AMINO PCC EAMSC 2022 Volume 2: Scientific Poster & Film Auvert

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School Reopening during Covid-19 Pandemic: Is It Safe? A Systematic Review Neville1a, Ivena Leonita1, Aurielle Annalicia Setiawan1, Michelle Gunawan1 Undergraduate Medical Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University 1a

ABSTRACT Introduction: School closures around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought adverse impacts to students’ learning processes. School reopenings has been implemented in some regions, accompanied with health protocols. Strict implementation of health measures and policies are keys in preventing outbreaks in school settings. It is also necessary to identify precipitating factors in outbreaks to design the most effective health policies. Objective: To review the most effective health policies to prevent outbreaks and identify precipitating factors in outbreaks during school reopenings. Methods: Data was collected from Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane and ResearchGate from 2020-2021, then assessed according to the PRISMA flow diagram, resulting in 7 studies for qualitative analysis. Risk of bias was assessed using the Joanna-Briggs Institute checklist. Results: Current health measures implemented during the school reopenings are sufficient to reduce attack rates. Student attack rates are lower compared to staff (0.03% vs 4.4%) and older students tend to have higher attack rates (. Some effective health measures are bubbles and mandatory 14-day quarantine before entering schools. Precipitating factors are frequency of school attendance, parents’ occupation as healthcare workers, older age, certain ethnic groups, and positive COVID-19 cases in households. Conclusion: With low transmission and attack rates in students after implementation of health measures, it can be concluded that it is safe to reopen schools as long as proper health protocols are followed. Most effective health measures are wearing masks, hand hygiene, physical distancing, and early restriction to attend school for suspects, while main precipitating factors are frequency of attendance, age, and parents’ occupation.

Keywords: school, reopening, COVID-19, outbreak, transmission, health measures

Effectiveness of Digital Handwashing Intervention as a Breakthrough to Control COVID19 and Transmissible Disease Outbreaks: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials ABSTRACT Introduction: The unprepared global health community is severely impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, which increases the urgency of reducing disease transmission. Handwashing is a protective behaviour, but its practice is insufficient with current methods. Digital intervention is potentially efficient in promoting better handwashing not only in COVID-19 but also in other diseases. Objective: This review is aimed to explore the effectiveness of digital handwashing interventions for transmissible diseases. Method: Following PRISMA, we searched PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, Cochrane, EBSCOHost, Scopus, and Google Scholar, for clinical trials assessing handwashing behaviour change utilizing digital intervention from inception up to November 2021. Critical appraisal was performed using Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool 2.0 and converted to AHRQ standards. We utilised inverse variance, random effects model for quantitative synthesis. Results: Four studies were included in this study. A significant handwashing frequency pooled mean difference (MD) of 0.71 [95%CI: 0.41-1.01, P<0.00001] towards the intervention group was obtained from this meta-analysis. The subgroup analysis done reported highest influence of digital intervention in frequency of handwashing before eating snacks (MD 1.04 [95%CI: 1.01-1.07]), after sneezing or coughing (MD 0.97 [95%CI: 0.85-1.08]), and after being close to ill person (MD 0.90 [95%CI: 0.97-0.93]). All of the results were found significant (P<0.0001) and homogenous (I2 <40%), except for handwashing after coming into the house subgroup. Another parameter, theory of planned behaviour (TPB), which may influence behavioural changes also gave a significant mean difference of 0.90 [95%CI: 0.54-1.27, P<0.0001]. In addition, notable MDs were obtained in attitude changes of participants (MD 2.01 [95%CI: 0.86-3.15, P=0.0006] and subjective norms (MD 0.57 [95%CI: 0.35-0.79, P<0.00001]) components. Conclusion: In conclusion, digital intervention significantly improves handwashing frequency behaviour, which leads to better transmission control. We recommend the possible widespread application of this intervention in facing the current pandemic and future outbreaks. Keywords: COVID-19, Control, Digital, Outbreaks, Handwashing

Respiratory Rate and Systolic Blood Pressure on Hospital Admission as Prognostic Factor in COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Derren David C. H. Rampengan, Yorghi Liesapali, Nikita Pratama Toding Labi, Natalie Gabriela Edravenia Tombokan AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi Introduction: From December 2019 to September 10, 2021, More than 223 million people have been infected with COVID-19, resulting in more than 223 million 4.6 million deaths. The mortality rate is high in certain groups and particularly high in the absence of proven effective standard management measures. The use of a simple and accurate predictor for COVID-19 prognosis will be beneficial for the clinical management of patients. Therefore, we perform this systematic review and metaanalysis to reveal the association of specific clinical characteristics, that is respiratory rate (RR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) on the first admission, with the COVID19 severity. Objective: To reveal the association of RR and SBP on first admission, with the COVID-19 severity. Methods: We performed a systematic search in PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest for studies reporting clinical characteristics of mild and severe COVID-19 case. Included studies were evaluated for risk of bias based on Newcastle Ottawa Score. A meta-analysis was conducted using the data extracted from each study. Review Manager (RevMan) 5.4 was utilized to compute the summary of mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the outcome. Results:We included 6 studies involving 1,265 patients (severe cases=348 and mild cases=917), conducted in China, with several different outcomes. We found that increased respiratory rate (MD: 1.59; 95% CI: 0.31, 2.88) and increased systolic blood pressure (MD: 5.27; 95% CI: 1.14, 9.40) and composite of both (MD: 2.09; 95% CI: 0.81, 3.38) were associated with severe COVID-19. Conclusion: RR and SBP associated with the severity of COVID-19. Therefore, this clinical findings could be a predictor of severe COVID-19 case among all the clinical manifestation. Longitudinal studies may reveal more long-term impacts of SARSCoV-2 infection along the association of it's clinical manifestation. Key Findings: COVID-19; Severity; Respiratory rate; Systolic blood pressure

Application of Artificial Intelligence for Future Respiratory Pandemics Triage Using X-rays: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Ade Gautama, Gideon Hot Partogi Sinaga, Muhammad Kevin Ardian, Aditya Parawangsa AMSA-Universitas Indonesia


Introduction: The next pandemic to impact likely be a respiratory-spread RNA virus, making preparation at both the clinical and public health levels crucial. Medical imaging such as Chest X-ray (CXR) and computed tomography (CT) plays an essential role. Although not as sensitive as CT, CXR may be preferred among patients presenting COVID-19 symptoms since it uses less radiation, cheaper, quicker, and more available in resource-constrained settings. Emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies may further strengthen the power of the imaging tools and help physicians to decrease workload of the health workforce and low-numbered experts. Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis were carried out to mandate AI CXR usage in COVID-19 screening, which may inform clinical decision-making for future respiratory pandemic preparedness and response. Methods: We systematically searched articles published following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) in the databases: Scopus, PubMed, EBSCOhost, and the Cochrane Library. According to the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, only articles classifying the chest X-ray into COVID-19 and non-COVID (bacterial, viruses, or healthy) classes were considered. We assessed the risk of bias with QUADAS-2. Result and Discussion: Our search identified 285 studies, of which 15 were included. All studies provided enough data to construct contingency tables, enabling calculation of test accuracy (AUC) of 0.993, with pooled sensitivity of 94.6% (CI 95%, 93.8-95.3) and specificity 97.4% (CI 95%, 97.1-97.7). Only 5 neural network models were mentioned with CNN being the commonest applied deep learning method. Conclusion: AI can be a valuable complement to early detection of the disease, particularly for future respiratory epidemics and in areas where there are shortages of radiologists and limited resources. However, work to enhance the accuracy of these algorithms, larger datasets, and better designed studies before clinical practice integration is needed. Key Findings: COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence, X-ray, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Appl i cat i on ofArt i fici alI nt el l i gence f or Fut ure Respi rat ory Pandemi csTri ageUsi ng Xrays:Syst emat i cRevi ew and Met aanal ysi s AdeGaut ama,Gi deonHotPart ogiSi naga,MuhammadKevi nArdi an,Adi t yaParawangsa

I nt r oduc t i on The nextpandemi ct oi mpac tl i kel y be a r es pi r at or ys pr eadRNA vi r us ,maki ngpr epar at i onatbot ht he c l i ni c alandpubl i cheal t hl evel sc r uc i al[ 13] .RTPCR, ast hegol ds t andar ddi agnos t i ct es tf orRNAvi r us es ,i s expens i ve,notwi del yavai l abl e,andhasl ow s ens i t i vi t y i ndet ec t i ngs ympt omsi near l ys t ages[ 4, 5] .Cur r ent l y, r adi ol ogi ci magi nghasbeens hownt obeahi ghl ys ens i t i vemet hodi ndet ec t i ngear l ys t agesofr es pi r at or ydi s eas e,s uc hasCOVI D19.[ 6]Ther ef or e,c ompar edt oCT s c an,Ches tXr ays( CXR)i spr opos edasaf as ts c r eeni ng t oolwi t hc heaper ,l owerr adi at i on,andwi del yac c es s i bl e t hr oughoutt henat i on.[ 7, 8]

Resul t Tabl e1.Di agnos t i cper f or manc eonAIi npr edi c t i ngCOVI D19

Si nc ei nc r eas ed bur den on heal t hc ar e wor ker s may i nduc ef at i guewhi c hl eadst omi s i nt er pr et at i onashi gh as30%.[ 9] .Thus ,t oens ur eCXR di agnos t i cr el i abi l i t y, us eofar t i f i c i ali nt el l i genc e( AI )mi ghtbebenef i c i ali n i nc r eas i ngi t sover al lac c ur ac y[ 10] .AIus esavar i et yof t ec hni ques ,s uc hasneur alnet wor ks ,t oc l as s i f yi mages i nt oc l i ni c alc at egor i es . [ 10, 11] AIus eofCXR f ordet ec t i ngandc l as s i f yi ngt her ec ent pandemi c ,COVI D19,s hownt obebenef i c i al .Ther ef or e, as ys t emat i cr evi ew andmet aanal ys i swer ec ar r i edout t o mandat e AICXR us age i n COVI D19 s c r eeni ng, whi c h mayi nf or mc l i ni c aldec i s i onmaki ngf orf ut ur e pandemi c pr epar ednes s and r es pons e,as wel las t o r educ ewor kl oad,enabl ef as t erandenhanc eddi agnos t i c c apabi l i t i esi nr es our c ec ons t r ai neds et t i ngs . [ 10, 12]

Fi gure2.Ri s kofbi asas s es s ment

Met hods Thi smet aanal ys i swasr epor t edac c or di ngt ot he PRI SMAc hec kl i s tf r om publ i c l yus eddat abas esupt o November10t h,2021.Thes ear c ht er mswer e “ COVI D19” ,“ SARSCoV2” ,“ ar t i f i c i ali nt el l i genc e” , “ deepl ear ni ng” ,“ mac hi nel ear ni ng” ,and“ neur alnet wor k” . I nc l us i onandexc l us i onc r i t er i ac anbes eeni nf i gur e bel ow. Fi nal l y,t hear t i c l eswer eas s es s edus i ngQUADAS2’ s c r i t er i aofdi agnos t i cac c ur ac ys t udi es .

Fi gure3.Anal ys i sofs ens i t i vi t y,s pec i f i c i t y,andAUC Amongt he285s t udi esr et r i eved,15s t udi eswer es el ec t edf ori nc l us i oni nt hemet aanal ys i sac c or di ngt oPRI SMAf l owc har t( Fi g. 1) . Thec har ac t er i s t i c soft hes ei nc l udeds t udi esar epr es ent edi n( Tabl e1) .Thequal i t yofi nc l udeds t udi esandr i s kofbi asus i ng QUADAS2’ sc r i t er i aar epr es ent ed( Fi g.2) .Thepool eds ens i t i vi t ywas94. 6% ( CI95%,93. 895. 3)ands pec i f i c i t y97. 4% ( CI95%, 97. 197. 7) .Thec or r es pondi ngAUCwas0. 993( Fi g.3) . Onl y5neur alnet wor kar c hi t ec t ur eswer ement i onedwi t hdi f f er ents t r uc t ur eandmet hodf r om ot her s .Never t hel es s ,al lofourf i ndi ngsus edAIt oc l as s i f yXr ayi magesbet weenCOVI D19andnonCOVI D19,whi c hmai nl yi nc l udesot herpneumoni aandheal t hy s ubj ec t s .

D Di i s s c c u us s s s i i o on n

Conc l usi on Compar edt ot hegol ds t andar d,CXR i squi c ker ,c ommonl yac c es s i bl e,i nexpens i ve,andhasahi ghers ens i t i vi t yi ns c r eeni ngear l ys t ages COVI D19pat i ent s .AIc anbeaval uabl ec ompl ementt oi mpr ovet he t hr oughputandear l ydet ec t i onoft he di s eas e,par t i c ul ar l yf orf ut ur er es pi r at or yepi demi c sandi nar easwher e t her ear es hor t agesofr adi ol ogi s t s andl i mi t edr es our c es .However , wor kt oenhanc et heac c ur ac yof t hes eal gor i t hms ,l ar gerdat as et s , andbet t erdes i gneds t udi es ,s uc has r andomi z edt r i al s ,bef or ec l i ni c al pr ac t i c ei nt egr at i oni sneeded.

Sc ant hebar c odet os ee r ef er enc esofours t udy. Fi gure1.PRI SMAf l owc har t ,exc l us i onc r i t er i a,and i nc l us i onc r i t er i a

The Potential of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification as A New Diagnostic Approach for Salmonella Foodborne Outbreaks Prevention: A Systematic Review Stanley Bulain,Triana Amelia Lasdianto, Mu hammad Yusuf, Habsiyah Aini El Yafi Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia Abstract

Introduction: Salmonella infection is a major public health concern worldwide. However, the current Salmonella detection methods are not suitable for wide application in the field. Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) is one of the representative isothermal amplification techniques for the detection of nucleic acid in order to simplify the experimental steps and reduce the dependence on the instrument. Objectives: To explore the potential of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification as a new diagnostic approach for salmonella foodborne outbreaks prevention. Materials and methods: A systematic review was conducted based on PRISMA guidelines and performed through databases, such as PubMed, Science Direct, Springerlink, Wiley Library, and Cochrane. We found seven full text-articles that match with our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Those journals are included for qualitative analysis. Original research articles which assessed Recombinase Polymerase Amplification for detecting Salmonella are considered to be eligible. Results and Discussion: From the search, 2150 studies were identified and finally obtained 7 studies that fulfill the criterion of this systematic review. These selected studies had different assays to interpret RPA results such as lateral flow dipstick, fluorescence, biotin, microdevice, and unmodified gold nanoparticle (AuNP). The target genes used for amplification in various studies were invA, invE, fimY, and iroB. The method of using RPA in the form of duration and temperature varied between studies. All studies show that the RPA method with various assays has a specificity of 100%, where there is no cross-reactivity between the Salmonella target gene and other bacteria. Conclusion: We conclude that RPA was successfully demonstrated for rapid and sensitive detection of Salmonella and could be a potential point-of-care test in limited resource areas and also provides a new approach for rapid screening of food samples for food safety and foodborne outbreaks prevention. Key Findings: Salmonella, RPA, foodborne outbreaks

ThePot ent i al of Recombi nas ePol ymer as eAmpl i ficat i onasANew Di agnos t i c Appr oach f orSal monel l a Foodbor ne Out br eak:A Sys t emat i cRevi ew S t anl eyBul ai n, T r i anaAmel i aL as di ant o, MuhammadYus uf , Habs i y ahAi niE

I ntroductI on

resul ts

Sal monel l ai nf ec t i on i s a maj or publ i c heal t hc onc er nwor l dwi de, c ont r i but i ngt o t he ec onomi c bur den of bot h i ndus t r i al i z ed and under dev el oped c ount r i es t hr ough t he c os t s as s oc i at ed wi t h s ur v ei l l anc e, pr ev ent i on and t r eat ment of di s eas e1. Eac h y ear wor l dwi de, uns af ef oodc aus es600mi l l i on F i gur e1. S al mone l l aepi demi ol ogi , Cr : WHO c as esoff oodbor nedi s eas esand420. 000deat hs . WHOes t i mat edt hat33mi l l i ony ear sof heal t hyl i v esar el os tduet oeat i nguns af ef oodgl obal l yeac hy ear ,andt hi snumberi s l i k el y an under es t i mat i on2.Sal monel l ai st he mos tf r equent l yi s ol at ed f oodbor ne pat hogens , andar epr edomi nant l yf oundi npoul t r y , eggsanddai r ypr oduc t s . Thec ul t ur ebas edmet hodi sus edast hegol ds t andar df ort hedet ec t i onofpat hogens , ev ent houghi ti st i mec ons umi ng3. Nowaday s , numer ousmet hodshav ebeenes t abl i s hed t odet ec tpat hogeni cbac t er i ai nf ood, s uc hasr eal t i mePCR, EL I SA, andel ec t r oc hemi c al 4 . Howev er , t hes eappr oac hesar enots ui t abl ef orwi deappl i c at i oni nt hef i el d bi os ens or s due t ot he dependenc e on t her malc y c l i ng i ns t r ument s and t he r equi r ementof t i mec ons umi ngpr oc edur es . Rec ombi nas epol y mer as eampl i f i c at i on ( RP A)i soneoft her epr es ent at i v ei s ot her mal ampl i f i c at i on t ec hni quesf ort he det ec t i on ofnuc l ei c ac i di n or dert os i mpl i f yt he ex per i ment als t epsand r educ et hedependenc eont hei ns t r ument .Theas s ayus esa r ec ombi nas e enz y me t of ac i l i t at et he bi ndi ng ofol i gonuc l eot i de pr i mer st ot hei r 5 .The r epl i c at i on i s c ompl ement ar ys equenc es ofdoubl es t r anded DNA mol ec ul es per f or medbyaDNApol y mer as e, whi c hhast hes t r anddi s pl ac ementac t i v i t ynec es s ar yt o s y nt hes i z e a new c ompl ement ar yDNA s t r and5.Ther ef or e,i ti spos s i bl et o per f or m mul t i pl eRP Aampl i f i c at i onsi noner eac t i ons y s t em bec aus ei thasas hor ti nc ubat i ont i me, 4 l oweri nc ubat i ont emper at ur es , andahi ght ol er anc et os ampl ei mpur i t i es . Ther ef or e, t hi s s y s t emat i cr ev i ew ai ms t o f i nd out t he pot ent i al of Rec ombi nas e Pol y mer as e Ampl i f i c at i on as a new di agnos t i c appr oac hf or s al monel l af oodbor ne out br eak s pr ev ent i on.

T abl e1.RPAas s aypr oper t i es


I nc l us i onCr i t er i a 1. Ex per i ment als t udi es 2. Det ec t i onSal monel l ai n f oods ampl e us i ngRP A 3. Publ i s hedbet ween 20112021 4. Publ i s hedi nengl i s h l anguage

Fi gur e2.Res ear c hFr amewor k

Ex c l us i onCr i t er i a 1. I r r el ev ants t udyor out c omes 2. Wr ongPI COsc omponent 3. Rev i ew, r epor t , edi t or i al ar t i c l es Key wor ds :S al mone l l a,RP A, f oodbor neout br eak s

T abl e2.RPAas s ayper f or manc eout c ome

dI scussI on Res ul t si nt er pr et at i on 7s t udi esmett hei nc l us i onc r i t er i aofas y s t emat i cs ear c h,ass howni nT abl es1and2.Al ls t udi eshaddi f f er entas s ay s t oi nt er pr etRP Ar es ul t ss uc h asl at er alf l ow di ps t i c k ,f l uor es c enc e,bi ot i n,mi c r odev i c e,and unmodi f i ed gol d nanopar t i c l e( AuNP) .Thet ar getgenesus edf orampl i f i c at i oni nv ar i ouss t udi eswer ei nv A,i nv E ,f i mY ,andi r oB.The met hodofus i ngRP Ai nt hef or m ofdur at i onandt emper at ur ev ar i edbet weens t udi es .Al ls t udi ess howt hatt heRP A met hodwi t hv ar i ousas s ay shasas pec i f i c i t yof100%, wher et her ei snoc r os s r eac t i v i t ybet weent heS al mone l l at ar get geneandot herbac t er i a.TheRP A met hodhasadet ec t i onl i mi tt hatv ar i esbet weens t udi esandunderdi f f er ent c ondi t i ons .I npur i f i edbac t er i as ol ut i on,RP Ahasadet ec t i onl i mi tof1. 29x10^1CF U/ mL .I nunpur i f i edc ul t ur e,RP A hasas ens i t i v i t yof1CF U/ mi c r oL .I nf oodss uc hasmi l k ,c hi c k enbr eas t ,eggs ,ands hel l f i s h,RP A hasaf ai r l yhi gh s ens i t i v i t y . Thet i mer equi r edf ori nc ubat i oni nRP Av ar i esf r om 4mi nut est o30mi nut es . Sev er al s t udi ess howt hat515 mi nut esi st heopt i mum t i mef ort heampl i f i c at i onpr oc es swhi l er eac t i ont emper at ur er angedf r om 2050° C,but 3540° Cwast heopt i mum t emper at ur e

Pr oc edur eofRPAas s ay: 1. r ehy dr at i onbuf f er , s t er i l ewat er , bac t er i alDNA, f or war dandr ev er s epr i mer s , pr obe, andoneenz y me pel l etf r om t hek i twer emi x edi na200μLt ube. 2. Ther eac t i oni ss t ar t edwi t ht headdi t i onof magnes i um ac et at e 3. Thet ubet heni spl ac edi ni s ot her malampl i f i c at i on i ns t r ument at i onf or20mi nat41° C. 4. Det ec t i onofpos i t i v er eac t i on, f orex ampl eagar os e gelel ec t r ophor es i s , l at er alf l owdet ec t i on, f l uor es c enc e7,8

6 Fi gur e5.I l l us t r at i onofRPAAmpl i f i c at i onPr oc es s

St r engt handLi mi t at i onofRPA RP Ac anc ompl et et heampl i f i c at i onr eac t i onwi t hi nmi nut esandatl owert emper at ur es .Thi sel i mi nat est heneedsof c os t l yt her moc y c l eri ns t r ument s .Ther eac t i onal s or equi r esl es spr i mer ,whi c hmos t l yus edpr i merf orSal monel l as pp det ec t i oni si nv A, al t houghanot hergenet ar gets uc hasi r oB, DL Handf i mYgenesal s or ec or ded. Thei r oBgenec oul d det ec tal lS al mone l l as t r ai ns ,ex c eptSal monel l abongor i ,whi l ef i mYgenei sas s oc i at ed wi t hf i mbr i aes pec i f i ci n S al mone l l a8,9.Theampl i c on c oul d bedet ec t ed byr ealt i medet ec t i on ( e. g.f l uor es c ent ,s ens or bas ed dev i c e)or endpoi ntdet ec t i on( e. g. L F D, i mmunoc hr omat ogr aphi c , el ec t r ophor es i s )10. Themos tus edmet hodi sL F D, butt heus e ofgol dnanopar t i c l es ,f l uor es c ent ,andmi c r odev i c eshasal s obeendoc ument ed.Thes eal lf eat ur esofRP A al l ow s i mpl e, r api d, ef f ec t i v e, andl owc os tampl i f i c at i onr eac t i onswhi c har es uper i orc ompar edt ot hec ur r entgol ds t andar d det ec t i on, RTPCRandanot herNAAT, e. g. LAMP, whi c hi smor ec ompl exwi t h46pr i mer sandhi ghert emper at ur e6,7.

Fi gur e3.PRI SMAFl owc har t

Fi gur e4.Ri s kofBi as

conclusI on I nc onc l us i on, RP Awass uc c es s f ul l ydemons t r at ed f orr api d and s ens i t i v edet ec t i on ofSal monel l a and c oul d be a pot ent i alpoi nt of c ar et es ti n l i mi t ed r es our c ear easand al s o pr ov i desanew appr oac hf orr api ds c r eeni ngoff oods ampl esf or f oods af et yandf oodbor neout br eak spr ev ent i on.


Des pi t ei t shi ghpot ent i ali nt hef or m ofhi ghs ens i t i v i t yands pec i f i c i t yagai ns tS . T y phi , t her ear es ev er alc hal l engesi n RP Adev el opment .RP AL F Di ss us c ept i bl et of al s epos i t i v esar i s i ngf r om di merpr i mer sc ont ai ni ngbi ot i nanddi gox i n c onc ur r ent l yandc ont ami nat i onf r om pr ev i ousnuc l ei cac i dampl i f i c at i ons . Thi sc anbeov er c omebys el ec t i ngt her i ght pr i merandheat i ngt heRP Apr oduc t( 82° Cf or5mi n)atwhi c hhal foft hec ompl ement ar ybas epai r si nt hepr oduc t bec omemel t edandal s oper f or mi ngc ar ef ul pr oc edur et omi ni mi z ec ont ami nat i on9,11.Anot herpr obl em i st hatL F Dc an onl ybeus edwi t honeort wot ar get ss i mul t aneous l ybec aus ei tonl ydet ec t s1or2ampl i c onsatonet i me9,12.Bes i des t heampl i f i c at i onk i t sar es ol el ys ol dbyonec ompanyandhasy ett obeF DAappr ov edf ordai l yus e. I ti sonl yal l owed 6 . f orr es ear c hc onc er nst odat e. Chal l enge,Fut ur eDi r ec t i on,andAppl i c at i on Rec entr es ear c hhasbegunt oi mpr ov eont heaf or ement i onedas pec t sandpr oduc esamul t i pl exL F DRP Aas s ayt hat i sc apabl eofanal y z i ngmul t i pl et ar get satonc ewi t hadet ec t i onl i mi tof1CF U/ μli nc ul t ur e, whi c hr es embl esqPCR. I n i t sappl i c at i on,t heL F DRP A mul t i pl exc an ac c ur at el ydet ec tS al mone l l ai nr andoml yc ont ami nat ed mi l k4,14.The addi t i onofapor t abl et es ts t r i pr eaders y s t em al l owsanal y s i st obec ar r i edoutquant i t at i v el yandr educ est her i s kof obs er v erer r or4,9.Thi swi l l al l owl owc os t , f as t erands i mpl erpoi nt of c ar eSal monel l adet ec t i oni npl ac ess uc haspor t s , 4, 9, 14 gr as s r oot s , ands ooni nar easordev el opi ngc ount r yt hatdoesnotr equi r ec ompl exi ns t r ument .

Early Mitigation Strategies to Manage COVID-19 Outbreak Using SEIR model: A Systematic Review Arya Rajavidya, Theresia Leonita, Salsabila Aliyah Sosronegoro, Gilbert Sirait Abstract Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was revealed to be a contagious disease that is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The outbreak started in Chinese region called Wuhan, and has reached globally due to the mobility of people, goods, and others internationally. Therefore, a mathematical model is needed to provide reliable estimates of disease dynamics. This study aimed to use the SEIR compartment model to predict the spreading of pandemics associated with local mobility to forecast the outbreak dynamics and adjust mitigation strategies in real-time. Objective: To implement an SEIR model that allows evaluating the best lockdown strategy during the stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, this allows knowing the impact that this strategy has on the transmission and reproduction number (R0). Methods: A systematic review was performed based on PRISMA guidelines and performed through databases, such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest, then found 380 pieces of literature. Experimental studies with available full-text, published in the last two years, matched our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Further, Results: This review yielded five studies from seven different countries and from these studies reviewed. quantitative analysis shows reproductive number R(0) was found to decrease associated with lockdown or local transmission limitation in the overall studies. Conclusion: SEIR model analysis has been confirmed as a critical tool in the battle towards COVID-19 by allowing a better understanding of COVID-19 transmission dynamics. In addition, a deeper analysis of the cost-effectiveness of various implementation of control measures (based on study time in the result) was predicted to reduce the COVID-19 epidemic size in Saudi Arabia, China (Shenzhen), Spain, France, Canada (Ontario), and Italy. Keywords: SEIR model, COVID-19, mobility

ABSTRACT COVID-19 is the disease that is cause by new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 which is learned on 31th December 2019, following a report of a cluster cases of “viral pneumonia” in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China. COVID-19 causes mild symptoms such as dry cough, tiredness and fever, aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhoea. Some people that’s infected sometimes don’t develop any symptoms and don’t feel unwell. People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person trough small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with the virus cough, sneezes, or even exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person and could contaminate people that are touching these objects. The other way is when another people is touching a person with COVID-19’s eyes, nose, or mouth. During the week 1 to 7 November 2021, a slight upward trend (1% increase) in new weekly cases was observed, with over 3.1 million new cases reported. Over 48 000 new deaths were reported, a 4% decrease from the previous week. The WHO European Region reported increases in case and death incidence, while other regions reported declines or stable trends. As of 7 November, over 249 million confirmed cases and over 5 million deaths have been reported. Therefore, this Scientific poster is to give people information about the condition of COVID-19 and public health.

The Satisfaction of the Microneedle Vaccine Performance as A Well-Accepted Immunization Method Against the Outbreaks in the Majority of the Population: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials Dita Widirahmayanti, Fatimah Az Zahra, Raihanah Salma Amany Yusuf, Nanda Ayu Sabrina AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya ABSTRACT Introduction: Vaccination is an effective strategy that has played an essential role enhance the control of outbreaks. The innovation is necessary for achieving an optimum vaccination target to bring off herd immunity in the community to be one of the most important public health measures. Microneedle patches (MNPs) as an intriguing solution due to the painless and less fear-provoking methods for vaccination delivery with many potential advantages like economic value, selfadministered, and minimally invasive than conventional vaccination. Objective : To access the performance of microneedle-based vaccine as a better-tolerated vaccine delivery method in society by analyzing the efficacy, safety and acceptability Materials and Method: A systematic review was performed on Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Proquest, and SpringerLink and using the keywords “Vaccine Patch” AND “Efficacy” AND “Safety” based on PRISMA Statement. Experimental studies with available full text, published in the last five years, and evaluated efficacy, safety, and acceptability of microneedle-based vaccine were considered eligible. Results and Discusson: A total of seven RCT studies which evaluated acceptability and immunogenicity of microneedle vaccine were included. The studies has shown the overall positive experience from microneedle-based vaccines delivery. Microneedle-based vaccines have the potential to revolutionize vaccine delivery as it is painless, easy to use, self-administrable, and also expected low manufacturing cost. The studies reported several adverse events such as mild skin reactions; pruritus, erythema, petechiae, and oedema. Fatigue, upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), viral URTI, headache, oropharyngeal pain, throat irritation were also less reported. Conclusion: From our systematic review, we conclude that the microneedle-based vaccine was significantly effective to increase immunological response with mild side effects and well-

tolerated in society. However, further research using microneedle-based vaccine in another disease with a large sample across the world is still needed. Keyword: Microneedle-based vaccine, vaccine patch, acceptability.

The Satisfaction of the Microneedle Vaccine Performance as A Well-Accepted Immunization Delivery Method Against the Outbreaks in the Majority of the Population: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials Dita Widirahmayanti , Fatimah Az Zahra , Raihanah Salma Amany Yusuf , Nanda Ayu Sabrina 1 Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya 1






Table 1. Characteristic of Studies

The trend of outbreaks as one of the global health problems has increased over the past three decades and is expected to be continued along with further zoonotic spill-over events among the increasing population and urbanization. Outbreaks of infectious diseases can greatly increase morbidity and mortality over a wide geographic area and cause significant disruption on economic, social, and also political.1 Vaccination has played an essential role in strengthening the capacity of healthcare systems to prevent future outbreaks and have successfully decreased the burden of several infectious diseases, leading to eliminating and eradicating certain diseases. Successful vaccination campaigns appear to be one of the most important public health measures to curb the rise in outbreak cases with its associated burden on healthcare systems.2 However, public acceptance of vaccines has always been a challenge in controlling the ongoing outbreaks. Innovation on public health systems strategies and priorities are necessary due to the urgency of vaccines and tackling the immunization mistrust in every country. Hence, microneedle patches (MNPs) have attracted the attention of researchers recently as an intriguing solution due to the painless and less fear-provoking methods for vaccination delivery with many potential advantages like economic value, self-administered, and minimally invasive than conventional vaccination.3 Furthermore, several studies have shown the greater performance of microneedle-based vaccines to induce strong immune responses compared to the conventional vaccine.4

Objective To access the performance of microneedle-based vaccine as a better tolerated vaccine delivery method in society by analyzing the efficacy, safety and acceptability

Figure 3. Risk of Bias

Table 2. Reported Benefits from Studies

Methods We identified trials through systematic searches of the following bibliographic databases; PubMed, Science Direct, Proquest, and SpringerLink. The search terms were “Vaccine Patch” AND “Efficacy” AND “Safety”.

Table 3. Reported Side Effects from Studies

Systematic review process based on PRISMA guidelines

INCLUSION CRITERIA 1. Study about vaccine patch 2. Conducted in 5 years 3. Clinical trial 4. Mention efficacy, safety, and acceptability of microneedle-based vaccine compared to conventional vaccine

EXCLUSION CRITERIA 1. Irrelevant study or outcomes 2. Review, report, or editorial articles 3. Non clinical trial 4. Study in animal/others

4 scientific databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Proquest, and SpringerLink

Figure 4. Observed skin reaction on application-cite4

Figure 5. Microneedle application system10,11

Total Samples: 593 Quality Assessment: Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool

Qualitative Analysis



Figure 1. Conseptual Framework

Records identified from: PubMed (n=16) SpringerLink (n= 230) Proquest (n= 143) Sciencedirect (n=40)

Records after duplicates removed (n= 410)



Records after title and abstract screened (n=24)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n=24)



Records excluded (n= 386)

Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n= 14)

Studies included in qualitative synthesis (n= 7) Figure 2. PRISMA Flow Diagram

Conclusion & Recommendations In conclusion, the microneedle-based vaccine was better tolerated in society and has been proven to successfully induce adequate immunogenicity responses with very least side effects. Based on the review of several studies, microneedle-based vaccines can be a satisfactory tool in improving vaccination coverage plus combating vaccine hesitancy among the population. However, all types of the microneedle-based vaccine that has been discussed in this review do need further assessment and development before it can be used widely in tackling an outbreak.

The results of our systematic review from the 7 included RCT studies with a total of 593 participants has shown the overall positive experience from microneedle-based vaccines delivery. These findings provide evidence that microneedle-based vaccines have the potential to revolutionise vaccine delivery as it is painless, easy to use, self-administrable, and also expected low manufacturing cost. The effectual outcome is also demonstrated by the immunogenicity reaction that achieved promising results as it caused a minimum four-fold rise in postvaccination hemagglutination inhibition antibody (HAI) at about 28 days after.5 Some study participants were also tested to apply the vaccine by themself with only brief training without medical professional interventions.2 The painless feature of the microneedle-based vaccine application, unlike the conventional vaccines, has played an essential role in patient acceptance. In general, these studies show that microneedle-based vaccination was well accepted and strongly preferred over traditional intramuscular injection due to its benefits.

ACCEPTABLE SIDE EFFECTS Another exploratory outcome measure is the reported adverse events by participants related to the study of the microneedle-based vaccine such as mild skin reactions; pruritus, erythema, petechiae, and oedema.3,4,5 This skin reaction seen as evidence of an innate reactivity to minimal trauma illustrates both the capability of the microneedle-based vaccine to deliver a vaccine to the skin and incite an inflammatory reaction. The interaction between sex, age, application site, ethnic backgrounds, and reactivity are the essential factors.9 Fatigue, headache, oropharyngeal pain, throat irritation were also less reported.4 There were more local reactions at the site of microneedle-based vaccine application than were seen with IM injection as expected, but these were self-limiting and mild or moderate in intensity.

STUDY STRENGTH AND LIMITATIONS The strength of this review relies on the randomization and uniformity of the study designs of all the seven studies. In addition, these studies were conducted in a number of different countries with a variety of participant criteria that nearly represent the majority characteristic of the population. On the other hand, our study has some limitations. First, these studies may have not evaluated other vaccines than influenza. Second, these studies are still evaluated in small sample sizes, while trials in larger populations are needed to confirm the findings of this study with greater power.


Sociodemographic Profile Related to Mortality Rates, Vaccine Intention, and Hygiene Habits during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Juan Alessandro Jeremis Maruli Nura Lele, Sena Pongtuluran, Elena, Alifa Hasna Ramadhani Fachly


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for about 2 years. Statistics showed blacks and browns have high mortality rates, some studies reported some people do not want to be vaccinated, and incidents of poor hygiene are still common. This causes a high risk of being infected with COVID-19. This study aims to review sociodemographic profiles related to mortality, vaccine intentions, and hygiene habits during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Method: We searched the literature from three medical databases: PubMed, Science Direct, and PLOS ONE based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. We use the following keyword in the search field (Sociodemographic, Profile, COVID-19) in conjunction with a range of times from 2020 until 2021. Assessment of study quality with STROBE.

Result: The results of the literature search obtained 5 studies that are following the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. All included studies were of good study quality. The results of the review show that sociodemographic related to mortality rates, vaccine intention, hygiene habits, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discussion: Those who are vulnerable need further attention. COVID-19 Health Equality Task to better understand and monitor public health data and the formation of the BAME Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) alliance against COVID-19 to solve race issues. In terms of vaccine intention, we need to design a curriculum designed to increase public knowledge, good communication between doctors and health, and use of media and social media in combating the “anti-vaccination movement.” Another perspective to address hygiene issues such as wearing masks, keeping distance from people, universal use of face masks is necessary when people have to go out in their daily life. The use of masks in children needs to be preceded by strong parental work and school lessons. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Sociodemographic, Mortality rates, Vaccine intention, Hygiene habits

Sociodemographic Profile related to Mortality Rates, Vaccine Intention and Hygiene Habits during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Juan Alessandro Jeremis Maruli Nura Lele, Sena Pongtuluran, Elena, Alifa Hasna Ramadhani Fachly AMSA- Universitas Kristen indonesia




Discussion The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak has been going on for 2 years. This is influenced by sociodemographic related to mortality, recovery, and prevention, such as 1 clean and healthy living during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which has infected more than 4.25 million people and has as many as 144,000 deaths in Indonesia.1 The high mortality rate is very important to note especially in a black and 2,8 brown race, with effects comparable to influenza, of course, a health focus. Since the increase in cases of COVID-19 in the world, WHO has issued an appeal for all humans to pay attention to personal and environmental 3 hygiene. However, the number of infected people is increasing, so it is not only about wearing masks but also hygiene habits such as disinfection, 2 bathing, and minimizing close contact. For 2 years now, COVID-19 has had a very detrimental impact. At the end of 2020, a vaccine for COVID-19 has been found, but many people are hesitant to join the government's vaccination program. These community groups feel that mandatory 4 vaccination violates human rights and doubts the quality of the vaccine. This study aims to review the sociodemographic profile related to mortality rates, vaccine intention, and hygiene habits during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Table 2. An Odds Ratio (OR) Risk Factors of Hygiene Habits

Figure 2. The Graph Vaccine Acceptance and Attitudes Towards COVID-19 Jordania Country




Table 1. The Summarize of The Eligible and Valid Studies Results also Fulfilled The Inclusion Criteria.

This study aims to review sociodemographic variables relating to mortality rates, vaccine intention, and hygiene habits.


Figure 1. Diagram Flow of Literature Search Strategy

Conclusion 13

Literature searching was obtained with medical databases in PubMed, Science Direct, and PLOS ONE. We searched the following keywords “Sociodemographic” AND “Profile” AND “COVID-19”. The search results were downloaded to a personal database. We used PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and 12 Meta-Analyses) statement rules. Assessment of study quality with STROBE. The eligible studies were reviewed Sociodemographic; Mortality Rates; Vaccine Intention; Hygiene Habits. The inclusion criteria used in this literature search were the following: the study was published between 2020-2021, was written in English, was fully accessible, was correlated to the aim of this paper, and observational studies (casecontrol, cohort, cross-sectional). Exclusion criteria include was not publish between 14 was not fully accessible, was not correlated to 2020-2021, was not written in English, the aim of this paper, and non-observational studies. We found 5 studies that are 15 eligible for our discussion.

References 1. Worldometer.Reported cases and Deaths by Country or Territory [internet]. Worldometer.2021.Available from: 2. Zhou F, et al. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet. 2020;395:1054-62 3. Kahar F, Dirawan GD, Samad S, Qomariyah N, Purlinda DE. The epidemiology of COVID-19, attitudes, and behaviors of the community during the covid pandemic in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology.2020;5(8):1681-7 4. Aini MH,Widjaja G. Mandatory coronavirus disease-19 (covid-19) vaccination in Indonesia: Legal aspect. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 2021;24(1):1-15 5. Peres IT, Bastos LSL, Gelli JGM, Merchesi JF, Dantas LF, Antunes BBP, et al. Sociodemographic factors associated with COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in Brazil. Public Health. 2021; 192: 15-20 6. El-Elimat T, AbuAlSamen MM, Almomani BA, Al-Sawalha NA, Alali FQ. Acceptance and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines: A cross-sectional study from Jordan. PLOS ONE. 2021; 16(4): 1-15 7. Barranco et al. The spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain: hygiene habits, sociodemographic profile, mobility patterns and comorbidities, Environmental Research. Journal Pre-proof. 2020 8. Silver V, Chapple AG, Feibus AH, Beckford J, Halapin NA, Baruan D, et al. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes Based on Race of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 in a New Orleans Cohort. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2020; 7 (9): 1-8 9. Ahmed MH. Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Alliance Against COVID-19: One Step Forward. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 2020;7:822–828 10. Latkin CA, Dayton L, Yi G, Colon B, Kong X. Mask usage, social distancing, racial, and gender correlates of COVID-19 vaccine intentions among adults in the US. PLOS ONE. 2021; 16(2): 1-11 11. Bhaginadh D, Arora K. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Role of Information Sources. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2021. 12. Gür E. Vaccine hesitancy - vaccine refusal. Turk Pediatri Ars. 2019;54(1):1-2. Published 2019 Mar 1. doi:10.14744/TurkPediatriArs.2019.79990 13. Lotfi M, Hamblin MR, Rezaei N. COVID-19: Transmission, prevention, and potential therapeutic opportunities. Elseivier Public Health Emergency Collection. 2020; 508: 254-266 14. Esposito S, Principi N. To mask or not children to overcome COVID-19. European Journal of Pediatrics .2020;179:1267–1270 15. Vancini RL, Nero LC, Andrade MS, Lira CA, Santos RG, Nikolaidis PT, et al. A Sociodemographic Profile of Mask Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak Among Young and Elderly Individuals in Brazil: Online Survey Study. JMIR AGING. 2021; 4(3)

COVID-19 is a global public health emergency with an impact on many aspects, one of which is sociodemography. Various demographic factors such as black or brown race, unwillingness to vaccinate and poor hygiene habits have a higher risk of being infected with the coronavirus.

Conflict Interest This research has no conflict of interest.

Acknowledgments My special thanks of gratitude to my team to give golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on this topic and also helping me in doing a lot of research.

From the result we observed that mortality rates of black or brown patients showed higher, acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine is still low in Jornadian society, and also living with dogs, work on the spot, buy basics needs, using home delivery services, and especially those who live with 5,6,7 COVID-19 patients, are the main route of transmission of SARS-COV-2. Those who are vulnerable need further attention. Direct efforts to reduce exposure among black people, could reduce the inequalities currently observed with COVID-19. By implementing the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force to better understand and interpret public health data, increase access to quality testing and care for all communities, and ensure that country reopens occur in a way that does not exacerbate health 8 inequalities. A study by Ahmed suggested the government publish the establishment of BAME the Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) alliance against COVID-19 in order to improve occupational risks and hazards, adequate income protection, culturally and linguistically appropriate public health communications, and decrease barriers in accessing healthcare. The BAME Alliance will initially focus on the development of the central system to record data about COVID-19 patients from the BAME population, involvement of healthcare professionals and researchers from ethnic minorities, and multidisciplinary and inter-institution collaboration; for example, civil engineers and architects need to think about house design and ventilation that decrease the risk of COVID-19 especially in BAME 9 populations. The public health campaign for vaccine uptake should assess in greater detail the vaccine issue of blacks, Hispanics, and woman in tailor 10 program. From vaccine intention, the hesitations in vaccine uptake in society are also overcome by the need for a curriculum that is designed to increase public knowledge about the vaccine COVID-19 as well as to build public 11 confidence that people have no hesitation in the following vaccination. A study by Gür also confirmed that good communication of physicians and 13 healthcare workers with individuals who are to be vaccinated and with their parents and providing confidence, are some of the most efficient ways to eliminate the hesitations in vaccination. In addition, the use of the media and social media in enlightening the community and in increasing social awareness, will provide rapid progress in fighting the “anti12 vaccination movement.” Another perspective to solve hygiene issues that a study by Lotfi suggested for now take precautions such as wearing masks, keeping their distance from people around is very important in limiting the transmission of COVID-19 virus infection. Another study by Esposito also affirmed that the universal use of facial masks seems necessary when people have to go out 14 in their everyday lives. It is necessary that the use of masks in children is preceded by strong parental work and school lessons on this issue and 15 other hygiene topics with the main aim to obtain child cooperation.

Sofosbuvir in Reduce Mortality of Yellow Fever: A Systematic Review Raden Ajeng Puan Azura Nathania1, Aurelya Putri Kurniawan1, Natasha Huwaida1 1 Faculty of Medicine, Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia ABSTRACT Introduction: Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne viral illness via Aedes and Haemagogus mosquitos found in tropical and subtropical areas. Brazil, an endemic country for yellow fever, failed to vaccinate a large proportion of the susceptible population. Between the second semester of 2017 and March 2018, 920 human cases were confirmed. There were 300 deaths associated with this outbreak. Sofosbuvir is an antiviral drug. Antivirals with anti-flavivirus activity may represent an important alternative to repurposing drugs in an effort to improve patient outcomes. Objectives: Our objectives in this study is to find the effectiveness of sofosbuvir in order to reduce the mortality in yellow fever. Materials & Methods: A systematic literature was conducted based on PubMED, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databased on PRISMA statement guidelines to identify the association between sofosbuvir and reduction of yellow fever. We found three studies that match our inclusions and exclusions. Results and Discussion: By using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we have found 3 studies that were relevant. According to Freitas et al, Sofosbuvir is around 25% less cytotoxic than ribavirin. Study conducted by Mello et al a two-sided 5% significance level and a power of 80%. According to Mendes, using a high-content screening assay, sofosbuvir verified can be presented as the best antiviral activity against YF. Conclusion: In conclusion, safe and active antiviral compounds to activate YFV replication, the virus is susceptible to sofosbuvir. Sofosbuvir binds to conserved amino acid residues on YFV RNA polymerase (NS5), and inhibition of viral replication in human hepatoma cells and had been proven effective to reduce the replication of yellow fever. Key Findings: Yellow Fever, Retrospective study, Sofosbuvir, Antivirus, Effectiveness

effectiveness of Sovosbuvir in Reduce Yellow Fever sign and symptoms : A Systematic Review Raden Ajeng Puan Azura Nathania, Aurelya Putri Kurniawan, Natasha Huwaida AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan

INTRODUCTION Brazil, an endemic country for YF, failed to vaccinate a large proportion of the susceptible population. Between the second semester of 2017 and March 2018, 4,847 epizootics were reported and 920 human cases were confirmed. There were 300 deaths associated with this outbreak. Sofosbuvir is an antiviral drug. Antivirals with anti-flavivirus activity may represent an important alternative to repurposing drugs in an effort to improve patient outcomes. Sofosbuvir was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2013. In the intention to have a safe and an active antiviral compound to inhibit YFV replication, we tested whether the virus was susceptible to sofosbuvir. We found that sofosbuvir binds to conserved amino acid residues on the YFV RNA polymerase (NS5), inhibiting virus replication in human hepatoma cells, diminishing YFVassociated mortality and improving the hepatic condition in animal models.

Objective ​Our objectives in this study is to find the effectiveness of sovosbuvir in order to reduce yellow fever sign and symptoms.

Materials & Methods A systematic literature was conducted based on PUBMED, Google Scholar, and Sciencedirect databased on PRISMA statement guidelines to identify the association between sofosbuvir and reduction of yellow fever. We found three studies that match our inclusions and exclusions.

RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS By using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we have found 3 studies that were relevant. According to Freitas et al, Sofosbuvir is around 25% less cytotoxic than ribavirin. Study conducted by Mello et al a two-sided 5% significance level and a power of 80%. According to Mendes, using a high-content screening assay, sofosbuvir verified can be presented as the best antiviral activity against YF.


CONCLUSION In conclusion, safe and active antiviral compounds to activate YFV replication, the virus is susceptible to sofosbuvir. Sofosbuvir binds to conserved amino acid residues on YFV RNA polymerase (NS5), and inhibition of viral replication in human hepatoma cells and had been proven effective to reduce the replication of yellow fever.


Electrochemical Immunosensor for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva as an Innovation in Tackling Outbreaks Umar Agusta Wijaya, Reinaldi Septiawan Azhar, Dimas Arif Fakhrudin ABSTRACT Since the COVID-19 disease caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) was declared a pandemic, it has spread rapidly, causing one of the most serious outbreaks in the last century. Reliable and rapid diagnostic tests for COVID19 are crucial to control and manage the outbreak. Electrochemical Immunosensor for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva as an Innovation. The method used is literature review searched through the search engine “PubMed” and “NCBI”. The keywords used are electrochemical “AND” biosensor “AND” COVID-19. No vital response was seen within the case of the management conductor compared with the immunosensor response, indicating that the signal is generated from the particular binding of the protein to the matter and undue to any nonspecific sorption. The satisfactory analytical features found in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and selectivity with the time of analysis, easiness to use, and the requirement of portable instrumentation boost this biosensor to acquire a relevant position in SARS-CoV-2 device scenario. Keywords: Diagnostic, Electrochemical, Outbreaks

Electrochemical Immunosensor for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 in Saliva as an Innovation in Tackling Outbreaks INTRODUCTION

Umar Agusta Wijaya Reinaldi Septiawan Azhar Dimas Arif Fakhrudin


Since the COVID-19 disease caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) was declared a pandemic, it's unfolding speedily, inflicting one in every of the foremost serious outbreaks within the last century. Reliable and speedy diagnostic tests for COVID-19 are crucial to regulate and manage the eruption. The first used technique for the diagnosing of COVID nineteen infections worldwide is the RT-PCR owing to its sensitivity and property. The medicine ways are primarily counting on the detection of the microorganism protein that seems within the patient's blood when some days of COVID-19 infection. However, the chemistry biosensors are enticing selections in many point-of-care diagnostic platforms owing to their low value, high sensitivity, simplicity, capability of shrinking and simple use.

OBJECTIVE To explain the excess of using electrochemical biosensors as diagnostic platforms for COVID-19. Due to its reliable method of innovation and technological breakthroughs in tackling the outbreaks.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The high sensitivity of chemistry detection combined with the miniaturization is that the key of this work to succeed in the dominant goal for an economical and reliable high sensitivity detection of SARS-CoV-2 employing a non-invasive and enticing biological fluid specifically spittle.


The chemistry oxidation reaction of the biosensor and therefore the signal’s decrease when the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was another or related to the oxidation of heteroatoms, together with chemical group, on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 spike matter and therefore the formation of an outsized immuno-complex that hinders negatron transfer, severally shows the connected SWV voltammograms and standardization curve for deciding the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. ΔIp, the coordinate axis of the standardization curve, was calculated by subtracting the signal of the another SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from the signal of the created biosensor, BSA/S-gene/CysOH/Au/GCE. the strategy has associate degree LOD (i.e. from blank signal) of zero.03 fg/mL of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein associate degreed has an analytical vary of zero.1 fg/mL to one0 pg/mL in zero.01 M (pH 7.5) of PBS answer.

No vital response was seen within the case of the management conductor compared with the immunosensor response, indicating that the signal is generated from the particular binding of the protein to the matter and undue to any nonspecific sorption. Moreover, it absolutely was extremely necessary to review the cross reactivity of our immunosensor with antigens from alternative viruses that may show similar symptoms like HCoV, MERS-CoV, Flu A and Flu B. Figure how's the response of the immunosensor towards the SARS-CoV-2 N protein was much higher than the non-significant response against the other nonspecific antigens.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The satisfactory analytical features found in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and selectivity with the time of analysis, easiness to use, and the requirement of portable instrumentation boost this biosensor to acquire a relevant position in SARS-CoV-2 device scenario. The cross reactivity of the immunosensor with SARS-CoV is expected because there is more than 90% conserved similarity in protein sequences between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. This cross reactivity has been previously reported for all the immunoassays using the N protein. However, we believe that this cross reactivity does not have an impact on the current COVID 19 diagnosis because there are no new reported SARS-CoV outbreaks since 2004.


Fabiani L, Saroglia M, Galatà G, De Santis R, Fillo S, Luca V, et al. Magnetic beads combined with carbon black-based screen-printed electrodes for COVID-19: A reliable and miniaturized electrochemical immunosensor for SARS-COV-2 detection in saliva. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2021;171:112686. 2. Eissa S, Alhadrami HA, Al-Mozaini M, Hassan AM, Zourob M. Voltammetric-based immunosensor for the detection of SARS-COV-2 nucleocapsid antigen. Microchimica Acta. 2021;188(6). Liv L, Yener M, Çoban G, Can ŞA. Electrochemical biosensing plat3. form based on hydrogen bonding for detection of the SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2021;1-10 4. Mojsoska B, Larsen S, Olsen DA, Madsen JS, Brandslund I, Alatraktchi FA. Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Detection Using Electrochemical Immunosensor. Sensors (Basel). 2021:390.

A Bitter Truth Syaharani Martiza Hakim1, Cokorda Istri Agung Dewinta Adnyani1, Alisha Damara Praditya1, Muhammad Candrika Agyawisnu Yuwono1 1

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia

COVID-19 pandemic is a real challenge for us. Not only affecting our health, but it also affects us in other aspects, one of which is the economy.1 Lately, we might see much news about the suffering of small businesses. The decreased number of buyers leads to a lower income that further affects their lives. Through this video, we hope people will also consider the economic challenges that other people, especially small businesses, face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is because their economic condition may correlate with how they respond to the current health problems. Health protocols, for example, the availability of masks and hand sanitizer, may be easy to conduct for some people. However, if we see it from the other side, this might be a big challenge for others. At the end of the video, after seeing “the bitter truth”, we want people to show a bit of their willingness to help and care for other people. No matter how small or big it is, everyone plays a role in creating a better condition for a better tomorrow. “Because now the question is, how do you take part?” Reference 1. Suryahadi A, Al-izzati R, Suryadarma D. The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on poverty: an estimation for Indonesia. Jakarta : SMERU Research Institute; Apr 2020.

Outbreak Response Immunization in Outbreaks of Indonesia In the past 5 years, Indonesia experienced 2 major outbreak, diphtheria outbreak in 2017 and COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. One of the prevention steps taken by the government of Indonesia is organizing an Outbreak Response immunization. In outbreak, vaccination is important to help decrease the number of cases. Vaccines itself are developed by taking a pathogen from the disease and attenuate or inactivate the pathogen and works by inducing immune response and creating a memory of combating the pathogen, making a vaccinated person have a immunization memory against the outbreak pathogen and less likely be infected rather than the unvaccinated person (Rauch, 2018). This enables cases of outbreak to decrease because there will be less people infected by the pathogen. Outbreak response immunization is a program in which the government organized an open immunization program through the primary healthcare system to help lower the cases of outbreak disease (Sari, 2019). In outbreak response immunization there are few protocols that are set by the primary health care facility or PUSKESMAS such as numbers of vaccines available, registration process in which people with more risk of infection are prioritized and verification before giving vaccination (WHO, 2020). For citizens of Indonesia, before getting the vaccine there are also several protocols that need to be hindered, especially the information spreading of ORI and registration process. In these needs, there are things that can be improved in the protocols and steps in organizing ORI. Based on these problems, our team prepared this video to introduce outbreak response immunization programs to help people to understand the importance of having a vaccination during an outbreak and to explain the steps, protocols and recent improvements and optimization of ORI based on the diphtheria and COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. Several improvements made after the COVID-19 outbreak and the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, the government of Indonesia released an integrated nationally centered ORI response app called Pedulilindungi. This app helps citizens to be aware of the vaccination programs by providing vaccination center registration and also acts as a final registration of COVID-19 ORI program. What we would

suggest is to add other vaccination programs inside the pedulilindungi app to integrate even further vaccination programs in Indonesia. Lastly, we would also promote the importance of understanding the protocols of ORI in Indonesia, so we came up with CARD as an acronym. C for calm yourself in the midst of outbreak and look for valid information from the ministry of health, A for abide the latest guidance from the ministry of health and WHO, R for register yourself for vaccination as soon as you can to support the outbreak response immunization and lastly D for don't forget to download the pedulilindungi app in Indonesia.

References : Rauch, S., Jasny, E., Schmidt, K.E. and Petsch, B., 2018. New vaccine technologies to combat outbreak situations. Frontiers in immunology, 9, p.1963. Sari, D.N. and Achadi, A., 2019. Implementation Of Control Policy Of Diphtheria Outbreak And Outbreak Response Immunization (Ori) In Kota Depok, 2017. Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration, 4(2). World Health Organization, 2020. Guiding principles for immunization activities during the COVID-19






WHO/2019-nCoV/immunization_services/2020.1). World Health Organization.



Short Title: Tackling outbreak by utilizing machine learning to improve eHAC and our testing capacity Description: COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected various sectors, from the health sector to the travel sector. It has made countries rely on tight border control protocols, from quarantining all travelers to restricting entry from selected nations based on population-level epidemiological metrics such as cases, deaths, or testing positivity rates. As countries have begun to adapt to the pandemic, they attempted to lift the borders restrictions partially, not only for tourists but also for the flow of goods and labor. Despite the leniency, every country still needs to test and screen every tourist according to their border control protocol. However, these processes are time-consuming and need a high accuracy level. Some countries may even lack the testing capacity due to human resources shortage to do the duty; hence we propose innovation and technological breakthroughs in tackling the issue by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach, inspired by Eva, an AI tool invented in Greece, that works to determine which travelers entering the country should do a test for COVID-19. Machine Learning (ML), a subdivision of AI, has been proven so far to be more effective in identifying asymptomatic infected travelers, rather than just random testing or testing based on the traveler’s country of origin. This way, the machine-learning system can be integrated into Indonesia’s health declaration report system, the Health Alert Card eHAC. Indonesia has been using eHAC to create electronic health declaration reports, including the travel information for its citizens. The flow of the whole procedure would be: arriving passengers submit the travel and demographic information 24 h before arrival in eHac and will be scanned upon arrival. Based on these data and testing results from previous passengers, the system selects a subset of passengers to test. Selected passengers self-isolate for 24–48 h while their samples are being processed by the laboratory. Passengers with positive results will have to quarantine and then, the process of contact tracing begins, meanwhile passengers with negative results will be allowed to resume their normal activities. The system will use the result to update itself to improve future testing and maintain high-quality estimates of prevalence across traveler subpopulations. The status quo of the testing system in Indonesia right now requires a great number of human resources to evaluate the travelers. Using AI and deploying big data will do us a favor by minimizing the human resources required to do the job. Moreover, Indonesia is an archipelago country with numerous islands, with a population of over 277 million people. If we really want to stop the spread of COVID-19 infection, we have to find a better way; a more efficient, effective, accurate, and widely available system that can detect infected travelers; both symptomatic and asymptomatic. We believe that by using an AI system to detect which passengers to test for COVID-19, we can tackle the major problems related to COVID-19 testing for travelers in Indonesia. Using an AI system will also minimize the cost needed to test travelers

since it will only select a subset of passengers to test. Therefore, we propose this idea to enhance eHAC utility and testing capacity in Indonesia. This video further entails the illustration and explanation of how the AI system will operate. The subject of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is not widely discussed and applied in Indonesia, and we know that this proposal needs to be reviewed intensively in order to be implemented, but we believe that this is the Kickstarter for the use of big data in Indonesia; therefore this project needs help and support from several parties, including policymakers, epidemiologists, IT experts, and others. Since the AI is a data-driven system, we also need to make sure that which data may legally and ethically be solicited by the system, to ensure that we don’t obtain too much data so that we don’t violate the people’s privacy and still maintain effectiveness in our system. We also need massive socialization of this newly-implemented system to the people so that they will cooperate with us.

EFFECTS OF PANDEMIC Anjani Dhiyaputri Karimah, Fauzyah Azzahra Widiyanta, Laila Zahrotusyifa, Vika Sagita AMSA-Universitas Trisakti It's been almost 2 years that we have been hit by this pandemic and forced to live together with this virus. Many things have been taken away by this pandemic such as our education where we no longer can interact freely with our friends in school, economics where there's a significantly higher number of people being fired, and social norms where this pandemic requires us to limit ourselves from interacting with other people. There’s also many innovations and new norms for us to live this pandemic life. Many people have difficulty accepting the many new habits that arise during this pandemic and there’s also many people who do not obey the rules for wearing masks, does not obey to avoid crowds such as keeping a distance of about one meter from each other, not washing their hands first when traveling outside, and many also doubt the validity of the vaccine and refuse to be vaccinated. The government has also made many efforts to reduce the spread of the virus, such as policies to temporarily work from home and restrictions on movement between regions between cities, including the absence of returning home. However, as time goes by we are starting to get used to the new habits that we have been doing during this pandemic. Slowly but surely, we can see the impact of this, namely with a decrease in cases also the situation has been gradually improving. Experts from various fields have also created advanced innovations to solve the problems that exist in this pandemic. We can see that various types of COVID-19 vaccines have been made and the government's efforts to carry out vaccination programs for the entire community. The government has also made new innovations such as the PeduliLindung application which can be run digitally to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To conclude, this pandemic brought us many effects in every aspect of life. However, behind this pandemic, there is still a light of hope that we can find, which is the existence of the new innovation that can encourage humans to become a generation that can adapt in any situation.

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