Open Recruitment National Team of AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 Official Booklet

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NATIONAL TEAM AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020




National Team AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020

Apa itu National Team? National Team of AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 merupakan anggota AMSA-Indonesia yang dipilih oleh Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 untuk menjalankan fungsi sebagai perpanjangan tangan Executive Board terkait. National Team of AMSA-Indonesia terdiri dari: Academic Team

Finance and Partnership Team

Secretary of Academic (8 orang)

Secretary of Finance and Partnership (34 orang)

Research Team

Publication and Promotion Team

Secretary of Research (8 orang)

Secretary of Publication and Promotion (8 orang)

Community Outreach Team

AMSEP Officer

Secretary of Community Outreach (8 orang)

Director of AMSEP (34 orang)

AMSA-Elite Chairperson

Ambassador of Public Health

Secretary of Membership and Development (8 orang)

Liaison OfďŹ cer for NGO (7 orang)

Hak dan Kewajiban Hak Umum a. Dapat mengajukan diri sebagai calon Regional Chairperson dan Executive Board of AMSA-Indonesia pada kepengurusan berikutnya. b. Berkomunikasi dengan AMSA-universitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan job description yang telah ditetapkan dan dalam lingkup kerja yang telah ditentukan. c. Mendapatkan seat di acara-acara nasional yang membutuhkan kinerja National Team di dalamnya. d. Mendapatkan skill set yaitu Komunikator, Kepemimpinan, Tanggung Jawab dan Problem Solving. Kewajiban a. Memberikan laporan kepada Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia terkait, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis mengenai kinerja yang dilakukan terhadap AMSA-universitas yang ditangani. b. Melaksanakan job description yang telah ditentukan dan berada dalam pengawasan Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia terkait.

Posisi National Team AMSA-Indonesia

AMSA International

Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia

Advisory Board AMSA-Indonesia

Representative (AMSA-Universitas)

National Team AMSA-Indonesia Garis Koordinasi Garis Komando

National Event dan National Team

Rapat Kerja Nasional

PnP Team (2 orang) FnP Team (2 orang) R-Team (4 orang) CO Team (8 orang) A-Team (2 orang) APH Nasional APH Distrik (6 orang)

National Action Event

Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition

PnP Team (3 orang) FnP Team (2 orang) R-Team (4 orang) CO Team (4 orang) A-Team (3 orang) APH Nasional AEC (8 orang)

National Leadership Training

PnP Team (2 orang) FnP Team (2 orang) CO Team (4 orang) A-Team (2 orang) APH Nasional

Musyawarah Nasional

PnP Team (2 orang) FnP Team (4 orang) R-Team (2 orang) A-Team (1 orang) AEC (8 orang)

Masa Jabatan 1. Umum Pengesahan setelah pengumuman National Team terpilih melalui mailing list AMSA-Indonesia (Oktober 2019) dan masa jabatan diakhiri saat Musyawarah Nasional AMSA-Indonesia 2020 (Mei/Juni 2020). 2. Ambassador of Public Health Ambassador of Public Health AMSA-Indonesia dan Ambassador of Public Health District disahkan saat National Action Event 2019 dan masa jabatan diakhiri saat National Action Event 2020.

Batasan 1. Tidak melakukan tindakan di luar persetujuan dan sepengetahuan Executive Board terkait. 2. Tidak melakukan tindakan di luar lingkup kerja. 3. Tidak melakukan tindakan kepada AMSA-universitas di luar wilayah kerja yang telah ditentukan oleh Executive Board AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020.

Proses Seleksi


15 September-21 September 2019 Submisi Open Recruitment National Team AMSA-Indonesia dibuka di mailing list dan pengumpulan berkas.

24 September 2019 Pengumuman jadwal wawancara.

27-29 September 2019 Wawancara online melalui aplikasi Skype (Khusus FnP Team dan AMSEP OfďŹ cer tidak melakukan sesi wawancara).

6 Oktober 2019 Pengumuman National Team AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 melalui mailing list AMSA-Indonesia

Penyeleksian menjadi 12 besar berdasarkan berkas yang diajukan (CV, motivation letter, recommendation letter, essay), dan wawancara.

Dilakukan wawancara online melalui aplikasi Skype kemudian diseleksi menjadi 12 besar.

APH Ambassador of Public Health

Proses seleksi APH Nasional dinamakan “Election of Ambassador of Public Health (APH) AMSA-Indonesia and The Active Finalist of APH 2019-2020�

Penyeleksian APH Finalist d AMSA-Indone berdasarkan p

Setela menca denga campa

Setiap dalam bekerj sudah denga

Setiap kegiat ditentu

menjadi 6 dan 1 APH esia penilaian

SemiďŹ nalist yang berasal dari distrik yang sama dengan APH AMSA-Indonesia terpilih akan diangkat sebagai APH Distrik tersebut.

ah pengumuman 12 besar, setiap calon APH wajib ari partner GO/NGO untuk diajak bekerjasama an AMSA-Indonesia melalui suatu proyek health aign.

p calon APH wajib membuat motivation letter yang di mnya berisikan GO/NGO apa yang telah diajak untuk jasama, mengapa memilih GO/NGO tersebut, dan h sejauh mana perkembangan hubungan calon APH an GO/NGO tersebut.

p calon APH wajib membuat video laporan hasil tan health campaign selama durasi yang telah ukan.

Dari proses seleksi ini akan diperoleh 1 orang APH AMSA-Indonesia dan 6 orang APH Distrik 1-6




Secretary of Academic “Academic Team (A-Team) AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020” A-Team is a team whose task is to collaborate with the Secretary of Academic AMSA Indonesia 2019/2020. This team will work together with the Secretary of Academic for actualizing national academic programs, supervising local academic activities, and increasing philosophy of knowledge in each AMSA-university. A-Team will be the academic district supervisor for each district in AMSA-Indonesia, except for district 2 and 6 will consist of two academic district supervisors. The purpose of A-Team is: ●

To assist Secretary of Academic in running all of the academic programs which have been planned and to be the representative of Secretary of Academic for each AMSA-university or district.

To ensure information about academic programs and competitions is well conveyed to each AMSA-university.

To increase academic participation from AMSA-Indonesia members.

Job Description: ●

A-Team has a job to assist Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia in each district. A-Team will supervise, follow-up, and escalate the philosophy of knowledge in each AMSA-university. LAT and all of the academic programs and/or activities which owned by AMSA-university must be reported by ATeam to Secretary of Academic.

A-Team will attend two online A-Team Training Sessions for AMSAuniversity assistance preparation.

Every three months, A-Team will report the academic participation of each AMSA-university to the Secretary of Academic. Every AMSA-Indonesia member that participate in academic competitions representing AMSA will get a point for their AMSA-university.

A-Team also helps Secretary of Academic for actualizing jobs which revolves around creative projects, especially A-Partners, LATs, AMINO, ABook publication follow up, and project competition programs which are being held by AMSA International.

A-Team will attend meetings every three months to report the progress of academic in each AMSA-university that will be discussed together with Secretary of Academic.

A-Team will be given a report at the end of the period about the performance from Secretary of Academic of AMSA-Indonesia

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please send your requirements before the deadline to: •

2. Director of AMSEP “AMSEP Officer AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020” The team is not a regional team, or a team that will do the job description of Director of AMSEP, AMSEP Team will work under the coordination of Director of AMSEP. Each university is strongly recommended to send 1 person to be the AMSEP officer (which is also a member of AMSA). After this team is formed, Director of AMSEP will make a forum by using LINE group and Skype. This will be a place when Director of AMSEP posts announcement and information about AMSEP (hosting opportunity, delegation opportunity, deadlines, etc) and discusses AMSEP with the team, e.g: setting of exchange dates, advices to host universities, and others. Every important announcement is given by the Director of AMSEP in the forum should be forwarded to the local AMSA members by the AMSEP Officer. Online meeting will be held once in three months and another meeting will be held if necessary. To increase AMSA members’ enthusiasm regarding AMSEP, Director of AMSEP will work together with Secretary of Publication and Promotion, and AMSEP Team to promote AMSEP on several platforms, such as Youtube, Facebook, and AMSA-Indonesia’s official website. The purposes of having this AMSEP Officer are: ●

To supervise and support AMSEP internally in AMSA-Indonesia (delegation and hosting).

To make sure information about AMSEP is sent to AMSA-Indonesia members (local).

To increase contributions of AMSA-Indonesia’s members in AMSEP.

To make a forum; for sharing, learning, giving aspirations, spreading information about AMSEP between Director of AMSEP and AMSAuniversities.

Job Description: ●

To help Director of AMSEP supervise hosting universities.

To spread information about AMSEP precisely from Director of AMSEP to

AMSA-universities. ●

To supervise, help, and support Indonesian AMSEP delegates through social media and online chatting.

To guide AMSA-universities especially those who have never hosted AMSEP before. For each university who would like to participate in AMSEP this year

(especially hosting) or just to be an observer or learner, it is strongly encouraged to send 1 person to be the AMSEP Officer (this person can be any AMSA member). After all, this year, it is strongly expected for each AMSA-university to have an AMSEP Officer. Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please send your requirements before the deadline to: •

3. Secretary of Community Outreach “Community Outreach Team AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020” To establish good coordination between AMSA-university and Secretary of Community Outreach, there will be Community Outreach Team who will help Secretary of Community Outreach to monitor the social events in AMSAuniversity. The purpose of having this Community Outreach Team: •

To assist Secretary of Community Outreach in connecting AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA-university, spreading information about Community Outreach 2019/2020 program plans to AMSA-university, ensuring and monitoring the existence and the implementation of AMSA-university’s social program.

Job Description: ●

To help AMSA-university in conducting social program.

To distribute and follow up the Guideline of Community Outreach to AMSAuniversity and be the connector if there are suggestions, critics, and questions regarding the social program plans.

To help Secretary of Community Outreach in reminding and monitoring AMSA-university to conduct PCP.

To help AMSA-university that wants to conduct an event with NGO in collaboration with LO for GO and LO for NGO.

To help Secretary of Community Outreach to encourage, follow up, and guide every AMSA-university to participate in EOTY and CFC.

To coordinate with Secretary of Research in data collecting for EOTY.

To actively participate in every Emergency Relief.

To participate, follow up and encourage AMSA-Indonesia members to join Social Hour in NAE, NLT, and IMSTC.

To actively participate in AMSA District Project in collaboration with Ambassador of Public Health.

To coordinate with LO for NGO for Arms of Healthcare in NAE.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please send your requirements before the deadline to: •

4. Secretary of Membership and Development “AMSA Elite Chairperson AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020”

AMSA Elite Chairperson (AEC) is a national team, who works together with Secretary of Membership and Development directly during the whole tenure to communicate with AMSA-university. The purpose of having this AEC: ●

To assist Secretary of Membership & Development in finishing the project plans, which have been planned in the beginning of the tenure; especially related with every local AMSA-universities; both Representative and member.

Job Description: ●

To become the bridge between local AMSA to AMSA-Indonesia; in terms of ideas, aspirations, and feedbacks.

To make and collect Evaluation Reports of events and conditions in AMSAuniversity for at least three times in the whole tenure.

To collect the data of new members in each AMSA-university for database and member card purposes, as well as the data of AMSA alumni for AMSAAC purposes.

To help collecting AMSA-university Alumni data for AMSA-Indonesia Alumni Club database.

To socialize standardizations, making sure that AMSA-universities have read and understood the standardizations, and then to collect feedback by AMSA-universities.

To socialize information and events from AMSA-Indonesia and AMSAInternational.

To socialize scoring criteria of AMSA-Indonesia Award, to collect the necessary data for scoring process, and to help the scoring process.

To be the coordinator of every district in AMSA International Day’s Cultural

Booth. ●

To be the moderator in AMSA District Forum of his/her respective district.

To take part in promoting AMSAAC to AMSA-universities in accordance to instructions from Secretary of Membership and Development.

To be contributed in the making of Buku Putih AMSA-Indonesia.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please Send your requirements before the deadline to: •

5. Secretary of Finance and Partnership “Finance and Partnership Team AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020”

Finance and Partnership team (FnP-Team) works with Secretary of Finance and Partnership in one period of stewardship that has been selected or recommended by Representative. The purpose of having this Finance and Partnership Team: ●

To assist Secretary of Finance and Partnership in the promotion and distribution of merchandise for sale to all local AMSA and provide benefits for both sides.

Job Description: ●

A liaison between Secretary of Finance and Partnership with AMSAuniversity in promoting and distributing merchandise.

To help promoting and selling merchandise AMSA-Indonesia to all members and non AMSA-university members.

To be responsible in ordering and distributing merchandise to AMSAuniversity.

To report sales results merchandise AMSA has been purchased by AMSAuniversity after distribution finished.

To help getting information for sponsorship database from each AMSAuniversity. Finance and Partnership team selection was not selected by Secretary of

Finance and Partnership because they have been elected by Representative in each university. Formation supervisors of Finance and Partnership Team held after elected Finance and Partnership Team. The supervisor Finance and Partnership Team will be selected by Secretary of Finance and Partnership and will be divided each district. Every month, online meeting will be done to check AMSA-university finance progress.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please Send your requirements before the deadline to: •

6. Secretary of Publication and Promotion “Publication and Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020”

AMSA-Indonesia is a vastly growing organization; it has members spread all over Indonesia. This is why a strong and consistent publication team is needed to keep the communication between members and public intact. Publication and Promotion team is a team formed to help the Secretary of Publication and Promotion to help him execute his work plans, which includes publicizing and promoting AMSA-Indonesia to its members and the public. Publication and Promotion team is also needed to help maintain the quality of Publication and Promotion to potential media partners, NGOs, GOs, and public itself. The purpose of having this Publication and Promotion (PnP) Team: ●

To assist Secretary of Publication and Promotion in executing his work plans according to job description as explained.

Job Description: ●

Chaperone at Promotion: ○ Cooperating with AMSA associates (AMSA-Indonesia Executive Boards and their respective national teams) who hold promotion at the targeted university, NGO, and/or media partners. ○ To help Secretary of Publication and Promotion promote publications made by AMSA-Indonesia. ○ Responsible for media issues during the presentation, e.g. the materials (keynote, video, and booklet), the equipment (venue, projector, microphone, etc.).

Primary Contributor & Local Reporter: ○ Obliged to contribute and report to the AMSA-Indonesia e-Magazine and/or website during the specified time ○ Responsible for engaging more people from his/her district to write for

AMSA-Indonesia e-Magazine on different section apart from AMSA events section. ○ Responsible for the layout and contributors for 1 section in each edition of AMSA-Indonesia e-Magazine. ●

District Supervisor: ○ Responsible for the performance of Primary Contributor in certain district in terms of motivating primary contributors to contribute to AMSAIndonesia magazine and/or website and reviewing the efficacy of their work. ○ To help Secretary of Publication and Promotion find media partners to promote district events especially AMSA District Project in his/her respective district. ○ Follow up all works and activities of local publication and promotion in his/her respective district.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form 5. Portfolio (include your publication / art works, for instance, posters, videos, logos, photography, animations, music, drawings, etc.). The portfolio can be attached, or just give the link if the size is too big. Please send your requirements before the deadline to: ●

7. Secretary of Research “Research Team (R-Team) AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020”

The establishment of Research Team (R-Team) is determined to aid the National Research Project (R-Project) and also the International Research Task if needed. Research Team also acts as an extension of Secretary of Research for each district. The purpose of having this R-Team: ●

To assist the Secretary of Research in running all of the work programs.

To maintain and improve the participation of each district in every Research work programs.

Job Description ●

Together with Secretary of Research, maintain the research atmosphere in each district of AMSA-Indonesia by being a representative who is responsible for their district in charge and also to socialize and communicate any research event in AMSA-Indonesia and AMSA International.

Work together with Secretary of Research in running the work programs by being the Person in Charge (PIC) for each of them (NRPC, R-Project, RWS, Research Time with The Expert, R-Ticles 5, R-Video) and even International Research Task (conditional), under the supervision of the Secretary of Research.

Reporting the conditions in every research event and a SWOT analysis in each university of its district in charge through an evaluation report and discuss it every 2 months in online and/or direct meetings.

To aid in Research Project (R-Project) which is the continuation from NRPC including the final presentation. The winner of NRPC will become the center of R-Project and R-Team will help the center throughout the research.

To carry out “Read, Write, Share: Experience with Research Journals” work

program which consists of reading a research methodology and journals provided by the Secretary of Research (READ) and to summarize them in the form of essay (WRITE). The essays will be shared to AMSA-Indonesia in R-Ticles 5 (SHARE). ●

To help Secretary of Research in holding a research talk show in NAE by being the moderator.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. Recommendation Letter from the Representative 4. National Team Application Form Please send your requirements before the deadline to: ●

8. Liaison Officer for Non-Governmental Organization “Ambassador of Public Health AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020”

Working under the guidance of LO for NGO, one Ambassador of Public Health AMSA-Indonesia and six Ambassador of Public Health District will work together to actualize one of AMSA-Indonesia’s philosophies: Action. In addition, the APHs help LO for NGO and LO for GO to coordinate with NGO or GO. The purpose of having APH : ●

To build and maintain relationships between AMSA-Indonesia and NGO and/or GO.

To create social projects for the society in collaboration with GO or NGO.

Job Description: APH AMSA-Indonesia ●

To represent AMSA-Indonesia in GO and NGO events.

To help LO for NGO and LO for GO in building relationships with new NGO or GO.

To help LO for NGO in maintaining previous established relationships with NGO.

To encourage and assist AMSA-university in making relationship with GO and NGO by routine communication with Representatives.

To initiate and create social programs in field of health that is aimed for the society.

To join all social programs and health campaign conducted by AMSAIndonesia in both online or offline activities.

To coordinate with Community Outreach Team to promote social activity of AMSA-Indonesia under the supervision of LO for NGO, LO for GO, and Secretary of Community Outreach.

To coordinate with Publication and Promotion Team under the supervision of Secretary of Publication and Promotion in publication projects along the

year. ●

Should be able to present at NAE 2019, IMSTC 2020, and NLT 2020.

APH District ●

To represent AMSA-Indonesia in GO and NGO events that is held in respective districts.

To help LO for NGO and LO for GO in coordinating with GO/NGO in respective districts.

To encourage and assist AMSA-university in making relationship with GO and NGO by routine communication with Representatives.

To help LO for NGO and LO for GO in distributing information to Representatives.

To create social programs including AMSA District Project in respective district.

To help and support APH AMSA-Indonesia in conducting APH Project.

To coordinate with Community Outreach Team to promote social activity of AMSA-Indonesia under the supervision of LO for NGO, LO for GO, and Secretary of Community Outreach.

To coordinate with Publication and Promotion Team under the supervision of Secretary of Publication and Promotion in publication projects along the year.

Should be able to present at NAE 2019.

Required Documents 1. CV 2. Motivation Letter 3. National Team Application Form 4. Recommendation Letter from Representative 5. Photo 4x6 6. Essay

Please send your requirements before the deadline to: ●


Raynanda Kevin Alifiano Regional Chairperson AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 896 7510 1965

Amira Azra Arisa Putri General Secretary AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 812 7347 0062

Jason Phowira Treasurer AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 813 7825 3185

Marshal Achmad W. Secretary of Membership and Development AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 812 1011 7722

Ignatius Evan Santosa Secretary of Publication and Promotion AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 812 1047 6685

Nabila Ananda Kloping Secretary of Research AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 817 584 040

Christina Wunardi Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 815 1389 5541

Junjungan Nimasratu R. Director of AMSEP AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 856 0825 2352

Kenny Robert Tan Secretary of Finance and Partnership AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 812 3393 8167

Chandra William Suhendar Liaison Officer for GO AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 823 1540 0101

Yoriska Liaison Officer for NGO AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 812 8886 4184

Catherine Sharon R. Silaban Secretary of Community Outreach AMSA-Indonesia 2019/2020 +62 878 8008 9878

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