a great range of restaurants and cafes, fantastic beaches for surfing, diving, kite-surfing, snorkelling, sailing and fishing, great treks for bush walking, climbing and rainforest walks. In addition to a vibrant social life, the area

also has plenty of shopping centres and local boutiques. CONTACT DETAILS Kara Somerville Senior Medical Education Officer Phone: (07) 5470 6840 Email:

PRINCESS ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Princess Alexandra Hospital, Redlands Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, Geriatrics, Spinal Surgery, General Surgery, Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Hepatopancreato-biliary Surgery, Acute Surgical Unit, Orthopaedics, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Medicine, Neurological Trauma, Mental Health, Nephrology, Dermatology, Clinical Pharmacology, Palliative Care, Anaesthetics, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, O&G, Paediatrics, Pathology, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, Endocrinology BASIC INFORMATION The Princess Alexandra Hospital is a major 800-bed teaching hospital, providing comprehensive services to meet primary, secondary & tertiary referrals from both within and outside the district. The Hospital is also a tertiary referral center for the Southern Zone of Queensland Health. Located 4km from the CBD. Princess


Alexandra Hospital is nationally recognised for its expertise in most Specialties and is home to many state-wide services. REASONS TO APPLY • Excellent supervision and teaching a broad range of disciplines • Weekly lunchtime training session with topics based on interns’ educational needs • Regular small-group procedural skills sessions • A 4 hour session per week for all Princess Alexandra Hospital and Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital emergency interns • Accessible via public transport with its own bus station and nearby rail station. Undercover parking is also available • Rental accommodation is readily available in surrounding suburbs • World-class center for health care teaching and research and the recently opened Translational Research Institute • Facilities include an extensive academic library, on-site gym with discounted rates, access to a large shopping complex, child care center and parenting facilities, and chapel and prayer room CONTACT DETAILS Andrew Falconer Medical Allocations Officer Princess Alexandra Hospital and QEll Health Network Metro South Hospital and Health Service Phone: (07) 3176 2116 Email: PAH.Medicalallocations@health


REDCLIFFE HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*1 of the 27 positions will be offered to a late start applicant and another 1 will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Redcliffe Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, O&G, ICU, Paediatrics, Oncology, Medical Imaging, Anaesthetics, GP, Mental Health BASIC INFORMATION Redcliffe Peninsula is located in South East Queensland, 35km from Brisbane. The hospital is affiliated with the UQ and Queensland University of Technology in training medical, nursing and allied health students. The hospital is also equipped with a library, with reference collection of textbooks provided by UQ for student access. REASONS TO APPLY • 240 bed Hospital is just 30 minutes north of Brisbane city centre and only ten minutes walk to the seafront • 76 hour fortnight, five weeks annual leave • Beautiful area of Brisbane, and easy access to the ocean if interns and residents enjoy sailing or the sea breeze • Close proximity to Brisbane (access to postgraduate teaching programs at tertiary hospital campuses) • Vigorous postgraduate education program (tutorials/teaching sessions available in most units and general education sessions with guest lecturers on a weekly basis)

CONTACT DETAILS Kay Meredith A/Medical Workforce Co-ordinator Phone: (07) 3883 7582 Email:

room, study area and sleep pod rooms for overnight oncall. Rockhampton Hospital has a very active Hospital Medical Society (HMS) Rockhampton who organise the annual Hospital Ball.


Rockhampton has a population of about 75,000 and the hospital serves a population of 180,000. Rockhampton is 660km north of Brisbane and only 1 hour by air, and also has direct flights to Mackay, Townsville and the Gold Coast.

Predicted internship positions for 2018


*10 of the 33 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Rockhampton Hospital, Gladstone Hospital, Yeppoon Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Renal, Palliative Care, Mental Health, Paediatrics, Geriatrics, Aged Care Services, O&G BASIC INFORMATION Education opportunities include a good case load mix with one on one supervision by Senior Medical staff, which allows for ample opportunities to develop clinical skills and experience. The training network also has association with both UQ’s Rural Clinical School Rockhampton Campus and Central Queensland University Health Science Department. Rockhampton Hospital has a new Cancer Care Services Centre which occupies three (3) floors of the new ward block comprising of Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology/Haematology ambulatory clinics and treatment, Inpatient Cancer Care and Specialist Palliative Care. New Medical Officer facilities have opened in March 2016 with casual lounge, computer

Gladstone has a population of 60,000 and is about 550km north of Brisbane. One hour and 20 minutes by air to Brisbane. REASONS TO APPLY Rockhampton is in close proximity to areas of natural beauty such as the Capricorn Coast, Blacktown Tablelands, Keppel Islands, but there’s more to the Rockhampton Region than clear skies and sailing! Rockhampton has plenty of natural attractions and with an average of over 300 days of sunshine each year, the Rockhampton Region offers locals and visitors alike many opportunities. Rockhampton is home to world champions and Olympians such as cyclists Anna & Kerrie Mears and hockey’s Kookaburra elite of Jamie Dwyer, Mark Knowles, Matt Gohdes. Rockhampton Hospital boasts the Australian record for trauma injuries associated with monthly rodeos, professional bull riding and bull fighting competitions being held at The Great Western Hotel. Gladstone is balanced with large areas of green open space, including several national parks, historical sites, bush walks and marine activities, including fishing and crabbing, residents have a wide choice to explore and experience the great outdoors. A strong sense of community with a “can do” attitude and a relaced and friendly atmosphere permeates throughout the region.


CONTACT DETAILS Annette Halliday Medical Education Unit Programs Administration Officer Phone: (07) 4920 7039 Email:

ROYAL BRISBANE AND WOMEN’S HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), Greenslopes Hospital, The Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Mental Health, Oncology, Medical Imaging, Anatomical Pathology, Genetics, Maternal Foetal Medicine, Women’s and Newborn Subspecialties, Emergency Medicine BASIC INFORMATION Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) is a quaternary and tertiary referral teaching hospital located at the Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) Herston site, close to the Brisbane CBD. RBWH is Queensland’s largest hospital with almost 1000 beds and provides highlyspecialised care to more than half a million patients every year. In 2016, RBWH provided more than 550,000 inpatient and outpatient services. • More than 76,000 Emergency Department visits • More than 160,000 Cancer Care treatments, consultations, procedures and other services • More than 25,500 surgical interventions


(around 500 operations performed each week) • Close to 5000 new babies delivered RBWH’s extensive services are delivered by a team of 6000 doctors, nurses, allied health, operational and administration staff. The hospital participates in world-leading research and education in pursuit of excellence in specialised care to deliver the best possible patient outcomes. Partnerships with more than 14 Queensland and national universities, three TAFE providers and a collaboration with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) are key to RBWH developing its future clinical (allied health, medical, nursing) and non-clinical workforce focusing on safe, quality patient outcomes. Also located at the Herston site is The University of Queensland, Queensland Institute of Medical Research and the Herston Imaging Research Facility. REASONS TO APPLY • Protected teaching time and mandatory training through flexible online modules • Clinical research opportunities via UQ and Queensland Institute of Medical Research • Easy access to transport with the RBWH bus station, three on-campus car parks with special rates for staff • Facilities include common room, library, multiple food and retail outlets, gym, on-site swimming pool and childcare • Trainees enjoy outstanding success rates in specialty examinations • Advanced training in all of the subspecialties of medicine and surgery • The largest gynaecological cancer service in Australia offered through the Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer is located at RBWH

• State of the art cardiac catheterisation laboratory and quantitative coronary angiographic system through cardiology • The Multidisciplinary Pain Centre is one of seven nationally accredited for training in the fellowship in pain medicine • Award winning Trauma Services • Clinical research is fostered by close ties with The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research and Queensland Institute of Medical Research • Mental Health Services at RBWH is a state-wide leader in clinical practice, teaching, research and telemedicine. CONTACT DETAILS Dr. Sonia Chanchlani A/Director of Clinical Training Centre for Medical Officer Recruitment and Education (CMORE), RBWH Phone: (07) 3646 5481/3646 8217 Mobile: 0430 917 410 Email:

THE PRINCE CHARLES HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


No CMI or Rural Generalist pathway is offered.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES The Prince Charles Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, Cardiology, Geriatrics, Respiratory Medicine, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation/ Acute Stroke Unit, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Mental Health, Fractured NOF

BASIC INFORMATION PCH is a 630-bed major tertiary referral hospital located within the Metro North Health Service, approximately 10km north of Brisbane CBD. The hospital offers the premier cardiac service of Queensland. REASONS TO APPLY PCH is the hospital to apply to for JMOs or RMOs who want to be a cardiologist or cardiothoracic surgeon. Besides that, PCH is a tertiary hospital with access to all the major specialties close to the Brisbane CBD. Many research opportunities are also available to JMOs and RMOs who work in this hospital. Intern Education Program once per week in protected time and includes practical skills workshops, Advanced Life Support courses, and weekly Grand Rounds. There is a wide range of unit specific training sessions on a weekly basis. There will be a full week intern orientation prior to commencement. CONTACT DETAILS Donna Faulks Medical Workforce Manager Phone: (07) 3139 5435 Email: Tpch-medical-recruitment@health

TOOWOOMBA HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*10 of the 39 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Interns can be placed at Toowoomba Hospital, Stanthorpe Hospital, Warwick Hospital and Goondiwindi Hospital (The Goondiwindi Hospital GP term)


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: Emergency Medicine, Medicine (General Medicine, Geriatric Adult Rehabilitation Stroke Service (GARSS), Medical Assessment Planning Unit (MAPU)), Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopaedics) Elective: O&G, Paeds, Rural Hospital term, Psych, ENT, Anaesthetics, Medical Oncology, GARSS, ICU BASIC INFORMATION Toowoomba Hospital, part of the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service, is a 266 bed hospital providing surgical, orthopaedic, ENT surgery, ophthalmology, urology, obstetric, paediatric and neonatal care in Special Care Nursery, anaesthesia, intensive care and high dependency care medicine including geriatrics, oncology, renal, and emergency medicine. The Hospital has a large 57 bed acute Mental Health Unit. REASONS TO APPLY Toowoomba Hospital offers most major specialties, except neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery, with a wide range of postgraduate educational activities. In addition, the staff ratio of medical education for junior doctors is twice the state average. Toowoomba hospital places a large emphasis on supporting their junior doctors. CONTACT DETAILS Andrew McLean Intern Recruitment Coordinator Phone: (07) 4616 6350 Email: DDHHS-Medical-Rosters@health.qld

THE TOWNSVILLE HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


*7 of the 70 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Townsville Mater for core and non-core surgical terms, core medical terms, noncore cardiology, O&G/neonates or ICU A number of electives are offered outside the hospital: • Sexual Health • ATODS • Community Paediatrics • Ingham Hospital, Joyce Palmer Medical Centre on Palm Island and Charters Towers ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: • Emergency Medicine • Medicine: Available as - General Medicine, Geriatrics - Acute Care Elderly (ACE), Gastroenterology, Renal Medicine • Surgery: Available as - General Surgery, General Surgery/Urology, General Surgery/Plastics • General Surgery/Colorectal Surgery/ Paediatric Surgery, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, Neurosurgery Elective: (Min 5 weeks, Max 12 weeks) Electives are allocated on preferences, but cannot be guaranteed. Acute Mental Health / ATODS, Anaesthetic, Cardiology, Community Paediatrics, Country Practice (Ingham, Palm Island, Charters Towers), Emergency Medicine (Charters Towers), Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatric Evaluation and Management (GEM), Haematology, Infectious Diseases,


Medical Oncology, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Palliative Care, Radiology, Rehabilitation Medicine – Acute, Rehabilitation Medicine – Sub-acute, Renal Medicine, Sexual Health BASIC INFORMATION Townsville is recognised as the capital of North Queensland. It is a tertiary hospital with more than 630 beds and is still expanding. Townsville also offers vibrant social life with restaurants, national sporting events and fantastic tourist hot spots. REASONS TO APPLY • Tertiary hospital that offers all the facilities of a major hospital with all the medical and surgical subspecialties • Fantastic ratio of Senior to Junior staff with increased junior staff responsibility • Broad case mix including many tropical and infectious diseases • Fantastic teaching opportunities with contacts in the colleges as well as a high success rate for entry into college programs and completion, including college prizes CONTACT DETAILS Joanne Kilty Manager Medical Education & Support Hub Phone: (07) 4433 1066 Email: Allyson Agnew Principal Medical Education Officer Phone: (07) 4433 1226 Email: Kaylene Ritter Medical Workforce Co-ordinator - Interns/ JHO/SHO Phone: (07) 4433 2013 Email:


qld predicted internship positions summary


QLD Hospital

Predicted Total Positions

Bundaberg Hospital


Caboolture Hospital


Cairns Hospital


Gold Coast Health Service


Ipswich Hospital


Logan Hospital


Mackay Hospital


Mater Health Service


Sunshine Coast University/Nambour Hospital


Princess Alexandra Hospital


Redcliffe Hospital


Rockhampton Hospital


Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital


The Prince Charles Hospital


Toowoomba Hospital


The Townsville Hospital


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training in nsw The Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) is the NSW body responsible for the allocation of internship positions to applicants. It does this online through the Prevocational Training Application Program (PTAP). There are 4 recruitment pathway options available to applicants - the Optimised Allocation Pathway (main round), the Aboriginal Medical Workforce Recruitment Pathway, the Rural Preferential Recruitment Pathway, and the Direct Regional Allocation Pathway. More information about each of these can be found on the HETI website. NSW realises that no single health care Prevocational Trainer Provider can provide all the training and experience required to prepare new doctors for the diverse range of medical practice, so providers in NSW are organised into 15 training ‘networks’ that deliver education and training to a group of prevocational trainees in Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) as interns and Postgraduate Year Two (PGY2) as residents. This means that although interns and residents will have a base training facility, they will rotate to other facilities in both metropolitan and rural areas. An applicant’s recruitment to a prevocational training position in NSW will depend on their chosen recruitment pathway, but will primarily be based on the order in which applicants rank hospital network preferences in their online application. To be eligible to apply, applicants must have completed their medical degree within the past 3 years at an AMC accredited school in Australia or New Zealand. Applicants must not have previously commenced an internship or worked as a doctor in Australia or New Zealand. In addition, applicants must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, be an Australian Permanent Resident or valid temporary Australian resident, or be a holder of an

unrestricted work visa for the duration of their prevocational training. Applicants must provide a list of documents that have been certified by a Justice of Peace (this list can be found on the HETI website). They must also meet the Medical Board of Australia’s English language proficiency requirements, available here. Applicants fall under one of six priority categories that determine the order of internship offers. Category 1 (NSW university graduates and Australian permanent residents) applicants are the only guaranteed NSW interns. After offers have been made to Category 1 applicants, offers may be made to Categories 2 to 6, depending on position availability. Note that Category 3 applicants (interstate graduates but Australian permanent residents) must pay a $250.00 administration fee to HETI. In readiness for the start of the 2017 clinical year on 23rd January, a record 992 postgraduate year 1 positions were filled by HETI, with an extra six positions filled by the ACT for NSW graduates. For the 2016 clinical year, 73% of Category 1 applicants got their first preference training network and the lowest preference was eleventh. For more information and resources, see the HETI Applicant Guide for Medical Graduate Recruitment. This can be found on HETI’s website. KEY DATES Prevocational Training Application Program (PTAP) opens on the 15th of May 2017 and close on the 2nd of June 2017. CONTACT DETAILS Health Education and Training Institute (HETI): Website Phone: (02) 9844 6562 Email:


ama new south wales Current issues for Junior Doctors: As medical graduate numbers have surged in recent years, there’s also been increased competition to enter all specialty training programs, leading to increasing numbers of graduates stuck in unaccredited training positions. Greater competition and recurrent job uncertainty as we work through short contracts adds extra stress for doctors-in-training, and can make us more vulnerable to workplace bullying and harassment if we feel like we can’t raise an issue, don’t have a voice, or that putting up with inappropriate behaviour is just part of the job. Fortunately this culture is starting to change. We have also heard from a lot of members wishing to improve the flexibility offered in training programs. Some programs offer the option of less than full-time training and try to support trainees who become parents or have other commitments due to everyday life, though many of us still uproot our lives every term, moving to another part of Sydney or the state (or even country!) on rotation for the better part of a decade. A common theme is the desire to make medical training more compatible with life, so doctors can lead full and healthy lives, similar to what they seek to ensure for their patients. Current Advocacy: AMA (NSW) / ASMOF (NSW) Alliance lobbying includes improving doctors’ health and welfare, as well as workplace culture – with a focus on reducing bullying and harassment. The Alliance is also advocating for flexible and safe working hours, improving availability of education and training at both local health district (LHD) and state level and working towards renegotiating the JMO award.


What is the DIT Committee doing to address these concerns? This year the DiTC is launching monthly meetings, focusing on a range of relevant issues, a key part of our work in 2017 is improving junior doctor health and wellbeing. Along with the Federal Council of Doctors-inTraining, our NSW DiTC continues to work to advocate for more specialty training places, particularly in regional and rural areas that have the capacity to provide quality training, as well as improving availability of teaching, mentoring and support. The Alliance is also advocating for better workforce planning to identify the number of positions required for each specialty across the country, and pushing for a national training survey to monitor the pathways and progress of trainees. This is particularly important to get a better idea of how many unaccredited registrars are out there. The Alliance is also launching a new initiative, the NSW Hospital Health Check, which will compare different hospitals on a range of metrics relevant to DiTs, from leave provision to term choices and more. The aim is to provide comparative data to help us target our advocacy efforts where needed and highlight where problems exist as well as where things are going well. What to Consider When Choosing a Network: Consider – What you want to specialise in. When choosing a hospital, try and base your decision on whether that hospital has a ward and term available in your specialty of interest. For example, if you want to specialise in paediatrics, choose a hospital with a paediatric ward and term.

Additionally, some subspecialty surgical terms may vary from hospital by hospital. Remember, nothing is guaranteed and doing a variety of terms isn’t a bad thing, as it will give you an opportunity to work in a specialty outside of your future pathway and get a better understanding of what life is like outside your future chosen craft group. It also builds collegiality and understanding of the continuum of patient care to do a variety of things. Consider – Where do you want to live and how will you travel to work. Sydney public transport can be challenging, so it’s a good idea to think about where you want to live and work, how easy it will be to get to work based on where you live. It’s important to try and match up these two considerations. Another factor to consider is rental, as living in metropolitan areas can be expensive. Sometimes, it’s worth living further outside of the city and you may find that this option provides you with an amazing lifestyle. Internship Applications In NSW, there is a ballot system. If you don’t get your first preference, make the most of your opportunity and remember it will go really quickly and teach you more if you go out of your comfort zone. In NSW the internship application system is run by HETI (website). AMA NSW and you: The AMA (NSW) / ASMOF (NSW) Alliance provides a range of services for doctors-intraining, concentrating on advancing their careers and giving them a voice in workplace matters. Through the AMA, we provide a mentoring program for interns, a Careers Service for all

doctors-in-training, career-building events, and advocacy to Government and other parties on DIT issues. The Careers Service provides assistance in preparing for interviews, CV writing skills. Through ASMOF, we provide help with workplace matters, including ensuring you are paid correctly, that your working conditions match the Award, and providing a hotline for you to seek advice on such matters. Both organisations offer a range of additional member benefits including discounts on flights, great deals on cars, and travel insurance to cover you on journeys to and from work. What is a DIT? DIT stands for “doctor-in-Training”. It refers to any doctor who is not yet a specialist, and is planning to pursue a specialty training pathway of any kind. So, interns, residents, registrars, fellows. The Doctors-in-Training (DIT) Committee meets to discuss and provide feedback on a broad range of issues, both industrial and professional. These include: education and training, such as the recent internship review; college curricula and assessment policies; the JMO award negotiation; doctors’ health and wellbeing; and bullying and harassment; just to name a few. What is The Alliance? AMA (NSW) + ASMOF (NSW) = The Alliance. This is a one stop shop for pretty much everything you need to get through medical training that you can’t find at your home hospital. The NSW Doctor magazine is a great resource and covers things that matter to DITs every issue. You can find them here.


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a new grad’s perspective on internship in new south wales

chloe boateng intern at royal prince alfred hospital

Staring your internship is a big leap from medical school, firstly, no longer is the phrase “I’m just the med student” in your repertoire. All of a sudden you’re expected to teach medical students, all the while thinking “I definitely do not know enough to be doing this…”. Patients’ families will look to you for updates on their loved ones’ progress and most days you’ll have a moment of “oh dayum, this is a lot of responsibility”. Something you should remember in those moments when you’re feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed, whether it be in medical school or your internship is that everyone is feeling the same way. You aren’t expected to know everything, you’re expected to know the limits of your own knowledge and when to ask for help. When you start working, registrars will be more than okay with you asking a million and one questions, nobody wants a rogue intern. This guide was a lifesaver for me in deciding where I wanted to work, so use it well, but also don’t be afraid to have a chat to JMOs who work in the networks you’re interested in and suss out the finer details.



INNER WEST AND WESTERN PLAINS Predicted internship positions for 2018


*7 of the 61 positions will be offered through the Rural Generalist Training Pathway.

CONTACT DETAILS Michelle McWhirter JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9515 5545

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Dubbo Base Hospital, Balmain Hospital


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Dubbo: General Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, ED, Renal, Cardiology, Psychiatry, Urology, ENT

Predicted internship positions for 2018

Balmain: Rehabilitation, Geriatrics RPA: ED, Geriatrics, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Renal, Haematology, Respiratory, Medical Oncology, Rheumatology, Upper GI, Colorectal, Neurosurgery, Melanoma/ Surg, Transplant surgery, Orthopaedics, O&G BASIC INFORMATION RPA is the oldest teaching hospital of the oldest medical school (USyd) in Australia. RPA is centrally located and well serviced by public transport, with on-site parking also available. There are only three hospitals in the network: RPA, Dubbo and Balmain. There is an affordable gymnasium, and several good cafés in close proximity. Close to the city, it sits amongst a hub of activity on Missenden Rd and in close proximity to many great areas to live (Newtown, Glebe, Camperdown). REASONS TO APPLY RPA provides a range of specialty services arguably unmatched in Australia. High levels of supervision, including in an after hours context. The strength of RPA’s reputation as a training facility means entry to the


BPT program is highly competitive and thus supervising registrars at RPA are among the best trainees in the country. Many established research facilities – research is an area of strength and expertise at RPA.



NETWORK TRAINING SITES Bowral Hospital, Campbelltown/Camden Hospital, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Aged Care, Cardiology, Respiratory, Endocrine, Neurology, Gastroenterology, General Medicine, Renal, Oncology, Rheumatology, ICU, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, O&G, Ambulatory Care, Emergency Medicine, Palliative care, Medical Assessment Unit, Rehabilitation BASIC INFORMATION Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital is a mere 20 kms from the city centre and is a 433 bed Principal Referral Teaching Hospital and part of the South Western Sydney Local Health District. A comprehensive range of medical and surgical specialties is available which include world class diagnostic and critical care services. Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital prides itself on having a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with a commitment to providing career opportunities and staff development. All interns/RMOs here should expect to undertake rotation to Campbelltown and Bowral Hospitals. Campbelltown




consist of two campuses administered under a joint management structure. Campbelltown campus is focused on providing acute health care and Camden is focused on aged and palliative care services. Combined, the service currently consists of 350 beds. In addition, Campbelltown Hospital has undergone significant enhancements, including the construction of a new multi-storey building which houses surgical precinct, ambulatory, outpatient and allied health services, pathology and clinical information. Campbelltown also has the relaxed and friendly atmosphere with a commitment to support and training junior staff. Campbelltown is also closely linked to Western Sydney University. REASONS TO APPLY The District actively promotes research and provides teaching for undergraduates, postgraduates and health service professionals. In March 2017 the newly constructed Western Sydney University Clinical Building was opened which is situated on the grounds of Campbelltown Hospital. The building houses state of the art tutorial rooms, clinical skills labs, conference and meeting rooms, auditoriums, the clinical library and professorial suites. On-site accommodation is available at Campbelltown Hospital and is available for rotating Medical Officers on a short term basis at a nominal fee. The Hospital also offers a wide range of facilities including an auditorium, and a series of conference and meeting rooms of varying sizes. Free onsite vehicle parking is available, large staff caféteria and 24 hour on-site security staff. CONTACT DETAILS Ailinh Chau JMO Manager Bankstown-Lidcombe Email: Shelley Weaith JMO Manager Campbelltown/Camden Email:


CONCORD, CANTERBURY AND BROKEN HILL BASE HOSPITALS Predicted internship positions for 2018


*Concord will have 42 allocated interns from HETI, in conjunction with 3 from Broken Hill for the Rural Generalist Training Pathway.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Canterbury Hospital, Broken Hill Base Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Concord: Anatomical Pathology*, Breast Endo, Plastics, Cardiology, Colorectal, ED, ICU*, Dermatology – currently SRMO, Drug Health*, Endocrinology – currently SRMO, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Haematology*, Immunology/ Rheumatology*, Infectious Diseases*, MAU*, Neurology, Neurosurgery*, Oncology, Oncology/Palliative Care*, Pall Care*, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Nights/Relief, Renal, Respiratory, Thoracic Head and Neck, Upper GI, Urology (includes Gynaecology), Vascular Surgery Canterbury: Aged Care Rehab*, ICU/ HDU*, ED, Gen Med, Gen Surgery, O&G*, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics* Broken Hill: ED, Gen Med, Gen Surgery, Paediatrics* *Only available in the PGY2 Year BASIC INFORMATION Concord Hospital is situated close to the City on the Parramatta River, thus enjoying expansive views extending to the Sydney Harbour Bridge on one side, and the beautiful Blue Mountains on the other. The hospital has a long tradition of providing


care to the veteran community and today, provides health care to the inner west of Sydney. Furthermore, the hospital is linked to University of Sydney and The Concord Mental Health Hospital is on site.


REASONS TO APPLY Concord is the first teaching hospital to receive 5 years back-to-back Accreditation Awards, as well as three consecutive 3 year Accreditation Awards from the NSW HETI for the exemplary training of postgraduate doctors. The network also includes the Broken Hill Base Hospital and allows on-call duties with RFDS. Interns and Residents can now spend a week on call with the service. There is also a strong Consultant supportnetwork; they are all very approachable and the atmosphere is one of support. Consultants trained at Concord are also more aware of JMO training issues and needs, hence adding to this supportive atmosphere.

Predicted internship positions for 2018

The current DPET Dr Probal Roy (Cardiologist) was a Concord intern. The current Director of Medical Education – Dr Robert Russo and chair of the NCPTC (network clinical prevocational training committee) was recruited to Concord in his RMO1 year and remains as the HOD in Nuclear Medicine and Rheumatologist. Dr Lewis Chan still retains a role as the Chair of the General Clinical Training Council for the network; in 2014, he was the recipient of the AMA/ASMOF Supervisor of the Year. Additionally, Jean Mah-Collins (JMO Manager) was co-recipient of the AMA/ ASMOF JMO Manager of the Year in 2015. Lastly, the network training sites all work in sync with each other and the admin unit support is considered extremely helpful and supportive. CONTACT DETAILS Jean Mah-Collins JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9767 5311 Email:





NETWORK TRAINING SITES Liverpool Hospital, Fairfield Hospital, The Tweed Hospital, Braeside Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Aged Care, Anaesthetics, Cardiology, Coronary Care, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Drug and Alcohol, Dermatology, Emergency, Medicine, Genetics, ENT, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, General Surgery, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Immunology, ICU, Medical Oncology, Mental Health Services, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Orthopaedics, O&G, Rheumatology, Rehabilitation, Renal Medicine, Psychiatry, Trauma Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Plastics, Endocrine Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Palliative Care BASIC INFORMATION Liverpool Hospital is a fast paced, actively growing teaching hospital only 35 minutes from central Sydney on the M5 East. It is an exciting hospital to work in and study at. The hospital is a 650-plus bed facility that serves a rapidly increasing population of more than 800 000 people from many different ethnic backgrounds, keeping pace with the demanding healthcare needs of the community. REASONS TO APPLY Liverpool Hospital has a strong commitment to teaching and support for its Junior and Resident Medical staff. The hospital also has a well-equipped gym and a Clinical Skills and Simulation centre. Good single and shared accommodation is available close to the hospital and

educational facilities include a well-stocked library and full access to electronic learning resources. Tweed Heads, where JMOs may spend a rotation or two, is situated close to world renowned beaches and is close to the Gold Coast and Brisbane. CONTACT DETAILS Maria Bayliss JMO Manager Phone: (02) 8738 6327 Email:


NORTH SHORE AND PORT MACQUARIE Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal North Shore Hospital, Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Ryde District Hospital, Greenwich Hospital, Kempsey District Hospital, Wauchope District Memorial Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Aged Care, Drug and Alcohol, Emergency, Endocrine, Rheumatology, ENT, General Medicine, ICU, Neurology, Rehabilitation, Renal, Respiratory, Relief, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Haematology, O&G, Paediatrics and Paediatrics Emergency Medicine, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics/ Plastics, Opthalmology, Endocrine Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Hand Surgery, Palliative care, Rehabilitation BASIC INFORMATION The Royal North Shore and Ryde Health Service comprises the Royal North Shore and Ryde Hospitals and its associated

health services meet the health needs of most of northern Sydney. RNSH has some state-wide responsibility for clinical services in pain management and research, cardiology, severe burn injury, neonatal intensive care, spinal cord injury, high-risk obstetrics, interventional neuroradiology and cerebrovascular embolisation. REASONS TO APPLY This is one of the few places that has it all: a busy ED with major trauma and paediatrics in a friendly place with great teaching and fabulous staff. RNSH also prides itself of outstanding successes in both Primary and Fellowship exams. RNSH is just north of the Harbour Bridge (20 minutes to the City and Neutral Bay, 25 minutes to Balmoral, and 30 minutes to Manly Beach) and has good transport links, so a JMO’s after-hours lifestyle is looking good! The RMO Association organises social and sporting activities and maintains the RMO lounge and amenities. The Association also contributes to advocacy for RMOs on issues of medical and industrial politics. CONTACT DETAILS Brianna Gerrie JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9463 1299


HORNSBY AND NORTHERN BEACHES Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Hornsby Hospital, Mona Vale Hospital, Manly Hospital, Sydney Adventist Hospital, Westmead Children’s Hospital


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Geriatrics, O&G, GP, Rehab Medicine, ICU, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory BASIC INFORMATION Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Health Service (HKHS), incorporating Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and six community health centres, provides care to a community stretching from the Hawkesbury River to Lindfield, east to St Ives and west to Pennant Hills, Cherrybrook and Epping. The Resident Support Unit has developed a new and innovative orientation program and ongoing education to support all resident doctors to enhance their individual skills and further their career development goals. REASONS TO APPLY Staff are well supported by the Resident Support Unit, strong commitment to continuing staff education, staff library, occupational health and safety program, flexible rosters, rehabilitation counsellor and a staff counselling service. There is also a childcare centre located on the Hospital campus, which gives preference to staff. The hospital is close to major transport routes, near several beautiful National Parks, and close to wonderful bushwalking, waterways and boating areas. CONTACT DETAILS Judy Muller JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9477 9249


CENTRAL COAST NETWORK Predicted internship positions for 2018



NETWORK TRAINING SITES Gosford Hospital, Wyong Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Cardiology, Endocrinology, ENT, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, General Medicine, Haematology, Medical Assessment Unit, Radiation, Oncology, Neurology, Oncology, Renal, Respiratory, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Addiction, Medicine, Geriatrics, ICU, O&G, Anaesthetics, Gastroenterology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry BASIC INFORMATION Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) provides public health services to the Central Coast region, a growing and ageing population expected to reach 355,000 by the year 2022. The area is served by two acute hospitals – Gosford and Wyong – two sub-acute facilities and ten community health centres in addition to other community based services. Gosford Hospital is the principal referral hospital and regional trauma centre for the Central Coast and Wyong Hospital is a major metropolitan hospital. Gosford Hospital is leading NSW in conducting the Teaching on the Run program to ensure the senior staff here are well trained in their essential role as teachers and supervisors as well as providing junior doctors with the skills and knowledge they need to grow as teachers and supervisors. JMOs are rotated through the 560 bed Gosford Hospital and the 320 bed Wyong Hospital. REASONS TO APPLY Though the Prevocational General Practice Placements PRogram (PGPPP) has been cut, for those wanting to enter a GP Program, the network has links with GP training and has a dedicated GP liaison doctor who works with interns to ensure progression through this pathway. Committed to ensuring high standards of training and education, senior staff support and encourage JMOs to attend

comprehensive formal education sessions which are held weekly for interns and one full day per term for RMOs. JMOs will also be supported by an enthusiastic team in the Medical Workforce and Education Unit and Prevocational Education and Training Team. In 2016, CCLHD implemented the Intern mentoring program, to provide a smooth transition into the workforce for Interns, in addition to developing faculty as mentors. The program aims to provide collegiality between Mentors and their Mentees, in addition to building stronger relationships between our senior staff as they develop as mentors together. For those interested in Surgical Training, CCLHD offer hands on surgical skills sessions once a month. We have a strong number of JMOs sitting on hospital and district committees, providing JMOs with a voice on these committees as well as an understanding of the workings of committees, beneficial to future job applications. All JMOs involved in hospital committees, feedback through the recently implemented Junior Medical Officer Quality and Safety Advisory Committee. In February 2015, the NSW Government committed $368 million towards the redevelopment of Gosford Hospital. In March 2015 the NSW Government committed $200 million for the redevelopment of Wyong Hospital. The redevelopments will consolidate existing services, expand clinical capacity for the future, and enable the introduction of new models of care. With an expanding population on the Central Coast, these important hospital upgrades will help to meet the increasing needs of our diverse local community. CONTACT DETAILS Stacey Poole Medical Workforce and Education Unit Phone: (02) 4320 3793 Email:




Predicted internship positions for 2018

NETWORK TRAINING SITES St George Hospital, The Sutherland Hospital, Calvary Sydney Hospital, Justice Health (only from Term 4 to 5), Griffith Base Hospital Albury-Wodonga was previously part of network 8, but now recruits separately through the rural preferential recruitment system. ROTATIONS AVAILABLE St George: Aged Care, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Breast/endocrine/ ENT, Colorectal Surgery, Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, Haematology, Liver Surgery, Medical Assessment Unit, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Oncology, Orthapaedic Surgery, Psychiatry, Relief, Respiratory, Trauma Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Vascular Sutherland: Aged Care, Aged Care Assessment Unit, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology, ENT Surgery, Orthapaedic Surgery, Oncology, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation Medicine, Resipiratory Medicine, Urology Calvary: Rehabilitation Medicine Griffith: General Medicine



BASIC INFORMATION The St George Hospital and Community Health Service has approximately 600 beds and is a tertiary referral hospital located in Kogarah, a southern suburb of Sydney. It is part of the South East Sydney Local Health District and is an accredited principal


teaching Hospital of UNSW. The hospital has a designated medical trauma service and is the Medical Retrieval Service Coordination Centre for NSW. The hospital’s many areas of expertise include critical care, surgery, cancer care, medicine, women’s and children’s health, mental health, community health and imaging. REASONS TO APPLY • Network 8 excels in teaching and nurturing JMOs • JMOs are given the opportunity to participate and contribute teaching undergraduate medical students, on an informal basis, as part of routine clinical practice • Network 8 has a state of the art Emergency Department & a new Acute Service Building which will open in October 2017 and will be fully operation in 2018 • The network has excellent rotations including varied medical and surgical terms • There is a number of research projects available to JMOs and the network has strong commitments to both clinical and laboratory based research within all departments and a very active Clinical Innovations team. • You can continue your advanced training in this Network for majority of the medical specialties. • A very friendly, helpful and supportive JMO unit CONTACT DETAILS Cathy Pastor Manager Medical Workforce Manager Phone: (02) 9113 2115 Email: Jackie Theodorou JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9113 2747 Email:



FROM COAST TO COAST Predicted internship positions for 2018


*Information from 2016

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Prince of Wales Hospital, Lismore Base Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney Children’s Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Cardiology, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Drug and Alcohol, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology/ Rheumatology, ENT, ICU, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Upper GI Surgery, Mental Health, Immunology, Medical Oncology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nephrology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, O&G, Rehabilitation, Respiratory, Psychiatry, Surgical Oncology, Urology BASIC INFORMATION Network 9 has over 3,000 employees and a decentralised organisational structure, based on Clinical Programs and engaging senior clinicians in day to day management. The Prince of Wales Hospital is a major teaching hospital based in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs (just up the hill from Coogee Beach) that serves all of New South Wales. Many public buses stop just outside the High Street entrance, and construction for the CBD and South East Light Rail has commenced, the Randwick branch will have light rail stops servicing key destinations including the University of NSW and the Prince of Wales Hospital. The Prince of Wales Hospital is also affiliated with UNSW, providing one of the premier medical teaching facilities in Australia. This assists the hospital in providing excellence in care in conjunction with a commitment to clinical teaching and medical research.

REASONS TO APPLY Excellent experience in tertiary level medicine and surgery, good support from Senior Staff, safe and friendly welcoming hospital, weekly protected teaching lunch supplied, RMO common room available with computers, fridge and TV. Specialty terms at Sydney Childrens hospital and Royal Hospital for Women to allow for those interested in paediatric and O&G respectively to get experience at JMO level.

General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, GP Coolamon

CONTACT DETAILS Prince of Wales JMO Unit Email:

There is a strong association with the Garvan Institute for Medical Research, the Victor Chang Institute for Cardiac Research and the Kinghorne Cancer Centre. Centrally located in Darlinghurst, St. Vincent’s Hospital sits on the edge of Sydney’s business district, close to major transport and superb cafés.


EASTERN TO GREATER SOUTHERN Predicted internship positions for 2018


*29 positions at SVHS, 5 at Mater, 5 at SVPH, and 22 at WWRRH *Mater and SVPH only have a 12-month contract and are recruited through the Commonwealth Assistance Program

NETWORK TRAINING SITES St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, St Vincent’s Private Hospital, The Mater, Wagga Wagga Rural Referral Hospital, Calvary Hospital Wagga Wagga, War Memorial Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Interns are offered: St Vincent’s: Geriatrics, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Transplant Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Urology/Gynaecology, Neurosurgery, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Relief

BASIC INFORMATION St. Vincent’s Hospital is a major public hospital and a principal tertiary referral hospital which specialises in heart/ lung transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, cardiology, oncology, HIV medicine, respiratory medicine, mental health and drug and alcohol services.

REASONS TO APPLY In terms of clinical exposure, we offer experience in transplant medicine, and have a interesting demographic of patients offering JMOs exposure to homeless health, HIV medicine, and those suffering from drugs of addiction. In terms of our structured education program, we offer a weekly teaching program (following the unified lecture series), Teaching on the Run, a JMO Mentoring Program, Surgical Skills labs and Simulation Sessions. One of our limitations is no exposure to Obstetrics at SVHS (though we do offer a gynaecology experience, and O&G is available at Wagga Wagga during PGY 2). CONTACT DETAILS Claire Russell Prevocational and Surgical Education Support Officer Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (02) 8382 2906 Email:

Wagga Wagga: General Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine,

49 nsw

NETWORK 11 OCEANS ELEVEN Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Wollongong Hospital, Shellharbour Hospital, Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital, Bulli Hospital, Port Kembla Hospital, Coledale Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Cardiology, Facial Reconstructive Surgery*, General Surgery, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation and Orthopaedics, Paediatrics*, Psychiatry, Anaesthetics/Emergency, HDU*, O&G*, Urology, Haematology/Oncology *Not offered to Interns BASIC INFORMATION Affiliated with the University of Wollongong Graduate School of Medicine, Wollongong Hospital and Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital provides teaching and research opportunities with Professors in various fields of medicine. Wollongong Hospital has 450 inpatient beds and most of the main specialties, with specialists and registrars who are keen to help interns and residents get onto their preferred training scheme. The network also has a regional environment which provides learning and development in a friendly, supportive environment. All rotation hospitals except the rural placement are within 30 minutes of Wollongong, reducing commuting times. REASONS TO APPLY • Friendly and approachable consultants who are keen to teach and enjoy helping JMOs progress past their residency years • Weekly intern teaching sessions covering the various medical and surgical fields • Interns and Residents may have an


opportunity to mentor a medical student and help with their clinical development • The Wollongong/Shoalhaven area is populated by a large number of beaches and good surf which makes days off just that bit more enjoyable • The accommodation in Wollongong is comparably more affordable than most big city centres • Accommodating when it comes to issues involving overtime shifts, annual leave, etc. CONTACT DETAILS Debbie Davis Acting JMO Manager Phone: (02) 4253 4659


HUNTER NEW ENGLAND Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Armidale Rural Referral Hospital, Belmont District Hospital, Calvary Mater Newcastle, John Hunter Hospital, The Maitland Hospital, Manning Rural Referral Hospital, Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, Acute General Surgical Unit, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery, General Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, General Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Palliative Care, Clinical Haematology, Geriatrics, Drug and Alcohol, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Medicine, Rehabilitation, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery BASIC INFORMATION Network 12 is the largest hospital network in NSW for JMOs, with a wide range of

hospitals. The main John Hunter complex includes The John Hunter Hospital (550 beds, a Level 1 Trauma Centre and Major Tertiary Referral Hospital for northern NSW), and John Hunter Children’s Hospital (100 beds). The John Hunter ED is the busiest ED in NSW. Regional and rural rotations to Maitland (45 minutes away), Tamworth (4 hours away), Taree (2 hours away) and Armidale (5 hours away) hospitals. Network 12 facilities are affiliated with the University of Newcastle and University of New England Medical Schools. REASONS TO APPLY • The Pre-vocational JMO Unit is a helpful, approachable and wellorganised team • Protected weekly teaching sessions are video-conferenced from John Hunter. Lectures are recorded to allow interns who are unable to attend in person to view the lecture online and have the module added to their education transcript • JMOs will gain a broad range of experience from major centres, and rural hospitals • Network 12 includes a major children’s hospital for those interested in paediatrics CONTACT DETAILS Jeanette Chadban Manager, Prevocational JMO Network Phone: (02) 4985 3420 Email: jeanette.chadban@hnehealth.nsw


Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Westmead Hospital, Coffs Harbour Health Campus, Orange Health Service, Auburn, (Westmead Children’s Hospital is for RMO01s only) ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, Cardiology, General Surgery, Dermatology, Drug and Alcohol, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Medical Oncology, Neurology, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Renal and Transplant, Rheumatology, Respiratory, Acute Surgery, Breast/Endocrine Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Head and Neck/ Surgical Oncology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Plastics, Oral/ Maxillofacial Surgery, Trauma, Upper GI Surgery, Urology BASIC INFORMATION Westmead Hospital is a 975 bed tertiary referral centre and trauma hospital. The hospital is a centre for clinical research in all major elds of medical practice and leads the way in areas such as urology, renal transplantation surgery, neonatology, cancer, immunology, allergy medicine, and cardiology. The NSW Government has also granted and planned a large expansion of Westmead Hospital to approximately 2000 beds in the next 5 years. Auburn Hospital is a 200 bed acute-care hospital. The hospital is about 20 minutes from Westmead by car, while the Auburn Railway Station, just over 1km away, is a comfortable 15 minute walk to the Hospital. The Children’s Hospital is the major paediatric specialist hospital in NSW,


delivering health care in all of the medical and surgical sub specialities, as well as providing diagnostic, paramedical and technical support services for neonates, children and adolescents. Lastly, Coffs Harbour Base Hospital is a 200 bed acute regional hospital within the North Coast Area Health Service. It is six hours by car from Westmead. REASONS TO APPLY • There is exceptional admin support, many of the JMOs cherish this and do not want to let it go when they move on to further training • It is a major trauma centre in Western Sydney that gets exposure to a huge array of cases • There is exceptional learning that is well supported and supervised due to the affiliation with universities and the strong staff network • Never-ending opportunities in research (large number of affiliations), teaching and running tutorial groups for medical students if JMOs desire • Even if only for a rotation, Network 13 provides many opportunities for rural placements CONTACT DETAILS Kylie Laraghy JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9845 6282



NETWORK TRAINING SITES Hawkesbury District Health Service, Nepean Hospital, Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital


Surgery: Acute Surgical Unit, Breast/ Endocrine Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, ENT, General Surgery (HDHS), Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Plastics, Thoracic Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Vascular Surgery Emergency Medicine (NH & HDHS) Other (PGY2 only): Critical Care, Drug & Alcohol, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Infectious Diseases BASIC INFORMATION Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District is responsible for providing community health and hospital care for people living in the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Lithgow and Penrith Local Government Areas (LGAs) and tertiary care to residents of the Greater Western Region. The Local Health District consists of both urban and semi-rural areas, covering almost 9,179 square kilometres and an estimated resident population of almost 350,000 people.

NETWORK 14 Predicted internship positions for 2018

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Medicine: General Medicine (BMDAMH & HDHS), Cardiology, Endocrinology, Geriatrics, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Medical Assessment Unit, Neurology, Oncology/ Radiation Oncology, Palliative Care/ Pain Service, Respiratory, Rehabilitation (NH & BMDAMH), Renal

Nepean Hospital is located in Kingswood, and is a 530 bed general acute hospital, 50 km from the centre of Sydney. It is a referral hospital for the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District and is a teaching hospital of the University of Sydney. Hawkesbury District Health Service in Windsor NSW is a teaching hospital of Notre Dame University. It is a 131-bed healthcare facility operated by St John of God Health

Care, and provides public patient services under a public-private partnership with the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. They provide acute, community and allied health services for the local community and surrounding districts. The Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital is located at Katoomba. It is a 125bed acute hospital with outpatient services. JMOs allocated to terms at this hospital are provided with accommodation. REASONS TO APPLY Previous JMOs have rated The Nepean Hospital as the most doctor friendly allocation centre. The hospital is an innovative and exciting place to work and learn with opportunities for professional development and career growth through term allocations, practical experience and skills enhancement. University clinics, Grand Rounds, weekly clinical meetings and tutorials provide education, training and professional development opportunities as well as a Medical Education Officer dedicated to the Intern and Resident education program. Inter-Disciplinary Education & Skills are encouraged and facilitated through the Education & Training Service giving you the opportunity learn with colleagues from Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health. You also have the opportunity to work with clinicians who are the best in their field. We have a Resident Medical Officers Association who are active in planning a social program and providing a voice for JMOs on various hospital and network committees. The annual JMO Ball is a highlight of the social calendar each year. You can become part of the executive for the RMOA as positions are opened each year, or you can just become a member and enjoy the benefits. JMOs working in Network 14 are also invited to apply for sponsorship to attend conferences and seminars outside the hospital. When you are not learning the intricacies of healthcare and need to relax and unwind,

local attractions and activities unique to the area include the Farm Gate Trail for Penrith and the Hawkesbury Regions as well as the natural wonders of the heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park. There are many sporting opportunities including the Penrith Whitewater Stadium which was a Sydney Olympic venue, with league, soccer, netball, basketball and many other sports played in the area at senior and junior levels. The local Rugby League Team are the Penrith Panthers and the local Soccer Team are the Western Sydney Wanderers. For those not inclined to sport there are many art galleries and cafes throughout the region as well as the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre which hosts a variety of performances and concerts. CONTACT DETAILS Nathan Knox JMO Manager Phone: (02) 4734 4367 Email:

NETWORK 15 CENTRAL WEST Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Bathurst Base Hospital, Blacktown Hospital, Mt Druitt Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Cardiology, Respiratory Community Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, , Geriatrics, Rehabilitation, Oncology, Palliative Care, Neurology, Toxicology, Addiction Medicine, Medical Assessment Unit, Infectious Diseases, Orthogeriatrics, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, O&G, Paediatrics, Relief, General Surgery, Plastics, Colorectal Surgery, Urology, Vascular, ENT, Cardiothoracic, Oral/Maxillofacial/ Dental Surgery


BASIC INFORMATION Blacktown Mt Druitt Hospital aspires to be a leading tertiary care hospital, renowned internationally for excellence in patient care, training of health care professionals, research and innovation. The hospital is committed to providing the highest quality of health care to the people we serve in a compassionate and respectful manner. Blacktown Mt Druitt hospital works in a unique partnership to provide health care to residents in the Blacktown and Mt Druitt LGA. Each year, Blacktown Hospital Campus treats more than 35 000 people in ED, has approximately 24,500 patients stay at least one night in hospital, performs 8000 surgical procedures, provides 214 000 outpatient services and assists with the birth of more than 3,300 babies. It is also one of the few hospitals providing a breastscreening clinic on site. REASONS TO APPLY Opportunities for educational and professional development including protected weekly teaching sessions that are video-conferenced between the campuses, weekly grand rounds and departmental clinical meetings. Blacktown Mt Druitt Hospital also has a strong affiliation with UWS and the opportunity to be involved with teaching and mentoring of medical students. Supportive learning environment with opportunities for teaching and research are also provided in this network. Amenities include child care on both campuses that gives preference to staff. Facilities for RMOs include a common room with locker facilities, and access to the ED and UWS library. There is also an active RMO association that organises social activities and advocates for JMOs. CONTACT DETAILS Danielle Morris JMO Manager Phone: (02) 9881 8616 Email: Wslhd-bmdhmedicalworkforce@


NSW Rural Generalist Training Pathway Hospitals, where applicable, have provided the number of positions available under the Rural Generalist Training Pathway. For further information, you can contact: Craig Shields Senior Program Manager Rural Generalist Training Pathway, HETI Email: Karyn Sherman Program Manager Rural Generalist Training Pathway, HETI Email:

nsw predicted internship positions summary NSW Network

Predicted Total Positions

Network 1: Inner West and Western Plains


Network 2: Bankers and Campers


Network 3: Concord, Canterbury and Broken Hill


Network 4: South West Sydney, Tweed Heads


Network 5: North Shore and Port Macquarie


Network 6: Hornsby and Northern Beaches


Network 7: Central Coast Network


Network 8: St George, Sutherland and Griffith


Network 9: From Coast to Coast


Network 10: Eastern to Greater South


Network 11: Oceans Eleven


Network 12: Hunter New England


Network 13: Westnet


Network 14: Nepean and Blue Mountains


Network 15: Central West




training in act Canberra is a place to actively pursue dreams. As Australia’s capital, big ideas emerge, circulate and grow in Canberra thanks to unique links between leading thinkers in business, government, education and research.


Guaranteed First Round Offer CSP and IFF Graduates of the Australian National University

With a population of over 380 000 people, Canberra and the greater ACT region offers all the excitement and advantages of city living without the traffic, pollution and stress of larger cities, making it an extremely accessible playground. Here interns and residents can enjoy worldclass festivals, facilities, entertainment, outdoor pursuits, dining and shopping and a calendar overflowing with cultural, sporting and youth specific events.

Category 2

Guaranteed First Round Offer (capped at FIVE) Domestic CSP Graduates of NSW Universities.

Category 3

First Round Offer Not Guaranteed Graduates of other Australian Universities who completed Year 12 studies on the ACT.

Canberra is a carefully planned city, so getting around is easy with most things being within a 20 minute drive. More than 2,400 kilometres of dedicated bicycle track, trails and lanes can deliver individuals to each of the major CBD areas in the city. In addition, the ACT’s public transport system, ACTION, is a fast, safe and reliable bus service.

Category 4

First Round Offer Not Guaranteed Graduates of other Australian Universities

Category 5

First Round Offer Not Guaranteed Graduates of Australian University campuses outside of Australia accredited by the Australian Medical Council.

Canberra is also a safe city, with one of the lowest crime rates of any major Australian city, and an inclusive and welcoming community. Finally, careers at ACT Health recognise and reward skill and experience, with progression through clinical, research, education and management pathways at all levels.

KEY DATES Application dates for 2018 interns are not yet listed. Applications for 2017 Intern placements were between the 02 May 2016 and 03 June 2016.

HOW TO APPLY More information and instructions on the internship application process will be available on the ACT Health website closer to the application date.


a new grad’s perspective on internship in australian capital territory christine hodge intern at canberra hospital

The day to day role of an intern involves a fair bit of administrative work - discharges/ organising consults/chasing old correspondences etc which at first is a lot to get your head around! But the after hours shifts (evenings/nights/weekends) hold a lot more variety and a lot more true medicine! This aspect can be daunting and scary however I feel like it provides some of the most rewarding aspects of the job of an intern. My biggest challenge this year has been time management and learning to prioritise! The biggest reward - as cliche as it sounds - is when your choices or actions instigate meaningful change in the life of your patient. I’d have to say that on an organisational level my DPET (pod parent) has been a fabulous support. Less formally the nursing staff and allied health friends I’ve made. And constantly the other interns I work with, my friends and my family Everybody is focused on the rotations they get, whether they’re going to be in the field they wanted. But in my opinion the biggest factor to consider when choosing a hospital or state is what friends and family supports you will have around you as they will (almost certainly) be your rock through the highs and lows of internship.


ACT HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


*6 of these are guaranteed to NSW students.

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Canberra Hospital, Calvary Public Hospital, Goulburn Base Hospital, Bega Hospital (now South East regional Hospital) ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Drug and Alcohol, O&G, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Hospital in the Home, Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, General Medicine Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Geriatrics, Haematology, Medical Oncology, Medical and Surgical Relief (acute surgical unit), Cardiothoracic Surgery, ENT/ Maxillo-facial Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastics, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedics

ACT Health also offers an educational reimbursement for textbooks and training courses for up to $3,000 (+ CPI) for interns. REASONS TO APPLY ACT Health offers quality education and training conditions in a large tertiary hospital, with opportunity for rural rotations. CONTACT DETAILS Janelle Corey Director, Medical Officer Support, Credentialing, Employment and Training Unit Canberra Hospital & Health Services Phone: 6244 2507 Mobile: 0403 358 444 Email:

BASIC INFORMATION Interns at ACT Health do four terms a year. ACT Health offers highly competitive rates of pay and excellent working conditions. Competitive remuneration for medical officers, in addition to an attractive education and training reimbursement allowance are also offered to interns and residents. Employee salary packaging with the full Public Benevolent Institution FBT concession is available. Some reimbursement of relocation expenses is available to medical officers recruited from interstate or overseas. The Canberra and Calvary Hospitals are the home hospitals for this network. All interns will have rotations at the Canberra Hospital. The Canberra Hospital has approximately 606 beds and busy outpatient clinics. It is a major trauma and teaching hospital, associated with the ANU and covers many specialties. Calvary Hospital is a 162 bed public teaching hospital, also associated with the ANU.


A career in general practice I chose general practice because… ‘The range of issues we see and manage are so diverse and challenging. I enjoy being able to provide continuity of care to patients. It allows us to understand our patients better and walk their journeys with them.’ Dr Amanda Lim, RACGP registrar

The RACGP is a leader in the provision of general practice education and training, supporting more than 35,000 members including 23,000 GPs, to achieve Fellowship since 1958. Variety and portability Work in a wide variety of community settings, including Australia’s metropolitan, rural and remote areas and overseas.

Specific interests You can pursue many areas of specific interest, including diabetes, paediatrics or palliative care.

Work-life balance General practice offers a variety of flexible working arrangements including full-time, part-time, evenings or weekends, or short term locum work.

Business ownership Owning a practice can be very rewarding financially, professionally and personally.

Continuity of care Build long-term relationships to improve patient safety and quality of care.

Healthy Profession. Healthy Australia.


Build your foundation into general practice with the RACGP – Visit



training in vic Graduates of Australian or New Zealand medical schools who have completed an internship in Australia or New Zealand are eligible to apply for General Registration through the Medical Board of Australia. The Board grants Provisional Registration to Australian or New Zealand medical school graduates to undertake the intern year in Victoria. PA2 students graduating from Victorian medical schools, whether domestic or international, have priority over any other Australian graduates. The Intern Candidate’s Guide in Victoria issued by the Post Graduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) aims to provide new graduates with some basic information as they commence the next stage of their journey towards becoming fully qualified doctors. This can be downloaded from the PMCV website. APPLYING TO VICTORIA The application process for Victoria is through the PMCV website. Application includes submission of a Candidate Priority List, which is the list of hospitals applicants would like to be accepted into, in order of preference. There are 23 allocation preferences. In addition to this, there is a separate application process for the hospitals applicants have chosen on their priority list. PMCV has a standardised CV format. Applicants may also be required to submit a cover letter, academic results, sit a situational judgement test and list clinical and non-clinical references. For more information on the Candidate Priority List, visit the ‘Computer Matching’ section on the PMCV website.


KEY DATES Saturday 29 April Medical Careers Expo Monday 1 May Match Opens for: • Registration and Referee Nomination • Candidate Priority List (CPL) – Submission (you can change your preferences until Wednesday 28 June) • CV upload • Submission of eligibility criteria supporting documentation to PMCV (Supporting documentation is only required from candidates that do not have a Medical Intern Pin Number) • Health Service Application Processes Open Friday 2 June National Closing Date for Intern Applications Last day to: • Register for Intern Match • Referee submission • CPL submission • CV upload • Submit eligibility criteria supporting documentation to PMCV (Please note: Supporting documentation is only required from candidates that do not have a Medical Intern Pin Number) Monday 5 June Match Opens for Health Services to: • Access list of candidates, CVs, and referee reports Monday 5 June - Wednesday 28 June Hospital/Health Service Selection Process Wednesday 28 June Last day for: • Withdrawal from an Intern Match • Deleting/reordering of preferences (existing preferences only)

CONTACT DETAILS Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) Level 9, Mary Aikenhead Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital, Fitzroy Phone: (03) 9419 1217 Email: APPLICATION SUPPORT The Medical Student Council of Victoria (MSCV) represents, connects and supports all applicants in the Victorian match. For more information sign-up to the MSCV Intern Match Support mailing list or contact us at

ama victoria Advocacy Current advocacy issues for junior doctors within Victoria include payment of unrostored overtime, maintaining safe working hours, and workplace flexibility. The bargaining of the new enterprise agreement is also currently being discussed. As with other states there is also an over supply of medical graduates and this has been an issue frequently discussed. Other advocacy issues with junior doctors’ are focusing on include Anti-bullying and performance management programs to ensure fair treatment of all interns. Applications In Victoria, all pathways and applications for interns are managed by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV). The selection process is a merit based system run through PMCV and not likely to change. There is a Priority system that has been in place since 2011, which is factored into the selection where Permanent Residents are ranked 1st, International Students who graduated in Vic 2nd and then other applicants 3rd.

What to think about when choosing your hospital? In no particular order: good coffee near the hospital, access to public transport, good supervision, training rostered and provided, recognition of workplace entitlements, commitment to safe hours and work-life balance, well-resourced library and good access to vocational training. AMA Victoria and you: The AMA attends “interns inductions” at all hospitals in January and provides advice on workplace rights through our workplace relations team. AMA Victoria runs a mentoring service for members putting Doctors in Training in touch with senior colleagues. We also run a peer support service that is available to all doctors to receive advice from other doctors on any issues that they may be experiencing. Check out the AMA website which has sections dedicated specifically to Doctors in Training.


a new grad’s perspective on internship in victoria

victoria berquist intern at alfred health

Congratulations to all graduating medical students, and I hope to be seeing you as fully fledged doctors around the traps as a Victorian intern. As one of the most populous states in the country, there are a wide range of internships available everywhere from Mildura to Melbourne. Every health service has something unique to offer. Unlike our close neighbours, Victoria continues to utilise an employer-choice system in its Match. This means that rather than being balloted to a health service, applications are essential and employers can place preferences for who they would like. While this allows a degree of autonomy for prospective interns, the system is opaque and open to unpredictability. Rest assured, wherever you are placed for your internship you will learn a great deal and enjoy yourself.

Victoria is lucky enough to have historically had enough internships for our local graduates. For those of you from interstate interested in living in the state of great food, AFL, enviable lifestyle and temperamental weather, be aware than finding an internship as a Priority 3 intern is no easy feat. With persistence, an open mind and strategic positioning it is possible, however I would have a plan B. Victoria offers some of the premier facilities and programs for specialty training, a huge number of world-class research institutes obtaining the lion’s share of federal NHMRC funding, as well as the national hubs of the Colleges of Surgeons, Anaesthetists, Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and many others. We have two quarternary paediatric hospitals, three major metropolitan trauma centres and a world class women’s hospital. To be an intern in Victoria is to set yourself up for a diverse and successful career – wherever it begins. Best of luck, and I await your pages. Tori, intern at Alfred Health, Melbourne


ALBURYWODONGA Predicted internship positions for 2018



NETWORK TRAINING SITES Albury Hospital, Wodonga Hospital, Gardens Medical Group ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, ENT, General Medicine, General Surgery, ICU, Medical Oncology, O&G, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Urology BASIC INFORMATION Albury Wodonga Health (AWH) is the regional referral hospital for North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales, comprising 280 beds over two acute sites that are 10 kilometres apart. AWH provides a broad range of clinical services with local resident specialists supported by Accredited Registrars in all specialties. REASONS TO APPLY Albury Wodonga is situated 300km from Melbourne and has a population of 100,000. It is serviced by multiple daily plane and train services, to either Melbourne or Sydney. First class sporting and recreational facilities are available in the district include skiing (at Falls Creek, Mt. Buffalo or Mt. Hotham), fishing, tennis, winery, squash, boating, golf, swimming and water skiing. The arts are well catered for with live theatre, cinema and frequent musical events. CONTACT DETAILS Liz Caunt Manager, Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (02) 6051 7543 Email:

Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital Sandringham Hospital


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Aged Care Medicine (Caulfield), Breast & Endocrine Surgery, Cardiology, Colorectal Surgery, Emergency (Alfred), Emergency (Central Gippsland Health Service (Sale), Gastroenterology, General Medicine (Alfred / Caulfield / Sandringham), General Surgery (Sandringham), Orthopaedics, Pallative Care & Neuropallative (Calvary Bethlehem), Psychiatry, Radiology, Respiratory, Stroke, Trauma, UGIS, Urology, Vascular BASIC INFORMATION The Alfred is part of Alfred Health incorporating Caulfield Hospital and Sandringham Hospital and is affiliated with Monash University Faculty of Medicine and has strong links to the Baker Medical Research Institute. The Alfred has over 398 adult inpatient beds including 32 intensive care beds with over 300,000 inpatient visits and over 70,000 emergency department attendances annually. The Alfred is a tertiary referral centre, receiving patients through the Emergency Department as well as referrals from GPs and other hospitals. REASONS TO APPLY Alfred Health provides Junior Medical Staff with: • Diverse career options • Rotations in a range of facilities offering excellent experience and accredited training for specialty exams • An excellent mentoring program by Senior Medical Staff


• A dedicated Medical Education Officer • A committed Medical Workforce Unit • A vibrant RMO Society The Alfred will provide Junior Medical Staff with the clinical experience, mentoring, education, training and support necessary to enhance their chosen medical career. The hospital also has a reputation for Service, Training and Research. The Alfred has renowned state-wide services - a Trauma Centre with helipad; Hyperbaric Medicine Service; Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit; Heart Lung Transplant Service; Adult Burns Service; and a HIV/ AIDS Service. Senior medical staff here are approachable and eager to assist. A formal mentoring program is also offered to JMOs and RMOs. CONTACT DETAILS HMO Support Unit Email:

AUSTIN HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Austin Hospital, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, and Royal Talbot Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine and General Medicine (both available at Austin, Echuca and Mildura), Endocrinology/Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Liver Transplant Unit, Psychiatry, Spinal, and Stroke/Neurology. For surgery, there are rotations in the following units: Breast, Colorectal, ENT, Hepatobiliary, Upper GI and a hybrid Radio Rectal (Radiology/Colorectal)


BASIC INFORMATION Austin Health is the major provider of tertiary health services, health professional education and research in the North East of Melbourne. Austin Health is world renowned for its research and specialist work in many fields of medicine and provides state wide services in liver transplantation, spinal cord injuries, respiratory support services, toxicology and paediatric mental health. We are also the centre for veteran mental health services. In addition, Austin Health is the largest training provider for specialist physicians and surgeons; and the incorporation of the Austin Hospital, the Mercy Hospital for Women and Warringal Private Hospital also makes the precinct the largest training facility in Victoria. REASONS TO APPLY Austin Health is recognised for its excellence in clinical education and teaching. It provides dedicated training time each week to interns through the Clinical Education Unit. The new Austin Tower possesses new HMO quarters, an extensive education precinct, and modern wards and facilities. A clinical skills lab is also situated on Austin Hospital site, which provides handson training and simulated activities for all members of the health care team. The introduction of a new clinical information system at Austin with automated electronic inpatient and specialist clinic prescribing, drug administration, radiology, and pathology test ordering also eases patient management. CONTACT DETAILS Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (03) 9496 6813 Email:

BALLARAT HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Ballarat Base Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Centre & Grampians Psychiatric Services

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Medicine, Surgery, Emergency, Short Stay Unit, Orthopaedics, ENT, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Neurology, and Subacute Medicine (Geriatrics and Rehabilitation) (10-12 week terms) One position is a rotational post from The Royal Melbourne Hospital (Urology). BASIC INFORMATION Ballarat Health Services is the major provider of hospital and healthcare services in Western Victoria. Ballarat Health Services was formed in 1997 through the merger of the Base Hospital (acute medical, surgical, obstetric, paediatric, critical care and emergency services), Queen Elizabeth Centre (aged care, rehabilitation and palliative care) and Grampians Psychiatric Services (acute, aged and community psychiatric services). Ballarat Health Services provides services to a regional population of 200,000 people. Located in the historic provincial city of Ballarat, just a 80 minute drive from Melbourne; Ballarat Health Services provides excellent hospital training and experience, superb lifestyle and exciting career options. REASONS TO APPLY Ballarat Health Services is comprised of about 370 acute beds (including 8 ICU/CCU beds, 23 ED beds, 3 resuscitation bays, and 67 acute mental health beds), and 525 residential care and rehabilitation beds. It can be a bit colder than average in Ballarat, but the city offers great lifestyle opportunities, and living is cheaper than in the metropolitan areas.

CONTACT DETAILS Ms Michelle Bodey Medical Education Officer Email:

BARWON HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES University Hospital Geelong, South West Healthcare (Warrnambool Campus), Hamilton Base Hospital, Colac Hospital, Ballarat Hospital, St John of God (Geelong/ Warrnambool) ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Radiation, Oncology, Rehabilitation, Urology surgery, Vascular surgery, Warrnambool Emergency and General Surgery BASIC INFORMATION Barwon Health is the largest Regional Health Service provider in Victoria. It offers an extensive range of general and specialist hospital, rehabilitation, residential and community services to over 93% of the Geelong community and an increasing number of residents across the Barwon South-Western region. Barwon Health has a total of 1,000 beds, a budget in excess of $500 million and a workforce of 6,500. Barwon Health University Hospital Geelong is a 406-bed general medical and surgical teaching hospital affiliated with The Deakin University Medical School with obstetric, paediatric and psychiatric beds. There are Professorial Departments of Medicine, Surgery and Psychiatry. The Hospital positions are accredited for basic and many advanced training programs.


Barwon was awarded Regional Hospital of the Year 2011 and 2013. REASONS TO APPLY Barwon Health is a fantastic place to start and further a doctor’s career. It is one of Australia’s leaders in acute pain. It also has one of the busiest EDs with over 55,000 patients through the front door annually.

Emergency Medicine, Orthopaedics, Renal, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, Ortho-geriatrics, Medical Oncology, Psychiatry, Urology, Cardiology Two external rotations to Echuca Regional Health: Emergency Medicine and General Medicine. All core terms are completed at Bendigo.

In emergency, interns have an opportunity to consolidate clinical skills and reasoning essential in acute care. Surgical departments are deeply involved in research with opportunities for junior doctors to become involved with their own projects in these departments and publish studies. There are opportunities for interns and residents to visit network training sites in Southwestern Victoria, giving them occasions to travel and experience areas service by Barwon Health. CONTACT DETAILS Wayne Harding Manager Junior Medical Workforce Email:

BENDIGO HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Austin Health, Eastern Health, Royal Children’s Hospital, Alfred Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital & Barwon Health. With a strong culture of education, Bendigo Health enjoys partnerships with La Trobe University and Monash University, both of whom have rural schools onsite. ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General



BASIC INFORMATION Bendigo Health is the largest employer in the region with more than 3100 staff and 300 volunteers. Bendigo Health Care Group (commonly known as Bendigo Health), is an expanding regional health service offering the advantages of city life combined with the beauty and freedom that comes from living in a regional area. Bendigo Health recently moved into a brand new world class Hospital, the largest regional Hospital in Victoria. It features: 372 inpatient beds, 72 same day acute beds, an 80 bed integrated psychiatric inpatient unit, including a parent-infant unit, 11 operating theatres, a regional integrated Cancer Centre, a 110 place childcare centre, a 128 room accommodation hotel, a retail shops and cafes. Stage two works are well underway which include a multideck car park, a conference facility and a helipad. The organisation provides services in emergency, maternity, women’s health, medical imaging, pathology, rehabilitation, community services, residential aged care, psychiatric care, community dental, hospice/palliative care, cardiology, cancer services and renal dialysis to the people of the Loddon Mallee region. Our values are: caring, passionate and trustworthy. Further information can be found on our website.

REASONS TO APPLY • Good specialist medical rotations available at the intern level • Very good exposure to clinical procedures • Plenty of hands on experience and 1-1 time with Consultants • Lots of paediatric experience during your Emergency and Surgery terms • Weekly education opportunities • New hospital providing world-class health • Be involved in the professionalism program for junior doctors • Great culture amongst the junior doctors; and strong HMO Society that run weekly social events • Accommodation provided; located only a 5 minute walk from Hospital • Job opportunities for HMO2 and beyond at Bendigo Health, including BPT and GP pathways CONTACT DETAILS HMO Support Unit Phone: 03 5454 7584 Email:

EASTERN HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Angliss Health Service, Peter James Centre, Wantirna Health, Maroondah Hospital, Bairnsdale Regional Health, Latrobe Hospital (Physician Training), Royal Children’s Hospital, Bendigo Hospital (Surgery), Eastern Epworth

BASIC INFORMATION Eastern Health is one of Melbourne’s largest metropolitan health services. We provide a range of Emergency, Medical, Surgical, Mental Health and Women’s and Children’s services to Melbourne’s diverse eastern community. We provide services for more than 800,000 people across an area of approximately 2,800 square kilometres. REASONS TO APPLY Eastern Health is well known as a friendly and supportive place to work. The Health Service has a high quality postgraduate medical education program and is committed to providing a great learning experience for all of its Interns and HMOs. At Eastern Health, there are weekly tutorials, seminars, case meetings, and Grand Rounds. There is also desktop access to the Clinicians’ Health Channel, internet, and an online library service. Every intern and HMO is provided with a comprehensive orientation program at the beginning of the year and a modified orientation program at the beginning of each rotation. Eastern Health’s Hospitals are also teaching hospitals for Monash and Deakin Universities. CONTACT DETAILS Intern Recruitment Unit Email: .au

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery and Emergency Medicine, Aged Care, Urology, Psychiatry and Medical Night Cover


EAST GIPPSLAND ECUCHA COMMUNITY REGIONAL BASED HEALTH Predicted internship INTERNSHIP positions for 2018 PROGRAM NETWORK TRAINING SITES Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Central Gippsland Health Service, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Macleod St Medical Centre, Clocktower Medical Centre ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Surgery, Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, GP Rotation BASIC INFORMATION A community based internship program creates a rural pathway for intern training, which provides competitive career choices compared with metropolitan hospital based internships. Interns experience working in hospitals in which both specialists and general practitioners provide services, and in the community to increase the community responsiveness of the healthcare workforce and competencies in community oriented care. Previous graduates have progressed to enter into GP Training programs, and also Basic Physician Training programs. CONTACT DETAILS Juliet Church Program Manager Phone: (03) 5150 3448 Email:



Echuca Regional Health, Bendigo Health ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, General Medicine, Rehabilitation, Aged Care, Palliative Care Medicine (RAP) at ERH, Community Medicine Placements based at Echuca Moama, Family Medical Practice BASIC INFORMATION Echuca Regional Health (ERH) is a fully accredited public health care facility established in 1882. It serves a regional catchment population of approximately 45,000. It employs more than 600 staff, making it Echuca’s largest employer. The $65.5m capital redevelopment completed in September 2015 has made the hospital a regional showcase. The ERH Education Centre provides an exceptional environment for medical, nursing and allied health undergraduate and post-graduate students. The facility provides single room accommodation for 36 visiting and rotating health professionals and students. Wi-Fi and parking are both available for free. The centre is well-supported by both the University of Melbourne and La Trobe University. The facility comprises multiple teaching rooms, clinical skills lab, dedicated computer room for private study and a main hall for seminars and larger workshops.

REASONS TO APPLY • Interns work in a supportive subregional hospital environment. Clinical supervisors and educators support a small team of junior medical officers, so they get to know you personally. • Comprehensive orientation provided for each term, including access to e-learning programs. • The broad based experience available through the Echuca Intern Network provides an ideal generalist grounding, whatever a doctor’s future career aspirations may be. • On-site accommodation is available CONTACT DETAILS Dr Kathryn Schultz Supervisor of Intern Training Phone: (03) 5485 5000 ERH Website

REASONS TO APPLY Single subsidised accommodation is available for entire internship. There is an active education program. Education consists of bedside tuition, weekly lunchtime lectures, discussion groups and grand rounds conducted by both visiting and salaried medical staff and routine clinical meetings open to all practitioners in the district. CONTACT DETAILS Daniel Webster HMO Manager Latrobe Regional Hospital Phone: (03) 5173 8527 Email:

GIPPSLAND RURAL INTERN TRAINING (GRIT) Predicted internship positions for 2018

The health service includes four rotations at Latrobe Regional Hospital (anaesthetics, medicine, orthopaedics and emergency), Central Gippsland Health Service at Sale (medicine), and West Gippsland Hospital at Warragul (surgery and emergency).


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Central Gippsland Health Service, Latrobe Regional Hospital, and West Gippsland Healthcare Group ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Anaesthetics, Emergency, General Medicine, Geriatrics, Mental Health, Oncology, Orthopaedics, and Surgery BASIC INFORMATION The GRIT Program is co-ordinated by Latrobe Regional Hospital which has a 257 bed regional referral centre for Gippsland.

GOULBOURN VALLEY HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Shepparton Regional Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Medical, Surgical, Orthopaedics, Oncology, Anaesthetics, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics, HITH, Psychiatry and Emergency, Reliever BASIC INFORMATION The Hospital is situated in the City of Shepparton and serves as the Base Hospital to a region including the Goulburn Valley and extending over the border into New South Wales (population approximately 160,000). Goulburn Valley Health is a 280


bed acute and extended care facility. It has two smaller sites at Rushworth and Tatura with acute and aged care beds. The University of Melbourne is affiliated with Goulburn Valley Health, and has established a School of Rural Health for medical and nursing undergraduates in purpose built facilities, located across the road from the main hospital. REASONS TO APPLY The health service offers weekly education programs to JMOs and RMOs. The Greater Shepparton area caters for all major sporting activities and has two major indoor gymnasium complexes and an indoor aquatic centre. Shepparton is close to major tourist wineries like Mitchelton and Rutherglen. Murray River tourist towns like Echuca and Cobram/Barooga are within easy driving distance. CONTACT DETAILS Carla Jewell Manager Medical Workforce and Education Unit Phone: (03) 5832 2932 Email:



*With the potential for an additional CMI positions. 3 CMI were accepted in 2017.


NETWORK TRAINING SITES East Grampians Health Service, St John of God Ballarat Hospital, Maryborough District Health Service, Clarendon Medical Centre (Maryborough), Nightingale Clinic (Maryborough) and Ararat Medical Centre ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency, General Medicine, Surgery, General Practice BASIC INFORMATION The Grampians Medical Training program is a partnership between East Grampians Health Service (Ararat), St John of God Ballarat Hospital and Maryborough District Health Service. It is a community based intern program where the intern can gain a relevant and thoroughly hands-on experience in the roles and procedures of the rural doctor. The Grampians Medical Training program provides the opportunity for career progression from undergraduate to general practitioner or specialist registrar. The program is designed to create a strong basis for a rural medical career whilst also developing skills transferrable to metropolitan practice. This is an innovative model which provides participants exposure to both public and private health services and regional and rural locations. The core medical and emergency terms will be at St John of God Ballarat Hospital. Core surgical terms will occur at East Grampians Health Service and Maryborough District Health Service. Surgical terms will include daily sessions in theatre and significant exposure to anaesthetics. General Practice terms will occur at Clarendon Medical Centre (Maryborough) and Nightingale Clinic (Maryborough) and the Ararat Medical Centre. Interns in their fifth term have the option of completing

an additional surgical, emergency, general medicine or general practice term. REASONS TO APPLY The internship will include • Supervision by highly qualified and experienced Specialists and General Practitioners • Access to mentoring and career counselling • A diverse education and training program including a formal lecture and seminar program, Grand Rounds, bedside training, clinical simulation, journal club, skills workshop, participation in clinical and governance meetings, participation in quality improvement activities and access to library facilities and information technology to ensure the completion of all the components of all the components of the AMC Intern Training: Intern Outcome Statements and Australian • Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors • A comprehensive orientation program including unit handbooks and resources • Regular feedback, assessment and rotation evaluation • Accommodation is provided at all locations CONTACT DETAILS Sarah Woodburn Manager, Development and Improvement East Grampians Health Service Phone: (03) 5352 9437 Email:

MELBOURNE HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES The Royal Melbourne Hospital, The Royal Park Campus, The Royal Women’s Hospital, Ballarat Base Hospital, Wangaratta District Base, Western/Wimmera Base Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Breast & Endocrine, Colorectal Surgery, Endocrinology, Stroke, Gastroenterology, Hepatobiliary, Infectious Diseases (VIDS), Orthopaedic Surgery, Palliative Care, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Renal, Respiratory Medicine, Rheumatology, Urology BASIC INFORMATION The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) is one of Melbourne’s preeminent hospitals. For 168 years, the hospital has touched millions of lives, improving clinical outcomes through outstanding clinical care, medical research and the training of future healthcare professionals. It provides specialist, general acute and subacute health services across two campuses. Primarily serving the northwestern communities of Melbourne, the RMH also provides statewide and specialist services to rural and regional Victorians. RMH is part of Melbourne Health, which includes NorthWestern Mental Health and The Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity – which includes the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory. REASONS TO APPLY The internship has an international reputation for its commitment to clinical research, education and patient care. RMH has an extensive range of services including cardiac, oncology, neurosciences


and trauma. RMH also has strong links with research facilities including the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and the National Ageing Research Institute. The health service has a dedicated Medical Education Unit that provides continuing support for junior medical staff. This includes weekly intern teaching, as well as skills training. CONTACT DETAILS Sophie Davis Joint Manager, Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (03) 9342 4070 Email:

MILDURA HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018 NETWORK TRAINING SITES Mildura Base Hospital


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics BASIC INFORMATION The Mildura Base Hospital is an accredited regional referral centre, servicing approximately 76,000 people in the North West area of Victoria and South West NSW. It is a newly built fully integrated facility with 146 beds including medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, ICU, dialysis, emergency, psychiatry and rehabilitation as well as four fully equipped operating theatres. Enjoy what the locals enjoy every day – warm sunshine, clear skies and fresh air. Mildura offers a friendly, relaxed lifestyle, access to Australia’s mighty Murray and


Darling rivers and a wide variety of sporting and leisure activities. Multiple daily air services to Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney provide excellent opportunities to commute regularly. Mildura is in the heart of Australia’s largest dried fruit, grape and wine producing area and has a number of major wineries. The beautiful weather and the magnificent Murray and Darling rivers supply the irrigation that makes this area the great horticultural centre of Victoria. REASONS TO APPLY All consultants, resident specialists and visiting medical staff take a great interest in graduate education. Mildura Base Hospital offers its HMOs, Interns and Registrars with medical education sessions five days per week. There is one hour of protected time each day to allow medical staff to attend these tutorials. There is an active education program which includes weekly Rounds presentations, departmental education sessions, X-ray meetings and case presentations. Whether virtual or personal contact is needed, the Library can help you to source information technology, or study and research requirements. The library provides 24-hour access and includes updated books and journals affiliated with inter-library loans, along with easy internet access. Mildura is renowned for its fantastic food, wine and cultural mix and has excellent facilities for golf (five courses), tennis, athletics, aerobics, gym, swimming, water sports, squash, rowing, football etc. Mix this with the enviable climate (Mildura enjoys more days of sunshine a year than Queensland on average), excellent shopping, and a variety of Festivals during the year - you will definitely enjoy an enviable experience.

CONTACT DETAILS Kim Faulkner HMO Manager Phone: (03) 5022 3478 Email:

MONASH HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Monash Medical Centre, Moorabbin Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Casey Hospital, Kingston Centre, Latrobe Regional Hospital (Traralgon), Mildura Base Hospital (Ramsay Health), West Gippsland Healthcare Group (Warragul), Bass Coast Regional Hospital (Wonthaggi) ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency, Gastroenterology, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Country rotation, Orthopaedics, General Practice, Radiology, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Infectious Disease, and Psychiatry BASIC INFORMATION Monash Health provides comprehensive primary, secondary and tertiary health care services to people living in the southeastern suburbs of metropolitan Melbourne from its five hospital sites: Monash Medical Centre Clayton, Moorabbin Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Casey Hospital (Berwick), and Kingston Centre; Cranbourne Integrated Care Centre and five community health sites. All services provided at these sites are linked to provide a “system of care” from community through acute care to rehabilitation and continuing care.

episodes of care across its various sites last year. There were over 9,000 births at Monash Health and 45,000 surgical operations performed. In addition there were over 206,000 presentations at our three emergency departments. We have over 14,000 dedicated staff caring for our patients. One outcome of the breadth and depth of our services is that it is possible to train in every single specialty at Monash Health. You will be able to interact with a range of specialties not offered at any other health service in the state. REASONS TO APPLY • There is a close working relationship between the allied rural hospitals and Monash Health sites. • There is a Director of Clinical Training at each Hospital site. • College accredited posts for relevant colleges and training programs. • We encourage participation in the wider hospital structure including participating on committees, undertaking research, mentoring and teaching students etc. • Assistance/ support provided to attend courses for basic training. • Flexible rostering to take into account career and personal needs. • We have gyms, car parking, educational and research precincts, HMO lounges, access to library facilities and education based at each Hospital site. CONTACT DETAILS Dr Christina Johnson Medical Director, Monash Doctors Education Phone: (03) 9594 6666 Monash Website

Monash Health provides health services for a primary catchment of more than 1 million residents and had over 3.1 million


MURRAY TO THE MOUNTAINS Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES For Core Rotations of Medicine, Surgical & Emergency: Northeast Health Wangaratta and Albury Wodonga Health – both Albury & Wodonga campuses For GP/Rural Health Service Rotations: Yarrawonga, Cobram, Numurkah, Benalla, Mt Beauty/Falls Creek, Mansfield/Mt Buller, Kyabram ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery & Orthopaedic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and 20 week GP/Rural Health Service rotation BASIC INFORMATION The M2M program has been developed by a partnership of Alpine Health, Cobram District Health, Numurkah District Health Service and Yarrawonga Health. M2M is a sub-regional model for intern placement, based in small rural teaching health services. The M2M intern training experience is unique. Our placement structure will give you the total experience in both rural and regional hospitals and is based in some of Victoria’s most beautiful locations such as Cobram, Mt Beauty, Falls Creek, Yarrawonga, Benalla, Mansfield and Mt Buller. The core medical, surgical and emergency medicine rotations will be at Northeast Health Wangaratta and emergency medicine at Albury Wodonga Health (Wodonga Campus). The M2M Program provides the opportunity for career progression from undergraduate


to GP or specialist registrar and a strong foundation for a rural medical career. At the same time, the value of the M2M experience is readily translated to metropolitan specialist practice. REASONS TO APPLY Interns: • Will receive supervision that makes a difference • Will receive access to mentoring • Unprecedented access to working with local GPs and a wide variety of visiting medical specialists including: General Surgery, Anaesthetics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedic Surgery, Geriatrics, Urology, Ophthalmology, • Will actively participate in procedural medicine. Our Program: • A comprehensive, challenging approach • Unrivalled access to teaching facilities and educational resources • Designed to develop your medical independence • Locally based assessments evaluated through our General Training Committee • Assure the clinical skills required for your medical career CONTACT DETAILS Wendy Ralph Email: Shane Boyer Email:

NORTHEAST HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Melbourne Health, Mercy Hospital, Northern Hospital, Southern Health and Murray to the Mountains (M2M) program supply Interns, HMOs and Registrars to Northeast Health Wangaratta on rotation. Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW) has strong links with the Murray City Country Coast (MCCC) GP Training Network

REASONS TO APPLY The health service offers supervision by trained specialists, a supportive environment with dedicated multi-disciplinary teams, and an excellent teaching program. In addition, weekly JMO education programs are provided to interns and residents by the University of Melbourne and workshops are available through Murray to Mountain Program. CONTACT DETAILS Jason O’Keeffe Medical Workforce Manager Phone: (03) 5722 5066 Email:

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency, General Medicine, General Surgery or Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation (non-core)


BASIC INFORMATION NHW is a leading healthcare service committed to providing high quality care for our community. In recognition of our service excellence NHW was awarded the Premiers Award for Regional Health Service of the year in 2014.

Predicted internship positions for 2018

Our facility is a modern 222 bed hospital providing emergency and elective clinical services to a primary catchment of 28,000 people and a secondary catchment of approximately 100,000. NHW is a major referral facility for the Central Hume Region with a budget in excess of $100 million and employs over 1,200 dedicated employees. The hospital is located at the foot of the Australian Alps on the Hume Highway, and is a designated Regional Trauma Service. The Emergency Department at NHW is the only 24 hour emergency medical facility between Melbourne and Albury-Wodonga and last year provided care to over 22,000 patient presentations.


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Austin Hospital, Northern Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Bundoora Extended Care Centre, Broadmeadows Health Service, Bendigo Health, Echuca Regional Health Services, Wimmera Health Care Group ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Surgery, General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Aged Care, Anaesthetics/ PAC, Orthopaedics, Urology, Vascular/ Thoracics, Psychiatry BASIC INFORMATION Interns at Northern Health are provided a supportive and safe environment for internship, including weekly mandatory teaching sessions, an engaged and organised Medical Education Unit with a dedicated Supervisor of Intern Training, and a well resourced Medical Workforce Unit.


REASONS TO APPLY Northern Health’s campuses provide a unique mix of services including medical, surgical, emergency, intensive and coronary care, paediatrics, women’s and maternal health, mental health, aged care, palliative care, and rehabilitation programs. The health service has passionate and dedicated clinicians who offer learning and training to interns. Northeast Health also offers a weekly Intern Program with protected teaching time. Here, interns and residents are known to their teams and are not just a face in the crowd. The hospital also employs a dedicated Intern Training Supervisor who is instrumental in organising innovative and practical training programs, and supports the welfare of junior doctors. The Teaching on the Run programs are conducted for interns, in addition to surgical workshops in collaboration with Austin Health at the College of Surgeons Skills Laboratory. Besides that, leadership and management courses are offered to interns and residents throughout the year. CONTACT DETAILS Junior Medical Workforce Unit Phone: (03) 8405 8209 / (03) 8405 8000 Email:

PENINSULA HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Frankston Hospital, Rosebud Hospital, The Mornington Centre for aged care, Golf Links Road Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Facility, West Gippsland Healthcare Group


(Warragul Hospital), Bass Coast Regional Health (Wonthaggi) ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, General Medicine, Psychiatry, Aged Care, Rehabilitation BASIC INFORMATION Peninsula’s public hospital and health care service – Frankston Hospital is located 45 minute drive from the Melbourne CBD and is the gateway to the Mornington Peninsula. Last financial year there were over 80,000 ED attendances (Frankston & Rosebud Hospitals combined). There are 330+ in-patient beds at Frankston Hospital and a further 70+ at Rosebud Hospital. Last financial year there were over 60,000 admitted patients in Acute Health. Ninety-seven percent of patients requiring admission are treated on the Peninsula. All services are supported by a theatre suite, Intensive Care Unit, Coronary Care Unit, Coronary Angiography and Pain Service. A new Frankston hospital Emergency Department opened in 2015 with 3 new inpatent wards co-located. CONTACT DETAILS Dr Kathy McMahon Director of Intern Training Phone: (03) 9784 7725 Peninsula Website

SOUTHWEST HEALTHCARE Predicted internship positions for 2018 NETWORK TRAINING SITES Warrnambool Base Hospital


ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Medicine, Surgery, Emergency, Psychiatry, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Palliative Care, Rehabilitation BASIC INFORMATION South West Healthcare is an accredited regional referral centre, servicing approximately 110,000 people in the South West area of Victoria. It is a fully integrated facility with 174 beds. Wards include medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, six bed critical care unit, dialysis, emergency, inpatient psychiatry, GEM and rehabilitation. There are three fully equipped operating theatres and a separate endoscopy suite. South West Healthcare has approximately 15,000 admissions and 25,000 emergency department attendances per year. REASONS TO APPLY • All accommodation is situated within walking distance to the hospital. • All consultants, resident specialists and visiting medical staff take a great interest in graduate education. Clinical teaching is supported by a well-resourced library and an active quality assurance and education program. Educational meetings are held several times per week (ED tutorials; radiology rounds; lectures/evidence based medicine presentations). • Whether virtual or personal contact is needed, the library can help you with IT, study and research resources. The library provides some after hours access and includes updated books and journals affiliated with interlibrary loans, along with easy internet access. • Warrnambool is a pleasant seaside holiday resort 264 kms west of Melbourne with a population of 33,000. There are three times daily rail services and excellent shopping

centres, good schools of all grades from kindergarten to University, and churches of all denominations. There is a wide range of indoor and outdoor sporting facilities available. • An excellent art gallery and Performing Arts Centre are located within the central business district. • The city is known for its tourism and therefore has plenty to do (Great Ocean Road, Shipwreck Coast, Whale Watching, Tower Hill). CONTACT DETAILS Peter Martin Medical Services Coordinator Phone: (03) 5563 1346 Email:

ST VINCENT’S HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES St. Vincent’s Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital, Werribee Mercy Hospital, Hamilton Hospital, Warrnambool Hospital, Swan Hill Hospital, Caritas Christi Hospice ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Anaesthetics, Cardiology, Cardiothoracics/ Thoracics, Colorectal, Emergency, General Medicine, General Surgery, Geriatrics, Hepatobiliary/Upper Gastrontestinal, Respiratory, Oncology, Palliative Care – Caritas Christi Hospice, Plastic Surgery, Rehabilitation, Renal, Urology, Vascular BASIC INFORMATION St. Vincent’s Hospital, under the auspice of the Sisters of Charity, employs over 300 medical staff in junior training positions in a wide range of specialty areas, and


boasts an outstanding position in Australia with regard to success rates in both the physician, surgical and subspecialty examinations. Our modern Inpatient (400 bed) and Outpatient facilities support an outstanding patient care model, and our high tech Clinical Education and Simulation Centre support an optimum learning environment for residents. Affiliated with the University of Melbourne, St. Vincent’s Hospital has Professorial Chairs in Medicine and Surgery, Dermatology, Pathology, Neurosciences and Drug & Alcohol Studies. There is an associated Institute of Medical Research and Microsurgery Research Unit. St. Vincent’s also provides a community based adult psychiatric service in the Inner Urban and Eastern Section of Melbourne. REASONS TO APPLY St Vincent’s Health’s commitment to ongoing education of medical staff is evident in its leadership in physician’s exam pass rates. Every year, for the last 15 years, St Vincent’s pass rate has been 90- 100%, well above the 55-60% Australian average. The health service offers a three day orientation program with lectures, skills workshops and the ability to shadow the outgoing intern for a full shift. The health service is renowned for its excellent surgeon & physician training programs. Throughout the year, the health service also organises a weekly seminar series for interns designed around the Australian Curriculum Framework for junior doctors. St Vincent’s Hospital includes a state ofthe-art education centre and a clinical skills laboratory. St Vincent’s Health also employs a dedicated Medical Education Officer whose sole responsibility is facilitating ongoing education of Junior Doctors.


CONTACT DETAILS Medical Workforce Phone: (03) 9231 2960 Email:

WESTERN HEALTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Footscray Hospital, Sunshine Hospital, The Williamstown Hospital, Wodonga Hospital, Mildura Base Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Aged Care, Addiction Medicine, Cardiology, Infectious Diseases, Orthopaedics, Psychiatry, Respiratory and Sleep Disorders, Plastics BASIC INFORMATION The Western Health is a large organisation with 4,800 staff that work each day to improve the overall health of people across Melbourne’s West. Western Health is a large and complex organisation that provides a diverse range of health care services to one of the fastest growing populations in Australia. The health service also has a strong philosophy of working with its local community to deliver excellence in patient care. A positive patient experience is at the centre of everything Western Health aims to do, and the service relies on the efforts of its dedicated employees and volunteers to deliver the overall goal of the organisation. Western Health’s catchment extends from Footscray out to the growth corridors of Caroline Springs, Melton, Sunbury, Werribee and beyond. The service employs 260 Senior and approximately 450 Junior staff

in a complete range of specialties covering children, adults and the aged care. The service also offers the Migrant Screening Service for the city of Melbourne and a drug and alcohol program at the DAS West service.

CONTACT DETAILS Sue Truter HMO Manager Phone: (03) 8345 6916 Email:

The health service also strives to become an employer of choice by offering excellent career opportunities and employee conditions in order for its staff to find the right work/life balance for their career pathway. REASONS TO APPLY Western Health is an organisation that is expanding to meet the needs of a growing, diverse community. Here, every intern participates in a week long orientation program at the beginning of each year. This is a highly interactive program based on sound educational principles. Western Health also places great value on postgraduate medical education. Daily education sessions are offered, including professional meetings, Grand Rounds, seminars and tutorials. A mentoring program has also been introduced to see that the right partnership is encouraged and undertaken. If junior doctors know which specialty they wish to pursue, the health service tries to match them with a mentor from that discipline. If Junior Doctors remains unsure, the health service will match them with a mentor who can offer them insight into the choices faced early in a medical career. Western Health is dedicated to providing training and career opportunities to its Interns. At Western Health, interns can pursue many different specialty areas as a PGY2+, including Critical Care (Anaesthetics/ ICU), Emergency Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Surgery and Medicine.


vic predicted internship positions summary


VIC Network

Predicted Total Positions



Alfred Health


Austin Health


Ballarat Health


Barwon Health


Bendigo Hospital


Eastern Health


East Gippsland Community Internship Program


Ecucha Regional Health


Gippsland Rural Intern Training


Goulbourn Valley Health


Grampians Rural Intern Training Program


Melbourne Health


Mildura Health


Monash Health


Murray to the Mountains


Northeast Health


Northern Health


Peninsula Health


Southwest Healthcare


St Vincent’s Health


Western Health


It's simple - apply online now. It takes 1-2 minutes to complete the form and membership is free for students. The key membership beneďŹ t is indemnity insurance, so you have insurance cover for any healthcare services you provide as a student. If you are graduating this year, membership is free from when you complete your studies until the next 30 June.


training in sa South Australia: home of wine, festivals and the Farmer’s Union Iced Coffee. Adelaide is an ever-growing city - with the spunk of a cosmopolitan mecca but the convenience of a small city, the lifestyle and convenience combo is unparalleled. Not only do Adelaidians love our city; it is worldrenowned for its lifestyle, being named the world’s fifth most livable city five years in a row! Just like this state is ‘heaps good’ so is the work-life balance and working culture found within our hospitals. With the opening of our brand spanking new Royal Adelaide Hospital imminent and ongoing transformation and development to our health there is no better time to be in the festival state. More concerned about the ‘life’ in work life balance? Look no further. With McClaren Vale, Barossa Valley and Adelaide Hills wine regions less than 1.5hours drive from the city, as well as beautiful coastline and the stunning Flinders Ranges, you’ll never be stuck for a weekend activity again! Looking for more information about the beauty that SA holds? Check out their website. HOW TO APPLY & KEY DATES Unfortunately, the application process is currently unconfirmed – although is likely to be similar to previous. Applications will open Monday 8th May 2017 and close Friday 2nd June 2017. Round 1 allocations will occur on the 10th July 2017. Pre-employment requirements from SAMET include: AHPRA registration, criminal history check, health assessment and verification of immunisation status.

From 8 May 2017, you may commence your application for internship via the SA Health Careers website. You will be required to upload documents to support your application (see list on next page). Check the website regularly for updates. The online application form will guide you through the process and will indicate what documents will be required. Please refer to FAQs or further information and advice about ‘special consideration’ requests. Suitable applicants are allocated an intern postion in line with the priority category groups defined in the table using a randomised matching process which allocates people to their highest possible preference. Applicants are advised of provisional employment via email. Refer to table on next page for priority groups. Allocations occur in 3 rounds. Round 1 commences with Category 1.1 applicants who are randomly selected and allocated to their first preference until all available positions are full or all first preferences have been fulfilled. Both applicants who have been matched to their first preference and those who have not been allocated their first preference will be notified this round via email. In round 2, all vacant positions are filled, where applicants may receive an offer for their second or subsequent preferences. Matches are made randomly in accordance with the category groups and are based on the applicant’s highest possible preference. In round 3, further offers are made as positions are made available due to declined positions from rounds 1 and 2.


APPLICATION DOCUMENTS *Please note that not all documents are necessarily applicable

• Medical intern placement number (AHPRA number) • Passport, citizenship certificate or Australian full birth certificate (if born after 1986 must supply proof that at least one parent was either an Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident at time of birth) • Name change evidence (e.g. marriage certificate, divorce certificate, change of name by deed poll etc.) • A copy of your Visa – that includes your name, visa status and expiration date • University transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable from Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited school’s). • A current resume/curriculum vitae • Evidence confirming the location of your last two years of secondary schooling • Evidence confirming that you meet the English language requirements set out by AHPRA • Evidence confirming that you have met the Enterprise Patient Administration System (EPAS) requirements. (Registration of EPAS training will close on Tuesday 31 May at 17:00 ACST) PRIORITY GROUPS Category 1 1.1

Medical graduates from SA university who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander


CSP or SABMSS Medical graduates from SA University


Full fee paying Medical graduates from SA University

Category 2

Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent Residents and New Zealand Citizens


Interstate or NZ medical graduates who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander


Interstate or NZ medical graduates who completed Year 12 in South Australia


Interstate or NZ medical graduates


Medical graduates from an overseas university who completed year 12 in South Australia


Medical graduate of an overseas university

Category 3 3.1 Category 4 4.1 Category 5


Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent Residents and New Zealand Citizens

Australian Temporary Residents and New Zealand Permanent Residents Medical graduates from a South Australian University Australian Temporary Residents and New Zealand Permanent Residents Medical graduates from an interstate or New Zealand University Australian Temporary Residents and New Zealand Permanent Residents


Medical graduates who have spent two or more semesters in an overseas campus of an Australian or New Zealand University (eg Monash Sunway campus, UQ New Orleans campus)


Medical graduates of an overseas university

ama south australia Current issues for junior doctors & advocacy: There are significant changes happening in the SA health system at the moment. The new Royal Adelaide Hospital is planned to open soon; SA Health has been seeking to roll out a statewide electronic health record system; and federal budget cuts were responded to on a state level by the ‘Transforming Health’ reform initiative, reconfiguring and changing services. These are issues across the workforce but earlycareer doctors have concerns on a number of fronts. Intern placements for 2018 have been of concern. While the current agreement requires all permanent residents and Commonwealth-supported students to be given an internship offer, there is no promise for international graduates to have an intern positon, and questions arise on the intern numbers each year. There are also moves afoot to look at a different selection process in the future for intern positions (eg merit-based). After-hours cover rostering is another issue; also, matters around the restraint and detention of patients. The AMA(SA) has recently conducted a joint survey of DiTs/TMOs with industrial body SASMOA, highlighting a range of areas for advocacy around conditions, training and more. Provision of sufficient and high quality training positions for interns and early career doctors has for many years been a strong area of AMA(SA) advocacy, and will continue to be so, particularly in the Transforming Health context. There are risks to training positions in SA due to the uncertainty of the impact of Transforming Health changes on accreditation of college programmes.

A ‘single service multiple sites’ model also places junior doctors in a position of travelling between sites on call and also over placements. The full impact of these changes, and more to come, is under inspection. On the IT front, EPAS still needs to prove it is fit-for-purpose, and the impost on younger (and other) doctors to learn and use the system is still challenging and unknown, although some have positive comments on the new system. There is also a push for a rural internship in SA by both universities. The AMA(SA) does not support a total rural internship but sees merit in a ‘hybrid’ with some time in a metropolitan hospital (minimum of 6 months). Applications, Priorities and Rural Pathway applications There are priority rankings in SA. The state may move to merit-based in the future, limited to Commonwealth-supported students only, but due to interstate losses, it is anticipated that some international students will get SA places. There are no rural application pathways in SA at this time. There is a risk of limited clinical exposure, and for advancement into specialist training, due to a possible lack of exposure to senior specialists and experience (eg surgical training) and fragility of supervision in rural settings. What to consider when choosing a hospital? Interns are allocated to networks and rotate through hospitals within the network. Considerations include location and availability of specialty rotations such as obstetrics and paediatrics.


AMA SA & You: AMA South Australia offers career support; wide-ranging advocacy, resources and information; CPD and training in leadership and management; a CV and interview skills sessions for postgrad training; doctors’ health support and guidance; networking via our DiT committee and an SA DiTs Facebook closed group for early-career SA doctors. Check out these publications: The AMA(SA) publishes an Intern Guide each year – you can find it online here. Other publications include medicSA magazine and The Voice. You can also access a range of news and views on the AMA(SA) website news feed here.

sa advocacy


Working in South Australia: SA is known for its work life balance and is a very family friendly state. SA is generally a great place to live and work; things vary depending on which health network you are assigned to but generally there is a supportive training environment. There is protected teaching time, a very active JMO Society advocating for junior doctors ensures issues are addressed promptly.

Recruitment and Allocation: The recruitment and allocation of Interns are coordinated by the South Australian Medical Education and Training (SA MET) Unit on behalf of SA Health local health networks, including CALHN, CHSALHN, NALHN and SALHN. Information relating to application requirements and allocation processes will be available on the SA Heath Careers website at the end of March.

Issues for Junior Doctors in SA: The government’s Transforming Health plan means that the rotation on offer at various hospitals is set to change with little notice. Switch to electronic medical record - most junior doctors are handling the change well but spend lots of time showing less technologically minded clinicians how to use the system. New RAH - the Royal Adelaide Hospital will be moving to a new site, a massive undertaking for all involved. Ramping down of old RAH may lead to less educational opportunities for those placed there.

Intern applications for the 2018 clinical year open on Monday 8th May 2017 and close Friday 2nd June 2017.

a new grad’s perspective on internship in south australia

james johnston

intern at royal adelaide hospital

It’s been a busy yet enjoyable year as an intern. I started working on twelve hour night shifts and I was incredibly surprised by how fast the shifts would fly by. It has taken a bit of time to find my feet at the start of both rotations thus far, but after settling in I found I really was able to enjoy practising the medicine (that I spent six years learning!). I have found that the biggest challenge is the pressure and responsibility of making decisions. The vast majority of intern rotations are very well supported, but there is still a significant amount of stress associated with making decisions yourself as a doctor. My experience was maybe slightly skewed as I started on “nights”, but even on my current daytime rotation it has been hard adjusting to not just being “the student”. That has probably also been the most rewarding thing, because you feel a lot more involved in the ouctomes of every patient because you’ve played a much bigger part in getting them to where they are now. The education department at our hospital have been fantastic supports, from when we first accepted our jobs and right through the transition process from student to intern. We have weekly teaching sessions that are a good way to debrief with the clinical staff and fellow interns, and we can also give our pager to someone else for an hour which is a big relief! Outside of this, everyone is so helpful in giving advice and support, especially other junior doctors who have recently gone through the same experiences. Choosing which hospital/s to apply for is a tricky one, especially as everyone has different priorities in what they get out of their intern year. Some people may have a definite career pathway that they are hoping to follow, they may have friends at a certain hospital or they may want to go somewhere completely new. For me, I chose the Royal Adelaide Hospital because it was a place where many of my friends had worked or will work, I had spent most of my clinical practice at medical school there and it was also due for a major upgrade with a new hospital due to open imminently. Either way, if you’re deciding where to go, make sure you speak to as many people as you can so you can weigh up all the pros and cons.


CENTRAL ADELAIDE (CALHN) Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal Adelaide Hospital, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Glenside Hospital, Port Augusta Hospital. There are also GP rotations to Kadina, Jamestown and Port Lincoln ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Stroke Unit, Acute Medical Unit, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Plastics, Thoracic Medicine, Orthopaedics, Cardiothoracic Surgery, ENT, Paediatrics, Neonatology, Emergency Medicine, Oncology (medical and radiation), Psychiatry, Medical/Surgical Nights, Relieving, Geriatric rehabilitation, general adult rehabilitation, neurology, colorectal, palliative care, respiratory, Plastics, Upper GI Surgery, Breast Endocrine Surgery, Urology BASIC INFORMATION The Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) is an incorporated hospital that provides acute and community services to central metropolitan Adelaide and tertiary services to a wider catchment area. REASONS TO APPLY A demonstrated teaching culture enhanced by: • Weekly Intern Training Program (protected time) • Intern Simulation Training Program • Surgical Units Intern Teaching Program • ED Teaching Program


• Medical Grand Rounds • Departmental Meetings and Individual Unit Teaching Meetings • Committed Postgraduate Medical Education personnel including: Medical Education Registrars, Chief Medical Residents, Clinical Term Supervisors • A varied education program is offered throughout the year including ALS, PLS, APLS, Cultural Awareness, Interpersonal Violence & Drugs of Dependence, Full Career Development Program and Mentorship Program. CONTACT DETAILS Ms Lynne Burn Medical Education Officer (Interns) The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Phone: (08) 8222 6650 Email: Helen Yates Medical Education Officer Royal Adelaide Hospital, CAHLN Phone: (08) 8222 4126 Email:

COUNTRY HEALTH SA (CHSALHN) Predicted internship positions for 2018


*via SAMET for Mt Gambier

NETWORK TRAINING SITES Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Medicine, Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, Anaesthetics, Paediatrics

BASIC INFORMATION The Country Health SA Local Health Network (CHSALHN) oversees the public hospitals and health services across rural South Australia including the Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service (MGDHS). MGDHS provides acute services ranging from inhospital care by local General Practitioners to specialist surgical, obstetric, paediatric and anaesthetic services delivered by Medical Consultants. Services also include accident and emergency care, day and in-patient surgery, mental health services including an in-patient unit, aboriginal health and community health. The Mount Gambier & District Health Services is the major regional health provider for the lower, mid and upper South East Regions with other facilities located nearby in Bordertown, Keith, Kingston, Lucindale, Millicent, Naracoorte and Penola. The catchment area also extends across the border into Western Victoria. The purpose built Flinders University Rural Clinical School Campus is located adjacent to the hospital. It provides formal teaching sessions which include: • An orientation to the hospital and to the Rural Clinical School prior to the commencement of the internship. • A JMO Tutorial Program – held weekly. This program has been developed in collaboration with interns and term supervisors with local General Practitioners and specialists covering core skills requirements. • A Journal Club held monthly involving a mixed vertically integrated small group learning environment. The program includes discussion of recent journal articles and clinical case presentations, family medicine program articles, clinical reviews and audits. • Grand Rounds and other training workshops where visiting specialists present up to date clinical information to participants.

• Clinical simulation sessions conducted regularly using a mix of state of the art simulation equipment and standardised patients. In addition, there are regular teaching rounds for interns and opportunities for case presentations. There is access to online resources at both the hospital and the Flinders University Rural Clinical School. More information about the intern program is available on the SAMET website and information about the facilities at Mount Gambier are available at Country Health SA website. REASONS TO APPLY • Rural prevocational training (intern and advanced trainees) that links with general practice pathways in the region • Plenty of hands-on opportunities in the workplace • Close contact with consultants • Supportive work, education and • community environment • State-of-the-art hospital and training facilities • Geographically located halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne • Lifestyle and work/life balance in regional area with very good amenities CONTACT DETAILS Workforce enquiries: Kristy Overmaat Medical Liaison Officer Mount Gambier and District Health Service Phone: (08) 8721 1617 (9.00am – 3.00pm Mon – Fri) Email: Tania Hill Medical Liaison Support Officer Mount Gambier and District Health Service Phone: (08) 8721 1522 (7:30am – 4.00pm Mon – Thur) Email:


Education enquiries: Sarah Boyd Medical Education Officer Mount Gambier Junior Doctor Program Flinders University Rural Clinical School Phone: (08) 8726 3903 (Tues, Wed & Thur) Email:

NORTHERN ADELAIDE (NALHN) Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Modbury Hospital and Lyell McEwin Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Cardiology, General Surgery, Breast/Endocrine Surgery, Orthopaedics, Colorectal Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Gynaecology, Emergency Medicine, Rehab, Palliative Care, Psychiatry, Relieving, Surgery nights, Acute Medical Unit, Respiratory Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Stroke and Neurology BASIC INFORMATION Feedback from previous interns has shown that the intern year at both LMH and Modbury Hospital has been a positive one, with interns obtaining rotation preferences that meet their career direction and that enable them to obtain general registration. Modbury is a 174 bed, acute care hospital that will become one of three general hospitals in metropolitan Adelaide, providing services to its local community with an emphasis on general medicine and general surgery, and a specific focus on rehabilitation, aged care and palliative care services. Lyell McEwin is a 310-bed


teaching hospital serving South Australia’s northern suburbs’ population, approximately 30 minutes from the Adelaide CBD. It is recognised as a leading teaching institution for healthcare professionals and has undergone extensive restructuring. REASONS TO APPLY A modern vibrant hospital, it sports the following attributes: • Weekly Intern Training Program • Medical Grand Rounds • Departmental Meetings and Individual Unit Teaching Meetings CONTACT DETAILS Dr Ken Hand Modbury Hospital Email: Dr Glenda Battersby Director of GP Training & Clinical Training Lyel McEwin Hospital Email:

SOUTHERN ADELAIDE (SALHN) Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Flinders Medical Centre and Repatriation General Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, Acute Medical Unit, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Respiratory Medicine, Stroke Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Dermatology, General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Hepato-pancreato-biliary Surgery, Plastics, Orthopaedics, ENT, Upper GI Surgery, Urology, Cardiac Surgery,

Neurosurgery, Emergency, O&G, Psychiatry


BASIC INFORMATION SALHN provides the opportunity to practice medicine across a broad range of specialties in a supportive environment. The education team within the Trainee Medical Officer Unit provides comprehensive and dynamic training opportunities within the weekly intern tutorial program, simulation program, clinical skills workshops and the five-day orientation program. Additionally, SALHN provides education, information and support for interns and general trainees interested in General Practice career pathway. REASONS TO APPLY • Great variety of rotations on offer, supportive teams, helpful administrative staff, and plentiful teaching opportunities • Protected teaching hours CONTACT DETAILS Sheryl Keegan Medical Education Officer Phone: (08) 8204 7131 Email:


sa predicted internship positions summary


SA Network

Predicted Total Positions

Central Adelaide (CALHN)


Country Health (CHSALHN)


Northern Adelaide (NALHN)


Southern Adelaide (SALHN)


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training in wa

wa advocacy

Western Australian health services are still rapidly growing. Three hospitals are currently offering internship positions, with many opportunities to work rurally and in the outer metropolitan.

Country Options for 2018 In 2018 there will be 10 intern placements available through WA Country Health Service (WACHS) primarily located at Albany Health Campus and Bunbury Hospital. These placements will enable interns to spend their entire internship in a rural location and are based on merit. The application process for these positions requires selecting WA Country Health Service (WACHS) as the Primary Employing Health Service (PEHS) when submitting an application through the PMCWA centralized recruitment process.

Sir Charles Gairdner, a 650 bed tertiary hospital, is colloquially called “Charlies” and currently employs over 400 junior medial staff and offers all specialities other than peadiatrics and O&G. As a requirement, all of Charlies’ interns will work at least one term at both Charlie’s and Joondalup hospitals. Fiona Stanley Hospital is in its third year of operating and as the largest tertiary Public Hospital in WA, it has quickly overcome any initial hesitations for graduating students. It boasts 783 beds and includes the 140bed State Rehabilitation service, a 30bed purpose-built mental health unit and the State Burns and Hyperbaric Units. They also deliver comprehensive clinical services in over 40 different specialties, including Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Paediatrics, whilst having opportunities for both research and continuing education.

Internship Availability It is estimated by The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle and The University of Western Australia that there will be 13 less medical graduates at the end of 2017 than there was in 2016. Thus it is predicted that there will be a sufficient number of intern positions available in 2018 for WA graduates.

Royal Perth Hospital is situated in the CBD and has opportunities to complete rotations to peripheral hospitals such as Bunbury & Kalgoorlie Regional Hospitals and Port Hedland Health Campus. Royal Perth prides itself on its mentoring program and the JMO Liaison Committee. In 2015 RPH was recognised for clinical excellence by the Department of Health for its basic physician training program.


ama western australia Fiona Stanley Hospital Can include rotations at Rockingham General Hospital and Fremantle Hospital.

In 2018 there will be 5 intern placements primarily located at Albany Health Campus and 5 located at Bunbury Hospital. FTE






ED, Gen Med(2), Gen Surg, Psych


Gen Me ED, Gen Med(2), Gen Surg, Ortho

Rural Opportunities: Albany Broome






Gen Med

1, 2

Gen Med, Gen Surg



Royal Perth Hospital Can include rotations at Armadale Health Service and Bentley Health Service.

APPLICATION PROCESS Applications need to be placed through MedJobsWA.

Rural Opportunities:

Internships within WA are managed through a centralized recruitment process which is facilitated by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia and are based on merit.






1, 2

ED, Gen Med, Gen Surg




Gen Surg


ED, Gen Med, Gen Surg



Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Can include rotations at Joondalup Health Campus. Rural Opportunities: FTE





1, 2

Gen Med, Gen Surg, Ortho




Gen Med

Country Options Interns wishing to complete their whole internship in country WA now have the option of selecting WA Country Health Service (WACHS) as their Primary Employing Health Service (PEHS) for their intern year.



If you have an interest in a rural placement it should be clearly stated in your application and your preferred region or site should be indicated. Applications are assessed by the hospitals. IMPORTANT DATES The 2017 Medical Careers Expo Tuesday 4 April 2017 from 6:00pm-9:00pm at the University Club of Western Australia (UWA) The 2018 Intern Application Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 10th of Mayat 6:00pm, at the FJ Clark Lecture Theatre, 1 Hampden Road, Nedlands INTERN APPLICATION PERIOD Open: Monday 8 May 2017 12:00 noon (WST) Close: Friday 2 June 2017 12:00 noon (WST)

FIONA STANLEY HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Albany Hospital, Broome Health Campus, Fremantle Hospital & Health Service, Rockingham General Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Cardiology&Coronary Care, Cardiothoracic Surgery, ENT, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General & Acute Medicine, General Surgery (including Acute Surgical Unit, Colorectal, Endocrine, and Upper GI Surgery), Geriatrics & Ortho-Geriatrics, Maxillofacial Surgery, Nephrology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, Respiratory, Urology, Rehabilitation Medicine BASIC INFORMATION Fiona Stanley Hospital is the largest tertiary Public Hospital in Western Australia, located in Murdoch, 15 kilometres south of the Perth CBD and 9 kilometres east of Fremantle. There is easy access to public transport, including trains and buses, with bike lockers and change room facilities onsite. Our 783-bed, $2 billion public hospital ranks among the best in Australia and includes the 140-bed State Rehabilitation service, a 30-bed purpose-built mental health unit and the State Burns and Hyperbaric Units. We deliver comprehensive clinical services in over 40 different specialties, including Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Paediatrics, whilst being leaders in both research and education. We have the most advanced medical equipment and the first digital medical record in WA tertiary hospitals as part of our state-of-the-art information and communication technology systems.

For more information please visit our website. REASONS TO APPLY • FSH is paving the way for the future in WA with the first digital medical record system – you can be at the forefront! • Work with a range of approachable and enthusiastic Consultants, many who are respected Australian and world-wide leaders in their specialty • Helpful research staff who can guide you and provide you with useful tools to undertake simple or complex research or audit projects • Intern mentor program where recent interns (i.e. residents and registrars) are matched with you to help you hit the ground running to navigate the hospital systems and generally support your transition from student to internship. The program is now in its third year of operation. • We offer a range of education and teaching sessions, including: • Protected weekly intern teaching on critical clinical topics; • Perioperative tutorial series aimed at interns with a focus on ward based care of surgical patients and preparing a patient for theatre. • Hands-on case based prescribing workshops for insulin and pain/ analgesia; • Doctor in Training skills workshops for lumbar punctures; airway management; cardioversion, pacing and arrhythmias; arterial blood gas procedure and interpretation; and abdominal paracentesis; • Teaching on the run workshops; • Registrar fundamentals - a two-day workshop designed to prepare residents who will be or have recently been promoted to a registrar role • Advanced Life Support two-day


course; • SimStart three-day course for those interested in implementing simulation training; • And much more! • Approachable, supportive and proactive Medical Workforce and Medical Education Unit, including three Medical Education Registrars, who advocate for improvements for medical staff throughout the hospital. • Medical staff annual awards CONTACT DETAILS Jeff McDonald Manager Medical Workforce Email: Tegan Daniells Senior Medical Workforce Officer Phone: (08) 6152 3448 Email:

ROYAL PERTH HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal Perth Hospital, Armadale Health Service, Bentley Health Service, Bunbury Regional Hospital, Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital and Port Headland ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Rotations available at RPH: Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Acute Medicine, Geriatrics, Psychiatry, Nephrology, Cardiology, Sexual Health, General Surgery, Trauma, Vascular Surgery, Plastics, MaxilloFacial Surgery, Spinal, Gastroenterology, Urology, Orthopaedics, Neurology


Rotations available at peripheral hospitals: • Armadale Health Service: General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency, Orthopaedics, Paeds & Neonates, Psychiatry • Bentley Health Service: Geriatric Medicine, Psychiatry • Bunbury Regional Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery;, Emergency, Orthopaedics • Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital: General Surgery, General Medicine, Emergency • Port Hedland: General Surgery BASIC INFORMATION RPH has established an international reputation for its contributions to healthcare, teaching, hosting Nobel Prize winning research and world leading experts. RPH offers broad clinical exposure to a wide range and variety of medical and surgical specialties with a catchment area from metropolitan to rural WA. RPH is the major trauma centre for WA. REASONS TO APPLY RPH has an excellent culture and a workplace conducive to education and training, including high quality undergraduate and postgraduate specialist programs. The following is on offer: • Mentoring program • RPH JMO Liaison Committee : ability for JMO’s to “have a say” and “make a difference” – attended by the CE • Building education designed/ contributed to by JMO’s and tailored to JMO needs • Award winning Basic Physician training program (award in 2015 for clinical excellence Dept of Health • Only hospital with Welfare Officer/ proactive welfare group • JMO input to design/construct doctor orientation program for 2017 • Doctor in difficulty pathways/policies • First to develop Basic Surgical Program in WA

• Trauma education • Variety of skills workshops covering medical and surgical specialties • Service Improvement positions • Matrix rotations built by the JMO’s and adjusted by members of the RMO Society each year • After hours medical and surgical support for JMO’s • Proactive in modern communications, including Vimeo, Slack, etc. • Recreational facilities and fitness classes • Popular social gathering at the famous onsite Milligans Bar • Undercover parking CONTACT DETAILS Patricia Fritz Postgraduate Medical Education Email:

SIR CHARLES GAIRDNER HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Joondalup Hospital, Hollywood Private Hospital, Graylands Hospital, Port Hedland Hospital, Geraldton Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Emergency, General Medicine, General Surgery, Respiratory, Rehab & Aged Care, Psychiatry, Vascular, Neurosurgery, Haematology, Nephrology/Renal, ENT, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Geriatrics, ICU, Plastics, Orthopaedics

BASIC INFORMATION Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital is located on a 28 hectare medical campus adjacent to Kings Park in Nedlands, 4 kilometres from the CBD of Perth, while Joondalup Hospital is located just off the freeway and train line some 30 minutes north of the Perth CBD. “Charlies” is a 650 bed tertiary hospital that employs over 400 junior medical staff and offers all specialties other than paediatrics and O&G. As well as the important bedside and unit based teaching which is part of the culture of the hospitals, both Charlies & Joondalup Hospital provide a quality, structured intern teaching program throughout the year. Charlies also offers a wide range of learning opportunities such as the weekly grand rounds, practical skills workshops, medical and surgical lecture series, Teaching on the Run workshops, JMO on call simulation scenario sessions, JMO clinical signs rounds, QI Quite Immunological and In the Loop “Boot Kamp for Kidneys” teaching, RMO to Reg Transition Workshop and Medicine in the Wilderness. In addition, Charlies offers a broad range of teaching and support to our basic physician trainees. REASONS TO APPLY Postgraduate Medical Education at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital’s aim is to develop the healthcare leaders of the future as well as create educational opportunities that are engaging, relevant and accessible to all doctors. CONTACT DETAILS Trish Li Medical Education Officer Phone: (08) 9346 7969 Email:

101 wa


training in nt Are you interested in rural health, tropical medicine or indigenous health? Are you looking for challenges and opportunities in your medical career, in the setting of a relaxed and friendly environment? Then the Northern Territory is the place for you! The Northern Territory offers a great lifestyle, spectacular geography and unique medical opportunities not available elsewhere in Australia. Working in Northern Territory Hospitals offers broad clinical experience and opportunities to improve practical skills in all specialty areas. Territory Hospitals provide a range of services often not seen in similar sized hospitals due to the wide range of medical conditions, cross-cultural blend of patients, and combination of rural and remote locations. Our hospitals also have a strong focus on medical education and training, and employment packages can include specific training programs and rotations. Alice Springs and Royal Darwin Hospitals are teaching hospitals, with strong links to the Flinders University NT Medical Program and James Cook University Medical School, and provide a comprehensive training program for junior medical officers. You will be expected to attend weekly protected training sessions tailored to immediate needs as well as covering broader areas of professional development. In each of the terms you undertake during the year, you will receive weekly formal and informal teaching sessions from consultants and registrars. Most departments will have formal grand rounds, journal clubs and specific sessions such as radiology meetings each week, and you will be expected and supported in attending these.

There is a general focus for training and experience in PGY1 and PGY2, enabling you to consolidate your knowledge, skills and experience, as well as provide you with opportunities to explore potential careers. The training and experiences in these two years follow the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors. In PGY2 and beyond you will be offered the opportunity to follow pathways that prepare you for vocational training programs. Opportunities for rural and remote practice are a key feature of these pathways. Junior Doctors are encouraged to attend regular education and up-skilling sessions covering broad areas of professional development. In addition, all our junior doctors receive a profession training allowance paid fortnightly to support individual training needs. Territory hospitals provide a comprehensive training program for junior medical officers. HOW TO APPLY Applications for Intern positions for 2018 open May 2017. Please complete the online application, and attach your CV. Information on how to apply will be on the website. Applications are made to the Northern Territory Hospitals Networks. Interns may choose to work at Royal Darwin Hospital or Alice Springs Hospital. Offers to successful applicants will commence July 2017. Successful applicants will be given 48hrs to respond to the offer, any offer not accepted after this period will be withdrawn.

103 nt

nt advocacy What is it generally like to work in your territory? The Northern Territory is a good place to work, providing critical insight into regional and indigenous health. There is strong support for junior doctors and exposure to different opportunities from those found in East coast capital city hospitals. What are any of the pertinent issues for junior doctors in your territory? Issues facing medical graduates and junior doctors in the NT are a reflection of broader concerns for NT Health – constraints of rural and remote medicine, lack of specialist training opportunities, and difficulties in providing health services to a small and widely dispersed population.

What is the process for applying to and receiving internship positions within your state? All Northern Territory Flinders MD students are on bonded places. There are agreements with the health department in the NT ensuring secured internship places. Flinders NT MD students are bonded to give four years back to the NT as doctors in return for payment of their fees. These four years do not have to be consecutive, or immediately after graduating. Each year there are approximately 30 NT Internship places. Approximately 24 of those places are filled by bonded Flinders MD places, while interstate graduates usually fill the others. These are usually South Australian Flinders Students or JCU students who do placements in the NT while in medical school.


M E D I C I N E Give yourselve a head start – our Summer Program on Medicine covers various topics complimentary to your current education and some practical topics not taught in schools. The Program starts with three weeks of lectures when local and worldwide specialists present their knowledge and expertise in various

The second three weeks long internship experience in local hospitals, private clinics or pharmaceutical companies, which provides you with a head start in your career.

We want students to further enhance their skills, focusing both on their personal and professional development.

fields. Eg. neuroscience, genetics, latest trends in treatment of cancer, prevention of illness, management of medical institutions, and more.

For more information visit us at

a new grad’s perspective on internship in northern territory

ella tracey

intern at royal darwin hospital

G’Day from the Territory! My name is Ella & I am an intern at the Royal Darwin Hospital this year. I moved up here from Cairns after studying through JCU. I was welcomed to steamy Darwin in early January, where we started with a comprehensive & supportive two weeks of orientation. This was a great time to settle into a new place & get to know the great bunch of junior doctors. By the time we had finished orientation, I was ready to get going. My first term was General Surgery, which, much to my surprise, was fantastic! The day started with ward round, followed by a paper round over coffee, then doing odd ward jobs in between clinics & theatre time. We had lots of three day weekends to compensate for the long days – so lots of time for trips to Litchfield National Park, Katherine, Kakadu, or Indonesia! Plus, the surgical department was overwhelmingly friendly – all of my consultants were on first name basis & I never felt the sense of hierarchy that surgery has been known for. I’ve now moved on to Paediatrics, where I have really been pushed out of my comfort zones to learn as much as possible. My jobs in Paeds range from helping out on the ward round, assessing and managing the patients for elective admission, admitting patients from ED, attending caesarean sections & high risk deliveries, and reviewing newborns with identified issues. As well as the many advantages that life in the tropics offers (including 25-degree winter days, proximity to world heritage listed sites, metre long barras, and short trips to Asia), there are some challenges that come with it. I’m talking about more than just the crocodiles, box jellyfish, and dingos… Our patients up here often very sick, particularly those who travel from remote communities, where regular primary health care is difficult to come by. We are challenged certainly by remoteness (many patients come from as far as Alice Springs, Kunannura, East Arnhem), but also by language & cultural barriers, and the complex social circumstances of many of our Aboriginal patients. The diseases that you will see in Darwin are unlike many parts of Australia. In my short time working here, we’ve had patients with tuberculosis, melioidosis, disseminated cryptococcosis, acute rheumatic fever & rheumatic heart disease, and many more. The opportunities for those interested in infectious disease, tropical health, Aboriginal health, and rural & remote medicine, are endless. There is a lot to think about when considering where to apply for your internship. I would advise focusing my attention on two things - your interests in life, and your specialist interests in medicine (Darwin probably isn’t the right choice for a budding paediatric neurosurgeon). Otherwise, if you are looking for a fun, friendly & welcoming environment for your internship in 2018, then look no further than Darwin.


ALICE SPRINGS HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Alice Springs Hospital. Tennant Creek Hospital has approval and will start as an intern training site in 2018. ROTATIONS AVAILABLE There are 4 rotations of 3 months duration. Rotations are core and non-core rotations covering Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Nephrology, (all core rotations) plus Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Intensive Care Medicine and Tennant Creek Hospital (or another core rotation) BASIC INFORMATION Alice Springs Hospital is a 189 bed teaching hospital affiliated with the Flinders University in South Australia and Charles Darwin University in Darwin. It is the only major hospital covering a catchment area of a million square km. There is strong focus on indigenous and remote health as a result of such a dispersed population. Over two thirds of acute admissions are Aboriginal people both from town and remote communities and we see a wide range of infectious disease. Cultural, language and communication issues also impact on our work. Our medicine is complex, including good old fashioned “hands-on” care of arguably one of the sickest population’s in Australia. Local services are supplemented by a large number of visiting specialists and a small number of patients are transferred out for problems requiring high level tertiary services.


The hospital has an active education programme supported by award winning medical educators operating from a new, state of the art teaching and training facility on the Alice Springs Hospital campus. Alice Springs Hospital is accredited for diploma and terms in specialist training by ACEM, ACRRM, ANZCA, CICM, RACGP, RACP (adults and paediatrics on rotation), RACS, RANZCOG, RACMA and RANZCP. Many of our junior doctors stay on for post graduate training and there are 53 resident positions available. Some are streamed places into “Acute stream” (ED/ ICU/Anaesthetics), “Medical stream” (General medicine, addiction medicine, renal medicine, continue care medicine and emergency medicine), “Rural generalist /General Practice” (O/G, anaesthetics, paediatrics, emergency medicine). Many senior staff here started as students, interns, RMO or as registrars and chose to come back as specialists. REASONS TO APPLY Come to Australia’s beautiful Red Centre, and experience a unique working and living environment with an emphasis on outdoor activities and the arts. Alice Springs is nestled within the MacDonnell Ranges, and is surrounded by spectacular gorges and waterholes, accessible by road, walking trails and bicycle tracks. There are many galleries, al fresco cafes, restaurants and bars, and all manner of sport and fitness clubs. It has a resident population of 28,000 and a regional population of 45,000, with 600,000 visitors per year. Alice Springs Hospital has an active clinical training program and provides excellent clinical training opportunities and experience relevant to rural generalist practice. The hospital also boasts an active social life. CONTACT DETAILS Amanda Cawthorne-Crosby Medical Education Officer

Phone: (08) 8951 7828 Email: amanda.cawthorne-crosby@nt Manager Medical & Clinical Services Administration Phone: (08) 8951 7989 Email:

ROYAL DARWIN HOSPITAL Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Interns only at RDH; PGY2+ RDH, Darwin Private Hospital, Katherine Hospital, Gove District Hospital & Palmerston from mid2018

its role as the National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre. REASONS TO APPLY Weekly protected specific intern training, strong focus on indigenous health, infectious diseases/tropical medicine. Formal and informal teaching within rotations from consultants and registrars. Weekly hospital grand rounds. There is also the Top End Medical Society that offers peer support and organises regular social events. On-site recreational facilities including gym, squash courts and 25m outdoor pool. CONTACT DETAILS Junior Medical Officer Workforce Coordinator Email:

ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency, Head & Neck, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Palliative Care, Renal, Rehabilitation BASIC INFORMATION The Royal Darwin Hospital has approximately 363 beds and more than 1700 staff and provides a broad range of services in all specialty areas to the Darwin urban population as well as serving as a referral centre to the Top End of the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South-East Asia. The Top End population serviced by the hospital is approximately 150,000. Royal Darwin Hospital is the largest teaching hospital in the Northern Territory and is also recognised as Australia’s National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre. The hospital’s vision is to be recognised locally, nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence for the provision of high quality healthcare to the community and to fulfil


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training in tas Training in Tasmania offers a multitude of practice settings and lifestyle options. From vibrant cities, a thriving arts community, breathtaking scenery to world-class surfing - there is something for everyone. Each region offers something unique for junior doctors. Interns are streamed into Medicine, Surgery or General training (including Emergency Medicine). They receive active support from consultants to support career choices and choose career pathways, with on-the-job experience enhanced by targeted training and development programs. The Tasmanian program provides support for the personal welfare of interns and ensures they receive quality supervision, feedback and experience consistent with the requirements of registration. Junior doctors are offered plenty of support, so they can develop the capacity to practice independently and confidently. One of the advantages of working in this program is the close contact interns have with their consultant. Smaller teams and a more relaxed hierarchy allow doctors to know each other well and work together smoothly. The volume and case-mix of work are excellent, as is the access to facilities and technology, so interns can obtain a breadth and depth of experience. The Tasmanian Internship program seeks to individualise leaning by promoting growth and development of the identified interests and skills of the interns. Consultants work to balance the need for guidance and support with opportunities for innovation and autonomy; and allow scope to develop an individual’s areas of interest.


HOW TO APPLY Applicants must be graduates of, or graduating from an Australian University. Applicants will also be required to undergo pre-employment checks. The Tasmanian Health Service’s online application form ensures that all information required to assess applications is provided. The form includes information on applicants’ location, eligibility to work in Australia and details of how to submit electronic reference requests. The online application form requires candidates to include their AHPRA number. Candidates should attach a CV and other relevant information and must organise completion of two electronic referee reports. As well as completing the online application form, candidates must submit a CV and a statement addressing the selection criteria if requested: this is an opportunity for applicants to show how they meet the position requirements and what they bring to the role. Applications open on May 3rd, and close June 2nd. National date for first offers is 10th July 2017. Good luck! Recruitment email address:


ama tasmania Issues facing Junior Doctors: One of the major issues facing junior doctors in Tasmania at the moment, is the enterprise bargaining campaign, Government wages policy is 2% increase each year however this is not attracting or retaining medical staff to Tasmania. As interns, it’s important to be careful when you are advised of late changes to your rosters, without two weeks’ notice you are entitled to overtime. Be aware of safe rostering and safe hours, you need a decent break and it is your responsibility to stay aware. When it comes to un-rostered overtime make sure you claim your full entitlements, and lastly check your payslip every time, if you have any doubts call the AMA. Current advocacy: One of the current advocacy area’s for AMA Tasmania is to monitor the number of placements available each year for interns as well as vocational training positions for RMO’s. The Royal Hobart Hospital is undergoing a massive redevelopment at the moment, which is expected to be completed in 2019/20. Other issues we are aware of include Health funding, patient flow and ramping, and bullying in the work place.

What to consider when choosing your hospital and the application: The AMA recommend that you ask around and look for good supervision, good training experiences and whether there are opportunities and good facilities for doctors. With respect to the application process, we currently expect to have the same process as last year, with a merit based system and priority lists. AMA Tasmania & You: The AMA provides workplace advice on conditions of employment and the award as well as peer support. We often help interns with performance management advice as well. Check out the AMA E-News here. Thank you to Tony Steven who provided us with this information. Tony Steven FSAE, Dip Bus Mgt, DTM CEO AMA Tasmania

Rural Internships: With respect to rural internships, Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Tasmania (PMCT) is working with the regional training provider to explore the possibility of creating 2 intern positions in general practice, as part of the rural training pipeline initiative. They will be able to confirm whether this is going ahead around the middle of this year.


NORTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Launceston General Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology, ENT, General Medicine, Acute Medical Unit, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Rehabilitation, Stroke/ Neurology, Haematology, Renal, Respiratory, Emergency Medicine Non Core: Hospital at Night, After hours/ Relief BASIC INFORMATION THO-North serves a population of 130,000, and a catchment of 240,000 for some specialties. All major specialties are represented in this training network except neurosurgery and cardiac surgery. REASONS TO APPLY • Weekly intern tutorial meetings with core clinical information provided • Excellent staff amenities including gymnasium, squash court and a well equipped medical officers’ common room • Brand new Emergency Department • Supportive environment CONTACT DETAILS Debbie West Resident Staff Co-ordinator Phone: (03) 6777 4344 Email:

NORTH WEST Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES North West Regional Hospital, Mersey Community Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Emergency Medicine BASIC INFORMATION Interns at THS-North West Region gain hands-on experience in well-supported departments. This provides a very unique opportunity to work across our diverse sites, and ensuring maximum exposure to advance skills. Interns are fully supported by Registrars and Consultants, and we have structured regular JMO training and education sessions. REASONS TO APPLY • Contemporary, well equipped and supportive work environments • Availability of shared, self-contained accommodation for junior doctors close to the hospital • Active weekly Intern Education Program facilitated by the Directors of Clinical Training and Medical Education Advisor • Our comprehensive, paid oneweek orientation program includes shadowing of previous interns • Support for intern personal welfare to ensure quality working experiences, supervision and feedback CONTACT DETAILS Shauna Cole Medical Workforce Unit Coordinator Phone: (03) 6478 5253 Email:


SOUTH Predicted internship positions for 2018


NETWORK TRAINING SITES Royal Hobart Hospital ROTATIONS AVAILABLE Core: General Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastics/Maxillofacial Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, General Medicine, Acute Planning Unit, Haematology, Oncology, Acute Rehabilitation Medicine, Cardiology, Older Persons Unit, Respiratory, Emergency Medical Care Non Core: Urology BASIC INFORMATION The Royal Hobart Hospital is the tertiary referral centre for all of Tasmania. It services a population of approximately 240 000 people, and has 483 beds. THSRHH also offers a comprehensive range of specialties. REASONS TO APPLY • Active weekly Intern Education Program facilitated by the Directors of Clinical Training and Medical Education Advisor • Our comprehensive, paid oneweek orientation program includes shadowing of previous interns • Support for intern personal welfare to ensure quality working experiences, supervision and feedback CONTACT DETAILS Shelley Hampson Recruitment Support Officer Phone: (03) 6166 7538 Email:


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Don’t Le ave Yo ur Career To Fort une

The AMA Career Advice Service, however, seriously understands the profession and its challenges. It can help you prepare for your post-graduation years. It will assist YOU to achieve your goals by providing you with advice and support on: ● ● ● ● ●

Surviving medical school and your intern year Looking after yourself Building and maintaining a current and relevant CV Addressing selection criteria Preparing for and performance at interview

For more information contact: Christine Brill (Career Adviser) 02 6270 5483 Career Advice Hub: Career Counselling:

2017 Internship Guide: Informing Your Future

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