I Can, We Can! The road towards 2020
Every year, nearly 8.2 million people worldwide die from cancer, this count for 13% of all deaths worldwide. In 2012 alone there were 14.1 million new cancer cases and By 2030, the global burden is expected to grow to 21.7 million new cancer cases and 13 million cancer deaths simply due to the growth and aging of the population. The number of new cases in developing countries is predicted to rise to 10.7 million by 2030, but sadly statistics show that 99% of cancer patients in developing countries are dying with untreated pain.
World Cancer Day is marked on February 4th aimed to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, early detection, and treatment. “I Can, We Can” was chosen as 2016 theme, emphasizing how everyone – as a collective or as individuals – can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.
People of Tomorrow! it is time to act. Urgent actions are needed to raise global awareness about cancer in order to decrease the global burden of cancer. We challenge you to explore the issue of cancer in your country and also to voice your thought regarding cancer.
GENERAL INFORMATION The AMSA Interna-onal World Cancer Day Compe--ons consists of two separate compe--ons, all of which are open strictly for AMSA members only: 1. Essay Compe--on 2. Public Poster Compe--on All compe--on submissions must adhere to these guidelines and should be submiFed to academics@amsa-‐ before December 5th, 2015 -‐ 09.00 GMT. All submission must be sent through AMSA Chapter email, any submission sent from personal email will be omiFed. Late submissions will not be recognized. To ensure fairness, the name and chapter of par-cipants will be omiFed during judging process. By submi)ng their work for
World Cancer Day Compe<<on, par<cipants give AMSA Interna<onal permission to archive and publish their work through its media channels. Ques%ons can be directed to: Email: academics@amsa-‐ LINE ID: salsabila.h Phone: +62 81215568556
Whatsapp: +65 8284 4463
Par-cipants are invited to write scien-fic essay, targeted for the scholar audience. As medical students from different countries and diverse cultures, we want to explore the challenges and breakthroughs regarding cancer in each chapter and to share that knowledge with each other. Par-cipants can choose one of the topics provided for their essay. We gladly welcome mul-ple submissions. • Na#onal Cancer Control Program • Spending Life with Cancer • Cancer and Life Style
Topics and ObjecHves: Na%onal Cancer Policy 1. Describe one or more na-onal cancer control programs in your chapter, whether currently enacted or s-ll in the planning stage. 2. Explore how those programs affect the management and/or quality of life of cancer pa-ents. 3. Describe the problems that may hinder the success of the chosen cancer program. 4. Propose possible roles of individuals, organiza-ons, or policymakers to support those programs. Spending Life with Cancer 1. Describe how the management of cancer differs in different groups of people (e.g. age groups or sex). 2. Describe the factors (e.g psychological, social, etc) that can affect the pa-ent’s quality of life. 3. Describe the shortcomings of the currently available pallia-ve care in your chapter and propose possible solu-ons to that shortcoming. Cancer and Life Style 1. Pick an example of how lifestyle and environment factors can affect cancer incidence 2. For the chosen example, elaborate its pathogenesis, epidemiology , and socioeconomic cost in your chapter. 3. Describe current preven-on or early detec-on for high-‐risk popula-ons in your chapter and how it affects the outcome of cancer pa-ents. If there is no such program in your chapter, pick an established program from
another country or region that you think can be implemented in your chapter. 4. Suggest suitable lifestyle modifica-on to reduce the risk of cancer, based on the example chosen.
1. The ar#cle must be original, without plagiarism in any form. 2. The ar#cle must be wri?en in English. If local terminology is unavoidable, put it in italics and provide explana#on. 3. References must be men#oned in the bibliography at the end of the essay. 4. Technical requirements: a. Length limit: 4 A4 pages (including #tle) b. Font: Times New Roman, 10 c. Spacing: 1,5 space d. Margin: normal e. File format: MicrosoP Word (.doc; .docx) f. Word count: 1,500 -‐ 2,000 words 5. Submission procedure: a. The ar#cle should be sent as an a?achment, and biodata (full name, chapter, university) should be wri?en in the e-‐mail. Do NOT put biodata in the essay file to facilitate fair assessment of score. b. E-‐mail subject: WCDPOPSCI <name> <chapter> (e.g. WCDPOPSCI HANUM INDONESIA) c. File name: WCDPOPSCI-‐<name> (e.g. WCDPOPSCI-‐HANUM)
Judging Criteria: The three topics will be judged separately. -‐ Content (30%) -‐ Argumenta#on, persuasion (30%) -‐ -‐
Originality (20%) Wri#ng skill: vocabulary, grammar (20%)
Award 1. Cer#ficate for all par#cipants and 3 winners 2. Publica#on in the following media for 3 winners: -‐ AMSA Interna#onal website -‐ AMSA Interna#onal Facebook page -‐ AMSA Interna#onal Official Newsle?er
Par-cipants are invited to make public poster, targeted for the general audiences. Par-cipants can choose one of the topics provided for their public poster. • Myths and Fact about Cancer • Early detec%on for be@er outcome
Topics and ObjecHves: Myth and Fact about Cancer Myths about cancer abound in the general public. Those myths o^en lead to addi-onal burdens on cancer pa-ents due to missed diagnosis, delayed treatment, or nega-ve s-gma. Design a poster to highlight the scien-fic fact debunking those myths and educate the public. Early detec%on for be@er outcome Some people are ignorant, some are afraid to face a cancer diagnosis, and others don’t even know such a life-‐saving screenings exist! Describe an example of cancer screening program available in your chapter, including its target popula-on and benefits. Requirements 1. The poster must be original, without plagiarism in any form. 2. Men-on the source used in a reference box in the poster (if there any). 3. The poster shall include the following: a. Title, AMSA-‐Interna-onal logo (provided), AMSA member chapter logo b. The words “World Cancer Day” c. The content itself d. Reference box (if necessary) 4. Technical requirements: a. WriFen language: English b. File format: .jpg
c. Size: A3 d. word counts for abstract : 200-‐300 words 5. Submission procedure: a. Submissions must include the poster (aFached), abstract , and biodata of par-cipants: full name, chapter, university b. E-‐mail subject: WCDPOS_<name>_<chapter> (e.g. WCDPOS_HANUM_INDONESIA) c. File name: WCDPOS_<name> (e.g. WCDPOS_HANUM) Judging Criteria • Content (40%) • Crea-vity (35%) • Clarity and suitability for general public (25%) Award 1. Cer-ficate for all par-cipants and 3 winners 2. Publica-on in the following media for 3 winners o AMSA-‐Interna-onal website o AMSA-‐Interna-onal Facebook page o AMSA-‐Interna-onal Official NewsleFer