Arbor Vitae - Sixteenth Edition

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Djakarta Warehouse Project 2016

Akkermansia muciniphila: The Savior of Obesity is Coming To Town!

Meet The Expert: Ahmad Rizaly Aulia

16th Edition | January 2017

The Official Magazine Of AMSA-Indonesia



As medical students, it's almost certain that you don't have extra time to do all the little things like exercise, maintain a healthy diet, or even watch the news. Most of your time is used to either study, do homework, participate in organizations, and most of all preparing for upcoming exams. It's hard to stop and think that this is what our routine has become, but you have to realize that you are all different than before, starting with the way you think, the way you manage your time, and the way you project yourself in public. However, the one aspect that stands out now is probably appearance. Everyone knows people who can eat ice cream, cake or whatever is sugary and still not gain weight. Another common dilemma is when people seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat. Why? What allows one person to live with one of these common realities regarding their weight. I really hope you can find new perspective in this edition of Arbor Vitae. Regards,

Siti Zakiaturrahmah Editor-in Chief

Arbor Vitae 16th Edition Obesity: Epidemic that may be caused by our collegiate habits. January 2017

Siti Zakiaturrahmah Editor-in-Chief

Jasmine Putri Effendi Gaviota Hartono Illustrator Agra Farellio Moniga Ridzky Prhandika Verrel Christopher Editor

Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 Publication and Promotion


Agra Farellio Moniga AMSA-Universitas Jambi

Ahmad Ezra Shaleh AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin

Andhika Panjarwanto AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya

Andi Firhsan Makbul AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin

Arshy Febita AMSA-Universitas Syiah Kuala

Verrell Christopher AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada


Achmad Januar Er Putra AMSA-Universitas Airlangga

Cornelia Ancilla AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada

Enita Harianti AMSA-Universitas Jambi

Erika Indrajaya AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Fauziyyah Djaafara AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Fitrah Aulia Lisabilla AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya


Joseph M Husin AMSA-Universitas Indonesia

Rizki Adi Permana AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran

Saskia Diva Kamila AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya

Suandih Zulkarnain AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin

Joue Abraham AMSA-Universitas Kriten Indonesia

Ridzky Prhandika AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran

CONTRIBUTORS Laksmita Sembiring AMSA-Universitas Trisakti

Gavioata Hartono AMSA-Universitas Indonesia

Jasmine Putri AMSA-Universitas Trisakti

Fuad Alamsya AMSA-Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Nadia Fadhilah AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya

Kevin Eliezer Ferdinandus AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada




Avoid the 3 things, and Do the 3 things. Facts and Myths About Obesity and Weight Change Akkermansia muciniphila- The Savior of Obesity is Coming To Town! Obese in College Mereka Lebih Bersahabat Myths on Obesity Sitting is Killing, Stand Up to Beat Up Obesity!



MEET THE EXPERT : Ahmad Rizaly Aulia



AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya “Charity Cancer Camp” AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi Diabetes Day Social Act “Too Sweet to be Ignored” AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin “Care For Elderly Part I”



A New Way to Treat Type 2 Diabetes



Kediri, a Fascinating City that Provides All You Want The Spirits of Emperor and Empress Jinmu Enshrined Harta Karun dari Utara Nusantara Basis Aceh



Best Glee's Song Ever Made Djakarta Warehouse Project



Michelle Obama’s Last Public Speech





Sitting is Killing, Stand Up to Beat Up Obesity! by Fitrah Aulia Lisabilla


ost of our life as humans were lived on our feet.

The human body simply But with the advent of TV, computers and the desk isn't build to sit for long job, we're sitting down more often. It’s about 9.3 p e r i o d s o f t i m e . A hours per day, even more time than we spend hundred years ago, when sleeping (7,7 hours). Our bodies were not built for we were all out toiling in that, and it's started to caused many health the fields and factories, o b e s i t y wa s b a s i c a l l y problems. But As a medical student, we also spend more time by n o n e x i s t e n t . sitting while we’re learning in a class. This activity n o w a d a y s , w e c a n ' t can also affect our health condition. Recent studies exactly run until the end strongly suggest that daily sitting time or low non of our day, we have to help our bodies in other exercise activity way. We have to levels may have a It’s about 9.3 hours per stand up for our right to stand up. s i g n i fi c a n t There are day, even more time than relationship 26,3% overweight with each of we spend sleeping (7,7 people in Indonesia these medical ( R i s ke s d a s , 2 0 1 3 ) . c o n c e r n s . hours). Based on this, we Research has must find a way to linked sitting reduce the for long o v e r w e i g h t periods of time problem. The with a number simplest way is by of health s tanding up. The concerns, including obesity and metabolic syndrome — a cluster of conditions that includes increased simple act of standing blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat instead of sitting may help around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels. you burn 20 to 50 more Too much sitting also seems to increase the risk of c a l o r i e s p e r h o u r , depending on your size. death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. Sitting for more than 6 hours per day increase Although that may not risk of death up to 40% than someone who sits less. seem like a lot in a 2,000Why does it happen? Because by sitting we burn calorie day, making the less calories in our body than doing another activity. standing adjustment for Sitting expends almost no energy, effects of sitting four hours each day can aren't just long term, though. Your body goes into burn an extra 80 to 200 meltdown the moment you sit down. Obese people calories -- helping you sit for 2,5 more hours per day than thin people. As lose 8 to 20 pounds over soon as you sit, electrical activity in the leg muscles the course of a year. shuts off. For many of us, sitting for 8 hours per day Standing more often also is inevitable. Take every opportunity to stretch, contributes to an overall better sense of well-being walking or jumping between your long-term sitting.

Our bodies were not built for that

If we take an example of a 130pound woman calories burnt by sitting and standing, we can get a comparison result. She burns a scant 78 calories in an hour while sitting quietly. Sitting for eight hours of your day burns only 624 calories, which is less than what many people consume at dinner. When she’s standing, she burns about 99 calories per hour, which totals 792 calories over eight hours. Standing qualifies as non-exercise activity thermogenesis, also known as neat, which encompasses those everyday activities that help burn calories, such as fidgeting, gesturing and shivering. Adding these types of activity creates a bigger calorie burn and assists in weight loss. Standing often also leads to other movement, such as pacing while on the phone or walking to the copier. These small movements add up to more calories burned over the course of the day. It’s better to take a balanced sitting and standing. We needs to burn calories, but we also need to relax ourself by doing a relaxing sitting down. Changing behavior isn’t that difficult, what if we start today?



Mereka YangbyL

Ahmad E

Lebih Bersahabat y

Ezra Saleh

Apa sih yang kita pikirkan ketika kita melihat pertama kali orang gemuk? Mungkin kita akan terpikir mereka itu terlihat aneh, pemalas, kurang menarik ataupun selalu menjadi objek bullying. Seperti itulah mungkin persepsi sebagian orang terhadap mereka setiap waktunya. Diskriminasi sudah menjadi suatu hal yang biasa mereka dapatkan. Anggapan rakus sudah melekat pada diri mereka keseharianya. Tapi apakah kita pernah memikirkan apa yang mungkin mereka rasakan dan kebenaranya? Jangalah kita menjadi orang yang bersifat naif terhadap diri kita sendiri untuk tidak memahami posisi mereka. Kehidupan selalu memiliki sisi yang manis untuk dilihat dari cara pandang yang berbeda. Menjadi orang gemuk juga memiliki dua sisi yang bertolak belakang dengan sisi keburukan yang sering orang-orang persepsikan. Anggapan negatif tidak seharunya di lekatkan pada diri mereka selalunya. Setiap orang setuju bahwa orang gemuk itu cenderung tidak sehat. Namun, bukan menjadi suatu alasan untuk kita membedakan mereka. Ada suatu fakta yang menarik datang dari beberapa peneliti dari Jerman. Para peneliti ini memliki suatu temuan yang cukup menarik. Temuan ini cukup membanggakan untuk para orang yang tubuhnya masuk ke kategori extra large.

Dalam penelitianya para peneliti dari Jerman telah melakukan sebuah studi terhadap 20 pria gemuk, dan 20 pria dengan tubuh dengan kategori kurus. Para peneliti ini melakukan suatu perbandingan antara kedua kelompok pria ini. Dalam penelitian ini, kedua kelompok ini diminta untuk melakukan suatu tes dengan menggunakan sejumlah uang yang mereka akan bagikan. Dari hasil test tersebut, para peneliti ini telah berasumsi bahwa pria yang memiliki tubuh yang ramping cenderung membuat suatu keputusan yang kurang adil, dan menawarkan 16 persen lebih sedikit uang miliknya dibandingkan dengan pria dengan tubuh gemuk. Secara khusus, orang dengan tubuh kurus lebih banyak memberikan uangnya untuk pria yang kurus yang lain. Hal ini berbeda dengan orang gemuk yang membagikan uangnya untuk orang kurus. Hasil penelitian ini dapat membuka mata kita lebih lebar terhadap persepsi kita kepada orang gemuk. Orang yang berbadan gemuk sadar akan tubuhnya yang kurang ideal. Oleh karena itu, orang berbadan gemuk lebih bisa menghargai dirinya sendiri. Dengan begitu, otomatis orang berbadan gemuk pasti juga lebih dapat menghargai orang lain. Karena sifatnya yang hangat pada orang lain, Sudah sepantasnya kita menolong mereka dengan cara untuk tidak bersifat diskriminatif terhadap orang gemuk. Sepertinya pepatah orang itu benar mengenai don't judge by the cover. Bukan berarti orang yang terlihat buruk berarti merka betul betul buruk. Memang harus di akui bahwa pribadi sifat setiap orang itu datang dari mereka sendiri. Setiap orang memiliki sifat-sifat yang berbeda. Namun kita harus memandang lebih luas ketika kita ingin menilai seseorang.




Obese in College? You A

b Cornelia

Aren’t The Only One

by a Ancilla


hen people talk about obesity,

they usually refer it as a personal problem, a condition that happens when someone eats too much and does too l i t t l e exe r c i s e . H o w e ve r, d u e t o sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy supply of food, obesity is a personal problem no more, it becomes the world’s. The rate of obesity around the world continues to increase each year, creating an obesity epidemic. In U.S, approximately 34% of adults and 15– 20% of children and adolescents are obese (Mitchell et al., 2017)). Indonesia also gets the spread of this phenomenon. More than 40 million people in Indonesia are obese (Adinda, 2017). Obesity leads to a lot of chronic illness, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (Mitchell et al., 2011). Therefore, by examining the prevalence of these diseases, researchers can also observe the rate of obesity. Obesity can occur to people in all ages, but during the past two decades, a significant increase in obesity and obesity-related disorders mentioned above are found among people in their teens and 20s. Moreover, a national survey conducted in 2005 indicate that 3 of 10 college students are either overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25.0–29.9 kg/m2) or obese (BMI ≥30.0 kg/m2). These findings lead to a greater concern that college students that in the past hold stigma of thin students due to lack of pocket money, n owa d ays h ave exce ss i ve we i g h t (Sparling, 2007).

This excessive weight in college students nowadays obviously leads to f u r t h e r q u e s t i o n : w h y. A s t u d y conducted by Sparling (2007) finds out that 9 of 10 college students eat fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and nearly 6 of 10 students participate fewer than 3 days per week in vigorous-intensity (20 m i n u te s o r m o re) o r m o d e rate intensity (30 minutes or more) physical activity. This choice of eating and exercise habits, is caused by the transition between high school and university that exposes students to independence, a complete freedom of what and where to do, eat, and go. The freedom in choosing food tends to lull students into consuming instant foods because they’re cheap, fast to make, and easy to be stored. Besides, some college lives are hectic that students prioritize their study too much, resulting in disengagement from physical activities that are necessary for their health. Environment also plays a huge role in this condition. Fast foods in cafetarias, buddies that prefer online games to sports, both can induce individuals to fall into unhealthy lifestyle. Institutions, including universities, also have role. The result of a study stated that, “Although universities assemble top-notch biomedical teams to conduct basic research, the institutions often ignore the problem of obesity on their own campuses” (Sparling, 2007). The statement shows ignorance a n d l a c k o f a t te n t i o n f ro m t h e university about this matter. University cares about alcohol and drug problem, yet fails to see that this emergency of this situation because it doesn’t affect the students’ academic.

Obesity doesn’t affect students’ academic, but it affects their brain in when they’re older. Research from C a m b r i d g e fi n d s t h a t o b e s e individuals in middle age have less white brain matter than those who are not. White brain matter is an important part of the brain. It connects different brain regions together and helps keeping a good communication between neurons. Therefore, white matter deficits, according to studies, can lead to l a n g u a g e , m e m o r y, a n d v i s u a l problem. It can also cause diseases like Alzheimer's, dementia, and depression (Medical Daily, 2011). Reading all those bad influence caused by obesity, you may wonder, “What should I do? What can be done?” There are two kinds of solution, preventive and curative. For p reva l e n ce, we c a n st a r t f ro m ourselves. Eat nutritious food and eat i n a n o r m a l p o r t i o n . E xe r c i s e regularly. These things seem simple, but they are the main keys of having a healthy life. Then, we can develop our healthy lifestyle to the environment. When going out with friends, choose healthy restaurants instead of fast food ones. Invite your friends for a morning jog. This may not be easy if you’re facing lazy friends, but see it as a challenge to change the world. Be the agents of change. For curative parts, if we are the obese individuals, we can start changing our lifestyle. However, note that there is no instant change. Weight loss needs progress, and progress needs patience. If we are the lean individuals, we can help our obese friends by not humiliating them.

Fat shaming is not funny and should never be done. We can also help by supporting them if they want to lose weight. Also, please note that weight is a sensitive topic so if your obese friends are fine about their body condition, don’t pressure them. Government should also take part in lowering this epidemic. There should be more roads for pedestrians, trees in the side of the roads to provide support for pedestrians, and more parks. They should also support the existence of healthy restaurants so that there will be more healthy restaurants than unhealthy one. Universities should also act. No matter what major, every curriculum should consists of Physical Activity (PE) at least once a week. This Physical Activity program, if controlled and maintained, should be able to increase the fitness level of students and staffs. Last but not least, the most important thing is that this ideas are not only be read, but are implemented. Let’s build a new perspective of college students as lean individuals, be productive yet active!

Akkermansia muciniphila: The Savior of Obesity is Coming To Town! by Laksmita Dwana


n the last 10 years, Patrice Cani and her

research team from Welbio in University of Louvain, along with Willem de Vos, a professor in University of Wageningen in Netherlands, have been doing a research on a bacterium called Akkermansia municiphila. In healthy individuals, this particular species of probiotic bacteria, Akkermansia municiphila, make up 3-4% among hundreds of other gut bacteria. This bacterium colonizes all humans' intestines and protects the guts from pathogens by means of competitive exclusion-from infants to the elderly. It helps to repair a disturbed metabolism, which is associated with obesity, inflammation, and type-2 diabetes.[1] Recent advances in microbiome sequencing and discovery technologies have resulted in a greater focus on the role played by different microorganisms in the human gut. Improper maintenance of one’s gut microbiota can lead to various diseases. One such microorganism that resides in the intestinal lining is Akkermansia muciniphila, a gram-negative anaerobe.[2]

Another research on November, 2016 shows that the gut microbe Akkermansia muciniphila can mediate negative effects of IFNγ on glucose tolerance, especially linked to gene expression in the intestine and glucose parameters in humans, suggesting that this trialogue might b e a n evo l u t i o n a l l y co n s e r ve d mechanism regulating metabolic health in humans.[3] The idea of developing this bacterium popped up in order to prevent human from obesity, or furthermore, type-2 diabetes which will lead to another disease. Basically, Akkermansia muciniphila needs mucin in the intestine as its power resource to live in the mucus lining of the gut, making it self-sufficient. As mucin degrades, a variety of fermented products are released. Among these are Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA), known to serve as energy sources for neighboring bacteria. Acetate, a prominent SCFA released in the gut, is known to curtail weight gain by virtue of its anorectic effects. This abundance in the intestine induces the expression of a protein FIAF (Fasting-Induced Adipose Factor) known to promote reduction of fat storage. Akkermansia m u n i c i p h i l a a l s o i n c re a s e s t h e expression of RegIII, a bactericidal lectin, which specifically targets certain pathogenic species in the intestine. The investment to maintain the sustainability of this bacterium in human’s intestine is adding prebiotic fiber such as oligofructose to your diet.

This idea will support your existing gut colony of Akkermansia muciniphila and also recover failing gut colony of it. To enjoy full benefits of prebiotic fibers, it is a need to consume a variety of these foods on a daily basis, such as raw chicory root, dandelion greens, wheat bran, asparagus, garlic, banana, onion, leek, oatmeal, red wine, honey, maple syrup, and legumes. We believe that the time of this kind of savior will come, and now is the actual time to provoke human’s awareness towards obesity and learn how to prevent our generation from obesity, as it has been one of the highest risk factors of life-threatening diseases. References: 1. Silvers K. A. Municiphila: Weight Lo ss B a c te r i a at Yo u r S e r v i ce. Probiotics Center (2016) 2. Taylor J. Bacterium of the Month: Akkermansia muciniphila. uBiome (2016) 3. Greer RL, et al. Akkermansia muciniphila mediates negative effects of IFNγ on glucose metabolism. Nature Communications 7, 13329 (2016).


How Do Y o u Change? By Saskia Diva Kamila


eing a medical student is tough; no

one doubts it. As medical students, our time is used mostly for sitting and studying. Sometimes, that activity is accompanied by little (but not so few) snacks. This habit of too much sitting and snacking can contribute to our seemingly chubbier face and more protruding belly. When you try hitting the scale, there’s a chance you’ve put on some weight since the first semester of medical school. A study in Malaysia showed that the prevalence of obese medical students is high. This can occur because of habitual changes, sedentary lifestyle, and bad time management found in medical students. Not all medical students have those traits mentioned, but most of them have it, leading to obesity and other detrimental effects. Now, imagine that you’re already a doctor, and you got a patient, an obese one. He had trouble breathing and epigastric pain. Of course, you would think that it was because of his obese figure. You then advised your patient to live a healthy lifestyle. Then, he asked you, “What is a healthy lifestyle, doc? How do I change?” It was a problematic situation because you yourself didn’t know how to change your habit to a healthier one. Look at those belly fats hanging from your stomach! Obesity, as we all know, is dangerous. Various fatal diseases are related to obesity, such as coronary artery disease and stroke. Obesity makes you feel weaker, work harder, has less strength, and, let’s be honest, it also makes you think you’re less attractive. The good news is you’re somewhat cute and you look kind of younger than your peers, but the bad news is as you get older, people won’t think you’re cute even though you’re chubby like a baby.

Obesity in adolescent is linked to obesity in adulthood; in other words, you don’t get transformed into a great slender figure spontaneously as you get older. You need to change your habit first if you want to have a great figure. This article may be not just for obese medical students, but also for overweight or just out-of-shape medical students that are trying to stay alive and look healthy. When you see some before-after photos o f o b e s e p e o p l e b e i n g fi t , t h e transformation they went through was because of their hard work and their will to change. They don’t just get fit in a blink of an eye. They don’t just sit and scroll through Instagram explore of “#beforeafterweightloss” photos and hope that someday they would be that fit. The big difference between those used-to-be obese people and you, who only think about change rather than do it, is their determination in changing themselves. Now, the keys to changing your habit are simple. First, you have to find your purpose of changing your habit, a concrete one. For example, I want to change my habit to a healthy one, so that when I do rotations in the hospital, I am fit and able to absorb a lot of knowledge, can help my colleagues more, and can be a big help in the hospital. You see, this purpose is clear and will make me more likely to get up and exercise for 30 minutes, unlike when you say you want to be fit because you want to be thin. That purpose won’t make you last long in this change you want to do. So, what’s your purpose of changing? Do you want to make your patients believe in your advice for healthy lifestyles and change their lifestyle too or do you just want to fit in your tight jeans?

Second, push yourself to this new habit of yours. You decide your habit is a routine exercise, so do it as you scheduled it. Try the ones you like first, to make this habit last. Surround yourself with people that keep you motivated to fulfill this habit. The push from everyone around you will motivate you to change, but the push you give to yourself is the one that does the change. Third, you must know that consistency is the most important key. You may start smoothly in this change, like a week or two, but then you will feel bored and later not do it again. Thus, your change failed. Try to always remember why you’re changing in the first place; put it on your wall, put it in your wallet. Make commitment to yourself. As stated at the beginning of this article, one of our main barriers that get us further from being fit is our bad time management. We always seem like we don’t have time for exercising. We think that rather than exercise, we should do more important stuff, like studying or sleeping. Now, try plotting your hours into timetables–I recommend using Laura Vanderkam’s “168 hours time management“ worksheet, easily accessible through Google–and see for yourself whether you really don’t have time, or it’s just all in your mind. Sometimes, you found out that you really don’t have time–probably because you’re a busy chief in an organization. Most of the times, you just think that you don’t have time, while spending most of your time laying on your bed, scrolling through Line or Instagram feeds. You can start filling the spare time or dedicating your time as long as thirty minutes for exercise in a day, or every two days to begin changing your habit. It’s only 30 minutes from your 1440 minutes in one day, so there’s no excuse for skipping it.

Out of many bits of advice for healthy lifestyle, exercise is the most simple getaway from sedentary lifestyle. It can be anything you want, as long as you’re not sitting and always improving yourself. Get moving, because our body is made to move, not to sit around and snack.


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Facts and Myths About Obesity and Weight Change Written by Joseph Mikhael Husin


o you think a breast-fed children could have less chance of being an obese later

in life? Is it a must to have a realistic, achievable weight-loss goal to prevent being frustrated and lose less weight? Diets are very effective in reducing weight, but will it really work well in the long-term? Not eating your breakfast will make you gain more weight as you get hungrier throughout the day, or will it? This article will show you some surprising facts and myths surrounding obesity and weight change.

1. Realistic weight-loss goals are very important since the patient might become frustrated if the goal is ambitious/unrealistic, making him/her lose less weight. Fact or myth? MYTH: Studies have shown that more ambitious, sometimes unrealistic, weight-loss goals do not have a negative correlation with weight-loss. Some studies in fact have proven that ambitious goals are related to better weight-loss outcomes, especially in women.1 2. Breast-fed babies are less likely to become obese in the future. Fact or myth? MYTH: While breast-feeding babies have a lot of benefits, protecting the baby from being obese in the future is not one of it. While this was stated by WHO as one of the benefits of breast-feeding in the past, a randomized, controlled trial have proven that breast-feeding and obesity does not have a significant correlation.1 3. Genetic factors play a large role, but moderate environmental changes is very effective in treating obesity. Fact or myth? FACT: Genetic factors indeed play a large role in obesity and weight changes overall, but it does not determine everything. Studies have shown that moderate environmental changes may be as effective as the best pharmaceutical agent available in reducing weight.1


4. Having a bout of sexual activity can burn 100-300 kcal (about the amount of calories in a bowl of cereal). Fact or myth? MYTH: According to Compendium of Physical Activities, an active sexual activity with vigorous effort has 2.8 MET value. If your weight is at 40 kg, then you would need to do a sexual activity with vigorous effort for almost an hour. Given that the average amount of time in a sexual activity (not including the foreplay) is about 6 minutes (0.1 hours), it’s nowhere near close.1 5. Eating breakfast regularly is better than skipping breakfast to lose weight to prevent people from eating more throughout the day. Fact or myth? UNPROVEN: There has been no conclusive evidence yet whether eating breakfast regularly has any effect at all towards weight in general. One study suggested that weight gain or weight loss is more dependent on how the person usually eats breakfast rather than giving up completely or having it everyday.1 6. H av i n g s n a c k c o n t r i b u t e s heavily to weight gain and obesity. Fact or myth? UNPROVEN: Again, studies have f o u n d n o c o n c l u s i ve ev i d e n c e towards this presumption. While having snacks indeed gives a certain weight-gain, it’s not very significant. Studies also shown that eating snacks regularly might actually be more b e n e fi c i a l t h a n h a v i n g i t intermittently.1

7. Diets with reduced energy intake is very effective to reduce weight, but trying a certain diet generally does not work well for the long-run. Fact or myth? FACT: While diets are proven to be effective in reducing weight, it’s only effective as long as it reduced the energy intake. Without a reduced energy intake overall, eating more fruits and vegetables, not eating breakfast, or any other diet you try will prove ineffective. While it seems obvious, many missed this fact, making them went on with a diet that might not be appropriate yet ineffective at the same time.1



Avoid the 3 things, an Written by Enita Harianti

nd Do the 3 things.


ave you been gaining weight easily

while at college? Your high school mates told you that you’re getting fatter? Well, college offers many temptations. You're on your own and free to eat what you want, whenever and wherever you want it. Moreover, college student usually gets a lot of assignments and worse time management so they will prefer to eat instant meals which doesn’t spend too much time and of course, it’s ‘walletfriendly’. To o m u c h homework, too little sleep. This is the way most of student define how collegelife is. Well, we can’t deny that in college we don’t have to stay in class as much as we did in high school. But, a college student is required to be a more critical person and spend more time to do selflearning. That’s why in college it feels like there is no day without studying. The more you sit, the more you need to sit. Meaning that college students have a sedentary lifestyle. They’re often sitting; whether in class, in front of the computer or on the couch studying. It shows that college students have less physical activity. Either because they don't have they time, or because they have so much things to do.

These three bad habits will lead them to a bad life-style and even more, will trigger many health issues such as the weight gain, or even worse, obesity. Some weight gain is normal as an adolescent body grows and metabolism shifts. But pronounced or rapid weight gain may become a problem. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 5.2 million college students are obese. Obesity is an e x c e s s i v e accumulation of body fat such that individuals are over 20 percent heavier than their ideal body weight. Obesity has become an epidemic in Indonesia, about 21,7% of the people on age >18 years old in Indonesia are suffering obese. Well, it’s frightening, but it’s not surprising.

It shows that c o l l e g e students have less physical activity.

So, what can we do as the college students to avoid obesity?

First, manage your time. You have to be more concerned about your health. Study is important, but your health condition is the most important. Second, you have to eat well and sleep well. We all know unhealthy food choices won't give us the balance of nutrients we need to keep up with the demands of college. So you have to provide your body with enough nutrition. And also you have to get enough sleep: sleeping less than six hours each night can affect hormone levels that control appetite, craving and metabolism. People who do not get enough sleep crave for high calories, junks foods that the body can quickly breakdown for energy. Last but not least, you have to stop making excuses for not exercising. Researchers found that students who exercise at least 3 days a week are more likely to report better physical health, as well as greater happiness, than those who do not exercise. They are also more likely to report using their time productively. Well, the hardest obstacle for students is commitment. Understanding that the time you put into exercise is an investment for yourself, your health, just like school is for your future. It is just something you have to make time for because no one else can invest in that but you.



Lifetime Membership Lifetime Membership is the highest honor awarded to outstanding individuals who have made significant and enduring contributions to the Asian Medical Students’ Association and it’s international community.

You can’t make epic things with basic people. You need to epic people to make epic things.

NAME Ahmad Aulia Rizaly NICK NAME Auk DATE OF BIRTH August 31st, 1992 EDUCATION HISTORY - SDN 12 Baruga Kendari - SMPN 3 Makassar - SMAN 2 Makassar - Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN AMSA - Secretary of External Divison, AMSAUnhas 2012/2013 - District Supervisor of District 6, National Publication & Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2012/2013 - Secretary of Publication and Promotion, AMSA-Indonesia 2013/2014 - Advisory Board, AMSA-Indonesia 2014/2015 - S e c re t a r y f o r P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d Promotions, AMSA International 2014/2015 - General Secretary, AMSA International 2015/2016

ACHIEVEMENTS - 1 st a n d 2 nd w i n n e r o f photography competition - PCC AMSC 2012 - 3rd winner of public poster competition – World AIDS Day Competition AMSA International 2013 - 1st winner of Creativity for Community, AMSA-Indonesia 2013 - Most favourite Photograph (non-finalist) of photography Co m p e t i t i o n - I M STC 2 0 1 3 AMSA-Indonesia - Top 10 finalist of photography c o m p e t i t i o n - I M S TC 2 0 1 4 AMSA-Indonesia - 2 nd a n d 3 rd w i n n e r o f Photography Competition - PCC AMSC 2015 AMSA-Indonesia - 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd winner of photography competition – PCC AMSC 2016 (along with teammates; Fidelisa C. Arini & Imanuela Yoel Biring) AMSAIndonesia - Best Photograph and the winner of People’s Choice Award of photography competition AMSC 2016 Manila, AMSA International - Lifetime Membership Award recipient, AMSA International 2016

Q : Hi kak Auk, how are you? How’s life? A : Hi! Everything's awesome (so far) :) Q : Can you explain your daily life, specifically your daily routines and other activities you tend to do everyday? A : Well, just like any other “koas”, on weekday, I wake up at 5 am, take a shower, eat my breakfast, and go to the hospital for regular duty and night shift. When my duty and shift are done, I go back home to do my assignments, study, and sleep. But, unlike any other “koas”, on weekend, I grab my camera, roam the street, and capture anything that catches my eyes in a photograph. Q : Can you explain how you joined AMSA? When did you decide that you wanted to contribute in a positive way for AMSA? A: I joined AMSA in 2012, but the idea of joining AMSA had already been in my mind since 2010 when AMSA-Unhas hosted Rakernas. I accidentally jumped into the welcoming party and saw AMSA for the very first time. I was amazed by the warmth feeling that everyone showed and felt like I should be a part of it in the future. Since then, I swore that I would join AMSA if I made it to med-school. And now, here I am. I decided to contribute more for AMSA back in 2012 when I made teaser video of Musyawarah Nasional XXVII AMSA-Indonesia. AMSA-Unhas was the host. One of my seniors asked me to make a teaser video. Back then, I only had the program to make video, but didn’t know how to use it. But, eventually, I took the leap of faith, and (at least, tried to) make one, even though I never did it before and didn’t know how to. In the end, surprisingly, many loved the video I made. It was a very simple (or some said “mediocre”) one, yet people loved it. At that moment, I felt the feeling of being appreciated that I’d never felt before when I worked with other organizations. That was really the moment when I felt like I needed to contribute even more and make people happy with my works in AMSA. ps: you can still watch the video here https://

Q : As we all know, you have vastly contributed to AMSA in the PnP division, can you tell us when you learned all of these skills that have helped you contribute. A : To be honest, I never made any poster, graphic design, or video before I joined AMSA. I was a TERRIBLE designer. I learned them all when I first worked for AMSAUnhas and AMSA-Indonesia as District Supervisor of PnP Team AMSA-Indonesia. In the end, I decided to learn them simply because I thought that I could contribute more If I knew and mastered more skills. I mean, the more I knew, the more I could do, the more I could give something to people, right? Well, I knew it was a little too late, but you know what people say, “Better late than never”.

Q : People said having organization experience will be usefull in the working field. Is it true? What is the benefit of being a active in AMSA for your work? A : As my experience has taught me, yes, things you learn in organization will definitely come in handy in your future professional life, in my case, as a doctor. AMSA has taught me a lot about how to be professional, deal with other people who are basically different in many ways from me, and deal with tons of jobs in short amount of time. When I worked as Secretary of Publication and Promotion AMSA-Indonesia, I was faced with tons of things to do. I had 10 programs to run. Moreover, I had to assist other EBs in publishing their works and programs. Plus, I had assignments and exams to face as well. It was a total hell! But, as a wise man says, “What doesn’t kill me, make me stronger”. Being PnP didn’t kill, it made me stronger instead. Since I already have the experience of working under such amount of pressure with overwhelming workload, to be put in such condition again won’t be a problem for me. This experience of working in AMSA helps me a lot in dealing with problems I have as a “Koas", such as working under pressure, having tons of assignments and papers, and inhumane working hours. These problems feels easier for me to face since I’ve been through such harsh life before. This is how working in AMSA improves my professional life.

Q : What is the most valuable experience or moment that you had during your time in AMSA? A : The most valuable moment that I had during my time in AMSA were moments that I spent with my friends in AMSA. Spending time with friends is always a blessing. Another valuable moment was when I was given opportunity to serve AMSAIndonesia and AMSA International as Secretary of Publication and Promotion. During these years, I just couldn’t believe that my posters, videos, and other works could bring such joy and happiness to people around the world. It was the hardest time of my life tho, but I enjoyed every single second of it.

Q : How were you able to receive AMSA International’s Lifetime Membership Award? Maybe you can take time to explain what you have done in order to achieve this? A : Frankly speaking, I have no idea what I have done that can make me worthy of the award. All I did was to work 120%, meaning that I was ready to do whatever necessary in order to achieve perfection in my work. I wanted my work to be something that people remember, something that they will talk about for years, to be a benchmark in how something should be done, last but not least, I want my work to bring happiness and beneficence to everyone. In order to achieve this, I needed to work 120%; pushing beyond my 100% - breaking my own limit, doing something I never had done before. When I worked for AMSA, I rarely said “No” when someone asked me to do something, even if it was something I’d never done. By doing this, I had the chance to learn new things and break my own limit. If this was 100 m race, you gotta run for 105 because by then, you’d know that you’d have the race finished. Push yourself beyond your own best. I never work for any award. I only work for the people, because seeing people happy with my work is the best feeling in the world.

Q : Do you have any hope to AMSAIndonesia and/or AMSA International? A : I hope AMSA will even get stronger and better in the future. I hope everyone who works in AMSA, both AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA International, understands and will keep on working in the way of idea that working is not only about finishing the “proker”, but also about serving people and improving AMSA as an organization. Q : Lastly, what is “AMSA” for you? A : Home :)




Charity Cancer Camp

The amazing thing about g e t t i n g involved in this event is that you get to see the o n e s yo u ’ r e h e l p i n g


AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya


harity Cancer Camp or known as

CCC is an annual event held by AMSAUAJ together with Pastoran Atma Jaya W i l a y a h S a n t o L u k a s ( PAW S L ) designated to help kids with cancer and their family. CCC has been held for 4 times since 2012 and has helped for more than 100 children and their family. AMSA-UAJ has worked with YOAI (Yayasan Onkologi Anak Indonesia) throughout this event to give them an unforgettable experience for 3 days and 2 nights. CCC came from the idea of giving a rehabilitation camp for cancer kids and their family, but due to the limitations we have, we’re only able to held the event during weekends. This year we came up with the theme Daylight: Dare Yourself to Live and Fight. Decorated with dream catchers and trees, we gave them an indoor camp experience complete with the fairies and of course the ruler of the kingdom. This year, we were lucky to have Project Pop as one of our guest stars and we also have performances from our friends from The Voice Kids and from an amazing magician to entertain us. Looking back through my experience for the last 2 years, CCC has always gave both the committee and the family something new to be brought back home. As a part of the committee, We’ve always been impressed by the spirit and the happiness those children have despite their sickness. Their hopes and dreams are held up high so no one can take it away from them and behind those dreams, they have a strong parent rooting for their health. The strong moms and dads who always put their children’s health upon themselves.

Personally, I can’t imagine the burden they have to deal with when their kids get chemotherapy or when they have a high fever due to their medication. Besides, they are able to see this difficulty as a blessing and are able to survive this with a strong heart. All of this experience was shared through this event not only among the parents, but also among us, medical students to build up our empathy towards the patient. These are the things which touch everyone’s heart of every one who were involved in this event and it kept us motivated in preparing CCC for 8 months. CCC has grown more than just an annual event, it has become a series of days awaited by the family to build connection upon each other and to share stories about their struggle. An event where the kids can play together and take a step back to vision their hopes and dreams about their future. We’re just glad and happy if we could give them a pleasant and memorable experience and we’re grateful for all parties who had helped us put up a memorable event. We’ve learned a lot from their struggle and we could have a strong connection with the kids, our little heroes.


Too Sweet to be Ignored


AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi


ocial act is one of the most

effective ways to actualize one of AMSA core philosophy, which is action. At the very core social act is a platform for AMSA members to utilize what they have learned to help society usually through increasing awareness of a disease or healthy lifestyle. AMSA-UNSRAT therefore decides to launch a social act on 19th of November 2016 focusing on increasing the awareness of As said to be the disease which is currently on the rise in Indonesia and especially in North Sulawesi. T h e s o c i a l a c t i t s e l f wa s preceded by a special lecture on diabetes and what sorts of information on diabetes that the society is in dire need to be aware of. The lecture was held on 14th of November 2016 in Prof. Kandou General Hospital and serves as a preparation for AMSA UNSRAT members for the social act. The lecture was presented by dr. Yuanita Langi, SpPD-KEMD -who alongside the department of internal medicine of Prof. Kandou General Hospital had arranged an event in the spirit of World Diabetes Day about a week earlier- agreed that the society as a whole especially in North Sulawesi is not as well informed regarding diabetes as many medical professionals would have liked.

The social act itself was conducted at Megamas, which is one of the most crowded places on Saturday morning in Manado. AMSAUNSRAT members were divided into teams in order to cover as much ground as possible, and each of the team was obliged to educate at least three groups of people. Through this session, the groups being educated was allowed to ask questions related to diabetes as to make it interactive. A s a n ex t ra eve r y g ro u p wa s provided with fruit salad to promote a healthy lifestyle. The people being reached came from different background ranging from a security guard to vice dean of the political science faculty and yet the questions coming from them were pretty of similar, this paints a really stark picture on how that the awareness of diabetes is lacking on each layer of society and why any actions taken to increase awareness is really important. One act of awareness raising may won’t c h a n g e a n y t h i n g , b u t A M S AUNSRAT is far from the only entity that tries to ensure widespread awareness of diabetes. From other AMSA chapters to medical professionals to the government and more society is gradually becoming more aware of diabetes. Hopefully, all of our efforts combined will help curb the number of diabetes.



AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin Dalam rangka mempererat tali silahturahmi sesama keluarga besar AMSAUnhas serta meningkatkan jiwa simpati dan empati terhadap lingkungan, kami mengadakan kunjungan sosial ke Panti Jompo Werdha Theodora, Jalan Sungai Saddang No. 21 Makassar pada hari Minggu, 27 November 2016. Kegiatan yang berlangsung sejak pukul 13.00-16.00 WITA ini diikuti oleh 60 orang anggota AMSA-Unhas. Kegiatan kali ini bertema “Diabetes� dalam rangka menyambut hari diabetes sedunia. Kegiatan dimulai dengan sambutan dari Representative AMSA-Unhas 2016/17, IIn Fadhilah Utami dan pengurus Panti Jompo Werdha Theodora dengan menceritakan keadaan lansia yang berjumlah 21 orang di panti jompo tersebut dan nasihat dari beliau agar berbakti dan selalu menyayangi orang tua. Selanjutnya, dilakukan doa bersama yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyuluhan mengenai diabetes melitus oleh dr. Raissa Alfaathir Heri yang juga merupakan alumni dari AMSA-Unhas.

Penyuluhan diserangkaikan dengan kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan berupa pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu dan tekanan darah oleh para anggota AMSAUnhas. Tidak ketinggalan, anggota yang baru bergabung dengan AMSA-Unhas juga turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini. Para lansia yang sedang menunggu siklus untuk pemeriksaan kesehatan melakukan games tebak-cepat ditemani oleh para anggota A M SA- U n h a s . S e te l a h p e m e r i k s a a n kesehatan selesai, dilakukan coffebreak dengan memberikan salad kepada para lansia tersebut. Setelah jeda singkat, acara kembali dilanjutkan dengan games terakhir yaitu lomba makeover. G ames terakhir ini dilakukan oleh lansia wanita bersama para anggota AMSA-Unhas sebanyak 2 siklus. Dalam lomba ini, anggota AMSA-Unhas akan mendandani wanita lansia tersebut ,kemudian melakukan foto bersama wanita lansia di panti tersebut .lalu diunggah ke media sosial instagram dan akan diumumkan pemenangnya para waktu yang ditentukan.


Karena impian setiap orang untuk dapat menikmati hari tuanya dengan kasih sayang dan cinta, kami membawa cinta untuk mereka yang sedang menikmati masa tuanya


Dengan diiringi lagu, para anggota AMSA-Unhas semakin antusias mendandani wanita lansia tersebut yang sudah memakai bando, pita, dan aksesoris lainnya ditambah make up. Melihat tingkah lucu para peserta yang mendandani para lansia dengan penuh semangat, hal ini spontan mengundang gelak tawa yang ada di ruangan tersebut. Â Setelah acara games makeover lansia b e r a k h i r, a c a r a d i l a n j u t k a n d e n g a n mendengarkan kisah hidup beberapa lansia hingga berada di panti jompo tersebut dan menyanyikan beberapa lagu. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan pengumuman foto dan makeover terbaik. Akhirnya, telah sampai penghujung acara dimana para anggota AMSA-Unhas melakukan foto sebagai kenang-kenangan pribadi serta foto AMSA-Unhas dengan para lansia. Tak lupa, pemberian sertifikat oleh Koordinator Teamwork, Ismi Nuranggraeni Guntur sebagai bentuk ucapan terima kasih kepada pengurus Panti Jompo Werdha Theodora karena telah memberikan kami sarana untuk berbagi kehangatan dan kasih sayang serta dr.Raissa Alfaathir Heri sebagai pemateri untuk penyuluhan.

Setelah berpamitan dengan para lansia, acara dilanjutkan dengan membersihkan aula Panti Jompo Werdha Theodora kembali seperti semula. Setelahnya, kami pulang dengan banyak pengalaman disertai berbagai cerita yang unik dan menarik tentang para lansia. Acara yang sangat menyentuh hati telah kami lakukan buat oma dan opa walaupun tidak terlalu meriah tetapi tetap dapat menghibur mereka. Kami hanya ingin berbagi keceriaan bersama mereka yang mendambakan kebahagiaan. Pesan mereka kepada kami adalah "Belajarlah dengan giat dan sungguh-sungguh supaya cita-cita kami dapat tercapai suatu hari kelak". Terima kasih oma dan opa, dengan melihat kalian, kami teringat akan orangtua kami yang menyayangi kami dan kewajiban kepada kami sebagai anak untuk berbakti kepada mereka.




A New Way to T r e a t Ty p e 2 Diabetes BY Verrel Christopher


ype 2 diabetes is the most

common form of diabetes and it may affect anyone, from children to adults (the risks are lower on children than older individuals, however). Until recently, the treatment for the illness is still poorly controlled because most of the patients fail to achieve and sustain control over time of the medications. To help the treatment of type 2 diabetes, Intarcia Therapeutics, an American pharmaceutical company, is developing a new device called ITCA 650. ITCA 650 uses a subcutaneous delivery system called Medici Drug Delivery System which is comprised of osmotic mini-pump that allows a consistent flow of medication, high therapeutic stabilization of molecules at or above human body temperatures, and mini-pump placement technology for an optimal user experience. Once applied, the device will deliver exenatide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist continuously. The GLP-1 receptor agonist will then increase the effects of incretin, stimulating the release of insulin. In addition, they also reduce glucagon, induce satiety, and slow gastric emptying. Its effect is also associated with weight loss. Currently, GLP-1 receptor agonists are only available in the form of daily or once-weekly injections. The use of ITCA 650 will decrease the frequency of drug administration to only twice a year and it is easier to use than injections. On top of that, the device is only as big as a matchstick, making it more comfortable to use than other medications.

The device has met the preapproval from the FDA and is currently waiting for the approval. Once it’s approved, it will be the first and only injection-free GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy.



Kediri, a Fascinating City that Provides All You Want

By Achmad Januar Er Putra

Kediri is known as one of the three biggest regions in East Java beside Surabaya and Malang area since the previous century. This region is divided into two separated administration, those are Kediri municipality and Kediri regency. This place gives you a wide variety of attraction to visit. Most of the inhabitants come from the Javanese descent, with a little mix of Chinese and Arabic. The harmony will cherish you when you take first step here. There is no racial tendency reported since this city was built before the independence of Indonesia. Also, this city will teach you the harmony of life when you observe all part of this area. Are you curious enough to know more about Kediri? Let’s explore together.

This area is situated between two mountains, those are Wilis Mountain at the west side, and Kelud Mountain at the east. Kelud is known for its activity every 25 years. Moreover, the Brantas River lies and divides this region into two sub-parts, which later provides the fertile cropping land and several selected fruits that taste really delicious! Those local crops are sapodilla, pineapple, and mango. The mango itself is very unique, known as Podang variety. When it is ripe enough, it will show a mix of yellow, red, and purple color on its peel. These kinds of fruit will be your best choice to start your healthy life style, or, maybe you want to hunt for another “big-portion” of foods to satisfy your tummy?

The first choice is Pecel Kediri. Pecel is a kind of local salad with the spicy and tasty peanut sauce. Pecel Kediri’s sauce is well known for the higher pungency level compared with the other variants of peanut sauce. What if your stomach needs a supply late at night? Don’t worry, just come to Jalan Dhoho and you can choose your pecel with lots of choices of dishes and toppings for a reasonable price! For the breakfast, you may choose several Javanese traditional foods that are quite different from those in the central part of this island. The locals like to eat the food with a creamier and spicier sauce compared with those who live in Central Java. So, you will not realize that there are many kinds of bothok, a kind of coconutmilk based soup with several fillings such as chicken or bee pollen, a kind of unusual filling in banana leaf wrap. Wait, if you want to push your adrenaline, you can eat the sate bekicot, or snail satay. It seems strange, but once you have tasted it, you will never forget how unique the taste is! For your information, snail is also consumed by the French as escargot.

After your stomach is satisfied with the food, let’s take a look at several recreational places that can refresh your soul. If you want to go to several historical sites, Kediri is the best choice! You can choose whether to go to a temple, monument, or cave. If you want to go to temple, Kediri has prepared it for you. At the heart of the city, there is Klenteng Tjoe Hwie Kiong, which is dominated by the red color. Or, you may move a little bit further to north-eastern part, and you can meet Candi Tegowangi and Surowono, two Hindu temples from Kediri and Majapahit historical monarchy. If you want to taste an overseas feeling, you can go to Simpang Lima Gumul, a replica of Arc de Triomphe in France. This place is the best spot for you to take photos person to boost your Instagram pictures collection. At this monument, you can also learn several history of Kediri, or you may have your family time here by observing several parks near here, such as the Gumul Paradise Water Park and Night Food Park which will provide you a satisfying and unforgettable moment

Kediri is also known for its religious locals. Here, you can find several Islamic boarding school, where some of them are the biggest all over Indonesia. Have you ever heard about Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo? Yep, it is the biggest Islamic school in Indonesia and is situated in this city! You may come to those schools and feel the sensation of becoming a preacher for a day. For you my Catholic colleagues, don’t worry. This city also provides you an extremely unique church under the diocese of Surabaya. The church is named as Poh Sarang Church. This place is not only famous as a church, but known as a religious complex.

There are a replica of Maria Lourdes cave, the story of Jesus until he was crossed, and at a special moment, you may come and follow the Via Dolorosa (cross-walk) as a remembrance to Him. The church itself is unique. It was built in 1936 and comes from combination of Javanese traditional house, stupa at Buddhist temple, and several Hindu temple. Near this church, there is a hermitage for you who wants to meditate yourself.

After you upgrade the religious side of you, you can relax your body to some of the natural attraction from this city. If you want to feel the fresh air that blowing to your body, you should come to Dolo Waterfall at Wilis Mountain. You can simply play with the water and feel the cold water, or you can observe the nature. This waterfall lies at 1830 meters above the sea level. So, don’t ask about the temperature. You may bring your jacket here if you want. If you are still not satisfied yet, you can come to Taman Wisata Ubalan. There are several swimming pools from Kelud mountain spring water. It’s so refreshing! By the end of this section, you may conclude that Kediri will provide everything that you want holistically. So, what are you waiting for? Just pack your belongings and see this wonderful and amazing city yourself! *Note: All of the pictures are taken from the official site of Kediri Regency.



The Spirits of Emperor and Empress Jinmu

Enshrined: Kashihara-Jingu by Laksmita Dwana


large Shinto shrine located in

Kashihara-shi on the western edge of the historic Asuka district of Nara Prefecture, Japan, is where Kashihara Shrine is. It was built in 1889 at the site of the Kashihara-gu where Japan’s first emperor, Emperor Jinmu, is said to have acceded to the throne. According to Japanese mythology, Jinmu is believed to be a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. A new national regime was inaugurated in 1868 with the end of rule by the samurai class, with the emperor as head of state, and the spirits of Emperor and Empress Jinmu were formally enshrined here in recognition of their status as the first generation of the Imperial Family.

The creation of Kashihara Jingu and the mausoleums of the first four mythical Japanese emperors in the heart of what was once the first centralizing state in Japanese history, Yamato in Asuka, was part of the Meiji government's policy of establishing the foundations of a n at i o n a l i st n a r rat i ve to ra l l y a n d indoctrinate its populace, who, during the preceding Edo period had been more focused on local, clan allegiances centered on their han (domain) and daimyo (feudal lord). With the defeat of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1868and the Meiji Emperor's new centrality as head of state, fresh national symbols were needed to reinforce the legitimacy of "imperial rule". Kashihara Jingu was thus an important statement in Meiji era state building and enshrines Emperor Jinmu and his consort Hime-tatara-Isuzu-Hime.

The spacious and pleasant shrine is located in a large, preserved area of forest and small lakes just south of Mount Unebiyama. The Main Hall and Kagura-den were relocated here according to the wishes of Emperor Meiji from the Imperial Palace (Gosho) in Kyoto and are the two most important structures at the shrine. Visitors enter through a huge wooden torii gate and proceed along a n ave n u e fl a n ke d by wo o d e n lanterns. At the end of this gravel walkway is a large, duck-filled lake to the left and to the right, the entrance to the main shrine precincts.



H H aa rr tt aa K K aa rr u u nn dari dari Utara Utara Nusantara Nusantara

“ By

Fauziyyah Djaafara

Gugusan Pulau Siau, Tagulandang, Biaro (Sitaro) Lautan Bintang Taman Pasir,hingga Peninggalan Portugis


umi Nyiur Melambai atau Sulawesi

Utara menyimpan sejuta pesona. Provinsi yang berada di bagian utara pulau Sulawesi ini memiliki gugusan pulau yang berbatasan langsung dengan Filipina yakni gugusan Pulau Sitaro (Siau, Tagulandang, Biaro), Pulau Sangihe dan Pulau Talaud. Tak banyak yang tahu kalau ternyata gugusan pulau tersebut menyimpan ‘harta karun’ yang tak ternilai. Gugusan Pulau Sitaro dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan transportasi laut. Perjalanan memakan waktu 3,5-4 jam dengan kapal cepat dari pelabuhan Manado (ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Utara). Pulau Sangihe bisa dicapai dengan transportasi udara dan laut. Penerbangan ke Sangihe dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 45 menit. Perjalanan ke Pulau Talaud juga dapat menggunakan transportasi laut dan udara. Dengan menggunakan pesawat, Talaud dapat dicapai dalam waktu 2 jam.

Hamparan pulau-pulau yang membentuk gugusan pulau Sitaro memiliki daya tariknya masing-masing. Di samping itu, terdapat satu pulau yang keindahan dan keunikannya tak terbantahkan lagi. Ya, Pulau Mahoro. Terletak di bagian paling timur dari semua gugusan pulau. Bagian timur pulau ini berhadapan langsung dengan laut lepas Samudera Pasifik, membuat ombak yang menyapu tebingtebing laut begitu dahsyat pancarannya. Panoramanya begitu menghipnotis, selain itu pemandangan bawah lautnya dapat disaksikan langsung hanya beberapa langkah dari bibir pantai. Terumbu karang di Pulau Mahoro dapat kita lihat dengan mata telanjang pada kedalaman 1 meter saja. Tak hanya itu, Pulau Mahoro juga masih menjadi habitat asli dari ratusan biota laut, bahkan, saat bulan purnama tiba penyu-penyu laut akan merapat di bibir pantai dan bertelur di sekitar pantai. Ketika air laut surut, akan terbentuk semacam taman pasir putih, dan burungburung walet akan berterbangan di atas taman pasir putih tersebut. Keindahan Pulau Mahoro semakin menghipnotis kala malam tiba. Saat berkemah di pulau ini, kita akan disuguhi panorama lautan bintang yang mempesona. Bila beruntung, kita bisa menyaksikan dari kejauhan pemandangan gunung Karangetang yang menampakkan lava pijarnya di malam hari. Ada satu lagi ‘harta karun’ yang tersimpan di pulau ini. Bila berkunjung ke Pulau Mahoro kita bisa melihat serpihan-serpihan benteng peninggalan Portugis yang menjadi pertanda bahwa pulau ini menjadi saksi bisu catatan sejarah Indonesia yang terbingkai dengan panoramanya yang mengagumkan.

Gugus Pulau Sangihe Hutan Bakau y a n g Memukau


ulau Sangihe dikelilingi hamparan

terumbu karang yang elok. Ekosistem lautnya juga sangat terjaga. Salah satu fa kto r p e n d u ku n g te r p e l i h a ra nya ekosistem lautnya adalah keberadaan ‘sabuk’ hijau yang membentang di Pulau Sangihe. ‘Sabuk’ hijau ini merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kawasan hutan bakau. Sang ‘sabuk’ hijau ini memegang peranan penting dalam keberlangsungan ekosistem laut. Akarakarnya yang tertanam kuat di bawah air, serta fisik pohon bakau yang kokoh menjadi peredam angin badai dan gelombang, pelindung dari abrasi serta penahan lumpur. Selain itu, kawasan hutan bakau di Pulau Sangihe ini menjadi habitat alami dari berbagai satwa. Ketika menginjakkan kaki di kawasan hutan bakau ini, kita akan langsung disambut oleh berbagai jenis burung yang menghuni hutan tersebut.

Di pinggiran kawasan hutan bakau ini, para nelayan juga menambatkan perahu mereka. Keberadaan bakau yang kokoh menjadi pelindung bagi perahu nelayan tatkala cuaca buruk dan gelombang laut naik. Keelokan hutan bakau ini semakin memukau karena keasrian dan keindahannya masih sangat terjaga. Akan timbul sensasi luar biasa saat kita menyingkap keindahan hutan bakau yang disuguhkan alam di Pulau Sangihe.

Gugusan Pulau Talaud Mane’e,

Tradisi Tangkap Ikan dengan ‘Mantra’

M enangkap

ikan dengan jala, tampaknya sudah biasa. Namun, pernahkah tersirat d a l a m b aya n g a n ke t i k a ratusan ikan datang bergerombol hanya dengan bantuan janur sederhana? Hal inilah yang dapat kita saksikan pada upacara Mane’e. Tradisi tangkap ikan ini merupakan kearifan lokal dari masyarakat Pulau Kakorotan, Kecamatan Nanusa, Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Upacara ini rutin diselenggarakan pada bulan Mei ketika air laut mencapai titik surut terendah sehingga hamparan nyare (karang) terlihat jelas di permukaan laut.

Dalam gelaran upacara Mane’e ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilaksanakan. Tahapan pertama adalah tahap musyawarah untuk menentukan waktu pelaksanaan Mane’e. Musyawarah ini dihadiri oleh para tetua adat yakni Ratumbanua, Inangwanua, para kepala suku, pemuka agama dan pemerintah desa. Tiga hari sebelum ritual Mane’e digelar, masyarakat melakukan prosesi maraca pundangi atau memotong tali hutan. Pundangi kemudian dililitkan janur hingga berbentuk seperti ekor ikan yang disebut sami. Pada malam hari menjelang upacara Mane’e, para tetua adat berkumpul, mereka membacakan doa secara bergantian. Doa tersebut dipanjatkan dalam bahasa adat kuno yang kedengarannya seperti ‘mantra’. Doa ini hanya diwariskan kepada Ratumbanua dan Inangwanua. Doa berisi permohonan kepada Yang Kuasa agar sami dapat menggiring ikan yang banyak, diberikan cuaca yang baik, dijauhkan dari malapetaka, serta doa ucapan syukur atas penyertaanNya. Pada ritual ini, semua perlengkapan yang akan digunakan dalam prosesi adat Mane`e didoakan, seperti perahu, sami, dan juga warga yang akan bertugas.

Ketika hari gelaran upacara Mane’e tiba, masyarakat bersama para pemangku adat, hingga pemerintah desa dan kabupaten bersama-sama berkumpul di Pulau Intata (sebuah pulau kosong tempat digelarnya Mane’e). Ada beberapa pantangan yang harus diperhatikan oleh masyarakat saat upacara, yakni tidak boleh berpakaian merah, tidak boleh bercanda, tertawa berlebihan atau membuat keonaran. Selain itu, warga dilarang merusak tumbuhan di pulau dan tidak boleh mengeluarkan kata-kata kotor (makian). Upacara dimulai dengan aba-aba dari Ratumbanua dilanjutkan dengan mengangkat sami ke perahu dan mulai ditebar di laut. Dari sisi kiri, ditebar oleh warga menggunakan perahu. Dari sisi kanan, ditebar langsung oleh para lelaki berperawakan tinggi dengan berjalan masuk ke laut. Kedua sisi akan bertemu di tengah hingga sami membentuk seperti setengah lingkaran. Saat air laut surut, ratusan gerombolan ikan datang berkerumun ke dalam sami. Uniknya lagi, ikan-ikan tersebut seperti dikomando untuk berenang berkelompok secara teratur menurut jenisnya. Sungguh suatu keajaiban alam yang sangat memukau.

Setelah ikan ditangkap atau yang disebut manganu ina, masyarakat melanjutkan dengan prosesi matahia ina atau pembagian hasil secara bersama-sama dan manarm’ ma alama yakni ucapan syukur dengan makan bersama hasil tangkapan ikan. Dalam upacara Mane’e ini terkandung berbagai nilai luhur yakni nilai sosial, karena Mane’e yang berarti kebersamaan merupakan ajang silaturahmi berbagai lapisan masyarakat tanpa memandang suku, ras, agama dan strata sosial; nilai religi yang senantiasa terpancar dalam setiap langkah perjalanan kehidupan masyarakat setempat; serta nilai kearifan lokal yang tercermin dari pelestarian budaya dan lingkungan.


By Joue Abraham Trixie


abang is a city located in Weh Island

and a gate in the western tip of Indonesia. Sabang has an area of 156.3 square kilometers with the highest peak 617 meters above sea level. This city, in addition to directly borders with three countries, namely Malaysia, Thailand and India, Sabang is also a very unique area for Indonesia. That's because this is where you can find Kilometer Zero monument which is the forerunner of the term, "From Sabang to Merauke". Currently Sabang transformed into Indonesian maritime destination that offers a paradise for divers. Here you can enjoy nature and dive underwater to find hundreds of species of fish and a wealth of natural reefs that are not planted or cultivated. With this writing, I want to share my incredible experience with my friends from AMSA-UKI (now we call it as “Basis Aceh”) during our stay at Sabang. We do this holiday after the great event that held by AMSA-UNSYIAH, National Action Event (NAE) 2016. The third day of NAE, we decided to go to Sabang island with ferry. First thing that we did when arrived was snorkeling. It’s such a beautiful landscape! They had great sea that I never seen in Jakarta. This island have an unbelievable property. Start from fish until the coral reefs. We enjoyed remarkable view that made us gave thankful for hours to God.

After enjoyed the sea, we moved to Kilometer Zero monument. For us, it was like you stood at the end of Indonesia. As far as the eye could saw, you only saw sea because you saw at Indonesian border. This monument presents us an amazing sunset views. With this writing, I, Joue Abraham Trixie from AMSA-UKI recommend all of you to use your rest time of national event for having a holiday with your friends from your university. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Your time in AMSA is temporary. If you only have short time in AMSA, make sure you spend it well to get unforgettable moments. I hope you feel the same thing like me. Until I write this story, in the deep of my heart I always be grateful because I can join this family. You call it organization, we call it family




By Fuad Alamsyah

JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta. Bertempat di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, Djakarta Warehouse Project 2016 ( 9/ 1 2 / 1 6 ) d i g e l a r, J a k a r t a d e n g a n semangat “dance for peace and harmony� Tahun ini, Ismaya kembali berhasil menghadirkan festival music dance terbesar di indonesia dengan 90.000 penonton. keberhasilan Ismaya Live tahun ini didukung dengan menghadirkan Sebanyak 33 DJ mancanegara dan 24 DJ Indonesia untuk tampil di festival musik tersebut.

Hari pertama, DWP 2016 dimeriahkan oleh tiga panggung berbeda yang masingmasing memiliki keunikannya masingmasing yaitu Garudha Land, Neon Jungle, dan Cosmic Station. ada hal baru ditahun kedelapan DWP, Garudha Land sebagai stage utama berevolusi menjadi lebih besar dan megah dengan tata cahaya yang memukau, efek visual, piroteknik, dan kembang api yang spektakuler, dan sound system yang mengagumkan. Akhirnya DJ Evan Virgain membuka panggung Garudha Land diikuti dengan performe w.W, GOLDFISH + BLINK, DEVERRA, YVES V, ZEDD dan ditutup oleh DJ asal Belanda yg di nobatkan menjadi salah satu DJ nomor satu di dunia, MARTIN GARRIX.

P e m e n a n g T H E DJ H U N T D. A .T. A membuka panggung Cosmic Station dilanjutkan dengan JOYO, AIU KANDI, TRILIONS, dan LTN. DJ asal Belanda MARC BENJAMIN mengawali deretan DJ mancanegara yang tampil di Cosmic Station yang kemudian diikuti oleh DJ dan penyanyi asal Inggris CHRISTINA NOVELLI, MARLO, dan ditutup oleh BRENNAN HEART. Beralih ke Neon jungle Stage, pesta di buka oleh BLDR, dilanjtkan oleh STAN, duo DJ BIONIXXX, kemudian penampilan d u o DJ S N A K E H I P S ya n g b e r h a s i l membuat ribuan penonton beramai-ramai menyanyikan lagu “All My Friends”. Alan Walker -pun ikut memeriahkan Neon Jungle Stage dengan lagu “faded” lalu pangung diambil alih oleh grup asal inggris RUDIMENTAl dan DESTRUCTO sebelum ditutup dengan meriah oleh VALENTINO KHAN

Hari kedua DWP 2016 dibuat lebih meriah oleh kehadiran panggung spesial dari pesta cat terbesar di dunia yaitu Life in Color yang mengusung tema LIFE IN COLOR KINGDOM. Perhatian di hari pertama Djakarta Warehouse Project 2016 sukses dicuri oleh DIPHA BARUS. sebelum penampilan DIPHA BARUS, Garudha land pada hari kedua dibuka oleh HIZKIA dan dilanjutkan dengan DJ asal Jepang KSUKE. DJ asal Indonesia DIPHA BARUS kemudian membuat suasana semakin semarak dengan membawa KALULA di lagu “No One Can Stop Us” dan NADIN di lagu “All Good”.Sebuah momen yang kental dengan rasa nasionalisme juga dihadirkan di set Dipha Barus saat MC DRWE mengibarkan bendera merah putih dan layar-layar raksasa di panggung menampilkan bendera merah putih raksasa.

“Malam ini kita berdansa untuk perdamaian dan harmoni. Mari kita rayakan keberagaman yang dikaruniakan kepada negara kita.” kata MC Drwe sambil mengibarkan bendera merah putih. “Apapun agama yang kamu percaya, ras atau etnismu, dan asalmu, kita tetap bersatu sebagai satu Indonesia. Satu dunia dengan teman-teman dari seluruh dunia. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika!” lanjut MC Drwe yang berhasil membuat semua penonton yang hadir bersorak dengan rasa nasionalisme yang tinggi.

Penampilan DIPHA BARUS dilanjutkan oleh LOST FREQUENCIES kemudian diisi oleh BLASTERJAXX dan duo DJ asal B e l a n d a W & W. s e l a n j u t n y a Garudha Land kembali dipenuhi penonton saat DJ SNAKE akan tampil. Pesta Kembang api dan penampilan HARDWELL pada lima menit terkahir menjadi babak penutup yang menandakan berakhirnya festival tahunan yang j u g a d i s e s a k i o l e h p e n o n to n mancanegara yang rela berduyunduyun masuk Ibukota tersebut.



By Joue Abraham Trixie


ven this series has already finished, I

still love this story. I love to hear their song again and again. When I write this article, I still love to watch the episodes of this series repeatly. Never get bored, because this serial had teached me something that I won’t forget. It’s about Glee. This serial have amazing story (for me). I hope you as readers feel have same argue with me. Talk about high school life with all of their problems like love, bully, and the most important thing is about friendship. For me it’s like a real experience, because when I was high school, I run into it. Glee have 6 seasons and have aired from 2009 until 2015. Over the past six years, it was great time for me to listen glee songs. After all of this, I have several glee songs that I think is the best glee ever made.

8. True Colors

7. Do They Know It's Christmas?

True Colors by Cyndi Lauper is featured in Hairography, the eleventh episode of Season One. It is sung by Tina with New Directions providing back-up. They each wear a different colored solid t-shirts, to reinforce the lyrics and meaning of the song. It’s about how you feel confident with yourself, and also how you show yourself to the world!

Do They Know It's Christmas? by Band Aid is featured in Extraordinary Merry Christmas, the ninth episode of Season Three. It is sung by the New Directions as the closing number of the episode. Artie, Blaine, Brittany, Finn, Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, Rachel, Santana, and Tina have a solo part on this song.

See your true colors Shining through

For me, glee version is better than original. Describe about hope and love on Christmas day. What a wonderful song!

6. My Life Would Suck Without You


My Life Would Suck Without You by Ke l l y C l a r k s o n i s f e a t u re d i n Sectionals, the thirteenth episode of Season One. It is sung by the New Directions, with solos from Finn, Rachel, and Tina.

'Cause we belong together now, yeah Forever united here somehow, yeah You got a piece of me and honestly My life (My life) would suck (Would suck) without you

It is the final song of the episode. The song is performed for Mr. Schuester at the end of the episode. The Glee Club reveals to him that they won at Sectionals, displaying their trophy.

5. Keep Holding On Sung by Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson. This song was sung by Avril Lavigne originally. It happens when Finn Hudson think that he impregnate Quinn Fabray, but actually Puck did it. This music video really describe Rachel broken heart because Finn Hudson forced to choose Quinn Fabray than Rachel Berry. You're not alone. Together we stand I'll be by your side You know, I'll take your hand

4. Loser Like Me Loser Like Me is one of original songs that Glee have made. It is sung by the New Directions with solos from Brittany, Finn, Mercedes, Rachel, and Santana. You can find it at the sixteenth episode of Season Two. This song talk about how to accept yourself, even people around you underestimate yourself. Loser Like Me have a message to gleeks (Glee fans) that we have to flatter oneself. Before you love others, first of all you have to love yourself. Proud to be yourself.



3. Cherish/Cherish Cherish/Cherish by Madonna/The a mash-up featured in Heart, the thirteen Season Three. The song is sung by th with solos from Joe, Mercedes, Quinn, an It is sung at Breadstix by The Go Valentine's Day gift from Santana to B end of this performance, Brittany and their first on-screen kiss as a couple. A Quinn start her relationship with J Mercedes with Sam. Cherish is the word I use to des feeling that I have hiding here for you ins

2. Light Up The World Back to Season Two, we have World. Light Up the World is an original in New York, the twenty-second and fi Season Two. It is sung by the New D solos from Artie, Brittany, Finn, Rachel Tina. It is the second song in their N after they sung Pretending. Unfortunat due to Rachel and Finn had a kiss performance. Keep on dancing in the dark It’s been tearing me apart Never knowing what we are


1. Don't Stop Believin' We have Don’t Stop Believin’ at first pla Believin' by Journey is featured in episode of Season One. It is also the fin of the first part of the series finale, in S sung by the New Directions with solo Rachel. They also sing this song at Se Season Five. Don't Stop Believin' an icon of Glee. If p song, spontaneous they will remember have a strong spirit and also give a gleeks. Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin' Streetlight, people

e Association is enth episode of he God Squad, nd Sam. od Squad as a Brittany. At the Santana share At this episode, Joe, and also

escribe, All the side

Light Up The al song featured final episode of Directions with el, Santana, and Nationals setlist tely, they failed ss during their

ace. Don't Stop Pilot, the first al performance Season Six. It is os by Finn and eason Four and

people hear this Glee. This song big impact to



By Rizki Adi Permana

M e e t R i c h Chigga In an era where Indonesian hip-hop scene were marked by obscurity, there's one name that could be a revelation. His name is Brian Imanuel, or people commonly know him as Rich Chigga. Born and raised in Jakarta from a Chinese-Indonesian family, the 17 years o l d ra p p e r s u d d e n l y b e c a m e a n international sensation.

If you ask someone about him a year ago, maybe no one even heard of him. But if you ask people his name now, there's a chance they might also even memorized the lyrics of his first single "Dat $tick". With his ironic style of writing accompanied by a comedic video clip - he wears a pink polo shirt and a reebok fanny pack while wielding a gun and a bottle of liquor - he certainly broke the internet. His talent doesn't stop there, with the release of "Who That Be" and "Seventeen", he proves that he is not a onehit wonder.

““a pink polo shirt and a reebok fanny pack

In an interview with TIME Magazine, he revealed that he didn't speak english until 2010, the year he was introduced to Twitter and YouTube, he started to learn english by watching videos on YouTube. He was first introduced to hip-hop by his friend in the year of 2012, nothing really hardcore, only Mackelmore's song "Thrift Shop", then he started to practice rapping. His ironic dark surrealist humor isn't limited to his songs. If you take a look at his Twitter @richchigga, you'll see tons of it. Since the first time he joined Twitter, he fell into the quirky side of Twitter, which he dubbed weird Twitter. His talent and obviously, his humor, are the things that make him the Rich Chigga that everyone in the world knows. Only time will tell what will he do next, lets just hope it will be even greater than what he already accomplished.



by Ridzky Prhandika

BRUNO MARS – 24K MAGIC Peter Gene Hernandez also known as B r u n o M a r s re a l l y d i d a n a m a z i n g comeback with his new album 24k Magic (pronounced “twenty-four karat magic”) last year. His third album was released on November 18, 2016, by Atlantic Record. This 31 years old American singersongwriter released this album four years after his second album Unorthodox Jukebox (2012) and 24K Magic now is the third album listed on Billboard 200. Its title track was released as the album's lead single on October 7, 2016 and now is listed as number five song in Billboard Hot 100. Isn’t that a great comeback? 24K Magic, the album, sticks to the same well-trod path. It often comes off as a oneman recreation of Mark Ronson’s similarly retro-fetishist Uptown Special—Ronson himself was tapped early on as a potential collaborator—with one key difference: all roles here are filled by Mars. Aside from a couple guest production jobs by former collaborators Jeff Bhasker and Emile Haynie, the album is largely produced by Shampoo Press & Curl—a mildly reorganized incarnation of the Smeezingtons. And as Mars boasted in pre-album press, there are no features. The idea is that he needs no features. He’s become practically all things to all people —he has enough session-wonk credibility to appeal to the Grammy-voting industry types who’ve adopted Mars as a standard-bearer for Real Musicianship; he has enough pop and R&B cred to keep the radio listeners around; enough showmanship to pull off a Super Bowl halftime performance while barely into his c a re e r ; e n o u g h we d d i n g - re c e p t i o n g o o fi n e s s t o i n g ra t i a t e h i m s e l f t o anyone left over.

The line between lovingly recreating the music of the past and cynically 3Dprinting it for easy profit is fine and much fretted-over, sometimes at book length. And indeed, 24K Magic aims to recreate a time and a vibe much of its personnel weren’t even around for. (Said producer and Mars collaborator Brody Brown of a side project that sounds suspiciously 24K Magic-adjacent: “It’s going to make you feel like 1985—even though I wasn’t born until 1989.”) But in a self-conscious Vegasrevival way, 24K Magic pulls it off. It helps that it compresses all Mars’ personae into one. Go back to Smeezingtons cowrite “Fuck You” and you’ll find a blueprint: a retro-obsessed guy who makes songs your great-uncle recognizes, that also happens to be really, really horny. It helps that the album is barely over 30 minutes and meticulously sequenced, and it also helps that Mars is a notorious perfectionist (in a Rolling Stone interview earlier this year, he bragged about the dozens of versions of these tracks that got scrapped because the vibe wasn't right; routine studio business, to be sure, but Mars evidently takes it more seriously than most).

Top 10 Billboard Bad And Boujee Migos Featuring Lil Uzi VertBottom of Form Black Beatles Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane Closer The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey Starboy The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk 24k Magic Bruno Mars Side To Side Ariana Grande Featuring Nicki Minaj Don’t Wanna Know Maroon 5 Featuring Kendrick Lamar Let Me Love You DJ Snake Featuring Justin Bieber Fake Love Drake Bad Things Machine Gun Kelly X Camila Cabello

Michelle Obama’s Last Public Speech The end of an era; Michelle Obama bids adieu

By Jasmine Effendi



Michelle Obama battled back tears last Friday (6/01/17) amid her last public remarks as first lady, overcome with feeling as she pondered her eight years in the White House and issued a seriously personal message of empowerment through education, one of her well known causes. “Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life,” Mrs. Obama expresses boldly. "And I hope I’ve made you proud.” “Our glorious diversity — our diversities of faiths, and colors, and creeds — that is not a threat to who we are; it makes us who we are,” “So to the young people here and the young people out there: Do not ever let anybody make you feel like you don’t matter or like you don’t have a place in our American story because you do, and you have a right to be exactly who you are,” she delivered without a pause. The speech was a noteworthy finale for Mrs. Obama, once a hesitant political life partner who hated the partisan fray, however she managed to excel in the eight years of her husband’s reign into a famous and prominent first lady, spending the last months of her better half's administration as an exceptionally capable voice for Democrats against Mr. Trump's office. "We're almost at the end!" she shouted with an expansive grin, additionally the insightfulness of a person ready to abandon a part in which they had come to nurture.

The setting was a fitting one for Mrs. Obama's valedictory, embodying the mix of "mother boss" regularity and superstar star control that she has conveyed to her open activities, including the advanced education venture being observed Friday, the "Let’s Move" against obesity program and her "Joining Forces" push to support military families. School instructors being respected for their work filled the East Room, however so did some of the more familiar names in the entertainment industry, including the pop star Usher and the humorist Jay Pharoah, who have loaned his abilities into advancing Mrs. Obama's causes. Her voice started to thicken when Mrs. Obama, who’s childhood blossomed in the South Side of Chicago and the first out of her family members to have had the opportunity to go to university, spoke about her father, as part of the speech in which the mere power of hope can help provoke an opportunity to rise. “The hope of folks like my dad, who got up every day to do his job at the city water plant, the hope that one day his kids would go to college and have opportunities he never dreamed of,” Mrs. Obama said. “That’s the kind of hope that every single one of us — politicians, parents, preachers, all of us — need to be providing for our young people, because that is what moves this country forward every single day.” The gathering of people rose to cheer, and as Mrs. Obama attempted to hold her feelings under control, the audience who were gathered behind her for the speech wiped away their own particular tears.

She respectfully ended the discourse by uttering a rather powerful few sentences. “Lead by example with hope, never fear,” She said sternly. “And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.”




Sitting is The New Smoking, Start Moving The sedentary lifestyle that is applied by many people is one of the driving factor that causes the rise of obesity. Get active!

By Kevin Eliezer Ferdinandus

I Won't Be Afraid This photo was taken at Orchard Road, Singapore on New Year's Eve 2017. This man celebrating his new year by singing a song "Stand By Me Imagine Dragons" spiritedly..

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Reciprocation In life, people should learn on banana trees, banana trees don't want to die before fruition. Banana trees wanted his presence in this world can be profitable before he died.


By Dwi Andhira Panjarwanto

Water droplets are fixed at one point will erode the rocks faster than the trickle of moving place. Similarly, those of us who want to succeed in this life. Remember to always focus on one goal. No matter how hard our goal is, if we really give our best and focus to it, it will be a matter of time until we achieve it.

Sunday Morning in As it has already been, Sunday morning in Bandung is always busy. Though it wasn’t about work, still, the roads were passed by thousands of people who had different intention in Sunday morning.



Raras Ambarjati S

It was 21.34 in Malang. The night was dark and airy, but these lanterns just brightly shining the road of Veteran in order to warmth every soul that passed by.

Fast Food = Silent Killer By Joue Abraham Trixie

Looking for Happiness, anyone?

The definition of collegian's happiness can bee see here. After passing an exhausting day, they queue up to reward themselves with a small happiness, no matter how long the queue is. By Nadia Fadhilah

Serenity Take a deep breath and just relax. What's mean to be will always find a way.

Now vs Then By Margareth Hildaria

This picture was taken in 2016. Time has changed, people rather use their own vehicles now.


Halo! Perkenalkan saya Arshy dari AMSA-Unsyiah, Aceh. Saya cukup senang Arbor Vitae AMSA ini telah mematahkan teori bahwa mahasiswa FK itu tidak kreatif, dan kurang aktif karena biasanya mahasiswa FK study oriented, nyatanya salah. Konsep “feeling” pada edisi kemarin cukup menarik, apalagi pada bagian “LDR” haha mendeskripsikan dan membuat saya teringat akan orang terkasih, temanteman, dan keluarga saya di Jakarta. Desain Arbor Vitae cukup simpel, namun tidak menghapuskan keeleganannya. Konten cukup menarik, namun ada b e b e ra p a ya n g m i s s e d . Saran saya, lebih baik setiap rubrik dipencar/diselipkan pada halaman tertentu agar pembaca tidak bosan atau meng-skip halaman yang tidak ingin dia baca. VIVA AMSA!


“Writing and reading decrease o and expand our sense of life: t during a terrible storm at sea. Yo change the hearts and spirits of

― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Som No one who regularly reads onli Arbor Vitae of AMSA-Indonesia c authors around Indonesia. This m prose writers, interviewers, phot last November, the Fifteenth Edi result was a total blast. Over twe with the level of work we have co goes to the Editor team, espec their amazing PnP team who a theirselves.

There are seven sections in the failed to surprise me. The seven AMSA Event, Technology, City Gu truly hit me was “Long Distan knowing why. It could be how continuing to transmit the feelin how the “City Guide” section pr can experience a more variety of With “Can’t Stop The Feeling” th fit, as the readers are invited to a sad, or even both at the same tim and how you express them.

Moreover, future theme promise t of the Sixteenth Edition will be “ Collegate Habits”. If you enjoy th you should add it to your reading

our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen they feed the soul. It's like singing on a boat You can't stop the raging storm, but singing can the people who are together on that ship.”

me Instructions on Writing and Life line magazine is going to be surprised that the contains quality short work from some of good magazine shares the talents of many amazing tographers and some memoir authors. Back in dition of Arbor Vitae had just released, and the welve universities’ contributors have provided us come to expect and respect. Special credits also cially the Chief itself, Siti Zakiaturrahmah with always be supportive and coordinative among

e latest edition of Arbor Vitae, and none have n sections consist of Medical Affairs, Interviews, Guide, Music, and Photography. One section that nce Relationship” by Ardilla Zhafira, without w well the words blend in reader’s mind, and ng to the reader. In addition, I particularly liked ovides more than one city so that the reader can auty around Indonesia. heme, the designs and contents were perfectly a world of full emotions. You could be happy or me. It depends on how you arrange your feeling,

to be just as innovative and exciting. The theme “Obesity: Epidemic that May be Caused by Our the thrill of unpredictable creative writing, then g list as quick as possible. Can’t wait any longer!

Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 Agra Farellio Moniga Gaviota Hartono Jasmine Putri Effendi Ridzky P Y Verrell Christopher Dwi Andhika P Ahmad Ezra Saleh M Fuad Alamsyah

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.