Contact Us facebook: AMSA International instagram: @amsa_intl twitter: @amsa_intl
About AMSA International AMSA Asian Medical Students’ Associa@on (AMSA) is a peak representa@ve organisa@on for medical students from across Asia, the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Training doctors from 16 members and 11 associate/observer members combine to share knowledge, undertake ac@vi@es and social services and create interna@onal and transcon@nental friendships.
AMSA was officially founded in Manila, Philippines in 1985 and from this day has been an ac@ve, dynamic and exci@ng student-led, not-for-profit, non-poli@cal organisa@on. Today, with members and friends spanning the globe AMSA has an ac@ve student-exchange program, regularly undertakes na@onal and regional projects, provides humanitarian assistance at @mes of need, produces quarterly student publica@ons and liaises with the World Health Organiza@on (WHO), the Associa@on of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA), the Asian Law Students’ Associa@on (ALSA) and many other interna@onal and regional medical student organisa@ons.
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About AMSA International
Since it was established in 1979 and the first conference was held in Mahidol University of Thailand, the Asian Medical Students’ Conferences (AMSC) have been a key focus for this organisa@on. Now held biannually in January/ February and July/August, these events see over 700 students from across the world combine to learn from each other, teach their fellow peers, and develop las@ng friendships.
Our Vision AMSA’s vision is Knowledge, Ac,on and Friendship, three areas we con@nuously strive to further in our members and peers through our organisa@onal mission: Knowledge
We promote scien@fic and medical ac@vi@es to increase and expand our knowledge whilst training to become the medical professionals of the future.
As medical students, we are concerned for the community around us and endeavour to do things for the benefit and improvement of our fellow ci@zens.
As future doctors, we aim to build and maintain a good rela@onship among our colleagues of the Asia-Pacific and beyond.
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AMSA International Sponsorship Prospectus 2018/2019 to effec@vely serve the students. Those things will also ensure that this is maintained in the future. Dear prospec@ve partners, Thank you for your interests in becoming a part of Asian Medical Students’ Associa@on Interna@onal (AMSA Interna@onal) for
2018-2019. Since 1985, AMSA Interna@onal has developed into an eminent medical student organisa@on, that represents and promotes medical students’ interests in mul@ple fields throughout the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Only through the assistance that are offered, and con@nuous support by our partners has AMSA Interna@onal been able
AMSA Interna@onal holds a busy calendar with bi-annual conference, an interna@onal peer-reviewed biomedical journal, travel assistance grants, various compe@@ons and student exchange programs. In addi@on, each AMSA Interna@onal Chapter holds mul@ple events during the whole year for their members. AMSA Interna@onal is also very dynamic and progressive, con@nually venturing for new ideas and opportuni@es to represent more students in diverse ways. In finishing, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for taking the @me to read our sponsorship proposal. We
table of contents believe our proposal will provide an exci@ng marke@ng opportunity for your business and we would relish the opportunity of working in partnership with your business. By suppor@ng AMSA Interna@onal, you have the chance to address an audience of intelligent and hardworking future doctors from across Asia-PaciďŹ c and beyond. This document outlines numerous opportuni@es for you to access AMSA Interna@onal
Kind Regards,
Table of contents
About AMSA International
AMSA International members
AMSA International programs
AMSA International activities
Media platforms
Flexi-Sponsorship Packages
Conference attendance
Naming rights
AMSA International merchandise
Products & services sponsorship
Partners and Sponsors
Contact Us
Director of Marke@ng and Sponsorship AMSA Interna@onal 2018-2019
About AMSA International
Sponsorship Prospectus
Armand Achmadsyah
AMSA International Members
Full Members
Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand
Observer Members
Bangladesh Iran, Myanmar, New Zealand, Northern IrelandPales@ne, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Associate Members
Egypt, Ukraine, England
What Does Your Sponsorship Mean? AMSA Interna@onal has established itself as an interna@onal scale organisa@on. We endeavour to provide pathways and opportuni@es for all our member in AMSA Interna@onal based on three visions: Knowledge, Ac,on, and Friendship. All sponsorship funding is directly invested into our events and is used to manage and improve our quali@es. Areas of expenditure include: 1. Interna@onal Conferences 2. Execu@ve Board Mee@ng 3. AMSEP (Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programs) 4. EAMSEP (European- Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programs) 5. AMSA-AC (Asian Medical Students’ Associa@on-Alumni Club) 6. J-AMSA (Journal- Asian Medical Students’ Associa@on) 7. AMSA-eNewsLeier 8. Travel Assistance Grant (TAG) 9. Academic Compe@@ons
What Do We Do? AMSA Interna@onal currently has 27 chapters around the globe. These chapters are vital to AMSA Interna@onal as they are able to iden@fy needs of students in the region and work locally to enrich their medical experience. This is achieved through numerous academic and social programs consistent with AMSA’s mission for Knowledge, Ac@on and Friendship. In addi@on, they also serve as the gateway for na@onal delegates to register for AMSA Interna@onal’s biannual conferences, and AMSC and the EAMSC. AMSA Interna@onal has maintained a good rela@onship with each chapters and also with AMSA Interna@onal Alumni, a member of AMSA who already graduated as a doctor. With this wellestablished network, we can provide our sponsors with greater chance to be promote their company interna@onally.
Conferences Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) and East Asian Medical Students’ Conference (EAMSC) are bi-annual conven@ons of AMSA Interna@onal with par@cipa@on of more than 400 medical students from more than 20 local AMSA chapters around the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. AMSC and EAMSC are comprised of three main aspects: academic, cultural and social programs. These events allow medical students from different AMSA Interna@onal chapters to congregate, discuss and present their projects and research which were conducted based on the theme agreed upon for the conference that year. In addi@on, delegates can also experience different tradi@ons and customs through the cultural events organised throughout course of the conference. It also allows students an opportunity to network and build lifelong friendships with future doctors across Asia, regardless of na@onality, ethnicity or race. This network serves as a support group for these future doctors and a stepping stone for future coopera@on in medical programs.
Asian Medical Students’ Associa,on (AMSC) In 1980, the first Asian Medical Students’ Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Medical students from four countries – India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand gathered to discuss issues of community medicine, nutri@on, water and infec@on. Since then, the AMSC has grown along with AMSA Interna@onal, involving over 20 local chapters from the Asia Pacific region and beyond, and features different themes from different health disciplines at each annual conference. The objec@ve of AMSC lies in crea@ng a plalorm for a strong, global network of medical students, who as future medical prac@@oners, will explore and develop their academic knowledge, cultural apprecia@on and interpersonal skills. The conference is held annually in the middle of each year (late June to July period), and is hosted by a local AMSA chapter in one of their main ci@es. The upcoming AMSC in 2019 will be held in Singapore.
East Asian Medical Students’ Associa,on (EAMSC) The first East Asian Medical Students’ Conference was held between Korea and Taiwan in 1988 with the theme “The Present Status and Future of Medical Service in Asia”. Although originally star@ng as conference for countries in the East Asia region, EAMSC has since expanded to include all countries in the Asia Pacific region. !7
The EAMSC con@nues to inspire medical students to analyse global health issues more closely and
to u@lise the role of medical students in the promo@on of public health. It challenges students to think beyond what is learnt at university through various academic and cultural ac@vi@es which explore a nominated conference theme. The conference is held annually in the beginning of each year (January - February period), and is hosted by a local AMSA chapter in one of their main ci@es. This year, EAMSC 2019 will be held in Thailand with the theme: “Maternal and Neonatal Health�.
Execu,ve Board Mee,ngs Prior to the beginning of each bi-annual conference, AMSA Interna@onal holds face-to-face execu@ve board mee@ngs to discuss the current associa@on, progress of individual porlolio holders and how we believe we can improve our representa@on of our cons@tuents. Execu@ve Board Mee@ngs are aiended by Execu@ve Commiiee members and the Regional Chairpersons of all AMSA chapters aiending the conference.
AMSA International Programs Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (AMSEP) The Asian Medical Students' Exchange Program (AMSEP) provides opportuni@es for members of the AMSA community to experience the lifestyle of their medical student counterparts in other Chapters while fostering the Vision of Knowledge, Ac@on, and Friendship. AMSEP u@lises a twinning system, where 2 chapters form a binding contract and perform exchanges bilaterally. Coordinated by their respec@ve Directors of AMSEP, each chapter will take turns hos@ng and delega@ng. The program usually lasts for a week that takes par@cipants to experience the local academic sepngs by aiending lectures and clinical rota@ons, while having fun in the exci@ng social programs in store for the delegates.
East Asian Medical Students’ Associa,on (EAMSC) The European Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (EAMSEP) is a joint exchange program between AMSA Interna@onal and the European Medical Students’ Associa@on (EMSA). EAMSEP provides opportunity for members in both organisa@ons to experience studying in an en@rely different con@nent while staying true to AMSA Interna@onal’s Vision: Knowledge, Ac@on and Friendship. Commenced in 2014, EAMSEP strives to prepare medical students to face the era of globalisa@on, by providing academic lectures and clinical rota@ons to expose the students of the local healthcare system, promo@ng cultural awareness and fostering new friendships across the world.
Asian Medical Students’ Alumni Club (AMSAAC) The Newly established in 2013, the AMSA Alumni club provides an opportunity for AMSA members who have graduated to gather and maintain social contact with each other. AMSAAC members can also aiend AMSA conferences and provide support for current AMSA members.
Journal Asian Medical Students’ Associa,on (JAMSA) Journal Asian Medical Students’ Associa@on (JAMSA) is AMSA Interna@onal's very own biomedical journal which provides AMSA members an avenue to get their works published. All ar@cles are peer reviewed by a team of student reviewers to ensure the highest quality possible. Submissions include original research, review papers, case reports, commentaries and others.
AMSA Interna,onal eNewsleKer The AMSA Interna@onal eNewsleier aims to provide quarterly updates on events, no@ces and opportuni@es. In 2011-12, the old AMSA Interna@onal Newsleier was developed into the AMSA eNewsleier, and it has since con@nued to be an avenue for communica@on within AMSA’s wider interna@onal community.
AMSA International Activities Travel Assistance Grant (TAG) The AMSA Interna@onal Travel Assistance Grant (TAG) was ini@ated in 2005, following the recogni@on that many delegates were unable to aiend AMSA Interna@onal conferences due to financial hardships. TAG has been available at every AMSA Interna@onal conference since, providing delegates from countries in need of financial assistance the opportunity to aiend. It is our hope that recipients of the TAG will greatly benefit from the experience and encourage others from their country to par@cipate in future AMSA Interna@onal conferences.
Academic Compe,,ons AMSA Interna@onal runs regular academic compe@@ons throughout the year comprising of essay, infographic and poster submissions based on a theme relevant and engaging to all medical students. Each submission is reviewed by a panel of professional judges and winners are announced through our media outlets and bi-annual conferences.
Why Sponsor AMSA Interna,onal? AMSA Interna@onal is a non-poli@cal, socially responsible, public-spirited and community-minded organisa@on that is relentlessly developing by year. You have the opportunity to align your brand with this respected, well-recognised organisa@on and in the process establish a posi@ve rela@onship. Your brand will be marketed to future doctors across the Asia Pacific who are intelligent, social beings of change and are determined to improve health care across the region.
Media Platform Social media AMSA Interna@onal uses a variety of social media outlets to engage with our members and keep them informed of compe@@ons, conferences, ac@vi@es and current issues that aect them. It also provides a plalorm for communica@on between associates in other chapters and access up to date informa@on regarding AMSA Interna@onal. Currently AMSA Interna@onal u@lises Facebook, Twiier, Google+, Instagram, Sina Weibo and Youtube to ensure that we are able to reach our maximal audience.
10.909 members
177 subscribers
Website AMSA Interna@onal’s website ( is our main online med for medical students who are already involved with AMSA Interna@onal or are looking to be involved with AMSA Interna@onal. It allows medical students to understand the history of AMSA Interna@onal, keep updated with announcements from AMSA Interna@onal and contact relevant execu@ve commiiee members and regional chairpersons. It is constantly updated with new informa@on and opportuni@es for our members to get involved with.
NewsleKer The AMSA Interna@onal Newsleier is a regular publica@on designed to keep our members informed of ac@vi@es and programs run at local chapters and throughout the organisa@on. The Newsleier is professionally designed and edited by our Chief Editor Newsleier and serves to provide regular communica@on with medical students from all chapters. Students are also welcome to submit ar@cles and other material to the Newsleier and distribute it to their peers.
Flexi Sponsorship Packages  
Real Price
Conference AKendance All in One
E-adver,sement All in One
Naming Rights All in One
Logo Display on AMSA Interna,onal Merchandise
Price (USD)
Conference AKendance A) Booth
B) Addressing execu@ve commiiee and RCs at execu@ve mee@ng
C) Addressing the conference delega@on
D) Display logo and banner at conference
E) Delegate bag product inser@on
E-adver,sing A) Social media outlets
B) Website
C) Newsleier
Naming Rights A) Travel assistance grants (TAG) naming rights
B) Academic compe@@on naming rights
Logo Display on AMSA Interna,onal Merchandise A) Display logo on AMSA Interna@onal merchandise Products and Services Sponsorship
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Promo Package
Price (USD)
  Pla,num Package
Booth (Total 6 h throughout conference) Addressing ECs and RCs at mee@ng Addressing the conference delega@on Display logo and banner at conference Delegate bag product inser@on
3800 Social Media Outlets Website Newsleier TAG naming rights Academic compe@@on naming rights Display logo on AMSA merchandise
Gold Package Booth (total 6 g throughout conference) Display logo and banner at conference Delegate bag product inser@on Social Media outlets
3200 Website Newsleier TAG naming rights Academic compe@@on naming rights
Silver Package Booth (total 3 h throughout conference) Display logo and banner at conference Delegate bag product inser@on Display logo on AMSA merchandise
2400 Social media outlets Website Newsleier
Bronze Package Booth (total 3 h throughout conference) Display logo and banner at conference
1500 Social media outlets
Essen,al Package Display logo and banner at conference Delegate bag product inser@on Display logo on AMSA merchandise
1900 Social media outlets Website Newleier
!13 14
Conference Attendance A) Booth AMSA Interna@onal is offering partners the opportunity to set up an adver@sing booth at both/ either conferences. An adver@sing booth will allow partners to meet and promote products and services directly to hundreds of keen and enthusias@c medical students. Partners will be able to have adver@sing booth on display for one day during the dura@on of the conference. Exact @mes, loca@on and availability will be subject to the discre@on of the conference Organising Commiiee. Price: 1000 USD
B) Addressing execu,ve members and regional chairpersons at execu,ve mee,ng Execu@ve mee@ngs are aiended by the Execu@ve members and Regional Chairpersons who are the leaders within AMSA Interna@onal. AMSA Interna@onal is offering partners the opportunity to address these bright, young leaders during the Execu@ve mee@ng held prior to each conference. Partners will be able to address aiendees of the Execu@ve Mee@ng for 15 minutes in person* or via teleconferencing. Price: 400 USD *No food or accommoda+on will be provided if representa+ve addressing in person.
C) Addressing the conference delega,on AMSA Interna@onal is offering partners the opportunity to address the en@re conference delega@on of hundreds of medical students in a 15-minute presenta@on. The presenta@on will occur during the conference at a suitable @me as directed by the Organising Commiiee. Price: 450 USD* *Subject to availability. Please contact the Director of Marke+ng and Sponsorship for further informa+on.
D) Display logo and banner at conference AMSA Interna@onal is oering partners to have their logo and banner displayed throughout the dura@on of both/either conference. The logo/banner will be displayed in high visibility areas and will be seen by all conference delegates. Price: 500 USD* *Subject to availability. Please contact the Director of Marke+ng and Sponsorship for further informa+on.
E) Delegate bag product inser,on AMSA Interna@onal is oering partners the opportunity to insert their yers, brochures or other promo@onal material into delegate bags which will be distributed to all conferences aiendees. Price: 500 USD + Prin@ng costs
E-Advertising A) Social media outlets AMSA Interna@onal partners will be offered the opportunity to have their name, logo, products and services promoted on our social media channels on a regular basis in short posts suitable in length for the respec@ve social media plalorm. Partners will also be given the opportunity to have their promo@onal video displayed on our YouTube channel. Price: 200 USD
B) Website AMSA Interna@onal partners will be offered the opportunity to have their name, logo, website link and short descrip@on up to 100 words displayed on our website for the dura@on of the contract term. Addi@onally, partner adver@sements and logo will be displayed on our homepage banner in a rota@ng manner on a monthly basis accompanied by a news post of any products or services. Price: 200 USD
C) NewsleKer AMSA Interna@onal partners will be offered the opportunity to have their name, logo, website link displayed on each newsleier published for the dura@on of the contract term. Furthermore, any adver@sements or offers on products and services will be published in each newsleier as requested. Price: 200 USD
Naming Rights A) Travel assistant grant (TAG) naming rights AMSA Interna@onal is offering partners the opportunity to receive naming rights to each TAG for both/either conferences. TAG naming rights will also include a 15-minute presenta@on to the en@re conference delega@on during the presenta@on of the award to the TAG recipient. Price: 500 USD
B) Academic compe,,on naming rights AMSA Interna@onal is offering partners the opportunity to for naming rights for each academic compe@@on held during the contract terms. Partners will be formally acknowledged to the en@re conference delega@on during the presenta@on of awards to compe@@on winners during the AMSA Interna@onal session. Price: 300 USD per compe@@on
AMSA International Merchandise A) Logo display on AMSA Interna,onal merchandise AMSA Interna@onal is offering sponsors the opportunity to have their logo displayed on official AMSA Interna@onal merchandise to be sold and distributed at our bi-annual conferences. Example T-shirts which are shown below: Price: 500 USD
Products and Services Sponsorship AMSA Interna@onal is aware that partners may wish to promote their products and services to our members in the form of discounts or other special oers. We are oering partners the opportunity to do so in exchange for E-Adver@sing on our social media plalorms, website and newsleier and discounts in other packages where applicable. Opportuni@es for partners who wish to sponsor individual academic compe@@ons or events run by AMSA Interna@onal in the form of prizes will also be available. Please contact the Director of Marke@ng and Sponsorship for further informa@on.
This booklet is mainly a guide with rough es,ma,ons.
Contact: Armand Achmadsyah Director of Marke@ng and Sponsorship
Partners and Sponsors Partners
contact us