IFMSA Newsletter April

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Dear IFMSA member, Welcome to the IFMSA’s monthly E-newsletter! In this April issue we bring you more interesting news from across the IFMSA world! We bring you news of events and projects in Bulgaria, Finland, Portugal, and the Dominical Republic. Do not miss out on the word of our fantastic Publications Support Division Director Ms. Bronwyn Jones! We hope you enjoy this issue of the Newsletter.

April 2013

Ismail El-Kharbotly and Bisher Al-Halabi- Newsletter Co-Editors

In this Issue

Learn More about the Pre-World Health Assembly on Youth Here

News and updates from: • The IFMSA Publications Support Division Director • NMO Updates: • Bulgaria • Dominican Republic • Finland • Portugal

Learn More about the Youth Multi-Stakeholder Meeting in Bali Here

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Learn More about the Post-2015 Development Agenda Here

Message from the Publications Director Bronwyn Jones

Dear IFMSA Family, It is now more than half-way through the term so I thought it about time that I updated you with a bit of our news. This year, the IFMSA Publications Division has undergone a reform process of its own, working intensively on our new integrated Medical Student International magazine and E-newsletter, and on the Corporate Identity Manual, amongst many other things. Behind all of our achievements so far (and to come), our Awesome Publications Team has been there, working hard to ensure that we do what is needed for the benefit of the Federation. For some time now, I wanted to make special mention of the contributions that Helena Chapman (ODEMDominican Republic) and Ebraheem Mousa (IFMSA-Egypt) have made towards realising our Publications dreams and goals. Helena and Ebraheem are wonderful team players who have oftentimes gone beyond the call of duty to assist myself and the team in times of need. Helena is filled with a seemingly never-ending stream of positive energy, and is always the first to volunteer for content-editing and proof-reading tasks. Ebraheem (or Hima, as he is fondly known) is a graphics and layout designer of considerable skill who has been working tirelessly on the Corporate Identity Manual, E-newsletter design and layout, and numerous other design tasks. Both team members are excellent communicators and incredible human beings who will, undoubtedly, do well in life, both for themselves and for others. Hima and Helena, thank you very much for all you have done (and continue to do) for us! Your work is always greatly appreciated, and your presence on the team always greatly enjoyed. I wish you all the best! Here’s to Health! With love, Bronwyn :O)

Ebraheem Moussa

Helena Chapman

NMO Updates

Bulgaria Dear IFMSA members and friends, The Local Executive Board of the Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria - Sofia (AMSB - Sofia) is pleased to introduce our new website to you! It is informative, well- structured and it allows you to easily find anything you seek, regarding not only the structure and goals of AMSB, but also our current activities. On our website you will find interesting news, campaigns, projects, and other valuable information. If you want to get to know us a little bit better, visit the “About Us” page. Here you will meet our team and you will be provided with thorough information about our association. New visitors who are not familiar with IFMSA and the Standing Committees’ purpose will find it very useful that every committee is introduced at its own page. The gallery of the site contains albums with various photos from different campaigns, projects and trainings that recreate the atmosphere of volunteering and enthusiastic teamwork. A great advantage for the members of our community is the possibility to track every upcoming campaign and to sign up to participate in those of their interest, all in one place. After a certain campaign has been held a short review will be posted in order to evaluate its results. The web site has a modern design and provides various ways to contact us. At the current moment the site is on Bulgarian, since it has just been launched, but it will be translated to English in the near future so that every IFMSAian could keep in touch with our activities. We hope you will visit us at !

Portugal WAMTE - Workshop on Access to Medical Training in Europe The Portuguese Medical Students’ International Committee (PorMSIC) is organizing the 2nd edition of its Workshop on Access to Medical Training in Europe (WAMTE). WAMTE is an initiative directed to 50 young medical students from the 27 member states of the European Union to discuss access to medical training and the organization of the training itself. Also, it intends to evaluate the mobility of young doctors both across Europe and outside it. The constraints to youth mobility and the proposal of solutions to overcome them will be the main focus of WAMTE in order to build a public database with the different types of access to medical training in Europe and also to compile the proposals discussed to be sent afterwards to European governments. This project will take place in Lisbon for 5 days, between 22nd and 26th July of 2013 and inscriptions will be available soon!

Dominican Republic Paint Your Nails: Say No to Racial Discrimination! Hane Lore King, NORP As I arrived at my hospital rotation, my colleagues and attending physician asked me, “Why are so many of our male and female classmates wearing different kinds of nail polish today? I see white, black and yellow colors!” With a smile, I answered, “Today is March 21st, and we are celebrating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination!” As part of our SCORP activity, “Paint Your Nails: Say No to Racial Discrimination!” medical students from three Dominican Republic medical schools are spreading this important health message! It is an amazing feeling to collaborate with other ODEM members and future physicians who are aware of this global health concern! Together in health, we say no to racial discrimination!


Understand the Relationship between War, Conflicts and Health FiMSIC organized an annual educational weekend concerning development cooperation. Over 100 students participated, most of them medical students, but also dentistry, peacekeeping and development sciences students. The aim of the weekend was to widen students’ knowledge about projects abroad in which they can take part, as well as about FiMSIC and other non-governmental organizations related to these themes. This year the theme of the weekend was war, conflicts and health. It was approached through lectures, small working groups and a panel discussion. The goal of the weekend was to understand the many relationships between war, conflicts and health. Many actual crises were raised up for discussion. Amnesty was present, reporting on the ongoing civil war and health crisis in Syria. PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility), a Finnish affiliate of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) talked about the topic of nuclear war and its potential local and global consequences. Also a discussion about conflict management legislation was held. A psychiatrist working in a clinic for immigrants spoke about traumas of immigrants being tortured in conflicts and explained what to keep in mind when meeting them as a doctor in a new home country. A pediatrician who had worked in Afghanistan talked about personal experiences on how to deal with children during war. Also, perspectives on the position of women, the role of media in war, as well as mental growth while working on the field were discussed. The refugee woman of the year, nominated by the Finnish refugee council, and an army doctor attended the panel discussion. They clarified the contrast between life in the middle of a war and life in Finland. Also the upcoming risks of health were raised: water and unequal access to health. In total, the lectures were interactive and students motivated – a successful event!

E-newsletter Team IFMSA Publications Support D.D: • Bronwyn Jones

Co-Editors of the E-newsletter: • Ismail El-Kharbotly • Bisher Al-Halabi


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Layout and Designing: • Ibrahim Mousa • Airin Aldiani • Hassan Aboul-Nour • Eric Melendez

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