Arbor Vitae - Seventh Edition

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The Science of Love

4 Love Lessons We Can Learn from Flappy Bird

Fate of MH370

7th Edition | March 2014


EDITORIAL Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Love has driven and inspire humans to create paintings, literatures, poems, movies, songs that possess the beauty beyond everything in this world. So, what is it with love? What makes it so inspiring? What makes it so important? Does love induce some sort of chemical matter that affect people’s behaviour? From which part of the brain does it come from? Love leaves us numerous questions and we invite you find the answer of your questions about love in this edition of Arbor Vitae, Love; The Medical Approach In this edition, we will approach love and its effect to your body through medical science and how your body respond to love physiologically. I really hope you can find the answer about love and all its mysteries in this edition of Arbor Vitae Cheers,

Ahmad Aulia Rizaly Editor-in-Chief

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

ILLUSTRATOR Abelina Dini Fitria

PUBLICATION & PROMOTION Publication & Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia ’13/’14


Fatimah Zahra Anwar


Ivonne S. Phidrian

Universitas Hasanuddin

Universitas Tarumanagara

Indira Makes


Gilbert C.M.

Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Tarumanagara

Namira Bening Nurani


Andira Bulan Nandinati

Universitas Padjajaran

Universitas Airlangga

Fidelisa C. Arini


Fajar Khalis Ananda

Universitas Hasanuddin

Universitas Palangkaraya

Muh. Fathi Banna Al Faruqi

Raissa Metasari T.


Universitas Gadjah Mada






Universitas Padjajaran


Amelia Victoria Tamsil


Risma Kurniasih

Universitas Hasanuddin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Dilanny Puspita Sari


Rezky Fahnisa Amri

Maranatha Christian University

Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Liswindio Apendicaesar

Immanuel Natanael Tarigan


Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret



Universitas Indonesia

Aandi Charles


L. Agnestasia DJ

Universitas Padjajaran

Unika Atma Jaya


Rahmawati Nur Ariyanti

Siti Harisah Universitas Syiah Kuala

Triana Hardianti Gunardi





Universitas Halu Oleo


Eka Cresentia Universitas Hasanuddin


Ernestine Vivi Sadeli

Arcita Hanjani Pramudita

Universitas Pelita Harapan

Universitas Diponegoro


Jessica Universitas Indonesia


Scherlly Reviana Universitas Trisakti


Susdiaman Universitas Muslim Indonesia


! !

Reza Satria Halim Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret

John Patria Maruli Sinaga


Universitas Padjajaran

Saraswati Qonitah Thifal


UPN Veteran Jakarta


Christian Tricesario

Libna Sabrina

Universitas Diponegoro

Universitas Sriwijaya



Lya Angraeni Rusdin

Abiyoso Dwipoyono

Universitas Tadulako

Universitas Pelita Harapan




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Ernestine V


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Vivi Sadeli


hat is love? How can love always being a word that makes all people in this world get attracted? Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that meant for interpersonal affection. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection. This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define.


Love may be understood as a function to keep human beings together and to facilitate the continuation of the species. Love is commonly contrasted with attraction; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships. Love usually refers to an experience one person feels for another. Love often involves caring for or identifying with a person or thing, including oneself or for the others.

― Mother Theresa



Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

Helen Fisher, a leading expert in the topic of love, divides the experience of love into three partly overlapping stages: lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust is the feeling of sexual desire; romantic attraction determines what partners mates find attractive and pursue, conserving time and energy by choosing; and attachment involves sharing a home, parental duties, mutual defence, and in humans involves feelings of safety and security. Three distinct neural circuitries, including neurotransmitters, and three behavioural patterns, are associated with these three romantic styles. Lust is the initial passionate sexual desire that promotes mating, and involves the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen. These effects rarely last more than a few weeks or months. Attraction is the more individualised and romantic desire for a specific candidate for mating, which develops out of lust as commitment to an individual mate forms. Recent studies in neuroscience have indicated that as people fall in love, the brain consistently releases a certain set of chemicals, including the neurotransmitter hormones,

dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, the same compounds released by amphetamine, stimulating the brain's pleasure centre and leading to side effects such as increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitement. Research has indicated that this stage generally lasts from one and a half to three years. Since the lust and attraction stages are both considered temporary, a third stage is needed to account for long-term relationships. Attachment is the bonding that promotes relationships lasting for many years and even decades. Attachment is generally based on commitments such as marriage and children, or on mutual friendship based on things like shared interests. It has been linked to higher levels of the chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin to a greater degree than short-term relationships have. Emanuele reported the protein molecule known as the nerve growth factor (NGF) has high levels when people first fall in love, but these return to previous levels after one year.

And how about the physician itself? A physician is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. To become a great doctor, require both a detailed knowledge of the academic disciplines and also a decent competence in its applied practice. Both the role of the physician and the meaning of the word itself vary around the world, including a wide variety of qualifications and degrees, but there are some common elements. For example, medical ethics require that physicians show consideration, compassion and benevolence for their patients. To complete all of this things, we will add more love to bring joyfulness to the patient. As we know, our job is improving the quality of life, not just delaying death. We need to start treating the patient as well as the disease. The physician should connected to another human being, by giving them love, compassion, and courage. And also as a medical students

and as a future doctors, we will be work in a big system, we have to work in team so we can still struggle on for any others condition. And, love, compassion and courage will be leading us in this system. Because in the future, we have to lead our system to serve the community and bring the positive impact to it. We have to become dynamic doctors, have an ability to initiative and work in team for society transformation, have an integrity until the end. And also love, to own Indonesia as a family, further as one of the most important thing to improve for better future, especially in the field of health. So from now on, spread the love to all the people that you meet. For physician, spread it to your patients, your nurses, or even your friends that works as a physician. Because the way of love is not written in the sky, it is written in the heart. And if we don’t do it now, when it will be done? It’s time to ACT and spread love.


LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE by Rezki Fahnisa

â?¤ People in love could experience mood swings, sleeplessness, racing heart beat, loss of appetite and are generally lost in their own world.

Now, Neuroscience makes sense of this 'heady' State of Love

ll human beings during their lives experience love and friendship to some extent. Human love can be c l a s s i fi e d i n t o t h r e e b a s i c categories according to its intensity, quality and limitations.


each other, having mutual expectations of each other." This form of love includes profound love as well as the love found within most families, involving emotional give and take on a more or less equal footing.

The first form of love is friendship based on social conventions where two people behave in accordance with the principle: "I for myself, you for yourself; we love each other, but we have no expectations of each other." This form of love is that of ordinary people, whose love relationships tend to be of this nature.

The third kind of love transcends all conventions based on mutual expectations, being founded on the following principle: "I am for you, you are for whoever you choose; I accept whatever you want without any expectations whatsoever."

The second form of love is based on a more solid foundation, and those who live together usually experience this kind of love: "I for you, you for me; we love

Scientists found evidence that love is a fundamental need, akin to hunger, thirst and sleep. The regions in the brain activated during hunger and thirst were similar to the pattern of brain activity found among those in love.

THE SCIENCE OF LOVE by Triana Hardianti Gunardi

Love has captured our imagination & curiosity for centuries.


ne thing that is powerful enough to connect people all around the world – cross continents, all kinds of borders, languages, races, ages, and genders, is love. Love has captured our imagination and curiosity for centuries. Many of us experience the rushing heart-beat when meeting someone we love or the deep feeling we have for our children, families, and friends. We consider it as the feeling in our hearts. Apparently, the responsible soldier that regulates our feelings is the brain.[1] Hypophysis, a part of human brain, secretes some hormones or chemical cupids that control our affections through three stages of love: ardor, attraction, and attachment.[2],[3] Brain contains regions that control emotion and secrete some chemical hormones which regulate feelings. The limbic system1 that consists of hippocampus and amygdala, controls our emotion through a route called neuroanatomical loop.[4] Stimuli from our surroundings are sensed by the sensory neuron in the cortex cerebrum, and then sent to the limbic system, thus trigger hypophysis to secrete chemical hormones. Hormones secreted by hypophysis are classified as monoamines1 since each of them contains only one chemical group of amine (-NH2). They have the ability to react and influence our feelings regulatory system through monoaminergic neuron system.[1],[4] This system will help us feel all kinds of emotions, including love Love happens through three stages the first stage of which is ardor, when human find other gender attractive.[2] In this stage, people do efforts to improve their physical look and try to look good in every condition. Hormones or chemical cupids responsible in this stage is oestrogen in women and testosterone in men.[2] Apparently both men and women are actually having the testosterone hormone, but women possess a special enzyme, aromatase, that can turn testosterone to a feminine gene oestrogen. [1] It is probably the reason why there exist boyish women – they are lacking of this enzyme. Oestrogen and testosterone are both the hormones that get people out looking for anything. Attraction as the second stage of love happens when one person is deeply in love with another.[2] The difference between this stage and the former one is that the attraction happens to a specific person. Hormones responsible for this are dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Dopamine3 stimulates desires, pleasures, and joy. On the other hand, norepinephrine or adrenaline[2] increases heart rate and makes the person sweaty and blushing although the weather is not warm at all. Serotonin[2] is the most important chemical cupid because it drives human insane about someone and thus make a person faithful to his/her spouse. Night and daydreaming about one particular person are usually the signs that those hormones are working and human are currently in this stage.[3]

The third stage is attachment[2] that makes a relationship long-lasting. Chemical cupids involved here are oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin[2] excreted by both men and women deepens the bond within two persons. Vasopressin[3] is a long-term chemical stage that stabilise the pair-bond. This is the most important stage above the other stages of love, because it is the one that makes a marriage stays until death do it apart. People’s belief for centuries that feelings are regulated by heart is apparently wrong. Heart-racing, cheek-blushing, and excitement that happen in those three stages of love are the effects of chemical cupids which are hormones secreted by the hypothalamus. The secretion of those hormones are influenced by a region in the brain that is called limbic system1, through neuroanatomical loop.[4] In conclusion, it is the brain that controls our love, which happens through three stages[2],[3] namely ardor, attraction, and attachment.

References: 1. Tortora GJ, Derrickson B. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 13th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2012. 2. British Broadcasting Company. Science: Human Body & Mind [internet]. United Kingdom. 2013[cited on 2014 March 1]. Available from: 3. Your Amazing Brain. The Science of Love [internet]. Bristol. [cited on 2014 March 1]. Available from: 4. Despopoulos A, Silbernagi S. Color Atlas of Physiology 5th ed. New York: Thieme; 2003.

CINTA ILMU-ILMU CINTA by Immanuel Natanael Tarigan


ebagai seorang yang realis dan dididik di sekolah kedokteran, saya menantang segala sesuatu yang tidak terbukti secara ilmiah. Tentu kalau masalah agama itu hal yang berbeda. Selain agama, saya menyakini pasti ada hal ilmiah atas eksistensi suatu hal. Sebagai bukti, orang yang mengaku dukun, bisa berbicara dengan orang yang sudah meninggal atau memiliki kekuatan tertentu dibuktikan bahwa terdapat perubahan pola sekresi neurotransmitter di pada bagian tertentu di otak yang memberikan gejala seperti itu. Lantas bagaimana dengan cinta? Banyak orang yang menyatakan bahwa cinta adalah semata-mata muncul dari perasaan. Seorang teman saya, berkalikali mengingatkan saya tentang cinta. “Cinta ya mbok dirasa Nuel, ojo dipikirken!� katanya. Buat saya pasti pasti ada penjelasan untuk itu. Untunglah prinsip saya ini tidak menghalangi saya untuk mendapatkan pacar. Siapa yang bilang cinta tidak menggunakan otak? Cinta malah adalah sebuah proses yang terjadi dalam otak. Cinta adalah sebuah fenomena neurobiologi yang sangat kompleks. Cinta melibatkan trust, belief, pleasure dan penghargaan. Proses ini melibatkan oksitosin, vasopressin, dopamin dan serotonin. Selain itu, endorfin mekanis dan morfogenenik endogen yang berikatan dengan NO juga memiliki peran. Semua jenis hormon-hormon ini akan merangsang pusang rasa senang di otak. Selain memunculkan rasa senang hormon ini akan merangsang

peningkatan motivasi, keinginan makan, seks dan reproduksi. Perangsangan ini akan memunculkan sekelompok perasaan yang kemudian oleh manusia diartikan dengan cinta. Cinta, baik rasa sayang ibu anak ke anak, rasa cinta antar manusia atau bahkan cinta dalam artian sex kemudian berhubungan dengan berbagai kegiatan yang meningkatkan kesehatan manusia. Cinta, rasa senang bahkan nafsu pada akhirnya akan menurunkan hormon stress. Mengingat kembali pelajaran kita waktu preklinik, setiap neurotransmitter atau hormon yang dikeluarkan akan mengalami degradasi. Akibatnya tidak ada hormon yang kemudian menyebabkan penghentian perangsangan pada pusat kesenangan itu. Artinya rasa cinta yang dimiliki seseorang dapat menurun mungkin hilang. Sepertinya keadaan inilah yang banyak disalahgunakan oleh kaum muda saat ingin putus. “Maaf sayang, aku udah gak sayang lagi sama kamu. Kayaknya rasa sayang aku udah habis.� Familiar dengan kata-kata ini? Lantas bagaimana dengan ayah ibu kita yang masih bertahan dengan pernikahan mereka? Apakah mereka menjalin hubungan tanpa rasa sayang? Sebuah sumber menyebutkan perangsangan

pada pusat senang yang memunculkan rasa cinta tersebut hanya bertahan hingga 4 tahun. Makanya, fase terberat dalam hubungan adalah tahun ke-4. Setelah melewati tahun ke-4 biasanya pasangan akan memasuki fase pernikahan. “Cinta memang kerja dari hormon, namun hormon itu hanya bertahan 4 tahun. Selebihnya adalah komitmen.� ―Immanuel Natanael Tarigan, 2011 Benar sekali, komitmen adalah jawabannya. Ungkapan tersebut pernah saya ucapkan dalam sebuah forum diskusi 3 tahun yang lalu. Menurut hemat penulis, komitmenlah yang mempertahankan sebuah hubungan entah itu komitmen untuk tetap saling menyayangi atau sekadar komitmen untuk mempertahankan hubungan tanpa cinta. Nah, sekarang jelaslah semuanya bahwa cinta memang sebuah hal yang dapat dibuktikan secara ilmiah. Lantas bagaimana implikasinya dengan kehidupan seorang dokter? Sebagai seorang dokter tentu haram hukumnya untuk jatuh cinta dengan pasien kita. Kita perlu mempertahankan hubungan professional dengan pasien kita selama dalam masa pengobatan. Setelah itu, kalau ingin menjalin hubungan pribadi di luar seting

hubungan professional silahkan loh. Tapi, hubungan kita dengan pasien sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasien. Dalam hubungan dokter pasien dikenal transferensi dan kontratransferensi. Transferensi adalah bagaimana seorang dokter ditempatkan pasien dalam hidupnya sehingga mempengaruhi presepsi pasien terhadap dokter. Contoh, bila seorang pasien menempatkan dokter sebagai sosok ayah maka dia akan patuh pada dokternya, sebaliknya bila pasien menempatkan dokter sebagai orang asing maka kepatuhan pasien pada dokter pun akan rendah. Kontratransferensi adalah kebalikan dari transferensi. Kontratransferensi adalah bagaimana dokter menempatkan pasien dalam hubungannya. Bagaimana bila dokter menempatkan pasien sebagai sosok yang dicintainya? Ada sisi baiknya dan buruknya. Baiknya adalah dokter akan berusaha yang terbaik untuk pasiennya itu. Dari yang tidak biasa baca buku, sekarang cari jurnal dan guidelines terbaru untuk penatalaksaaan penyakit orang yang dicintainya tersebut. Namun buruknya adalah bisa saja terjadi overdiagnosis karena ketakutan yang dari dokternya. Intinya, bila dokter dan pasien tersebut dalam posisi yang saling mencintai atau minimal dokter yang dalam transferensinya menempatkan pasien dalam posisi orang yang dicintainya (sedih sih kalau bertepuk sebelah tangan seperti itu), akan terjadi hubungan dokter pasien yang kurang rasional. Putusan yang diambil baik dokter ataupun pasien tidak didasarkan atas pikiran rasional.

Namun demikian, cinta diperlukan dalam kehidupan sebagai seorang dokter. Cinta pada studi dan profesi ini lah yang membuat kita bertahan dalam kerasnya kehidupan sebagai dokter. Cinta pada pasien secara umum membuat kita senantiasa berusaha untuk memberikan pelayan yang terbaik untuk mereka. Cinta pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuanlah yang membuat kita senantiasa berusaha meneliti dan menemukan hal baru. Cinta pada negara ini yang selalu memberikan kita semangat untuk mengembangkan taraf kesehatan bangsa Indonesia. Singkatnya cinta adalah dasar pergerakan kita selama ini dan saat nantinya kita sudah mengabdi. Sebagai kesimpulannya, cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang mendalam yang memunculkan sebuah passion serta mendasari berbagai putusan dalam hidup. Cinta yang tepat pada objek yang tepat akan memberikan hasil yang luar biasa. Implikasinya, kita, mahasiswa dan calon dokter, harus paham peran cinta dan mampu menempatkan objek cinta dalam kehidupan kita. Jadi, lapangkan rentangan tangan, panjangkan langkah kali, perluas lapang pandang, buka kesempatan setiap kemungkinan dan biarkan hormon cinta bekerja. Siapa tahu, dia, objek cinta yang kamu cari selama ini ada di depan kamu, atau mungkin pasien atau anak dari pasien kamu selama ini. Salam. @nueltrg


JATUH CINTA Ta ny a M e n g a p a by Muhammad Fathi Banna Al Faruqi


tulah salah satu kriteria cinta. Tiaptiap dari kita pasti pernah merasakannya. Namun, apakah cinta itu sebenarnya? Adakah cinta hanyalah sebuah perasaan dan persepsi? Berikut ini beberapa hipotesis tentang jatuh cinta dan beberapa hal berkaitan lainnya dari sudut pandang medis. Kita tidak dapat melihat wujud cinta, kita hanya dapat merasakannya. Begitu pula dengan feromon, sebuah senyawa kimia yang diproduksi oleh untuk dapat berkomunikasi dan mengenali sesama. Contoh umum yang sering digunakan

adalah feromon pada serangga. Oleh sebab itu, semut-semut saling bersalaman ketika bertemu karena dengan cara itulah yang paling efektif dalam menyampaikan feromon dengan untuk berkomunikasi. Tak hanya pada serangga, banyak makhluk hidup lain yang berkomunikasi menggunakan feromon, salah satunya adalah manusia. Manusia menggunakan feromon untuk berkomunikasi secara tidak langsung. Feromon memiliki peran dalam hubungan antarmanusia, baik dalam memilih teman, siklus haid,

dan tentu perasaan cinta. Feromon merupakan senyawa volatil dan tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata. Feromon diproduksi oleh kelenjar endokrin di beberapa bagian tubuh manusia, misalnya wajah dan ketiak. Lalu, bagaimanakah peran feromon dalam menentukan perasaan cinta? Ketika manusia saling berinteraksi satu sama lain, maka feromon yang selalu dihasilkan akan terdeteksi oleh lawan interaksinya. Dalam hal ini, feromon yang bersifat volatil akan dideteksi oleh VNO (Vomeronasal Organ) di dalam lubang hidung. VNO akan terhubung dengan hipotalamus untuk memberikan tanggapan. Perasaan cinta dan segala gejalanya akan ditimbulkan jika feromon yang terdeteksi adalah feromon yang sesuai. Maka dari itu, istilah cinta pada pandangan pertama lebih tepat didefinisikan sebagai cinta pada bau pertama. Feromon yang sesuai mengindikasikan potensi sebagai pasangan. Dalam hal ini, ada dua macam feromon yang sesuai: feromon dari seseorang sebagai belahan jiwa, dan feromon dari seseorang sebagai pasangan hidup. Cara kerja feromon dari pasangan yang berjenis belahan jiwa mirip seperti salah satu teori sisi cara kerja enzim, yaitu lock and key theory. Sehingga, akan dihasilkan ikatan yang kuat antara feromon dan VNO sehingga akan menimbulkan efek yang lebih daripada feromon dari pasangan yang berjenis pasangan hidup yang hanya memiliki cara kerja serupa teori lain tentang cara kerja enzim, yaitu

induced fit theory. Perbedaannya adalah ketika antar belahan jiwa saling bertemu, maka perasaan cinta akan dengan segera melonjak hingga bahkan “membutakan�, seolah dunia benar-benar hanya milik berdua. Namun ketika antar pasangan hidup bertemu, maka perasaan cinta akan relatif lebih mudah dikontrol sehingga mengurangi kemungkinan “buta� karena cinta. Inilah yang menyebabkan adanya istilah cinta buta. Setelah feromon yang sesuai terdeteksi, maka adrenalin (atau yang juga dikenal sebagai epinefrin) akan bekerja untuk meningkatkan fungsi simpatis seperti memacu kerja jantung dan pernafasan. Rasa gugup pun muncul ketika berhadapan dengan orang yang kita cintai. Organ pencernaan pun akan terhambat oleh fungsi simpatis dan salah satu efeknya adalah berkurangnya nafsu makan. Selain itu, endorfin pun akan menimbulkan perasaan senang yang berlebihan sedangkan serotonin akan menyebabkan kita untuk terus memikirkan orang yang kita cintai. Terakhir, kesetiaan akan dipertahankan oleh vasopressin dan oksitosin. Dalam buku yang berjudul Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love, Profesor Antropologi dari Rutgers University, Helen Fisher, menjelaskan bahwa cinta terbagi dalam tiga tahapan. Tahap pertama adalah nafsu. Hormon yang berpengaruh dalam tahap ini adalah testosteron pada laki-laki dan estrogen pada perempuan. Tahap selanjutnya adalah ketertarikan, yang dipengaruhi oleh adrenalin, dopamin, dan serotonin. Tahap terakhir adalah keterikatan yang

dipengaruhi oleh oksitosin dan vasopressin. Ketika feromon yang terdeteksi saling sesuai, maka akan ditimbulkan efek yang sama dan muncullah istilah cinta bersambut. Namun, adakalanya yang terjadi adalah istilah cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan. Bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi? Semisal A jatuh cinta kepada B tetapi B tidak jatuh cinta kepada A. Kemungkinannya adalah dengan kembali mengingat permisalan cara kerja enzim. A memiliki toleransi yang lebih tinggi dalam induced fit theory daripada B. Sehingga, A mengalami jatuh cinta kepada B, tetapi perasaan cinta A tidak dapat berbalas. Lalu, bagaimana poligami dapat terjadi? Kemungkinannya memiliki konsep yang sama dengan permasalahan di atas, dengan tetap mengingat permisalan mengenai cara kerja enzim: toleransi yang lebih tinggi dalam induced fit theory. Berbagai pengembangan masalah lain, semisal bagaimana kita dapat jatuh cinta kepada lebih dari satu orang bahkan pada waktu yang sama, bagaimana kasus homoseksual dan lesbian dapat terjadi, serta kasus-kasus lainnya sebenarnya memiliki satu konsep jawaban umum yang lagi-lagi mengacu pada permisalah mengenai cara kerja enzim: setiap orang memiliki sisi aktif dan reseptor yang berbeda, begitu pun dengan toleransi dalam induced fit theory. Variasi bahkan hingga abnormalitas sangat memungkinkan terjadinya perbedaan toleransi ini.

IS IT LOVE OR JUST LUST? The Danger of STIs by Arcita Hanjani Pramudita

remembered part of lyrics saying “What you Feel is What you are” by Goo Goo dolls, and with that lyrics I’m curious about what are these feeling called love? And what it got to do with these Health issue in the World?


WHO stated that “More than 1 million people acquire a sexually transmitted infection (STI) every day.” And it has become one of the Global burden across the Nation. So what it got to do with love ? As a human being we have many emotion and one of them called love, it can turn Bad to Good or Good to bad, Overall it turn us to fully living person. With the role of our Limbic system like Amygdala and Hippocampus, it will generate the feeling of in love, attachment and social bonding and from Neuroscience perspective, love is generate from these chemicals include: nerve growth factor, testosterone, oestrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Love have so many ways of showing it can be action or verbal. For example when we love food we eat just about anything or caring toward people, thus when we love we want to give our best for the person we love, but the worst part is sometimes people mistaken for love to lust . WHO stated “Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are mostly spread from one infected person to another through sexual intercourse.”. Some infections may also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. Another way that infections are passed on is through the sharing of blood products or tissue transfers.

STIs can be caused by bacteria (gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia), parasites (trichomoniasis) and Viruses (Human Papilloma Virus, Herpes, HIV) and sexual activity plays a role in spreading many other infectious agents, although it's possible to be infected without sexual contact. Examples include the hepatitis A, B and C viruses, shigella, cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia. The cause of STI that have been given is just a few example from many STI in the world and people across the globe still trying to lower the number of this disease that is increasing. So what possibly can we do to raise the awareness towards our community? It starts with telling information to people surround us . With that they will know a bit how to prevent it . One of the project to lower these number is raising our awareness by :


Get the fact : How are these diseases spread? How can you protect yourself? What are the treatment options?

2 3

Take Control by : Abstinence, Vaccination, Mutual monogamy, Using protection. Take the test to make sure that your STIs-free. Diseases, such as HIV, may be asymptomatic.

Nothing is small when it comes to love, so what we can do now is giving our best as a medical student to improve and care about our environment, our community.

STOP LOVING,START DYING by John Patria Maruli Sinaga


ove is familiar word in our life. Based on Old English, love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. Actually, there’re several types of love which depends on the people involved in the love itself. Romantic love is a love between lovers that’s spurred by physical attraction. Platonic love is a love between friends while love between mother and child or between family member is interpersonal love. And the last is the impersonal love in which denotes love for cause, principal or closeness to one’s heart. Believe it or not, loving is one thing you almost you do all the time, only if you have joyful life. Love isn’t only matter of flowers, poetry, boyfriend or girlfriend. The universe is love and you’re including one element giving love to the others. And when we put love to another thing or human, the love will come back to you and fulfil your day with happiness. o, we conclude that love is so important. You can enjoy if you love it or you can break any moment if you really don’t love, or in other word, hate it. Of course people will choose love rather than hate. Now the question is love validated medically as a true phenomenon or is it just abstract? As noted in neurobiology, love is related to the hormone which affects many aspect of body. It’s called mind-body mechanism. Hormone is just a peptide

chain but it can produce an enormous energy, in love case. Oxytocin is highly related to love. It’s often called as cuddle hormone, it provides pair bonding in between mother and child. This is rational, since when mother give breastfeeding, the child will get the oxytocin from the breast and it supports how close the mother and the child will be. This is why people say mother and child has already grown special bonding that can’t be given by anybody. The second thing what oxytocin does is, it also plays big role in sexual excitement and response. As we know, oxytocin is related to sexual phase of a female. Beside that, sexual attraction such as kissing and touching each other will shift up the oxytocin level in body thus make both male and female psychologically and physically aroused. The third thing is, it plays role in orgasm for both sexes.

Knowing that, we conclude loving is really important as pair bonding for everyone and sexual excitement for lovers. But we emphasise the pair bonding function of love here. As a doctor, as a friend, as a son and as a part of social, we do activity with another person. To love means to give anybody happiness. So, treating anyone with love will make the feel loved and it’s one of approach how to treat people which we think the best we an do to anyone. By doing this, not only they who got the happiness. But, the deliver of love will also get the love and happiness. Contrarily, someone who doesn’t love will be suffering. They don’t have reason to smile, they don’t have reason to stand up among the problems. How big is your motivation if you lack of love? Zero. Motivation is based on love, it pushes you to your limit however if you make a vision without love, it’ll be hard, you’ll feel the pain and nothing can overcome it. It’s totally different in people who have love or at least people they love, that kind of people will persistently pursuit the dreams, the visions they have planned and that’s how fighter wins. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you always can love and be loved which means you always can give and receive happiness. That’s just a simple thing about love, spread the love, get happiness, make a better place.



Abiyoso D






alling in love affects intellectual areas of the brain and induces the same sensation of euphoria experienced by people when they embark on a cocaine trip according to researchers from Syracuse University who reveal in an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study, called "The Neuro-imaging of Love" found that several euphoria-inducing chemicals, such as vasopressin, adrenaline, oxytocin and dopamine are released in 12 areas of the brain that work simultaneously. The authors also reveal that falling in love can occur in a fifth of a second. So, is love linked to the brain or the heart?

in human social chemistry, and in "love at first sight". Ortigue believes their findings confirm that love does have a scientific basis. When a love affair goes wrong, or when it ends, there is a significant risk of depression and emotional distress for at least one of the partners. The authors say that this study has revealed facts that could have implications for mental health and neuroscience research. Ortigue said: It's another probe into the brain and into the mind of a patient. By understanding why they fall in love and why they are so heartbroken, they can use new therapies. If we can identify which parts of the brain are activated and stimulated by love, clinicians and therapists might have a deeper understanding of what is going on when treating a love-sick patient.


According to Professor Stephanie Ortigue, who is the leading researcher in this meta-analysis, “That's a tricky question always. I would say the brain, but the heart is also related because the complex concept of love is formed by both bottom-up and top-down processes from the brain to the heart and vice versa. For instance, activation in some parts of the brain can generate stimulations to the heart, butterflies in the stomach. Some symptoms we sometimes feel as a manifestation of the heart may sometimes be coming from the brain.� The scientists also found that when couples had just fallen in love, their blood levels of NGF (nerve growth factor) increased. NGF is a molecule that is key

We know there are various types of love, and it appears that different parts of the brain are affected depending on what type of love there is. The love between a mother and her offspring, for example, what we call unconditional love is generated by the common and different brain areas, including the middle of the brain. The reward part of the brain is stimulated when passionate love is involved, as well as associative cognitive areas of the brain which deal with higher thought functions, such as body image.



ASR MEET THE SENIOR Adhitya Sigit Ramadianto by Liswindio Apendicaesar

CV NAME Adhitya Sigit Ramadianto NICK NAME Adit PLACE & DATE OF BIRTH Jakarta, 6 April 1991 EDUCATION Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, 2008-2014 Al-Azhar 1 High School, 2005-2008 Al-Azhar 1 Junior High School, 2003-2005 Al-Azhar 1 Elementary School, 1997-2003


ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN AMSA - Member of Publication & Promotion Divison, AMSA-UI, 2013 - Secretary of Academics, AMSA International, 2012-2013 - Advisory Board, AMSA-UI, 2012 - Secretary of Research, AMSA-Indonesia, 2010-2011 - Director of Internal Aairs, AMSA-UI 2011

ACHIEVEMENTS - PCC AMSC 2013: 1st place in Scientific Poster Competition, 3rd place in Scientific Paper Competition, & 3rd place in Public Poster Competition - PCC EAMSC 2013: 1st place in Paper Competition & 2nd place in Poster Competition - PCC AMSC 2012: 2nd place in Poster Competition & 3rd place in Paper Competition - PCC JC 2011: 2nd place in Paper Competition, 2nd place in Scientific Poster Competition, & 1st place in Video Competition - PCC EAMSC 2011: 1st place in Paper Competition - NPPT 2010: 1st place in Paper Competition - Best Director AMSA-UI 2011 - Best Member AMSA-UI 2010 - 8th highest GPA in 3rd year of FKUI - 4th highest GPA in 2nd year of FKUI - 3rd highest GPA in 1st year of FKUI


Adhitya Sigit Ramadianto is a senior member in AMSA from University of Indonesia. He was a Secretary of Research of AMSA-Indonesia in 2010-2011, and Secretary of Academic Competition of AMSA-International in 2012-2013. His enrolment in AMSA is very wellknown because although he’s a senior from class of 2008, he anyway has got along very well with many junior members even until today. My first encounter with him was when we were in the same team for White Paper Team of AMSA-Indonesia for EAMSC Singapore 2012. Since then, he’s inspired me about how fun it is to be actively participating in AMSA and I’ve seen how he also did it for many other juniors of his (either in AMSAUI or AMSA-Indonesia). On 15th February 2014, he’s just had his license exam (UKDI). It would be interesting to hear his story of dedication before he leaves and enters AMSA Alumni Club (AMSAAC).

Q: When was the first time you got “exposed” to AMSA? What did you feel about AMSA back then and why then you decided to join?

Q: What did motivate and drive you to be quite active and contributive in AMSA-UI and AMSA-Indonesia, especially as part of the Board?

A: My participation in AMSA-UI’s NMGBC was my first encounter with AMSA. Being a high school student who aspires to get into medical school, the opportunity is unforgettable and definitely left its mark. Oh, and NMGBC’s absurdly challenging (I mean difficult) questions almost literally blew my head off. When I actually enrolled in FKUI a few months later, I found that AMSA has a lot to offer to its members so that built my motivation. I wasn’t a socially-active student back in high school, so I didn’t have any expectation whatsoever in joining any organisation. But honestly, my main motivation at that time is so that I can have my ‘revenge’ by being part of NMGBC committee. Q: What was your impression back then about AMSA-Indonesia? A: Due to a different recruitment scheme in my time, I was a relatively late-comer in AMSA-Indonesia activities. In fact, my first national event was also my juniors’ first national event. As the new guy, I expected things to get at least a bit awkward, but my worry instantly faded away when I actually landed in IMSTC 2010 by AMSA-Unsyiah. I felt very welcomed and that made me want to contribute the best I can to this organisation. I met friends from many universities and I was introduced to the workings of AMSA-Indonesia, including its Executive Board

A: To be clear, I never aimed to be ‘active’ or ‘contributive’ in the organisation. I’ll let you in on a secret: I only had vague ideas about AMSAIndonesia until my Representative back then Kak Denia (2006) approached me and asked whether I was interested in applying for EB during Sony Wirasakti’s term as RC. Only then I tried to learn more about what AMSA-Indonesia does, and although my AMSA knowledge wasn’t extensive, I have the motivation to learn as I go along and I am a responsible person. Another thing that motivated me was that AMSA provides room for growth for everyone, not only for the typical university activist type who gets their shot of adrenaline from ‘organisation-ing’ and making life hell for the more laid-back types like me. (note: if you are one of those fiery activist type, then yes, I’m making fun of you). Having a level playing field in AMSA is a major motivation for me. Q: You mainly have contributed in academic field in AMSA, either by being the participants of competitions or by being EB and EC of Academics. Why did you choose academics as your way in AMSA?

A: I did not intentionally ‘choose’ to play

the field. It gotta start somewhere, right?

in the academic field of AMSA, considering there are nerdier people here. It started when I was assigned to the academic division of AMSA-UI, which wasn’t my first choice (if I chose it at all). Then I let things flow naturally and my interest grew the further I delve in it. When applying for EB and EC, I chose academics since that’s what I’ve been doing so far and where my experience is call it a positive feedback loop if you want to.

Q: Despite being pretty much active in AMSA, you still managed to have good grades in pre-clinical and clinical term in medical school (especially, information said that you were one of the best 5 students when you were graduated from pre-clinical in your medical school). Do you have any tips for other members how to do so?

I think for every field that you find yourself in, having an open mind will serve you well. A good dose of humility is also needed so that you can actually learn and gain something from whatever it is you are working on: academics, outreach, advocacy, you name it. Q: How do you think of other members and more upcoming members need to develop themselves in academic field (e.g. by participating in the competition)? A: Leap and the net will appear. There are various stigmata attached to academics people, which undeniably drives some innocent bystanders away from the field. Those with budding interest in academics will need to look past that stigma and just start participating whenever the opportunity arises. Sure, some awkwardness and cluelessness will ensue; but remember, AMSA is a family, which means there are people who will be more than glad to help you navigate

A: I would love to answer this question in an enlightening way. Sadly, I can offer nothing more than the standard prescription. Know your responsibilities, set your priorities, and procrastinate responsibly. Finding your own working style and pace can also take loads of burden off your shoulders. Q: Aside than life of medical students, you also love reading various kinds of things and you also love writing. Moreover, you are also well-informed about things outside medical field (e.g. politics, science, literary novels, etc.). This is probably rare to be found in most of medical students. Can you explain why you keep yourself updated with other issues outside medicine despite knowing it’s even already difficult to “digest” all of the medical lessons? Why is it important for us to update our knowledge outside medicine?

ASR A: As our study in medical school progresses, especially in clinical years, you will see that medicine is larger than what you ever imagined. ‘Health’ is the phenotype of various genotypes that eludes simple explanation. That’s why medicine is such an exciting field, where doctors can choose their niche from the molecular to the international policy scale. One can choose to be a clinician, researcher, teacher, public health practitioner, and more. In light of that fact, it is very suitable that we keep up with the rest of the world, rather than being trapped in our own white-coat shell. Q: One of your hobbies is writing. What is writing for you? A: I am a firm believer in the power of words to influence people. All kinds of writing can affect people: make them support a cause, teach them new knowledge, elicit feelings, and help them achieve goals. Sometimes I write simply for the sake of writing. The result can be incoherent, surprising, or disorientating; nevertheless, I enjoy playing around with the building blocks we call ‘words’ and assembling them together. “One may possess the brightest mind on Earth, but he will be forgotten by Mankind and swept away by Time — unless he writes. To write is to strive for eternity.” —Pramoedya Ananta Toer Q: Should there be anything you want to say to the members and the AMSAIndonesia itself, what would that be? A: Taking into account how long I’ve been in AMSA and how much I’ve talked, I think AMSA-Indonesia would be too happy that I say nothing more. lol. writing can affect people: make them support a cause, teach them new knowledge, elicit feelings, and help them achieve goals. Sometimes I write simply for the sake of writing. The result can be incoherent, surprising, or disorientating; nevertheless, I enjoy playing around with the building blocks we call ‘words’ and assembling them together.

HLS BIT OF THOUGHTS Hui Lee Shak by Ivonne S. Phidrian & Gilbert C.M.

NAME Hui Lee Shak NICK NAME Hui Lee PLACE & DATE OF BIRTH Palembang, 25 March 1992 EDUCATION Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Tarumanagara, 2009-present


ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN AMSA General Secretary of AMSA-Universitas Tarumanagara 2010-2011 Secretary of Membership & Development of AMSA-Indonesia 2011-2012 Advisory Board of AMSA-Indonesia 2012-2013

Q: Bagaimana Anda mendeskripsikan diri Anda?

Jadi, setiap hari sisihkan waktu untuk keluarga dan belajar supaya pintar.

H: Orang yang jujur,berintegritas, tegas,

Maturitas diri juga penting. Jadi, kita bisa punya kapasitas yang besar untuk menjalani kesuksesan itu. Sikap juga menjadi faktor yang menentukan. Kesimpulannya: bangun diri, perbesar kapasitas diri dan disiplin harian yang menurutku akan membawa kita ke kesuksesan dan teruslah belajar dan berkembang

analitik, berkomitmen, seneng bertemu dengan orang baru. Saya juga sering lupa soal barang dan susah bagun pagi :p Q: Siapa atau apa yang menjadi inspirasi terbesar dalam hidup Anda? H: Aku sebenarnya belajar dari apapun dan siapapun. Dari peristiwa-peristiwa, pengalaman-pengalaman dan lainnya. Banyak orang-orang hebat yang kutemui di AMSA dan aku belajar juga dari mereka. Aku belajar dari William Cheng, Rainhard Octavianto, Melissa Lenardi, dan senior-senior AMSA yang tidak bisa disebutkan satu persatu. Kalau inspirasi terbesar adalah PAPA. Dia pekerja keras yang mencintai pekerjaannya, berdedikasi penuh, tidak hitung-hitungan waktu, dan sangat peduli dengan kondisi karyawannya, bisa membaur, disiplin dan tegas, tahu kapan harus tegas dan kapan harus lembut. Q: Menurut Anda, apa langkah pertama untuk menjadi sukses? H: Menurutku kesuksesan itu akumulasi kesuksesan menjalani hari/membangun diri setiap hari. Jadi, bukan yang tiba-tiba, tapi di bangun tiap hari. Harus tentukan prioritas, set goals, disiplin harian. Definisi sukses orang itu berbeda-beda, misalnya ada yang beranggapan kalau sukses itu yang penting hubungan dgn keluarga dan akademik lancar.

Q: Apa yang membuat Anda masuk dan aktif di dunia organisasi? H: Secara umum, aku mau aktif karena aku pengen mengisi waktu luang dengan belajar, pengen memperbesar kapasitas diri/meningkatkan kualitas diri. Aku percaya aku bisa belajar hal-hal nonakademik, yang tidak ada di bangku kuliah lewat organisasi. Dan seiring berjalannya waktu, jika aku menengok ke belakang dan mengevaluasi, aku sadar banyak aspek diriku yang menjadi lebih baik. Pola pikir, pengambilan keputusan, leadership, diplomasi, bagaimana bersosialisasi dengan orang yang bedabeda, disiplin, time management, dan sebagainya. Selain itu buat have fun juga. Aku mikirnya aku mau punya "story to be told". Misalnya nanti anak kita nanya dulu mama kuliah ngapain, kalau tidak ikut organisasi jawabannya "mama dulu cuma belajar doang�. Hahaha! Nggak seru. Dan kuliah FK, belajar doang itu menjenuhkan, enaknya ada selingan organisasi.

Q: Apa prinsip Anda dalam berogranisasi? H: Aktif, dedikasi dan komitmen, membangun anggota, fun, dan kebersamaan. Yang penting, kita jatuh cinta sama organisasinya, pasti mau aktif dan berdedikasi. Menurutku, pengembangan anggota itu penting. Kalau anggotanya tidak berkembang, mending tidak usah ikut organisasi, buang-buang waktu saja. Q: Lalu, kenapa memilih AMSA? H: Karena AMSA berbasis international dan AMSA itu menurutku full package organization. Filosofi AMSA meliputi: Knowledge, Action, Friendship. Jadinya program kerja AMSA itu bervariasi dan yang makin memantapkan saya di AMSA adalah kekeluargaannya. Kekeluargaan di AMSA yang menimbulkan sense of belonging buat saya, jadi betah. Selain itu melalui AMSA bisa kenal juga dengan mahasiswa FK lainnya. Q: Best experience yang Anda dapatkan dari AMSA? H: AMSA memberikan banyak pengalaman tak terlupakan. First national event and first conference, “yang pertama selalu terindah�, tapi mendapatkan amanah dan kepercayaan untuk bekerja buat AMSA dalam suatu kepengurusan nasional adalah the best experience for me. Berinteraksi dengan universitasuniversitas, aku menikmati every moment di AMSA.

Q: Apa hasil yang pernah Anda buat dan yang paling membanggakan selama aktif di AMSA? H: Kalo soal kinerja, menurut saya orang lain yang bisa menilai. Tapi bagi saya, bisa dipercaya sebagai EB AMSAIndonesia sudah menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri buat saya. Q: Selama menjadi EB AMSA Indonesia hal apa yang belum sempat dilakukan? Dan apa harapan Anda untuk AMSA kedepanya? H: Belum berhasil menjadikan universitas-universitas yang tidak aktif menjadi aktif lagi. Harapan untuk AMSA kedepannya, AMSA menjadi organisasi yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat. Tidak hanya bertambah dari segi kuantitas tetapi juga dari segi kualitas. Saya berharap semua universitas bisa berpartisipasi aktif, rasa kekeluargaan makin erat, program-program tepat sasaran dan berdampak, diakui eksistensinya baik oleh AMSA International, maupun di organisasi mahasiswa Indonesia. Makin kompak dan makin asyik. Q: Terakhir, apa arti AMSA buat Anda? H: FAMILY. AMSA: Aku Masih Sayang AMSA. Hahaha! AMSA itu organisasi, tapi lingkungannya bikin betah, tidak kaku, seru, tidak ada senioritas, hangat, hubungannya bukan sebatas hubungan kerja, tapi kekeluargaan.

― Maria Satya Paramitha

MnD teladan dan inspiratif, karena dia tipe yang bisa mengorbankan waktunya dan istirahatnya untuk AMSA-universitas


Hui Lee Shak is a combination of extraordinary ability and confidence enrich with boundless energy. ― William Cheng





Fatimah Za

SING MH370 nd?


ahra Anwar


“It is with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean”

t was a search and rescue operation on an unprecedented scale, combing through over 30,000 nautical miles, involving 60 ships and 50 aircraft – all in an effort to find one missing Boeing 777 which is said to have set off from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, only to disappear into thin air, without a trace.


This week Malaysian authorities made the dramatic announcement that they had finally “found” the aircraft, without any “debris sighting”. On cue, global mainstream media outlets ran continuous coverage on Monday March 24th of this week, showing footage of men looking out the window of Royal Australian Air Force P-3, looking rather intensely at a trail of smoke hanging over the water. It was based on new analysis by British satellite firm Inmarsat, which provided

satellite data, and the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). The firms "have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth," Mr. Najib said. "This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.” Mr. Najib appealed to the media to respect the privacy of the families of the passengers and crew, saying the wait for information had been heartbreaking and this latest news harder still. There were 227 passengers on flight MH370, many of them Chinese.

Relatives of those on board who watched the announcement at a Beijing hotel wept with grief, and some were taken away on stretchers by medical teams. Passengers' relatives in China took in the news with a mixture of deep anguish and some anger China has demanded that the Malaysian authorities make available the evidence on which they based their announcement about the jet's fate. And some relatives of Chinese passengers expressed skepticism about their conclusion, as the plane has not been found yet. Fresh analysis methods Inmarsat had already revealed that it did indeed receive signals - automated "pings" - from the plane over its satellite network after the aircraft ceased radio and radar contact. Sources says that flight MH370 continued to ping for at least five hours after the aircraft left Malaysian airspace - which indicated the plane was intact and powered. And initial analysis showed the location of the final "ping" was probably along one of two vast arcs running north and south.

The company told the BBC the new calculation involved crunching far more data and that engineers spent all weekend looking back at previous Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flights. They compared the satellite data from those flights with flight MH370 and were able to work out that it went south. As far as the engineers could tell, the plane was flying at a cruising height above 30,000ft, but its final position could not be pinpointed more clearly, says BBC transport correspondent Richard Westcott. Inmarsat gave the AAIB the new data on Sunday, it said, which had to be checked before it could be made public. Found or not, MH370 will leave a scar that may never heal for the family of the victims‌

On Monday, the Malaysian prime minister said Inmarsat had been able to shed further light on the plane's flight path by performing further calculations on the MH370 data "using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort". According to Inmarsat, this involved a totally new way of modelling, which was why it took time.




To d a y ’ s C h i l d r e n A r e


Andira Bulan


e To m o r r ow ’ s E l d e r l y


n Nandinanti

At the time, I was assigned to representing Samoa, a small country in the Pacific Oceania, inside a committee called “Third World Assembly on Ageing” (TWAA). What? Ageing? hmm.. Yes you heard it right, Ageing. Are you going to talk about recent breakthrough to prevent ageing process? How to stay young in such an old age? Well, pretty much. A year preparatory I’ve been through will be pour in into this real conference. A bulk of books, journals, and its friends will eventually show their action as I’m doing my role as Samoa’s diplomat. oke up in a gloomy face, started the day with a pillowfaced around the hostel. The first conference of HNMUN 2013 was welcomed by a heavy snowfall. Right after I finished my breakfast, I grabbed my Coat, my fully equipped bag, and a cup of fresh brewed-coffee. Off I go to my conference venue, 10 minutes by walking. Oh well, my stilettos, as part of young diplomat attire, won’t let me arrive to Boston Park Plaza Hotel safely. I decided to change it into a pair of boots first, and change to stilettos as I arrived to the venue.


Seem you guys not really familiar with the term of HNMUN, am I right? HNMUN stands for Harvard Model United Nation, a United Nation conference simulation held by Harvard student who gather 3500 university students across the globe to step in the shoes of a young diplomat deliberating various international issues.

Time flies as the earth spinning around. The advanced of human civilisation from time to time, lead us to a better health care. How come? There are plenty countries with poor-medical facilities. As science and technology married one another, we have better approach of several incurable diseases. Health promotion, prevention, yet education has became more frequent nowadays. All these efforts contributed on declining the mortality rate in some countries. Beside that, don't you aware most of us nowadays tend to plan having 2 children at most? That shows how today’s society has different perspective on planning a marriage, the amount of family members, etc. It became great news for a country with high fertility rate. Because they are experiencing a decline in birth rate. Let’s draw a simple mind map, imagine a slightly decline in birth rate came along with declining of mortality rate.

How will the life spans of the society? They will live even longer than before right? Yeah, you got the point now! As these trends continued, then sooner or later we will facing what so called “Global Population Ageing”. When people on age >65 years old will dominate our population. “Today’s children are tomorrow’s elderly” That’s the basic idea of today’s population ageing. Then why do we need concern that? Oh come on, that’s not happening in Indonesia. We have more critical problems in our country, trust me such how BPJS will applied in the real medical care and so on. I guess you guys love watching movies right? Please kindly check this out, and you will knew how urgent this issue is. Moreover, watching movie would be more attractive than reading my writing. v=Yil_cn_1gMo International society now concerns on how we should take care the imbalance between the high demands of our older society with limited national income to cover all those demands. The high demands of ageing population consist of a lots sector. Trust me! It worked! Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are diseases of extended duration, slow development, and the leading global cause of adult mortality yet needs a costly long-term therapies. They are generally d i v i d e d i n t o fi v e c a t e g o r i e s : cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome such DM II, cancer,

mental disorder and chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma. Those diseases took billions of national budgeting in USA’s Medicare. See, if an advanced country such Japan nor USA are desperately working so hard to re-allocating their national budget for covering Ageing population needs, so how will our country overcome such problem if Indonesia never had any brilliant doctor-on-progress like we do? We have the role to take this nation keep moving forward, folk! If we cannot directly change the government policy, we could at least addressing the problems arises in the ageing population such how will they received treatment in their old age, addressing the need of those elderly, how to maximising the health, quality life and the well-being of this elderly. Put more effort on promoting their needs in scientific publication, casual article in the newspaper, magazine, or any. Basically, that was what we discussed inside our Third World Assembly on Ageing. Until we finally composing what so called as “Draft Resolution”, each of faction (read: kubuh) will propose a resolution that is expected to resolve the problems of ageing population.

I experienced how it feels to become a diplomat working in United Nation Conference. I learn how to ally with others diplomat in TWAA, how to be confidence enough sharing my thought, my knowledge as doctor-on-progress in front of hundreds ageing expertise out there. I learn to think over my boundaries. I challenged my self to step out of my comfort zone, and act as diplomat who strives in for a new resolution by the end of this conference to overcome the issues arises from ageing population. After a tense, tiring, yet joyful conference of Third World Assembly on Ageing, we finally agreed to one draft resolution that expected overcome the issues arise in global ageing population. I walked out the conference venue with pride, a wide smile as I entered that venue on the first day of HNMUN conference. I always thought that I’m really blessed to be part of these amazing life-changing experiences. Having the opportunity to sat in MDGs lecture in Columbia University, spend a short course in Harvard Medical School, joint a caucus with delegation of New York University for HNMUN 2013, having another lovely host-mom and host-dad, and experienced how it feel to be American. Friend of mine in Japan said,

“USA is concrete jungle where dreams are made and spot its place to turn into reality”. Who are in the same boat with her? Anyone? That was just a glimpse of my story that I could share at this moment. Would you mind to tell me your story? Your bold action as pre clinic or young doctor to step out your boundaries perhaps.


Children Health in Palestine and Health of This World by Aandi Charles


ealth is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity by World Health Organization (WHO). Ideally, the state of health should cover all people in this world, whatever the gender, age, social status, and other factors. In Millennium Development Goals released by United Nations, there are four out of eight points directly related to the state of health, while other supporting indirectly to this state in human being. Focus on the fourth goals of Millennium Development Goals, it is important to realise that children health is one of goals we should concern. Palestine, one of the AMSA members , is well-known by the war and conflicts with Israel. How about the children’s health regards of the hard condition faced by them? Palestine is a country located in middle east, and as we know, it started to have conflict with Israel since decades ago. The Palestinian children live in dangerous, restricted, and depressive condition that can affect their physical, and most notably, their mental health. The health services has become limited and many of the schools and kindergarten was broken. While they should be live in safe and comfortable space, the war and loud noise have been traumatised and scared Palestinian Children. Other health indicators shows that children under five years of age demonstrate the multiple negative effects of these conditions. There are seven percent of children shown stunting in West Bank – the number can be as high

as 13 percent in Gaza. This condition reflected the severe chronic malnutrition that can cause poor cognitive development in children. As the future doctors, we should realised that physical, mental, and social wellbeing factors are equally contribute to human health over the world, including children. We should realised that any conflicts, wars, and other related things could decrease the state of health. Therefore, not only the great skills , but also pure heart are needed in the future to contribute for the better living in this world.



Amelia Vict



toria Tamsil

Respect people, healthy or ill, regardless of who they are


Support patients & their loved ones when & where they are needed

Promote health as well as treat disease

n 2010, Dr. J. Kevin Dorsey, dean and provost for the Southern Illinois University School of Medic they would be judged not based on their medical knowledge or technical prowess, but on whethe needing something, care for them like you would care for your parents, your siblings, your childre

When doctors are fully present, vulnerable — even emotional, patients are more likely to be honest, but emotional intimacy is essential in any healing relationship.

What patients really need is a human being who is being human, a whole person who sees the patie We resist what we most desire: Intimacy. Intimacy means “in-to-me-see.” It’s when we see so deeply in Then, what can we do to be this kind of doctor?

Always ask courteous questions, let people talk, & listen to them carefully

Give unbiased advice

Work cooperatively with other members of the healthcare team

ne, delivered a commencement address in which he told the graduating class that as future doctors patients feel they care. “I ask only one thing,” he told the graduates, “When a patient comes to you your best friend.”

transparent, and open. Sexual intimacy is, of course, inappropriate between patients and physicians,

ent as a whole person. We could all have comprehensive, personalised care, but here’s the paradox: nto another, that we find our own reflections and discover ourselves.



4 Love L We Can Take fro

b Fidelisa

Lessons om Flappy Bird

by C. Arini


he last month was filled with Flappy Bird this and Flappy Bird that it probably drove a lot of p thing people love to hate but it’s so addictive. But sometimes we don’t realize how much w eternal sound of flapping and the aggravating “ding” of failure, the app has reached its demise the most important is what it can teach us about love. Flappy, we look back at our short time togethe


Bird players aren't afraid to dip from Don’t be Afraid to Fall Flappy great heights. If the pipes are too low, then you make a free fall to get through it. In the same light, people who don't bother to take risks also won't go anywhere in the game of love. Do you really, really like someone but he or she doesn't know you exist? Making your move is a scary risk, to be sure, but if it works, it'll be so worth it.


It’s not true Flappy Bird masters didn't get to where they are without lots and lots of bad rounds. For every 70-point game they played, they had to endure many frustrating 20, 10, or even 1-point games. It's a big challenge, and the odds are against you, so the only thing you can really do is try again. Likewise, you won't be able to find the love of your life unless you go through several obstacles. Heartbreak is inevitable, but you'll eventually realise that you had to go through all that pain with one person after another to know who you really, truly deserve.


people crazy. Flappy Bird is like the new Angry Bird but this time we’re the angry one. It’s a kind of we love something until it’s gone. After the hours-turned-days poured into this game, the seemingly e. But of the many things it left in its wake – broken egos, broken friendships, broken smartphones – er and reminisce about the lesson we learned.

Some things are not permanent. You loved then left.


Start Over Again. People are broken then they moved on. We often don’t


going back to the recent demise of the Seize The Moment. Finally, Flappy Bird app, lucky are those who were able to

realise it, but sometimes starting from the ground means you can do something better than before. That’s what Flappy Bird is all about. You die, you come back from the dead then try to get farther than before. And that’s how you beat those obstacles. You get right back up and try harder to stay alive for longer.

download it before it disappeared. Clones are going to pop up for sure, but nothing beats having the original game safe in your device. It's like a piece of gaming history, whether we like it or not. Love is also about grabbing the opportunity before it's too late. You think you have all the time in the world to snag the person you've been crushing on? Think again. Make that move before he or she disappears!





or many people, music plays a big role in their daily lives. For them, music can be a powerful tool for bringing back memories – hearing that one song can create flashbacks to a certain special moment of their lives. Music can also be a source of tranquility, a source of happiness, and even a source of motivation. Some people have playlists for almost everything they do: a study playlist, a workout playlist, a driving playlist, a galau playlist – you name it. Where do people get their music? Some do it the old way – going to the local music store and purchasing a CD of their favourite artist’s newest album, but most people obtain their music via the Internet. The online music platform is rapidly growing, and in the midst of this era that favours convenience, obtaining music online seems to be a popular choice. There are a lot of websites and online applications offering a wide variety of choices of music, such as the classic YouTube, and the newer ones such as SoundCloud, and 8tracks, which are all quickly gaining popularity, especially with the younger generation. With today’s advancement of technology, where Internet is available almost everywhere, listening to music via these online platforms is hassle-free and provides the opportunity to explore many new and unknown songs by artists that we have never even heard of. Enter my personal favourite online music platform – 8tracks. It can be accessed through a browser at and has its own application for

smartphones. So, what is so special about 8tracks? Basically, 8tracks offers playlists made by people from around the world, in which the majority of them compile music with similar genre, feel and mood. The result? Hours of music that can perfectly depict your current mood. Moreover, most of the songs are not the typical songs you hear on the radio, they are not the songs topping the iTunes charts, they are mostly remixes and songs from small, unknown, yet amazingly talented bands and individual singers. 8tracks has millions of playlists, and there is a certain thrill and satisfaction in going through the many playlists. In the homepage, we can choose to ‘Explore’, and type in keywords when searching for playlists. For example, insert study and calm in the ‘Explore’ section, and many playlists will be shown – take your pick! 8tracks can also be connected to Facebook accounts, and when you listen to a certain playlist, it will be shown on your Facebook timeline, allowing others to see the type of music you like, depending on your privacy settings. This opens up the opportunity to share your music interests with others and let others share their music with you. There are so many combinations of keywords that will yield all sorts of playlists, and the feeling of finding a playlist with unheard songs that you happen to instantly love is just so exciting, so come on, find your perfect playlist – for studying, for running, for a heartbreak, for anything – on 8tracks!

To get started, check out my personal favourite playlists: Ultimate Study Playlist I by TheGirlNamedJedrzejko Summer Solstice by emily_H14 Cool Kids Never Sleep by chowdotj Penthouse Nights by indiekids



A Javanese Palace w


Reza Satr



w i t h E u r o p e a n To u c h


ria Halim


asunanan Palace as also called Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat was built on February 17, 1745. Susuhunan Pakubuwono II and his family had occupied the new palace or karaton located along the banks of Solo River, the longest river in Java. The former karaton in Kartosuro (10 km west of Solo) had been abandoned due to severe damages. It was not a proper karaton for the Susuhunan (king) anymore, after being ransacked on 1742 by the invaders. Pakubuwono II with all his family and subordinates made a day long royal procession from Kartosuro to Surakarta. The city of Surakarta could easily connected to east Java main coastal centers such as Gresik, Tuban via Bengawan (river) Solo. This 'river connection' was one the reasons to move the palace to Solo. Pakubuwono means “centre of the world�. (Paku: nail Buwono: the world).


The king sat on his royal wagon, Kyai Grudo escorted by high ranking officials, troops, regalia carriers, bringing the pusaka (heirlooms) and other important things to be used in his new palace. The convoy includes also the sacred gamelan, Waringin (Banyan) trees, horses, elephants and a special chamber, Bangsal Pengrawit. Upon arrival at the new karaton, he announced that starting from today the capital city of the kingdom was Surokarto Hadiningrat (Suro: brave, valiant - Karto: prosperous - Hadi: great, precious - Rat: state). Coming from the north side of Jalan Slamet Riyadi through a thoroughfare (gladak), a visitor arrives in the North Square (Alun-Alun Lor).

In the center of Alun-alun, there are two Waringin (Banyan) trees symbolizing protection and justice. The throne hall, Sasono Semowo or Pagelaran, faces the square. In the old days, it was from this hall, the Susuhunan or king delivered his massage and received report from his government read by his Patih (chief minister). Further south, several steps up, there is the Siti Hinggil (high ground) where the Garebeg ceremonies started. Passing through the main gate or Kori of Brajanala (Braja: ray - Nala: feeling) one enters the Fort Baluwerti on Kemandungan square. Enter to Sri Manganti, where one has to wait for audience with the king. And there is the main location called Kadaton. In the center is the main throne hall Sasono Sewoko, where the king received obedience from his court family and subordinates. It is also a place he practiced meditation (samadi). There is a small Pendopo (hall) called Pringgitan, where leather puppet (wayang kulit) performs from time to time. Next to Sasono Sewoko is Sasono Handorowino where royal banquets are given. Leaving Kadaton to south, there is the Magangan court, where the court dignitaries entered the sanctum along this route. There is a pavilion of meditation for princes. There is a sacred meteorite on the rear bank of the pool. From here southward, passing the gate or kori of South Brojonolo, then Sitinggil Kidul, one arrives in the South Square (Alun-Alun Kidul. The Palace's elephants and buffaloes grazed here in the old days.

Due to the existence of the elephants with its ivory trunks, this place is popularly known as Gading (Ivory). Taking lessons from Kartosuro Palace, which were easy to be attacked by enemies, the new Surakarta Palace fortified itself. So, the Alun-Alun was also meant to be a battleground to resist any attack. Several batteries of soldiers were installed in Pagelaran and in front of it (Gelar: formation of troops - Pagelaran: a place where battle tactics are decided). The routes encircling the Alun-Alun are called Supit Urang (Supit: pincers - Urang: crab), symbolising a tactic to defeat the intruders.

In Baluarti, there were rice - barns, arsenal and ammunition depot, and stables for horses of the cavalry and the special garrison of the king's guard (Tamtomo). The palace is also a place of high spiritual meaning of old Javanese faith. As there are seven stairs and seven gates at Candi Borobudur, there are also seven squares at Solo Palace : 1. Pamuraan Njawi 2. Pamuraan Nglebet 3. Alun-Alun Lor 4. Sitinggil 5. Kamandungan 6. Sri Manganti 7. Plataran

And Seven Gates (Gapuro): 1. Gladag

Goddess of South Seas (Kanjeng Ratu Kidul) at least at the anniversary of his coronation.

2. Gapuro Pamuraan 3. Kori Wijil 4. Kori Brojonolo 5. Kori Kamandungaan 6. Kori Mangun 7. Kori Manganti There is Panggung Songgobuwono (panggung: tower - songgo: to support Buwono: the world) in Baluarti, a tower with octagonal form. Some believe that it is a place where Sri Sunan (a popular name for the king) continued the tradition of his ancestors to meet with the

West of Kedaton, there is a place called Mantenan, where there was bandengan, a fishpond with gurameh fishes and turtles, symbols of long age of life. In the old days, Sri Sunan delivered the teaching of life philosophy and cleaned his heirlooms. In the high ground he did meditations and there is a mosque Pudyosono (a place to worship). Karaton Surakarta is opened daily to be adored by visitors. It has a museum and art galery where some precious collections are exhibited, such as keris (daggers), masks, leather puppets, etc.



Raissa Me



etasari T.

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(021) 23586996

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Rp 50.001 – Rp 100.000

SOCIAL HOUSE uasana yang dihiasi dengan jejeran botol wine di depan restoran ini membuat kesan glamour dan classy. Restoran ini menyajikan makanan Asia dan Barat. Ruangannya dibagi dua, yaitu bagian restorannya itu sendiri dan lounge yang menghadap ke luar. Untuk rasa makanannya, sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Pelayanannya pun sangat excellent, para pelayan sangat sopan. Overall it is highly recommended for romantic events such as anniversaries or Valentine’s day.


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Rp 100.000- Rp 200.000

PAUL BAKERY & PATISSERIE empat ini terletak di luar Galerries Lafayette dan mempunyai dua area makan yaitu luar dan dalam. Interiornya didominasi oleh warna hitam dan bersuasana klasik. Selain tempat makan, ada pula bakery yang menjual French bread. Tempat ini cocok sekali untuk menyantap brunch atau hang out santai bersama teman atau keluarga. Makanannya pun beragam, mulai dari starter menu, main course, sampai dessert yang rasanya tidak diragukan lagi. Banyak pilihan yang bisa kalian pilih dan nikmati.


(021) 57993455

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Rp 20.000 – Rp 100.000



ublico merupakan restoran dengan interior klasik dan romantis. Warna hitam, putih dan kuning membuat suasana vintage semakin terasa. Di salah satu sisinya terdapat bar yang dipenuhi oleh ratusan jenis botol minuman dengan open kitchen di samping kanannya. Makanannya pun kebanyakan makanan Eropa. Selain hidangan yang lezat, tempatnya nyaman dan service memuaskan. Suasana di malam hari dengan pencahayaan kekuningan membuat restoran ini terlihat lebih romantis. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga, menyantap dinner bersama teman atau pasangan.

(021) 52964960

Jl. Senopati Raya No. 65, Kebayoran Baru

Rp 35.000 Rp 300.000


REFLECTION L. Agnestasia DJ. Mirror never lies, so does reflection. A beautiful rose will have a beautiful rose reflection, so does happy couple. A happy couple is just a reflection of how happy they feel about themselves.

S O LO I M L E K F E S T I V A L Dilanny Puspita Sari Solo never sleeps, and on this Chinese New Year she had a week long party every night. Solo Imlek Festival at Pasar Gedhe Solo, and the welcoming Snake lampion in front of the market entrance.

S O LO I M L E K F E S T I V A L Dilanny Puspita Sari Still at Solo Imlek Festival at Pasar Gede Solo. Famous Tugu Jam Pasar Gede, some call it "Mini Big Ben"of Solo, trademark of the city, decorated in various colours of lampions. ?You can tell from the photo itself time i took the picture. Another reason to love this pic because it was a father-daughter quality time :)

LOV E & M OT H E R Namira Bening Nurani A daughter is a mother's partner, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the conciliator of all their relationships. Nothing can replace a mother's love for her child.

HABIBIE - AINUN Ahmad Aulia Rizaly This is a story about finding one’s soulmate. A story about finding one’s true love. A story about Habibie and Ainun










Giving for Living Siti Harisah - AMSA-Unsyiah

On Monday, February 24th 2014 AMSA-Unsyiah presented blood donors that organised by the department of Public Health. This event which themed “Giving for Living” had collaboration with PMI (Indonesian Red Cross)-Banda Aceh and KSR PMI 01 Unsyiah. Blood donors was held in the parking area of Unsyiah Medical Faculty at 8.30 am until 5.30 pm. This event was strongly supported by various peoples, from the students until the cafeteria workers was giving their blood. In only one day the total participants had reached 110 people, but after checking blood pressure, haemoglobin and anamnesis there are only 82 eligible participants who can donate their blood. Participants are not only from the faculty of medicine, but also from the Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Nursing. According to dr. Sari, as a doctor who served in PMI Banda-Aceh. PMI usually requires 100 bags blood per day to supply the hospital demand. The hospital requires a lot of blood for all patients that need it. Most of blood demand usually comes from thalassemia patients, accident victims, kidney failure, anaemia and so on. The doctor who had served approximately 2.5 years at PMI explained that blood donor event that held by an institution usually only get about 30 bags of blood. Therefore, dr. Sari feel very proud to this social activities and appreciate AMSA Unsyiah because many people are inspired to donate blood to help save the lives of the other humans who needed . And fortunately we collected 82 bags of blood. In the short conversation with a beautiful doctor who is also a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine Unsyiah. She does not forget to give information about the terms for potential donors. The first requirement, the minimum age of donors was 17 years old because at that age is considered an adult and a maximum age of donor was 65 years old for active donors. Then, the donor is not currently taking medication or antibiotics to avoid of allergic donor recipient with these drugs. Next, the donor didn’t have any history of dengue, malaria, typhoid, hepatitis A during the past year and also must be accompanied by the latest lab results. And have a minimum weight of 45 kg for both men and women, have minimum hemoglobin level of 12.5 mmHg, And the last didn’t have major surgery history in the last 6-12 months, menstruating, pregnant and breast-feeding at that time.

Well, hopefully this information is useful and inspiring to us. Never be doubt to donate your blood as long as you can help the others and your blood is eligible to donate. Because the blood donation is very beneficial for maintaining the health of the donors and also to help other people. We have to keep on our spirit to help the other. "Giving for Living!" Viva AMSA!

Acacia Festiva Christian Tricaesario - AMSA-Undip Started with an idea of making makrab, this inauguration event then was decided. Yes, it is an inauguration for the new executive board (EB) and members of AMSA-Undip 2014. The new members were assigned to be the committee for the “fun side” of the event, while the main part of the event was taken care by new EB and AB of AMSA-Undip. Why were new members assigned? To make them know their own friends, to make a solid team, to introduce them to the seniors, and as an orientation of how busy AMSA can be. The time given for making the event was one and a half month. After some difficult and stressful time, ACACIA FESTIVA—name of the event—came out surprisingly amazing! They succeeded to bring that “fun side” even more than what we—steering committee —expected. ACACIA FESTIVA started with welcome speech from the chief of committee and representative of AMSA-Undip , then followed by introduction of all new members. After break time for shalat and snack, ice breaking games: AMSA World Record which consisted of two games had been ready. First game was named “singing phrase” which needed seven people. One of them had to guess who was drawn by other players. Then the second game had Garda to carry Peachy—the new General Secretary of AMSAUndip—on his back. It succeeded making us tired because of laughing. The real game was just about to begin, “Run, AMSA, Run”. Can you guess? Yes, it was just like Running Man. All participants were divided into 6 groups with the final task was to find mineral water bottles with a letter written on each of it. The winner was the group who made it to arrange “ACACIA FESTIVA” from the bottles. What made it crazy was the participants were allowed to steal bottles from others. A really brutal fight was happened. Really happened. Much of blood was shed that night, on FK UNDIP campus. A decade had past (hyperbole, of course), finally the game ended. Everyone didn’t care anymore who won because they were tired, even too tired to eat the dinner given by the committee. After catching breath and having dinner, serious part of the event started. The new EB was inaugurated by Ex-Representative as AB, while the new staff and member by new Representative. See the World in Perfect Harmony, the official song of AMSA also sung after the ceremony done. ACACIA FESTIVA then ended with a video and some confetti by new members. It was a great night, brutal yet amazing! Welcome batch 2013 to AMSA! AMSA-Undip loves you! :)

Open Recruitment Eka Cresentia - AMSA-Unhas In 2013, all organisations in Medical Faculty of Unhas presented themselves to all new medical students. AMSA-Unhas was one of those that proudly showed up. After introduced a little about AMSA to new medical students in Hasanuddin University, AMSA-Unhas finally held Open Recruitment for those who find it attractive in joining our lovely organisation. AMSA-Unhas’ Open Recruitment was successfully held in this year, 2014. Because AMSA is a professional organisation, it is not that easy in recruiting members. So we recruit new members by steps to join our big family; Socialisation, Interview, Lecture, and Inauguration Camp (I-Camp). The first step of OPREC was socialisation which held on February 4th 2014. Here’s the time where we introduced more about AMSA-Unhas. Socialisation was opened with speech by our beloved Representative, Ismail Syahbana. After some introductions, we had an interesting session called Sharing with Experts. In this moment, we had one of our Founding Father, dr. Yose, to proudly share his experiences since became a special person in our big family. The last session in this first step of OPREC, we distributed some registration forms to all students as prospective members of AMSA-Unhas. Next, we had 111 applicants that were ready for interview. Interview was held in two days, on February 5th – 6th 2014. In this interview session, they were questioned about history and activities of AMSA generally and AMSA-Unhas particularly. Finally, through discussions between AMSA members, we had come to a conclusion that we chose 94 of 111 applicants. Almost the last, but this actually the third step of OPREC called Lecture, that held in four days; February 17th – 20th 2014. The Lecture was about 9 topics, such as Management and the Basics of Organisation, Public Speaking, Time Management, KeAMSAan, Basic Life Support, Debate, Video, Paper, and Poster. We did not only share the contents of those 9 topics, but also we taught about ‘how to do’ by held Simulations in each topics. Now, we’re going to share the last step of OPREC which was the best and unforgettable moment. Why so memorable? Because this was the important session where we inaugurate the new members of AMSA-Unhas to become our family and here was also the moment where the new members can learn how to survive. So this is the Inauguration Camp. I-Camp was held on February 22nd – 23rd at Lapangan Utama Smudama, Malino, Makassar. In this last session, we made Cooking and Building a Tent as a competition. So, the members were divided into 8 groups. Each groups had to build up their own tent as their ‘home’. They also had to cook to fill up their energy.

Besides that, we also held outbound as a competition. Unfortunately, those activities was postponed for a while because of the nature happens; heavy rain and fog. Then, we continued our activity with raincoat and umbrella. Shortly after that, we finally arrived at the main part of OPREC, called Inauguration. Here, we warmly welcomed the 94 new members as our family. We would like to thank to all AMSA-Unhas members for participating this Open Recruitment 2014. And once again, welcome to our home, dear AMSA 12.

Training for Observer Saraswati Qonitah Thifal - AMSA-UPN Tepat pada tanggal 1 Desember 2013 kemarin, AMSA UPN mengadakan event pertama untuk para observer sekaligus menunjukkan aksi kepeduliannya terhadap pencegahan AIDS di Indonesia. Acara ini diadakan di Taman mini Indonesia Indah. Training for observer merupakan suatu acara dimana para observer diberikan materi mengenai segala hal mengenai AMSA, baik AMSA Indonesia maupun AMSA UPN itu sendiri. Kegiatan ini bertujuan agar para observer mengerti tentang organisasi yang akan mereka geluti nanti. Ada istilah “tak kenal maka tak sayang�, kami berharap dengan adanya acara ini, para observer semakin mengenal organisasi yang mereka ikuti, sehingga komitmen mereka untuk mengikuti dan mengembangkan organisasi ini dapat dipertahankan. Pada acara TFO ini juga, kami mengajak para observer untuk terjun ke masyarakat, memberikan penyuluhan mengenai HIV/AIDS untuk meningkatkan kepedulian mereka mengenai HIV/AIDS di Indonesia dan membangkitkan semangat mereka dalam berorganisasi di AMSA. Kami berkumpul di TMII jam 8 dan sebelum penyuluhan di mulai, Rahadian Malik, sebagai representative dari AMSA UPN memberikan pengarahan mengenai bagaimana mekanisme pemberian penyuluhan dan juga memberikan penjelasan mengenai materi penyuluhan kepada para anggota AMSA. Kami menyebar sebagai kelompok kecil kemudian dengan menggunakan poster sebagai media, kami memberikan penyuluhan kepada pengunjung di TMII. Kami juga menyebarkan pita merah secara gratis kepada para pengunjung. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan, kami kembali berkumpul di tempat awal dan mengadakan games kecil-kecilan untuk mendekatkan para anggota AMSA UPN. Setelah itu, sekitar puul 11.30 kami pergi ke suatu restoran untuk makan siang sekaligus mengadakan welcoming party untuk para observer. Acara training for obeser: fight against aids berjalan lancar. Para pengunjung cukup antusias ketika menerima informasi mengenai HIV/AIDS. Semoga langkah kecil kami dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar untuk mencegah kian berkembangnya AIDS di Indonesia.

Medical Explore Japan 2014 Susdiaman - AMSA-UMI Medical Explore was one of external affair division of AMSA-UMI program. It held on January 25-30th 2014. There were 40 participants of Medical Explore this year. They were our Third Vice Dean, Fourth Vice Dean, Lecturers, Staffs of Medical Faculty UMI, and members of AMSA-UMI. On January 26th 2014, we began the day by our trip to Tsukuba by bus. In this 2nd day our schedule was university and hospital visiting in Tsukuba. It was the main purpose of Medical Explore Japan 2014. The purpose of this visiting were to build friendship with Tsukuba International Medical Students’ Association (TIMSA) members, to learn about their activities in campus, and surely to get something to learn for the benefit of our medical career. It also as actualised our philosophy which is getting KNOWLEDGE, FRIENDS(HIP) through lot of ACTION and never forget to introduce our character and identity as RELIGIOUS muslim medical students. We realised that being friends and experiencing it directly even if in really short time was the best way to understand that. Before 9 o’clock, the bus stopped in Tsukuba Daigaku Byoin Iriguchi and out of expectation, Ken Hashino, Regional Chairperson of Japan was picking up us in there with another TIMSA members. We walked together to their building and after 5 minutes, we had arrived in their class. Yuta Taniguchi as President of TIMSA and also Director of AMSEP Japan welcomed all of us warmly. Then he told us about today’s schedule. First we have presentation on 9. 10 - 9. 45. Both of Muslim University of Indonesia and University of Tsukuba had time and chance to take a presentation. TIMSA as representative of University of Tsukuba took first chance. They presented about TIMSA, Japan (food, sport, entertainment, historical and cultural place, etc), and medical system in Japan. When it came for our turn to gave presentation, Third Vice Dean of Medical Faculty, Muslim University of Indonesia, Dr. dr. H. Nasrudin A.M, Sp. OG gave the first speech. Then, next speech brought by Representative of AMSA UMI, Susdiaman about Muslim University of Indonesia, our faculty, and surely AMSA-UMI Next schedule was performance from UMI on 10. 00 – 10. 15. The participants of Medical Explore performed saman dance and flute. For some of TIMSA members it was their first time to watch. We told us about what saman dance is and the meaning of song which was singing by Dwi Nawaluddin Naprisal.

On 10. 20 – 10. 50 was Cultural Workshop by TIMSA. They taught us how to do origami. We were really fun and enjoy this moment. The participants of workshop were not only the students of UMI, but also our lecturers. On 13. 00 – 15. 00 was time for University of Tsukuba visiting. It was a good way to show to our member how Japan grew their medical power. For this schedule, we were divided to be 4 groups. The first visiting was Proton Medical Research Center Tsukubacity Japan. We were given such an honour chance to get an explanation about PMRC was by their professor. Tsukuba University has a long story and much experiences in Proton Radiotherapy in Japan and the world, and has treated nearly 3,000 recently. They are constantly working to develop even more effective treatment methods through clinical research. By this time, we knew that proton radiotherapy is a kind of radiotherapy. The proton beam stops precisely at the site of the tumor, focusing peak impact only on the tumor, leaving healthy tissues unscathed. While some irradiation of normal tissue and organs adjacent the tumor is still unavoidable with proton radiotherapy, this occurs at much lower degree than with traditional x-ray radiation. In PMRC, we also visited the facilities. They are Synchrotron, it accelerates the proton beam to near speed of light. Rotating Gantry, this was 200 + ton, over 10 meter, device rotates 360 degrees. With this device, irradiation angles can be set to avoid damaging critical organs. Treatment rooms (inside the Rotating Gantry) and Respiration-gating System, as one breathes, organs such as lungs and liver shift three or four centimeters. The respiration sensor monitors this movement, and irradiation is carried out at exhalation. The system was first developed by Tsukuba University. After visiting the university, on 14. 00 – 15. 00 was time for visiting Hospital of Tsukuba University. We visited Keyaki Plaza, Heliport, Hospital ward (business class), Lounge, and Emergency Department. It is really luxurious hospital. They give the best services and facilities for their patients. We could find sophisticated technology everywhere. And heliport was the best. It is feature at Tsukuba University Hospital where they serve to facilitate MEDEVACs or air ambulance transfers of patients to trauma units or to accept patients from remote areas without local hospitals or facilities capable of providing the level of emergency care required. These heliport was located on the roof of the Tsukuba University Hospital. In a nutshell, it feels like we were in the shooting set of Medical Dragon. On 15. 00 – 17. 00 was Tsukuba Expo Center sightseeing time. It was a Science Museum located at the center of Tsukuba, where many research institutes are gathered, and we could watched, touched, and enjoyed the frontier of sciences. Then we left Tsukuba city and went Tokyo.

The 3rd day, January 27th 2013, we traveled around Tokyo. After Tokyo, in the 4th and 5th day, on January 28th and 29th 2013, it’s time for Kyoto to be travelled. Steeped in history, Kyoto is home to roughly one quarter of Japan's national treasures, countless shrines and temples, and seventeen sites recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. Kyoto preserves Japan's oldest traditions, yet it is also a dynamic, contemporary city. Modern conveniences are readily available, making Kyoto a perfect destination for all of us looking to explore Japan in the past. The last day, on January 30th 2013, time to went back to Indonesia, we went to Osaka (Kansai International Airport). For all of participants, it was really short time to explore Japan but surely would be a long time treasured.

AMSA Games Risma Kurniasih - AMSA-UMP

The event was held on January 5th, 12th, and 19th 2014 in BOOM Futsal. For the opening of 2014, AMSA UMP held an event named ‘AMSA GAMES by FK UMP’. This is a sport event we especially prepare for the students of Muhammadiyah Medical Faculty. We want to start the year fresh and healthy so we choose a sport event as the first event of the year. This event is actually held every year by AMSA UMP. For the last four years it only consisted of futsal competition. But for this year, we also add the basketball competition to make it more fun. The event was held for 3 days in 3 weeks. The first two weeks was for futsal competition and the last week was basketball’s. And for the result, 2011 class got the double winner this year. Which means that 2011 class is the winner for both futsal and basketball competition. 2011 class were also the winner for the last 2 years futsal competition. Their team remains unbeatable this year. The event was so fun and enjoyable for all of participants. From this event we can train our sportsmanship and also increase the friendship between each other. We hope that this event will still be held for a few years ahead as the tradition of AMSA UMP :)

Our Cancer Day Libna Sabrina - AMSA-Unsri February 4th is known as National Cancer Day of Indonesia. It must be good if we can do something to make them happy. So, in February 8th, we, the people from AMSA USNRI, held an event for pediatric cancer patient. We gathered at the college in Madang, Palembang at 1 p.m. and we started to move to pediatric department of Mochamad Husein Hospital at 1.30 p.m. We called and invited the children to the playground, but there were some children who couldn’t go outside because of their therapy. We started with playing clap. There were lots of clap, such as tepuk semangat, tepuk sambel, tepuk pistol, e.t.c.” There was a main clap, named tepuk cuci tangan. In tepuk cuci tangan, we showed how to wash our hands in a proper way. At the end, we asked them to do that clap without our direction. Do you still remember the steps? First, rub palms together, then rub the back of both hands. Interface fingers and rub hands together. Interlock fingers and rub the back of fingers of both hands. Rub your thumb in a rotating manner followed by the area between index finger and thumb for both hands. And, the last but not least is rub your fingertips on palm for both hands. After that, we distributed paper with the draw of professions, such as police, doctor, army, and teacher. Each child could choose one profession that they adored, such as Fatih, he chose army. All children coloured happily and enthusiastically. Voila, there were many pictures that very attractive and amazing. Then, we had origami. We started to fold that origami into something such as plane, ship, e.t.c. Thank god, they looked so happy in that day. In 3 p.m. visiting time’s up. So, they went back to their room and we distributed the souvenirs and we went home. Our happiness is measured by other’s happiness. So, try to make people around you happy, not only your family and your best friends, but also those who need it the most, then you’ll be happy as well.

EOTY Jessica - AMSA-UI “Grow Your Awareness” was AMSA-UI’s tagline for the Event of the Year celebrating World Autism Day. To start this campaign, the committee printed out a big banner of Anti Autism Bullying Society. Then, starting from the early February, we asked the students, staffs, doctors, and even local people to sign the banner and give comments on it. Following that, on one special day, 16th February 2013, some of our members, especially from the Public Relations and Social Services division, gathered at Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan in the early morning. They served on a blood drive while asking runners to also sign the banner! The local people were so excited to sign the big banner. They hope that this campaign can give positive impacts towards the society, especially for the autistic. Our final event was held at Sekolah Luar Biasa “SLB” Tri Asih at Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta starting from 08.00 a.m. The Tri Asih Foundation housed 25 persons with special needs, ranging from the children to the elderly. To start the event, Dinda Larastika Riyanto, as the Representative of AMSA-UI, gave her first speech, followed by Leonard Andreas Wiyadharma as the committee chairman for this EOTY. Following that, the owner of Tri Asih Foundation gave short speech about the foundation. Our MC, Harlin ’12, then proceeded to interview some of the parents and trainers who came to the seminar. One of the parents said that medical students and doctors should hold this kind of seminar and workshop as often as possible, because there are so many children with autism in Indonesia. “Children with autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and Down syndrome could act and learn normally as other children if they are given the right treatment and attention,” said the parent, “In Indonesia, there is not enough attention from the doctors and governments to the “special” people.” Next, two of the therapists from Tri Asih Foundation gave their comments about raising and educating the children with special needs. According to them, being a therapist means that they should have a very high level of patience to nurse these people with special needs. Most of the people living in the Tri Asih Foundation still need help from the therapists to do most of the daily activities, such as eating, bathing, and sleeping. The therapists said that educating the people with special needs on how to eat and bath properly brought about some improvements. However, consistency and every day practice are necessary. After that, the session was continued with the seminar from Dr. Dian Widiastuti Vietara, SpKJ from the Psychiatric Department in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

The seminar was mainly talking about the basic theories about autism in children. The speaker said that when the autistic child is still less than 12 years old, hugging them could easily control their emotional outbursts. However, when the child is older than 12 years old, their personality has started to become permanent, and their emotions are no longer easily soothed. The child will also experience some changes regarding their sexuality, and the urges related to these changes might also be hard to control. While the parents and some of the therapists were attending the seminar, the people with special needs in Tri Asih foundation were given a simple seminar about the how to clean the hands properly (6 steps), how to brush the teeth, how to buttoned up the shirt, and how to make up the bed. They were so excited to learn to wash their hands, because we gave them a song to help them remember the entire steps. Afterwards, they went to their own rooms to b e g i n practicing what they’ve learnt. It took us some time to make them go to their own rooms. Luckily, the therapists were there to help us; otherwise, we won’t be able to make it. It was kind of hard to teach them to brush their teeth and clean their h a n d s . However, it was all worth it at the end, because before they had lunch, they washed their hands using the correct way that we had taught them. B e f o r e lunchtime, we distributed some paper and coloured pencils to the people with special needs and asked them to draw the face of their father and mother or things they like. We were amazed to find out that actually, they have the capability to learn like normal people. They drew beautifully and they even gave us their drawings! It was so touching to see that they had such a spirit to draw with their joyful faces. In the end, both the committee and the residents of Tri Asih Foundation really appreciated the opportunity to spend a day together. It was so touching to smile and laugh together despite all the differences between us. Let us be thankful for what we have, because there are many people out there who would wish that they had the same.

EOTY Muh. Fathi Banna Al Faruqi & Melinda Diah Asmoro - AMSA-UGM Embracing Differences, Promoting Togetherness. Itulah tagline EOTY tahun ini yang bertemakan Autism Spectrum Disorders. AMSA-UGM menyelenggarakan EOTY 2014 ini yang dibagi menjadi tiga kegiatan utama, yaitu kampanye kepada civitas akademika kesehatan di FK UGM, kampanye kepada masyarakat umum di sekitaran Graha Sabha Pramana UGM, dan puncaknya yaitu penyelenggaraan acara sosial di Sekolah Bina Anggita, sebuah sekolah yang dikhususkan untuk anak-anak yang mengalami ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Di Sekolah Bina Anggita, ada dua kegiatan utama yaitu seminar untuk guru dan orang tua atau wali murid, dan games untuk para murid. Meski penyelenggaraan kegiatan di Sekolah Bina Anggita adalah kegiatan puncak, di mana kegiatan puncak biasanya diletakkan di akhir rangkaian kegiatan, karena pertimbangan dari berbagai hal, termasuk musibah hujan abu dari erupsi Gunung Kelud pada 14 Februari 2014. maka kegiatan pertama yang dilaksanakan adalah di Sekolah Bina Anggita. Hari Pertama. Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014. Para orang tua mulai berdatangan ke ruang seminar sejak pukul 07.30. Kemudian ada penampilan dari Ito yang membawakan lagu Bunda. Ito adalah anak yang mengalami ASD yang dulunya tidak menyukai bahkan terganggu dengan lagu-lagu berbahasa Indonesia. Setelah penampilan Ito, seminar dibuka secara resmi oleh Master of Ceremony (MC) disambung dengan sambutan dari Project Officer AMSA-UGM, Representative AMSAUGM dan Kepala Sekolah Bina Anggita. Sesi materi terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu sesi pertama oleh Dr, Indriana Laksmi Gamayanti tentang seputar informasi mengenai ASD. Sesi kedua diisi oleh Prof. Dr. Endang Ekowarni yang berfokus pada motivasi bagi para orang tua agar tetap memiliki asa yang tinggi dalam memberikan bimbingan dan kasih sayang kepada buah hati mereka yang mengalami ASD. Kedua narasumber menyampaikan materi dengan sangat apik, baik dari segi intonasi bicara, tayangan materi di layar, sisipan humor, dan hal-hal lain yang dapat menarik perhatian peserta seminar. Bahkan diakhir acara banyak peserta yang menyayangkan rangkaian seminar yang hanya 150 menit, dan salah satu efeknya adalah sesi materi yang dirasa masih sangat kurang. Hal ini tak terlepas dari kedua narasumber yang begitu luar biasa dalam menyampaikan materi.

Hal ini terlihat pula dalam sesi tanya jawab yang diadakan setelah sesi materi. Ada begitu banyak peserta yang mengangkat tangan pertanda ingin mengajukan pertanyaan, 60-75% dari total peserta mungkin. Namun karena keterbatasan waktu, akhirnya hanya ada tujuh penanya. Acara ditutup dengan penyerahan plakat kepada kedua narasumber dan penyerahan doorprize kepada keenam penanya. Dan MC pun menutup dengan resmi rangkaian kegiatan seminar. Di ruang yang berbeda, kami mengajak anak-anak penyandang ASD yang sedari pagi belajar di Sekolah Bina Anggita untuk bermain bersama. Sebelumnya kami membaginya menjadi dua kelas. Kelas A untuk usia TK dan kelas B untuk usia SD hingga SMP. Kami mengajarkan anak-anak itu cara menyikat gigi yang benar dengan bernyanyi dan peragaan dari sebagian panitia. Setelah itu mereka mempraktekkan apa yang telah kami ajarkan, tentunya dengan bimbingan langsung dari kami. Satu panitia membimbing satu anak. Karena membimbing anak menyandang ASD tidak semudah yang kami bayangkan sebelumnya, dibutuhkan kesabaran dan harus ekstra hati-hati agar tidak membuat mereka merasa terganggu bahkan marah. Setelah menggosok gigi, waktunya anak-anak itu kembali bermain. Kami bernyanyi bersama, menggambar, mewarnai, dan membuat topi-topian dari kertas bersama. Karena waktu menunjukkan pukul 10.00 wib di mana biasanya mereka makan siang, maka kami pun melihat sendiri aktivitas makan siang mereka, tidak hanya melihat tapi kami pun membantu para guru Sekolah Bina Anggita untuk menyuapi anak-anak itu. Sepertinya mereka menyambut kami dengan baik, bisa dikata terlanjur nyaman dengan kami. Setelah acara hari pertama benar-benar berakhir, seperti biasa juga seluruh panitia melakukan evaluasi bersama PH dan EB yang datang. Banyak kesan dan pesan setelah berlangsungnya EOTY 2014 hari pertama ini. Hari Kedua. Minggu, 23 Februari 2014. Kali ini AMSA-UGM akan melakukan kampanye mengenai ASD kepada masyarakat umum yang sedang melakukan berbagai macam aktivitas di sekitaran Graha Sabha Pramana. Kampanye diadakan dengan sistem tim. Satu tim terdiri dari tiga orang, satu sebagai maskot dan dua orang lainnya sebagai penyuluh. Apa itu maskot? Apa itu penyuluh? Maskot, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan peri: mengenakan sepasang sayap, membawa tongkat bintang, berpakaian pink, dan mengenakan topeng. Tugas utama maskot adalah menarik minat target masyarakat yang ingin diberikan materi kampanye. Tugas utama penyuluh tentu menyampaikan materi kepada masyarakat, tentu dengan bahasa masyarakat, bukan dengan bahasa alien ala FK sehingga materi jauh lebih mudah untuk dipahami.

Ada beberapa tim yang terbentuk yang tersebar di beberapa titik, dua di sisi barat Lapangan Pancasila, dua di sisi timur Lapangan Pancasila, satu di Perpustakaan Pusat UGM, serta satu di sekitaran Graha Sabha Pramana. Kampanye diawali tentu dengan mendatangi calon target yang akan diberikan penyuluhan. Peri bertugas sebagai membuka, lalu menyampaikan inform concent-like, yaitu yang intinya adalah kesediaan dalam meluangkan waktu. Setelah calon target setuju, berubahlah calon target menjadi target. Setelah berubah, maka peri akan menyampaikan semacam pretest sederhana, misal "Bagaimana pendapat Ibu tentang autisme?". Nah, pertanyaan pembuka ini penting agar kita dapat mengira-ngira sejauh mana pengetahuan target, agar materi dapat disampaikan atas proporsi yang sesuai. Setelah itu, maka penyuluh akan menyampaikan beberapa materi tentang ASD. Kemudian peri akan memberikan sebuah bintang, dimana salah satu sisinya untuk menuliskan komentar, pendapat, ataupun harapan bagi para penderita ASD, dan sisi lainnya untuk tanda tangan. Setelah itu, peri akan memberikan pertanyaan penutup untuk mengecek apakah materi telah tersampaikan dan diserap dengan baik oleh target dengan pertanyaan sederhana, misal "Sebutkan satu saja ciri-ciri penderita ASD". Setelah target menjawab soal posttest dengan benar, maka peri akan memberikan pita pink sebagai salah satu bentuk pernyataan bahwa mereka telah mengikuti kampanye ASD. Kegiatan selesai sekitar pukul setengah sepuluh. Seluruh panitia pulang dengan perasaan senang bercampur sedikit lelah karena dua hari berturut-turut mengadakan dua dari tiga bagian dalam rangkaian EOTY AMSA-UGM. Betapapun pengorbanannya, kegiatan ini adalah salah satu bentuk pengabdian kita kepada masyarakat yang merupakan salah satu ruh dalam pergerakan tenaga medis. Hidup itu bukan untuk diri sendiri, tapi hidup itu untuk bermakna bagi sesamanya. Urip iku urup!

Trisomy Scherlly Reviana - AMSA-Usakti

Last February, we had our EOTY completed. We called it TRISOMY (Trisakti Care Down Syndrome, Autism and Mental Retardation). The event was divided into two parts, Education + Seminar & Health Campaign. We did the Education & Seminar at Asih Budi Special School, Kuningan Jakarta on January 25th. Our first agenda was enjoying some cultural performances from the students, they danced very well and followed by playing some musical instruments. After the opening session is done, we asked the parents to stay and attend the seminar about Autism, Mental Retardation and Down Syndrome by dr. Nuryani Sidarta, Sp RM, one of our lecturers in Trisakti Medical School. The kids were brought to another room to be given education about hand washing and teeth brushing, they also played games and sang together. We were having a good time, the parents paid attention to the seminar and asked so many questions, their questions were all answered by dr. Nuryani and they seemed satisfied with the answer. The kids in the other room also had so much fun, they were actively running around the school and we had to running after them too, but there’s a kind of happiness we feel for taking care of those special children. The 2nd part of Trisomy didn’t go as planned due to heavy flood in Jakarta. It was Health Campaign which finally held on February 2nd at the car free day, Bundaran HI, Jakarta. Our goal was collecting about 200 signatures from the people after giving them education about Autism, Down Syndrome and Mental Retardation. For the youngsters, the education was focused on “Stop using the Word Autism for Jokes”. We also met some exchange students from University of Indonesia and they signed too. Last but not least, we met Mr. Bondan Winarno at the venue. As the head of Public Relation and Social Service Division, Angie shared some information with Mr. Bondan about Autism, Down Syndrome and Mental Retardation and how teenagers nowadays are using it for jokes. We were all so excited for having a short conversation with him. We would like to thank to anyone who has helped us before, during and after this EOTY, especially for Leo (AMSA-UI) for coming to supervise. We hope people more concern about kids with special needs like Autism, Down Syndrome and Mental Retardation.

Brain-Setting Rahmawati Nur Ariyanti - AMSA-Unhalu

On February 22th 2014, MnD of AMSA Halu Oleo held an event named 'brain-setting', a series of OPREC (Open Recruitment) 2014. This is a new event and held for the first time by AMSA Halu Oleo in a series of OPREC. 'brain-setting' itself is one of the methods that we can use to explore the idea of a group of people. In 'brain-setting' the observers introduced that there is always a solution to every problem. The challenge is to find the best solution. In solving the problem, two or more heads are better than one. Sec. of MnD, Chici Endah Purnamasari said that the main purpose of this event was to realign the mindset of AMSA observers in leadership field. This event was held at 8.00 am till 1.30 pm by a speaker from the Lembaga Motivasi Obor Dunia, Tanjung Niasari. All of the observers were so excited and paid great attention to this event. They were divided into six teams and each team were asked to create a short drama that suit with the theme of the country which has been given. China for team 1, Arabic for team 2, India for team 3, Americans for team 4, Dutch for team 5 and Turkish for team 6. Each team presented their short drama before the speaker discusses the unique characteristics of the sixth country, what good things can be used as an example in running the organization. Before presenting a short drama, each team is required to bring his team yells. From a yells and a short drama they show, already seen that they work together and trying their best in each team, resolve any task given with ideas that highly attract from each member of the team. That's the most important thing in an organization, teamwork. After that, this event was continued with a competition. They were asked to design clothes that would be used in a fashion show. But instead of the commonly used materials but using newspaper. Once again, they have to work hard and brings together the idea to make an attractive clothes to shown with a predetermined time. They were taught that with a little time pressure can motivate them to concentrate raises a variety of ideas. And this competition was won by team 4. Congrats. At the end of the event, the speaker motivate the observer about how they have to focus on the goals that they have made so that they will go straight to reach it. The most interesting part of this event is when all the observers were asked to write what they would be in the next 5 years in a piece of paper and jointly declared that they would try to focus realize what was in the paper they hold. So inspiring.

After ‘brain-setting’, there were next event that begins after isoma, 2.30 pm till 5.30 pm. Further introductions of AMSA for observers. Everything associated with AMSA, ranging from AMSA International, AMSA National, until AMSA Halu Oleo described in detail, directly by the Representative. There were sharing sessions with Advisory Board about their experiences during joined AMSA and the last one, the impression of observers about the event. It's about 8 weeks since the first day of OPREC been held. Started from the early introduction, fill out the registration form, interview, public poster-scientific papermovie competition, ‘brain-setting’ and the further introductions of AMSA. Lots of new things and interesting characteristics that we encountered from the observer. We still have weeks to go with a series of OPREC till welcoming party for all new members. Hope this whole series of events can run smoothly and AMSA Halu Oleo can get 5th generation who has a sense of pride, love and have a high dedication to the advancement of AMSA. Hopefully.

AMSA-Unpar Gathering 2014 Fajar Khalis Ananda - AMSA-Unpar

Di rubrik ini, kita dari AMSA-Unpar ingin berbagi cerita tentang salah satu kegiatan kami, yaitu AMSA-Unpar Gathering 2014. Jadi kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di outbond Jln. Pariwsata Taman Alam Bukit Tangkiling. Kecamatan Batu Tangkiling Palangka Raya. Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan yang emang khusus buat internal dari AMSA-Unpar, dengan harapan setelah berakhirnya kegiatan ini. Internal AMSA-Unpar semakin solid dan akan semakin berkualitas nantinya. Sesuai dengan tema majalah AMSA-Indonesia kali ini: Love: The Medical Approach, hal ini juga kegiatan yang berupa kasih sayang ke sesama anggota AMSA-Unpar. Kegiatan ini berlangsung pada hari Minggu, 23 Februari 2014 kemaren. Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan gathering yang pertama dalam 2 tahun keanggotaan kita di AMSA-Indonesia. Jadi kita sangat excitedt untuk gathering ini. Tidak lupa juga untuk mengucapkan terima kasih yang sangat banyak kepada ibu MnD kita, Alivia Soeraya yang membuat program kerja ini bisa terlaksana :* Jadi kegiatan ini diawali dengan berkumpulnya AMSA-Unpar di kampus kita, Fakultas Kedokteran Univ. Palangka Raya jam 9 pagi. Saat itu cuacanya kurang mendukung, karena cuaca pada saat itu sedang mendung. Tapi meskipun mendung kita tetap optimis karena jarak dari kampus ke tempat outbond adalah sekitar 31 km. Jadi kita berharap saat diperjalanan hari akan kembali cerah. Saat di jalan menuju ke tempat outbond, ternyata turun hujan dan itu sempat membuat kita berpikir apakan kegiatan ini bakal terlaksana atau tidak. Tetapi saat sudah dekat dengan tempat tujuan, akhirnya hujan pun berhenti dan kita sampai di tempat outbond dengan selamat. Saat sampai disana, kita disambut hangat oleh pemilik dari outbond tersebut, dan sebelum memulai kegiatan, beliau menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan dalam 3 sesi. Yaitu, Games Energizer/Sosialisasi, Outbound low rope, dan Outbound high rope. Masuk pada sesi yang pertama, yaitu Games Energizer/Sosialisasi, disini kita melakukan permainanan pemanasan, halo apa kabar, people to people, estafet wibing, Estapet karet gelang, cari teman, dan loper koran. Inti dari sesi ini adalah bagaimana kita sebagai calon dokter dapat bersosialisasi dengan baik apakah dengan teman sejawat, sesama tenaga medis ataupun dengan masyarakat sekitar. Tentunya banyak tawa saat sesi ini dilakukan. Karena dari peserta seperti salah tingkah saat sesi ini. Pada sesi yang kedua, yaitu Outbound low rope. Nah pada sesi ini terdiri atas 6 permainan, yaitu jaring laba-laba, tranport bola pingpong, memindahkan racun, memindahkan bom, aku percaya padamu (pumper poll), dan menyeberangi sungai Kahayan. Pada sesi ini, dibagi lagi dalam kelompok kecil dan masing – masing kelompok harus mempunyai nama kelompok kecilnya.

Inti sesi ini adalah bagaimana reaksi kita bila bekerja sama dengan teman kita, kemudian menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri dan bisa saling mempercayai satu sama lain. Di sesi permainan yang terakhir, Outbound high rope, ini adalah puncak dari permainan outbond, jadi disini peserta menuju ke tempat outbound high rope dan harus melalui 6 games tali atas, masing-masing cargo net, diagonal beam, mix quick train, elvis walk, monkey bridge, dan flying fox. Bagi yang pernah ikut kegiatan NLT 2013 di UMI kemarin, saya melihat permainan ini sama persis dengan waktu itu. Tapi pada permainan ini lebih tinggi dari pada permainan Outbound high rope saat di NLT 2013. Dan itu jujur sangat membutuhkan kepribadian yang besar. Karena saking tingginya, banyak peserta lain gugup dan sempat menunggu lama untuk memulai di permainan high rope selanjutnya. Akhirnya permainan pun sudah kelar, dan langsung diberikan semacam wejangan oleh pemilik outbond. Beliau mengatakan bahwa dilihat dari awal permainan sampai terakhir, sebenarnya AMSA-Unpar memang sudah solid dan beliau sangat senang dengan kehadiran AMSA-Unpar disini. Permainan telah berakhir, tetapi disini sebelum ditutup, AMSA-Unpar melakukan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan ini dan AB kita, ka caca mengatakan hal ini sangat berguna untuk internal dari AMSA-Unpar, dengan harapan hal ini dapat dilakukan lagi agar internal AMSA-Unpar akan semakin solid lagi ke depannya. Saya juga secara personal, berterima kasih sekali kepada teman – teman AMSA-Unpar yang sudah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini, tak lupa juga saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Secretary of MnD, Alivia Soeraya yang sudah mempersiapkan kegiatan ini dengan maksimal. Dan akhirnya kita berdoa bersama dan pulang untuk makan karena saat acara berakhir, lapar pun baru terasa.


PnP Team

Murwani Emarissa Latifah Jevonda Edria Bamitha

Abelina Dini Fitria

Narissa Dewi Nursjamsi

Reza Satria Halim

Annisa Ayu Asmiragani

St. Fatimah Zahra

Irwan Munandar

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