A collective project of:
ADM, AstaroTheatro, Badhuistheater, Bajesdorp, Cavia, Cinetol, De Nieuwe Anita, De Ruimte, Fort van Sjakoo, Kaskantine, NieuwLand, OCCII, OT301, Pakhuis Wilhelmina, Plantage Dok, Ruigoord, Spinhuis, Teatro Munganga, Volta, Vondelbunker, Workship op de Ceuvel, Zaal100
.NL www.amsterdamalternative.nl facebook.com/amsterdamalternative
Over dit project Amsterdam Alternative is een gezamenlijk project van Amsterdamse panden waarin muziek, film, dans, theater en andere kunst wordt geprogrammeerd maar waar ook wordt gewoond en/of gewerkt. We zijn non-profit, experimenteel, internationaal, sociaal, tolerant en creatief. Onze gratis tweemaandelijkse krant en website zijn bedoeld voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het publieke programma van de deelnemende organisaties maar ook de achtergrondartikelen over en van de subcultuur, kunstenaars, muzikanten en schrijvers die werken, wonen of optreden in de betreffende panden.
Vision/mission Amsterdam Alternative is a joint project realised by independent Amsterdam venues, places where music, dance, theatre and art is created, experienced and presented. We are non-profit, experimental, international, social, tolerant and creative. Our free bi-monthly newspaper and accompanying website are designed for everyone interested in the programming of the participating organisations. The newspaper will also provide information on the backgrounds of the artists, musicians, writers and sub-cultures that contribute to their local underground scenes; it will also provide insight on the independent venues in which such people live, work and play.
Tweetalig De basis van de krant is in het engels maar onze artikelen worden geschreven in het Nederlands of Engels. De keuze van de taal wordt gemaakt door de schrijver/afzender. We hebben het budget en de middelen niet om alles tweetalig af te drukken dus vandaar de keus om het op deze manier te doen. Excuus aan degenen die een van de talen niet kan lezen.
Bilingual The main language of the newspaper is English. However, articles may be written in English or Dutch, depending on the author’s choice. Unfortunately we have yet to realise the budget which will allow us to present each article in both languages; please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this.
Bijdragen? Wil jij graag bijdragen aan dit alternatief? Heel graag! We zijn als groep vrijwilligers altijd op zoek naar extra handen en hersens om stukken te schrijven, adverteerders te zoeken, de krant te distribueren en andere taken uit te voeren. Vele handen maken licht werk en hoe meer kunstenaars, schrijvers, denkers en muzikanten hun gedachten met ons willen delen hoe beter. •
Contribute? Would you like to contribute to this project? We would love to hear from you! We are a group of volunteers always on the lookout for extra hands and brains to help us with articles, suitable advertising/marketing partners, distribution and other tasks and needs that might arise. Many hands make light work! The more artists, writers, thinkers, musicians who share their ideas with us the better.
Redactie: Sebastian Olma, Jacqueline Schoemaker, Ivo Schmetz - redactie@amsterdamalternative.nl
Editorial: Sebastian Olma, Jacqueline Schoemaker, Ivo Schmetz - redactie@amsterdamalternative.nl
Adverteren: advertentie@amsterdamalternative.nl Anders: info@amsterdamalternative.nl
Adverts: advertentie@amsterdamalternative.nl Other: info@amsterdamalternative.nl
Drukwerk: Flevodruk Grafisch ontwerp: 310k.nl
Print: Flevodruk Graphic design: 310k.nl
ADVERTEREN Amsterdam Alternative is niet van plan om een krant vol advertenties te worden maar om een gratis krant mogelijk te maken zijn er inkomsten nodig. We proberen hier zo zorgvuldig mogelijk mee om te gaan en zullen geen advertenties van grote commerciele merken plaatsen. We zijn op zoek naar organisaties, merken, labels etc. die passen bij onze visie en doelgroep. Ben jij geïnteresserd om te adverteren in Amsterdam Alternative, neem dan contact op met: adverteren@amsterdamalternative.nl
ADVERTISING It is not our plan to have a newspaper full of adverts. However, a freely distributed newspaper must have an income. It is our policy to avoid hosting adverts by major commercial brands. Instead we look for partner organisations, brands, labels that share our vision and passion for the underground, non-commercial scenes in our city. Are you interested in advertising in Amsterdam Alternative? Please contact us using the following email address: adverteren@amsterdamalternative.nl
Wil jij stage lopen bij Amsterdam Alternative? Dat kan want we zoeken een enthousiast iemand die ons kan helpen bij onze werkzaamheden. Een stage bij AA is gegarandeerd niet saai want we hebben geen vast kantoor. Je zit op meerdere verschillende plekken in de stad bij deelnemende panden en zal veel verschillend werk te doen krijgen.
Do you want to be an Amsterdam Alternative intern? That might be possible because we are looking for a motivated person to help us with our daily tasks. Being an AA intern will not be boring because we do not have an office. You will be working in various locations across town, most likely at a couple of the participating venues. We have lots of big and small jobs to do.
Een greep uit de werkzaamheden: • Onderhouden van social media en website • Het schrijven of organiseren van relevante content • Adverteerders, donaties, subsidiemogelijkheden • Distributie • Community management • Toekomste projecten uitwerken Je hoeft uiteraard niet alle bovenstaande taken uit te voren. De taken worden aangepast al naar gelang de wensen en specialismen. Mail ons als je geïnterresseerd bent. info@amsterdamalternative.nl
Actie FAIRcity Haarlemmerpoort, 14 oktober
FAIRcity is een Amsterdamse stadsbeweging. Ze is vorig jaar opgericht als een platform van verschillende (buurt)actiegroepen en maatschappelijke organisaties om op te komen voor de toegankelijkheid en de diversiteit in Amsterdam. FAIRcity voert sinds deze zomer een campagne om de verkoop van gemeentelijk vastgoed aan de kaak te stellen. Als uitvloeisel van het program-akkoord van het college van B&W zijn er de laatste maanden tientallen gemeentepanden op de markt te koop aangeboden. Hieronder ook menig pand met een maatschappelijke bestemming. Het zijn voornamelijk voormalige school- en kantoorgebouwen in het centrum die vaak al decennialang onderdak bieden aan tal van maatschappelijke organisaties. FAIRcity eist het behoud van de panden en de opschorting van het verkoopbeleid. Deze gemeentepanden moeten beschikbaar blijven voor initiatieven die door de oververhitte marktomstandigheden uit de stad verdreven worden. Juist de afgelopen weken kwam een bonte rij sociale en culturele instellingen in het nieuws omdat ze hun plek kwijt dreigen te raken: de ateliers van de Zondagsschilders op de Gelderskade, het Wijkcentrum in de Nieuwe Doelenstraat, de balletschool in de Weteringbuurt, de aula van de begraafplaats Vrederust, om er maar een paar te noemen. En als je even niet oplet is er weer ergens een leuk, vertrouwd winkeltje verdwenen omdat alleen grote ketens de huur nog kunnen opbrengen, zoals op de Haarlemmerdijk. Allemaal zijn de organisaties het slachtoffer van het voortschrijdende proces van steeds verdergaande vermarkting van de stad. Met de verkoop van het publieke bezit stimuleert de gemeente niet alleen deze ontwikkeling, ze zet ook het voortbestaan van de activiteiten van haar huidige huurders onder grote druk. Maar het zijn niet alleen allerlei voorzieningen die het loodje leggen. Tegelijk wordt namelijk duidelijk dat men erop aanstuurt dat de stad binnen de ring uitgroeit tot het exclusieve domein van de beter verdienende klasse. Op een onlangs gepresenteerd groot nieuwbouwproject op Oostenburg met 1500 woningen is nauwelijks plaats ingeruimd voor sociale huurwoningen. De kritiek die hierop kwam werd door Stadgenoot in een twitterbericht hautain van de hand gewezen: ‘Wij bouwen sociale en middenhuur. We verkopen kavels aan partijen die voor ‘rijken’ bouwen. Met de opbrengst bouwen wij sociale huur buiten de ring.’ Onder ieders ogen wordt een scherp onderscheid aangebracht tussen de rijke gedeeltes waar de happy few zich kunnen uitleven en de arme stadsdelen ver buiten het centrum. Hoezo tweedeling? Stadgenoot is zich van geen kwaad bewust en verschuilt zich achter het beleid dat in de stad als geheel 40% sociale huur in de nieuwbouw wordt gerealiseerd. Maar ondertussen helpen ze de toegankelijkheid en de diversiteit van grote delen van de binnenstad om zeep. Als hier niets tegen gedaan wordt, zal op termijn sociale verhuur alleen nog buiten de ring gerealiseerd worden. De verdringing die met de gentrificering van de stad gepaard gaat, treedt inmiddels in volle glorie aan de oppervlakte. Vooral nu de crisis voorbij is en de bouw- en investeringswoede om zich heen slaat is goed te zien waar het met de stad naartoe gaat. Maar het stadsbestuur staat erbij en kijkt ernaar alsof het een of ander natuurverschijnsel is. Terwijl juist stevige ingrepen noodzakelijk zijn. In de huidige turbulente omstandigheden mag en kan Amsterdam zich niet langer laten ringeloren door de Haagse politiek. Maar zoals het beleid van het huidige college van burgemeester en wethouders de afgelopen jaren duidelijk heeft gemaakt, hoeft hier van de liberale politieke partijen in het huidige stadsbestuur weinig verwacht te worden. Hun vertrouwen in de vrije markt houdt de stad steeds sterker in een verstikkende wurggreep. Amsterdam wordt geteisterd door een veelkoppig monster dat alleen met vereende krachten het hoofd kan worden geboden. FAIRcity heeft geen pasklare antwoorden op deze aanvallen. Eén ding weten we wel: als we niks doen gaat de stad naar de gallemiezen. Op allerlei fronten zullen creatieve oplossingen gevonden moeten worden die daadwerkelijk tegenwicht kunnen bieden. FAIRcity zal de komende maanden in de aanloop naar de verkiezingen de vinger op de zere plek blijven leggen en iedereen ondersteunen die zich in wil zetten voor een eerlijke, diverse en toegankelijke stad. Volg FAIRcity op Facebook, Twitter en www.faircity.amsterdam Meld je aan voor informatie of doe mee: info@faircity.amsterdam
A short list of possible tasks: • Maintain our website and social media channels • Write or organise relevant content • Advertising, donations, subsidy possibilities • Distribution • Community management • Work on future projects Of course you don’t have to do all of the above. Tasks will be chosen according to your wishes and specialisms. Mail us if you are interested. info@amsterdamalternative.nl FAIRcity in actie tegen de gentrificering van de Kinkerbuurt op 7 september
FAIRcity-actie tegen de verkoop van Nieuwe Herengracht 95 op 8 augustus
INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY! INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY is een in februari 2017 gestarte expeditie met zelfgecreëerde instrumenten als uitgangspunt. Lukas Simonis (Klangendum), Harco Rutgers (De Perifeer) en Julie Dassaud (Kulter) willen met dit bijzondere project de grote potentie van zelfgecreëerde instrumenten benadrukken en de bekendheid van de makers uitbreiden. Van 1 tot en met 10 december 2017 wordt in Rotterdam, Amsterdam en Deventer het eerste INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY Festival gehouden, met exposities, een beurs, een driedaagse workshop, ontmoetingen en uiteraard concerten, waaronder een feestelijke avond in De Ruimte (Amsterdam-Noord) op 3 december.
“Well it gives us a chance to laugh at the French, the British and the Germans, obviously,” remarked one friend when asked why Dutch people love the TV show ‘Allo ‘Allo. As the Badhuis International Theater company begins its third run of the hilarious stage adaptation of the TV classic, Amsterdammers are facing their city’s eternal question, again: How can we possibly deal with all these foreigners? Tourists and expats are flocking to Amsterdam in ever greater numbers. But far from representing a threat to Amsterdam’s culture, foreigners are a vital and vibrant part of the city’s cultural DNA, at every level. However, the policies that tempted this wave of tourists and expats may have a considerable downside.
foreigners are now and always have been up to their elbows in creating, protecting and promoting alternative culture in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, alternative culture has never needed significant support (although it’s nice, of course) or protection, only enough space to grow. And if that space is taken away, it won’t the fault of foreigners. We can prove it. Don’t believe us? Come and see our acclaimed, foreigner-filled production of ‘Allo ‘Allo. Collecties te bewonderen in SoundLAB en STEIM De zelfbouwelektronica heeft een niet-spectaculair imago en niet altijd vallen de instrumenten en/of hun bespelers op. Een muzikaal bouwwerk wordt snel als kunst gerangschikt en met rust gelaten als kijkobject. Maar tegelijkertijd genereert deze scene een uitermate gevarieerd publiek van belangstellenden met een brede interesse in de unieke, geniale, bizarre, absurde, poëtische, speelse of ook hilarische objecten. Ook op het gebied van geluid en performance kunnen concerten intens intrigeren.
Counter cultural types don’t tend to come with full wallets, however. For the last ten years, Amsterdam’s officialdom has worked to reinvent the city’s image and make it a more attractive destination for international business and mainstream tourism. That means working to attract a different type of foreigner. The plan has worked. Businesses are stacked with young, high-earning professional expats. Rents have sky rocketed. Middle and lower earners have been squeezed further and further out of the centre. What does this mean for culture? The city’s famous high- cultural institutions benefit from the increase in tourist spending. Meanwhile the already under-subsidized havens of alternative Amsterdam have to pay more for their rent and fight against the marketing machines of considerably better-resourced venues, and their struggle for survival intensifies. The official plan to sell Amsterdam as a destination, perhaps predictably, risks selling out Amsterdam, and resentment of tourists and immigrants may end up spreading like the proliferation of unsanctioned Air BnBs. Fortunes are not made performing obscure Welsh theatre. No one has yet become rich by screening and discussing Communist-era Polish propaganda films. Reinterpreting folk stories from Papua New Guinea is unlikely to prove lucrative. But these sorts of pursuits, coupled with a cheap beer or a cozy cup of tea, are the ecosystem that makes Amsterdam’s culture so vibrant. A captive audience, even if few in number, is the main reward alternative actors, musicians, story-tellers and performers of all sorts are seeking. Amsterdam offers that audience, and
Tickets (€10/€5/€0) & Passe-partouts (€25) Tickets (€50) Deelname aan de driedaagse workshop Electricity Matters « build & play your own synth » 29 nov-30 nov-1 dec door Nataliya Petkova, feministisch collectief StudioXX Montreal (inclusief al het materiaal): www.instrumentsmakeplay.nl
1 december DEVENTER 17:00 expo met optredens in Kunstenlab/De Perifeer 2 december ROTTERDAM 14:00-20:00 beurs met showcases in Worm 3 december AMSTERDAM 14:00-17:00 ontmoeting met makers in SoundLAB, 18:00-22:00 feestelijke speelse avond in De Ruimte 7 december AMSTERDAM 19:30 performanceavond in STEIM Regelmatig betreden « Rare and Strange Instruments 8 december DEVENTER 19:30 performanceavond in » (een referentie aan het gedachtegoed van Nicolas Kunstenlab/De Perifeer Bras/Musiques de Nulle Part en zijn 500.000+ 10 december ROTTERDAM 19:30 performanceavond volgers) culturele vrijplaatsen als Zaal 100, OCCII in Worm of Dokzaal. Vorig jaar bracht Samuel Vriezen « The Machine » van Remco Scha weer tot leven in de Vondelbunker. Denk aan een aangestuurde automaat van samenspelende gitaren.
Amsterdam has been international for as long as it has existed. In recent decades, foreigners have been drawn here by the perceived liberal attitudes, the easy-going atmosphere and the strength of the city’s counter culture. These newcomers have propped up services and agriculture and provided language skills beyond the reach of even the polyglot Dutch. But, more relevant to the matter at hand, they have become an essential part of the city’s glamorous high cultural delights and just as essential a part of her gritty counter-culture. Residents of Amsterdam, foreign and native, can be proud of the city’s world-class cultural landmarks, like the Rijksmuseum, the Hermitage or the Carré Theater. Foreign names, ideas and treasures abound in the esteemed museums, concert halls and theaters. But imported names and ideas also make a massive contribution to the squats, blackbox theaters, and poky bars and cinemas where Amsterdam derives its true culture, its chic, its independence, its uniqueness.
De Ruimte is de plek waar de samenwerking tussen de drie organisatoren is ontstaan. Na een memorabele, aan zelfbouwelektronica en muzikale bouwwerken toegewijde middag, ontstond het idee van een platform-in-combinatie-met-festival in drie steden. De organisatoren proberen zoveel mogelijk eigenwijze muzikanten te verzamelen, die zich niet laten leiden door het bestaande aanbod aan instrumenten, of die in alle vindingrijkheid zelf hun elektronica samenstellen omdat het bijvoorbeeld financieel aantrekkelijker is.
Uit het buitenland zijn o.a. te gast.: Grauton (Karen Geyer), Nataliya Petkova en Stephanie Castonguay (StudioXX Montreal), Tapetronic (Alexis Malbert) en Eli Gras. Vanzelfsprekend verwelkomt het festival ook de instrumentenmakers (en hun instrumenten) die veelvuldig in Nederland optreden, zoals Yuri Landman, Pierre Bastien, Peter Zegveld, Toktek, Slumberland en Dianne Verdonk. Zij zullen uitgebreid te zien en te horen zijn, net als de site specific installaties van OHM (Geert Jan Hobijn, Radboud Mens en Gijs Gieskes). Het aantal aanwezige makers reikt tot boven de veertig en is nog steeds groeiende. Benieuwd naar de laatste update? Kijk dan ook vooral naar de laatste artiesten- en programma-updates op de website. www.instrumentsmakeplay.nl
From November the 3rd till the 12th, Mike’s Badhuistheater brings the famous BBC series ‘Allo ‘Allo! back to the stage. We have had enormous success with this production, with children as well as parents. The appeal is universal. The play returns after sold out shows Christmas 2016 and Spring 2017. The cast of ‘Allo ‘Allo! is an international cast and they are fluent in the English language. Mike’s Badhuistheater is very successful with classical English language plays like ‘Allo ‘Allo!, Blackadder Goes Forth and Sean O’Casey’s Dublin Trilogy. It is historically interesting as well as being hilarious. The play is set in the local town café in Nouviens in German-occupied France during the Second World War. René, the local café Owner, has many problems! The Germans are threatening to shoot him if he does not secretly hide their stolen goods; the Resistance is using the café as a safe-house for shot-down British airmen; and on top of that, he is trying to keep 3 passionate love affairs going with his café waitresses and also secret from his wife. Sounds like a death sentence? ‘Allo ‘Allo! is directed by Michael Manicardi. Send us a mail (badhuistheater@gmail.com) if you would like to come to the play for a reduced price tickets. It is important that we know the numbers so we can reserve for you Dates and times: • 03 / 11 / 2017 - 20:15 • 04 / 11 / 2017 - 20:15 • 05 / 11 / 2017 - 17:30 • 10 / 11 / 2017 - 20:15 • 11 / 11 / 2017 - 20:15 • 12 / 11 / 2017 - 17:30
Van musique concrète tot Apollohuis bestaat er een rijke traditie aan zelfbouwmuziekinstrumenten, van ambachtelijke constructies van museale omvang, een gesamtkunstwerk van knutselfrutseltjes tot ensembles van DIY synthesizers. In Amsterdam worden twee verzamelingen van fraaie en speelse invented instruments onderhouden. Beide collecties zijn voor publiek toegankelijk tijdens het Festival: SoundLAB op 3 december van 14:00 tot 17:00 en STEIM op 7 december van 19:30 tot 23:00.
Expo, Beurs, Feest Meer nog dan de instrumenten zelf, is INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY een festival waarin makers en bespelers van zelfgebouwde en uitgevonden instrumenten centraal staan. Het eerste weekend brengt het festival de makers en het publiek samen rond verschillende thema’s en events die de diversiteit van het aanbod en de visie laten zien: een tentoonstelling in Deventer, een beurs in Rotterdam, een ontmoeting met makers en een speelse avond in Amsterdam waarvoor alle deelnemers zijn uitgenodigd. Het tweede weekend bestaat uit drie performanceavonden waarin speciale gasten naast lokale artiesten optreden. De start is in Amsterdam op een vroege donderdagavond, 7 december, in STEIM en de performances worden vervolgd op 8 december in Deventer en 10 december in Rotterdam.
ENG Summary: INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY is a platform for musical instruments inventors and players of unconventional instruments who typically embody a do-it-yourself and play-it-together attitude. This community encompasses a very diverse crowd, delivering unique ingenious bizarre absurd poetic playful hilarious musical objects as well as sound-wise and stage-wise intriguing performances. Not to mention the rich DIY noise/circuit-bending and build-your-ownmodular-synth adepts. And, moreover, a peaceful movement of activists creating collaborative performances with electronic trash and obsolete technology waste as a statement. The INSTRUMENTS MAKE PLAY Festival takes place from 1 till 10 December 2017 in Rotterdam (Worm), Amsterdam (De Ruimte, STEIM, SoundLAB) and Deventer (Exhibition & Performances in De Perifeer, Kunstenlab). It gathers more than 40 builders, inventors and performers, among which Karen Geyer, Yuri Landman, Stephanie Castonguay, Peter Zegveld, Nataliya Petkova, Pierre Bastien, Jasna Velickovic, Mario van Horrik, Dianne Verdonk, Toktek, Tapetronic, Eli Gras, Jochem van Tol, Jonathan Reus, Anna Mikhailova, Karel van der Eijk, Jan Schellink, KMEX, Paul Tas, Joker Nies, Rob Hordijk, Optical machines. Tickets (€10/€5/€0) & Passe-partouts (€25) Tickets (€50) & Registration for the 3 day workshop Electricity Matters, 29 nov-30nov-1 dec « build & play your own synth » by Nataliya Petkova from the feminist collective StudioXX Montreal (including all material and performance): www.instrumentsmakeplay.nl
FUTUROLOGIC SYMPOSIUM AND XX BIRTHDAY ADM Dear citizens, Since the earth’s population became more urban than rural the word gentrification is buzzing around in cities around the world. Ten years ago it was still an obscure phenomenon, now it is urgent to be aware of this unacceptable and destructive process which is noticeable in a lot of different aspects in society. Our 7th futurological symposium unveils effects, resistance and solutions against gentrification and focuses on the importance of saving the gentrified free cultural spaces. A three days symposium at the ADM 20th birthday festival about “Degentrification: a manifesto in action” After symposia were held in Ruigoord, the Netherlands, at the Boom Festival in Portugal, in Christiania in Denmark and in the Free Republic of Uzupis in Lithuania, this year the symposium took place at the ADM site. The ADM celebrated its twentieth anniversary as a free cultural space and is right now threatened in her existence. With the 7th symposium we wanted to come up with a number of concrete proposals to the municipal authorities regarding the need to maintain free cultural spaces and to create new ones as well. A concerned audience and about 50 presenters from academies, movements, and of course free cultural spaces from all over the world gathered in the inspiring surrounding of the Robodock exhibition at the ADM. Free Cultural Spaces promote diversity and mutual solidarity. No homogenization of the ab-normal, but a welcoming of the extraordinary. People of all walks of life meet each other in Free Cultural Spaces. These spaces are particularly well suited for exploring the unknown and pushing boundaries. Their personal charisma reinforces the bonds between urban, rural and neighbourhood dwellers, and their hospitality fosters a versatile cosmopolitan society. Free Cultural Spaces are not just festivals and squats, but include many intentional communities, eco- and organics initiatives, free schools, creative nomads and more. At the symposium several representatives of free cultural spaces talked about their specific situation in the light of gentrification:, the Independent Republic of Užupis (Lituhania), Christiania (Copenhagen), Ruigoord (Amsterdam), Erf 81 (Capetown), Poortgebouw (Rotterdam) and the Institute for (X) (Aarhus), the organizer of next years futurological symposium. All these are places where you can feel free in a visible and tangible way. However, free cultural spaces all over the world are threatened by gentrification, each of them in their own specific way.
through regulation in five areas in Berlin. Andrej Holm (Ger) did show us how he is active in this process and tries to re-arrange and improve more existing laws for fair and social housing in Berlin in such a way that the results of these laws cause less gentrification and inequality. We also learned about initiatives to combat gentrification in Milan, Lisbon, Barcelona, London, Berlin, Vilnius, Copenhagen, and towns and cities in Serbia, Poland, Russia, South and Detroit. Doucet stressed the need for indigenous, radical ‘activist-leaders’ in Detroit. Many of these people also operate on the edge of the city (or at least outside its downtown), but the message from his book “Why Detroit matters” is that if we want to have a fair city, then these visions need to be much more central in our collective thinking about public space. Marko Aksentijević (Ser) tells us that more and more people from Belgrade have learned to be deeply suspicious after decades of dodgy sell-offs. Now they are protesting against the expensive housing on the waterfront with their group “Don’t Drown Belgrade”. Sometimes thousands of people are protesting with a big plastic duck as a symbol. “The word duck in Serbian means fraud” explains Aksentijevic, “it’s a symbolic way of saying the project is really Belgrade Water-fraud.” Despite all these demonstrations the waterfront development still continued, but many people get aware and engaged in their movements. Also some unexpected forms of gentrification were presented. The influence of urban greening demonstrates that such initiatives, while positive for the environment, tend to increase inequality and thus undermine the social pillar of sustainable development tells Roberta Cucca (Aus). Although greening is ostensibly intended to improve environmental conditions in neighborhoods, it generates green gentrification that pushes out the working-class. The living streets (Leefstraten) in Gent are an example described by Cedric Goossens (Be) of degentrification. It is a grassroots greening initiative (Leefstraten) to examine how greening initiatives can be entangled with or engender processes of gentrification and displacement.
Degentrification implies decentralization of (often historical) centers. The centralization of suburbs is not always covered by city councils. If we want to make a city bigger or smaller, we have to consider it in its entirety. Trans-industry exceeds industry. Trans-industrial landscapes lie in the margins of cities, just like cities lie in the margins of trans-industrial landscapes. A trans-inBut gentrification affects a lot more different dustrial landscape is characterized by synergy aspects within society as it encompasses problems of between, for example, culture and nature, between all kinds, ranging from the reduction of social housthe center and the periphery. That’s why Freeport ing, alienation within neighborhoods, commercializaRuigoord has been saved. Enclaves of freedom like tion of city-centers, diminishing the variety and color Christiania, Ruigoord, ADM and Uzupis are places of the city, dedication to overconsumption and a of attraction for Copenhagen, Amsterdam and culture of greed, in short social and cultural exclusion. Vilnius, respectively. Ownership management sees competition as a driving force for the economy. If Cody Hochstenbach (NL) for example did point competition plays such an important part, let’s not out how gentrification directly increases inequality. compete for being ‘better’, but take care of places Thus also the breeding ground for creativity and where individuality and difference can still blossom. new ideas and these are needed to prevent the city The free cultural space is the first link in the creafrom degenerating into humdrum. tive (thinking) process. Industry and trans-industry are the last links. He stated that gentrification is certainly not an automatic process like many policymakers want At the end of the FCS Symposium, we managed to us to believe, but a deliberate composed strategy issue a Manifesto entitled ‘Pretty Vacant’ in praise developed by the ones with power instead. of the extremely diverse range of Free Cultural Spaces around the world. Over the last thirty years a shift from social democ- A number of concrete proposals regarding alterracy to liberalism took place in Amsterdam. Wouter natives for an again livable and creative city. The van Gent (NL) showed us that the gentrification preservation of the last free cultural spaces in the frontier advanced and working class voting blocs di- margin is at stake, but attention to a creative drip minished in the last decades which permitted a new for the city center is also required. It is not just middle class hegemony to institute policy changes about Amsterdam. The statement to be made about to further push gentrification. the importance of new free cultural spaces in the inner cities will be sent to the municipal councils of At the same time people are fighting back like Brian various major cities at home and abroad, so that Doucet’s presentation showed. Late last year, a they will be infected with the ‘freedom virus’. diverse grassroots movement emerged to oppose the city’s housing plans from Rotterdam with a ref- Best, Elkerlic erendum. For several reasons the referendum was ignored by the city council, but because opposition Ps. It’s a manifesto in action, so to be continued. See and resistance was focused on a city-wide issue, you next year in Aarhus and soon on the streets of rather than a specific development or estate, genAmsterdam! trification and displacement became major topics of conversation. As a result, the question: “Whose city Thanks to Maik ter Veer, Alan Dearling, Ralf van der Schaar, Menno is Rotterdam?” was discussed across the city. Grootveld, Eric Duivenvoorden, Ernst du Pon, Frank Sol, Hay SchoolIn Berlin we see that the lack of rental housing, rising real estate prices, and gentrification did result in for example a “Milieuschutz”, the protection of certain milieus, a law to actively block gentrification
meesters, Patrick van Ginkel and Aja Waalwijk
www.freeculturalspaces.net www.fcsamsterdam2017.nl www.faircity.amsterdam
1. We are the inhabitants and users of Free Cultural Spaces. People of all walks of life meet each other in Free Cultural Spaces. These spaces are particularly well suited for exploring the unknown and pushing boundaries. Their personal charisma reinforces the bonds between urban, rural and neighbourhood dwellers, and their hospitality fosters a versatile cosmopolitan society. 2. There are Free Cultural Spaces on land, at sea and in the air: walls, buildings, plots of land, canals, the ether, the world wide web. Free Cultural Spaces are every-persons-land. 3. In an (over)regulated society the autonomous value of Free Cultural Spaces as a major force behind new creative developments needs to be recognized. There is a need for ‘freespatial culture’: for permanent, temporary and nomadic spaces where people can come to their senses. 4. The attractiveness of cities is not only based on our identity as owners and consumers, but also on our identity as creators. A creative atmosphere, a green environment and a free cultural climate are therefore at least as important as economic considerations. An unbounded experience of space and time always “pays off.” 5. A free cultural climate is at odds with the proliferating gentrification. Instead of attempting to eject (less affluent) elements in order to upgrade neighbourhoods or districts, Free Cultural Spaces promote diversity and mutual solidarity. No homogenization of the ab-normal, but a welcoming of the extraordinary. 6. In opposition to the increasing pressure of rules and gentrification, Free Cultural Spaces emphasize the production of disorder, bringing life back into soulless urban landscapes. Sometimes making way for metropolitan development is unavoidable, but it is in the interest of all communities to keep the values and the functioning of free cultural spaces intact. 7. Inhabitants and users of Free Cultural Spaces readily assume responsibility for their realization and internal organization. It is, therefore, in the best interests of civic administrations to provide suitable space for and to play an active role in the enabling of new Free Cultural Spaces. 8. When city councils foster an even distribution of Free Cultural Spaces, spontaneous Zones Of Opportunity (ZOOs) will arise everywhere, in city centers as well as on their peripheries. And it must be “the responsibility of the community as a whole” to provide alternative locations whenever existing Free Cultural Spaces disappear.
to be continued
AMSTERDAM DANST ERGENS VOOR - MANIFESTATIE 2017 Welcome to the underground!
Op 21 oktober bracht ADEV het ADM naar het centrum van Amsterdam. Het ADM, als voorbeeld We moeten het blijven herhalen, de Nederlandse broedplaats in heel Europa, wordt na 20 jaar, dance scene is geboren in de underground. Vele bedreigd in zijn bestaansrecht. Want waar tegenhuidige ADE goden kregen een kans op plekken ver woordig alles in euro’s word gemeten bewijst ADM weg van commercie en regelzucht. In het weekend al 20 jaar dat zelforganisatie, tegendraads denken van het ADE dansen de bezoekers steeds vaker op en onafhankelijkheid leidt tot een unieke aanvulling dezelfde beat en netjes in de maat. Tijdens het ADE op het culturele, artistieke en politieke leven van zijn het kuddedieren, gaan ze van venue naar venue, Amsterdam. als schapen op de Dam. Het ADM strijdt tegen erkende vastgoed crimineADEV (Amsterdam Danst Ergens Voor) vierde met len. De rechter besluit en de politiek is aan zet. Wij een lichte tegenzin zijn 5 jarige bestaan, want de vroegen iedereen om zich uit te spreken voor het Amsterdamse underground staat zwaar onder druk. behoud van ADM, voor het behoud van de underDit jaar ging de manifestatie terug naar haar basis, ground. Samen met een aantal soundsystems werd een schel geluid vanuit de underground. Een harde deze oerkreet tot ver in de stad hoorbaar. stem tegen de vercommercialisering van de (dans) cultuur in Amsterdam. www.adev.nu
MUSIC TIP TOP 5 Amsterdam Alternative will publish a small selection of new released EP’s and albums in every new issue. We will not give you our opinion about the music, so it will not be a conventional review. We choose 5 releases which we like and want to share with you. You can do the judging yourself. Tips and links to releases are always welcome. Please send them to music@amsterdamalternative.nl
TUNNELVISIONS MIDNIGHT VOYAGE Label: Atomnation Release date: November 2017 Genre: Contemporary club music √ Format: Vinyl, digital Tunnelvisions (Raynor de Groot and Emiel van den Dungen) originated from a shared vision of contemporary club music. They believe that the club scene that is often focusing on a colder, abstract high-tempo sound needs to go back to a more organic approach. It’s one of the goals of their newly created Tunnelvisions project: “We aim to bring back the fun to the dance floor again”.
SISTERS OF SUFFOCATION ANTHOLOGY OF CURIOSITIES Label: Suburban Records Release date: September 2017 Genre: Death metal Format: Digital Sisters of Suffocation is a death metal band from Eindhoven. The band members Els, Simone, Amber and Puck share a love for extreme metal, the color pink and even more metal! On the 29th of September their debut album ‘Anthology Of Curiosities (A Tribute To Bidi)’ will be released on Suburban.
HOE KOMT ER WEER BEWEGING BINNEN BROEDPLAATSEN Laatst werd op de NDSM een symposium gehouden onder de noemer Making Space. De kern van de discussie spitste zich toe op de vraag hoe ervoor gezorgd kon worden dat broedplaatsen geen ingeslapen plekken zouden zijn na verloop van tijd. De toehoorders mochten meegenieten van de schrik van de sprekers over het feit dat econoom Richard Florida tegenwoordig zelf zijn filosofie dat steden zich moesten gaan richten op de creatieve klasse als economische waarborg, die door Amsterdam 15 jaar geleden werd omarmd, als onzin bestempelde. Het symposium eindigde met de constatering dat er achteraf gezien geen creatieve klasse bestaan heeft, en dat er veel ingeslapen broedplaatsen zijn, terwijl de vraag hoe dit laatste voorkomen kon worden, geen antwoord kreeg.
stem had. Zelforganisatie en zelfbeheer werden door het kraken van deze panden noodgedwongen geboren.
Men is blijkbaar vergeten dat er al een broedplaatsbeleid was voordat Florida met zijn term ‘creatieve klasse’ ervoor zorgde dat in 2005 het broedplaatsbeleid werd omgevormd van een sociaal experiment naar een kunstenaarsbeleid. Niet voor niets is sindsdien de wethouder van cultuur verantwoordelijk voor het broedplaatsbeleid in plaats van de wethouder ruimtelijke ordening. Ik denk dat er wel een antwoord te geven is op de vraag hoe broedplaatsen levendig gehouden kunnen worden, waardoor ze een meerwaarde voor de stad behouden op het gebied van experiment, sociale en politieke betrokkenheid, en hoe ze reageren op veranderingen. De oplossing is te vinden bij het ontstaan van het broedplaatsbeleid.
In 1988 werd de afbraak van de collectiviteit door het afstoten van de eigen verantwoordelijkheid doorzien door een aantal mensen. Door de gemeente werd toen in samenspraak met een aantal krakers de Casco+ regeling opgesteld. Deze regeling zorgde ervoor dat een woningbouwcoöperatie verantwoordelijk werd voor het casco, maar dat de huurders zelf verantwoordelijk werden voor alle inbouw. Als er gedeelde plichten zijn, hoort daar ook bij dat de groep zelf beslist wie hun collectief kan versterken. Voorbeelden zijn Tetterode en de WG-paviljoens, waar behalve gewoond ook gewerkt wordt door de groep.
In Amsterdam zijn ongeveer 200 gelegaliseerde grotere panden. Van deze 200 panden zijn er 175 gelegaliseerd via aankoop door woningbouwcoöperaties. De krakers moesten dan hun pand uit en konden na de verbouwing weer terugkomen als huurders van de woningen. Als er iets stuk was, moest de woningbouwcoöperatie gebeld worden. Al met al was het resultaat dat de huurders over het algemeen apathisch werden omdat hen alle verantwoordelijkheid over de mogelijke invulling van hun omgeving afgenomen was.
Label: Basserk Release date: 20 November - 2017 Genre: Electronica, downtempo techno Format: Digital Hexblack is a Dutch duo based in Utrecht. ‘Can he jog’ is their first release on Basserk records. The EP contains 4 dark electronic tracks that are all carefully created with analog synths and drumcomputers (doepfer modular, elektron rhythm, juno 60). Sounds like Rival Consoles, Weval and Boards of Canada.
S.T. CORDELL FRÈRE JACQUES / GET HIGH Label: Lighttown Fidelity, Monomentum Collective Release date: October 2017 Genre: Dance beats, bass, samples Format: Digital, Vinyl “Psyched out vocals that would have fit the Madchester days, exotic dancebeats, samples and pounding bass lines that recall the heydays of The Cure. The overall sound is at the same time relaxed groovy, driving and dizzying as a Primal Scream release.” - Never Mind The Hype
CHRIS CLARK RELLIK EP Label: Warp Release date: September 2017 Genre: Electronica Format: Digital Mixing computer-generated crunches, pops, and clicks with organic synthesizer tones and heavily processed sounds, U.K. native Chris Clark creates tense electronica that struggles between a sense of natural wonder and exuberance and dark, foreboding under currents.
Het oorspronkelijke stedelijk sociale experiment door middel van het broedplaatsbeleid is ontstaan in 1999 op aangeven van de kraakbeweging. Zij heeft als het paard van Troje haar positieve waarden meegegeven aan de stad middels het broedplaatsbeleid. In Amsterdam werden er rond 1980 veel bedrijfspanden gekraakt. Omdat deze panden geen keukens of sanitair hadden, werden er bij de kraak snel een keuken en een douche gebouwd. De krakers gingen daardoor noodgedwongen in woongroepen leven. Als woongroep zorgden ze ervoor dat het pand bewoonbaar gemaakt werd. Bij lekkages moesten ze zelf letterlijk het dak op. Er waren plenaire vergaderingen waarin iedere gebruiker een
Daarnaast zijn ongeveer 20 panden behouden door middel van eigen aankoop. Voorbeelden zijn Vrankrijk, de Binnenpret, en Zaal 100. In deze panden bepalen de gebruikers hun eigen leefomgeving en dus ook wie er gaan wonen of werken. Deze panden draaien nog steeds op het Do-It -Yourself-principe. Het zijn panden die mee veranderen met de tijd, waar grasdaken en zonnepanelen verschijnen. Het is duidelijk dat het hebben van gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid essentieel is voor het voortduren van zelfbeheer. Collectiviteit is een must. Collectiviteit en zelfbeheer creëren mensen die gaan experimenteren met hun omgeving. Het aannamebeleid bepaalt of een pand zich staande kan houden of niet. Bij een slecht aannamebeleid zakt een pand helemaal weg, de collectiviteit verdwijnt, waardoor de gebruikers zich gaan gedragen als huurders. Om dit laatste te voorkomen zouden binnen deze panden de gebruikers zich elk jaar individueel moeten verantwoorden waarom ze nog steeds deel uitmaken van het collectief en wat hun aandeel daarin is geweest dat jaar. Dit ter voorkoming van de veryuppirisering binnen deze panden.
Binnen een collectief wordt men gedwongen om met anderen dingen af te spreken als men wil dat een pand leefbaar blijft. Door collectiviteit kunnen er meer dingen gestalte krijgen dan door individualiteit. De kracht van het collectief is zoveel groter, in collectieve panden kunnen dan ook dingen als debatten, festivals, restaurants, bars, buurtactiviteiten, etc. vorm krijgen. Het leven binnen een collectief pand is één grote ontmoeting. Gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid en gedeelde afhankelijkheid zorgen ervoor dat mensen elkaar tegenkomen en verbintenissen aangaan, waardoor er ook synergie op andere vlakken vaak plaatsvindt. Verantwoordelijk zijn voor de eigen leefomgeving is natuurlijk een mooi gedachtengoed. Het is echter gebleken dat niet eenieder geschikt is om die verantwoordelijkheid te dragen. Er zijn mensen die niet coöperatief zijn en hun eigen privébelangen voorop stellen. Collectiviteit is bijvoorbeeld voor veel kunstenaars erg moeilijk; ze zijn vaak gericht op het eigen ik en het eigen creëren.
Het Do-It-Yourself-principe heeft ook geresulteerd in het stadsontwikkelingsmodel ‘De Stad als Casco’. Dit model gaat ervan uit dat mensen de verantwoordelijkheid ten aanzien van de hen omringende omgeving zelf op zich nemen en dat zij zich binnen deze omgeving ontplooien. Het doel is een levendige stad te creëren, waarbij gebouwen en ruimtes casco opgeleverd worden en waarbij een volgende gebruiker er weer zijn/haar eigen invulling aan kan geven. Op de NDSM is dit model leidend bij de bouw van de broedplaatsruimtes. Op de Plantagedoklaan is binnen het erfpachtcontract gesteld dat van de 3000m2 vloeroppervlak er 1200m2 in gebruik moet zijn van kunstenaars, zonder dat daarbij is vastgelegd waar in het pand deze 1200m2 zich zou moeten bevinden. Werkruimtes kunnen daardoor bijvoorbeeld ateliers worden, ateliers kunnen lesruimtes of een kantoor worden, niets staat vast voor het gebruik in de toekomst. Tussen 2006 en 2007 is het broedplaatsbeleid door de gemeente van een sociaalbeleid naar een kunstbeleid omgeturnd waardoor commercialiteit, economische haalbaarheid en starheid de boventoon gingen voeren boven de mogelijkheden die veranderingen met zich meebrengen. Het experiment en de verbinding met de maatschappij zijn sindsdien niet meer belangrijk in broedplaatsen. Er wordt niet meer gezocht naar de zelfverantwoordelijkheid van de gebruiker of huurder. Als er teruggegrepen werd naar de randvoorwaarden van het oorspronkelijke Plan van Aanpak van het broedplaatsbeleid, en als elke gebruiker van een broedplaats jaarlijks aan het collectief zou verantwoorden waarom hij of zij onderdeel wil zijn van dat collectief, dan zouden broedplaatsen weer bruisende plekken worden.
De foto’s zijn genomen tijdens NDSM Open 10 years Art City en het symposium MAKING SPACE, over het betekenis en belang van culturele vrijplaatsen in Amsterdam. Fotografie: Vicky de Visser
Het broedplaatsbeleid is in 1999 ontstaan naar aanleiding van een gemeenschappelijk raadsadres van verschillende kraakpanden onder het motto “De Stad bloed dood”. Veel kunstinitiatieven sloten zich aan bij dit raadsadres. Krakers zetten zich in de beginfase in om tot een goed broedplaatsbeleid te komen. Ze dachten mee met het Plan van Aanpak Broedplaatsen, waarin collectiviteit, diversiteit, ruimte voor experiment en zelfverantwoording als randvoorwaarden werden opgenomen voor het subsidiëren van nieuwe broedplaatsen. Ook binnen de eerste versie van het CAWA-reglement stonden deze randvoorwaarden hoog in het vaandel. De kraakbeweging gebruikte het broedplaatsbeleid om collectieve panden als OT301, Plantagedoklaan, en Wilhelmina te behouden, en plekken als Xpositron en ook de NDSM te creëren.
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Anarchistic library Library. books, 1e Schinkelstraat 14-16 www.agamsterdam.org Buurtboerderij Eat, drink, chill, relax, outside Spaarndammerdijk 319 www.buurtboerderij.nl Einde van de wereld Restaurant, events Javakade 61 www.eindevandewereld.nl Joe’s Garage Autonoom sociaal politiek centrum Pretoriusstraat 43 www.joesgarage.nl Molli Squatters bar van Ostadestraat 55 hs http://molli.squat.net Nieuw en Meer Kunst- en bedrijventerrein Oude Haagseweg 51 www.nieuwenmeer.nl Rijkshemelvaart Artists free-state Oude Haagseweg 58 www.rijkshemelvaart.com VLLA Bar, Podium, Club Willem Roelofsstraat 9 www.vlla.nl Vrankrijk Livin, working, events, bar Spuistraat 216 www.vrankrijk.org Wow Exhibitions, bar, shows, talks Wiltzanghlaan 60 www.wow-amsterdam.nl
THEATER / CINEMA Butcher’s Tears Small brewery and proeflokaal Karperweg 45 www.butchers-tears.com Checkpoint Charlie Wicked little bar Nassaukade 48 facebook.com/checkpointcharliecafe Maloe Melo Bar with live blues most nights Lijnbaansgracht 163 www.maloemelo.com Pacific Parc Games & drinks Polonceaukade 23 Westergasfab. www.pacificparc.nl Saarein Brown bar with big lesbian crowd Elandsstraat 119-HS www.saarein2.nl Tolbar Nice selection of beers Tolstraat 182 www.tolbar.nl Noorderlicht Bar, lunch, music, great view NDSM Plein 102 www.noorderlichtcafe.nl Skate cafe Bar, skateboard spot Gedempt Hamerkanaal 42 www.skatecafe.nl
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Kriterion Cinema, bar Roetersstraat 170 www.kriterion.nl
Latei Lunch, shop, bar Zeedijk 143 www.latei.net White label coffee Specialty coffee roasters Jan evertsenstraat 136 www.whitelabelcoffee.nl Green canteen Veggie restaurant - lunch and dinner Gedempt Hamerkanaal 98 www.greencanteen.amsterdam Skek Cosy restaurant, ran by students Zeedijk 4-8 www.skek.nl
Music Matric Recording, rehearsal studio, shop Atlantisplein 1 www.musicmatrixstore.net
L Sjakoo Fort van International M bookshop E R Jodenbreestraat 24 www.sjakoo.nl Het Faire Oosten Shop, gallery, workshops Waldenlaan 208 www.hetfaireoosten.nl Midi Amsterdam Studio/DJ gear, computers, software Overtoom 431 www.midiamsterdam.nl Boekhandel van Pampus Nice bookshop, good coffee KNSM-Laan 303 www.boekhandelvanpampus.nl Boekhandel Schimmelpennik Bookshop Weteringschans 177 www.schimmelpennink.nl
Backstage Hotel Hotel Leidsegracht 114 www.backstagehotel.com/nl
Pllek live stage Live music, bar, restaurant TT Neveritaweg 59 www.pllek.nl
Hornweg 6 // www.adm.amsterdam The ADM is an organically grown self-regulating squat in the western harbours of Amsterdam. More than 100 people have settled in boats, self-built huts and wagons. Amongst them are: children, pensioners, theater-makers, stage-builders, inventors, technicians, dancers, musicians, actors, directors, crafts-(wo)men, life-lovers, ‘different-thinkers’ • 05
Tolstraat 182 // www.cinetol.nl A creative workspace and venue for live-music, film and other arts. A non-profit organization with a DIY-mentality, that offers new and underground program. The building is a place where creatives, artists and musicians daily come to work in one of the work- or rehearsal spaces. There’s also a bar for your daily coffee, comfort food and a sunny terrace • 09
Jodenbreestraat 24 // www.sjakoo.nl Het Fort verkoopt kritische en opstandige literatuur. en is politiek en anarchistisch, maar nemen die thema’s heel breed. Je vindt hier planken als Underground Literatuur, Gender/Queer en Dierenrechten. Het Fort is in 1975 gekraakt en in 2003 door het collectief aangekocht met massale steun van vrienden en sympathisanten •
Overtoom 301 // www.ot301.nl The OT301 has been squatted (1999) and bought (2006) by a diverse, international community. We run this alternative, not-for-profit platform as a collective, in which housing, workspaces and public functions are combined to contribute to the arts, politics and subculture. We we have a concert/ dance/theatre room, bar, gallery, vegan kitchen, cinema, yoga classes, rehearsal spaces and more •
Singel 165A // www.spinhuis.org Het Spinhuis is a squatted autonomous social-political space. As a collective we have a background in the student movement, but we’re open to everyone. We usually have a busy program with discussion- and debate-evenings, all kinds of workhops, theatre, art and music. We do not operate for profit and only work with volunteers • 21
Sint Jansstraat 37 // www.astarotheatro.com An independent, non-mainstream open space for theatre, arts, music, cultures, movies, events, discussions and activism. An intimate, free space where actors, musicians and artists are welcome to perform, to play, to give and to receive inspirations •
Frederik Hendrikstraat 111 // www.denieuweanita.nl Een theater, een poppodium, een bioscoop en een plek waar poëzie wordt voorgedragen. Een echte culturele ontmoetingsplaats! In de nieuwe Anita is altijd wat te beleven (behalve op woensdagavond, want dan is het dicht). Geen enkele avond is hetzelfde en dat is precies wat het zo leuk maakt •
Haarlemmerweg 506 // www.kaskantine.nl De KasKantine is a post-apocalyptic café, restaurant and urban farm. De KasKantine is an experiment and affront to the traditional horeca model. Everyone entering must become a member, and hence shareholder in the cooperative •
Veemkade 572 // www.pakhuiswilhelmina.nl Squatted in 1988. Since then it evolved to be an alternative culture platform with 94 artist studios and 6 public venues. Cafe Mezrab is a storytelling cultural centre. Corridor PS is a cultural cabinet. Het Gamalanhuis is for Indonesian music. The Wilhelmina winkel is specialised in bamboo floors. The atelier of Lucas Den Hartog for classical music. Losdok for exhibitions, presentations or a meetings.
Schinkelhavenstraat 27hs // www.munganga.nl A cozy theatre where different artistic, social and political activities take place. Our programme offers high quality, alternative attractions mixing education, art and entertainment for all ages. Furthermore, Casa is the home of the theatre group ‘Teatro Munganga’. Our projects are carried on mostly by volunteers. Munganga is part of the Binnenpret.org •
Boerhaaveplein 28 // www.badhuistheater.nl Located in an old Amsterdam Bath house (so no need to guess where the name origins lie), Mikes theatre company rebuilt it themselves over the years in between performances and have created a cosy and atmospheric location, where Bands, Folk, Politics, Business, Parties and Theatre blend together to create a 75% independent, cult, community theatre • 07
HJE Wenckebachweg 12-46 // www.bajesdorp.nl De bewoners vormen een eigenzinnige, gemengde en hechte gemeenschap die zich kenmerkt door diversiteit en creativiteit. Buurtcentrum de Muiterij serveert veganistische maaltijden, muzikale optredens yoga, sauna en meer. Er is ook een buurtmoestuin, ontmoetingsplek voor jong en oud •
Distelweg 83 // www.cafederuimte.nl De Ruimte is a cultural space, bar, restaurant and a record store. We program many art forms like jazz/improvisationisation, storytelling, scientific lectures, short film and poetry. We sell vinyl from small Dutch record labels and lend our kitchen to aspiring chefs who cook dishes from all over the world • 11
Van Hallstraat 52-I (upstairs) // www.filmhuiscavia.nl A counterculture cinema, founded in 1983 by a squatters movement. It is run entirely by volunteers and our programmers work hard to find the best movies and documentaries, particularly by female directors. Our cozy cinema has just 40 chairs and our bar is fun and our prices are friendly. Our regular screenings are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays • 12
Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93-95 // www.nieuwland.cc NieuwLand is a solidary and self-built space for living and working, and a non-commercial, volunteer-run social-political neighbourhood centre in Dapperbuurt, Amsterdam Oost. Our monthly program is filled with screenings, infonights on political activism, discussions, clothswaps, chess nights, radical fringe haircuts and more! •
Amstelveenseweg 134 // www.occii.org OCCII stands for: Onafhankelijke Cultureel Centrum In It. We have a long history of existing as a self-sustainable and autonomous independent venue. OCCII not only provides a stage for underground and radical music acts – it is also run almost entirely by volunteers. Our events are built on trust and not on payments. OCCII is part of “De binnenpret.org” •
Plantage Doklaan 8 // www.plantagedok.nl Een voormalig ambachtschoolgebouw in de Artisbuurt. In de jaren 90 betrokken door krakende kunstenaars afkomstig uit de roemruchte Graansilo. Het gebouw huisvest woon/werkruimtes en ateliers met o.a. decorbouw, theaterkostuums, robots, audiovisuele kunst, tatoeages, theater, milieucampagnes, veganistische delicatessen, massagestudio enz. •
Ruigoord 76 // www.ruigoord.nl Een idealistisch èn idyllisch oord waar kunstenaars aan hun eigen oeuvre werken. Het is echter de nadruk op gezamenlijke projecten die er het karakter van eigentijdse kunstenaarskolonie aan geeft. De menselijke oerbehoeften (uitwisseling, gedeelde ervaringen, expressie en extase) manifesteren zich sterker naarmate het tijdsgewricht egocentrischer en materialistischer lijkt •
Houtmankade 336 // www.voltaamsterdam.nl A venue besides Westerpark (right in front of Spaarndammerbuurt) which presents young local bands and artists, organized by volunteers and interns. On Wednesdays young cooks serve a 3-course menu in restaurant. Volta is also a pop school, a rehearsal studio and has a diverse workshop program (like street dance and kickboxing) •
Vondelpark 8 // www.vondelbunker.nl An old bombshelter located in the Vondelpark. Under the bridge, bands and DJ’s play, performances shown, movies screened, art exhibited, discussions held, and fundraisers cheered. The VB is run by a group of volunteers who believe in a free cultural and activist space where anything can happen and anyone can enter. Events are always free to enter •
Korte Papaverweg 6c // www.workship.nu Workship, podium op de Ceuvel is een oude ... woonark die is omgebouwd tot theater en studio, met als doel een kruisbestuiving te creëren tussen de internationale ervaring van Theatre Embassy en Broedplaats De Ceuvel. Er zijn programma’s op het .. gebied van muziek, theater, film en lezingen •
De Wittenstraat100 // www.zaal100.nl Zaal 100 is er voor van alles, maar niet voor alles: geen privéfeesten, partijpolitieke of religieuze bijeenkomsten, hersenloze disco of andere rituelen. Wel voor tenenkrommend amateurtheater, merkwaardige concerten, bizarre dansvoorstellingen, dichtkunst van wisselende kwaliteit, exposities van Jan en Alleman, minicongressen, obscure vergaderingen en andere geheimzinnige bijeenkomsten •
THURSDAY 02 NOV • PLANTAGE DOK DOKHUIS GALERIE PRESENTS: INDISCREET JEWELS (BER) Genre: Post-aleatoric, Wave Open: 19:00-23:30 Tickets: Free Line up: Indiscreet Jewels (BER) From the bowels of Berlin... It’s... Indiscreet Jewels, an experimental electronic trio based in Berlin! They play twinkling hypnotic grooves, with layers of psychedelic soundscapes that repeat and disappear in erratic instants of sonic splashes and scattered overtones. The mysterious synths and uncanny voices are the implicit acoustic milieu of otherworldly boudoirs and celestial sanctuaries. Bring your alien friends! This show promises to be wierd & wonderful... And... of course... there will be food too!! Cooking this week is Chef Lipps ♥ The Best Vegan Food in Town is served at 19:00 Soup €2 / Meal €6 / The Best Vegan Cake You’ve Ever Tasted €3 Arrive on time and guarantee yourself a plate ! For group reservations (20 ppl or more) please call ahead: 020-2334108.
Genre: African underground Open: 22:00-03:00 Tickets: €6 Line up: ENCHaN (Kenya), Andy Ex, Colin301, Oomboi Lauw
Genre: poetry, feminist poetry Open: 19:30 Tickets: € Line up: Kirsten dicht
Exploder Sound returns to the OT301 providing the very best of the African Underground. This edition will showcase the sounds off GQOM along with other deep styles from the Motherland.
Genre: Indiepop Open: 20:30-23:00 Tickets: €8 Line up: Naive Set
Genre: HC, PUNK, METAL Open: 20:30 Tickets: € 7 Line up: VORVAÑ (RU) + THE FLESH
Presentation for the 7-inch “So Far So Gone/ Sie woll’n Spaß”, the first single from Naive Set’s upcoming third album.
Hardcore/metal grinders Vorvan from Moscow RU are visiting Amsterdam for the very first time to present their latest album “Once Love Was Lost” which was mixed and mastered by American producers Kurt Ballou (Converge) and Brad Boatright (From Ashes Rise) “dive right to the bottom and feel the power of whale punk”
Naive Set Founded in 2012, Amsterdam’s Naive Set makes melodic, no-frills guitar pop. The band came together around a shared love for the pop classics of the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Velvets and the Modern Lovers. This week they’ll release a their new 7-inch, “So Far So Gone/Sie woll’n Spaß” recorded in London by James Hoare of Ultimate Painting. Sleeve by Marijn van Kreij. Video by Roman Ermolaev.
THE FLESH (NL, dark hardcore/crust/punk) Four degenerates crawled from under the remains of the dead, spewing forth songs in praise of spiritual, physical and emotional erosion. A full-on attack on conformity, hope and sensibility. File under blackened misanthropic hardcore-punk. (No band camp or Facebook page yet, this is the first live show of the band.)
THURSDAY 16 NOV • VONDELBUNKER CONCERT: GUNNED DOWN HORSES Genre: Morricone rock, dark cinematic pop Open: 21:00-23:45 Tickets: €0 Line up: Gunned Down Horses
Mesmerizing, decadent, neurotic, charming, cinematic, moving, erotic and just GOD DAMN HARD NOT TO DANCE TO are just few words used by the crowd again and again to describe the musical “Keats is dead so fuck me from behind”, aldus Hera event which is the band GUNNED DOWN HORSES. Lindsay Bird. Jonge feministische dichteressen trekken de aandacht: Kate Tempest, Rupi Kaur, Hollie Poetry en meer. Woensdag 8 november presenteert Kirsten dicht de eerste editie van Poetry Noord bij De Ruimte: Feminist Poetry Noord. Met reading, performing en open mic. En natuurlijk worden golden oldies, zoals Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou en Audre Lorde, niet vergeten.
Genre: Puppet show Open: 16:00-18:00 Tickets: € Donation Line Up: Puppet X: The one and only improv puppetshow for adults.
Genre: Film Open: 20:30 Tickets: € 5 / or Cineville Line Up: Miranda July | USA/UK | 2005 | 91’
Puppets are just like humans: From time to time they need a hug... or an unreasonable quarrel. We take you to a world just like ours: with blind dates, job interviews and sexual frustrations. Funny, awkward, touching... just like life itself. This show will be in English. Entrance is free, but a voluntary fee is welcome. And you can buy soup. Puppet X is a production of The Big Mo. With Remy van Keulen, Martijn Loerakker, Monique van Aken en Richard Roling. Improvisers by heart, puppeteers by hand.
“Pooping back and forth forever”, a bizarre line that has gone into the annals of film history thanks to the film ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW. This very unique romantic comedy is the directorial debut of American video artist Miranda July, featuring herself in the lead. The film shows various lonely people desperately looking for any kind of emotional connection.
FRIDAY 01 DEC TUESDAY 05 DEC • VONDELBUNKER • OT301 BENEFIET ADM MET PINGPONG BAR OPTREDENS VANUIT Genre: Sports, bar Open: 21:00-00:45 DE GRIT Tickets: € 0 Line up: You and your friends Genre: Fashion cafe Open: 20:30-23:45 Tickets: € 0 Line up: BUG, Betonfraktion
De Grit is een collectief van meerdere maatschappelijk bewuste bands uit Amsterdam.
Come down to our weekly Tuesday night Ping Pong Bar! Play a game with your friends or make new ones at the round table ping pong. Every week a different DJ will spin new tunes.
De Grit: ‘De druk op de stad is groot en wij (alternative/indie/rock) bands ervaren dat ook. Steeds meer culturele vrijplaatsen worden uit de stad gejaagd. Als muzikanten en als inwoners zien wij deze vrijhavens graag voortbestaan. Ze fungeren als waakhonden over en antennes voor een open, inspirerende, leefbare en eerlijke stad die voor iedereen openstaat. Nu ADM door vastgoedspelletjes in de problemen is gekomen willen wij ons steentje bijdragen om het tij tegen te gaan.’
THURSDAY 14 DEC • CINETOL AN EVENING WITH ROGER HAMMOND AND FRANK DEMIAN Genre: Singer-songwriter Open: 20:00-23:00 Tickets: € Line up: Roger Hammond, Frank Demian Singer-songwriters Roger Hammond and Frank Demian met at the Amsterdam Songwriters Guild. Roger is a Welshman who has released two albums, characterised by a calming sound, strong vocals, harmonies, thought-provoking sometimes controversial lyrics and often intricate acoustic guitar. Frank hails from Diemen and has released his album ‘Late in the morning’, where heartbreaking ballads about losses in love are varied with poppy songs. Live he accompanies himself on the acoustic guitar, kazoo and mandolin. See www.frankdemian.com https://rogerhammond.bandcamp.com
FRIDAY 08 DEC • DE RUIMTE SPACE IS THE PLACE FT. DOEK /2ND STOP IS JUPITER Open: 21:00-03:00 Tickets: 21:00-23:00 Space is the Place - €8 23:00-03:00 Second Stop Is Jupiter - €6 Combi ticket €10 The second Friday of every month at De Ruimte at De Verkeerstoren is a two-stage rocket: from 21:00 to 23:00 dOeK and Space Is The Place present two live acts - one Doek ensemble and one solo performance. After that, the party-party starts with the wildest live music in town!
WEDNESDAY 20 NOV SATURDAY 23 DEC • WORKSHIP OP DE • OCCII CEUVEL IN O.K./OUT K.O. OPEN AVOND Genre: Punk, Hardcore Punk Open: 21:00 WOORDSPELEN, Tickets: €8 (no presale) up: IT DOCKUMER LOKAELTSJE, PARKING SCHRIJFCURSUS OP Line LOT, THE HOMESICK, WILLE DARKTROUSERS & DE SPLINTERS DE CEUVEL New Release by It Dockumer Lokaeltsje Genre: Schrijfcursus Open: 19:00-21:00 Tickets: € Line up: Mark de Dichter
Woordspelen is een interactieve schrijfcursus waarbij je individueel en met de groep spelenderwijs aan de slag gaat met het maken van een theatrale poëzievoorstelling. De cursus is gebaseerd op de volgende vier pijlers: spelen, tekst, samenwerken en delen. Aan het eind van de cursus laat je je gemaakte tekst horen bij Workship Play. Op 20 december is er een open avond. Zonder verdere verplichtingen kan je vanaf 19.00 langskomen bij de Workship om kennis te maken, vragen te stellen en een gratis snuffel workshop.
IT DOCKUMER LOKAELTSJE Sytse J. van Essen – guitar Fritz de Jong – drums, backing vocals Peter Sijbenga – bass, vocals, electrical things “It had to be different. It had to be short. And it had to be in Frisian.” Between 1985 and 1990, It Dockumer Lokaeltsje left a trail of happy confusion everywhere they went, with their whimsical, jittery songs about spooks, cows, mummies and trains. After the albums Wil Met U Neuken and Moddergat and the CD compilation It Dockumer Totaeltsje, the band took a well-earned holiday. During the absence of the trio from Leeuwarden, the microcosm that they had spawned quietly continued to grow. New characters, some dead and some alive, took up residence in the Frisian ghost village where “de Deale” (the Evil One) is feared and where the village pub stands in the middle of the graveyard, for the sake of convenience.
SATURDAY 09 DEC • OT301 BONG-RA FAREWELL TOUR Genre: Breakbeat, Doom, Experimental Open: 23:00-03:00 Tickets: € 8,73 Line up: Bong-Ra, Full line - up TBA Bong-Ra has decided to set himself new artistic challenges and venture into new musical territories, but luckily not without a farewell tour covering the best of his twenty year catalogue and he will be ‘Killing the Dancefloor’ at the OT301 one last time! He has become a household name in extreme electronics over the past two decades. His first release on Djax Records back in 1998, set the template together with artists like Venetian Snares and DJ Scud for a genre which was to be later known as ‘Breakcore’.
WEDNESDAY 27 DEC • PAKHUIS WILHELMINA-MEZRAB INTIEME NEDERLANDSE VERHALENAVOND! Genre: Storytelling Open: 20:00-23:00 Tickets: € Donation In kleine intieme setting zodat we elkaar in de ogen kunnen kijken en kunnen genieten van de kleine magische momenten. Oh Nederlandstalige verhalenavond, we hebben je gemist! Maar je bent weer terug, en dat doet ons goed. In kleine intieme setting, zodat we elkaar in de ogen kunnen kijken en kunnen genieten van de kleine magische momenten. Deuren openen om 19.00, verhalen beginnen om 20.00. Gratis entree (maar donaties zeer welkom). PS, heb je ook een verhaal te vertellen, laat het weten, we hebben nog een paar slots vrij
OT301-Studios Tunnelvisions - album release show 21:00 // € 7
OT301-Cinema Take a Gander at Gosling: The Believer & Half Nelson 19:30 // € 0
Vondelbunker KONTRA:BAR 20:00 // € 0
Vondelbunker Garage concert: Van Dammes + Fat old Donald 21:00 // € 0
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Themeprov 20:00 // € 0
Filmhuis Cavia AWOL Deb Shoval | USA | 2016 20:30 // € 5
De Ruimte Sitp Plutonian nights: Conjunto Papa Upa Line up: Stadhouders, Kimman, Renfrow 20:00 // € 10 De Nieuwe Anita subbacultcha! Line up: Tonstartssbandht 20:00 // € 8 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Studios Mezrab Comedy night Line up: Paul Creasy 20:00 // € 0 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Mezrab comedy night Line up: Paul Creasy 20:00 // € 0 Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 20:15 // € 15
WEDNESDAY 01 NOVEMBER OCCII Halloween party Line up: DJ Barbapapa, Ruigoord Schmink, Kinderpret crew
Filmhuis Cavia 12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam | 1995 | USA | 129’ 20:30 // € 5
Volta ROC Music artist freestyle 19:30 // €0
OT301-Studios 90’s French Hip - Hop Party Line up: DJ Sav, Julian Cooper, Oomboi Lauw 23:00 // € 0
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Welcome to the Playground 20:00 // €0
Cinetol The Homesick 19:00 // €0
SATURDAY 04 NOVEMBER De Ruimte De Ziel van het Zuiden: Albumpresentatie Harold K Line up: Harold K ‘mama courage’ 18:00 // € 30 Vondelbunker Alternative folk night 4 Line up: David Gould, Sahil Bahl, Danella Smith Band, Ghom 20:00 // € 0
Plantage Dok Dokhuis Galerie presents: Indiscreet Jewels (BER) 19:00 // €0
De Nieuwe Anita De harde liefde 20:00 // € 6
Cinetol Madlife 20:00 // €0
Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 20:15 // € 15
Vondelbunker KONTRA:BAR 20:00 // € 0
OCCII Balkan Beat Bar Line up: Amsterdam Klezmer Band, DJ Ramses Hoppa, LAY DNA 22:00 // € 5 OT301-Studios Exploder sound *African underground* Gqom special Line up: ENCHaN, Andy Ex, Colin301, Oomboi Lauw 22:00 // € 6
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab The Grand Opening Internationaal Storytelling Festival Amsterdam 20:00 // € 10 De Nieuwe Anita Nutty Anita’s Comedy Night Line up: Ken Parsons 20:30 // € 7 Filmhuis Cavia 12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam | 1995 | USA | 129’ 20:30 // € 5 Volta Yip roc + Capti Rando@ Volta’s local playground 20:30 // € 5
MONDAY 06 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
De Nieuwe Anita Cinemanita 19:30 // € 3
TUESDAY 07 NOVEMBER Cinetol Tol tunes Line up: WOOLF, Germaine van der Sanden, Timothy Hull 20:30 // € 0 OT301-Cinema Amnesty Cinema Night: Radio Kobani 0:00 // € 4 OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
De Nieuwe Anita Witte geit? 21:30 // € 2
WEDNESDAY 08 NOVEMBER OCCII Start Schimmenspel sprookje (shadow theatre) 15:00 // € 5 OCCII De Centrale Geheimenbank (Bank of secrets) Line up: TG Knars 15:00 // € 5 De Ruimte Keats is dead so fuck me from behind - Feminist Poetry Noord Line up: Kirsten dicht 19:30 // € 0 Cinetol Nightfall Release show Line up: Silent War 20:00 // € 7 De Nieuwe Anita Flamenco thief 20:00 // € 0
De Nieuwe Anita Dog Rescue Greece Pubquiz 20:00 // € 5
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Of Folk and Fay 20:00 // € 0
SUNDAY 05 NOVEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Sunday Assembly 3 #Onderwijs Line up: Youssef El Bouhassan 11:00 // € 0 Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:30 // € 15
THURSDAY 09 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
Plantage Dok Dokhuis Galerie presents: Mustang Medicine (AMS) 19:00 // € 0
Volta Band four + Neodym @ Volta’s local playground 20:30 // € 5 De Ruimte Space Is The Place: Elg Ler + Eel Slap! 21:00 // € 8 OCCII Luka pruductions + Rebel Up! DJs/VJs Line up: Sahel Sounds 15:00 // € 5 OT301-Studios Monocroma Line up: Monocroma, Alex Figueira (DJ) 21:00 // € 6 FRIDAY 10 NOVEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab My True Story Line up: Rod Ben Zeev 20:00 // € 0 Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 20:15 // € 15
Filmhuis Cavia AWOL Deb Shoval | USA | 2016 | 85’ 20:30 // € 5 De Ruimte Space is the Place ft. Doek /2nd stop is Jupiter 21:00 // € 10 OT301-Studios ULTRATATANE 4 Line up: NSDOS, Kévin Bray, Strange Boutique, Gibier, b2B, jujul0v3 22:00 // € 8 SATURDAY 11 NOVEMBER OT301-Full building OT301 - 18th birthday party Live music, DJ’s, food, drinks, exhibitions, performances etc 13:00-05:00 // € 0 De Ruimte Magische Lampionroute in Amsterdam Noord 17:00 // € 0 Filmhuis Cavia The Century of the Self Adam Curtis | UK | 2002 | 235’ 19:00 // € 5 Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 20:15 // € 15
Cinetol Het andere verhaal en de literatuurkritiek 20:30 // € 5 Vondelbunker Bunker Excess by The League Of Extraordinary DJs Line up: NOCX, DJ Droid, Drama, G. Host, Run Paintrun 21:00 // € 0 OCCII SPELLBOUND Line up: Spellbound DJ’s, VJ’s Alexetjeremy 23:00 // € 7
SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Het Gamelanhuis 12e editie Concert Gamelan en Dans uit Midden Java 14:00 // € 7 OT301-Studios Wonderland 15:00 // € 3
Badhuistheater The return of ‘Allo ‘Allo! 17:30 // € 15
OT301-Cinema Purple Rain & Rain The Color of Blue With a Little Red In It 19:30 // € 0 De Ruimte Space is the Place Line up: Nate Wooley, Dave Rempis, Pascal Niggenkemper, Chris Corsano 21:00 // € 10 MONDAY 13 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
De Nieuwe Anita Cinemanita 19:30 // € 3
TUESDAY 14 NOVEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Open Stage Storytelling Night 20:00 // € 0
OT301-Cinema Future Shorts: Autumn Edition 20:30 // € 5
OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
De Nieuwe Anita Witte geit? 21:30 // € 2
WEDNESDAY 15 NOVEMBER OCCII Camera Obscura 15:00 // € 5
De Ruimte Ditdit-dada-ditdit 19:00 // € 24
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Arabic Delight Line up: Arabic Delight, Mireille Bittar, Feras Khouri 20:00 // € 10 OT301-Studios MD301 Music Dance 301 Line up: Works by Anni Kaila and Pugs and Crows 20:30 // € 7 THURSDAY 16 NOVEMBER Vondelbunker Concert: Gunned Down Horses 9:00 // € 0 De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
Plantage Dok Dokhuis Galerie presents: Relax Head Man (AMS) 19:00 // € 0
OCCII Vorvañ (RU) and The Flesh Line up: The Flesh, Vorvañ 20:30 // € 7
Filmhuis Cavia Born in Flames Lizzie Borden | 1983 | USA | 80’ 20:30 // € 5
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Social Dance: Balfolk in Mezrab with Multi Delta 20:00 // € 10
De Ruimte Space is the Place: 8th All Strings Night Line up: Henk Zwerver, Raoul van der Weide, Jacob Plooij 21:00 // € 5
Workship op de Ceuvel Workship Play 20:30 // € 5
Filmhuis Cavia Dèmoni (Demons) Lamberto Bava | Italy | 1985 | 88’ 20:30 // € 5 Volta Scarlet wolf + TBA band @ Volta’s local playground 20:30 // € 5 De Ruimte Bandgladesh 21:00 // € 7
FRIDAY 17 NOVEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Losdok Double Exposure Photo exhibition by Ehud Neuhaus 18:00 // € 0 OT301-Studios We Come One Festival Line up: Bas Punkt, Vette Mette, Instant Collective, DJ Black & Lekker, Fonky Shit 19:00 // € 0 Vondelbunker Psiego Bunker Cinema: 16 mm movie screening 19:30 // € 0 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab The Original Mezrab Storytelling Night Line up: Michael Jäger. 20:00 // € 0 Filmhuis Cavia Dèmoni (Demons) Lamberto Bava | Italy | 1985 | 88’ 20:30 // € 5 Volta Juliana Braga - Volta e meia 22:00 // € 8
SATURDAY 18 NOVEMBER Filmhuis Cavia The screening room: Hans Richter 20:00 // € 5 Volta Home & Away 20:00 // € 5
Cinetol Naive Set 7-inch Release 20:30 // € 8
Cinetol Pen & Mike’s doldwaze avond 20:30 // € 6
SUNDAY 19 NOVEMBER OCCII Los Muertos Swap Party Line up: Fin, Teenage Tits 4:00 // € 0
Cinetol Poptrash 20:00 // € 6
De Nieuwe Anita Witte geit? 21:30 // € 2
Filmhuis Cavia Lesbique goes Cavia 20:00 // € 8
WEDNESDAY 22 NOVEMBER OCCII Plu (Umbrella) Line up: Basta 15:00 // € 5 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Intieme Nederlandse Verhalenavond! 20:00 // € 0
OCCII ÉÉÉÉH LEKTRO!! Line up: De Hitlist, DJ Bishgatzu, ElektroRobics Party fitness 20:00 // € 6 OT301-Studios Alta Cumbia Nite Line up: La Banda Fantastica, RadioBorneo, DJ Franco Najera, DJ Rengo Estar 22:00 // € 7 SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBER
De Ruimte SOLO FOLK Line up: Dusty Stray, Stuart Cullen 21:00 // € 7 THURSDAY 23 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
De Ruimte Nieuwe Noten: Sessie 1 Line up: James Oesi, Aspasia Nasopoulou, Cinzia Nistico 15:00 // € 0 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Puppet X goes Amsterdam! 16:00 // € 0
MONDAY 27 NOVEMBER Vondelbunker Kontra:bar met Paasontbijt 20:00 // € 0
De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
De Ruimte Ruisburo: Diatribes + Strict Nurse 20:30 // € 7
De Nieuwe Anita Cinemanita 19:30 // € 3
OCCII IN O.K./OUT K.O. Line up: Asiq Nargile, Howie Reeve 20:30 // € 7 Filmhuis Cavia Born in Flames Lizzie Borden | 1983 | USA | 80’ 20:30 // € 5 Volta Volta’s local playground 20:30 // € 5
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Miroca Paris Project Line up: Miroca Paris 20:30 // € 10
FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER OCCII The Tide_De Vloed Line up: Internazionale, Isorinne, Kujo, O Ratel Ratel, Sequences, Svartvit 20:00 // € 8 Volta The VV@ Volta 20:00 // € 5
MONDAY 20 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar Line up: 21:00 // € 0
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab The New Mezrab Storytelling Night: Samizdat 20:00 // € 0
TUESDAY 28 NOVEMBER OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
De Nieuwe Anita Witte geit? 21:30 // € 2
WEDNESDAY 29 NOVEMBER OCCII Workshop Action Paint Line up: Ambrosius 15:00 // € 5 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab What’s Up Wednesday - Solidarity & Holy Pancakes 20:00 // € 0 Cinetol Bliss Film Night 20:30 // € 7
OT301-Studios MD301 Music Dance 301 Line up: Isadora Tomasi, Noortje Kohne, Camille Verhaak, Izabela Pacewicz-Wysocka 20:30 // € 7 THURSDAY 30 NOVEMBER De Nieuwe Anita Robin Food 18:00 // € 10
Plantage Dok Dokhuis Galerie presents: Benefit Night 19:00 // € 0 Vondelbunker Kontra:bar 20:00 // € 0
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Amsterdam Klezmer Band Line up: Jasper de Beer, Job Chajes, Alec Kopyt, Gijs Levelt Joop van der Linden and more 20:00 // € 0 Filmhuis Cavia Me and You and Everyone We Know Miranda July | USA/UK | 2005 | 91’ 20:30 // € 5 Volta George bull @ Volta’s local playground Line up: George bull 20:30 // € 5 De Ruimte Space is the Place: Molino Line up: Molino 21:00 // € 9
Cinetol Tol Tunes Line up: WOOLF, Germaine van der Sanden, Timothy Hull 20:30 // € 0
Vondelbunker Benefiet ADM met optredens vanuit De Grit Line up: Bug, Betonfraktion 20:30 // € 0 Filmhuis Cavia Me and You and Everyone We Know Miranda July | USA/UK | 2005 | 91’ 20:30 // € 5 OT301-Studios Space Debris Committee Presents: Volte-Face Line up: Stanley 22:00 // € 10
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Losdok ArtForSale 17:00 // € 0
Plantage Dok Dokhuis Galerie presents: Rough Night Poetry 19:00 // € 0 Vondelbunker Preformance Lumisokea 20:00 // € 0
Cinetol Het Andere Verhaal 20:30 // € 5
De Nieuwe Anita Nutty Anita’s Comedy Night Line up: Ken Parsons 20:30 // € 7 Filmhuis Cavia The Feels 20:30 // € 5
FRIDAY 08 DECEMBER Vondelbunker Psiego Bunker Cinema: 16 mm movie screening 19:30 // € 0 OCCII Spider, spit and broken bells – Haperende mensfestival @OCCII (Part I) Line up: Bear Bones Lay Low 20:00 // € 20 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab My True Story Line up: Rod Ben Zeev 20:00 // € 0
SATURDAY 02 DECEMBER Filmhuis Cavia The Feels 20:30 // € 5
OT301-Studios &Textures Line up: Awesome Tapes From Africa, Roseplein, DJ Kulcha 22:00 // € 8
De Ruimte Space is the Place ft. Doek /2nd stop is Jupiter 21:00 // € 10 SATURDAY 09 DECEMBER
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Sunday Assembly 4 #Mooie moleculen Line up: Jan van Maarseveen 11:00 // € 0
Filmhuis Cavia All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Adam Curtis | UK | 2011 | 180’ 19:00 // € 5
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Story Party Amsterdam 2 | True Dating Stories 19:00 // € 0
Vondelbunker Optreden: Choco Line up: Choco 20:30 // € 0
De Ruimte Instruments Make Play Festival 2017 20:00 // € 0
OT301-Studios Bong-Ra Farewell tour Line up: Bong-Ra 23:00 // € 8
TUESDAY 05 DECEMBER OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
WEDNESDAY 06 DECEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Welcome to the Playground 20:00 // € 0
WEDNESDAY 13 DECEMBER OCCII Lucia party Line up: Erica, Floating kids and Kinderpret crew 15:00 // € 5 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Of Folk and Fay 20:00 // € 0
SUNDAY 10 DECEMBER De Ruimte Nieuwe Noten: Percussion & Bass Clarinets Line up: Ryoko Imai, Rie Wanatabe, Rozalie Hirs 15:00 // € 10 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Themeprov Line up: Night dedicated to improvisation theatre 20:00 // € 0
Vondelbunker Band evening 20:30 // € 0
OT301-Studios Roots for the Youths Seeds for the Future Line up: Bunnington Judah & Roots Unity 21:00 // € 7 TUESDAY 19 DECEMBER OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
WEDNESDAY 20 DECEMBER OT301-Studios Music Dance 301 Line up: Vincent Cacialano, Alan McDermott, Ellen Knops 20:30 // € 7 THURSDAY 14 DECEMBER Cinetol An evening with Roger Hammond and Frank Demian Line up: Roger Hammond Frank Demian 20:00 // € 0 OCCII Dhidalah (JP, Guruguru Brain) + Supersonic Blues 20:30 // € 7 Filmhuis Cavia T(ERROR) Lyric R. Cabral & David Felix Sutcliffe | USA | 2015 | 84’ 20:30 // € 5
Workship op de Ceuvel Open avond Woordspelen, schrijfcursus op de Ceuvel Line up: Mark de Dichter 19:00 // € 0 Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Open Stage Storytelling Night 20:00 // € 0
THURSDAY 21 DECEMBER Cinetol Docupodium 20:00 // € 0
FRIDAY 22 DECEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab The New Mezrab Storytelling Night: Samizdat 20:00 // € 0
FRIDAY 15 DECEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab The Original Mezrab Storytelling Night Line up: Michael Jäger. 20:00 // € 0 Filmhuis Cavia T(ERROR) Lyric R. Cabral & David Felix Sutcliffe | USA | 2015 | 84’ 20:30 // € 5 SATURDAY 16 DECEMBER
Vondelbunker Wicked Bunker Party #2 Line up: Rêverie 20:00 // € 0
OT301-Studios Ping Pong Bar 21:00 // € 0
FRIDAY 01 DECEMBER Cinetol Husky Loops Line up: Husky Loops 20:30 // € 10
Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Women in Improv Weekend 10:00 // € 175
Cinetol Poptrash 20:00 // € 6
SATURDAY 23 DECEMBER OCCII IN O.K./OUT K.O. Line up: It Dockumer Lokaeltsje, Parking Lot, The Homesick 21:00 // € 8 WEDNESDAY 27 DECEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Intieme Nederlandse Verhalenavond! 20:00 // € 0
WEDNESDAY 27 DECEMBER Pakhuis Wilhelmina-Mezrab Amsterdam Klezmer Band at Mezrab Line up: Jasper de Beer, Job Chajes, Alec Kopyt 20:00 // € 0
Movement Academy & Youth Circus World Wild Weekly and intensive workshops for adults and children. Various classes: Okido Yoga, Self defense, Modern dance, Massage, Circus, Aerials, Aerial Kids Yoga, Breakdance, Aerosol art. Limited capacity. The project exist since 2005 and is also active with humanitarian projects in Asia and the refuge youth in Amsterdam. Private classes and performance on requests. OT301, Overtoom 301 Info: www.facebook.com/Movement.Academy.OT301 contact: movementot301@live.com
MKZ (Binnenpret - OCCII) In ‘Miltvuur Keuken Zuid’ worden gezonde veganistische driegangen-maaltijden geserveerd voor een uitermate vriendelijke prijs. Men eet wat de pot schaft: er is een voorgerecht, een hoofdgerecht en een nagerecht. Eventuele winst van de MKZ gaat naar goede doelen. Deze doelen worden uitgekozen door de vrijwilligers die de zaak draaiend houden. Misschien wil je ook eens komen koken of de bar doen? MKZ: Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, Amsterdam For opening times and info check: http://binnenpr.home.xs4all.nl/mkz.htm
OT301: Metal Academy - Susanne Boger Susanne Boger is a classically trained jeweller known for her eclectic and often experimental style. In addition to her own jewellery practice, Susanne takes on students through her teaching program. Beginners or advanced students can learn traditional skills or break the rules with more experimental techniques. Masterclasses for jewellery making are every Tuesday and Wednesday, 16:00-18:00 hrs and 19:00-21:00 hrs Every last Saturday of the month is a 3 hour workshop of metal fun, with emphasis on recycling. OT301, Overtoom 301 / www.susanneboger.com susanneboger@hotmail.com // Photo by: Kazik
The Peper - Vegan organic culture kitchen The Peper is NOT a restaurant! We have no menus, no waiters, no boss, no advertisements, no pay-cheques, and no profit. We also have no animal products, no pesticides, no genetic mutilations, and no microwave. The Peper is a vegan organic culture kitchen that hopes to inspire volunteers and visitors alike to a lifestyle that is healthy, planet & animal friendly, socio-politically aware, pro- active, and creative. Opening times Tuesday 18:00-01:00 Thursday 18:00-01:00 Friday 18:00-03:00 Sunday 18:00-01:00 OT301, Overtoom 301 // Reservations: 020-4122954 Food from 19:00 (Kids are welcome!)
Cinemanita Everey Monday at the Nieuwe Anita Special movies selected by Jeffrey Babcock. Start 20:30, tickets from 19:30 // €3 De Nieuwe Anita, Frederik Hendrikstraat 111Info: www.denieuweanita.nl NOT SO REGULAR INITIATIVES - ART
4bid Gallery The space is multi-faceted, at times activities, studies, processes are visibleto an audience of visitors in an unofficial manner, at others a platform that shows work produced by the gallery and created extemporarily. We organize a variety of recurrent activities open to the public: exhibitions - workshops -performances - debates. OT301, Overtoom 301 Info: www.4bidgallery.com // 4bidgallery@gmail.com
The Basement (Fort van Sjakoo) The Basement is a studio shared by artists in the basement of the bookstore Fort van Sjakoo. We create an international network for art and DIY politics. We open for sewing cafe, silk screening, listening to vinyl, making zines, fixing/using typewriters, language classes and other workshops.
Guerilla Kitchen Amsterdam What we do We gather amazing abondoned food, to prepare delicious dishes of all kind for the people of Amsterdam. We are getting in contact with stores and restaurants directly, and we are baking and cooking up a royal storm and ambushing residents of Amsterdam with deliciousness rescued from the trash to rescue the tastebuds. Where you can find us Keep an eye out for our public food fiestas! We will publish on this page the places were we will serve our dishes! It’s mainly public places or local community centers. You are very very welcome to come and enjoy our food! www.facebook.com/guerillakitchenamsterdam
Robin Food Cooks and crooks for a better world! Menu: Healthy and honest food, now and then raw, mostly organic, always vegetarian! We are located in the same building as De Nieuwe Anita. You can buy a drink at there and drink it while having dinner with us https://www.facebook.com/robinfoodkollektief
Primarily a home to oral storytelling, Mezrab has become one of Amsterdam’s most diverse venues, both in terms audience and programming. Situated at Veemkade 576, on the bank of the IJ, the venue also hosts comedy nights, theatre performances, underground music and more. On a typical night Mezrab is a hive of buzzing curiosity. Founder Sahand Sahebdivani estimates that 50-60% of the audience on any given night are return visitors. You can really sense that when you’re there, the events feel like large family-and-friend occasions you happen to have found your way into. It’s just that this family congregates around performers who love to tell stories. This passion comes from Sahebdivani, who is Iranian born though has lived in Amsterdam since he was three. He explains: “In my family there is this huge love for literature. I even remember teachers at school jokingly apologising to me that their lessons were getting in the way of my reading.”
start of 2015. Since then, it has grown from a one man organisation into a mixture of employees and volunteers, totalling thirty people.
and the Netherlands were all represented. This is a central component to the collective vision around Mezrab.
Although known for promoting a very traditional form of artistry, Sahand is quick to point out that he’s not a luddite; he loves Netflix, he bonds with his brother over video games (he describes these as “contemporary forms of storytelling”). However, with most of these digital activities being undertaken in isolation, he thinks that the physical relationship between the audience and the performer, and between the audience members themselves, is what has made Mezrab so popular. “That’s something very valuable that people really miss.” Indeed, “connecting with the audience” is a vital element that storytellers must achieve in order to be reinvited to the platform.
Sahand’s own story is transnational in nature. His father was member of the resistance in Iran, before arriving in Amsterdam as a refugee with his family in the 80s. The family’s worry that they would be “relegated to some obscure corner of society” in the Netherlands, as Sahand says it was, has thankfully proved to be unfounded. However, there are still relatively few spaces in Amsterdam dedicated of multicultural explorations. “Amsterdam has so many different nationalities, yet doesn’t manage to open spaces that really bring all the different nationalities together,” he says, “as someone who grew up in Amsterdam feeling very much connected to all these different groups, it was the most natural thing in the world to connect these people.” Mezrab also hosts music events, mainly internaHe also cites his family’s revolutionary politic as an tional acts that would find it hard to get booked inspiration. “My father feels this pride, because in Once upon a time… elsewhere in the city. It’s also helping encouraa way all of that knowledge and the wishes of the The renaissance of storytelling in Amsterdam began ge budding storytellers, offering them guidance generations before him, through me, found their over fourteen years ago, in his literature-loving through the storytelling school Sahand started with way to Amsterdam. There is a lot of idealism in this home, where informal evenings with friends were his close friend Raphael Rodan. The Rodan-Sahebdi- place.” That idealism has lead to some conscious arranged so that they could share poetry and vani partnership has also resulted in theatre shows, business decisions, such as serving only vegetarian stories, as well as Sahand’s mum’s cooking (this is including ‘My Father Held A Gun’, the Gold Award food, and to remove the cigarette vending machine. a practice that has survived the years, her homely winner at 2017’s Amsterdam Fringe festival. Unfortunately, they haven’t yet found a popular food is a fixture at Mezrab). Even with an absent replacement for Coca-Cola. marketing plan, the evenings became so popular Multicultural Idealism that a transfer to a small cafe in the Jordaan was All but one of the monthly storytelling nights are Promoting Radical Spaces necessary, followed by a move to an art gallery. The in English, and the tellers tend to be an internatioWhile Amsterdam in 2017 can evidently be a home ‘space’ finally settled into its current location at the nal bunch. In one night I attended, India, Australia to experimental and welcoming spaces such as
Mezrab, Sahand laments the decline of the city’s underground scenes, both artistic and political, during the previous two decades, during which time there’s been a conscious political effort to ‘clean up’ the city (often, this has resulted in gentrification). He has childhood memories of heroin addicts loitering at the door to his home, nevertheless: “When we came here it felt like everything was possible. There was no money but everyone was doing something. There were so many cultural initiatives, it felt very vibrant and alive. I do feel that at the moment we’re more well off, but that we’ve funneled all of that well offness into the latest hip coffee bar... nothing against them, but I had a dream that life would give me more than just a good coffee bar.” ‘Mezrab’ means ‘guitar pick’ in Persian, the tool used to help soundwaves ring out. From its intimate beginnings in an Amsterdam living room, Mezrab’s influence is certainly crescendoing. Storytellers that started on its floor-level stage have founded their own storytelling nights, such as at the Volkshotel. Even when on holiday, Sahand can’t escape its impact. “I was in Lithuania, and I was sitting having an ice cream and three young women, around twenty years old, came up to me and they said: ‘thank you for opening the Mezrab.’ On the other side of the fucking continent!”
Since December 2016, almost every two or three months The Vondelbunker hosts the Alternative Folk Night, a small music festival created with the purpose of gathering underground bands and music performers from Amsterdam, but also from other cities in The Netherlands like The Hague, Groningen & Leiden. The idea came about by chance, when GHOM (a local experimental rock band) requested to play at the Bunker, and we all thought it could be a good idea to create an event for local folk bands. That night it turned out to be a great success, and many different people gathered.
R MUTT is the name that Duchamp used to sign the urinal that he anonymously sent in for an exhibition. The committee rejected the work, but it gained mythical proportions anyway when people got wind of the artist behind R MUTT. It was one of the first readymades and the start of conceptual art. Now, 100 years later, we bring R MUTT back to life. In the next year, four exhibitions will take place in venue/café/restaurant/workspace De Ruimte. Artists from a wide range of disciplines will present new work under the name R MUTT. From visual art, sculptures and audio-visual installations to interventions in the building. When you step inside De Ruimte, you step into the world of R MUTT.
R MUTT 1 October 28: opening + anonymity party 24H Noord Opening exhibition. Mask making, face painting and pancakes during the day, anonymous musicians and DJ’s during the night.
R MUTT is an experiment. What happens when you disconnect the work and the creator? Does the artist use this freedom to do something totally new? Or will the experiment remain small? And November 17: work in process what is it like for the audience to see art without Evening of lectures about art as a process. When knowing who made it? is a work finished?af? De Ruimte is a temporary space on Distelweg in Amsterdam-Noord. There is live music, poetry, dance, performance and art. The café and restaurant of De Ruimte is open from Wednesday until Sunday. On these days you can access the exhibition as well.
December 3: end of R MUTT 1 Celebrating the end of the first exhibition of R MUTT. www.rmutt17.nl www.cafederuimte.nl
In the second and third editions, a big variety of performers decided to join the festival: from ambient and avant-garde music to singer-songwriters, from klezmer and Balkan combos to indie-rock bands. Admission is free, however, donations are encouraged. The Alternative Folk Night provides ample network opportunities for alternative musicians, not to mention a fun night for whoever wants to join the event. The next edition is on Saturday 4th November at the Vondelbunker, Amsterdam.
BOOKS TIP TOP 5 Amsterdam Alternative will publish a small selection of new released books and/or magazines in every new issue. We will not give you a detailed opinion, so it will not be a conventional review. We choose 5 tittles which we like and want to share with you. You can do the judging yourself. Tips and links to releases are always welcome. Please send them to books@amsterdamalternative.nl
ANARCHISME IN DE LAGE LANDEN THOM HOLTERMAN Publisher: Kelderuitgeverij Release date: April 2017 Pages: 172 pages // in Dutch ISBN: Unknown Price: €15 More info: www.kelderuitgeverij.nl
18TH BIRTHDAY OF THE OT301 The OT301 was squatted on the 14th of November 1999 by a group of artists that united themselves in a vereniging called EHBK (Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst). In the past 18 years the collective has gone through a lot of phases because it has never been an easy job to run and maintain a building with a group of people in a democratic way. Running a non-profit organization like the OT301, with all its public programming, artist ateliers and living spaces takes commitment and lots of energy from all its members. It is a responsibility that you have to share because it is too much work for a single person or a small group. Although it hasn’t been easy sharing a building/ organization with a mixed group of (inter)national artists and other open minded people, it created a vibe and atmosphere that can not be copied by commercial organizations or so called Broedplaatsen (that are initiated by the city government). Hard work pays off and creates something extraordinary. In places like the OT301 buzz-words like raw and authentic aren’t marketing slogans or styling efforts. It is the real deal! The average outsider or visitor might think that the OT301 has won all its battles since the vereniging bought the building in 2006 and slowly transformed
into a well oiled machine but not all is what it seems. It still takes lots of energy and discussions to make the ‘right’ decisions, every day, week or month, again and again. A project like this (luckily) is a never ending project and besides the hard work it is very important to realize that the bricks itself are worth nothing. It is all about the people and the energy that they put into the collective and its activities. On Saturday the 11th of November the OT301 will celebrate its 18th birthday. In this case the 18th birthday does not mean that something is fully grown because the OT301 is in fact a never ending proces and it should always be a playground for those that want to experiment without the pressure of financial success. It can not be emphasized enough that places like this are important for a city that has always been proud to be open minded, creative, liberal and free. On the 11th the OT301 will be open from 13:00 till 05:00 hrs. There will be lots of activities during the day (and night). Let’s celebrate the 18th birthday of an experiment that values collective ownership, autonomy and self management more then anything else.
PEEING IN AMSTERDAM I’ve always considered the phenomenon of the urinal in Amsterdam as an obvious sign that gender equality has not been achieved in this town. While the local government provides ample places to pee for men, hardly any public toilets are available for women. Strictly speaking, this gesture, which facilitates only half the population while the other half is explicitly, blatantly, excluded, cannot be called a public service. In fact, with all the current debates going on and decisions being taken by the national government and several major companies about gender neutrality, it is clear that the city of Amsterdam, which even fails to grasp the older concept of gender equality, is lagging behind. Whenever I come across one of those green ornamental iron ‘curls’ as they are called, I’m made acutely aware that I’m ignored and shut out on the basis of my gender, whether I actually need to pee at that moment or not. What is the municipality’s reasoning behind this misogynist half-service? We all know that peeing is a necessity, for both men and women. So why are women and girls constantly told on the street that they don’t need to pee, or, that, if they do, they can go do it somewhere else, that, in any case, their local government is not going to solve their problem while it does solve the problem for men? The subliminal message that women are given, in the public space of the city where they live, is that they simply, literally and quite physically, don’t count. men – ‘less’ being an obvious euphemism: 35 toilets for men as opposed to 3 for women in the centre – because men are much more often found guilty of Recently a young woman was tried and fined for urinating in public. So, men committing the offence peeing in public near the Leidseplein. In itself, this of peeing in public are rewarded with a municipal was not a remarkable fact since it is illegal for both service, while women committing the same offence men and women to pee in public. The discussion the pay the fine and subsequently hold their water. The woman successfully raised was about the lack of an alternative space for her to urinate. She had urgently man’s words were a precise reiteration of the phenomenon of the urinal itself. What they, the words needed to pee late at night, all the bars and restauof a judge, expressed to the young woman was: you rants had been closed and there had been simply don’t count. no place for her to relieve herself. Interestingly, the (male) judge suggested that with a little imagination With 35 urinals in the town centre and only 3 toilets, she could have made use of a urinal. In other words, she should have tried to fit the male standard that is it really can no longer be the case that men urinate obviously not equipped to facilitate her bodily needs more often in public than women. I sincerely hope it isn’t. For me, I know the pleasure of squatting and habits.(Squatting in a shady corner in public is a lot easier for a woman that trying to pee standing up and peeing behind a wall, a disused building or in the bushes at the edge of a park, knowing that by in a urinal). doing so I don’t only relieve myself but also mark my territory like a dog: this is my city too you fuckers! I Most interesting about the judge’s response to the woman’s dilemma of where to pee, was his argument practise it regularly, and will keep doing so as long as I need to. that there are less public toilets for women than for
A nice book for everyone that wants to know more about the history of anarchism in The Netherlands. Written by old provo Thom Holterman who is co founder of ‘De andere generatie’ en editor of the anarchistic magazine AS.
DE PARADISO PUNKJAREN (DEEL 1: 1977, DE OERKNAL) OSCAR SMIT Publisher: Black Olive press Release date: September 2017 Pages: 44 pages // in Dutch ISBN: 978-90-72811-24-0 Price: €11,50 More info: www.blackolivepress.nl In dit eerste deel van De Paradiso Punkjaren schetst de auteur, muziekjournalist Oscar Smit, aan de hand van concertverslagen, archiefstukken en ooggetuigenverslagen een beeld van Paradiso in de overgang van hippietent naar punkdomein. Het boek, vormgegeven door D. Beekman, is een gelimiteerde uitgave van 500 genummerde exemplaren en met de hand gedrukt door striptekenaar Wasco.
THE NOISE OF BEING SONIC ACTS Publisher: Sonic Acts Press Release date: November 2017 Pages: 212 pages // In English ISBN: 978-90-823216-3-0 Price: €16,50 More info: www.sonicacts.org This book attempts to piece together the dissonance that was produced and gathered at the 2017 Sonic Acts Festival. The festival focused on a theme that resonates deeply when thinking about the contemporary – namely, what it means to be human, to be part of a world that is an ever changing network.
EVERYTHING, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE RAFAËL ROZENDAAL Publisher: Valiz Release date: 2017 Pages: 320 pages ISBN: 978-94-92095-30-5 Price: €25 More info: www.valiz.nl Rafaël Rozendaal’s artistic practice comprises websites, installations, prints and writings. His work takes shape through a range of transformations— from movement into abstraction, from virtual into physical space, and from website to print—with all of them informing each other. All of his works have one thing in common: they stem from a fascination with moving images and interactivity in its most basic form.
THE ADVENTURES OF WILLEM DE RIDDER HARRY RUHÉ & JEANNETTE DEKEUKELEIRE Publisher: CultClub Release date: 2017 Pages: 80 pages / English ISBN: 978-90-81245-88-3 Price: €24,95 More info: www.artkitchen.nl Promoter of avant-garde theatre, Fluxus agent, founder of an art mail order house, publisher of taboo-breaking magazines, producer of controversial Radio Art programmes, and much more, Willem de Ridder has led a storied life. It seems that the moment he became successful with whatever he was doing, he would abandon it entirely to embark on some other project.
STREET ART According to Fatima Leeuwenberg To me this contains art in public spaces, something made by men, which stands out and amuses or intrigues me. The possibilities of street art seem endless. I want to capture those and share with people. I started about 15 years ago photographing street art with the camera on my phone. Currently I have got a lot on my plate. Typical me. I am struggling with migraines, decisions to make and other things to do. Difficulties get lighter, and therefor easier, if I keep feeling love and playfullness in my heart. Life is too short. I am lucky to be here. Activate. Be strong. Play on. Radiate! Follow me on Instagram: melodyfatima
(…) In the evening you were a little tired, and you sat down outside a new cafe at the corner of a new boulevard, still littered with plaster and already displaying proudly its unfinished splendours. The cafe glittered. The very gas put on all the fervency of a fresh start, and lighted up with its full force the blinding whiteness of the walls, the dazzling sheets of glass in the mirrors, the gilt of cornices and mouldings, the chubby-cheeked pages straining back from hounds in leash, the ladies laughing at the falcons on their wrists, the nymphs and goddesses carrying fruits and pies and game on their heads, the Hebes and Ganymedes holding out at arm’s-length little jars of syrups or parti-coloured obelisks of ices; the whole of history and of mythology brought together to make a paradise for gluttons. Exactly opposite to us, in the roadway, stood a man of about forty years of age, with a weary face and a greyish beard, holding a little boy by one hand and carrying on the other arm a little fellow too weak to walk. He was taking the nurse-maid’s place, and had brought his children out for a walk in the evening. All were in rags. The three faces were extraordinarily serious, and the six eyes stared fixedly at the new cafe with an equal admiration, differentiated in each according to age. The father’s eyes said: “How beautiful it is! how beautiful it is! One would think that all the gold of the poor world had found its way to these walls.” The boy’s eyes said: “How beautiful it is! how beautiful it is! But that is a house which only people who are not like us can enter.” As for the little one’s eyes, they were too fascinated to express anything but stupid and utter joy. Song-writers say that pleasure ennobles the soul and softens the heart. The song was right that evening, so far as I was concerned. Not only was I touched by this family of eyes, but I felt rather ashamed of our glasses and decanters, so much too much for our thirst. I turned to look at you, dear love, that I might read my own thought in you; I gazed deep into your eyes, so beautiful and so strangely sweet, your green eyes that are the home of caprice and under the sovereignty of the Moon; and you said to me: “Those people are insupportable to me with their staring saucer-eyes! Couldn’t you tell the head waiter to send them away?” So hard is it to understand one another, dearest, and so incommunicable is thought, even between people who are in love. The Eyes of the Poor (from Paris Spleen), Charles Baudelaire, 1869
Picture above: Westerdoksdijk // Picture below: Jacob Bontiusplaats By: Illustrich