AMSA International eNewsletter - Issue #17

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Balance is the key to life.


W I D H I O v e r a l l

Garda Widhi Nurraga is a fifth year student in Diponegoro University, Indonesia. Being a medical student allows him to have a deeper look on his personality. He has been through ups and downs in life which broaden his knowledge and perspective. That would be the advantage particularly to strengths that he has, for being able to observe things objectively, think out of the box and be assertive. In addition to his natural part of being a hardworking, strong-willed, passionate, detail-oriented, and outgoing person. Despite them all, he needs to work on a little harder in controlling his emotion which has been his weakness for years. Garda has gained tons of priceless experience that he would not receive by listening to lectures. Growing up as a person, in term of personality and working as a professional, is the best part of being involved in AMSA. AMSA helps to expand networking, ranging from juniors to alumni, from medical to non-health professionals. Not to mention, he can fulfill his hobby in travelling while

N U R R A G A C h a i r p e r s o n

doing is duties in AMSA. People think that being active in organization while pursuing dream to be a doctor is extremely hard to conquer. Only by understanding one's capability, weakness and priority that it becomes possible. Therefore, he made it as the principle in life, that balance is the key to life. He has been active in AMSA since the first year, continued with being a District Supervisor aiding Secretary of MnD in Indonesia, Regional Chairperson of AMSA-Indonesia, Secretary of MnD AMSA International, and finally Overall Chairperson. His hope for AMSA is to be a platform and a home for medical students, especially its members, to chase opportunity, raise ideas, share knowledge and experience, in order to gain the benefits and inspire people. It is time to provide more benefits and opportunities, expand the network and partnership, and continue these great achievements for the betterment of AMSA International.

A smooth sea will never make a skilled sailor.




G e n e r a l

S e c r e t a r y

Ahmad Aulia Rizaly is a 5th year medical student of Universitas Hasanuddin which is located in Makassar, Indonesia. He is a cheerful and hardworking person. He loves taking (or some say “making”) photographs, designing, video-making, anything about that your eyes love to see. Commonly called as Auk, he has been working in AMSA since 2012. His first year in AMSA is spent as Secretary of External Affair of AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin and District Supervisor for District 6 – National Publication and Promotion Team of AMSA-Indonesia. The next year, he applied and was selected as Secretary of Publication and Promotion AMSA-Indonesia. In 2014, he continued his contribution as Advisory Board of AMSA-Indonesia and Secretary for Publications and Promotions of AMSA International. Today, he is the General Secretary of AMSA International for the 2015-2016 term.

He certainly has gained numerous things from AMSA. The opportunity to expand his knowledge, act for the beneficence of society, and also make friends in the process are some of the benefits he felt the most. AMSA has also given him the chance to expand creativity by giving opportunities to serve as Publication and Promotion (P&P). His work in AMSA is never easy. Many have been sacrificed; time, personal indulgence, and sometimes relationship. It turns out that working in AMSA is not as easy as he had in mind. But a smooth sea will never make a skilled sailor. With that in mind, he knows exactly how to face every obstacles in his works. This year is going to be his last year as Executive Committee of AMSA. He is hoping that AMSA will keep on thriving as one family and more of its members are willing to work for AMSA.

Do your best and do not regret.

C H I T S A N U P O N G V i c e


C h a i r p e r s o n

Chitsanupong Ratarat, or called as White, is a 4th year medical student from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He is a friendly, playful and talkative person, but at the same time serious when needed. His favorite things can be summarized into three; eat, take photos, and travel. Three years before, he decided to be a staff to take the Filipinos around Bangkok in order to practice his rusty English. Later on, he learned that it was actually an AMSEP. It was the first step that drives him to participate in AMSA Thailand. He then joined AMSC Philippines and found it really inspiring that he want to participate more of AMSA chapter. He learned how much contribution can be given as a medical student and as a member of healthcare system to the society. It was an eye-opener for him at that time, to see medical students presenting their projects, discussing regional healthcare problem and exchanging ideas and knowledge to solve it. This inspired

I n t e r n a l

him to try and do better than before. Failing in scientific paper did not stop him from trying. And it finally pays off two years later when he won the public poster competition. So far, he has participated in numerous AMSA Thailand activities. He has taken a number of positions in AMSA Thailand Executive Committee ranging from schoolcoordinator to Vice Chairperson for AMSC 2014, Thailand. Being in AMSA has taught him not only to be organized and time efficient, but also the value of friendships. It is the reason he joined AMSA. Action. Knowledge. Friendship. This year he is entrusted as the Vice Chairperson Internal of AMSA International Executive Committee 2015 - 2016. He hopes AMSA will continue to rise to its best for years to come with more potential new members.


Leave no regret.

U W A N N A V i c e

B O O N S I R I C H A N C h a i r p e r s o n

Suwanna Boonsirichan is a 5th year medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Thailand who is passionate about mentoring and nurturing medical students to become well-rounded doctors through the international medical students' association, namely AMSA. Her proactivity and strategic planning are her strengths whereas she tends to overthink sometimes. This young Thai lady are in love with reading good books and interestingly indulging herself in the music of sea breeze or any natural sounds. She also cannot stand any disorganised mess. “Leave no regrets” is her life motto; she always gives her best and all in everything she pursues. Evidently AMSA has taken a big part of Suwanna's medical school journey. She has been active in AMSA since year 1 as school coordinator of AMSA Thailand 2011/12, AMSA Thailand Annual Conference ViceDirector 2012/13, Vice Chairperson of AMSA Thailand 2013/14, Vice Chairperson of AMSC2014 (Proxy) Thailand, 2014, Regional Chairperson of AMSA Thailand 2014/15 and the current Vice Chairperson of External

E x t e r n a l

Affairs of AMSA International 2015/16. For her, AMSA is a family. It has shaped and nurtured her in many ways, academically and mentally. She has grown exponentially in her interpersonal and other valuable soft skills. Unknowingly, these skills have become her cores and result in who she is today. The top of the list of what she has gained through AMSA is the international network comprising of people whom she has encountered along this road - many professional, inspiring, motivated and warm-hearted friends. Suwanna's vision for AMSA International is to be a home for all medical students in the Asia Pacific Oceania and beyond. AMSA can provide a platform for enthusiastic and passionate medical students to fully exercise their research skills and foster international medical students' network to emerge as well-rounded and cosmopolitan doctors.

J S e c r e t

You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher.

E V O N D A a r y

f o r


P r o m o

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Jevonda Edria Bamitha is a 4th year medical student at Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Some might address her as a very complex person. She is shy and outgoing at the same time, ambitious but lazy as well. Her strength rises from the passion she has, enabling her to give the best for her works. But she also has some issues related with bad time management. It is something she has always been trying to ďŹ x from a long time. She does not have a life motto, but there is this quote she cannot forget. You won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher. It is a Chinese proverb telling not to always force things, as some only need time. The meaning behind that quote inspires her in the work she does and reminds her of the experience she has in AMSA. AMSA has given her a chance to explore the world of publication and promotion, an opportunity she knows cannot be found elsewhere. From competitions and conferences to student exchanges, all within a very complete and meaningful vision of AMSA.


B A M I T H A P u b l i c a

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Before becoming the Secretary for Promotions and Publications of A M S A International, Jevo has participated in AMSA-Indonesia's Executive Board as Secretary of Publication and Promotion. She has also attended several conferences including EAMSC 2015 in Indonesia as a committee and AMSC 2015 in Singapore as a delegate. Her hopes for AMSA is to be better and to push the limits of medical students. She believes in her heart that medical students can do so much for the people out there, and the best part is that we can do it together.

Live your life to the fullest.

F I N L A N D S e c r e t a r y

For Finland Tan, it is an honour to be Secretary of Finance for the year 2015/2016. She is a ďŹ rst year medical student at Deakin University, Australia. During the weekend, she can be found either at the park or the beach doing dierent kinds of outdoor activities. She is known as an easygoing person who enjoys socializing. However, she is still learning to control her short temper with varying success so far. Being newly acquainted with AMSA International, Finland realized the need to learn much more. It was through a fortunate turn of events that she learnt about AMSA International, when she was given the invaluable opportunity to become a general delegate for Australia for the AMSC 2015 in Singapore. She felt how stimulating the conference and how friendly the participants were. A big thank you to those who made the conference a success, to her Australia team mates and group friends.

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F i n a n c e

The conference has taught her a lot, from eye-opening knowledge on Geriatric Medicine to the excitement of gaining many great friends. She believes in the vision of AMSA International in bridging countries together and augmenting knowledge. It is with all sincerity that she looks forward to the continuous growth of AMSA. Until that, she wishes everyone to study hard and play hard because she believes in living life to the fullest.

S e c r e

If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.

J A M E S t a r y

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M a r k e

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James Tsakisiris is currently studying a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery degree at James Cook University in the tropical regional city of Townsville. It is the second largest city in the sunny state of Queensland, Australia. He is described as success-driven, strongwilled and determined, dedicated and loyal and above all caring in his approach. For him, being serious and focus on the job at hand are integral to the positive outcome of any project. Unfortunately, it may as well be perceived as a weak point to others. His strengths include having strong family values, progressive viewpoint on ethical issues and ability to work successfully within a group of likeminded individuals. However, he finds some difficulties to stop working despite repeated attempts by others, overanalysis of situations and maintain regular exercise regime. Aside from studying, James loves binge-watching television shows while procrastinating, reading various

T S A K I S I R I S &

S p o n s o r s h i p

novels in the mean time, supporting local and national sporting teams, engaging actively with rural health club, passionate for international and domestic travel, and being an excellent Residential Assistant at The John Flynn College. With tons of things he likes, there leaves a little room for things he dislikes, including those with negative attitudes towards life, selfishness ahead of team success and poor driving on the road. That being said, his life motto is “If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.” AMSA has never stopped giving James an unforgettable experience. He became general delegate several times during AMSC 2012 in Philippines, EAMSC 2013 in Japan and AMSC 2015 in Singapore. This enable him to learn about cross-cultural understanding, lifelong personal and professional partnerships, also wisdom to initiate and finish academic projects. As Secretary of Marketing and Sponsorship, he wishes to maintain and discover new exciting partnerships and sponsorship deals, so that AMSA can offer more benefits for its members.

Find what makes you happy.




O f f i c e r

Alexander Peng is a 4th year student at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He is indeed a unique one with this combination of nerdy personality and a good sense of lame humour. Apart from medicine, Alex ďŹ nds himself interested in computer science, languages and mathematics. But he also loves to do outdoor activities such as hiking, travelling, and water sports like kayaking. Being recently completed his honours year, Alex is looking forward to pursuing medical research. Alex's way of living is clearly stating his own life motto. Find what makes you happy. In his case, staying interested and busy, taking the opportunities presented with and making close friendships along the way. It is the drive that makes life so enjoyable.

Alex cherished his moments in AMSC Singapore this year. For him, it was a very nice experience and he enjoyed every single minute being there. At the moment, he is staying on to assist AMSA International in the IT position. His job involves administration of email and website, something he does really well from his interest in computer science. AMSA international has done a great job of giving students the opportunity to experience other cultures and understand medical students of dierent nationalities. He is hoping that AMSA International will keep on doing this great job in the future.

Break a leg.

H A N U M S e c r e t a r y

Hanum Salsabila, or generally called Ume, is the current Secretary for Academic for Research Committee. She is a 4th year medical student in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia but currently enrolled in Hokkaido University as an exchange student. She is truly a friendly and also an overly active-motivated-optimistic person. Unfortunately, due to this overly active behavior, she sometimes misses the details of her works. But she is always open to any suggestions in order to improve her works. She personally is interested in cardiovascular surgery and hematology, especially about bone marrow transplant. Ume was the previous Secretary of Research and Advocacy 2014/2015 in AMSA Indonesia. During her time in AMSA, she has joined several activities such as Asian Medical Students' Exchange Program (AMSEP) Malaysia-Indonesia-Taiwan in 2012, Asian Medical Student's Conference Singapore 2015 and also participated as Group Moderator in East Asian Medical Student's Conference Indonesia 2015.

S A L S A B I L A f o r

A c a d e m i c s

She enjoys every single minute being in AMSA. It is a good thing to be in the middle of people with the same goals, striving together to achieve those goals. This big family of AMSA has always taught her a lot of things, personally and professionally, that makes her a better person. She is convinced with the possibilities of having a lot of trouble in the future. But she is calm, as she knows there is this family who will stick with her to the end. And so she hopes that everyone can gain valuable lessons from AMSA especially in academics.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.



S e c r e t a r y

Steven Philip Surya, or simply called as Philip, is the Secretary of Academic for Education Committee AMSA International 2015/2016. Currently, he is a 4th year medical student in Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya, Indonesia. Philip is well known among his friends as a fast worker and a highly motivated man. One who has a good prior knowledge in various things aside of medicine. But of course, there is always the downside of everything. Due to his fast approach in dealing with things, he tends not to pay attention to the details of his works. As for his medical journey, he has some interests in orthopedic surgery and immunology and looking forward to know more about those departments. Philip has joined some of AMSA International's events such as East Asian Medical Students' Conference 2014 in South Korea and 2015 in Jakarta, also Asian Medical Students' Conference 2015 in Singapore. Before taking this opportunity in AMSA International, his previous

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S U R Y A A c a d e m i c s

position was Secretary of Academic AMSA-Indonesia 2014/2015. He can mention the things he has gained from AMSA all day, but the most important one for him would deďŹ nitely be the opportunity to have a second family in AMSA. Being able to learn about organizing such a huge and amazing organization in A M S A is just an unforgettable experience for him. He hopes that members in AMSA would enjoy to be in this organization, to run this organization, and to learn something from it.

Always young at heart.


C H E S T E R E d i t o r

Ray Chester Ambida, or known to most of his colleagues as “Kuya Ray” (Big Brother Ray), is currently a 4th year medical student and clerk at the Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (FEU-NRMF) in the Philippines. He was also the former Research Exchange head (SCORE) of his local member organization, and Chapter Representative of AMSA Philippines to the Journal of Asian Medical Students Association (J-AMSA). Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the said journal and Publicity Officer of his national chapter. He believes that there is more to medicine than textbooks, lectures and exams. Joining AMSA has helped him expand his horizon and deepen his understanding of the many health issues that his country is facing. His dream for AMSA is to provide avenues or opportunities for medical students across the globe to share their projects, advocacies and research related to health and medicine in the local, national and international level.

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C h i e f

J - A M S A

One of the kindest guys you'll ever meet and a haven for those who don't have notes in exam time. He studies hard but still finds time to help out friends in need. A person with an open mind and weight things justly, he manages to find the good in everyone and remains down to earth despite his many achievements. He also loves to crack jokes and tell random stories about his daily activities. In the near future he hopes to become a really good doctor, academician and researcher. His motto in life is “Siempre joven en Corazon” (“always young at heart”) Wishing to be a loving son, caring brother and loyal friend.

L i a i

Nothing worth having comes easy.

L A D Y s o n

O f f i c e r

J O Y t o



Lady Joy Figueroa, also called Lady or LJ, is a third year medical student from the University of the City of Manila with a Bachelor's degree in Medical Technology from the University of Santo Tomas, Philippines. Aside from being AMSA International's Liaison Officer for AMSAAC, she is also an officer of the College of Medicine Student Council and a Youth Ambassador of the National Youth Commission. As a student, she is known to be hardworking and goal-oriented who gives her best in everything that she do. She loves meeting new friends from different conferences, travelling and learning the culture and tradition of various places, taking photos and videos of everything worth remembering. She believes that “Nothing worth having comes easy” thus, the obstacle-laden road to becoming a physician which molds all medical students to become the best physicians that they can be in the future is a constant reminder that it will be worth it in the end.

A l u m n i

C l u b

For two years now, Lady has been an active member AMSA by being a researcher of the Standing Committee on Education and Research of the Community Development and Research Society (local/subsidiary member organization of AMSA Philippines). She has also been a part of the successful hosting of AMSEP Philippines for India. Through AMSA, she learnt to think outside of the box and view things in wider perspective. She learnt to become up to date with socially relevant issues and how to deal with people from different walks of life. Most of all, AMSA taught her how to respect everyone's differences and how to make things work despite those differences. Thus, as an officer AMSA International, she aims to see AMSA as the prime mover in shaping the face of a better healthcare in the future through the emerging leaders within the members of the organization from various countries in Asia and the Pacific.

S e c r e t a r

Make a difference in people's lives as much as you can.

L E E y

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M e m b e r s h i p

Lee Li Tng is currently in her fifth year of medical school in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. All her acquaintances define her as a helpful person who is also hardworking, responsible and being able to work well with people. However, she can be quite easily distracted and love to procrastinate at times. Li Tng loves reading novels, swimming, sleeping and traveling but dislikes playing computer games. Her life motto is to make a difference in people's lives as much as she can. She was previously the Regional Chairperson of AMSA Malaysia for two years before being elected as Secretary of Membership & Development for this tenure. She has joined numerous conferences so far, be it as part of the organizing committee for AMSC Malaysia 2013 and as delegate in AMSC Philippines 2012 and AMSC Singapore 2015. Not only that, she was also actively involved in various events conducted by AMSA Malaysia.




D e v e l o p m e n t

She believes AMSA has made a huge impact in her life as she learnt a lot of organizational skills, get to know people from various countries and also time management. AMSA has also made her life in medical school more colourful and interesting as it has filled her days with activities which are not in the medical syllabus. She really hopes that AMSA International will continue to flourish and be able to reach out to more medical students so that they will be able to gain more knowledge, get to know more people and make a difference in the lives of others in accordance with the motto of AMSA International.

S e c r e t a r

Enjoy everyday life.

M I D O R I y

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M e m b e r s h i p

Midori Tanaka is also the Secretary for Membership and Development. She is a 4th year medical student at University of Tsukuba, Japan, currently doing her hospital rotations. Her hobby is traveling because she likes to visit new places. She cherishes everything about culinary. She does not only loves eating Japanese food, but also fond of cooking them at home. Also a big fan of cute animals such as penguins. Friendly and outgoing would be the best words to describe her personalities as she likes to hang out with friends on the weekend. Midori's life in AMSA started with joining EAMSC Tokyo in December 2012 as a general delegate. It was such an excited experience that she decided to attend AMSC Malaysia in July 2013. After that, she became a member of AMSA Japan Executive Committee as PnP OďŹƒcer 20132014. Last tenure she worked as RC Japan 2014-2015 and participated in EAMSC Indonesia in January 2015 and AMSC Singapore in July 2015.



D e v e l o p m e n t

Through all those numerous experience in AMSA, she learned many things that she wouldn't have gained by just studying in medical school. She has made many friends from all over Asia. Being involved in many dierent activities inside AMSA Japan, she learned how to take charge in holding events both for medical students and general public such as health promotional events. As a Secretary of Membership and Development, Midori's hopes for AMSA is to get more new chapters in Asia to be involved in AMSA International. She promised to do her best to support each chapter and open up for any questions regarding members' chapters.


Live the moment.


V I C T O R I A D i r e c t o r

Amelia Victoria Tamsil is a medical student from Hasanuddin University in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Being in her 4th year, she is still in preclinical period and will go to clinical period next year. She is a very friendly and cheerful person who knows just the way to light up the moment. She is really hardworking and always puts 100% in everything she does. Although sometimes she might get too serious in her responsibilities, find it hard to believe in others and choose to work it by herself. Amelia is crazy about music and travelling. For her, the best part of traveling is to know new culture, experience other atmosphere, and taste new food. She always does everything with a mindset of living the moment and enjoying every second of life. Her favorite quote is, ”I either eat too much or starve myself. Sleep for 14 hours or have insomnia. Fall in love very hard or hate passionately. I don't know what grey is. I never did.” That's just exactly how she lives her life.

T A M S I L o f


Before working as Director of AMSEP in AMSAInternational, Amelia is an active member of AMSAIndonesia. She started her first year in local AMSA, then took a higher responsibility as National AMSEP Director for Indonesia in the second year. It was a year with so many up and down, a lot of lessons learned and experience gained that can only be felt in AMSA. She was able to learn about time management, setting priority between AMSA, family, friends, and study, also new friendship in Indonesia and International. All of the experience that would never be found in other moment. Nobody can question Amelia's love for AMSA. She hopes that AMSA will always be a better organization, where all members can experience the best from it, especially in experiencing AMSEP.

There is no best choice, only better choice.

A S H I M O T O L i a i s o n

Ashimoto Kensuke is the current Liaison Officer for Association of Medical Doctors of Asia. He is in the 4th year of Okayama University in Japan. Having lack of English proficiency does not stop him from participating in AMSA. With a heart that always seek for challenges and a spirit of leadership, he managed to push himself deeper into AMSA. Assy, his nickname, was Vice President of AMSA Japan and now the chairperson of global health studying organization in his university. He likes playing badminton, usually 3 days a week, and belongs to badminton club of his university. He also enjoys watching movies especially Marvel comics series. He wishes not to even have a single encounter with cockroach in his life because he just hates it so much. Up until now, he has visited several places such as India (Kolkata), Thailand (Bangkok), South Korea, and Palau. His life motto is “There is no best choice, only better choice.” This means that every choice has its advantages and disadvantages, so


O f f i c e r

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learning to grab the chances and be positive about the choice would be best in his mind. Assy first met AMSA in EAMSC 2013 in Tokyo. Then he decided to work as Academic chapter and Vice President of Interior in AMSA Japan during the 1st grade. He gained a lot of job skills, managerial ability, and precious friends all over the world through AMSA activities. It motivates him to study medicine and be active at the same time. His dream is to work for maternal and child health in global field such as AMDA and UNICEF, in sync with his interest towards obstetrics and neonatology. His hopes for AMSA is to keep growing and connecting more and more medical students in Asian countries. By realizing how much power AMSA students have when gathered and thus serve our purpose to its maximum.


Face the world with a smile.



L i a i s o n


O f f i c e r

Michael Sie Shun Ling is the Liaison Officer to ASEAN for AMSA International 2015/2016. Some might have known him from previous events, as he participated as Grup Moderator for EAMSC 2015 Indonesia, delegate for AMSC 2015 Singapore and also Chief of Delegate during the unforgettable AMSEP in Japan in the same year. Born and raised in Jakarta, he is a proud Indonesian who is currently on his 4th year of medical school in Atma Jaya Catholic University. Aside from studies, he enjoys culinary activities both the cooking and eating part, making new friends, watching movies, and trying out new experiences. One motto that helped him throughout the challenges of medicine was to "face the world with a smile", to maintain a positive attitude no matter what obstacles life has to offer. Three words people may use to describe him are optimistic, approachable and honest. Inherently sanguine, he is a driven opportunist who can be rather whimsical and clumsy at times.

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An AMSA member for 4 years and counting, Michael has gained tons of amazing experiences. Going back to AMSA's roots, he developed the joy of learning newfound knowledge, the love of being proactive, and learned the greatest gift of friendship. Yet above all, he also received the blessing of a new AMSA family in local university, nationally and internationally. It's been a roller-coaster ride, aspiring many things for the next generation of AMSA members. His hopes for AMSA are to grow substantially, maintain that awesomeness, and bring about bigger impacts to the society and the world of medicine. A final note to all members to take every opportunity that AMSA offers and have that full AMSA experience.





L I U C h i n a

Laraine Liu is a fourth year medical student in Fudan University, double majoring in Clinical Medicine and Public Health. As a person full of passion, she made her life interesting, substantial and meaningful. She loves doing sports and singing in the meantime. But she is always ready to help and do volunteer work when needed. She is a future doctor filled with love and a current patient suffering from AMSA addiction.

Her journey with AMSA started from the time of AMSC 2014 Thailand. Then she participated in EAMSC 2015 Indonesia and AMSC 2015 Singapore, both as the Chief of Delegates of China. At first, she thought the conference was just about discussion of abstruse topics. But it turned out to be totally the opposite. The one week meeting highly impressed her and broadened her view. She truly had a fun time and established long-term relationships with the friends she met there.

From Laraine's perspective, AMSC or EAMSC is a great chance for current medical students as future medical professionals to enrich the knowledge and keep up with the times, to better serve fellow citizens and possess a global vision. Specifically for Asian students, it is a platform where learning from each other, borrowing ideas and approaches, and developing a better model for the country become possible. She expects AMSA to be a larger platform for medical students worldwide in spreading cutting-edge progresses, useful thoughts and applicable approaches. It is truly a great honor to be a part of AMSA.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.


K A R T I K A I n d o n e s i a

Emiliana Kartika, or Emily for short, is a third year medical student in Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta. In the spare time, she explores her interest in graphic design and jazz music. She collect pens and Moleskines for she like doodling and designing. Well, design is the thing that brought her here, to AMSA. Back then, she worked as local PnP team in university, designing posters and writing articles. As she learn and explore, she got promoted to work in AMSA-Indonesia National Team, exploring a whole lot of interesting things about AMSA through activities in national and international events, yet that was before she is trusted to hold the position as the Regional Chairperson. Three years exploring her interests in AMSA, she has gained beyond great friendship and knowledge. It is the passion that drives her to go beyond the extra mile for everything she do, be it related to AMSA or not.

Besides AMSA, her spare time is spent by reading nonfiction books, especially about philosophy and happiness neuroscience. She has a great interest in Stoicism philosophy, as brought by Marcus Aurelius. Once he wrote, “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” This sentence somehow hits her in ups and downs. She lives by this practically-found sentence in every act she does. She found herself developed significantly and happily, hoping that AMSA keeps in inspiring more people and have an even larger family across Asia. That every single thing AMSA does would be an inspiration for us, future leaders, to work towards community betterment and thrive for the best of everything. She is confident that all of us can do great things on this tenure.

Once I hold a dream, I strive really hard to fulfill it.


M I N A M I J a p a n

Kento Minami is a 2nd year student at Chiba University which is located to the right of Tokyo. He is known for his friendly and laid-back personality that makes getting along with others an easy matter. That being said, he does not have confidence in himself. It is something he wants to improve by participating in AMSA Japan's activities. In the meantime, he loves to travel all around Japan while treating himself with various delicacies. He cannot stop eating Japanese Shaving Ice this summer. He is not fond of playing sports because the lack of physical strength. But nowadays, he goes swimming to build up his strength. Kento was appointed as the new RC Japan this September after being a Public Relations Officer in 2014-2015. He felt so grateful being in AMSA for he has gained so much thing. Firstly, he is able to make a lot of friends not only from Japan, but also abroad. Secondly, AMSA members have always inspired and motivated him to be a good doctor. Thirdly, he has the opportunity to learn article editing for AMSA Japan's annual magazine and

publication images. That is something he would never experience if he does not join AMSA. He would love to broaden his potential by trying new activities especially as the new RC of Japan. He hopes that medical students across Asia could strengthen mutual relationships and be inspired through the works of AMSA. He truly believes that AMSA contributes to the development of medical situation in Asia. It will not be easy for sure, but it is one of his dreams. And with the motto he has, “Once I hold a dream, I strive really hard to fulfill it”, we can rest assured that he will try his best to make it come true.


Stay calm, speak less and work harder, be smarter and stronger.





M a l a y s i a

Vannese Wong Phey Jia is a 24-year-old Malaysian with the height of 1.64 meter or average for Asian lady. Currently she is in her final year at The National University of Malaysia. Words that describe her would be outgoing, friendly and responsible. Some even address her as the 'iron lady' as well. She likes to travel and enjoy food from different cultures, as well as baking and cooking. Participating in volunteering and charity program is a must. For her, spreading love to every corner of the world is the happiest thing. Being a final year medical student and active student at the same time is not easy. Undeniably, stress is everywhere. Hence, she has her own stress kit. When she is in bad mood, she plays the guitar, write calligraphy, or even go for physical activities like jogging, badminton, swimming and basketball. She believes these actions can calm her soul. She always says “stay calm, speak less and work harder, be smarter and stronger”.

Vannese has joined AMSA since her 1st year in medical school. She has been AMSEP officer in the 2nd year, Vice President of AMSA Malaysia in the 4th year and currently the Regional Chairperson. She was given the opportunity to join AMSC Philippines and AMSEP to Japan in 2012, host 3 exchange programs and be a student advisor for it in her university. She was also the bidder who won EAMSEP hosting. For her, AMSA has given uncountable learning experience, especially in leadership and communication skill. She would have never imagined herself being a leader of such important committee, as she was always the secretary before. She was also able to make friends from various countries and learn about different cultures through conferences and exchange programs. The most amazing part is the friendship never fades, and that is what she likes best from AMSA.


R A U N I Y A R N e p a l

Rohit Rauniyar is currently pursuing his career as an Intern doctor in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Institute of Medicine. Being a doctor, he believes he has a social responsibility towards his community and is committed to do any hardships in his capacity to accomplish this. He is known among his friends and family as a cheerful and friendly person with firm dedication and commitment towards work. He has a great zeal in life and loves to travel, for it allows him to learn about different cultures and lifestyle. His journey in AMSA began with being a general member in his first year of medical school. After that he served in the Executive Board of AMSA-Nepal as Secretary of Finance in his third year of medical school. Finally, he stepped up as the new Regional Chairperson of AMSANepal recently. He attended his first conference in July in AMSC Singapore.

Rohit's experience with AMSA in the past few years has been a mesmerizing one with AMSA, acting as a platform to unleash his potential. It has transformed him from an ordinary person to a leader with the quality of compassion to work for community. From just a part of Nepal, he has now developed a network of friends from across the globe, justifying the philosophy of AMSA 'Knowledge, Action and Friendship', thanks to AMSA. He hopes that AMSA will one day make a significant impact in the healthcare system of people across the globe by producing world class leaders and innovators.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

C A R O L I N E N e w

Caroline Shie is an aspiring doctor at the University of Otago in Wellington, New Zealand, who has a passion for community and a heart for the world. She is known for her inability to sit still for an extended period of time, her constant pursuit of new challenges and adventures, and anticlimactic jokes. Apart from being a fourth year medical student and engaging in productive procrastination, she is a musician, a big fan of tau sar bao or steamed red bean buns and the current Regional Chairperson of AMSA New Zealand. Her journey with AMSA International has been a truly exciting one thus far. Despite having not known about the organisation, she attended her first conference in January 2015 in Indonesia as the sole New Zealand delegate. She subsequently stepped up as the Regional Chairperson, with the vision of empowering New Zealand medical students to impact the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, for the better of health and health care.

S H I E Z e a l a n d

The past seven months have taught her that there is no progress without unforgiveness, and there is no success without failure. Through consistency, dedication and vigour, she believes that our philosophy of Knowledge, Action and Friendship will be one day captured and actualised by every medical student. And she looks forward to the day AMSA International would be world leaders and great influencers in Medicine. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (NIV)

Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.


Q U R E S H I P a k i s t a n

Muhammad Salman Haider Qureshi, or simply called Salman is known for many things. He is a diligent medical student, an aspiring Public Health Specialist, a passionate researcher, an empathetic social worker, a missionoriented writer, an energetic declaimer, an avid poet, a fast n' furious driver, a careless cyclist and a freestyle swimmer. He is studying at Peshawar Medical College which is situated in the province of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa in the neighborhood of Afghanistan. Currently he is a student of Fourth Professional MBBS serving as the Regional Chairperson of Pakistan Chapter. He got associated with Asian Medical Students' Association four years ago. Originally working as the Director of Publication and Promotion of AMSA Pakistan, his appointment as the Regional Chairperson has broadened his horizons and since then devoted himself to strengthen the Pakistan Chapter. Pakistan has succeeded to secure an appreciable number of milestones in a short period of time. There are always pros and cons in every leadership. He received

praises from colleagues for his leadership qualities but at the same time critics for being lenient with College Representatives. After securing the Best Chapter Award, he is now looking forward to further strengthen and expand the family of AMSA. Due to his continuous engagement with AMSA, the name AMSA has even become the nickname used by his friends instead of Salman. Besides his role in AMSA Pakistan, he also actively participates in academic organizations including Society for Undergraduate Medical Research, National Academy of Young Scientists, Pakistan Medical Students Research Society, Students' Literary Society, and few academic conferences like 8th Undergraduate Medical Research Conference, AIMS Meeting, LIMSC and YES Meeting. There is a quote from George Bernard Shah that always inspires him. “Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.� And that is what makes him so devoted in everything he does.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.


E V A N G E L I S T A P h i l i p p i n e s

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others, said Gienah Evangelista, the Regional Chairperson to AMSA International of AMSA Philippines. Currently, she is in her clerkship year at the University of the Philippines, Manila. Aside from the interest in obstetrics and gynecology, she is having a particular inclination to theater, music, photography, books, art and puppies. In between duties, classes and extracurricular activities, she still manages to find some time to develop her passions. Currently she is starting to rediscover the world of painting, yoga, aftereffect and football. Gienah's passion for AMSA dates back in 2012 during AMSEP Malaysia for the Philippines where she started to see and experience AMSA International as defined by Knowledge, Action and Friendship. Since then, she has been heavily involved in many AMSA Philippines and AMSA International activities, serving as AMSEP National Director of AMSA Philippines in 2013-2014, Regional Chairperson in 2014-2015 and also in 2015-2016 as her second term.

Truly, AMSA is a great avenue for medical students divided by geographical borders and cultural differences to connect, build lasting connections and grow holistically into excellent future medical professionals. She hopes that AMSA can focus on the three core values on which it was built upon. That is for the organization to strongly uphold encouraging, extensive and dynamic knowledge, socially relevant action and long lasting friendships.

Try to be a bright person and just be thankful for this life.

H Y U N Y O U N G S o u t h

Hyunyoung Park is a 4th year medical student at Yonsei University who will graduate on 2018. She has joined AMSA since 26th EAMSC in Tokyo and participated 34th AMSC in Kuala Lumpur, 27th EAMSC in Seoul, and 28th EAMSC in Jakarta. She loves traveling by herself and really looking forward to visit Taiwan before 29th EAMSC in Taipei starts. As an active person, she enjoys experiencing and planning new things. It is the reason that drives her to become executive committee every year in Korea. Being executive committee enables her to plan the next activity or even create a new one that she finds attractive. Some examples of annual activities by AMSA Korea are teddy bear hospital, wine party and debate competition for high school students. Nevertheless, she actually is quite a shy person. She had a hard time making relationship especially with someone new. Three years of AMSA life has definitely made some changes in her personality, but there is still one problem

P A R K K o r e a

she was not able to overcome. She has the tendency to cram up every tasks like test or report. She knows it is hard to fix, but she always try to be a bright person and just be thankful for this life. She prefers to hold a position. By holding one, she feels a sense of belonging and responsibility. Since the 34th AMSC, she always hold a position both in conference and in Korea. She has also joined lots of AMSA activities in and out of Korea. This numerous experience enables her to make good friends around the world and in different universities in Korea. She is curious to see what AMSA International does during this one year as RC of Korea and thus has a big picture if she decided to join AMSA International next year.


Don't take anything for granted because one day it'll be everything you wish you had back.


C H A T R O M Y E N T h a i l a n d

Patcharawan Chatromyen, or usually known as Nampueng, is AMSA-Thailand's Regional Chairperson from 2015-2016. Currently she is a 3rd year medical student from Faculty of Medicine, Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University. Before taking this position, she was the Secretary of Recreation in AMSA-Thailand. She can be described easily as a cheerful and adventurous girl. She finds herself smiling, laughing, being friendly and very funny most of the time. Then she has this excitement for traveling and exploring new things. She is the youngest in her family of four, with her sister being a medical student as well, and has no boyfriend. Her interests are traveling, reading books, listening to music and cooking. Being an animal lover, she enjoys her free time by playing with them in cat or dog cafes. She wishes to keep a dog when she has graduated. She dislikes having exam every week and no free time to enjoy life.

“Don't take anything for granted because one day it'll be everything you wish you had back.” It always reminds her that every minute is worthy whether it is to be spent with someone you love, discover places worthy of visiting, explore new experiences and simply follow her heart. She is best known for her kindness, friendliness, creativity and responsibility. Nevertheless, when there are too much stresses, she feels the need to be alone and get her own space to sort them out. She loves working in AMSA because for her, life would be very boring if spent only for studying, reading or being a nerd. This is her driving force to always find more challenging things, more exciting activities and more new friends. That is the reason she loves AMSA so much and she hopes AMSA would always grow to be better and better.


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