AMSA International eNewsletter Issue #27

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TAB LE OF C O N TEN T S 2. F or ewo r d 3. E di t or ia l Bo a r d In tr o duct ion 5. T est i mo n ia ls fr o m Lif et ime M em bers a n d B e s t E x e c u t i v e Co m mi t t e e 15 . I nf ogr a p h ic s 17 . A r t i cl e s

33 . Cul t ur e Co r n e r 35 . P hot o g r a p h y Se c tio n 67 . A cade mic Q u iz

FO R EW OR D The first 1,000 days of life – the time spanning between conception and child’s second birthday – is a unique period of opportunity when the foundations of long-term health and development across the lifespan are established. The right nutrition and care during these days influences not only whether the child will survive, but also his or her ability to grow and learn. Yet too frequently in developing countries, poverty and its attendant condition, malnutrition, weaken this foundation, leading to earlier mortality and significant morbidities such as poor health. An estimated of 250 million children under age 5 fail to meet their developmental potential due to stunting and other adversities. Evidence demonstrates that it is far more effective to support a child’s development in the first place by preventing nutritional deficits than to depend on replacement therapy once a deficit has occurred. In this last edition of the eNewsletter, we have included articles written by AMSA members regarding the first 1,000 days of life. Next, you will be able to take a look at the recent AMSC Singapore 2019! You can check the recent chapter activities section and also offers and opportunities from our sponsors. Also, we have an exciting addition to this tenure’s eNewsletter which is the Photography Competition! Last but not least, you will find a quiz at the end of the eNewsletter. You may fill it in by visiting the website through the available link or QR code. The winner of the quiz will be announced in the next edition of the newsletter and will be given an AMSA International merchandise as a reward. So, don’t forget to join the quiz and win your reward! For more updates on AMSA International, visit our website on, and make sure to follow our social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Editorial Board AMSA International eNewsletter 2018/2019





AMSA International Lifetime Membership Award

Jasmine Chidapha Phanmanas Awardee of Lifetime Membership 2019 Director of Membership and Development of AMSA International 2018/2019 Vice Organizing Chairperson of EAMSC Thailand 2019 Advisory Board of AMSA-Thailand 2018-present Regional Chairperson of AMSA-Thailand 2017/2018

What is AMSA to you? Most of all, AMSA is a place of infinite possibilities, as well as a loving and supportive family, where medical students can learn and live their dreams. No doubt joining AMSA was one of the best decisions I made as a medical student.

Hello, People of Tomorrow! My name is Jasmine Chidapha Phanmanas, a recipient of AMSA International Lifetime Membership Award 2018/2019. I am currently in my fifth year of medicine at Phramongkutklao College of Medicine in Bangkok, Thailand.

What are the positive things that AMSA has given you? And why has joining AMSA been the best decision you made? My AMSA journey began in January 2016 when I decided to join the East Asian Medical Students’ Conference (EAMSC) in Taipei, Taiwan. Since then, I have been an active member of AMSA – continuously participating in local and international activities, joining the Executive Committee, and attending five more conferences up to 2019. Throughout these years, I have gradually come to realize and embrace the AMSA vision: “Knowledge, Action, Friendship”. What AMSA provides goes beyond the extent of merely a student community. It offers a platform for medical students and doctors to learn new things, exercise their research skills, foster international friendships, and gain experiences unattainable elsewhere. It helps to expand networking – ranging from juniors to alumni, local to international levels, and medical to non-healthcare professionals.

Dare to learn, to be different, to set your goals, to move out of your comfort zone, and to be persistent.

AMSA International Lifetime Membership Award

Alice Tamara Awardee of Lifetime Membership 2019 General Secretary of AMSA International 2018/2019 General Treasurer of AMSA International 2017/2018 Manager of Academics of AMSA-Universitas Indonesia 2017/2018 Finance Team of AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017

What is AMSA to you? Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is a professional family which upholds the triune vision of knowledge, action, and friendship. AMSA does not only provide me a platform to develop my skill in medicine but also serve the community. Furthermore, AMSA has enabled me to broaden my connections with respected doctors and medical students from other countries. Most importantly, I have met a lot of inspiring people who are willing to care and give positive feedback to help me improve myself, the people who are eager to continuously grow together in AMSA, for the betterment of its members as a medical student and a person living in the community. What are the positive things that AMSA has given you? And why has joining AMSA been the best decision you made? As the people of tomorrow, spending three years in AMSA has trained me to become a more open-minded medical student who is not afraid of initiating changes for the betterment of our medical environment. Indeed, our biannual conferences allow members from different chapters to gather and discuss the current medical problems from different perspectives. Joining AMSA is probably the best decision I’ve made throughout my whole preclinical years. No words could describe how fortunate I feel to be a part of AMSA International and my dearest chapter, AMSA-Indonesia. I have learnt and gained a lot from AMSA, and I would like more AMSA members could benefit from AMSA as much as I do.

Hence, I would like to spread this spirit to our members throughout the world. Do notwaste your youth by only studying in medical school. It is never too late to join, be engaged more, and gain things in AMSA. You can start to be active in your AMSA university and chapter. “The change starts with you, but it does not start until you do. – Tom Ziglar”

Best Executive Committee Internal

Gaviota Hartono Director of Publication and Promotion of AMSA International 2018/2019 Manager of Publication and Promotion of MSA-Universitas Indonesia 2017/2018 Publication and Promotion Team of AMSA-Indonesia 2017/2018

What is AMSA to you? When I first heard about AMSA, I thought of it as a place where I could meet new people and build friendships. AMSA is where I met so many people; people who inspired me, people who taught me how to lead,and people who I am now honored to call my closest friends. To me, AMSA was a platform that allowed me to freely express myself in the form of art. The more I got involved in AMSA, the more I felt like I was a part of a bigger purpose, a family. What are the positive things that AMSA has given you? And why has joining AMSA been the best decision you made? In the past 4 years of being a medical student, I have immersed myself in the world of medicine. With each year, I reflect on the strength of a publication’s impact. I noticed how much I enjoyed designing and creating exciting aesthetic visual messages to convey ideas to people around me. Engrossing myself in AMSA has taught me the benefits of communication to a large number of people. Joining AMSA has also allowed me to develop myself to match problems in the organisation that needs solving. At first, I struggled with managing my time between academics and the organisation, but AMSA somehow instilled time-management skills within me, which I can now see as a strength. I discovered that as I kept on expanding my skill set, I am more able to tackle the challenges that come with medical school through perseverance and ingenuity.

So, to AMSA members, people of tomorrow, each of us might have our own different reasons to join AMSA, but at the end of the day, never be afraid to step out of that tiny comfort zone bubble and go out there to do what you are passionate about. Thank you, AMSA, for all the extraordinary experiences and the life lessons.

Best Executive Committee External

Muhammad Prima Cakra Randana Liaison Officer to APDSA of AMSA International 2018/2019 Liaison Officer to AMDA of AMSA International 2017/2018 Regional Chairperson Candidate of AMSA-Indonesia 2016/2017 Academic Team AMSA-Indonesia 2015/2016 Secretary of Academic & Research AMSA-Univerisitas Sriwijaya 2015/2016

What is AMSA to you? This might be a textbook answer but, in my opinion, AMSA is a great platform for medical students to gain knowledge, help people, and build friendship among members. Actually, when I started my study in medical school, I did not have any idea which student organization that I can apply to. My older sister recommended me to join the local AMSA university. Though she did not join any organization herself, she saw that AMSA was the best place where I could improve myself. Now, I strongly agree with her. For me, AMSA is the best organization. AMSA pushed my limit. I joined my first scientific poster competition in Indonesia Medical Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC). The event was held by my local AMSA chapter. The experience was so fulfilling, it made me willing to run for Regional Chairperson candidacy back in 2016. It was something I never thought; to manage members across a nation. I am very grateful to be part of this beloved organization. What are the positive things that AMSA has given you? And why has joining AMSA been the best decision you made? Through this journey, I gained many wonderful things, both from local university and AMSA International. My experience is divided to two: predictable and unpredictable. In this part, I will tell you all the things AMSA gives that I realize (predictable). Human resource management – at the beginning I felt that everyone will receive it. But AMSA showed me that human resource controlling is about teamwork. My local university explained to me on how to maximize friendship philosophy in our work ethic. Second, I learned about maintaining and developing a big organization followed by thousand members. It is all about “sharing”. Anyone cannot run it himself. You will need ideas by person’s suggestion, recommendation, and experience. Third, SWOT analysis, SMART objectives, and scoring indicator by AMSA International. They told me that planning a progress must be followed by strategic management and I believe this will help me later.

In my opinion, all the new members or observer has the same opportunity to develop significantly. No matter where you begin or what your background is. AMSA will be fair for any member who is willing to learn. My message for AMSA members emphasizes on gaining knowledge in AMSA as much as possible. Academic, management, liaising, empower society, etc. Last, don’t be worry to apply executive position in your local chapter and AMSA International.


Pre-pregnancy to birth

Birth to 6 months

6 months to 2 years


Breast milk is

Nutrients from

developing in

superfood for

a variety of

the womb draw

babies. Not only

healthy foods

all of their

it is the best

are an essen al

nutrients from

nutri on an

complement to

their mother. If

infant can get,

breast milk to

mother lacks

but it also

ensure healthy

key nutrients, so ke

serves as se

growth and

will her baby.

the first

development de

Pu ng the

immuniza on

child’s future

against diseases

health and development at risk




As a first- me parent, there are many

nutri on since a mother’s breastmilk is the

things to know and learn about how to take

best start in life in term of growth and

care of a baby. However, there is a lack of


awareness of the concept of the first 1,000

provides balanced nutri on that is required

days of life. To ensure that newborn babies

in a growing infant and can change over

are ge ng enough nutri on and is reaching

me to meet the child’s needs. Just with




enough nutri on during the first 1,000 days

students have a huge responsibility to stude

of life, an infant will have reached its

ensure that there is enough public

op mal development which may reduce

understanding and awareness about the


importance of the first 1,000 days of life.

hypertension and other NCDs.


op mal






This period starts from concep on and lasts

Medical students should emphasize the

to the age of two years old. It is a crucial

risks of not receiving enough nutri on

period where a child’s growth, health, and

during the first 1000 days of life as it will

neurodevelopment is established. As a neu

help both the parents and child in the long

result, during this cri cal period, the quality

run. Furthermore, it is also important to

of the rela onship between a child and the


nurturer will set a founda on for the

between a mother and her child as the

behavior and development of a child.

child’s behavior and mental development is child



rela onship

What medical students and public health

being established during this cri cal me

advocates can do to become more involved

period. So not only can medical students

is by reaching out to first- me parents. An

help raise public understanding of this

example could be to encourage first- me

global health issue, but medical students

parents to take parent support programs or

also bear a responsibility to foster the

paren ng classes. One way to do that is to

growth and lifelong health for future

ensure that the mother is healthy and is

genera ons.

ge ng enough



The first 1,000 days is a period spanning

developmental poten al which also means

from concep on to pregnancy and up to a


child’s second birthday. These days of life

malnutri on,

offer a unique window of opportunity to

development, in the early forma ve years

shape a healthier and more prosperous

of life.

future for our children. [1] Children are


Nutri on,

of and


infec ous



cogni ve

par cular,



supposed to stand for the future and hope

founda onal role in a child’s development.

of this world. So, it’s rather important that

Poor nutri on in the first 1,000 days can

we should raise awareness of the first

cause irreversible damage to a child’s



growing brain, affec ng her ability to do

especially in developing countries, due to

well in school and earn a good living—and

their lack of concerns on public health

making it harder for a child and her family

issues, such as lack of safe drinking water,

to rise out of poverty. It can also set the

sanita on and depriva on in mul ple

stage for later obesity, diabetes, and other

domains. [2]

chronic diseases which can lead to a



The First 1,000 Days focuses on biological

life me of health problems.

factors, such as nutri on of the mother

Recognizing the importance of the first

during pregnancy, gesta onal age, birth

1,000 days is just the first step in making a


breas eeding,

difference, ac ng ma ers more. As medical


students, we can take the following ac ons


dura on


malnutri on,

infec ons and psychosocial factors, such as economic status, parental educa on and environmental e exposures.

Promote nutri on care in our own community.

One of the millennium developmental goals (goal 4) is to reduce the under-five

Thanks to community educa on, many Than

mortality by two thirds by 2015. This


includes reinforcement of efforts against

hypertension have drawn more a en on in

pneumonia, diarrhea, and strengthening

China in past years. More and more ci zens

the nutri onal status of mothers and

are presented to the clinic, calling for

children. It is es mated that more than

professional assistance to keep healthy.

200 million children under 5 years of age in

These changes are inspiring.

developing countries do not a ain their








The importance of the first 1,000 days of

As the brain develops and changes with

life is frequently overlooked, despite it

age, the period of highest plas city

being a special opportunity for neurological

happens in the last trimester of pregnancy

development. In developing countries, such

and also in the first year of life. During this

as Thailand, poverty and its a endant

highly sensi ve me, an essen al nutrient

condi on,


and vitamin should be given to mothers to

founda on leading to increased infant

reduce the risk of possible abnormali es.

mortality, and more insidiously, substan al mor

For example, the importance of folate or

loss of neurodevelopmental poten al.

vitamin B9 should be emphasized to reduce

History has taught us that there is no




Informa on can be distributed through

undernutri on, as both mean the lack of

social media pla orms, and maternal


health campaigns to reach a large number

malnutri on,



malnutri on



Undernutri on remains a major global






of people quickly.

health issue. Thus, we are now faced with

Based on current research about rapid

the detrimental effects of overnutri on and

brain development in the first 1,000 days, it

unbalanced diets or diets containing

is not a surprise that the founda ons for

harmful toxins. Each condi on can be

some of the most sophis cated behaviors

grouped under malnutri on and can impair

are established early in life. In fact, one of

brain development.

the most notable aspects of developmental

About 200 million children in developing

nutri onal neuroscience is that devia on

na ons across the globe miss their

from developmental goals in the first two fr

developmental goals1. Along with a lack of


nutri on, infec ous disease, environmental

adolescence and adulthood3. Although the

hazards, and domes c violence lead to this

developing brain is quite resilient to early

loss of poten al. Unlike several influences

damage, correc ng a deficit becomes



increasingly difficult with advancing age. It

something we can control. The first 1,000 som

is, therefore, suggested that building a

cri cal days of neural development are

policy of preven on is be er than one of

clearly defined, making preven on of

deficit correc ons.



nutri on

deficits during the first years of life a likely reality. Nutri onal interven ons based on the knowledge of these cri cal windows have the capacity for great impact both in a family and global se ng.




func on




As a first- me parent, there are many

nutri on since a mother’s breastmilk is the

things to know and learn about how to take

best start in life in term of growth and

care of a baby. However, there is a lack of


awareness of the concept of the first 1,000

provides balanced nutri on that is required

days of life. To ensure that newborn babies

in a growing infant and can change over

are ge ng enough nutri on and is reaching

me to meet the child’s needs. Just with




enough nutri on during the first 1,000 days

students have a huge responsibility to stude

of life, an infant will have reached its

ensure that there is enough public

op mal development which may reduce

understanding and awareness about the


importance of the first 1,000 days of life.

hypertension and other NCDs.


op mal






This period starts from concep on and lasts

Medical students should emphasize the

to the age of two years old. It is a crucial

risks of not receiving enough nutri on

period where a child’s growth, health, and

during the first 1000 days of life as it will

neurodevelopment is established. As a neu

help both the parents and child in the long

result, during this cri cal period, the quality

run. Furthermore, it is also important to

of the rela onship between a child and the


nurturer will set a founda on for the

between a mother and her child as the

behavior and development of a child.

child’s behavior and mental development is child



rela onship

What medical students and public health

being established during this cri cal me

advocates can do to become more involved

period. So not only can medical students

is by reaching out to first- me parents. An

help raise public understanding of this

example could be to encourage first- me

global health issue, but medical students

parents to take parent support programs or

also bear a responsibility to foster the

paren ng classes. One way to do that is to

growth and lifelong health for future

ensure that the mother is healthy and is

genera ons.

ge ng enough

The first 1,000 days of life is considered a

It is fundamental that expec ng mother

window of opportunity where a child

should be supported during pre-natal and

growth, health, and mental development is

post-natal period. Another example of

being established. By the end of the 1,001st

policies could be to have welfare programs

day, all the organs will have been formed

that assist children who are experiencing

and the brain will have reached 80% of its

neglect, trauma, abuse or violence in all

adult size. However, at least 200 million

forms to be relocate to a nurturing

children fail to meet their poten al child

environment that provides a suppor ve en


Malnutri on,

home environment.




poverty, household

There are many reasons why public

violence are some of the factors that can



affect this cri cal me period which leads

childhood health since healthier children

to substan al loss of neurodevelopment

can reduce governmental spending on

poten al. Therefore, policymakers should


work together with governmental welfare

establishing a solid founda on for a child

programs to ensure the wellbeing of

mental development during the first 1,000

mothers and children in their first 1000

days of life, a child is less likely to be da

days of life.

affected by both physical and mental

jus ce


priori ze




Policies that can alleviate this issue should

illnesses. The step that policymakers can

be the policies that provide economic

make may be a star ng point that will lead

security and easy access to medical care

to a be er society with increased longevity


and life expectancy of the general public.






con nua on of their mental and physical health.



References 1. The first 1,000 days of life: The brain’s window of opportunity [Internet]. UNICEF-IRC. 2019 [cited 28 June 2019]. Available from: h ps:// cle/958-the-first-1000-days-of-life-the-brains-window-of-opportunity.html 2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Nutri on During Pregnancy [Internet]. 2017. Available from: h ps:// on-in-pregnancy.pdf 3. Daily iron and folic acid supplementa on during pregnancy [Internet]. World Health Organiza on. 2019 [cited 28 June 2019]. Available from: h ps:// tles/daily_iron_pregnancy/en/ 4. Nutri on in the first 1000 days: A founda on for brain development and learning [Internet]. 1000 days. Available from: h ps:// on_Brief_Brain-Think_Babies_FINAL.pdf 5. Infant








Organiza on.








h ps:// 6. Nutri on guidelines [Internet]. Geneva: Interna onal Federa on of Red Cross and Red Crescent Socie es; 2013. Available from: h ps:// on-guidelines.pdf

The first 1000 days of life – between a

and immunity, breast milk enhances brain

woman’s pregnancy and her child’s second

development.Studies show that breas ed

birthday – is a cri cal period for a child's

children are associated with higher IQ and

development, par cularly the brain.1

execu ve

Nutri on

according to UNICEF and WHO suggest






determining normal development.

func on.4 Recommenda ons

breas eeding should begin within one hour

During the nine months of gesta on,

of birth, exclusive for the first six months,

pregnant mothers have to be cau ous of

and the introduc on of solid foods with

what they consume. Not only that “you are

con nued breas eeding up to 2 years old

what you eat” but the fetal growth is also

or beyond.5 Longer breas eeding also

dependent on diet. A balanced plate is

benefits the mother as it decreases the risk

necessary to obtain all the nutrients for

of ovarian and breast cancer.

the child. Taking prenatal supplements will ensure ensu


1000 days. Children can now eat like adults:

Furthermore, there are certain vitamins

a balanced diet consis ng of 3 meals per

and minerals that need special a en on:

day and 2 snacks.6 However, the food s ll

folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D.2

has to be finely chopped. Iron is an

Folic acid aids in early development of the

important mineral due to rapid myelina on

brain and spine. WHO recommends intake

and synaptogenesis at this age. A deficit







Toddlerhood is the last stage within the


supplementa on





Insufficiency will result in a birth defect

neurobehavioral development, including

known as neural tube defect, leading to

mental, motor and socio-emo onal areas.

lifelong disability or death. Iron is another

While undernutri on remains an issue, the

major mineral which plays various roles,

prevalence of childhood obesity is on the








supplement of 30 mg to 60 mg prevents

In conclusion, nutri on is a factor to be

maternal anemia, puerperal sepsis, low

considered in the first 1000 days of

birth weight, and premature birth. Calcium

development. The three phases each have

and vitamin D are both required for bones

dis nct dietary guidelines which should be

and teeth forma on.

followed to ensure a healthy body. Both

Breas eeding is key to development in

mother and child should be nourished

infancy. In addi on to being a source of

adequately, not too li le and not too much.

food, energy,


Tiwah is a ritual of Hindu Kaharingan religion, the original beliefs of the Dayak tribe. Namely, the procession ushered in the spirits of ancestors who had died to Lewu Tatau (heaven) with Ranying Hatalla (the Creator). The body that has been buried will be excavated, the bones will be cleaned and then will be put into the hall. This celebration can last for 7 to 40 days. Tiwah aims to let go of bad luck for the family left behind. This ceremony can also release the status of widows or widowers from the couple left behind, so that they can determine whether to look for a life partner again or not to be married forever.

Procedures for Tiwah Ceremony First, the family must establish a Balai Nyahu, which is a place to store cleaned bones. Second, the family must make an Anjung-Anjung (flag), the amount of which must be the same as the body that will be offered. Third, the family will put the bones into the hall. This is a risky stage because this is where the spirit begins to be delivered to Lewi Tatau. The next stage is the family performing Manganjan dances while circling the Sangkai Raya (place of Anjung-Anjung and offerings for Ranying Hatalla are located) and Sapundu (human-shaped statues). So cheerful and joyful because their family spirits go up to heaven. On that day red rice and yellow rice were sprinkled upward. Sapundu serves as a place to bind buffalo, cattle, chickens, or pigs which will later be sacrificed. The animals were pierced with spears to death by the family. The first spearhead is a parent in the family tree. They believe the blood flow of the animal will purify the spirit. The heads of dead animals will be beheaded and collected as food for the spirits. Meanwhile, their meat will be cooked to be consumed together.

First 1.000 days is phenomenal growth and and development. The ďŹ rst 1000 days period became sensi ve because of the eects it has on babies at this me will be permanent and cannot be corrected. The impact is not only on physical growth, but also on mental development and intelligence, which at the age of adults can be seen from the physical size that is not op mal and the quality of work not compe


which results in low economic produc vity. Eorts to improve nutri on in 1000 days of life must be supported by policies including increasing the coverage and quality of pregnancy services from the lowest level of health services and closest to the community through providing adequate



nutri onal



supplementa on. Schedule health outreach ac vi es to the community about the importance of exclusive breas eeding, health and nutri on educa on ac vi es through a culture of clean and healthy behavior.

First 1.000 days is phenomenal growth and and development. The ďŹ rst 1000 days period became sensi ve because of the eects it has on babies at this me will be permanent and cannot be corrected. The impact is not only on physical growth, but also on mental development and intelligence, which at the age of adults can be seen from the physical size that is not op mal and the quality of work not compe

ve which

results in low economic produc vity. Eorts to improve nutri on in 1000 days of life must be supported by policies including increasing the da coverage and quality of pregnancy services from the lowest level of health services and closest to the community through providing adequate



nutri onal



supplementa on. Schedule health outreach ac vi es to the community about the importance of exclusive breas eeding, health and nutri on educa on ac vi es through a culture of clean and healthy behavior.

Inside every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play. Also applies to children, where play is a learning for them. Children learn as the play, and most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. Play really is the work of childhood. Playing develops child’s problem solving, social interac ons, imagina on, and emo on. They learn how to express their thoughts and feelings, and by then resolve conicts. Playing with parents, essen ally, enables children to have a role model that they can imitate to and play with. pl Despite all of the busyness parents have, they s ll have to spend some more me playing with their toddlers, and surely, playing with them relieves work stress that can lead to a healthy child’s development



rela onship.

healthy To

conclude, both children and adults need more play me, as children need more play me to develop, learn, and grow.

The first 1,000 days of life, defined as the period between concep on and baby’s second birthday, determines one self’s health and growth across the lifespan.







neurodevelopmental processes, it provides opportunity to achieve op mal brain development as well as vulnerability to malnutri on. Childhood malnutri on – responsible for children’s highest mortality rate – are influenced by mul factorial causa ons, including maternal undernutri on and poor antenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care. In the brink of life and death picturized the importance of adequate nourishments, as its inadequacy may promote lethal diseases, lower life expectancy, and eventually death itself. These pictures encourage parents to ensure their beloveds’ well-being, en as they themselves are the world.


The first 1,000 days of life, defined as the period between concep on and baby’s second birthday, determines one self’s health and growth across the lifespan.







neurodevelopmental processes, it provides opportunity to achieve op mal brain development as well as vulnerability to malnutri on. Childhood malnutri on – responsible for children’s highest mortality rate – are influenced by mul factorial causa ons, including maternal undernutri on and poor antenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care. In the brink of life and death picturized the importance of adequate nourishments, as its inadequacy may promote lethal diseases, lower life expectancy, and eventually death itself. These pictures encourage parents to ensure their beloveds’ well-being, en as they themselves are the world.

The first 1,000 days of life, defined as the period between concep on and baby’s second birthday, determines one self’s health and growth across the lifespan.







neurodevelopmental processes, it provides opportunity to achieve op mal brain development as well as vulnerability to malnutri on. Childhood malnutri on – responsible for children’s highest mortality rate – are influenced


mul factorial

causa ons,


maternal undernutri on and poor antenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care. In the brink of life and death picturized the importance of adequate nourishments, as its inadequacy may promote lethal diseases, lower life expectancy, and eventually death itself. These pictures encourage parents to ensure their beloveds’ well-being, en as they themselves are the world.

This picture is taken a er a very long process of life and it is determined by the ďŹ rst thousand days of it. Nutri on is the main key in the golden phase of growth and may create the half circle upwards (smile) in the child's future.

First 1.000 days is phenomenal growth and and development. The ďŹ rst 1000 days period became sensi ve because of the eects it has on babies at this me will be permanent and cannot be corrected. The impact is not only on physical growth, but also on mental development and intelligence, which at the age of adults

can be seen from the physical size that is not op mal and the quality of work not compe ve which results in low economic produc vity. Eorts to improve nutri on in 1000 days of life must be supported by policies including increasing the coverage and quality of pregnancy services from the lowest level of health services and closest to the community through providing adequate support, providing nutri onal medicines and supplementa on. Schedule health outreach ac vi es to the community about the importance of exclusive breas eeding, health and nutri on educa on ac vi es through a culture of clean and healthy behavior. edu

Awareness towards children’s intense care during 1000 days of life has been increasing as indiscipline parental care escalated. Not only nutri on, first 1000 days intense care is also crucial for mental and physical well-being. Children need opportuni es to learn through plays and social interac ons. pl Thus, parents took an important role as a figure to talk, chat, and play with children to shape their brain and body through




environments. Responsive care-giving has become a key determinant. This photo was taken in Sindu Kusuma Edupark Ticket Box in Yogyakarta, where families buy a cket to play in a joyous journey in this amusement park. Parents need to spend more

me to playdates

like this to develop their children’s social and emo onal aspect. Thriving children and suppor ve communi es result in a be er future for all, especially children’s development.

Here, coming from all walks of life, we may hold dis nct beliefs. But one thing is for sure: It is diversity that fulďŹ lls the beauty of Taiwan and that we are on the same path toward somewhere over the rainbow.

Key determinants to successful 1000 days of life are good health, adequate nutri on,



security and safety, and opportuni es for early learning. Children deserve the right to be treated and care intensely by their parents.





insufficient parent care by the reason of insufficie occupying habits of mobile phones a achment needs to be a concern. Thus, children’s need of loving and responsive

rela onships



parents is surely high in their social development. The first three years of a child’s life are filled to the brim with social and emo onal developmental changes. Parents will no ce their babies becoming more interac ve as they be develop as well as their nature of interac ons becoming more complex. The main goal is to enhance intense paren ng skills and care and healthcare providers’ plan to support and educate parents to help their children to be ac ve is needed.

Here, coming from all walks of life, we may hold dis nct beliefs. But one thing is for sure: It is diversity that fulďŹ lls the beauty of Taiwan and that we are on the same path toward somewhere over the rainbow.

As toddlerhood approaches, toddlers start imita ng adults’ especially parents’ behaviour more and more. Young early toddlers will start to show affec on with caregivers and will want to be the center of a en on. Older toddlers will s ll seek out the security of their parents, but they are able to separate more easily. ar They become aware of others’ feelings as well as their own. They are interested in other children and may play with them briefly. Their imagina ons start to blossom and they will enjoy pretending while at play. Consequently, parents should give more a en on and affec on to their toddler children and spend more


with them playing, giving comfort, security, and safety.

Here, coming from all walks of life, we may hold dis nct beliefs. But one thing is for sure: It is diversity that fulďŹ lls the beauty of Taiwan and that we are on the same path toward somewhere over the rainbow.

A child’s ďŹ rst 1,000 days are cri cal. The right nutri on and care can promote a child's growth and development. A failure to provide those needs may leads to developmental delays. Some may be irreversible, impac ng brain func on and IQ. Thus, providing a strong founda on is the key to prepare the child for the next step in life. All children shall always thrive and ready for all future learning.

1000-Step Ladder

During the 1000 ďŹ rst days

period of 1000 days of life

of human life, there are tons

that each steps must be

of development milestones


that goes on. In this period,

op mum poten al.

children undergoes neurodevelopment






Thus, there should be an easily



founda ons of their lifelong

aordable nutri ous food

health are started. There

source for the mothers and

are a lot of factors that

children and an integrated

could prevent them to fulďŹ ll

educa on program about

their maximum develop-

adequate nutririon in the

mental poten al, including me

community. communit

undernutri on.


Healthcare also


This picture shows my

explain that nutri ous food

sister trying to climb a

does not mean it costs an

ladder. she is one of the

arm and a leg.

children that live in the developing world, where at least 200 million children fail



developmental de


poten al.

The ladder represents the

One of the missions in Sustainable Developmental Goals is to make sure good health and wellbeing, including the decreased of mortality rate in children under the age of 5. According to the World Health Organiza on, prematurity is the top cause of death in children under the age of 5. We, the people in the developing countries are trying so hard to reduce the mortality rate of babies born prematurely. Kangaroo Mother Care or KMC (as seen in the photo) is a Kan recommended way in placing the baby born under 2000gram or prematurely and mother skin-to-skin in a con nuous manner to indices baby’s physiological indices in normal levels. Thus, we hope the number of child’s mortality caused by prematurity would be able to decrease by promo ng KMC even wider.1-3

The photo a ached was taken when a baby was born in a lower middle class family whose parents are hardly living their lives. We have always seen those newborns which are too poor can be highlighted and can get aid and a en on from all around the world but what about people of this lower middle class group? they can neither spread their hands before others and nor can take care of their children on their own. Who will look a er them? Lower middle class children also need our a en on, small investment on them will bring extraordinary results to beat child malnutri on.

World Immuniza on Day 2019 Academic Quiz Winner Announcement

Khushman Kaur Bhullar

Congratula on! World Cancer Day (WCD) 2019 Academic Quiz Answer


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