Chiropractic: An Alternative Way of Body Structure Adjustment
Event Of The Year AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017
18th Edition | June 2017
ARBOR VITAE The Official Magazine Of AMSA-Indonesia
EDITORIAL As our father of medicine once said about the healing power of nature. He believed in promoting the idea of self-healing efforts of the body. Other early physicians were more interested in actively stepping in to correct illness. These two approaches—support versus intervention—were debated for centuries until the scientific revolution of the 19th century. Now in modern times, as a doctor, we still ponder over which decision is correct with the sole purpose of curing the patient. For the first time in human history, modern life is complicated. Between work, kids, aging and home repairs, your brain is constantly worried about multiple aspects of life. Today, modern life is closely related with alternative medicine. Believe it or not in China if we have a common cold we will be given the compound formulas of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Looking in that perspective, this topic could give us a new way of thinking on how to cure our patient. I would like to apologize for the late release of this edition of the Arbor Vitae. However, there is something special about this edition since it is the last one of this tenure. Time has passed by quickly and we are nearing the end. I would like to send an endless amount of thanks to all the loyal Arbor Vitae readers because without you the magazine would have no meaning. Hopefully this magazine will be able to be very useful for the people of Indonesia especially the members of AMSA-Indonesia. Regards,
Siti Zakiaturrahmah Editor-in Chief
Growing Further, Empowering Together
Arbor Vitae 18th Edition Alternative Medicine: There is More than One Way to Cure a Disease June 2017
Siti Zakiaturrahmah Editor-in-Chief
Gaviota Hartono Verrell Christopher Illustrator
Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 Publication and Promotion
Agra Farellio Moniga AMSA-Universitas Jambi
Albertus JE AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Ahmad Ezra Shaleh AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin
Andry Setiadharma AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Andhika Panjarwanto AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya
Arshy Febita AMSA-Universitas Syiah Kuala
Verrell Christopher AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada
Cindy Wijaya AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Gaviota Hartono AMSA-Universitas Indonesia
Dwita Nitoya Esterini AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Jasmine Putri AMSA-Universitas Trisakti
Faiz Ulurrosyad AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran
Habib YM AMSA-Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Sesa Amelia AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Kevin Gracia AMSA-Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya
Sindy Irenewati AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Kriswahyu Yudo Wirawan AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada
Rakha Rizquna AMSA-Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Titisari Wardani AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro
Sarah Annisa AMSA-Universitas Syiah Kuala
Rendra Dwi Putra AMSA-Universitas Airlangga
Mathilda Abigail Irianti AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Richard Holman Matanta AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin
Elke Feliciana AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran
Iswan Ramdhana AMSA-Universitas Syiah Kuala
Novia Lauren Sieto AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan
Analia Levina AMSA-Universitas Pelita Harapan
Ai Rusmayanti AMSA-Universitas Jambi
Verrell Christopher AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada
Hermanuaji Sihageng AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada
Naufal Dian Fajarianto AMSA-Universitas Palangkaraya
I Putu Ardi Wiraprasidi AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Fauziyyah Djaafara AMSA-Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Laksmita Dwana AMSA-Universitas Trisakti
Joue Abraham Trixie AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Fuad Alamsya AMSA-Universitas Muslim Indonesia
By Fuad Alamsya
Alternative Medicine Complementary:
Facts doctors want you to know! Do you know what Alternative Medicine that has been proved to work is called?
Tim Minchin in combination with medications
lthough herbal medications have been
used in medical therapy since the dawn of civilization, they have not undergone careful scientific assessment. Some herbal derivations are exceptional and have become standard therapy in cardiovascular disease; eg, digitalis, re s e r p i n e, a n d a s p i r i n . Th e h i g h prevalence of herbal use around the world and in the United States today may have a negative impact on patient care when herbal preparations are used
ordered by healthcare providers who are not advised of the patient's use of herbs. Healthcare providers need to be familiar with all herbal medications in order to p r e ve n t p o t e n t i a l l y s e r i o u s reactions between conventional and herbal medications. They should be asking patients about herbal use when first obtaining a medical history. Patients who use alternative therapies do not tell their healthcare providers about such use.
More than 70% to 90% of
Organization estimates that
between 65 to 80 percent of the
complementary and alternative
world’s population (over 4 billion
medicine therapies, such as
people) rely on alternative medicine
diet and exercise, behavioral
as their primary form of health care
m e d i c i n e, co u n s e l i n g a n d
compared to only 10 to 30 percent
p s yc h o t h e ra py,
of people who use conventional
hypnotherapy, to be legitimate
medical practices.
Traditional Chinese medicine
Massage therapy dates
has been chosen by the World
back thousands of years and
Health Organization for worldwide
has been recorded in ancient
propagation to meet the heath care
writings from the Orient, Asia,
needs of the twenty-first century.
Arabia and Greece.
Medicinal herbs were found
The National Institutes of
amongst the personal effects of the
Health (NIH) currently invests
mummified prehistoric “ice man”
about $40 million per year in
who was found in the Italian Alps in
complementary and alternative
medicine related research.
19 percent of Fortune 500
2/3 of people who use
c o m p a n i e s o ff e r a l t e r n a t i v e
complementary and alternative
medicine as part of their health care
medicine do not tell their
compensation packages.
medical doctor.
Source : Holistic Care by Drey.
One-half of all medical
s c h o o l s n ow o ffe r co u r s e s i n alternative medicine. 6.
Spinal manipulation was used
by the Ancient Greeks long before it was incorporated into chiropractic and osteopathic medicine in the 19th Century.

Chiropractic: An Alternative Way of Body Structure Adjustment
by Dwita Nitoya Esterini

Let us simply take a look on our daily basis. For example, most of the time we have to sit in a vehicle for hours due to a traffic jam. Or maybe, we have to sit and stay in front of the computer for extended hours, and frequently; we often sit in a poor posture. Those activities, notably if we did it repetitively, can cause pain the back that we usually called low back pain (LBP). In some
How is it done? “Chiropractic” word comes
case, poor postures that cause LBP are
from the Greek language, and it is a
accompanied by pain in the extremities;
combination of the word cheir (hand) and
caused by the poor posture I mentioned
praxis (practice) and it means “a treatment
before in this paragraph. Some people that
done by hand”. Daniel David Palmer is a
do sports (such as football players,
layman that found this chiropractic method
basketball players, or even ballerinas) also
and made this term. It is a hands-on therapy
have a high risk of extremities pain because
that used to adjust the spine — which is the
of the injuries they may have. Beside
highlight of chiropractic care. However,
musculoskeletal problems, headaches are
chiropractic provides other care beside
also a common issue we can find these days.
spinal adjustment. People that are
Headaches can caused by a lot of things,
professionals in chiropractic are called
such as stress and working with a computer
for a long time in a day. When we visit chiropractors for the first When things above occur, especially if pain is
time, we have to tell them our health history
unbearable and hampered the activities that
and they will perform a physical
we should have done, we need to seek for a
examination, with a special focus of the
medical care, to help us repair our lost
spine. X-rays may also be performed, too.
abilities. Chiropractic is one of the answers.
After the first meeting with them, the
Chiropractic is actually one of the example of
c h i ro p ra c to r s w i l l p e r f o r m t y p e s o f
alternative medicines. Alternative medicines
adjustments that can help us solve our body
are options other than traditional therapies.
problems. Beside hands, they will also use a
People can also call it “integrative” or
device, that both mechanism is to apply a
“complementary” medicine. The key point of
rapid force and controlled treatment to a
chiropractic is actually to repair the
joint. Another method that they usually use
relationship between our body’s structure;
too is a joint mobilization. There are also
mainly our spine. Once it is repaired, the
other approaches that they mainly use (of
function that once lost will be restored. Why
course, according to methods the patients
is the relationship important to repair? It is
needed) such as heat and ice, electrical
because our body structure and nerve
stimulation, relaxation techniques, diet and
function play a major role in our overall
weight loss consultation, and also dietary
The most common form that chiropractors do is adjustment. The method that is used is non-invasive, and the goal is to decrease pain and improve the function that once loss. There is an audible sound when the therapy is done. Some people consider it as the sound of bone cracking, but it is not. It is, indeed, the sound caused by slight opening in the joint space as gas is
However, not forget to mention,
chiropractic may also cause some complications, and some are serious.
Talking about an alternative medicine,
Those complications include stroke,
sometimes there are a bit of curiosity
cauda equina syndrome (when
about the studies of what the science says.
extreme pressure and swelling of the
It is said in the National Centre for
nerves at the end of the spinal cord
Complementary and Integrative Health
occurs), and worsening of herniated
(NIH), that some researchers found that
spinal manipulations are actually have
complications, when you are planning
benefits of solving conditions in some part
to see a chiropractor, it is important
of the body, from back, neck and shoulder
ask them about their education and
pain to asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome,
also their licensure. Mention any
fibromyalgia, and headaches. There is a
medical conditions you have and tell
s c i e n t i fi c ev i d e n ce t h a t wa s b e i n g
them also about medications you had,
reviewed about spinal adjustment that
to discuss potential interactions with
heals pain of migraine and cervicogenic
the drugs they may give you.
Kolesterol Anda Tinggi, Coba Konsumsi Makanan Ini. by Dwi Andhika Panjarwanto

Sebenarnya kolesterol merupakan salah
fosfolipid, dan asam lemak bebas. Hanya
satu komponen dari lemak yang diperlukan
seperempat dari kolesterol yang terkandung
oleh tubuh selain zat gizi lain seperti
dalam darah berasal langsung dari makanan
karbohidrat, protein, vitamin, dan mineral.
yang diserap dari saluran pencernaan dan
Lemak merupakan sumber energi yang
sisanya merupakan hasil produksi tubuh (oleh
memberikan kalori paling tinggi dalam
sel-sel hati).
tubuh. Lemak yang kita dapatkan dari makanan akan Selain sebagai salah satu sumber energi,
diuraikan menjadi kolesterol, trigliserida,
kolesterol memang merupakan zat yang
fosfolipid dan asam lemak bebas ketika
sangat dibutuhkan untuk membentuk
dicerna dalam usus dan masuk ke dalam
dinding sel dalam tubuh, dan merupakan
darah (kolesterol dan unsur lemak lain tidak
bahan dasar pembentukan hormon steroid.
larut dalam darah). Agar dapat diangkut
Tetapi bila jumlah kolesterol dalam tubuh
dalam aliran darah kolesterol bersama lemak
berlebih, akan menumpuk di dalam dinding
lainnya (trigliserida dan fosfolipid) harus
pembuluh darah dan timbul suatu kondisi
berkaitan dengan protein membentuk
yang disebut aterosklerosis yaitu
senyawa baru lipoprotein agar bisa larut
penyempitan atau pengerasan pembuluh
dalam darah.
darah. Kondisi ini merupakan proses awal terjadinya penyakit jantung dan stroke.
Kilomikron adalah liprotein yang mengangkut lemak menuju ke organ hati. Dalam hati,
Kolesterol yang dibutuhkan, Normalnya
ikatan lemak tersebut diuraikan untuk dipakai
diproduksi sendiri oleh tubuh dalam jumlah
sebagai sumber energi dan bila jumlahnya
yang sesuai. Tetapi kolesterol akan
berlebih akan disimpan dalam jaringan lemak.
meningkat jumlahnya apabila kita
apabila asupan kolesterol tidak mencukupi sel
menerima makanan dari luar yang berasal
hati akan memproduksinya.
dari lemak hewani. Unsur lemak dalam darah terdiri atas kolesterol, trigliserida,
Coba Konsumsi Makanan Ini / 01
Dari  hati, kolesterol diangkut oleh lipoprotein
teroksidasi sempurna yang dapat
yang bernama LDL (Low Density Lipoprorein)
mengubah makrofag menjadi sel busa. Sel
untuk dibawa ke sel-sel tubuh yang memerlukan
busa yang terbentuk akan saling berikatan
agar dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya
membentuk gumpalan yang semakin
(termasuk sel otot jantung, otak, dll). Sedang
membesar, sehingga terbentuk benjolan
kolesterol yang berlebih akan diangkut kembali
yang mengakibatkan penyempitan lumen
oleh lipoprotein yang disebut HDL (High Density
pembuluh darah. Keadaan semakin
Lipoprotein) untuk dibawa ke hati, yang
memburuk jika LDL teroksidasi sempuma
selanjutnya akan diuraikan lalu dibuang ke
dan merangsang sel-sel otot pada lapisan
dalam kandung empedu sebagai asam empedu.
pembuluh darah yang lebih dalam masuk ke lapisan intima. dan kemudian
Kolesterol terbagi dalam dua macam. yaitu LDL
berproliferasi sehingga jumlahnya semakin
(Low Density Lipoprorein) dan HDL (High
banyak. Melihat mekanisme pembentukan
Density Lipoprotein). LDL seringkali disebut
sumbatan pembuluh darah di atas, LDL
sebagai kolesterol jahat karena dapat melekat di
semakin berbahaya bila mempunyai
dinding pembuluh darah dan menyebabkan
ukuran kecil dengan kepadatan tinggi,
penumpukan lemak sedangkan, HDL adalah
atau yang kita kenal sebagai LDL kecil
kolesterol baik karena mampu mengangkat
kolesterol dan pembuluh darah yang kemudian dikeluarkan sebagai asam empedu.
Maka dari itu, diperlukan cara-cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan kolesterol salah
Kolesterol yang jumlahnya berlebihan dalam
satunya dengan Obat Herbal untuk
darah akan mudah melekat pada dinding
menurunkan Kolesterol dalam darah yang
pembuluh darah dan melalui lapisan sel endotel,
aman dan mudah kita dapatkan. Obat
masuk ke lapisan dinding pembuluh darah yang
herbal kolesterol berikut ini akan bekerja
lebih dalam yaitu intima. Makin kecil ukuran dari
untuk menurunkan kolesterol jahat (LDL)
LDL atau makin tinggi kepadatannya, makin
sehingga mencegah aterosklerosis yang
mudah juga LDL tersebut masuk ke dalam
menjadi penyebab penyakit jantung
intima (disebut LDL kecil padat).
koroner dan stroke.
LDL yang telah berhasil masuk ke dalam intima akan mengalami oksidasi tahap pertama, sehingga terbentuk LDL teroksidasi yang dapat memacu terbentuknya zat yang melekat dan menarik monosit, menembus lapisan endotel dan masuk ke dalam intima. Pada tahap kedua, LDL teroksidasi berubah menjadi LDL
  Berserat Tinggi Makanan
Bawang Putih
Serat merupakan bahan alami yang
P a d a awa l 2 0 0 0, p e n e l i t i a n
dapat menurunkan kolesterol dengan
menunjukkan bahwa bawang putih
cara menghambat penyerapan
dapat menurunkan kolesterol
kolesterol dalam usus. Hal ini terjadi
sebanyak 4 hingga 6%. Bawang
karena serat mengikat kolesterol dalam
putih dapat menurunkan kolesterol
tubuh sehingga terbuang bersama
total, kolesterol LDL, dan
feses. Serat mudah ditemukan dalam
trigliserida. Namun, bawang putih
makanan: Sayur-sayuran, seperti
hanya memiliki efek jangka pendek
kacang polong, kacang panjang,
terhadap penurunan kolesterol.
wortel, kubis, brokoli. dan buah-buahan seperti apel, plum, dan stroberi. Tahukan anda bahwa, 5-10 gram serat per hari dapat menurunkan kolesterol LDL sekitar 5%.
Minyak Zaitun
M e n g o n s u m s i k a c a n g s e c a ra te ra t u r,
Minyak zaitun kaya akan asam oleat, yang
terutama almond dan kenari, dapat
merupakan asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang
membantu mengurangi kadar kolesterol jahat
d i te m u ka n d a l a m m a ka n a n . P e n e l i t i a n
menunjukkan bahwa lemak tak jenuh tunggal dapat menurunkan kolesterol total dan
Teh hijau
kolesterol LDL. Namun, lemak tak jenuh tunggal tidak menurunkan kolesterol HDL
Green tea atau teh hijau mengandung banyak
(kolesterol baik) dan tidak meningkatkan
sekali senyawa yang dapat menurunkan
trigliserida. Konsumsi sekitar dua sendok
kadar kolesterol LDL. Penelitian yang
makan minyak zaitun setiap hari dapat
dilakukan di Brasil membuktikan
mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner.
mengkonsumsi ekstrak teh hijau dalam
Sehingga Minyak Zaitun sangat disarankan
kapsul dapat menurukan kadar kolesterol
untuk dikonsumsi oleh seseorang dengan
LDL sebanyak 4,5 %.
ka d a r ko l e ste ro l t i n g g i . N a m u n , h a r u s diperhatikan karena lemak juga berperan untuk menaikkan berat badan.
Coba Konsumsi Makanan Ini / 02

Secrets of Curcuma sp. By Agra F Moniga
As we know, Curcuma sp. grow wild
Curcumin is a highly pleiotropic
in the forests of Southern Asia, India,
molecule able to interact with a large
Indonesia, Indochina, nearby Asian
number of molecular targets such as
countries, and some Pacific Islands
proteins, enzymes, DNA, RNA, and
including Hawaii. In Indonesia, one of
carrier molecules. The combination
its species, Curcuma zanthorriza, is
of hydrophobic interactions,
co m m o n l y u s e d a s t ra d i t i o n a l
including π–π interactions, extensive
m e d i c i n e t h at we c a l l “ j a m u ” .
hydrogen bonding, metal chelation,
Traditional use of Curcuma sp. may
and covalent bonding, gives
improve digestion, improve intestinal
curcumin the ability to exert its
fl o ra , e l i m i n ate wo r m s , re l i eve flatulence, clean and strengthen the liver and gallbladder, regulate menstruation, relieve arthritis and swelling and purify the blood. That may be happen because of its main active constituent called curcumin.
various biological activities either directly binding thereceptors or indirectly, up- or down-regulating them. The main molecular targets involved in the actions of curcumin are:
Tra n s c r i p t i o n
Curcumin suppresses the action of COX2, 5-LOX, and iNOS, the matrix metalloproteinase family (MMPs)
Suppression of some transcription factors such as NF-KB, STAT3, Egr-1 and activation
and up-regulates the caspase family.
of PPAR-γ and β-catenin. Suppression of NF-KB may decrease the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, cell invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis, and resistance to chemotherapy.
Receptors. Curcumin inhibits EGFR, HER2/neu and androgen receptors.
Protein Kinase. Curcumin suppresses a number of protein kinases including mitogen-activated protein kinases, JNK, PKA, PKC, src
Cell Cycle Arrest (cyclin
tyrosine kinase, phosphorylase kinase, IKBα kinase, JAK kinase, and the growth factor receptor protein tyrosine kinases.
D1). Adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM-1,
and ELAM-1). But, despite much evidence of its
and Growth
efficacy and safety, it has not yet been
physiological pH, insolubility in water,
Curcumin inhibits the production of
many biopharmaceutical research tried
t h e i n fl a m m a t o r y c y t o k i n e s ,
to find good strategies to increase the
interleukin (IL) -1, -2, -6, -8, and -12
bioavailability of curcumin.
and fibroblast growth factor-2, TNFα.
approved as a therapeutic agent due to its low bioavailability, instability at slow uptake by cells and rapid metabolism inside the cell. That’s why so


Event of The Year AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017

Event of The Year
Lots of people rarely check his/her blood pressure because they can't make it to the clinic or the hospital.
This year, EOTY intends to raise awareness
Even if they can, they are too lazy to
regarding hypertension. Based on the
do it. As one of the most important
d a t a s f ro m R i s e t Ke s e h a t a n D a s a r
way to prevent hypertension, this year,
(Riskesdas) 2013, the prevalence of
our main activity is doing a door to
hypertension in Indonesia has been quite
door blood pressure check up and
high, it reached the numbers of 25,8% of
education. We share the information
the total population of Indonesia. Even in
about hypertension, what makes it
dangerous, and how to prevent it with
Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementrian
our educative brochure from the
Kesehatan announced that hypertension is
winner of Creativity for Community
ranked #5 in death-causing disease in
(CFC).In addition to that , the overall
Indonesia.People might have known many
activities varies depend on the needs
facts regarding hypertension, but it does
in the area of intervention for
not reflected in the measure people took
example; heart gymnastics, blood
to prevent it. Thus, as a form of our
examination tent, etc. Some areas are
concern for the health and well-being of
also coordinating with the other Non
Government Organizations (NGO’s),
commemoration of World Hypertension
for example ; AIESEC, ISMKI, Malang
Day on May 17th, we choose to raise
Community of Cardiovascular Care
awareness about hypertension.
(MC3), etc.
! The opening of Event of The Year
the public awareness about
2016/2017 was held on National
Action Event, Banda Aceh, November 2016. At March 3rd until 5th, we have
As our first step for working together
also done online campaign and more
with Indonesian Society of
than 700 people across Indonesia
Hypertension (INASH) in May
have been participating in it. We also
Measurement Month 2017, we have
chose 4 winners for the most creative
conducted a webminar at Tuesday,
posts in the campaign!
25th April 2017 in 2 sessions. Session 1 was start at 15.30 (GMT +7) and
Along the way, we met another NGO's
session 2 at 16.00 (GMT +7). The
who has the same vision with us, it is
speaker was Dr. dr. Yuda Turana,
the Indonesian Society of
Sp.S(K), as a Head of Indonesian
Hypertension (INASH). Together with
Society of Hypertension. The topic of
the International Society of
the webminar was "Diagnosis dan Tata
Hypertension (ISH), they held an event
Laksana Hipertensi", it was attended
named May Measurement Month,
b y t h e p r o x y o f s o m e A M S A-
AMSA-Indonesia is participating in
universities and the webminar was
doing blood pressure measurement to
held successfully.
1,000,000 people in Indonesia to raise
! th On Sunday, 14 May 2017 we have also participated in the event conducted
by Indonesian Society of Hypertension ( I N A S H ) a n d Ya y a s a n J a n t u n g Indonesia (YJI) named “Beat of My Heart” which was held at Econvention, Ocean Ecopark, Ancol, Jakarta.
did a blood pressure measurement,
Many public figures were also this
zumba, heart gymnastics, bazaar,
year’s EOTY, they are: dr. Gamal
entertainments, and also a doorprize!
Albinsaid as the of CEO Indonesia
The event itself was opened by the
Medika, Ledi Marina as the News
speech of Indonesian Ministers of
Anchor of Seputar Indonesia,
Health, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita Farid
Belinda Pritasari as Miss Earth
Moeloek, SpM.
Indonesia 2017, Gamaliel Audrey Cantika (GAC) as a singer, Armand
Overall, Event of The Year AMSA-
M a u l a n a a s a s i n g e r, L u s y
Indonesia 2016/2017 was held from
Rahmawaty as a singer, Christopher
October 18th 2016 until May 14th 2017.
To b i n g a s t h e Co - fo u n d e r o f
We were partnering with some radios
NusantaRun, I.B.G Wiraga as the
to share about our activities, the
Author of Bali : Coloring Book, dr.
radios are: Three FM Radio, Banda
Lily Sriwahyuni Sulistyowati, MM as
Aceh; Trijaya FM Radio, Palembang;
the Director of Pencegahan dan
Geronimo FM Radio, Yogyakarta; EBS
P e n g e n d a l i a n P e n y a k i t Ti d a k
FM Radio, Surabaya; and Madama FM
Menular Kementerian Kesehatan RI,
Radio, Makassar.
and Dr. dr. Yuda Turana, Sp.S(K) as the Head of Indonesian Society of Hypertension.
In the end, we hope that through Event of The Year AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017, more people will be awared of their blood pressure and thus, the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia will decrease and improve the overall Indonesia health status. Thank you for all AMSA-Indonesia members who have been participating in Event of The Year AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017. See you on our next Event of The Year! Best Regards, Fadiya Nadhilah Soekotjo Secretary of Community Outreach AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017

01 APPREHENSION 2017 Raise Appreciation and Awareness in Elderly to Prevent Hypertension
By Donni Santoso
Apprehension 2017 // 01
On the First Day, we held health examination on the elderly and delivery of donations to Pondok Lansia Al-Ishlah Malang on the first day. On the second day, Senam Jantung Sehat, health seminar and health examination i n P e n d o p o Ag u n g M a l a n g . We a l s o supported by Malang Community and Cardiovascular Care (MC3) and Yayasan Jantung Indonesia Cabang Kota Malang. Apprehension was begin with open donation, which is open not only to FKUB students’ but also to the public. Many kind of goods that can be donated in the form of cash or Apprehension 2017 (Raise Appreciation and Awareness in Elderly to Prevent Hypertension) is one of the event held by AMSA Brawijaya which is a follow up of the
EOTY (Event of the Year) AMSA
I n d o n e s i a , a n d t h i s ye a r t h e m e i s "Hypertension: Let's Control Our Numbers! ". APPREHENSION aims to raise awareness of UB Medical Faculty students to t h e co m m u n i t y i n M a l a n g C i t y especially the elderly and raise awareness about the importance of routine blood pressure check up to reduce the risk of complication of hypertension for the patient. It was held on 7 and 14 May. There are several series of activities within 2 days of this event.
Sembako (Sembilan bahan pokok) that will be donated to Pondok Lansia Al-Ishlah Malang. Open Donation was held from April 4th to April 30th 2017. The public's enthusiasm for Open donation was fantastic, we’ve got total Rp 2,936,700 from Open Donation. The next Apprehension event was Open Recruitment Volunteer which was opened from April 23-25th 2017. Initially, We are targeting 20 volunteers. However, because of the enthusiasm of this event, we decided to increase the volunteer up to 23 people. The Volunteer divided into 10 volunteers on the 1st day of May 6, 2017, and 13 volunteers on the 2nd day of May 14th, 2017.
A p p re h e n s i o n D ay 1 wa s h e l d o n Saturday, May 6, 2017 at Pondok Lansia Al-Ishlah located on Jl. Laksda Adi Sucipto No.30 Gg. 22A Malang. The event started at 09.00 AM and opened by greeting from Nuansa Firgie as the First Vice President of EB AMSA Brawijaya and Mr. Nur from Al-Ishlah Elderly Party. Then, it continued with prayer led by Gusti Rajendra Yoga. The event continued with door-to-door check-up and bonding with the elderly by the volunteers on duty. We also distributed gifts and consumption to the elderly. Finally, The Day 1 closed by prayer and photo session with the committee, volunteers and Pondok Lansia management .
Apprehension day 2 was held
Pendopo Agung Malang. It begins with Senam Jantung Sehat in collaboration with Malang Community and Cardiovascular Care (MC3) and Yayasan Jantung Indonesia (YJI). It was also attended by volunteers and organizers, and
started at 05.45 AM. Then,
move to the Pendopo to start the next event Health Seminar and Examination. The event was opened by greeting of Putu Ijiya Danta as Representative of AMSA-Brawijaya, followed by Dhanang Puruhita as Vice President of Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
(BEM) and dr.
Bayu Lestari M.Biomed as a Staff of Student Affair Medical Faculty of Brawijaya University. The first series of events are health seminar by dr. Dinar Sp.JP , followed by question and answer session.
The enthusiasm of the participants can be sen so fantastic . It can be seen from many of questions asked about hypertension and how to solve it in daily life from participant. The activities continued with health examination including health checks include blood pressure, glucose , uric acid and cholesterol by the committee and volunteers. The participant also given a leaflet of hypertension (CFC) in order to give the information about hypertension. On the other hand, some of us scattered around the square to give a health campaign about hypertension to the community. It finished around 10:30 and closed by photo session with the committee and volunteers.
Apprehension 2017 // 02

02 HOMES High School Students Explore Medical School
By Dimas Prakoso
Indonesia’s General Medicine study program
confusion for many students as they
curriculum is unique compared with other
enter the faculty as it probably is
study programs, in as much it used a
different from what they have expected
competence based curriculum highlighting
or told, this is why AMSA-UNSRAT feels
problem based learning. For instance, unlike
that it is appropriate to conduct a
other study programs that divide it courses
program to give an inside look on the
into subjects, general medicine used blocks
campus environment both academic
or modules, there is no anatomy subject,
and social within a medical faculty.
physiology subject, etc. instead it is divided into hemodynamic block, respiratory block, etc. The problem based learning also have several mechanism for example tutorials and plenary presentation. All of these combined give rise to a different studying environment from other faculty and even from how general medicine was ten years ago. This is the reason for many misconception or Homes // 01
The program, called HOMES (High School Students Explore Medical School) is divided i n t o t h r e e s e c t i o n s , t o p r e s e r ve t h e atmosphere of actual medical student life these three sections were made to reflect three major part of general medicine learning process; lectures, tutorial/skill lab, and plenary session. The lecture was represented by a presentation of competence based curriculum and problem based learning by a lecturer, in which high school students learned an overview of what they will learn throughout their time in a medical school and how in particular how it’s conducted in Sam Ratulangi U n i ve r s i t y. T h e t u t o r i a l /s k i l l l a b w a s represented by small group discussion led by AMSA-UNSRAT members, where high school students were given the chance to have a dialogue with each other and our members regarding multiple facets of being a medical students and were even given lesson on general physical examination -a tour through the campus was also included in this session. The plenary session was represented by having one group presenting the result of the discussion, which was then assessed, added upon and corrected at the end. The students being invited came from different high schools, and we even managed to contact several high school students that just passed SNMPTN selection, this way we hope that this program could be our contribution, not only as a form of propagating knowledge but also that both future and prospective medical students could be more prepared or know what to expect if they enter medical school.

By Hermanuaji Sihageng
CHARITY AND CULTURAL NIGHT Charity and Cultural Night atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai CCN adalah salah satu acara tahunan yang paling besar dari AMSA-UGM. CCN menampilkan sebuah pagelaran teater yang mengangkat sebuah tema kebudayaan dengan menggabungkan seni drama, seni rupa, juga seni musik dan tari. CCN 2017 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Mei 2017 di Auditorium Fakultas
Jalannya teater dari awal hingga akhir diselingi penampilan tarian-
Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Pengunjung CCN yang mulai berdatangan pada
cerita. Seluruh pemeran teater CCN
pukul 18.00 menikmati dekorasi dan pameran seni
merupakan mahasiswa FK UGM.
di Lobi Ruang Kuliah (Lobi RK). Banyak
Penari yang tampil adalah
pengunjung yang berfoto dengan latar belakang
mahasiswa FK UGM yang mengikuti
dekorasi maupun backdrop CCN 2017. Mulai 18.30
open recruitment Gladhi Tari dan
pengunjung memasuki auditorium dengan
juga member AMSA-UGM dari divisi
memberikan tiket yang sudah dibeli terlebih
Art and Culture (AC). Teater juga
dahulu. Pagelaran CCN diawali dengan tari
diiringi backsound yang dimainkan
dolanan yang diiringi acapella dilanjutkan
oleh member AC.
sambutan-sambutan Ketua Panitia CCN 2017, Representatives AMSA-UGM, dan Presiden
berhubungan dengan jalannya
Selain memfasilitasi bakat dan
Mahasiswa Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa FK UGM.
m i n a t m a h a s i swa ke d o k te ra n
Tahun ini, CCN menampilkan teater bertajuk
bentuk implementasi filosofi AMSA
“Hong Fila Hong� yang menceritakan legenda
yaitu Knowledge, CCN juga menjadi
Gunung Merapi Kerajaan Champa dimana kisah ini
implementasi dari filosofi Action.
dikemas dalam dongeng yang disampaikan
Sesuai namanya, Charity and
Keluarga Wirawan (Bapak Wirawan diperankan
Cultural Night, CCN merupakan
oleh Representative AMSA-UGM, Kriswahyu Yudo
acara non-profit yang bertujuan
Wirawan). Bapak Wirawan menceritakan dongeng
untuk menggalang dana bagi
tersebut layaknya dalang kepada anak-anaknya.
sebuah panti asuhan. CCN yang
CCN 2017 diakhiri dengan perkenalan pemeran-
panitianya merupakan member
pemeran teater dan juga sutradara dari pagelaran
AMSA-UGM angkatan baru juga
CCN. Setelah itu seluruh pengunjung berebutan
menjadi sebuah media bonding
untuk berfoto dengan para pemain di halaman
angkatan sehingga sesuai dengan
Lobi RK .
filosofi Friendship.
terhadap seni dan budaya sebagai
Sebuah pagelaran teater yang mengangkat sebuah tema kebudayaan dengan menggabungkan seni drama, seni rupa, juga seni musik dan tari.
Charity and Cultural Night // 02

04 MASATER VII AMSAUNSYIAH AMSA Social, Action, Training, Education, and Recreation
By Arshy Febita Dayanti
Banda Aceh (27/05/2017). Sebagai
beberapa rangkaian lainnya; Dokter cilik,
Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran sudah
B L S a t a u B a n t u a n H i d u p D a s a r,
seharusnya ikut andil dalam
Penyuluhan SADARI (Periksa Payudara
memeratakan kesehatan kepada
Sendiri), Home visit, Penyuluhan
masyarakat luas. Asian Medical Students
NARKOBA, Lomba Adzan, Lomba Pidato,
Association (AMSA) Fakultas Kedokteran
Lomba Anak, dan Rangking 1. Target
UNSYIAH, unit kegiatan mahasiswa FK
MASATER VII mencakup keseluruh
UNSYIAH, telah menyelenggarakan
lapisan masyarakat di Batee, Pidie.
kegiatan berupa bakti sosial yaitu
Mengingat pepatah “Mencegah lebih
MASATER VII (AMSA Social, Action,
baik daripada mengobati” maka AMSA-
Training, Education, and Recreation) di
Unsyiah juga akan mengadakan
Kecamatan Batee, Pidie, Aceh pada
beberapa penyuluhan dengan harapan
tanggal 28 April - 30 April 2017. Kegiatan
masyarakat Batee akan mandiri dalam
ini mencakup ketiga filosofi dari AMSA
usaha meningkatkan taraf kesehatan di
itu sendiri, yaitu Friendship, Action, and
Knowledge. Pertama, program edukasi Dokter Cilik Acara yang sudah berjalan selama 6
ditujukan kepada anak-anak SD Batee
tahun terakhir ini memiliki berbagai
agar siswa dapat menjadi penggerak
macam rangkaian acara, dengan acara
hidup sehat di sekolah,di rumah dan
utamanya ialah Pengobatan Massal dan
lingkungannya. Selanjutnya, pentingnya
Sunatan Massal secara GRATIS. Selain itu
mengedukasi masyarakat awam Masater // 01
A small step for
mengenai Bantuan Hidup Dasar kepada masyarakat awam dengan cara melatih untuk mengenali dan melakukan bantuan dasar keadaan gawat darurat. Penyuluhan juga dilakukan kepada remaja SMK Batee mengenani gerakan Anti-Narkoba oleh BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) Sigli. Selain itu pentingnya mengetahui bagaimana cara melakukan pemeriksaan payudara secara mandiri untuk menghindari maraknya penyakit kanker payudara pada zaman sekarang ini, sehingga kami melakukan penyuluhan SADARI kepada remaja putri dan ibu-ibu di sekitar Kecamatan Batee. Lalu diikuti rangkaian Event of The Year AMSA-Indonesia dengan tema tahun ini mengenai “Hipertensi”, kami melakukan kampanye berupa edukasi dan pengukuran tekanan darah secara gratis Masater // 02
ke 60 rumah warga sekitar
bigger hopes
Kami berharap kegiatan seperti ini dapat memberikan banyak efek pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat di Batee, Pidie terutama di bidang kesehatan sehingga turut meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarkat di sana. AMSA-Unsyiah bekerja sama dengan berbagai intansi untuk mendukung acara MASATER VII ini, kami mendatangkan dokter spesialis, dokter umum, dan para ahli dalam bidang kesehatan lainnya. MASATER VII didukung penuh dari segenap civitas akademika Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala. Sehingga kami dapat mengobati warga sebanyak 310 orang dan melakukan sirkumsisi kepada 47 orang anak secara gratis. Dengan tema "A small step for bigger hopes" dan slogan Masater VII, "Meusapat Sajan Batee" , kami berharap
bentuk aksi bakti sosial ini dapat memberikan dampak positif yang berkelanjutan dan harapan Aceh yang lebih sehat secara menyuluruh bisa terwujud. VIVA AMSA !

05 NLT 2017 National Leadership Training 2017
By Laksmita Dwana
The most anticipated leadership training program has finally set into motions on the 28th of April last week. AMSA-USAKTI was blessed and lucky enough to be able to host the National Leadership Training Event of AMSA-INDONESIA this year, making it our second time to be able to be handed such a grand opportunity. Delegations from all over AMSA-Indonesia packed their bags meticulously (making sure n o e s s e n t i a l s w e r e l e f t b e h i n d ) o n Friday morning and headed straight for the monumental campus of Trisakti University located in the midst of the bustling city of Jakarta. On the first day, the delegates were brought into the avant garde looking auditorium of Trisakti University; in there, they spent the rest of their Friday evening listening obediently to dr Gita's lecture. Afterwards they were brought to Kota Tua to start off the first leg of their city tour. Meanwhile afterwards the second leg of the city tour was located at the Welcoming Party venue; Bahari Museum. One of the oldest most prestigious museums still standing in Indonesia to this day. They were overwhelmed by the artifacts kept in the Bahari Museum, seeing how delicately intricate some of them were designed. Once the tour was done, they were to be seated at t h e We l c o m i n g P a r t y v e n u e w h e r e conversations and laughter were exchanged over a plate of Indonesia's most scrumptious dishes. With that, the night has come to an end as they reciye their goodnight prayers under a warm tent in Bumi Perkemahan Jakarta.
The next morning, they were woken up
As the sun rises on Sunday morning, the
abruptly and were told to assemble in an
delegates were well on their way to the
orderly fashion as swiftly as possible. Once
weekly car free day. They were expected
they were done gulping down on their
to socialize and advocate the importance
breakfast menu, they were quickly separated
of being safe on the road. With games to
into groups where they will be taught
balance the tiring walk towards the HI
Emergency Relief Trainings. Our special
circle, the delegates' spirits were kept at
guests that morning were our very own Tim
an all time high through every posts.
Bantuan Medis Trisakti and Palang Merah Indonesia, two groups who have grown very
With this, the National Leadership
fond of each other hence coherently
Training of 2017 has ended. We would
producing an excellent set of teamwork under
like to thank all the participants, the
the sensational dynamic between the two
committees, Trisakti University, AMSA-
Indonesia, and the sponsors who have helped made this event possible.
The day ended with a Farewell party at one of the most beautiful looking venue on the face of Jakarta. So surreal, it left the delegates in awe as they ascend the elegant staircases built to mimic the set aboard the s.s. titanic. The farewell party went on for hours but we could only wish it had lasted even longer, the food was successfully playing with our taste buds leaving them wholeheartedly satisfied, the shimmering lights hanging upon the drapes as people stand in line to pose at our Photo Booth and the calming ambience to soothe our sore muscles from earlier activities.

Supported by:

Wanna Cry Virus -Patients or Profit? by Novia Lauren Sieto
World Issue

? ?
World Issue
Billions of dollars profit and economic damage created each year due to system failure, computer resources wasting, data corrupting, and software-hardware maintenances costs.
Small infectious agent, replicating only inside living cells of other organisms; Infecting all types of life forms, animals, plants, microorganisms like bacteria and Achaea; Spread in many ways, transmitted from each organisms through various medias, some are blood, liquid, droplets, contaminated food or water, etc. These are some descriptions referring to virus or biological virus that are applied to all kind of living forms. Other than biologic matters, there are also some existing viruses that aren't infecting living organisms. Computer virus. It is a type of malicious software program (malware), executed once, and then it replicates itself by modifying other computer programs, inserting its own code. Data files, boot sector of the hard drive, or even deleting and malfunctioning the core system of any software. Accomplished replication made the affected area (the infected area) unable to perform its' normal function. Social engineering deceptions and exploit detailed knowledge, security vulnerabilities that initially infect systems, spreading virus. Vast majority of viruses may target systems running in Microsoft Windows, employing a variety of mechanisms to infect new hosts, often using complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade antivirus software. Seeking profit (e.g., Ransomware), sending political message, having personal amusement, demonstrating about a vulnerability that exists in software, doing a sabotage and denial or service, exploring Cyber Security issues, artificial life, and evolutionary algorithms are several possible reasons that might become the motivation of why computer virus created. Billions of dollars profit and economic damage created each year due to system failure, computer resources wasting, data corrupting, and software-hardware maintenances costs.
World Issue
There happened health issue regarding common health problem, which is reduced service quality of healthcare, caused by computer virus named "Wanna Cry Virus". This WNCRY (Wanna Cry) Virus spread, are infecting several hospitals' computers in Jakarta [1]. This dangerous virus that affected our healthcare system isn't a biological virus though, but it is a computer virus typed Malware. Malware is a term used to a type of computer virus that forms malicious software. The examples of malware viruses are Computer Worms, Ransomware, Trojan horse, Key loggers, Rootkits, Spyware, Adware, Malicious Browser Helper Object (MBHO), and others. These Malware's affecting the Central Processing Unit (CPU), and then forming errors in any kind of process used to access information. Looking to bigger picture of WNCRY spreading pattern, it actually had spread geographically worldwide. It created a cyber attack across the globe, and it is recorded in lots of website and journals articles, that the cyber attack created by the WNCRY Ransomware Cryptoworm targeted computers running the Microsoft Windows Operating System by encrypting data and demanding random payments in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency began on Friday, 12 May 2017 [2]. Before the end of the day, 230,000 computers in over 150 countries had been infected [3]. Some experts had highlighted NSA’s nondisclosure of the underlying vulnerability and their loss of control over the Eternal Blue attack tool that exploited it. NSA privately disclosed the flaw used to attack hospitals when founded, not when lost, by the opinion of Edward Snowden. Other than him, Graham Cluley, British cyber security experts also sees culpability on part of U.S. Intelligence services. Despite obvious uses for such tools to spy on people's interest, there's a duty to protect their countries' citizens. This attack shows that the practice of intelligence agencies to stockpile exploits for offensive
purposes rather than disclosing them for defensive purposes is a kind of problematic [4]. Several ways have been actively processed to minimize the impact of this virus, also possibly to fight back and disable this WNCRY malware. PATCH Act, released on 17 May 2017 in the United States, aimed to exploit reviewed independent board to make a balance between the need to disclose vulnerabilities with other national security interests and transparency increasing with public trust accountability during all the process [5]. United Kingdom National Cyber Security Centre had also discovered a "Kill Switch” that globally dispersed security researches collaborated online, developing open source tools, allowing decryption without payment under some circumstances [6]. These are all NSAEnabled ransomware , eating the internet, needs help from researchers, n o t s py a g e n c i e s , s a i d E d wa r d Snowden again [7] .
World Issue
Political implications and affected Health Care systems across the globe are both main problems focused and criticized by public to researchers as wake-up call for them and also the supporting companies to finally take IT security more seriously. Dangerous matters happened, and other than expecting bigger foreign companies to develop better ways of improvement in within the software of Microsoft, what could healthcare staffs do in health facilities that are affected by this kind of malware? Remember the ethical way of how medical records are being kept confidentially? And how about the recollection of data that had been take c h r o n o l o g i c a l l y, h i s t o r i c a l l y, w i t h a comprehensive measures? Well until now, experts opinion spread in some general forum existed in the net mostly said that "In emergency cases happened to some patients whose medical records were lost because of the WNCRY Virus, make new ones, perform objective measurements directly that are needed." For the lost data, remain the reparation while handling patients with care, because malware cyber attack happened in hospitals means that the attacker is trying to challenge the health care staffs, 'what is your focus? Cure the disease and heal the patient? Or system reparation worth hospitals' profit and loss?’
World Issue
what is your focus? Cure the disease and heal the patient? Or system reparation worth hospitals' profit and loss?
References : [1] "RS Harapan Kita Wanna Cry Virus". Jawa Pos. 14 May 2017 [2] "Unprecedented' Cyber Attack Hits 200,000 in at least 150 countries, and the threat is escalataing". CNBC. 14 May 2017. Retrieved 16 May 2017 [3] "Ransomware Attack". Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 15 May 2017 [4] Helmore, Edward. "Ransomware attack reveals breakdown in US Intelligence protocols". The Guardian. 14 May 2017 [5] "Patch Act, Bill before Congress". 23 May 2017 [6] Whittaker, Zack. "Congress introduces Bill to stop US from stockpiling cyber-weapons". ZDNest. 23 May 2017. [7] Snowden, Edward. "When NSA Governmentenabled Ransomware eats the internet, amazing story". Twitter. 20 May 2017
World Issue

We hope someday
this section makes
you smile when you read it.
Just believe, if you have a virtuous purpose, God will
help you in an unexpected way. I’m just an ordinary medical student, until one day I took the chance to serve the people of tomorrow. My name is Ananta Siddhi Prawara and you can call me Dhidhi, I’m from Diponegoro University batch 2014. It’s been an honor for me to serve AMSA-Indonesia members as Regional Chairperson for this past 1 year. Honestly, it never crossed my mind to be in this position when I first registered to be a part of AMSAUndip. Until one day, one of my seniors, Claudia Mary
Growing Further, Empowering Together
Josephine, introduced me to AMSA-Indonesia national team’s role. Since then, I started to pursue my dream to be active in AMSA-Indonesia. Long story short, I was very lucky to get the chance of becoming a part of AMSA-Indonesia national team as AMSA Elite Chairperson. Working as a national team gave
me the chance to see
opportunities that could be
developed in AMSA-Indonesia. In the beginning of 2016, I started to consider running as Regional Chairperson. It was not an easy decision to make, I believe that there is a lot of people who is way better than me, other than that I thought it’s just impossible for me to handle all the job as Regional Chairperson. Despite all my
doubt, the support of
great people around me grows my determination to take the chance. “Chosen or not, I will serve AMSAIndonesia” was the only thing in my mind. I listened to members and learned from one university to another to figure out all the problems that exist and tried to formulate the solution. I completed the bundles and the fit and proper test. Then, the time for election came in Munas 2016. All I could do was give the very best presentation and answer all the questions given, then I gave in. After a thorough and long discussion, I was very grateful to be trusted as Regional Chairperson 2016/2017 by the members.
Additional Section
What I’ve told you is just a new chapter of an
Warmest Regards,
incredible story.
Ananta Siddhi Prawara “ G r ow i n g Fu r t h e r, E m p owe r i n g
This year has been a series of unexplainable
events. I’m fortunate to experience everything
that can’t be bought. Saying “good bye and thank you for this one year” would be the hardest part for me to do at the end of this tenure. And because there is too much stories and memories about AMSA, here’s what AMSA means to me. AMSA is my teacher who is never tired to teach me new lessons every single day. AMSA is my girlfriend whom I spent most of my weekend’s night with. AMSA is my child whom I treat attentively with hope that AMSA will always grow to make bigger impacts. AMSA is my badge of honor, the one that I will always be proud sharing. AMSA is my comfort zone, my home and will always be my family. And all that I know is that AMSA will be in good hands after this. I would like to give my highest appreciation to t h e E xe c u t i ve B o a rd , Ad v i s o r y B o a rd , Representatives, National Team, Project Officers and all members for what you have done in the name of AMSA. Let us hope that what we’ve done would be beneficial to our members and societies. Short message to the next generation of AMSA members: Just believe, if you have a virtuous purpose, God will help you in an unexpected way. Be honest to others and maximize the opportunity that is given to you.
Additional Section
“Pliiis, kapan lagi coba” adalah kalimat yang tak terhitung berapa kali saya mengucapkannya. “Pliiis, kapan lagi coba ikutan lomba?” “Pliiis, kapan lagi coba pergi kesini?” “Pliiis, kapan lagi coba…….“ terus sampai akhirnya orang yang saya ajak m a u i k u t a n . S a m p a i a k h i r n ya , m e re k a menyadari bahwa “Pliiis, kapan lagi coba” adalah senjata jitu untuk mengajak teman-
Pliiiiis, Kapan Lagi Coba?!
teman AMSA-Unja agar berani mencoba hal yang baru. Bahkan mungkin teman-teman AMSA-Unja seperti dikejar rentenir ketika saya bilang ”Pliiis, kapan lagi coba”. Cerita sedikit tentang National Event yang sering saya ikuti, bagi saya National Event itu sangat bermanfaat untuk seseorang yang baru bangkit. Bagaimana saya mengamati orangorang hebat disekitar saya, sehingga saya termotivasi untuk lebih membangun diri lebih baik lagi. Saya mencoba menularkan hal ini kepada teman-teman AMSA-Unja, bahwa National Event, bukan hanya kegiatan saja tapi lebih dari pengalaman berharga karena kita bisa benar-benar saling sharing dengan temanteman lainnya tentang hal apapun baik itu organisasi, akademik bahkan hal yang waw banget. Alhamdulillah, target berhasi! Untuk AMSA-Indonesia Tenure 2016/2017, teman-teman Representative dan National Team terimakasih untuk segalanya, terutama a t a s p e n g a l a m a n b e r h a rg a ya n g te l a h diberikan, AMSA-Unja yang baru satu tahun menjadi member aktif sangat-sangat terbantu Additional Section
  dengan adanya dukungan dari teman semua. Untuk AMSA-Unja tantangan masih banyak di depan, ayo terus semangat guys! Semoga AMSA menjadi keluarga yang lebih besar dan semakin memberikan banyak manfaat untuk kedepannya! Love!
Additional Section
  Hallo AMSA-Indonesia, perkenalkan saya Albertus Johan Edy, Representative AMSA-Undip 2017 dan A-Team AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017. Selama hampir setahun saya menjadi A-Team, saya merasa banyak sekali keuntungan dan pelajaran berharga yang saya dapatkan. Memiliki teman dari seluruh districts, belajar bersama dengan teman–teman baru, berdiskusi, berkerja sama dan sharing pengalaman satu sama lain m e r u p a k a n s e b a g i a n ke c i l d a r i s e l u r u h pengalaman indah yang saya rasakan selama menjadi A-Team. Saya sangat mengangumi
Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia yang adalah bos saya, yaitu Kak Edwin Setyawan. Kak
Letter for
Edo adalah orang yang sangat sabar walaupun
kami A-Team suka mengerjakan segala sesuatu mepet dengan deadline tapi Kak Edo selalu dengan setia meng followup dan menunggu
Lalu selama menjadi A-Team, yang paling berkesan adalah bagaimana ketegangan menunggu deadline PCC EAMSC dan AMSC serta menunggu pengumuman siapa pemenangnya dari Kak Edo. Dengan menjadi ATe a m s a ya j u g a m e n j a d i ke n a l d e n g a n Representative yang ada di District 4 seperti WG, Yudo dan Naufal. Dari yang awalnya tidak kenal saya menjadi cukup dekat dengan mereka karena saya kerap kali menghantui mereka dengan segala urusan akademik. Walaupun memang terkadang menjadi A-Team cukup menyita waktu namun tidak pernah terpikir dalam diri saya rasa penyesalan telah mendaftar dan diterima menjadi A-Team.
Additional Section
  Lalu selama 5 bulan saya menjadi Representative, membuat saya semakin kagum dan bangga dengan AMSA-Indonesia, setelah menjadi representative semakin b a nya k ke s e m p a t a n b a g i s aya u n t u k b e r ko m u n i ka s i d e n g a n E B – E B A M SAIndonesia. Saya merasa bahwa satu hal yang sangat saya kagumi dari EB AMSA-Indonesia adalah rasa cinta mereka pada AMSA yang dibuktikan dengan kerja keras dan ketekunan mereka selama satu tahun tenure ini berjalan. Kak Dhidhi dan Kak Erika yang selalu senantiasa fast response setiap kali saya yang masih amateur ini bertanya, Kak Aqil yang selalu menghantui untuk membayar uang kas. Kak Dipi dengan AEC yang selalu mengajak kami untuk evaluasi, Kak Siti yang selalu membuat kagum dengan video serta poster– poster yang dibuatnya. Kak Kei yang kerap membantu dalam hal NRPC, Kak Flo yang selalu memberikan bejibun barang PO merchandise di Acara Nasional. Kak Edo bos saya tercinta, Kak Dita yang selalu aktif membuat campaign yang menarik bersama APH tiap district. Kak Faya yang selalu membantu dalam persiapan EOTY dengan setia dan Kak Karina yang selalu gercep setiap kali ada pengumuman mengenai AMSEP. Pada intinya saya beruntung bisa memiliki kesempatan untuk belajar bersama dengan orang orang yang sangat mencintai AMSA-Undip dan mau meluangkan waktu dan hidup pribadinya demi AMSA. Semangat terus AMSA-Indonesia!
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Hello everyone, first of all let me introduce
myself, my name is Analia Levina and I am currently on my second year of medical school in Pelita Harapan University. Okay, enough about myself. This time I want to share some of my not-so-great experiences, but maybe it could give you some insights or whatsoever. I joined AMSA since the beginning of my life as medical students. At first I only wanted to have some fun. Fortunately, it turned out to be
such an amazing experience for me. I was given the opportunity to be one of the steering committee of AMSA-UPH. I found a
story about being in AMSA
new family there, where not only for work but also a real family where we can share our t h o u g h t s , s t u d y t o g e t h e r, s h a r i n g ‘informations’ (if you know what I mean) , and also hanging out together. For me who just moved in to Jakarta, it is such an important opportunity. Day by day, I was given the chance to join national event whether as a committee or as a delegate. I started to put my interest in AMSAIndonesia, therefore I applied as academic team. Why A-Team? Well it’s because it sounds smart lol and I thought it could give me some new experiences. What I gained was more than just amazing experience, I get to know some amazing people from all over Indonesia and get the chance to work with them online. I also learn how to manage competitions, and discussing when there are troubles. Of course there are mistakes along the way, but my partners (thankfully) help me to correct my mistakes. Additional Section
  Here we are at the end of my not-so-interesting story. Honestly, I do not regret my decision for joining AMSA at all, and if I am allowed to tell you one advice (I promise you this is the last) I want to say that it is better to regret chances you take rather than the one you did not take. Thank you!
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Dear all the member of AMSA-Indonesia  
family! Perkenalkan saya, Aqil Yuniawan Tasrif angkatan 2014. Ketika pertama kali gabung di AMSA, menjadi EB itu tidak ada dalam niat sama sekali, tapi seiring waktu berjalan, ada keinginan yang cukup buat mendaftar menjadi calon EB. Awalnya mendaftar buat jadi EB itu dengan modal nekat dan nyoba-nyoba dan awalnya pesimis bakalan keterima. Terus, sebelum mendaftar ngelakuin konsul ke senior-senior
AMSA-Indonesia. Nanya-nanyain all about AMSA-Indonesia itu sendiri gimana. Kemudian, aku memberanikan diri buat mendaftar menjadi EB. Hal yang paling aku ingat adalah, ketika ikut wawancara, waktu itu berbarengan dengan puasa, jadi aku buru-buru buat balik ke rumah dari kampus dan literally wawancara-ku kepotong dengan waktu berbuka puasa juga karena Aceh itu waktu berbuka puasanya paling lama se-Indonesia. Jadi wawancaranya t e r k e s a n l a m a . Te r u s s e t e l a h s e l e s a i wawancara, aku nungguin pengumumannya itu kira-kira H+3 an setelah wawancara itu. Alhamdulilah! Ketika aku lihat di milist AMSAIndonesia, aku terpilih menjadi salah satu EB. Berkah ramadhan banget! Setelah kepilih, kita bertiga (Dhidhi, Erika dan saya) langsung bersiap untuk membuka open recruitment EB-EB lainnya. Tiba pada saat wawancara untuk EB-EB lainnya. Disini aku b e l a j a r, b a g a i m a n a m u l t i t a s k i n g ya n g sebenarnya seperti mengelola chat room skype yang cukup banyak, which is dimana kita bertiga jadi moderatornya di masingmasing chat room tersebut. Additional Section
  Terus, ada wawancara yang menghabiskan waktu lebih dari 6 jam, jadi harus ekstra tenaga untuk wawancara. Akhirnya, semua EB sudah terpilih! Kita menjalani hari-hari jadi EB mulai dari RAKERNAS di Palembang, NAE di Aceh, IMSTC di Jakarta, NLT di Jakarta dan gak lama lagi sekitaran 2/3 minggu bakalan ke Makassar buat Munas. Banyak hal yang udah dilaluin barengbareng, segala macam hal udah dialamin. Bahkan senang sedih juga bareng-bareng dan juga bingung bareng-bareng juga udah dirasain. Banyak ilmu dan pengalaman yang saya dapatkan selama menjadi EB. Pengalamanpengalaman ini bener-bener berharga banget buat kedepannya. Walaupun saya menjadi treasurer, pengalaman-pengalaman gak cuman stuck di bidang itu aja. Bahkan setelah menjadi EB, saya juga mengerti mengenai bidangbidang EB lainnya. Semoga apa yang telah saya b e r i ka n ke p a d a s e m u a m e m b e r, d a p at bermanfaat untuk semuanya kedepannya. Harapan saya untuk AMSA-Indonesia adalah semoga semakin menjadi organisasi mahasiswa kedokteran yang menjadi garda terdepan dalam memajukan kesehatan di Indonesia. Selain itu, AMSA-Indonesia tetap memberikan kesempatan-kesempatan yang banyak untuk pengembangan seluruh anggota AMSAIndonesia dan juga tetap menjunjung tinggi nilai kekeluargaan di AMSA-Indonesia. “They Call It Organization, We Call It Family� VIVA AMSA! Additional Section
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, you gain strength,
courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. I’m not saying that my experience in being a national team is fearsome, but it really taught me plenty of positive things. At first, I joined AMSA-Undip without any plans on being a staff, let alone National Team. My first National Event was Rakernas in Palembang, last year. Truthfully, I had no idea about the things they discussed during the meeting. I was more interested
An Opportunity Not to be Missed
in meeting new friends and overwhelmed in meeting lots of new faces – even though I had quite a hard time in remembering their names. On the last day, one of my friend asked me about joining AMSAIndonesia National Team. I remembered saying “Why not?” although I had close to no idea about it. From there, my journey begins. Luckily, I had a few days before the opening of the recruitment. I used it for asking to my seniors about their experience in being a National Team – from the selection process until their regeneration. At that time, I only had a few experience in organizational stuff and no academic achievement whatsoever. I occasionally worry about my motivation letter and my CV but I still went with it anyway. Fast forward until the interview day where I was extremely nervous and worried. I kept wondering for the next few days whether I did good and whether I got accepted or not. On the announcement day, I stayed online waiting for the announcement itself. I waited for around an hour and saw one by one, my friends got accepted. Community Outreach’s announcement came last, but thankfully I got accepted. Additional Section
This is a whole new experience and a great opportunity for me since I can apply all of AMSA’s principle – knowledge, action, and friendship. It will require a lot more pages if you want to know my full story in being a CO Team (Community Outreach Team), or you if you want to know more you can contact me personally or maybe your district’s CO Team . People frequently asked me, as a CO Team, are you busy? Yes. Is it possible to handle both A M SA’s re s p o n s i b i l i t y a s we l l a s yo u r academics? Of course. Do you think being a National Team worth all the struggle? Absolutely yes! This writing is for those who still hesitates in applying for National Team and my fellow National Team. For those of you who hesitates, please don’t. You have a big opportunity waiting for you to take, a wide range of knowledge waiting for you to discover, a lot of friends waiting for you to know, and most importantly a family waiting for you to love. For my fellow National Team, congratulation for completing your duty. You have done an excellent job for this tenure and now it is time for you to take the next big step towards success. I don’t know which path you’re taking, but I believe that we will meet and work together again soon in the future. S p e c i a l t h a n k s to K a k Faya a s A M SA Indonesia’s Secretary of CO, motivator, teacher, great listener, and most importantly our “Mom”. I would also like to say special thanks to my family, supporter, counselor, my fellow CO Team (Sarach, Kak Tece, Jesslyn, Razan, Nelti, Ayi, Agung). This is not the end as we will soon work again, together as a family. Additional Section
Pengalaman saya yang tidak pernah terlupakan  
adalah pada saat menghadiri NAE 2016 di Aceh yang dilaksanakan oleh AMSA-Unsyiah. Pada saat saya mendaftarkan menjadi delegasi NAE, saya tidak berpikir akan bertepatan dengan ujian SOCA. Setelah saya berdiskusi dengan delegasi lain dari MCU kita simpulkan akan pergi dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta pada hari Jumat. Pada saat itu saya tidak mau kalau saya dimajukan menjadi sesi awal karena biasanya saya ujian di sesi-sesi akhir.
Setelah saya ujian SOCA saya langsung berlari menuju kos dan langsung mengambil koper dan saya masih mengenakan pakaian ujian. Tanpa berpikir lama-lama saya dan delegasi lain langsung pergi ke travel yang jaraknya tidak jauh dari kampus. Setelah kita semua pergi ternyata mulailah timbul masalah. Di perjalanan hari itu bertepatan dengan adanya DWP dan kebetulan juga sedang ada perbaikan jalan tol dan total perjalan saya dari Bandung ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta bisa dihitung sekitar 7 jam lamanya. Waktu flight saya ke Aceh pukul 16.30 tetapi saya dan delegasi lain sampai di bandara pukul 16.45 dan pada saat itu sudah dikatakan kalau kami sudah terlambat. Saat diberitahu bahwa kami sudah terlambat saya dan delegasi lain berusaha untuk tetap pergi ke NAE. Akhirnya kami tetap tidak bisa mendapatkan jadwal baru dan pilihannya itu adalah berangkat hari Sabtu dengan jam penerbangan yang sama. Setelah itu kami sangat bingung harus bagaimana karena tiket kami sudah hangus dan kebanyakan dari kami sudah tidak diizinkan oleh orangtuanya.
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  Pada saat itu saya telpon ke Erika bahwa saya telat dan tidak bisa pergi ke NAE. Setelah mendengar kabar itu Erika dan EB yang lain langsung membujuk saya untuk tetap datang karena akan memberikan dampak yang negatif jika saya tidak datang. Awalnya saya sudah putus asa karena saya tidak bisa datang ke NAE, tapi hanya teman-teman EB lah yang membuat saya tidak putus asa dan senantiasa mendukung saya disaat saya dengan d a l a m ke a d a a n b u r u k . S e t e l a h b e r u s a h a semaksimal mungkin akhirnya saya bisa pergi ke NAE pada hari sabtu siang dan kondisinya saya pergi sendiri. Sesampainya saya di NAE saya hanya hadir pada saat farewell party dan setelah itu langsung lanjut RTM. Selesai RTM itu pukul 04.00 dimana saya tidak bisa tidur dan langsung melanjutkan kegiatan selanjutnya. Di NAE saya banyak sekali mendapat kritik bahwa saya tidak bekerja dengan baik dan saya sadar kalau saya memang masih harus banyak belajar dari kesalahan saya. Setelah NAE selesai saya dan teman-teman EB melanjutkan direct meeting kedua. Di DM kedua saya mengungkapkan semua kesalahan saya kepada teman-teman EB. Awalnya saya takut jika teman-teman EB akan marah kepada saya tetapi mereka justru sangat mendukung saat saya dalam masalah dan saya merasa menjadi orang yang beruntung mendapatkan teman-teman seperjuangan seperti mereka. Pengalaman ini sangat membuat saya belajar bahwa betapa berartinya suatu pertemanan dalam kehidupan kita sebagai makhluk yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
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Life is full of the unpredictable, new things to
be discovered and hence, the never-ending learning. Humans are curious beings and we often go over our own limitations to conquer knowledge. In the other hand, people tend to focus on knowledge and forget how important experience is. One famous author said “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness” it really is spot on. We, as medical students, need to
step outside our comfort zone and try new things. There is not only one way to get experiences,
t h e re a re a l o t . O n e o f i t , by j o i n i n g organization(s). Some people might be afraid to join that kind of community because they are afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. But that is the point, without it you won’t know how big and how far you can develop. AMSA is one of the biggest organizations for medical students in Indonesia. Not an ordinary one, but it is place where you can show the real you. Joining AMSA back then at 2016, I just thought it was an ordinary organization just like what I joined back in high school. But beyond it, AMSA really opened my eyes that this world is not that small. Learning how to be organized, punctual, responsible, humble, etc. But the best part is how to manage time and money hahaha^^ Joining AMSA is one of my best decisions and experiences. I am not going to say that I’ve got lots of friend from other university across Indonesia, etc. Yes, I’ve met lots of amazing people and got lots of new family, it’s a great Additional Section
part of my experiences as an AMSAIndonesia’s member. But the best is yet to come, I can’t believe how much I’ve grown after all the opportunity given by being a part of AMSA. One of them is to be a small little tiny part of National Team, FnP team of AMSA-Indonesia. Being a part of this family is beyond amazing. I’ve learned so much about professionalism, how to work under pressure, communication, solve problems and many more. I wont be saying that all I’ve got is the happy moment, sometimes it is happy, tiring, funny, sad, etc. But it is how life goes isn’t it? Overall being part of AMSA is beyond extraordinary. While writing this article, I realize how much experience and life lessons I’ve got from AMSA. Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear –Unknown. You can be anything you want; it is your choice. To our beloved members, People of Tomorrow, don’t be afraid to do and contribute more. Because sometimes what we fear of doing most is what we need to do the most. Last but not least, Thank you AMSA for the opportunities!
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In this column I would like to express my greatest
gratitude to every single person who has been with us in this journey. For always supporting us in any kind of form, you guys are the reason why we keep being motivated throughout the year. Working for AMSA-Indonesia was an unexpected ride full of surprises and has made me a better person at the end of the day. I am proud of our achievement for this tenure, whether it was small or significant it has made a difference for the member even ourselves. The decision I’ve made a
year ago was absolutely one of the best I’ve made. By being an Executive Board I’ve learned to appreciate more, learn more, and have more confident in myself. Those are the things AMSA has given me and thankful of. One of my best memories in AMSA was when I was able to meet and discuss directly with the founders of AMSA, both university and Indonesia who has been successful in their own field. All of them agreed that the benefit of being active in an organization can only be felt in the future. The time you invested now in making networks and pulling off hard decisions will improve your skill and quality as a future doctor. I believe AMSAIndonesia has a lot of potential and undiscovered gems in their member. It is our duty as people of tomorrow to make AMSA a dynamic organization that will aid both the members and the needs of the society throughout the time. Finally to all the Representatives, Advisory Board and Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017, thank you for all the memories and giving me the chance to serve you all. I hope the friendship we’ve made will last for a lifetime and together create a better society around us. See you on top! Additional Section
Hi AMSA-Indonesia!
It hasn’t been that long since I get to know a lot more about AMSA-Indonesia and the only thing I wish right now is that I follow AMSAIndonesia’s development in this tenure from the very beginning! It always amazes me to see people so committed to something that they are willing to
sacrifice their time and energy for what they love and watch it grow into something beyond everyone’s expectation. I see that commitment in the People of Tomorrow. I see people who would go over great lengths to develop AMSAIndonesia and make it a better, bigger, more impactful organization. It is in my greatest desire to see that spirit continues to lead the path to AMSA-Indonesia’s even brighter future, and it has become my responsibility to keep the fire ablaze. My greatest gratitude and appreciation should also be sent to the Executive Board of AMSAIndonesia for a year of dedication and contribution. I hope that you continue your participation in AMSA even after you’ve become alumni to continue achieving our goal as one big AMSA-Indonesia family.
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  Hello, people of tomorrow! My name is Fadiya Nadhilah Soekotjo," you can call me Faya. I am currently a third year medical student in Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. Through this section, let me tell you a short love story you might never heard before. I always believe that everything happens for a reason. It was approximately two years ago
when I decided to apply for being an AMSAUnpad member. That time, I were only a kid, joined AMSA because the closest friends of mine were also joined it. As the time passed by, I had an opportunity to join Munas AMSAIndonesia 2015 in Unair, Surabaya as a general delegates. There, I saw how AMSA-Indonesia regenerated. I saw many cool people (in my opinion) that change my point of view about AMSA. I became curious to know AMSA better and decided to apply myself for Community Outreach Team 2015/2016. The day I saw my name listed as the chosen Community Outreach Team for district 3, was one of the history which made my passion to become active in AMSA was getting bigger. With Ka Arham as the Secretary of Community Outreach, I gained a lot of new experiences, a lot of new lessons, and a lot of new friends. I fell in love with AMSA, which was also the reason why I decided to apply for Secretary of C o m m u n i t y O u t re a c h A M S A- I n d o n e s i a 2016/2017 position the next year. It was one of the hardest and the biggest decisions I have ever made. But now, I am glad that I took the chance. Additional Section
AMSA changes my life. In AMSA I grow, I
have to protect and support each other,
learn a lot not only about organization,
we have to grow and learn together,
about leadership, or how we managed
giving back to society, be impactful for
things, but also about life, the people in it, a
everyone around us. That is, the biggest
different perspectives in how we see things.
lesson I got.
I have never imagined before that I would experienced a Long Distance Relationship
in a level of organization. Fighting a
Fadiya Nadhilah Soekotjo
different cities, islands, timezones, and
Secretary of Community Outreach
activities, we could only met and
AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017
communicated through social medias. (Almost) Everyday is AMSA day! Thankfully, I have Community Outreach Team, my super team, a little family who always there to help me going through the projects. A wise man said, experience is the best teacher. So AMSA, is my best teacher for it gave me a lot of new experiences. As we all know, every story will has its end. As for me, now might be the ending. This is the time for anyone else, to write a new story, a better one than mine. But my love for AMSA was, is, and always will be forever in my heart. Dear AMSA-Indonesia thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn, to become a better person, to get a lot of new experiences, to serve community, to visit a place I have never visited before, to have a best friend, and to found a family. I will always miss every moments we shared together :’). I hope to see you again, in the other page of life. To all members, just remember, once you become a member, you’ll get a family for the rest of your life. But just like a family, we
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Dear People of Tomorrow,
As Secretary of Finance and Partnership AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017, it’s honor for me as ordinary medical student to share my experience in AMSA. I have been joining AMSA since 2014 until now and I’ve learned many things. I will explain it by asking you a question that you need to answer it honestly by your self. 1.
What is your priority? I believe
everyone had different priority that out of
our control. 2.
Can you have more than 24 hours
per day? Do you realize that every living thing only have 24 hours per day? You can’t reply a day in your life, not even 1 second in your life. That’s why time is precious. Please spend it thoughtfully. 3.
Can you change someone’s habits?
How? Sometimes we easily got our nerves on someone because of their habits that don’t meet us. I suggest you to ask why he being likes that don’t ever hope he will change. Better to understand them and think about what can we do to make situations better for us and for them. You don’t need to waste your time with your temper. Calm it down. 4.
One mistake in 10 questions, what
will you saw? One mistake or 9 other? Maybe you have tried your best but don’t expect people will see what good thing you
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Do you prefer to stay with your
temper and be enemies with other or calm your temper? Is it beautiful if every human can understand each other and forgive? Don’t ever let fire burn your soul. I want you to reflect on yourself, what kind of person you are, have you appreciate and say thank you for what others have done for you before you curse on other? You don’t have to be perfect but all you need to do is be a better person for you and people surround you. Don’t ever hope everyone will know what you have been sacrifice and appreciate you. Do your best and be good to people surround you; learn to ask why this and that happened before you take an action and before you curse on others. That way you will survive in the jungle full of predators.
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Organisasi menjadi sebuah bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan mahasiswa.
Ada begitu banyak pilihan yang dapat dipilih, namun dalam tulisan ini organisasi yang akan diulas adalah Asian Medical Students' Asscosiation atau akrab disebut dengan AMSA. Bagi saya, adalah sebuah kehormatan untuk bisa menyandang sebuah titel National Team, yaitu Research Team. Melalui tulisan singkat ini, saya ingin membagikan pengalaman saya yang sayang bila tidak diabadikan dalam majalah AMSA-Indonesia, Arbor Vitae.
Hal utama yang saya dapatkan dengan menjadi seorang Research Team adalah sebuah ilmu. Knowledge merupakan salah satu dari tiga filosofi AMSA. Saya percaya sejatinya kita sebagai seorang manusia entah mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran atau bukan akan selalu belajar. Hari–hari yang kita jalani merupakan proses pembelajaran. Dalam konteks ini belajar yang saya maksud adalah menulis. Salah satu kegiatan yang paling saya sukai di muka bumi ini selain pergi ke bandara dan stasiun adalah menulis. Dengan terjun langsung dalam AMSAIndonesia, saya semakin belajar dalam dunia penulisan. Baik menulis esai ilmiah, tinjauan pustaka, atau tulisan sederhana untuk dimuat dalam Arbor Vitae seperti tulisan ini. Perubahan iklim dan keselamatan kerja merupakan isu kesehatan yang diusung oleh AMSA-Indonesia selama satu tahun ini. Selama satu tahun pula berbagai macam tulisan tentang kedua isu tersebut menjadi makanan saya sehari–hari. Kedua, saya mendapatkan sebuah pengalaman berharga yang mungkin tidak semua mahasiswa mendapatkan hal ini, yaitu kerja sama tim. Umumnya setiap orang di muka bumi ini memiliki bakat masing – masing. Additional Section
  Bahkan, seorang calon dokter pun juga
untuk mengubah dunia. Sebagian orang
memiliki kemampuan luar biasa seperti
berbicara melalui puisi, foto, video, atau
fotografi, videografi, penulisan tinjauan
bahkan sebuah tarian. Tulisan adalah
pustaka, dan sebagainya. Organisasi ini
sebuah media yang cocok bagi saya untuk
banyak menawarkan bermacam
menyampaikan aspirasi kepada dunia.
perlombaan. Bagi saya, dengan mengikuti
Saya meyakini semua tulisan saya di Arbor
kompetisi akademik sama saja dengan
Vitae memberikan dampak positif bagi
menggali potensi yang kita miliki sebagai
seluruh anggota AMSA Indonesia.
seorang mahasiswa. Dalam mengikuti perlombaan, tentu kita tidak dapat berjalan
Regenerasi merupakan hal yang sangat
sendiri. Kita perlu seorang rekan, sebuah
penting dalam sebuah organisasi. Dalam
tim yang kuat. Dan, saya bersyukur boleh
hitungan bulan, wajah – wajah baru akan
menemukan mereka. Semacam mencari
menghiasi AMSA Indonesia maupun
jarum di tumpukan jerami. Bagi saya proses
AMSA Universitas. Dalam hitungan bulan
lebih penting dari hasil. Dari semua acara
pula seorang Joue Abraham Trixie akan
nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh AMSA-
mudah untuk dilupakan.
Indonesia, Indonesian Medical Student Training and Competiton atau IMSTC
Ke mana pun saya melangkah setelah
merupakan acara nasional kesukaan saya.
tenure ini berakhir, selalu akan ada alasan
Khususnya, IMSTC 2017.
bagi saya untuk kembali ke sini. Hati selalu tahu ke mana dia harus pulang.
Ketiga dan yang paling penting, saya mendapatkan definisi yang tepat dari
Tulisan ini merupakan bentuk pamit saya
B aper. Banyak anggota AMSA yang
terhadap AMSA Indonesia dan AMSA
mengatakan AMSA adalah rumah, home,
U n i ve r s i t a s K r i ste n I n d o n e s i a at a s
learn atau nyaman. Namun, bagi saya,
ketidakhadiran saya pada Musyawarah
AMSA adalah Baper. Untuk memahami
Nasional nanti. Terimakasih atas semua
mengapa AMSA adalah Baper, tentu tidak
kesempatan yang sudah diberikan. Bagi
semudah mempelajari patofisiologi sebuah
saya adalah sebuah pengalaman berharga
penyakit. Tenggelamlah lebih dalam di
boleh tenggelam dalam AMSA. Saya tidak
pernah menyesal memilih organisasi ini
Terjerumuslah lebih dalam di AMSA. Jika
sebagai rumah kedua saya.
sudah, baru dapat memahami arti Baper di
AMSA. Di tenure ini saya rutin mengirimkan tulisan saya untuk dimuat dalam Arbor Vitae. Saya melakukannya bukan untuk meningkatkan eksistensi saya, melainkan saya percaya bahwa sebuah tulisan memiliki kekuatan
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Hi Arbor Vitaers!
I put this quote as my personal motto, and also to describe how much I love this organization. First, let me introduce myself. I’m Karina Jesslyn and you could simply call me as my first name, currently serving as Executive Board of AMSA-Indonesia. I would like to tell you a story, a story about a girl who fell deeply in love without any reason. This story began when she applied to join a family she knew nothing about. Yet she still innocently
participated actively in local and international events. A little by little, piece by piece in her heart, she started to feel so happy by doing this and finally, in the end she realize that she loves this family more than she planned to. Yes, you are right! This love story is about myself, and how I was “trapped” in AMSA and having no way out. It’s a little exaggerated I admit, but I guess AMSA deserve it. This family gave a lot of things to learn, how to be a critical-thinker, how to perfectly solve a problem practically, lead me to meet a lot of extraordinary people who always inspire me to do my best. AMSA showed me that this world is bigger than I expected. That there are a lot of interested things that always brings up my curiosity to learn, as a medical student but especially as a human being. Of course, no good things come easy. I remember the days I have to follow several step of selection to join AMSA, the day I was interviewed to be national team, the days I struggling to learn a lot of things related to exchange in order to get this position. Additional Section
I have to say it not always went the way I want it to be, problems come and go. I have to give my heart, my energy, and my soul doing everything I have done this past couple years. But this is the things that make me the way I am. Diamond is made under the weight of mountains, isn’t it? One thing that I hold onto all this time, that I believe that a great family is someone who will correct you when you are wrong, taking care of you when you are weak, loving you when you are lonely, and do the best they can to let you discover the best version of yourself. And this is what I found here, my homeorganization AMSA fulfill what I need. There always an end to a story, and I guess mine is about to be over. I have to let new generation take care of AMSA. And now, I will let you to gently take my position. But before that, I want you to know that AMSA is family, a strong and big one that could bring big impact to our society, or even globally. It’s neither only about finishing some work plan and achieve the highest score, nor to gain popularity among others. But to build and develop yourself, working hand by hand, giving the best with each other and believe me, someday people will remember you as AMSA’s history maker. Truthfully yours, Karina
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Hello, People of Tomorrow!
As every mail and greeting in AMSA-Indonesia always started. Introduction is the main thing to step and dig deep into someone’s life. Here, I’ll introduce myself all over again, briefly said. I am Keisha, someone who has dedicated her half of 2016 and 2017 for AMSA-Indonesia. As the Secretary of Research, each year we encounter the same chronic illness in most of our members, which is the lack of enthusiasm. Well, I’m not going to start whining any moments by
now. In the opposite, I’m going to elaborate our conditions in a different perspective. I would like to appreciate those members of AMSAIndonesia that have given out their contribution in the field of research, either it is R-Ticles2, RProject, and every single competition out there. I’m aware that as a medical student, we all have our busy schedule. While here you are sparing your time, submitting those research data, reading essays and doing quizzes. I would like to state that you are really an Extraordinary person. On the other side, I never meant to underestimate or disparage those who might not give out their contribution at all. For I know those who have ever become member of AMSA, have potentials hidden in them and are meant to be great doctors in the future. Those of you might have not discovered your hidden potentials yet, and the other parties might have discovered their potentials, which is just not in this field. I appreciate the diversity we all have that has built AMSA-Indonesia as it is in the current time.
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I a l s o w a n t t o g i ve m y ve r y b e s t
See you when I see you, People of
appreciation for the Research family of
Tomorrow! May tomorrow be a great
2016/2017. I never once regret having
day for us to meet again in a
chosen them to be the Research Team in
d i ff e r e n t t i m e a n d d i ff e r e n t
working out each and every program I had
planned. They are the best individuals I have ever asked for. I see growing
Sincerely, Kei.
potentials in each of you and therefore, you
should develop it even more. Never give up and achieve your dreams in AMSA when you still have the chance. For the beloved Representatives who have come and go in this tenure.. Although our time might be short, I am grateful to have known and learnt from your leadership skills. For those who have stepped down the position, I wish you best of luck in your medical studies ahead. Also, for those who have just chosen, use your chance by giving all out for your members and you’ll see what you’ll get in return. May the relation and the bond we have created keep going strong until all of us be colleagues. For the EB’s of 2016/2017, the crew of AMSA-Indonesia of 2016/2017, the fighters for this current tenure, who has become family to myself. I might have mistakes and I lack a lot of things, but each of you completed me by giving mental support and the priceless encouragement each time I fall down. You are the apple to my pie. I am a very blessed person for getting the chance to ever feel that way and getting everything right here in AMSA. May all of us grow in Knowledge, Action and Friendship just like our philosophy. Additional Section
Greetings People of Tomorrow!  
My name is Kevin Gracia Pratama and I'm part of the AMSEP team of the 2016/17 tenure. Being a part of the national team is an awesome experience for me. My main motivation at first is to build friendship and know more medical students outside of my own university. I get to know people through online meeting without actually seeing them in real life. What makes it
great is that when we met up during a national event, our conversation picks up where we left it online. But in the end, friendship isn't the only thing that I gained by joining national team. My job as an AMSEP officer is to inform AMSA member in my university about any exchange program that is currently open. Aside from that, If there is an opportunity to host an exchange, on behalf of the AMSA-university, I will prepare a n eve n t p ro p o s a l to b i d t h a t h o st i n g opportunity. Bidding is the moment in which I learn a lot of things. In order to bid, I prepared a team consisting of around 10-15 people as a committee with me as the project officer. Well in the end, we didn't win the bidding, but I believe it is more important to appreciate the process rather than the result. I learn to communicate effectively with my team with a very tight schedule. If i have the opportunity to repeat the year again as an AMSEP officer, I would definitely take it again. No regrets! It was fun to work with my team and also to get to know other officers from other university. Lastly, I would also like to thank everyone who helped me throughout the year! Cheers! Additional Section
Two years being part of AMSA-INA's big  
family is a very memorable thing for me. Not only because I have the opportunity to train myself in leading an organization, but also to know many AMSA friends from all over the country. To E xe c u t i ve B o a rd A M S A- I n d o n e s i a 2016/2017, Representatives and National Teams colleagues, it is wonderful to work with you. With you, I learned many things.
There are always examples that you teach me, and inspire me to always be a better person. Always understand both in joy and sorrow. May our bonds remain strong until later. I hope that AMSA-Indonesia can always be a place for medical students in Indonesia to develop themselves, act for society and make friendship. There is always room for improvement. Keep moving forward AMSAIndonesia, 'till we see the world in perfect harmony! Sincerely, Kriswahyu Yudo Wirawan Representative of AMSA-UGM 2016/2017 Faculty of Medicine 2015
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Change is not always a good thing, but it can be
even better. I’ve always believed that every change is there to teach us something new and to expand ourselves. Whenever I feel comfortable in one place, life is always bringing new environments and new lessons to learn and develop with. Being part of AMSA-Indonesia for 3 years has been an amazing experience. I got the opportunity to meet a lot of people from different universities, different backgrounds, but with the same vision. In the last three years I had the chance to work in 4
different positions; member of academic AMSAUnsyiah, chief of PnP AMSA-Unsyiah, AMSA-Elite Chairperson District 1 AMSA-Indonesia, and Secretary of Membership and Development AMSAIndonesia. Back in 2014, when I joined AMSA-Unsyiah, I was starting my first year of being a super innocent medical student. I didn’t have much knowledge about AMSA. But as I know for sure, I have to join the organization to stay active during college. My thoughts at that time was still academically oriented, I wanted to join AMSA-Unsyiah because I wanted to enjoy the facilities it offered to me like study group, tutoring, competition, and everything that could support my academic. But during the time I was in Academic Division of AMSA-Unsyiah, after I got what I wanted, it turned out I fell to deep in this organization. I never felt enough with the knowledge and experience that I got. The results was freaking real, in the first year of my innocent medical student life, I got the chance to be an assistant circumcision operator, projects manager, multiple head division. AMSA has taught me to become a more sensitive, open minded, positive thinking, risk taking, visionary, insightful, Additional Section
empathetic, realistic, decisive, actionoriented, accountable, trust worthy, and   authentic person than before. I would never be the person I am now if I never treated AMSA as my family in college. AMSA treated me like a family did, lead by amazing leaders like Sri Delima, Javier Arrazi, and Iswan Ramdhana, they gave me strength to do everything in AMSA and to become a helpful person toward others. In 2015, I got the chance to become Chief of P n P A M S A- U n s y i a h a n d A M S A- E l i t e Chairperson District 1 AMSA-Indonesia. Yes, two different positions at the same time. That was pretty challenging. Since AMSA is a platform, and it is providing opportunities for people who are willing to challenge themselves, I decided that I could still improve working with people and that I would really like to see the combination of organizing people, making sure that they are satisfied, and having them in the right place for organization, so I applied for AMSA-Elite Chairperson who directly worked under Sec Of MnD and that time, Safara Nurul Laela Wairoy. I was working with 4 universities and I was responsible for their development and experiences. I was actually working with people who were there to develop themselves through developing others. Afterwards, I decided that I was challenging myself, two years in same area and working in the same district where I’ve known them professionally and personally was starting to become my comfort zone. I’ve met amazing people and through their progress in the organization and their stories, I was very happy to also see my personal progress. I
I applied for a completely different area in 2016, a different position, with a big trusteeship. I wanted to challenge myself once again and to see what my contribution would be there, how I could develop others and what I could lear about others and myself. And here I a m n o w. B e i n g a S e c r e t a r y o f Membership and Development AMSAIndonesia, developing an organization and the people in it. Trying, failing, trying, and succeeding and then everything all over again. AMSA is a platform, it gives you an opportunity a n d yo u c a n d e c i d e t o c h a n g e something, to challenge yourself and to see where will you end up. To learn, but to learn with real resources, real people, real time. To learn from others and to develop them. I have the incredible privilege to work in a team with AMSAUnsyiah, EB AMSA-Unsyiah 15/16, District 1 AMSA-Indonesia, EB AMSAIndonesia 16/17, and AMSA-Indonesia, to learn together with them and to develop them and myself on our journey as a family.
was working, then failing, then trying and then succeding again.
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  AMSA has challenged me for three years. Every time I felt comfortable, a new opportunity popped up, and I decided to take it. I thanked everyone in AMSA for giving me so many opportunities and because of that I never worried too much, because the things I did for AMSA, it meant the more I care about my family (re: AMSA) and the things I did with AMSA, I did it with the support of my family (re: AMSA). The last for you,
people of tomorrow, what
would you do for AMSA ?
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Assalamualaikum wr.wb  
Halo AMSA-Indonesia! Perkenalkan nama saya Iswan Ramdhana, Representative AMSAUnsyiah 2016/2017. Pengalaman saya di AMSA, dimulai saat saya bergabung dan mendaftar di AMSA-Unsyiah, saya merasakan ikatan kekeluargaan yang kuat di AMSA, keakraban terjalin erat antara senior d a n j u n i o r. D i A M S A l a h s a ya b a n ya k
mendapatkan pengalaman organisasi serta media untuk mengembangkan diri hingga dapat m e n j a d i v i ce re p re s e n t at i ve 2 01 5/2 01 6 , representative 2016/2017, dan sekarang sudah menjadi Advisory Board. Selain itu di beberapa event nasional saya juga turut berhadir, event nasional pertama saya adalah Munas AMSA- Indonesia di Surabaya, awalnya memang agak awkward karena belum kenal siapa-siapa, tapi setelah kenal ternyata mudah akrab karena anak AMSA itu seru-seru, selain Munas AMSA di Surabaya ada beberapa event nasional yang saya ikuti seperti NLT Bandung, Rakernas Palembang, dan Gathering District 1 Palembang.
Bertukar fikirian dan
dsikusi dengan teman-teman AMSA-Indonesia yang tentunya akan memperluas wawasan serta pertemanan. Semoga AMSA semakin maju serta makin inovatif dan dapat berkontribusi dalam peningkatan kesehatan di Indonesia. VIVA AMSA! They Call it Organization We Call it Family.
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“Detik yang berjalan tak pernah berjalan mundur untuk mengembalikan lagi cerita yang terjadi.. Hanya saja detik yang masih berjalan bisa membuat setiap kenangan menjadi manis atau pahit untuk dikenang� Juni 2016, satu periode kepengurusan sebuah organisasi dengan beragam program kerja didalamnya terbentuk. Kepengurusan yang baru, program yang baru, orang yang baru, dan
suasana yang baru. Berjalan dengan campuran bumbu-bumbu didalamnya. Manis, asin, pahit, asam tergantung bagaimana masing-masing pribadi yang merasakannya. Katanya, kita ini satu kesatuan yang diibaratkan seperti sebuah pohon yang memiliki ranting dan dedaunan. Berdiri tegar siap dihembus angin namun tetap tegak pada akarnya. Layaknya sebuah organisasi pada umumnya dengan mengusung visi misi dan tujuan jelas nan terstruktur didalamnya, begitulah AMSA bagi segelintir orang, bukan? Saya rasa, tidaklah mudah membangun sebuah organisasi yang turun-temurun dari pengurus sebelumnya untuk terus dilanjutkan dan dikembangkan. Apalagi, baik pengembangan pribadi bagi setiap member atau bagi keseluruhan organisasi, harus tetap berjalan bersamaan. Memang ada standar baku yang tertulis disini, namun entah pernah terbaca atau tidak. Mengalahkan ego, mengesampingkan ambisi dan mengutamakan kepentingan bersama, paling tidak, begitulah definisi roda organisasi bagi saya. Setiap manusia pasti berkembang dengan tingkat
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perkembangan masing-masing AMSA-
Maka dari itu, perkenakan saya mewakili
U n i ve r s i t a s d a n A M SA- I n d o n e s i a
keluarga AMSA-UKI, dengan segala
sebagai induknya.
ke re n d a h a n h a t i d a n ke i k h l a s a n menyampaikan rasa terima kasih
Yang menjadi perhatian disini adalah
k e p a d a A d v i s o r y B o a r d A M S A-
sudahkah selama setahun ini kita
Indonesia, Representative, Executive
berkembang bersama dengan tingkat
Board dan National team atas
perkembangan yang berbeda-beda
pengorbanan waktu, pengorbanan
untuk mencapai suatu tujuan secara
pikiran, pengorbanan tenaga,
b e r s a m a - s a m a ? S a l i n g b e l a j a r,
pengorbanan jasa dan bahkan
berproses, mengerti, memahami, dan
keseluruhan dirinya dalam setahun ini.
mengembangkan segalanya. Bukankah
Saya yakin, totalitas dari kinerja kalian
s a n g a t b e r b e d a a n t a ra i a ya n g
akan terbayar pada waktunya .
berkembang sendiri dan ia yang berkembang bersama di lingkungan
Untuk seluruh keluarga baru AMSA-
yang tepat? Hampir satu tahun ini, hal
Indonesia yang baru bergabung di
itulah yang selalu dilakukan.
tenure 2016/2017 yang sekiranya
Hampir satu tahun ini, hal itulah yang
sedang membaca tulisan ini, Mari!
kemudian dirumuskan dalam berbagai
lanjutkan perjuangan kami!
p ro g ra m ke r j a ya n g j u g a h a r u s diselesaikan oleh AMSA-Indonesia
They called it Organization, we called it
kepada AMSA-Universitas. Jawabannya,
bagi kami mahasiswa/i Universitas K r i ste n I n d o n e s i a , A M SA a d a l a h
lingkungan yang tepat.
Mathilda Abigail Irianti Representative of AMSA-UKI 2016/2017
Lalu, sudahkah semua diselesaikan?
Faculty of Medicine, 2014 Christian University of Indonesia
Mari ambil waktu sejenak di penghujung kepengurusan ini untuk merefleksikan kinerja diri masingmasing dari kita. Mari berhenti sejenak, menilik kembali ke masing-masing kita yang ikut ‘menggerakkan’ roda kepengurusan setahun ini. Meskipun evaluasi, kritik dan saran dari orang lain juga menjadi perhitungan dan tolak ukur kita,tetap saja, penilaian terjujur datang dari diri sendiri. Additional Section
Hello, people of tomorrow!  
Mau ngasih kesan pesan nih, sekalian harapan b u a t A M S A- I n d o n e s i a k e d e p a n n y a . Sebelumnya gak pernah terbayang jadi member AMSA-Indonesia, apalagi jadi representative AMSA-UPR. Pertama kali jadi anggota, semua apapun tugas ya gua berusaha buat jalanin, sambil bergaul juga dengan teman-teman lainnya. Atas kepercayaan teman-teman,
gua pun berani
mencalonkan representative. Terpilih pada saat Musyawarah Besar AMSA-UPR, tentu kesan pertama ya kaget, gak nyangka, ada senangnya, tapi karna gua dipercaya sama teman-teman, tentu gua harus menjalani tugas dengan baik. Dari awal sampai sekarang, kesan yang gua dapat sih baik-baik aja, senang, karena teman-teman lainnya juga saling bantu. Ada masalah pun, pasti diselesaikan dengan baik baik. Intinya ikhlas aja, pasti semua berjalan dengan baik deh. Gak sembarang milih partner buat bekerja sama, karna partner juga berperan dalam suksesnya kinerja. Kesan ketemu pertama kali dengan teman-teman Executive Board AMSA-indonesia tenure ini dan representative lainnya juga baik, gua senang bergaul dengan mereka, orangnya pada welcome semua. Program kerja dan kinerja mereka juga pada bagus. Pesan dari gua sih, untuk tenure sesudah ini, dapat menjalankan dan mengembangkan lebih baik AMSA-Indonesia. Apa yang sudah baik dipertahankan, apa yang kiranya bisa lebih menunjang AMSA-Indonesia, bisa diprogramkan dan dijalankan. Additional Section
  Harapan gua buat AMSA-Indonesia, singkat aja. Yang pasti lebih baik, lebih eksis, lebih segala-galanya dalam hal positif. Karna suatu o rg a n i s a s i b i s a te rce r m i n b a g u s a t a u enggaknya dari member, semoga member AMSA-Indonesia kelak bukan cuma banyak, tapi benar-benar lebih bisa mewujudkan AMSA-Indonesia sebagai organisasi non-profit yang lebih berfilosofi. Selain itu, jabatan pasti pada akhirnya, tapi semoga kebersamaan tetap bertahan sepanjang masa, karna kita sejawat. Itu aja yang bisa gua sampaikan, sukses selalu buat kita. VIVA AMSA!
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Time goes so fast, until I have to write this
message for our family, AMSA-Indonesia ! We are Asian Medical Student Association, so many things have happened. Tired, excited, sad, happy, hard work, unite become one amazing determination as the part of AMSA-Indonesia. I don’t know what to say, but we are as the representative of all Indonesia medical students. To give and share knowledge, action and friendship both to the society and as a feedback
we’ve got those philosophies back attached in our own soul. This precious experience will never ever as just an ordinary experience. Keep fighting and struggling as our main goal, to be a doctor. Someday later if we have achieved what we dream, let’s come back to our lovely organization. Whatever your batch is,let’s not to stop give contribution for AMSA. So our participation has not stop here.Now we are just medical student who climbing up to the highest possibility of our own dreams. Later the student who has grown up in this family, in the future we will call us a doctor who wants to give something for the society. Exactly like we ever did in AMSA before. Last, I would like to represent the whole family of AMSA-Unjani to say thank you for everything you have done. The positive things,share and spread it,and the negative, you can learn from it.
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  Don’t think of this farewell as an end, but
a time to begin again. As you move towards new horizons, remember no matter where you go, you will always be a part of the family of AMSA-Indonesia.
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2 Juni 2016 - 20.47 WIB. Amanah itu kini resmi dipundakku. AMSA 
Unair yang mulai bersinar kembali, tanggung jawab itu kini harus selalu aku usahakan. Bermisikan menyempurnakan kepengurusan s e b e l u m nya , m e n c i p t a ka n s u st a i n a b l e program, dan mewujudkan sebuah desa binaan merupakan cita-cita terbesar dan landasan dalam kami membuat perubahan dan pergerakkan. Bermodal niat, bertekad motivasi, cita-cita
yang terdengar hampir mustahil, kini telah usai aku bacakan LPJ nya. Menjadi salah satu orang yang berpengaruh terhadap keluarga ini benar-benar membuatku terus bersyukur. Aku telah diizinkan untuk bisa menuntaskan pilar-pilar yang telah ditanam pada periode sebelumnya. Dengan menjadi Representative, semua proses panjang ini telah benar-benar membuat diri ini semakin matang, perencanaan, manajemen member, kepemimpinan, rasa menghargai, persahabatan, kekeluargaan, kerja keras, kemandirian, team work, pengalaman lah yang telah memberikan pelajaran akan semua nilai itu. Di sini aku diajarkan untuk tidak mengenal kata putus asa, H-2 minggu proker besar dana masih jauh dari harapan, proker besar di tengah minggu ujian, pergantian kurikulum di tengah-tengah kepengurusan adalah b e b e ra p a b u m b u - b u m b u m a s a m ya n g membuat diri ini lebih kuat untuk bisa terus bertahan. Satu keputusan besar yang selalu akan terkenang, sebuah keputusan yang tidak pernah saya sesali, mendaftarkan diri menjadi seorang representative, ikut membangun Additional Section
  keluarga ini dan menyaksikannya kini sebagai organisasi yang terpandang. Aku lebih terima jika pribadiku yang direndahkan, dibanding AMSA menerima penghinaan. Aku sangat berterima kasih kepada rumah kedua ini, yang telah berhasil mewarnai 1 tahun penuh tawa, rindu, hiruk pikuk, keceriaan, dan teruntuk semua orang yang telah memberikan waktu, semangat, dedikasi, dan kinerja terbaiknya untuk bersama-sama membangun keluraga ini, semoga kebaikan kalian akan mendapat balasan yang lebih. Untuk teman-teman AMSA-Indonesia, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari Miangas sampai Pulau Rote, terima kasih kesan dan pelajarannya, terima kasih warna-warni indah ini, InshaAllah akan selalu kusisipkan doa untuk kemajuan organisasi tercinta ini. Aku akan senantiasa menantikan untuk bertemu kalian di puncak kesuksesan. Jangan pernah berhenti untuk tetap menjadi orang baik, jangan pernah bosan untuk tetap menginspirasi. VIVA AMSA! Salam hangat dari salah satu keluargamu di Surabaya.
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For some, AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 is  
exciting and fun! For many, AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 bring us to a positive improvement. And for all, AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 is a new home for us! Teringat jelas di kepala saya waktu saya
masih bingung untuk memilih organisasi yang akan saya tekuni. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa kedokteran, kita semua tentu saja punya alasan dan tujuan pribadi jika suatu saat menjadi seorang dokter, dan untuk itu mencari organisasi yang bisa mengembangkan kita menjadi selangkah lebih dekat pada tujuan itu. Dari awal, saya memutuskan untuk masuk ke AMSA karena saya yakin AMSA bisa menjadikan saya dokter yang bukan hanya cerdas dan terampil, tetapi juga menyenangkan dan keren. Pada saat itu, tiba-tiba saja EB External dari AMSA-Unhas, menghubungi saya dan memberitahukan tentang Open Recruitment dari National Team AMSA-Indonesia. Meskipun awalnya sempat ragu, saya kemudian mendaftarkan diri sebagai Ambassador of Public Health. Menurut saya, menjadi APH akan membantu saya menjadi lebih percaya diri, tahu banyak hal, dan tentu saja akan menjadi peluang besar bagi saya untu membagikan ilmu kepada masyarakat.
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They call it organization, we call it home!
If I ever should say anything to this tenure, it is only a simple
Saya yakin semua teman-teman AMSA
“thank you”.
tahu slogan itu. Yang pada saat itu, meskipun sering saya dengar, hanya menjadi sebuah slogan di telinga saya. Sampai, betul-betul saya rasakan sendiri pada saat tahapan seleksi APH. Saya yang baru saja menginjak tahun kedua di FK Unhas dan tidak tahu banyak hal, tiba-tiba saja bisa mencapai hal-hal yang awalnya
Sederhana, tapi di dalamnya ada ribuan rasa syukur dan terima kasih kepada AMSAIndonesia. Saya yakin, semua orang juga merasakan hal yang serupa. Dan AMSA-Indonesia,
tidak mungkin. Bagaimana? Tentu saja
akan terus membawa manfaat
dengan bantuan dari teman-teman AMSA.
ya n g b e s a r ke p a d a s e t i a p orang.
Kemudian, setelah diterima menjadi APH, awalnya saya merasa sangat bangga dan
Fo r A M SA- I n d o n e s i a , ke e p
senang. Ketika dilantik di National Action
doing your thing!
Event di Aceh yang diselenggarakan oleh AMSA-Unsyiah, saya merasa bahwa AMSA benar-benar keluarga, dengan jaringan yang luas, dan anggota yang semuanya sangat luar biasa. S e b a g a i A P H p u n , s a n g a t b a nya k p e m b e l a j a ra n b e r h a rg a ya n g s aya dapatkan. Mulai dari pengalaman mencari NGO untuk diajak kerjasama, membuat online campaign –yang sangat ditolong juga oleh teman-teman PnP Team, sampai menjadi ketua pelaksana AMSA-District Project. Melelahkan? Tentu saja. Tapi, tidak ada sedikitpun rasa menyesal. Saya belajar banyak hal dan berubah menjadi orang yang jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Keputusan saya untuk m e n j a d i b a g i a n a k t i f d a r i A M S AIndonesia, adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik dalam hidup saya. Additional Section
Greetings People of Tomorrow AMSA-Indonesia,
My name is Sarah Annisa Hasanah, you can call me Sarah. I am currently a 2nd year student of Medical Faculty Syiah Kuala University and a proud member of AMSA-Unsyiah. I take this opportunity to write everything about AMSA, what AMSA means to me, and it is with a great pleasure that I enhance my journey and
experience in AMSA as well. My very first step joining AMSA was about two years ago when I first enroll my medical school. I joined AMSA because i see my other home lies in AMSA. That time on my first year in AMSA, I was a member of Community Outreach division in AMSA-Unsyiah, I feel that it’s the best place for me to contribute myself such as my medical skills and knowledge to wider community and society. Since that time i was always on the go, I’ve taken so many opportunities to be a committee in every AMSA-Unsyiah events and i am so honored for that. Leaving my local experiences, my first national event in AMSA was ARHE/ADP and Gathering District 1 hosted by AMSA-Unsri. It was my first time realizing that to make friends and relatives as much as i can is so vital in AMSA. That was my first chance to meet more inspiring people, to get to know them one by one, to chit chat with them as it’s the perfect bonding time. I was outstandingly happy that
I promise myself to
contribute and join more and more national events by AMSA-Indonesia.
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  My first year in AMSA went very intriguing and AMSA has built me to be a better person. On my second year in AMSA, I have become more and more into AMSA until one day, my representative asks me to put something on the line as i have been so dedicated for AMSA, he asks me to apply for AEC (AMSA Elite Chairperson) position. Being an AEC was never on my list, but since my representative has a good head on his shoulders and i think i should go out of my comfort zone, i applied for that position and it turns out great that i succeeded. And now, i am currently working and take on the responsibility as an AMSA Elite Chairperson for District 1. During almost the past one tenure being an AEC, it was extremely tiring and pleasant at the same time. I learnt so much on how to do personal approaching, how to pursue other people to work, how to manage my time between studying my medical papers/books which is very stressful and running the online meeting or working on evaluation reports as well. The moment i found out very hectic being an AEC was when AMSA International Day
IMSTC, as the AEC, i am the one who coordinate both district booth and district performance. But, again, it turns out fun because we (me and people from my district) done it amazingly. Despite, been working with and monitoring my AMSA-Universities in District 1 had given me a lot of valuable lessons i could take. Lastly, i just want to express that AMSA and all that it has in it mean everything to me They Call it Organization, We Call it Family Viva AMSA!!!
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Greetings, people of tomorrow
My name is Safara Nurul Laela Wairoy or usually called fara from Hasanuddin University. This is my third year working in AMSA-Indonesia. It is my big pleasure to have the opportunity to fill this section along with other boards of AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017. MUNAS is days away. We finally reach the end of this year’s tenure. I would like to say thank you, for
all the chance to serve AMSA-Indonesia, from AMSA Elite Chairperson (2014/2015), then got the trust to be Secretary of Membership and Development (2015/2016), and now as Advisory Board (2016/2017). All the experiences makes me know every individuals in AMSA-University deeper and that triggers me to love this family even more. Following the journey of different tenures in AMSA-Indonesia every year really amazes me. I see how AMSA develop year by year, getting bigger and better. Lots and lots of new useful programs and new universities that joined AMSAIndonesia family We can’t deny it that working wholeheartedly in an organization is not easy. Sometimes we lose our spirit in running an organization due to pressure on program deadline, external factors, and so on. Sometimes, we just want it all to finish, do our job in minimum effort. I felt that too. But come on, this is AMSA, family that always reminds us to look forward, that always backs us, that always makes us to be awesome. I always remember what my friend told me to motivate me: “don’t just think what can AMSA give to you, but what you can give to AMSA.” Always remember your love to AMSA-Indonesia and your confidence that you can and you want to make AMSA better. Additional Section
For this tenure’s executive board, keep your spirit, learn from your mistakes over this year, and you will get the experience. Also, hand over your goods to the next tenure. For the next tenure’s executive board, do your job wholeheartedly. Don’t get bored to always learn and expand your knowledge also network in AMSA. Get as much experience as you can. AMSA will give it all to you. Like AMSA give it to me. “Moving together in one mind we act, becoming closer and making impact.”
- Janice Tanumihardja, Secretary of Membership and D e v e l o p m e n t A M S A- I n d o n e s i a 2015/2016
Additional Section
Hi People of Tomorrow! I’m Falensia Dwita Lestari, but people call me Dita. I’m a third year student from Hasanuddin University and this is also my third year of joining AMSA and I would like to share a little of my story in AMSA, especially as Liaison Officer for Governmental Organization and non-Governmental Organization (LO for GO
and NGO) AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017. “They call it an organization, but for us we are family,” for me this is the right phrase when describing AMSA. My life as a medical student made me want to have an organization that could give me experiences, relationships, and "family.” And in the end I decided AMSA as the organization I was in. At first, i love AMSA because i contributed as the committee for a National Event which was hosted by AMSAUnhas and I was given the chance to become an academic delegate and also the winner in one of the competitions in AMSA. Since that time, i was actively participating in AMSA and i was honored to be chosen as delegate to join AMSEP Thailand. After all that, i got motivated to improve my self to become part of the Executive Board of External Affair AMSAUnhas 2015/2016, where I got more lessons about AMSA and improving my work in AMSA. Becoming an EB of External Affair in AMSAUnhas made me have a chance to work with AMSA in my own university, and this makes me decide to continue my work in AMSA to become LO for GO and NGO. With my respect,
Additional Section
  I am very grateful for being elected as LO
Time flies, the years have passed, many
f o r G O a n d N G O A M S A- I n d o n e s i a
sweet memories and some bitter
memories I feel here. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for
GO and NGO collaboration is becoming a
tomorrow. The important thing is not to
very important element in running an
stop learning.
organization, since it can positively impact the image of organization itself to be a well
Last but not the least, I would like to
known organization as well as give the
thank all members of AMSA-Indonesia,
chance for members to learn more how to
especially who have participated in GO
build a good collaboration with external
and NGO cooperation and to people
parties. This type of act hopefully can
who have been helping me for almost a
strengthen the three fundamental
year, and very special to Ambassador of
foundation of Asian Medical Students'
Public Health, Anjani, Desi, Patty , Gaby,
Association: knowledge, action, and
Vika, Cindy, and Richard, without you
friendship. To cooperate with GO and NGO
I'm nothing. And I also want to
is not an easy thing, because I am often
apologize for all the mistakes I made
made to wait by related parties because of
during my tenure, hopefully AMSA-
their busy activities, so I have to be patient
Indonesia can get better in the future
and unyielding person. However, I do every
and bring positive impacts.
job with pleasure, because being a LO for GO and NGO is my passion and will have a big impact for my career in the future as a doctor and multiply the relationships I have, because relation have an important role in the career. “The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve your dream.� I never regretted becoming an EB, I hope anyone who would later replace me in this position or who will become Executive Board of other divisions will be people who are capable of carrying AMSA-Indonesia better yet, can provide benefits to his/her own self, others, and community. Additional Section
  Time flew fast till it finally reaches the nearly end of AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 tenure. Through all the ups and downs, together with the laughter and tears, we, AMSA-UPH, somehow realized that all AMSA-universities across Indonesia found out that the bound between us is stronger than the obstacles we got. There were some time to plant, but there will be some other time to gain. There were
times when we weep, times when we found that we've been making mistakes, but there we found that everything is going to be fine, since failure means getting progressive; and that tomorrow holds a brighter opportunity for those who learnt, and be able to be trusted a chance to grow. All the experiences spent within each of us would always be remembered, as precious journey of growing further, since we were empowered together to give the best, be the best, and will always be one big family, AMSAIndonesia.
It was a pleasure to work with
these amazing people: Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017, Representatives of all AMSA-universities in Indonesia, all national teams, and everyone in AMSA. Highest appreciation and applause because we'll soon end this all together, keep up all the good works; we wish you all the best for the rest of your studies and careers. !!
Additional Section
Hello people of tomorrow,  
Most of you are familiar with the phrase, "People of Tomorrow," which is used to describe AMSA members. This is because we are part of the future that has the ability to create change nationally. I believe that many of us will become successful in the near future, we just have to believe in ourselves.
AMSA isn't just a place that helps us become doctors, but it also trains us on how to become leaders as well. An organization has its own goals, but there is a special essence to it once a certain comfort level is reached. Take falling in love as an example. I don't believe in the phrase, "love at first sight," because falling in love takes time and there is a process that comes with it. This "process" helps develop the feeling of love for one another and this analogy can be applied to being in an organization. For me, AMSA is a place where I was reborn again because it has changed my life in many ways. My first year in AMSA was almost like a year of rejection. I was not chosen to be the representative of my university and my applications to AMSEP, AMSC, EAMSC, and even the National Team were not accepted. However when I looked at this from another perspective, I could see that this whole process was an enjoyable one. From all of those rejected applications I learned a few lessons that not everything comes easy. Also, I was blessed to have been given advice from my seniors within the organization to help guide me through these failures. I am very grateful to have their support.
Additional Section
  In my second year in AMSA my life began to change. One night around 11pm, I was anxiously waiting for the announcement of the new Executive Board members for AMSA-Indonesia. All of the sudden a few minutes before the announcements were supposed to be released, my phone rang with a call from a number I had not seen before. It was a call from "kak Auk." At that moment, I had just been introduced into my new family, the Executive Board of AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017. Throughout this past year we have been through happy, sad, and even times of sorrow; but life is about being faced with new obstacles, fighting battles that are meant to be won, and feeling thankful for what we have. Remember that in the end, wherever we might be, we all experienced these moments together. Thank you for the memories. Sincerely, Siti Zakiaturrahmah An extra special thank you to Publication and Promotion Team (Agra, Gavi, Jasmine, Ridzky, Verrell, Dhika, Ezra, and Fuad) all of you who took a little time out of your busy schedules to make this magazine the Arbor Vitae because without you this magazine would be nothing. Hopefully, this magazine will bring benefits to all members of AMSA-Indonesia and beyond. Additional Section




JOHN MAYER - COMEBACK by Sindy Irenewati

This Year John Mayer, a singer from Your Body Is A Wonderland track, back with his first fulllength album The Search for Everything in more than three years, and make it to the 2nd rank on Billboard 200 Album Chart.
This 12-track set
was a warm welcome from his brief hiatus and was dropped at midnight on April 14th 2017. Well known for his genre of music that adopting elements of rock, blues, and soul, this 29-yearold singer said “These songs represent literally hundreds of hours of living inside of these worlds.” on twitter when he explain the methodology about his new album. However, eight of the 12 songs were not new to the public. Mayer, who won his first Grammy Award on 2 0 0 3 w i t h h i s s i n g l e Yo u r B o d y I s A Wonderland, released his album in “waves” that came at an almost-monthly pace; the first wave dropped on January 2017, and the second wave was released on February 2017. Mayer choose to release the album in this unconventional format because he said there were too many songs to release them all at once. Mayer have been busy for his concert The Search For Everything World Tour. He has been succeded his first tour at New York City last month. He brought a few surprises out for the new tour with what he calls a “dream screen, dream team and a dream scheme” where the show is completed by the comeback of the legendary JM3 trio with Steve Jordan and Pino Paladino. At the end, Mayer said that “The Trio was a huge part of my musical career, it’s a chemistry class. Every time I play guitar with Steve and Pino, I come face to face with the music and spirit that I loved as a kid, and I always knew the trio would come back when it
was time.”
John Mayer - Come Back 01 Source : john-mayers-the-search-for-everything

John Mayer - Come Back 02 h t t p : // w w w . s e t l i s t . f m / s e t l i s t s / j o h n mayer-23d6bc3b.html

by Titisari W

The Auditory Magic in Movies 01
What stands out when you watch a movie? Is it that it as a great story? Great characters? Is it that the cinematography is beautiful? Is it that each actor is giving a great performance? Or perhaps is it that the soundtrack is amazing? Well, the last one is distinctive, at least for me personally. But it is not quite accurate though. A film ‘score’ is what actually draws my attention. First of all, let’s differentiate a score with a soundtrack. A film score is the music composed specifically for the movie to serve and enhance the story and is usually instrumental only. On the other hand, the soundtrack usually refers to the entirety of the music in the film, encompassing score, and songs that were either licensed or written for the film. Confusingly enough, often times record companies release a soundtrack from a movie which does not include any of the score. Generally, that’s because people are more interested in listening to songs from the movie that were written to stand alone, as opposed to score which was written to be part of the whole movie. In short, the term soundtrack can refer to only the songs in a movie, excluding the score.
What makes a film score very interesting to me is mainly the fact that it is often the reason we become bound to the movie emotionally. With every frame, filmmakers and videographers are trying to convey a specific emotion and of all the artistic tools at a filmmaker’s disposal, it can be argued that music is among the most vital – and certainly one of the most powerful.
Here are some popular opinions about film scores: Music adds to the emotional quality of the film. There is some empirical evidence to support this: fast and loud music arouses, slow and soft music calms. Motion and emotion are often entwined. Music, used skillfully, can cover up otherwise weak directing and/or cinematography. The eye is generally thought to be Many in the film industry, including
superior to the ear in our culture,
composers, feel that music offers a kind of
sub-text – it serves as thought bubbles on
Theophrastus feel that “[h]earing is
screen. When stories are transferred from
the sense that most deeply stirs
the page to the screen, inner thoughts and
our emotions” and Hermann
commentary are lost, which is a major
Helmholtz thinks that aural art
reason why many people feel a film version
"stands in a much closer
of a story is far inferior to the book. This
connection with pure sensation
sort of commentary is somehow replaced
than any of the other arts"
by the music. Film composers sometimes get Some film historians consider film music to
typecast. It is no surprise that John
be a leftover remnant from the silent film
Williams's themes to E.T., Star
era (rather like a vestigial organ).
Wars, and Indiana Jones are difficult to hum in succession
Music is generally thought of as a universal
because they sound similar.
language. Some people love the score to a Instrumental clichés are common in the
movie within the context of the
industry. Strings are thought to be the most
movie, but if they hear it outside of
expressive instrument because they are
the context of the movie, they do
closest to the human voice in “range and
not like it.
  I h i g h l y a p p re c i a t e t h e s e c o m p o s e r s w h o successfully manage to bring joy and awe as I was watching some movies. I hope for readers to give more considerations towards their masterpieces! Here is my personal list of top-notch film score composers in history (mostly in line with the awesomeness of the movie – so the movies are also recommended): 1. Hans Zimmer Known for: The Lion King, Inception, Interstellar, Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, Kung Fu Panda, Sherlock Holmes, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Pirates of the
Hans Zimmer
Caribbean, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Inferno, Madagascar, The Ring. 2. John Williams Known for: Harry Potter, Star Wars, E.T. (The ExtraTerrestrial), Home Alone, Jurassic Park, Superman, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Saving Private Ryan, War Horse, Hook. 3. Michael Giachinno Known for: Up, Inside Out, Jurassic World, Ratatouille, Rogue One, Mission Impossible III.
John Williams
4. Harry Gregson-Williams Known for: The Chronicles of Narnia, Shrek, X-Men. 5. John Powell Known for: How to Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda. 6. Alan Menken Known for: Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Tangled, Pocahontas, Enchanted. 7. Justin Hurwitz Known for La La Land.
Michael Giachinno
8. Alan Silvestri Known for: Forrest Gump, Back to the Future, Avengers, Lilo and Stitch, The Polar Express. 9. James Horner Known for: Titanic, Avatar, Braveheart, a Beautiful Mind, The Amazing Spiderman. 10.
Howard Shore
Known for: The Lord of The Rings.
The Auditory Magic in Movies 02
There are for sure more composers, and my
YouTube (usage of earphones is highly
favorite-list might differ from yours. Thus,
recommended)! I feel tons of happiness by
what I can recommend you to do is making
listening to those tunes, and I really
your own list by paying more attention to
encourage more people to join me in
the background music in every movie
experiencing the engaging musical world of
you’re watching. You can also enjoy
film scores!
listening to these music by looking it up in


Difficult roads often leads to beautiful destination.
by Habib Yasin Mahmud

For one minute, walk outside. Stand there, in silence. Look up at the sky, and contemplate how amazing life is.  
by Habib Yasin Mahmud
Alternative Medicine: Drink the sea water Put on you life jacket, fin, and snorkel ! Get ready to enjoy Sunday Morning in Derawan
by Mathilda Abigail
In the place where a hello can be heard, a book can be flipped, and apple is just a fruit. This Image was taken at Jabungan Land, Semarang when I was attending AMSA-Undip’s Event of The Year 2017
by Andry Setiadharma
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny ? by Sesa Amelia
Jangan memikirkan masa lalu, jang konsentrasikan pikiran pada saat se -Buddha by Joue Abraham Trixie
gan memimpikan masa depan, ekarang.
Music, Brings Color to Blindness His name is Opa Alex, a 62 year old man, he played flute and he is blind. “Why do you play music?” i asked and he answered, “Being blind isn’t a choice for me. It’s hard and it’s dark, but you can play some music to bring color to your life”
by I Putu Ardi Wiraprasidi

True Colors But I see your true colors Shining through I see your true colors And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors True colors are beautiful Like a rainbow
by Joue Abraham Trixie
Seeing the world is more educational than a high school or college class. You’re actually experiencing this learning in real life.
by Arshy Febita
Swirly bokeh merupakan salah satu profil bokeh yang unik dari beberapa lensa manula.
by Ahmad Ezra Saleh

With Heart, Without Eyes by David Calvin
Contact Us:
Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017
Agra Farellio Moniga Gaviota Hartono Jasmine Putri Effendi Ridzky P Y Verrell Christopher Dwi Andhika P Ahmad Ezra Saleh
M Fuad Alamsyah
AMSA-Sebelas Maret // Ligya Marline Arbor vitaenya keren, isinya pas dan menarik, ilustrasinya juga bagus-bagus. Tapi menurutku beberapa fontnya masih kurang pas sih (kesannya yang kayak di convert ke default jadi ga pas gitu (?) walaupun ga mengganggu banget sih jadi masih bagus dan enak diliat hehe.
Arbor Vitae 17th edition "HEARING: They Change in the Pressure Of the Surrounding Medium Through Time". W o w w, s a y a h a r a p b i s a mendengar banyak banyak dan banyak lagi pujian untuk Arbor Vitae's 17th edition dan Arbor Vitae edisi selanjutnya sampai lewat masa pun:). Arbor Vitae dengan "Hearing.." ini berisi banyak konten yang tidak monoton, baru dan informatif khususnya Medical Affairs dan Technology. Ohhiya, konten "At the Peak of AMSEP" sangat motivatif dan mengesankan. Sebagai member AMSA, CV dan interview pada konten ini membuat saya lebih semangat untuk aktif berAMSA. Intinya, edisi ini sangat menarik sebagai bahan bacaan. Bukan hanya kontennya, desainnya yang ringan dan kreatif juga menjadi poin penting untuk majalah yang menarik. Kesannya, desain yang kece itu tidak susah, yang penting kreatif.
Tiap majalah pasti punya ciri k h a s n ya m a s i n g - m a s i n g . Karena saya cinta banget sama majalah jadi suka untuk 'menilik' hingga ke sudut majalah. Yang paling disukai dari majalah Arbor Vitae adalah konsistensi dari tiap edisi. Pembahasannya selalu keren. D a n te m a nya j u g a ke ce. U n t u k l a yo u t , y a n g j a d i perhatian saya adalah ciri khasnya majalah Arbor Vitae. ( M a a f j i k a k e l i r u h e h e) , majalah ini punya ciri khas tersendiri dalam penggunaan warna dalam layout. Selalu menggunakan beberapa warna dasar dalam layout majalah. Kalau di edisi ini kayaknya hitam, putih, abuabu dan biru jadi kayak warna dasar di perwajahan halaman. Keren kok, penggunaan warna2 yg minimalis ini jadi ciri khas majalah ini sedikit usulan mungkin lebih ke pengaturan kolom, baris dan layout untuk tulisan/ artikelnya. Mungkin ke depannya bisa dibikin lebih rapi biar makin mirip sama majalah-majalah komersil heheh. Tapi selebihnya udah keren kok. Good job redaksi Majalah Arbor Vitae.
Sukses terus untuk Arbor Vitae edisi-edisi lainnya, VIVA AMSA!
AMSA-UNHAS // Suandih Zulkarnain A r b o r V i t a e o f A M S AIndonesia is currently at 17th edition. The 17th edition emerges with “Hearing: They Change in the Pressure of the Surrounding Medium Through Time” theme, which is creative and one of the worldwide issue we rarely see being discussed nowadays. By taking a look at the content, it features 7 unique contents, consisting Medical Affairs, Interview, AMSA Event, Technology, City Guide, Music, and Photography, which is 1 content fewer than the 16th edition. Despite on every contents’ magnificence, the contents more likely began to look repetitive, and starts providing something notnew to all the loving reader, including me. If we take a look at some previous editions, Culinary section was once came up, supplying an extraordinary content, and a bit more interesting to be read. As one of Arbor Vitae’s huge fans, I really expect much on the next edition of Arbor Vitae, and expecting some ideas for new contents. Even so, Arbor Vitae is still one of a splendor artwork by the Editor team, or the PnP team of AMSA-Indonesia 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7. R e a l l y l o o k forward on the next edition!
AMSA-Brawijaya Latania Naufa A.
Untuk Arbor Vitae edisi 17, aku sudah suka sama konten2 dan desaigndesignya nya karena menurutku kontennya sudah mencakup secara luas tentang AMSA sendiri dan di luar AMSA, pembahasan masing2 artikel juga mudah dimengerti jadi enak dibaca. Secara keseluruhan untuk Arbor Vitae sudah bagus.
AMSA-Brawijaya Fitriya S
AMSA-Brawijaya Dedy Budi K.
Arbor Vitae kemarin sudah bagus kontenkontenya juga menarik tentang event di AMSA yang harus dipertahankan desaign nya yang menarik dan isi konten yang menarik.
Keren banget, sudah bagus saya suka desainnya mininalis, feel nya juga sudah dapat. Ta p i p e r l u d i b e r i halaman, kalau bisa sih dikasih footer kecil yang seragam di tiap halamannya.
AMSA-Hang Tuah Rani Waskita Kelana Desaignya bagus, enak dibaca. Pembahasannya juga keren-keren.
A M S A - D I p o n e g o r o // A n d r y Setiadharma Halooo! Salam kenal saya Andry mewakili AMSA-Undip, pertama-tama kami dari AMSA-Undip ingin mengucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada Kak Siti dan PnP team karena beberapa artikel yang kami submit dimuat dalam Arbor Vitae edisi 17 kemarin! Teman-teman dari AMSA-Undip sendiri sangat antusias untuk menulis di majalah Arbor Vitae saat mereka mengetahui kalau ternyata ada banyak sekali pilihan rubrik yang bisa mereka pilih. Awalnya beberapa dari mereka mengira untuk menulis di Arbor Vitae mereka wajib menuliskan artikel kesehatan haha. Ternyata beberapa dari teman kami ada yang sangat tertarik untik menuliskan a r t i ke l t e r u t a m a u n t u k r u b r i k "Interview", "Music" dan "City Guide"
AMSA-Airlangga M Dwiky Subagya Konten dari arbor vitae ini cukup menarik dan sudah bagus. Saya suka.
Arbor Vitae selalu menjadi salah satu majalah favorit saya karena desainnya yang simpel namun elegan, dan selalu memuat artikel-artikel yang ringan namun berisi. Saya sendiri selalu menunggununggu rubrik "Interview" dan "Medical Affairs" di tiap edisinya, karena artikel yang dimuat kreatif banget dan kadang ada ilustrasi yang keren banget, tapi tidak pernah melenceng dari tema utama. Publikasi dari Arbor Vitae edisi 17 kemarin sendiri menurut saya sudah sangat meningkat pesat, karena sudah banyak sekali member baru AMSA-Undip yang tidak sabar untuk menulis di edisi selanjutnya. Saran dari saya mungkin bisa ditambahkan lebih banyak ilustrasi di halaman-halaman kosong karena ilustrasinya lucu dan kreatif banget! Saya sendiri sangat senang jika bisa mendapatkan versi cetak dari Arbor Vitae selanjutnya haha. Sedih banget ini bakal jadi edisi terakhir tenure ini. Thankyou buat Kak Siti dan PnP team, Keep up the good work! Viva AMSA!