IFMSA Newsletter January

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Dear IFMSA member, Welcome to the IFMSA’s monthly E-newsletter ! On the behalf of the entire Publications Team, we would like to wish you all a happy 2013. We hope that this new year brings you the most joyous moments and leaves you with the best memories. Please take the tme to enjoy this new issue of the newsletter with the latest updates from every corner of IFMSA. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did creating it. On the behalf of the entire team, Ismail El-Kharbotly - E-Newsletter Co-Editor

In this Issue News and updates from:

News and updates from:

• IFMSA’s President

• Training Support Division

• NMOs

• Sponsors

January 2013

News of the 130th WHO Executive Board session Here

Know more about the Doha Climate Change Conference Here

Bulgaria Catalonia Colombia

Dominican Republic

Ecuador Italy Lithuania Check out the website for the 2013 European Regional Meeting

Please use the Hyperlinks above for easy Navigation and Klick on Bar Flower to go back the 1st Page :)

President´s Message Dear IFMSA members, Before I wish you a Happy New Year, I would like your attention for a few minutes, as I share some personal reflections and make a request of you. As we began this next year, I am sure many of you are thinking about your personal resolutions and goals for the year. While I wish you all the best in accomplishing these, I would like to request a few minutes of your time to reflect upon IFMSA. Some questions for you to think about… •

How does IFMSA inspire you?

What are strengthens of IFMSA that we can build on?

What are weaknesses of IFMSA that need to be addressed?

What are opportunities that IFMSA should explore?

What challenges is IFMSA facing?

What are tangible commitments IFMSA can make?

What is the organizational culture & values that should define IFMSA?

What is the vision of IFMSA?

What role do I have in IFMSA? (Continues on next page)

Roopa Dhatt

IFMSA President 2012/13

President´s Message (Continues from page 1) As some of these questions might have already crossed your minds, it was these same questions that inspired me to become IFMSA’s President. However, as I think about these questions today, as we start this new year—I feel even more than I did a year ago, when I ran for President, that IFMSA needs change and reforms that focus on the strengths and address the weaknesses, but most importantly embrace the spirit of IFMSA that promotes collaboration. I ran with a simple motto---Ask not what your organization can do for you, but what you can do for your organization. I also told you that in this next year, inspired by the dedication, creativity and compassion of our members, I would like to work toward establishing IFMSA AS THE LEADING PROFESSIONAL, STUDENT NETWORK AND VOICE ON HEALTH RELATED ISSUES WORLDWIDE. I believe every organization must have a vision, mission, and common goals and objectives—we in IFMSA are united by many of these, even though we are one of the most diverse organizations internationally. Along the same lines of unity, I plan to continue to take IFMSA to next level and emphasize our vision for IFMSA to be a global leader in health, led by dedicated, compassionate members who aspire for a better world—at the local and global level. However, now that it is more than a year, as I read these words, I see the importance of making one major correction—I would like to change the word I to we. •

We as a Federation have to be inspired by the dedication, creativity and compassion of our members.

We should work toward further establishing IFMSA (and defining which aspects to further).

We should be committed to creating and revising our organizations vision, mission, common goals and objectives.

We should also ask ourselves and answer which direction should IFMSA go—and whether we want to be a global leader in health.

We should also ask ourselves in what tangible ways does IFMSA want to improve health at the local and global level.

Idealism is what inspires our members, but idealism should not drive us or guide our decision-making. Similarly, conforming and not challenging the institutional and structural aspects of IFMSA that hinder our growth is as devastating for our Federation. However, all this should be comprehensive, analytical, inclusive of experts and carefully thought out—as we have seen too often hasty, speedy decisions, representing the views of a minority, have significantly impacted our Federation. IFMSA can easily be fooled by catchy, innovative, flashy ideas (as we recently experienced)—but we should be turning to organizations or experts that have experience, knowledge and the solutions we are seeking—to truly tap into the potential of IFMSA that we have all been talking about for generations. It is time for us to work together on change and reform, to further IFMSA—create strategic priorities and sustainable solutions, while maintaining our equitable and collaborative values. We have to commit to this together and for the long-haul. I encourage all of you, the new and the old, to take the time to carefully consider the needs of IFMSA, carefully review the information that is provided, focus on facts and using your own reasoning of the information that is provided to make guided, informed contributions and decisions in this year of 2013, when IFMSA truly needs you. Happy 2013! A short video message for all of you to share how excited I am about CHANGE <>! Sincerely Your President, Roopa Dhatt

Setting Priorities: TOM 2 in Serbia The team of officials 2012/13 met in Serbia during the Team of Officials Meeting (TOM). It was a very productive meeting—focusing on a range of topics from the IFMSA Strategic Plan, addressing GA related issues, IFMSAwareness, and improving TOMS. During one of the sessions, the TO of 2012/13 set their priorities for the year: •

Financial management - Fundraising - Clearing the AM12 financial situation

Institutional empowerment  sustainability - IFMSA problem analysis and assessment (GAs, RMs, TFs, SWGs) - Have IFMSA vision and mission by the end of the term - Have a long term strategic plan by the end of the term

Focus on regional empowerment - IFMSA awareness - Capacity building

IFMSA image and identity - Externally: promotional and media strategy, marketing, PR, WEBSITE - Internally: clearing IFMSA’s image after AM12

Advocacy - Integrating Advocacy Support Division in the Team

Team values - Integrity - Transparency - Respect - Efficiency

While these are a vast set of priorities—the TO of 2012/13 are committed to seeking solutions and working towards them.



12th International Congress of Medical Sciences in Sofia, Bulgaria (ICMS 2013) The International Congress of Medical Sciences (ICMS), hosted by AMSB – Sofia, will take place from the 9th to the 12th of May. Medical students and young doctors from all over the world have the opportunity to present their research work in a number of specific oral and poster sessions. The profound and leading philosophy of the congress is to stimulate and contribute to the development of science in the field of Medicine, Dentistry, Medical Education and Public Health. Attending interesting workshops for surgical stitching, First Aid and traffic incidents, etc. Participants gain a certain advantage for the practical work of the future medical profession. Apart from the academic atmosphere, the congress offers an unforgettable social program in Sofia that makes you feel the spirit of Bulgaria! We are eager to seeing you in Sofia in May! For further information visit our website: or do not hesitate to write to us at


Training New Trainers, Barcelona Dear friends around the world, as the New Year kicked in, so did events in Catalonia related to trainings and for the third time in a row: AECS – Catalonia will be organizing a National Training New Trainers (TNT) workshop! The TNT workshop is an event where students can acquire communications and group management skills. Those skills are essential in the context of transmitting knowledge to others and empowering them. They can be used both in order to better IFMSA activities as well as in the professional context. This training will be given by foreigner trainers and will be held in English. The cost should be of 100€. This cost will include the material for the workshop, accomodation, three meals per day, and also the T-shirt given to all participants. So as to apply for the Training New Trainers in Barcelona (February 21st - 24th, 2013) please send an email to The deadline for application is: February 8th. We are open to accepting a limited number of international participants. Keep training keep rocking and warm regards from Catalonia!


Multidisciplinary Camp for Research and Service The Colombian Association of Medical Students’ Scientific Societies (ASCEMCOL) invites you to the fourth Universitary Multidisciplinary Camp for Research and Service –CUMIS. This year, the CUMIS will take place in Samacá, Boyacá, Colombia a place full of nature and amazing views. Boyacá is two hours away from the capital: Bogotá, DC, and is easily accessible. We expect to gather more than 100 medical and otherfield students and professionals from all over Colombia and abroad to give a health approach to an in-need community. Educational activities, workshops, health-care and fun will be guaranteed for all attendees and community. Registration for foreign students is 35 USD and for professionals is FREE. Pack your tent and camp with us! Food and transportation during the Camp will be covered with the registration fee! Mark your calendar from the 22nd to 26th of March, 2013. Contact us:

Student Scientific Colombian Congress of Medical Research Register and participate in the Student Scientific Colombian Congress of Medical Research -CECIM, a one of a kind event in Colombia hosted by the Colombian Association of Medical Students’ Scientific Societies -ASCEMCOL and its Local Committee, the Scientific Association of Medical Students’ from Risaralda -ACEMRIS that has partnered with the Risaralda’s Consortium of Health Institutions -COODESURIS. The congress will be held at the heart of the coffee making region of Colombia: Pereira, Risaralda from the 15th to 18th of May, 2013. The CECIM gathers over 300 undergraduate and postgraduate health students and professionals around scientific medical research where attendees can present and compete with their peers through their work: scientific projects, concluded research, case reports, medical photographs and videos. Several workshops and conferences to improve the quality of our research and to share experiences will be offered to attendees. More information can be obtained at:

Dominican Republic

IFMSA-Dominican Republic Celebrates Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Franchesca Mirre González, NORA

During October 2012, eighty-five students from three medical schools in the Dominican Republic organized a health campaign to raise the awareness of more than 1,600 students and 2,000 citizens in five cities and rural communities about breast and cervical cancer. Prepared activities occurred in the university (breast self-examination module, health lectures, dissemination of educational brochures, poster displays), local hospital (health lectures), rural communities (cancer walk, dissemination of educational brochures) and global communities (dissemination of educational brochures and posters through social networks) to promote breast self-examination and early detection of breast cancer as well as motivate adult females to regularly visit with their gynecologist. We also invited physician specialists to conduct medical seminars on related topics. Students enthusiastically wore pink shirts during the four Fridays in October. Promoting our ODEM’s “Together in Health” philosophy, this SCORA activity demonstrated successful collaborations between medical students and community members to educate and raise awareness on breast and cervical cancer.

IFMSA-Dominican Republic Celebrates Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Helena Chapman, MD, MPH, President ODEM

Sixty medical students from five medical schools in the Dominican Republic (DR) organized a two-week national health campaign to educate more than 5,500 citizens about cardiovascular health and healthy lifestyle habits in four cities. Using the theme, “Cardiovascular health: Make every heartbeat count,” our SCOME team organized cost-effective health activities within universities (educational brochures, poster displays, health seminars), multiple local (health seminars, individual health counseling sessions, health walk, basic survey regarding lifestyle and dietary habits) and global (social media) communities to educate about cardiovascular disease, including the epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis and preventive methods. IFMSA medical students may utilize these health educational strategies to facilitate the implementation of their own national health interventions on cardiovascular disease.


IHSC 2013

Join IHSC 2013:


IFMSA ECUADOR SUPER UPDATE A new era for IFMSA Ecuador has begun; it has been an amazing year for our aspirations. We can finally say we have completed our main goal; a complete restructuring of IFMSA-Ecuador. This took place with a new mission centered on a holistic medical education outlook. IFMSA-Ecuador´s new two year strategic plan is based on: • Empowering local organizations and recruiting new ones. • Creating and improving original projects with high quality results and a better feedback process. • We are proud to present one of our biggest projects yet: “Hampina: medical brigades” – named after the quichua word for healing. We created a large scale medical brigade base providing primary health care to various indigenous communities of our country. The results were AMAZING! • Increasing the amount of trainings so our members are leaders. We decided to create a whole new level of Support Division. We planned it in a way that it is divided into teams (Internal Affairs´ Team and External Affairs´ Team); which will help us accomplish our strategic plan. Expanding our NMO to new cities of our small, but beautiful, country was a priority for us. So in 2013, we have the honor of working with two new organizations located in new cities. They have been working amazingly well during these 4 months of candidate membership with all of our support and guidance. Last, but not least, one of our main goals in the past has finally coming true! We are in the process of becoming an NGO legally recognized by our country! We really hope we will have great news in a few months. We hope all this important changes in our NMO will allow us to provide IFMSA with bigger and better contributions. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY!


A Policy Statement Against Homophobia

A Policy Statement against homophobia, transphobia and gender\sexual orientation based discrimination was approved, by all the 37 Italian local committees, during the National Congress of SISM Italy. We asked ourselves: what can medical students do in order to fight homophobia? First of all we stated that, as a medical students’ association, we want to promote the prevention of bad attitudes and acts which are detrimental towards LGBTQI community, in order to raise the awareness that the individual Health is a set of physical, mental and social health, and as that cannot happen if you take apart freedom of expression of sexuality. Also, want to promote information to the public on the subject of sexual-orientated or gender identity-motivated discrimination, because we think that only through a better culture can destroy erroneous preconceived opinions and discriminations. Therefore, SISM will encourage the implementation of training activities on the different types of audiences, including workshops, conferences or lectures for students, in universities, primary and secondary schools, on medical personnel, using, where possible, peer education techniques. We want to promote advocacy campaigns to raise awareness in the authorities, institutions and the general public on the need for debate on this subject. SISM also supports the need to recognize the couple relationship in our nation, preserving the freedom of expression of their sexual orientation in a climate of freedom and tolerance. We aim to promote and expand the celebration of the May 17 “International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia” (IDAHO) as an important starting point for reflection on that topic. Students in Medicine of SISM, as future doctors and promoters of Health, require the dignity of people with different sexual orientations and different unions of life in order to carry a democracy respectful of diversity.

Training Support Division

Training Support Division Update Andres Marin, Training Support Division Director 12-13 Dear IFMSAians from around the world, The IFMSA Training Support Division nowadays witnesses a huge revolution by the motivated trainers worldwide and with this small article; I’d like to share with you why! Having said that, this year is particularly special since we are working on 4 international groups and the results we’ve started to have are awesome! The groups and evolutions are the following: • Database group: an international spreadsheet was distributed on the Training servers, and more than 200 trainers all over the world have filled it in. • Internal Operating Guidelines: we’re on the process of finalizing the editing of our internal operating guidelines. • Open Space: this 100% creative area allows motivated trainers to share their ideas about the training sessions and have input from the training community. Up till now two/three very original ideas have originated there and are in the process of being developed. • Resources Center: this is the core of the trainings; it’s an area where we store all our knowledge in documents and, in the past few months we’ve been cleaning it and modernizing it to allow us to offer you the best possible trainings. Concerning the most recent updates, 2 weeks ago, we participated in the ARM held in Arusha, Tanzania by organizing two TNTs! The merit comes down to the six motivated trainers from different NMOs from Africa, the EMR and Europe who managed to handle forty-one participants in total and have produced outstanding results! Feedback was tremendous and, due to this massive capacity building event, we are now counting on a new revolution of the African Sharks! ;-) To avoid losing the international touch, the Americas Meeting also had something to celebrate: it witnessed the end of a perfectly conducted TNT that hopefully will show its fruitful results in a couple of weeks/months. And finally, as the EMR RM is approaching, we are proud to announce that we will also be there in the pre-Regional Meeting to organize TNT and, for the first time in a Regional Meeting, a TOT for the EMRians! It will begin in 2 weeks, so we are expecting splendid workshops and highly effective, motivated and experienced trainers! On that note, I would like to finish my article by the trainers’ most famous quote (Training is the IFMSA Backbone) ;) See you all in the next MM, in US 2013! Yours Sincerely, Andres Marin Training Support Division Director 12-13 Email: Mobile: +34 697 748 069

Sponsors Kaplan Medical Kaplan Medical, the proven leader in USMLE preparation, is proud to announce a new partnership with IFMSA. As a result of this new partnership IFMSA members receive the following: • A 10% discount on all Kaplan online and US based USMLE preparation courses • Access to free online events designed to help you navigate the process for attaining a US residency • Free one on one advising sessions with a Kaplan medical advisor • Customized events for your local chapter or NMO, to learn more email To learn more about post graduate training opportunities and this exciting partnership visit Below is the first in a series of newsletter articles from Kaplan designed to educate you on the US medical system and the process for attaining a residency and licensure. Did you know? Current studies indicate that the US will experience a doctor shortage of over of 90,000 physicians within the next decade*. In order to obtain a license to practice medicine in the United States, physicians must complete a residency (specialist training) within the United States. Securing a Residency Most hospitals select residency candidates from applicants who participate in the “Match.” This system of matching candidates to residency training positions allows you to interview and rank preferences, while simultaneously allowing the hospitals to rank those they have interviewed. The preference lists are merged by computer at the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP, Results are announced annually in March. Generally, programs look for USMLE scores well above 200, the results of Kaplan’s post Match survey in 2012 indicated those who successfully matched had an average Step 1 score of 224 and an average Step 2 CK score of 234. Programs also prefer U.S. hospital experience and letters of recommendation from physicians with whom you have worked. A personal statement outlining goals, reasons for entering the profession, and special interests is also required. Plan ahead to ensure that you are able to meet the various Match deadlines. Licensing Exams The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE®) consists of three steps with four exams designed to assess a physician’s ability to apply a broad spectrum of knowledge, concepts, and principles to evaluate the physician’s basic patient-centered skills. Pathway to Medical Licensure in the U.S.

The following exams may be taken in any order: Step 1 4-9 months to prepare Step 2 CK 4-9 months to prepare Step 2 CS 1-2 months to prepare

Requirements • Medical degree • Medical school transcript • Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS

Residency Match • ECFMG® Certification • Enroll in NRMP • Apply using ERAS • Interviewing at residency programs • Rank programs • If no match, “scramble” or reapply following year

Step 3 Taken during residency or during the Match application season. USA Residency Training • 3-8 years required depending on specialty chosen


E-newsletter Team IFMSA Publications Support D.D: • Bronwyn Jones

Co-Editors of the E-newsletter: • Ismail El-Kharbotly • Khalid Hamid

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Layout and Designing: • Ibrahim Mousa • Airin Aldiani • Hassan Aboul-Nour • Eric Melendez

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