AMSA International Constitution 2018

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The Constitution of the Asian Medical Students’ Association International Preamble We, students from the medical schools of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, realising the need for greater interaction and cooperation among ourselves and cognizant of our common problems, interests and goals, do hereby organise ourselves into a non-political, non-sectarian, and non‐profitable conference-based organisation – the ASIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL.

Article 1. Name and Seat 1.1 The name of the organisation shall be the ASIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL, hereinafter referred to as AMSA International. 1.2 Its seat or head office shall be in the origin of the Overall Chairperson, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Executive Board, hereinafter referred to as EB.

Article 2. Objectives 2.1 To promote understanding in medical and health problems, as well as to share experiences in solving them. 2.2 To promote the interest and welfare of medical students in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. 2.3 To foster unity and promote profound inter‐personal relationships amongst its members. 2.4 To uphold humanitarian ideals and medical ethics. 2.5 To encourage cooperation among future doctors in the Asia‐Pacific region and beyond.

Article 3. Membership 3.1 Membership status is defined by a “chapter”. 3.2 A “chapter” is defined as a cluster of medical schools determined discrete by a representative body and is represented by the appointed Regional Chairperson of the local chapter of AMSA International. 3.3 The name of the chapter 3.3.1 The name of the chapter shall be the name of the geographical region/location from which the cluster of medical schools arise from or are located, immediately preceded by “Asian Medical Students’ Association”. 3.3.2 The name of the chapter must be unique and represent the geographical region/location and the individual members of the chapter. 3.3.3 The name of the chapter may not be changed without its own assent. 3.4 Founding members are defined as participating chapters at the 6th Asian Medical Students’ Conference, hereafter referred to as the AMSC, held in Manila, the Philippines in 1985. These founding members are AMSA Australia, AMSA Hong Kong, AMSA Indonesia, AMSA Japan, AMSA Korea, AMSA Malaysia, AMSA Philippines, AMSA Taiwan and AMSA Thailand. 3.5 Membership status is divided into full membership, associate membership, observer membership and expansion membership status. 3.6 Full members are defined as founding members and all new chapters within the geographical region of Asia and Oceania that have fulfilled the admission criteria for full membership and have been approved as a full member by two-third majority in an Executive Board Meeting. 3.7 Associate members are defined as chapters outside the geographical region of Asia and Oceania that have fulfilled the admission criteria for associate membership and have been approved as an associate member by two-third majority in an Executive Board Meeting. 3.8 Observer members are defined as chapters that wish to join as a full or associate member. Observer members have fulfilled the admission criteria for observer membership and have been approved as an observer member by two-third majority in an Executive Board Meeting. 3.9 Expansion members are defined as new chapters that have fulfilled the minimal requirements of an AMSA chapter structure as outlined in the Bylaw for AMSA Membership, but have not yet fulfilled the admission criteria for observer membership. Expansion members must be granted expansion membership status by two-‐‐third majority in an Executive Board Meeting. 3.10 Admission criteria for membership and observer status are regulated in the Bylaw for AMSA Membership. 3.11 Expulsion of a member chapter can only be carried out by two-third majority in an Executive Board Meeting only if that member chapter violates the constitution.

Article 4. Rights of Member Chapters 4.1 Any member of AMSA International has the right to participate in all activities organised and/or sponsored by AMSA International. 4.2 Any member of AMSA International has the right to terminate their membership upon presentation of a letter of resignation. 4.3 The rights of full members include: 4.3.1 The right to propose and vote at meetings of the Executive Board. 4.3.2 The right to attend and host AMSA International conferences. 4.3.3 The right to negotiate for quote of delegates at conferences. 4.3.4 The right to access the Executive Board mailing list. 4.3.5 The right to apply for positions on the Executive Committee. 4.4 The rights of associate members include: 4.4.1 The right to propose, but not vote or second, at meetings of the Executive Board. 4.4.2 The right to attend and host AMSA International conferences. 4.4.3 The right to negotiate for quote of delegates at conferences. 4.4.4 The right to access the Executive Board mailing list. 4.4.5 The right to apply for positions on the Executive Committee. 4.5 The rights of observer members include: 4.5.1 The right to propose, but not vote or second, at meetings of the Executive Board. 4.5.2 The right to attend, but not host AMSA International conferences. 4.5.3 The right to negotiate for quote of delegates at conferences. 4.5.4 The right to access the Executive Board mailing list. 4.6 The rights of expansion members include: 4.6.1 The right to attend, but not host AMSA International conferences. 4.6.2 The right to access the Executive Board mailing list. 4.7 Suspension of full membership rights 4.7.1 Full members may have their rights suspended under the following conditions when their responsibilities are not fulfilled: Member chapters have not attended an AMSA International meeting more than twice in any 6-month period without notifying the Overall Chairperson or General Secretary in advance of their absence. Meetings include the monthly online meetings and the Executive Board Meetings held at the annual Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) and the East Asian Medical Students’ Conference (EAMSC). The member chapters have repeatedly (i.e. more than three times in a row) failed to respond to the Executive Committee, failed to submit required reports or documents on time, or failed to notify of any delay in being able to submit these documents. If a member chapter has difficulty in submitting the documents, the deadline may be postponed by the Overall Chairperson or the Executive Committee member requesting the report. The Regional Chairperson of the hosting chapter, or the Organising Committee of the AMSC or EAMSC does not pass the AMSA International conference fee to AMSA International in the method agreed upon between the Presiding Chairperson and the General Treasurer before the conference. If the Organising Committee has difficulty in handing the AMSA International fee on time, the deadline may be postponed upon the approval of the Overall Chairperson and General Treasurer, but it shall not be postponed for more than 6 months. The member chapter is in violation of other agreements made between AMSA International and its member chapters. 4.7.2 The process for nomination is as follows: Any member of the Executive Board can nominate a chapter for suspension. 6 weeks prior to an online meeting where possible suspension can be discussed, the Executive Board member who is nominating the chapter for suspension, must send an email to the Regional Chairperson of the chapter being nominated, the Overall Chairperson and the Vice Overall Chairpersons (Internal and External) notifying them of the intention to nominate for suspension. This email will outline the reasons for the nomination. The Regional Chairperson of the nominated chapter has 4 weeks to respond to this email and rectify the situation. At this stage, the Executive Board member who nominated the chapter for suspension has two options: If they wish to proceed with the nomination to suspend the chapter, they must advise all Executive Board members at least 2 weeks prior to the next meeting of the nomination. The issue is then to be discussed at the next meeting where a quorum of 75% of Regional Chairpersons from full member chapters must be present. A vote will then be taken with the requirement of a majority of 75% of votes to suspend the chapter. In discussions at the meeting, the Executive Board should first discuss whether an issue requiring attention exists and whether the suspension of voting rights is a suitable punishment for the failure of a chapter to meet their requirements. If the nominating Executive Board member is satisfied that all issues have been resolved, or that suspension is no longer warranted, the Executive Board member can send an email to the Regional Chairperson of the chapter involved, the Overall Chairperson and the Vice Overall Chairpersons, notifying them of their withdrawal of their intention to nominate a chapter for suspension. This matter is then considered closed. 4.7.3 If the nominating Executive Board member does not withdraw their intention to nominate or does not nominate the chapter within 10 weeks of the first notification (i.e. does not act), the nomination will be considered withdrawn and the matter closed. 4.7.4 During a suspension, the Regional Chairperson of a suspended member chapter is still able to attend Executive Board meetings and discuss the issues debated. However, the will not have the rights of full membership such as voting rights. Attendance and fulfilment of responsibilities whilst suspended will be considered favourably when considering re-admittance.


Any suspended chapter is able to apply for re-admittance to full membership rights after a 3-month period of suspension. The Regional Chairperson of the suspended chapter must contact the Overall Chairperson at least 2 weeks prior to a meeting. This matter can then be discussed at the next meeting with a 75% majority vote of all voting Regional Chairpersons (with a quorum of 75% of Regional Chairpersons present) required for re-admittance. When contacting the Overall Chairperson, the suspended chapter must outline why they should be re-admitted and how they will prevent the lapses that resulted in their original suspension If there fails to be a quorum at two consecutive AMSA International meetings, the suspension will be automatically lifted.

Article 5. Responsibilities of Member Chapters 5.1.



The member chapter shall maintain autonomy and initiative with regards to local affairs. The Executive Board shall lend its support to the undertakings of the local chapter. To maximise participation and efficiency, it shall be the duty of the member chapter to establish and maintain an organisational structure according to the minimal requirement of their chapter, preferably in accordance with the structure of AMSA Chapters as outlined in the Bylaw for AMSA Membership. It shall be the duty of the member chapter to organise local activities, prepare for conferences, implement conference results according to the minimal requirements and participate in AMSA International projects. Full and associate members have the responsibility to attend all meetings of the Executive Board and are eligible to run for all positions on the Executive Board.

Article 6. Actions 6.1 Actions should be centred on the conferences aiming to achieve better conference results. 6.2 Conferences 6.2.1 Conferences are the main projects each year and belong to AMSA International. 6.2.2 AMSA International shall elect the host of each conference through an open bidding procedure involving the Regional Chairpersons at the Executive Board Meeting. 6.2.3 The Organising Committee of the hosting chapter shall fulfil the minimum requirements of conferences as outlined in the Bylaw for AMSA Conferences. 6.2.4 An agreement between AMSA International and the Organising Committee of the hosting chapter should be signed at least 6 months before the conference. 6.2.5 The Presiding Chairperson for the Organising Committee shall be elected by the host chapter and be approved by the Executive Board. 6.2.6 The Presiding Chairperson holds the highest responsibility of overseeing the preparations for the conference. The Regional Chairperson of the hosting chapter must support the Presiding Chairperson and the Organising Committee in conference preparations. 6.2.7 Membership fee for each individual delegate attending the conference shall be included in the registration fee. The Organising Committee shall hand in the fee to the General Treasurer by the end of the conference. The fee should be decided upon by the Executive Board, and is subjected to annual review and is signed upon in the agreement. 6.2.8 An additional 16 USD fee for every individual delegate (with the exception of Group Moderators) attending the conference shall be included in the registration fee. This money will be placed in an AMSA International fund for specific use in sponsoring delegates experiencing financial difficulties, and for use in cases of emergency. 6.2.9 The Executive Committee of AMSA International automatically has its own quota apart from their local chapters’ quota in attending conferences. 6.2.10 Non-member chapters may join conferences as a guest following an invitation from AMSA International or the Organising Committee of the conference. 6.3 Pre-conference 6.3.1 Member chapters shall conduct pre-conference activities aimed at preparing delegates for conferences. These activities include but are not limited to local gatherings, training programs, and paper/research competitions. 6.3.2 Other pre-conference projects such as workshops or campaigns may be organised by the Organising Committee of the conference. 6.4 Post-conference 6.4.1 Chapters must conduct post�conference projects aimed at implementing the results of the conference. These activities include but are not limited to academic and social research and public welfare projects.

Article 7. Rights and Responsibilities of the Executive Board and its Members 7.1. The Executive Board shall be the policy-making body and implementing arm of AMSA International. As such, it has the following functions and powers:





7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9

7.1.1 It shall systematize the ideas of the members into a coherent plan of action. 7.1.2 It shall make periodic assessment of all activities on a biannual basis. The Executive Committee consists of the Overall Chairperson, the Vice Overall Chairperson Internal, the Vice Overall Chairperson External, the General Secretary, the General Treasurer, the Director of Membership and Development, the Director of Promotions and Publications, the Director of Academics, the Director of Information Technology, the Director of the Asian Medical Student Exchange Programme, the Director of Marketing and Sponsorship, the Director of Public Health, the Chief Editor of the Newsletter of AMSA International, the Chief Editor of the Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association, the Liaison Officer to the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, the Liaison Officer to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Liaison Officer to the European Medical Students’ Association, the Liaison Officer to the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, the Liaison Officer to the Asian Medical Students’ Association Alumni Club, and the Liaison Officer to the Asian Law Students’ Association. The Executive Board consists of all members of the Executive Committee, in addition to the Regional Chairpersons of the local chapters of AMSA International, and the Presiding Chairperson of the upcoming AMSA conference. Application for the Executive Committee shall be open to all individual members from full and associate member chapters. No person on the Executive Committee shall bear more than one post and the same person can only hold one post for no more than two consecutive terms. The incoming Executive Committee shall be elected at the Executive Board Meeting prior to the end of the outgoing Executive Committee’s term. When there are vacant posts in the Executive Committee, the Overall Chairperson and Vice Overall Chairpersons have the right to decide whether to re-open the application or to appoint someone to take over the post. The outgoing Executive Committee shall hand over their rights and responsibilities at the AMSC at which the incoming Executive Committee has been elected. All members of the Executive Board, with the exception of the Regional Chairpersons of expansion member chapters, may make a proposal at the Executive Board meeting. Executive Board Meetings shall be held on a monthly basis, or more frequently if deemed necessary. Quorum for voting shall be defined as more than half of the total number of Regional Chairpersons from full member chapters, and decisions shall be made by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the highest ranking Executive Board member without a conflict of interest will have the deciding power.


The Executive Board – Powers and Duties: 7.10.1 The Overall Chairperson (OC) To lead and coordinate activities of the AMSA International Executive Board. To convene and preside over all meetings. To form the necessary committees that shall initiate the activities of AMSA International and to appoint a chairperson for the respective committees. To officially represent AMSA International. To exercise discretionary powers in situations that require immediate decisions and actions, provided that it is not contrary to the objectives of AMSA International, and provided that they inform the member chapters no later than two months after the said decision/action was done, to be ratified by the Executive Board. To preside over the elections for the incoming Executive Committee. To ensure a smooth handover of all affairs of the current Executive Committee to the incoming Executive Committee. To assist and act as an ex‐official adviser to the incoming Executive Committee.

7.10.2 The Vice Overall Chairperson Internal (VoCi) To represent the Overall Chairperson in the absence of the Overall Chairperson for internal matters relating to the Executive Committee, leadership and online meetings. To support the Overall Chairperson with internal matters relating to the Executive Committee, accountability and support for Executive Committee members. To provide support and strategy to Executive Committee members. To provide a point for grievances to be properly investigated. To take over the responsibilities and authorities of the Overall Chairperson in their times of absence. To officially represent AMSA International with the Overall Chairperson. To cooperate in partnership with the Overall Chairperson to lead the Executive Committee. To give input to the Overall Chairperson in decision-making processes for the development of AMSA International. 7.10.3 The Vice Overall Chairperson External (VoCe) To represent the Overall Chairperson in the absence of the Overall Chairperson for external matters relating to external organisations, leadership and online meetings. To support the Overall Chairperson in representing AMSA International. To provide support and strategy in relation to development of AMSA International and new partners. To take over the responsibilities and authorities of the Overall Chairperson in their times of absence. To officially represent AMSA International with the Overall Chairperson. To cooperate in partnership with the Overall Chairperson to lead the Executive Committee. To give input to the Overall Chairperson in decision‐making processes for the development of AMSA International.

7.10.4 The General Secretary (GS) To record the minutes of regular meetings of the Executive Board. To assist the Overall Chairperson and Vice Overall Chairpersons in ensuring that meetings run smoothly. To keep and safeguard all official files and documents of AMSA International. To continually update all files of AMSA International by securing relevant material or reports. To assist the Overall Chairperson and Vice Overall Chairpersons in compiling official documents and reports. To respond to emails addressed to AMSA International and direct them to the Executive Board members concerned if necessary. To initiate contact with organisations which are not currently affiliated with AMSA International if necessary. To collect and file the half-yearly and yearly progress reports from all members of the Executive Board. 7.10.5 The General Treasurer (GT) To take charge of the collection of fees and other obligations from the Regional Chairpersons responsible for the collection of fees from their local chapter. To recommend fund-raising programs to the Executive Board. To be responsible for the implementation and coordination of approved charity and fund-raising programs. To keep records of all funds, income and expenditure. To disburse funds necessary for the operation of AMSA International upon discretion of the Executive Board. To prepare an annual report on the financial status of AMSA International. To safeguard all funds of AMSA International. 7.10.6 The Director of Membership and Development (DoM&D) To formulate the requirements for membership and enlist members. To formulate and update the membership regulations of AMSA International. To coordinate and maintain contact with Regional Chairpersons of all member chapters. To make recommendations for revocations of membership in the event of violations of the constitution. To promote membership of new member chapters. To promote and open activities with the purpose of development and welfare of member chapters. To facilitate the setting up of local Executive Boards in new member chapters working in close collaboration with the Regional Chairpersons concerned. To coordinate and promote public welfare activities intended for further development of AMSA International.

7.10.7 The Director of Promotions and Publications (DoP&P) To cooperate with the Director of IT in updating the official website and social media outlets on a frequent basis. To be responsible for the printing of official publications and documents of AMSA International. To work in close coordination with the Chief Editor of the Newsletter of AMSA International in promoting AMSA International to medical students. 7.10.8 The Director of Academics (DoA) To lead and coordinate the International Research Task of AMSA International, which will be presented during the AMSC every year (with progress reported at the EAMSC) with the aim to be published in the Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association or in other leading national and international medical journals. This project should include as many member chapters as possible in processes such as research and review. To promote and facilitate the intranational and international sharing of medical and health information, and subsequent exploration and discussions. To support and encourage academic excellence and provoke though and research amongst AMSA International members through regular academic content in the Newsletter of AMSA International. To ensure the publication of notice of the winning paper and poster presentations from the AMSA conferences in the next issue of the Newsletter of AMSA International to encourage ongoing learning amongst members. To create and coordinate any other relevant projects or activities that aim to promote awareness of international health issues among members of AMSA International. 7.10.9 The Director of Information Technology (DoIT) To be in charge of the development and maintenance of the official website, while collaborating with the General Secretary and the Director of Promotions and Publications in publishing and updating its content. To collaborate with the Chief Editor of the Newsletter of AMSA International in promoting AMSA International to medical students. To regularly report web usage and monitoring server performance. To initiate activities that will improve the IT skills of members of the Executive Board. To recruit manpower when necessary in discussion with the Overall Chairperson and Vice Overall Chairpersons.

7.10.10 The Director of the Asian Medical Student Exchange Program (DoAMSEP) To direct and encourage the Asian Medical Student Exchange Program (AMSEP) among the member chapters. To create a suitable and systematic structure of exchanging medical students among AMSA International member chapters or any non-AMSA International affiliated medical schools in collaboration with the Director of Membership and Development. To be responsible for the implementation of AMSEP activities. To facilitate every member of AMSA International to fulfil their needs in AMSEP activities. To regularly update the Executive Board on the progress of AMSEP. 7.10.11 The Director of Marketing and Sponsorship (DoM&S) To organise sponsorship and to collaborate with the General Treasurer to conduct fund-raising activities for AMSA International. To maintain contact and records of any sponsors of AMSA International. To contact the media in collaboration with the AMSC and EAMSC Organising Committee in order to promote AMSA International. To initiate contact with organisations that do not have existing affiliations with AMSA International, working in close collaboration with the Vice Overall Chairperson External. To participate and represent AMSA International in conferences or meetings of organisations that currently liaise with AMSA International, especially in the case where the Liaison Officer concerned is unable to be present. 7.10.12 The Chief Editor of the Newsletter of AMSA International (CEN) To be in charge of collecting, compiling and publishing content for the Newsletter of AMSA International. To recruit and coordinate a team if necessary, to assist in the publication of the Newsletter of AMSA International, with consent of the Executive Board. To be responsible for the continuity of the Newsletter of AMSA International. 7.10.13

The Chief Editor of the Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association (CEJ-AMSA) To lead and coordinate the Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association (J- AMSA). To finalise the Editorial Team of J-AMSA through mutual discussion with Associate Editors of J-AMSA. To advise the Associate Editors of J-AMSA in the process of accepting and rejecting papers. To guide (by formulating guidelines and agendas) and monitor the workshops conducted by the Associate Editors of J-AMSA. To train Associate Editors and Editors of J-AMSA in the usage of the Open Journal System when considered necessary. To conduct quarterly meetings to evaluate the performance of the Editorial Team of J-AMSA. To explore opportunities of partnerships with conferences including the AMSC and EAMSC.


The Director of Public Health To coordinate and promote public health activities intended for further development of AMSA International. To establish and maintain mutual understanding and cooperation with representatives of public health partners that are affiliated or related to AMSA International (eg: World Health Organization). To make recommendation to the Executive Board about the status of the relationship and any progress that is required for the benefit of both organisations. To represent AMSA International at meetings or conferences of public health partners. To search for any possibilities of cooperation and create any needed memorandum of understanding to be accepted by the Executive Board. To distribute useful resources by the result of relationship between AMSA International and public health partners. To coordinate any projects or activities held jointly by AMSA International and public health partners. 7.10.15 The Liaison Officer to the Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (LO AMDA), the Liaison Officer to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (LO ASEAN), the Liaison Officer to the European Medical Students’ Association (LO EMSA), the Liaison Officer to the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (LO IFMSA), and the Liaison Officer to Asian Law Students’ Association (LO ALSA). To establish and maintain mutual understanding and cooperation with representatives of organisations that are affiliated or related to AMSA International. To make recommendation to the Executive Board about the status of the relationship and any progress that is required for the benefit of both organisations. To represent AMSA International at meetings or conferences of their respective organisation. To search for any possibilities of cooperation and create any needed memorandum of understanding to be accepted by the Executive Board. To distribute useful resources by the result of relationship between AMSA International and their respective organisation. To coordinate any projects or activities held jointly by AMSA International and their respective organisation. To discuss with the Director of Membership and Development when necessary, about potential recruitment of new members.

7.10.16 The Liaison Officer to the Asian Medical Students’ Association Alumni Club (LO AMSAAC) To liaise with the Secretaries of the Asian Medical Students’ Association Alumni Club (AMSAAC). To liaise with the local chapters of AMSA International in matters relating to alumni. To work in close collaboration with the Presiding Chairperson and Organising Committee of the upcoming AMSC in organising the Alumni Night and other AMSAAC activities. To suggest potential opportunities of collaboration between AMSA International and AMSAAC. To assist in the maintenance of the AMSAAC membership database with the aid of the Secretaries of AMSAAC and the Regional Chairpersons. To update the AMSAAC membership database after every AMSC. 7.10.17 The Presiding Chairperson for the upcoming AMSC/EAMSC To be responsible for the materialisation and success of the next conference. To be responsible for reporting to the Executive Board the progress of the conference preparations. To see to it that the following objectives of the conference will be attained: To promote better relationships among medical students from the AsiaPacific region and beyond. To promote mutual understanding in medical and health problems, as well as to share experiences in solving these problems. To promote humanitarian ideals of medicine among medical students from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. To be a forum for medical students to discuss various topics of common medical interest. To encourage future medical cooperation among doctors from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. To submit to the Executive Board a post-conference report no later than one month after the last day of the conference. To advise the host member chapter of the following conference after the one organised by their Organising Committee. To form a committee if the need arises. 7.10.18 The Regional Chairpersons of local chapters of AMSA International To evaluate all applications for local membership. To encourage the members to submit articles to the Director of Promotions and Publications and the Chief Editor of the Newsletter of AMSA International. To promote AMSA International locally under the advice of the Director of Membership and Development. Physically present and officially represent their local chapter during the AMSC and EAMSC. To collect and hand over to the General Director dues approved by the Executive Board.


Ad-Hoc Committees

7.11.1 May be created as the need arises for specific purposes or special tasks. 7.11.2 Shall be made by the Overall Chairperson after discussion with the Executive Board. 7.11.3 Overall Chairperson shall directly coordinate all Ad-‐‐Hoc Committees. 7.11.4 Ad‐Hoc Committees shall cease to exist when the Overall Chairperson dissolves the committee.

Article 8. Election of Executive Committee Members and Tenure of Office 8.1 Application for the Executive Committee will be open to all individual members of a chapter by submission of an application form and being interviewed by the Executive Board. 8.2 The Regional Chairpersons shall elect all members of the Executive Committee as outlined in Article 7, Section 2. 8.3 The outgoing Overall Chairperson automatically sits on the advisory board along with two persons appointed by the incoming Overall Chairperson. 8.4 The Presiding Chairperson of the next AMSC and EAMSC will be elected by the host chapter during the bidding processes for conferences. 8.5 The Regional Chairpersons shall be appointed or chosen through formal processes as defined by the constitution of their member chapter. During the Executive Board Meeting at the AMSC, the Regional Chairpersons shall elect the members of the new Executive Committee from all applicants who were interviewed. The outgoing Overall Chairperson shall preside over the election. 8.6 No person on the Executive Committee should bear more than one office. 8.7 In necessary circumstances, a maximum of two people may share one office on the Executive Committee at the discretion of the Executive Board, provided that their selection does not conflict with any other article within the constitution. 8.7.1 The responsibilities are distributed between the two Executive Committee officers under advice and approval of the Overall Chairperson and the Vice Overall Chairpersons. 8.8 A person may hold one office for a maximum of two consecutive years. 8.9 Handover shall be done as soon as possible after election, but the outgoing Executive Committee has the responsibility to assist the incoming Executive Committee for at least 1 month.

Article 9. General Meeting 9.1 The General Meeting, also referred to as the Executive Board Meeting (EBM), is the main decision-making conjecture of AMSA International. A Regional Chairperson should represent their full member chapter and is entitled to only one vote each. Regional Chairpersons of associate and observer members should attend but may not vote. 9.2 A minimum of two Executive Board Meetings should be held every year: 9.2.1 Prior to the EAMSC (midpoint of term). 9.2.2 Prior to the AMSC (end of term). 9.3 Quorum shall be defined as more than 50% of the total number of Regional Chairpersons from full member chapters. 9.4 Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of the Regional Chairpersons from full member chapters present, provided that quorum still exists. 9.5 In the event of a tie, the highest ranking Executive Board member without a conflict of interest will have the deciding power. 9.6 A handover meeting shall be held upon election of a new Executive Committee during or after the conference. 9.7 Voting at online meetings may be held if there is a matter that must be decided urgently.

Article 10. Impeachment 10.1 A member of the Executive Committee shall be impeached and thus removed from office only upon: 10.1.1 Violation of the provisions of this constitution. 10.1.2 Failure to perform their duties as defined by this constitution. 10.1.3 Disgraceful acts which are contrary to the objectives of AMSA International. 10.2 At least 25% of members of the Executive Board are required to bring forward the motion of the impeachment. At least 75% of the members of the Executive Board are required to carry out a motion of impeachment. 10.3 The Executive Committee, with the Overall Chairperson presiding, shall have the power of impeachment. In the case that the Overall Chairperson is charged, the Vice Chairperson Internal presides. 10.4 The accused officer shall be given a thirty-day notice before the impeachment proceedings. The said officer has the right to legal defence and is protected against self-‐‐ incrimination.

Article 11. Funds 11.1 The funds of AMSA International shall come from membership fees (from conference delegates), sponsorship, collections, and proceeds of the projects undertaken by AMSA International. 11.2 Membership fee for each individual delegate attending the conference shall be included in the registration fee. The Organising Committee shall hand in the fee to the General Treasurer by the end of the conference. The fee is currently set at 16 USD per delegate and is subjected to annual review and signed in the original conference agreement. 11.3 No collection will be made without the approval of the Executive Board. 11.4 The funds of AMSA International shall be deposited by the General Treasurer to an internationally reputable bank. 11.5 Details on regulation of funds are stated in the Bylaw for AMSA Funds.

Article 12. Amending the Constitution 12.1 Amendment to any part of the constitution should be proposed to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall then undergo consultation and put forward the motion to the Regional Chairpersons of full member chapters. 12.2 The Regional Chairpersons shall be provided a copy of the constitution with the amendment, and be given two weeks for verification and consultation before it is put forward for voting. 12.3 Voting for amendments will be done by Regional Chairpersons of full member chapters and will be passed with greater than two‐third majority votes. 12.4 Voting can be conducted only in the presence of a quorum greater than 50% of the total number of Regional Chairpersons from full member chapters, the Overall Chairperson, the Vice Overall Chairpersons, and the General Secretary of AMSA International. 12.5 Voting for amendment shall be conducted at the Executive Board Meeting during the EAMSC and AMSC except for the special circumstances where more than 2/3 of the Executive Board believe that the change is required immediately.

Constitution History The Constitution of AMSA International was originally composed and finalised circa 2006. Since then, many amendments have been made and recorded, including the division of the VoC role into internal and external, delegate fees, membership issues, exemption to delegate fees, amending the constitution and appointment of the EiC and LO AMSAAC. In 2014, AMSA International Overall Chairperson, Samuel Vo, suggested that the constitution be rewritten to address errors and inconsistencies, improve clarity and reduce items that are open to interpretation, updating items to be more relevant to 2014, reduce the number of future amendments and for reasons of responsibility and accountability relating to membership of new chapters. The draft Constitution was proposed and distributed in January 2014 at the Executive B o a r d Meeting before the East Asian Medical Students’ Conference 2014, held in Seoul, South Korea, and was finalised and voted into effect effective immediately at the Executive Board Meeting held in Pattaya, Thailand in July, 2014. All amendments must be recorded in the following format, and in chronological order: NAME/NATURE OF AMENDMENT (bold in CAPITALS) • •

Year of Amendment: (year) Overall Chairperson: (Name)

Revision History In 2017, AMSA International Overall Chairperson, Soon Kuen Wong proposed to have structure reconstruction of Executive Committee of AMSA International, to introduce the concept of “department”, standardise the titles of positions, make the structure more flexible and expandable, and release more decisive power to the heads of respective departments. The idea of structure reconstruction was proposed in September 2017, the draft Constitution was done and distributed in December 2017 at Executive Board Meeting and was finalised and voted into effect effective immediately at the Executive Board Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal in January 2018.


Year of Amendment: 2014 Overall Chairperson: Samuel Vo

• •

Year of Amendment: 2018 Overall Chairperson: Soon Kuen Wong

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