www.amsterdambookfair.com • www.nvva.nl • www.bobboeken.nl
Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren (nvva) i.s.m. Bond van handelaren in Oude Boeken (bob)
Vrijdag 4 oktober • 14.00 - 20.00 uur Zaterdag 5 oktober • 10.00 - 18.00 uur
34th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair 2013
passenger terminal amsterdam
Reading delight
Beroepsafwijkingen, daar heb ik er veel van. Ik kijk bijvoorbeeld in musea met extra veel belangstelling naar schilderijen waar boeken op voorkomen. Bij vanitasvoorstellingen probeer ik te achterhalen welk drukwerk is afgebeeld. Als er er ook mensen op de schilderijen staan (of zitten of liggen), wil ik weten wat ze lezen en probeer me voor te stellen wat ze beleven. En ik word verwend: Het aantal schilderijen waarop lezende mensen voorkomen is oneindig veel groter dan dat waarop aardappels worden gegeten.
Professional deviations, I have many. My attention is drawn in museums to paintings with book images. Vanitas pictures -- I want to know more about the printed matter depicted. Paintings with people reading books -- I want to know what they are reading, their emotions and thoughts.
Een topstuk is voor mij het schilderij van Willem Tholen dat het omslag van deze catalogus siert, De Gezusters Arntzenius. Ik kan niet zien welke boeken de meisjes lezen of bekijken, wel kan ik fantaseren wat er in ze omgaat: Leeslust, maar ook ‘hangen op de bank’, een onbestemd gevoel van verwachting, en voor ons dit jaar de herinnering aan eindeloze warme zomermiddagen. Het genot van boeken. We hopen dat u iets van dit genot, en van vergetelheid, terugvindt in deze catalogus, de achtste alweer waarin de leden van de NVvA zich gezamenlijk presenteren. En ook dit jaar dient u voor een uitgebreider overzicht de winkels en websites van de antiquaren te bezoeken. Deze catalogus dient ook als opstapje voor de 34e Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair, die op 4 en 5 oktober in de Passengers Terminal aan het IJ in Amsterdam wordt geörganiseerd, uiteraard in samenwerking met onze vrienden van de Bond van Handelaren in Oude Boeken (BOB). U bent daar van harte welkom, een vrijkaart hebben we alvast bijgevoegd. De agenda, plattegronden en alle overige informatie vindt u achterin deze catalogus. Het standnummer van de beursdeelnemers is boven hun catalogus-bijdrage vermeld. Julius Steiner stond mij ook dit jaar bij, en dit jaar wil ik van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om onze trouwe adverteerders te danken. Zij maken deze catalogus mede mogelijk. Frank Rutten, secretaris NVvA
One of my favourites is Willem Tholen's painting that adorns the front cover of this catalogue, 'De Gezusters Arntzenius' (The Arntzenius Sisters). The books the sisters are reading and viewing cannot be clearly seen, but I try to imagine what the sisters experience: the delight of reading, languishing on the couch, a vague sense of expectation, and perhaps, like us in Holland this year, the memory of endless warm summer afternoons. The delight of books. We wish you will find some of this delight --and oblivion-- in this catalogue, the 8th Joint Catalogue of the Dutch Antiquarian Booksellers Association (NvvA). For a complete overview of what our members have to offer, please visit their premises and websites. This catalogue also serves as a foretaste of the 34th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair, organised jointly with our friends of the Union of Dealers in Old Books (BOB). We cordially invite you to this Fair at the Passenger Terminal in Amsterdam, on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October, 2013. For your convenience we already include a complimentary ticket here. The programme, exhibition floor-plans, and other relevant information are presented at the end of this catalogue. As in previous years I benefited from Julius Steiner’s support, and this year I seize the opportunity to thank our loyal advertisers who are making this catalogue possible. Frank Rutten, secretary NvvA The NvvA is affiliated with the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, which means a.o. that all our sales are covered by a guarantee. See our ‘Code of Ethics’ at www. nvva.nl or www.ilab.org.
De NVvA is aangesloten bij de International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, hetgeen o.a. inhoudt dat op al onze verkopen een garantie geldt. Meer hierover kunt u vinden in onze verkoopvoorwaarden op www.nvva.nl, en in de ‘Code of Ethics’ op www.ilab.org. 1
E.H. Ariëns AERIC books Kappers & prints/ C.P.J. van der Peet - Japanese Prints
Antiquariaat Antiqua
Eric Schneyderberg E.H. Ariëns Kappers Nieuwe Van Heemstrastrjitte Spiegelstraat16 32 1017 GB 8561 DG Balk Amsterdam Tel. (020) 623 53 56 Netherlands Fax + Tel. (020) 31 (0)514 638 43601 71 783 info@masterprints.nl fun@aeric.nl www.masterprints.nl www.aeric.nl
R. van der Peet Herengracht 159 1015 BH Amsterdam Tel. + 31 (0)20 624 59 98
BOULAINVILLIERS, (Henri), comte de, Mémoires présentés à Monseigneur le Duc d’Orléans,
Régent de France. Contenant les moyens de rendre ce Royaume très puissant, & d’augmenter considerablement les revenus du Roi & du Peuple. La Haye & Amsterdam, Aux dépends de la Compagnie, 1727. 2 vols. in one. sm.8vo. (VI),158 + (II),(1-4), 5-230,(2) pp. First title printed in red & black. With small vignette on titles. Cont. calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands & label.Nice copy with old bookplate. ¶First edition. Directed against the “financiers” and proposing a state-treasurer’s office. His works on finance were not published till after his death. They were prohibited in France (Palgrave I, 170-171). -INED 714; Kress 3678. Goldsmiths 6532. € 400,-
CATALOGUE.- BOZE, Claude Gros de, Catalogue des livres du Cabinet de M. de Boze.
Paris, chez G. Martin & H.L. Guérin & L.F. Delatour, 1753. 8vo. (II),X,552 pp. With small engraved vignette on title. & engraved headpiece by Pierre Etienne Moitte after a design by Edme Bouchardon. Cont. calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands & red label. ¶Sale catalogue of an auction which never took place. The de Boze library, rich in incunables and block books, was purchased Antiquariaat Antiqua after the appearance of this catalogue by two collectors Boutin and Cotte.-Taylor, Book Catalogues p. 233. € 500,-
GRAVESANDE, G.J.’s, Oeuvres Philosphiques et Mathématiques. Rassemblées & Publiées par Jean Nic.
Seb. Allamand, qui y a ajouté l’Histoire de la Vie & des Ecrits de l’Auteur. Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1774. 2 vols. 4to. LXIV,(XII),317(3 blanks) + (IV),IV,(IV),366,(2 blanks) pp. (some browning) Title printed in red & black with device. With 29 engraved folding plates. Cont.vellum. (one spine-end slightly frayed). ¶’sGravesande, (1688-1742), Prof.Mathematics and Physics,Leyden, was largely responsible for introducing the Newtonian philosophy into Continental Europe.-Bierens de Haan 113; Poggendorf I,944; Sotheran’s Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica First Supplement 3289. € 1.250,-
MAILLET, (Benoît de), Telliamed, ou Entretiens d’un philosophe Indien avec un missionaire françois
Sur la Diminution de la Mer, la Formation de la Terre. L’origine de l’homme.&c. Mis en ordre sur les Mémoires de fue M. de Maillet. Par J.A.G.*** (Jean Antoine Guer). Amsterdam, Chez L’Honoré & Fils, Libraires, 1748. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. (IX,1 blank),CXIX(pour LXIX),(1 blank,7,1 blank),208 + (II),231,(1 blank,3,1 blank) pp. (faint dampstains). Cont. calf, spine richly gilt, with raised bands & red label. (spine-ends and corners slightly frayed). Nice copy. FIRST EDITION. ¶Maillet’s ideas unquestionable influenced many leading naturalists for almost a century, notable Buffon and Cuvier. His ultraneptunian theory of the earth, in which everything was explained by the action of a retreating sea, makes him a marine geologist of the 18th century. -Le Bûcher bibliographique 660; Vernière, Spinoza et la pensée française avant la Révolution II, p.535 ; Forerunners of Darwin 1745-1859, p.123 ff. € 675,-
Original sketch executed by Andy Warhol in graphite on a sheet of ruled paper, measuring ca. 32 x 20 cm. This fine sketch roughly but accurately depicts a Campbell’s soup can, one of Warhol’s iconic images, and has been boldly signed by the artist. This is one of a number of drawings made by Warhol during the pre-opening of an exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, November 1978. € 2.400,2
(TYSSOT DE PATOT, Simon), Voyages et avantures de Jaques Massé. Bourdeaux, Jaques l’Aveugle, 1710. 12mo. (VIII),508 pp. With engraved vignette of an armillary sphere on title & ornamental headpiece on A1. (some browning). Cont. calf, spine gilt in compartments, red label gilt lettering. (spine-ends & corners slightly frayed).¶Through the peculiar ability of its author the Voyages de Jean Massé stands as a landmark in the development of the French Voyage Novel. Tyssot de Patot shows familiarity with the works of the rationalistic thinkers of the 17th Century (Atkinson, The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature). -Rosenberg Edition B(i); Gove pp.217-219; Hartig & Soboul p.38; Versins pp. 900-901; Wijngaarden pp.199-122; INED 4369. € 850,-
ASHER Rare Books - since 1830 Julius W. Steiner Tuurdijk 16 3997 MS 't Goy-Houten Tel. +31(0)30 601 1955 Fax +31 (0)30 601 1813 info@asherbooks.com www.asherbooks.com
DESCRIPTION OF DEN BRIEL ALKEMADE, Cornelis van and Pieter van der SCHELLING. Beschryving van de stad Briele, en den lande van Voorn, … Rotterdam, Philippus Losel, 1729. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a doublepage engraved plan of Den Briel and 3 folding engraved maps of different parts of Voorne. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. € 2.500,First and only edition of a topographical and historical description of Den Briel on the island of Voorne. The present work is especially interesting because it contains the first published text of Jan Matthijsen’s famous Rechtsboek of the city of Den Briel, one of the oldest and most important sources of for the study of Dutch law. Maps with tears in some folds, and a water stain in the last 25 leaves. In good condition. Donkersloot-de Vrij 247; Klaversma & Hannema 47.
18TH-CENTURY MANUSCRIPT MAP OF PART OF THE LEK RIVER HATTUM, Dirk van. Kaarte en aftekening van het rivier vak beneeden het Tienhovense Veer met de aanleggende krib, en rijswerken. [Netherlands], August 1792. Manuscript map in pen, ink and colour washes on paper (52.5 x 73.5 cm). Scale ca. 1:2000. € 1.950,Large manuscript map of part of the Lek River, near the village of Tienhoven. The map was surveyed and drawn by Dirk van Hattum, the official surveyor of the water board of the Lekdijk Benedendams. In his map Van Hattum suggests the construction of a hydraulic works to improve the navigability of part of the river and simultaneously protect an elementary river groyne downstream. With some small tears and some minor soiling, but still generally in good condition. 4
23 FINE PORTRAITS OF 16TH-CENTURY ARTISTS FROM THE LOW COUNTRIES LAMPSONIUS, Dominicus. Pictorum aliquot celebrium Germaniæ Inferioris effigies. Antwerp, widow of Hiernonymus Cock [= Volcxken Dierckx], 1572. Folio. With 23 engraved portraits. 17th-century vellum. € 7.950,Rare first edition of a beautiful and influential series of portraits. The series depicts 23 artists from the Low Countries, arranged chronologically, beginning with Hubert van Eyck and ending with Hieronymus Cock, each portrait accompanied by laudatory verses in Latin by Dominicus Lampsonius. Johannes Wierix signed 9 of the portraits and another 4 are ascribed to him. Small stamp on back of title-page; some annotations on flyleaves. A very good copy, with small restorations to paper, and foxing throughout. Important and influential portraits of 16th-century Dutch and Flemish artists. New Hollstein, The Wierix Family IX, 2023-2035; WorldCat (4 copies).
CLASSIC DUTCH ART HISTORY MANDER, Karel van. Het schilder boeck … Amsterdam, Jacob Pietersz. Wachter (for Paulus van Ravesteyn and Cornelis Lodewijcksz. vander Plasse), (1616-)1618. 6 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved title-page and full-page engraved portrait of the author. Contemporary vellum. € 6.500,Revised and enlarged second edition of Karel van Mander’s famous Schilderboeck, a history of painting with the lives of artists up to 1603, with the indexes corrected and completed and the work enlarged with a biography of the author who had died in 1606. With the engraved title-page and portrait foxed, some occasional spots throughout. Good copy of this classic on the history of painting. Bibl. Belg. IV, p. 46.
John Benjamins Antiquariaat John Benjamins Klaprozenweg 75G 1033 NN Amsterdam P.O. Box 36224 1020 ME Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 630 47 47 Fax +31 (0)20 679 29 56 antiq@benjamins.nl www.benjamins.com
GEIGER. Volumes 1-10 (all published) as follows: Numbers 1-9. Torino, Geiger, 1967-1982 and the final Number 10. Torino, Geiger, 1996 (last published). Most numbers measure 30x22cm, but formats vary, as do the number of pages: mostly ab. 70 sheets stapled between illustrated original wrappers, untrimmed. All are limited editions of 300 copies (except No. 5 which was in 500 copies). Many contributions are signed. Number 10 is a volume assembled in the honour of Adriano Spatola, with 103 original signed contributions (contained in the original yellow case, 32x24cm, copy no 102/300), fine. An excellent complete set of this fragile publication, as detailed below: Together with: TECHNÉ. Volumes (Numbers) 1- 19 (all published, consisting of 9 physical volumes: 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/13, 14/16, 17/19). Firenze, Tèchne, 1969-1976. All issues till no 10 consist of stapled sheets between original card wrappers with overlaying edges (ca. 34x25,4 cm.), the later volumes are thicker, sewn in card wrappers (22x16cm). Condition varies, from good (with light wear) to excellent. € 30.000,-
With this combination of “Geiger” and “Technè” (see details below) we offer the complete sets of the two seminal Italian artists’ periodicals of experimental visual poetry. - GEIGER was based in Torino. Handmade from original artist contributions and published by Adriano Spatola, together with his brothers Maurizio and Tiziano Spatola. Each number (volume) is an anthology of visual poetry, concrete art and poetical or theoretical texts. Original (often signed) artwork by internationally reknown artists in various techniques (original drawings, photo-compositions, collages, stencilled, handwritten or photocopied texts and images). All pieces printed on different weights and types of stock. Italian and internationally important contributors include (but the full list is much longer): Marina Abramovic, Alocc, Klaus Avril, Nanni Balestrini, Ben, Gianni Bertini, Julien Blaine, Jean François Bory, Marcel Broodhaers, Gianni Broi, Antonio Calderara, Ulisses Carrion, Christo, Hans Clavin, Luciano Caruso, Bruno Conte, Nanni Cortassa, M. & S. DeAlexandris, Gillo Dorfles, Pablo Echaurren, Giovanni Fontana, Jochen Gerz, Gino Gini, Klaus Groh, Elisabeta Gut, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Vaclav Havel, Bernard Heidsieck, Dick Higgins, Adriano Malavasi, Angela Mantello, Corrado Morelli, Mario Molinari, Maurizio Nannuci, Arthur Petronio, Giuliana Pini, Claudia Rotta Loria, Claudia Salaris, Adriano & Maurizio Spatola, Timm Ulrichs, Jirí Valoch, Franco Vaccari, Wolf Vostell, Simona Weller, William Xera, etc. - Vol. 1. Antologia di testi sperimentali, 1967. Cover by Marco Gerra. Good clean copy. - Vol. 2. Antologia,1968. Cover by Franco Grignani. (19,4 x21cm). Good copy - Vol. 3. Antologia a cura di Maurizio Spatola. 1969. Cover made of brown wrapping paper, with title handwritten in yellow paint (25x23cm; spine broken, overlaying edges a bit ragged). - Vol. 4. Antologia a cura di Maurizio Spatola. 1970. Cover by Maurizio Nannucci. (21,8x22cm). Very light damage to the spine, otherwise excellent - Vol. 5. Antologia a cura di Adriano e Maurizio Spatola. 1972. Cover in grey boards (29,5x21,8cm). Light discoloration of the cover, otherwise very good. - Vol. 6. Antologia ipersperimentale a cura di Maurizio Spatola, 1974. Cover on beige card, with title handwritten in blue ink (29x21,5cm). Very lightly frayed, otherwise excellent. - Vol. 7. Antologia ipersperimentale a cura di Maurizio Spatola, 1977. Cover is a collage of red and beige card, leaving the digit 7 visible (30x22, with overlaying edges of ab.1 cm); this volume includes the 4 page contribution of Geoff Hendricks of footprints with grass and hair applied. - Vol. 8. Antologia ipersperimentale a cura di Adriano e Maurizio Spatola, 1979. Cover in white stiff card, by Corrado Costa (30x22cm). Spine made of selfadhesive tape over stapled wrappers.Excellent copy. - Vol. 9. Antologia ipersperimentale a cura di Adriano e Maurizio Spatola e Bianca Maria Bonazzi, 1982. - Vol. 10 Dedicata a Adriano Spatola. Antologia sperimentali a cura di Franco Beltrametti, Maurizio Spatola e Arrigo Lora-Totino, 1996. An assembling in the honour of Adriano Spatola, with 103 original signed contributions by internationally important artists, mostly devoted contributors to the earlier numbers (contained in the original yellow case, 32x24cm, copy no 102/300), fine.
John Benjamins Antiquariaat -TECHNÉ, published in Florence, was handmade from artists submissions like “Geiger”, but with notably more political engagement. It was edited by Eugenio Miccini. Each number comprises ab. 60 sheets contributed by various artists and poets such as: Adriano Spatola, Sarenco, Bussotti, Gianni Bertini, Bernard Aubertin, Betto, Jean-François Bory, Giovanni Broi, John Cage, Luciano Caruso, Lino Centi, Gilo Dorfles, Josef M.FigueresWalter Fusi, Isgrò, Fabbio Mauri, Eugenio Miccini, Giovan Battista Nazzaro, Michele Perfetti, Oberto, Poggiali, Gabri Rossi, Renato Spagnoli, Giuseppe Chiari, Timm Ulrichs, Franco Vaccari, André Vandegeerd, Pierre Vandrepote, etc. - Vol. 1: ottobre 1969. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini,1969. Black cover with the banderol. - Vol. 2: dicembre 1969. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1969. Redazione: Pier Luigi Tazzi, Egidio Mucci, Gianni Broi. Red cover, with the banderol; small tear in left margin of the front cover, otherwise very good. - Vol. 3/4: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Green cover (back cover blank), with the banderol. - Vol. 5/6: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Yellow cover, staples loosening, with light wear. Added: programma ‘Arte per Arte’, maggio/giugno 1970. - Vol. 7/8: Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Redazione: Pier Luigi Tazzi, Egidio Mucci, Gianni Broi, Giusi Coppini. Grey cover (no back cover present, possibly not issued). With folded large size poster (“Montepulciano cripta del Gesu. etc”). - Vol. 9/10: giugnio 1972. Antologia a cura di Eugenio Miccini, 1970. Violet cover (pasted around stapled pages). - Vol. 11/12/13: Antologia-direttore Eugenio Miccini, redattore Lino Centi. 1974. Orange cover. - Vol. 14/15/16: Antologia-direttore Eugenio Miccini, redattore Lino Centi. 1975. Green cover. - Vol. 17/18/19. Antologia-direttore Eugenio Miccini, redattore Lino Centi. 1976. Yellow cover, with small tear, otherwise good. (Volumes 11/13,14/16 and 17/19 were published in a smaller size (roy 8vo), and contain textual contributions only). These sets of Geiger and Techne were the basis of the Exhibition at the “Biblioteca civica d’arte Luigi Poletti - Lalazzo dei Musei” in Modena, July-August 2002. The contents have been re-checked and found to be in accordance with the Catalogue published for that exhibition.
Antiquariaat Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Langendijk 8 4132 AK Vianen Tel. +31-(0)347-322548 info@gertjanbestebreurtje.com www.gertjanbestebreurtje.com
SPILBERGEN, Joris van. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations,
faictes es années 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617 & 1618 .. par le destroict de Magellan, & ainsi tout autour de toute la terre, avec toutes les battailes donneées tant par terre que par eau. Icy sont aussi adioustées deux histoires, l’une des Indes Orientales, l’autre des Indes Occidentales, avec le nombre des navires, forts, soldats & artillerie. L’autre faicte par Jacob Le Maire, lequel au costé du Zud du destroict de Magellan, a descouvert un nouveau destroict. Avec la description de tous pays, gens & nations. Amsterdam, Jan Jansz, 1621. Oblong 8vo. Contemporary vellum (sl. soiled), with ties. With 25 engraved maps and plates (6 folding or double-page). (4),172 pp. € 18.500, First French edition; first published in Leyden in 1619 with the title: Oost ende West-Indische spiegel der nieuwe navigatien. - Joris van Spilbergen (Antwerp 1568 - Bergen op Zoom 1620) was appointed in 1614 to head an expedition to the East Indies for the East India Company (VOC) by way of the Strait of Magellan to reassert Dutch claims to access into the Pacific from the east. The first attack on the Spanish was made on Santa Maria in Chili. He went on north to Valparaiso, Acapulco, further along the Mexican coast. In 1616 he reached Guam and Manila and thence to Ternate and Java. Joris van Spilbergen was the second Dutchman to circumnavigate the world. He discovered land along what is now the coast of California. ‘Spilbergen had succeeded in establishing the power and reputation of the Dutch East India Company. In Java he took on board the crew of Le Maire and Schouten whose vessels had been confiscated. Le Maire and Schouten had discovered several small islands, Staten Landt, and the Straits of Le Maire, and had been the first to round Cape Horn’ (Hill 1619). ‘Spilbergen’s voyage was the most succesful Dutch circumnavigation to date. The fleet had kept together, there had been little loss of Dutch life, and the expedition had netted a considerable profit for its sponsors’ (Howgego S159). ‘The Mirror is an extremely important book for the history of Dutch navigation’ ( Borba de Moraes p.827). - One tear skilfully repaired, otherwise a very fine copy of the two famous Dutch circumnavigations. Tiele 1030; Tiele, Memoire, 70; Cat. NHSM I, p.115; Landwehr, VOC,362; Muller, America, 1970; EuropeanAmericana III, p.178; Sabin 89451.
Antiquariaat Bisschopshof J.W. Kervezee Burg. Galleestraat 38 7251 EC VORDEN Tel. +31-(0)575-550955 info@bisschopshof.nl www.bisschopshof.nl
HYGINUS. C. JULII HYGINI Augusti Liberti Fabularum liber, Ad omnium poëtarum lectionem mirè necessarius. Lugd. Bat. & Amstel. Apud Gaasbekios. MDCLXX (1670). Sm. 8vo. Vellum. With a frontispiece by Romeyn de Hooghe. (24), 288, (84) pp. € 375,¶ Schweiger II, 465. Mint copy of this rare work. [22661]
WICQUEFORT, ABRAHAM DE. Advis Fidelle aux veritables Hollandois. Touchant ce qui s'est passé dans les Villages de Bodegrave et Swammerdam, et les cruautes inoüies, que les François y ont exercées. Avec Un Memoire de la derniere marche de l'Armée du Roy de France en Brabant et en Flandre. ( Den Haag, J. en D. Steucker), 1673. 4to. Modern half vellum. Woodcut printer vignet on title. With 10 views by Romeyn de Hooghe on 8 (double-page) folding plates (the plates are ca 20 x 30 cm, papersize 23,5 x 35 cm). (2), 202 pp. € 2.250,¶ Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe 30. Copy with 2 stamps on first blank and title, and handwritten text with ink. Beautifull etchings about the cruelty by the French at Bodengraven and Zwammerdam. ' One of the most powerful graphic works by Romeyn de Hooghe'. [1169]
KIRCHMANN, J. De funeribus Romanorum. Lubecensis de Funeribus Romanorum Libri Quatuor cum Appendice, nitidissimis Figuris illustrati. Accessit et Funus Parasiticum Nicolai Rigaltii. [en] Historiarum Professoris In Academia Batavorum & Foederatarum Provinciarum Historriographi, Oratio.. [en] Funus Parasiticum sive L. Biberii Curculionis Parasiti, Mortualia. Lugd. Batav. Apud Hackios, 1672. 12mo. Oorspronkelijk verguld perkament. Met een gegraveerde voortitel, gedateerd 1671 en vier uitslaande afbeeldingen van begravenisrituelen alle geëtst door Romeyn de Hooghe. (48), 649, (45); 1 blanco, (8), 64; 24 pp. € 375,¶ Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe 20. - Onfrisse band, één scharnier is gebroken maar het boekblok zit nog stevig in de band, toch een aardig exemplaar. [22662] WESTEN, WYNANT VAN.
Het eerste (-derde) Deel Van de Mathematische Vermaecklyckheden. Te samen ghevoeght Van verscheyden ghenuchlijcke ende boertige Werckstucken soo uyt Arithmetica, Geometria, Astronomia, Geographia, Cosmographia, Musica, Physica, Optica, Catoptrica, Architectonica, Sciotetica, als uyt andere onghehoorde Mysterien meer. Ghetranslateert uyt het Fransch in Nederduytsche tale: ende verrijckt, vermeerdert, ende verbetert met verscheyden Observatien ende Annotatien, dienende tot onderrichtinge van eenige duystere questien, ende mis-slaghen inden Franschen druck. Door Wynant van Westen, Mathem ende Organist der Stadt Nieumegen. Den derden Druck op nieuw oversien ende verbetert Tot Arnhem, By Jacob van Biesen, Boecverkoper in den vergulden Bybel, M.DC. XLIV, (1644). 3 parts in 1. Sm 8vo. Overlapping vellum, rebound; new endpapers, first few leaves little soiled, some others little damaged, occasionally dampstained. Largely printed in gothic. With 3 different titlepages (two with a woodcut) and 60 woodcut text-ills. (16), 257, (13); 2 blanco, 61, (5); (2), 41, (1) pp. € 975,¶ Bierens de Haan 5302; De Vries 499. - First two (title) pages restored. From one leaf (39/40) very small portion torn of, with loss of some letters. [18397] 10
(WICQUEFORT. A. DE). Getrouw Advys aen de oprechte Hollanders Rakende het geene gepasseert is inde Dorpen van Bodegrave en Swammerdam, en de ongehoorde Wreedtheeden, die de Fransen aldaer gepleeght hebben. Met Een Memorie van de laeste marsch van 't Leger vanden Koning van Vranck-rijck door Brabandt en Vlaendren. Z.pl. (Den Haag?), 1674. 12mo. Oorspronkelijk perkament. Met een drukkersmerk (globe) op de titel en 10 etsen (ca 20 x 30 cm) door Romeyn de Hooghe. 317 pp. € 1.250,¶ Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe 31. Met dezelfde platen als Landwehr 30. Van twee bladzijden (19/20 en 37/38) ontbreekt papier in de marge, maar zonder tekstverlies. - Een mooi en zeldzaam exemplaar. [22241]
Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs Fred Duivenvoorde Turfkaai 33 4331 JV Middelburg Tel. +31-(0)118 633531 Fax +31- (0)118 634150 info@deboekenbeurs.com www.deboekenbeurs.com
N.n.. “Een nieuw lied.� Een anti-patriottisch liedje in handschrift met potlood geschreven op de keerzijde van
6 handgestempelde speelkaarten in 6 coupletten. Ca. 1793/1794. Het lied begint met: “Weg, weg Patriotten gij rammelt als Zottenâ€?. 6 Kaarten 8,5 x 6 cm in papieren omslag. Dit zeldzame curieuze setje verkeert in zeer goede staat met een papieren omslag. [29006]. â‚Ź 400,-
(Lamigue, Isaac). Het leven van Zyne Hoogheit Johan Willem Friso, Prinse van Oranje en Nassau,
enz. enz. enz. Nevens de Historie van den jongstleden oorlog. Met de Grondttekeningen der voornaamste Steden en Vestingen verrykt. Uit het Fransch vertaalt door W.V.R. (W. van Ranouw). Naaukeurig , naar ‘t Oorsprongkelyke, overzien, en met eenige Byvoegzelen vermeerdert door François Halma. Deel I en II. Amsterdam; 1716; Johannes Oosterwyk. Gegraveerd portret naar een schilderij van Louis Volders door M. Pool en gegraveerde frontispiece eveneens door M. Pool; 19 uitvouwbare stadsplattegronden en 1 uitvouwbare plaat van de verdrinking van Johan Willem Friso. Titelpagina gedrukt in rood en zwart. 2 Delen in 1 band; goudbedrukt halfleer (19e eeuw) met gemarmerde platten; (16), 217, (31); (8), 282, (36) p. De plattegrond van Bonn is wat kort afgesneden aan de bovenzijde. Verder in zeer goede staat! [28440]. â‚Ź 850,13
Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs
Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs
Zurk, Eduard van & Schelling, P. van der. Codex Batavus, waar in het algemeen kerk-, publyk, en
De handel der Hollanders, op Cormandel, met een beschrijving aller Logien van de E:Compagnie op die Landstreek. Ook Op-en ondergang der Koningen, die zedert weynige jaren, in Golconda, de Hoofdstad van Cormandel geregeerd hebben. Amsterdam; 1693; Jan ten Hoorn. 3 Parts in 1 volume. Engraved ftontispiece by I. Woollaston; 9 maps/plans of which 5 folded; 8 plates of which 3 folded and 5 engraved portraits. Full leather binding with raised bands; (32), 232, 242, 94, (16) pp. Binding somewhat worn; corner title page repaired (small part of text missing); 24 pp. water stained; ca. 350 pp. with one or more wormholes; mainly in margins. A very interesting and rare edition about the time the Dutch had commercial relations in this south-eastern part of India. [28647]. € 1.200,-
burgerlyk recht van Hollant, Zeelant, en het ressort der Generaliteit, kortelyk is begrepen. Getrokken uit alle de edicten, ordonnantien, placaten, en resolutien, voor en na de oprechtinge der Republyk, en wel byzonder der staatsbestieringe van Hollant en West-Vrieslant, eerst tot het jaar 1710, en sedert tot 1724 respective ingesloten, gemaakt, nader verklaard, uitgebreid, en verhandeld, volgens de Roomse en hedendaegse rechten. Rotterdam; 1738; Jan Daniel Beman; blindstamped vellum; raised bands; ca. 21x 26 cm.; 3rd edition; title page with engraved illustration; vignets; (36) 1231 pp. followed by index. Title shield at spine rubbed. Spine end a trifle damaged, lower joint. Owner’s entry stamped at first endpaper. Title page with library stamp and owner’s entry. Leaves occasionally slightly foxed, final ca. 300 pp. with waterstain lower part (mainly margins, sometimes vaguely) and occasional at a few other pages as well. Outer margins leaves a trifle dampstained. [27597]. € 390,-
Staveren, Augustino van. Auctores Mythographi Latini. Cajus Julius Hyginus, Fab. Planciad. Fulgentius,
Lactantius Placidus, Albricus Philosophus. Cum integris commentariis Jacobi Micylli, Joannis Schefferi, et Thomae Munckeri, quibus adcedunt Thomae Wopkensii emendationes ac conjecturae. Prizebinding. Lugd. Bat. / Amstelaed.; Samuel Luchtmans / J. Wetstenium et G. Smith; 1742. Gilt printed vellum with raised bands and coats of arms of Utrecht on front and back side. Allegorical frontispiece by F. van Bleyswyck; title printed in red and black and engraved vignette and 43 engraved astronomical vignettes; (68), 962, (24) pp. Very fine copy. Part of the prize leaf loosely enclosed. [28475]. € 500,-
Winter, Nicolaas Simon de. De Amstelstroom, in zes zangen. Amsteldam; 1755; Pieter Meyer; halfleather;
raised bands with gilt printed, floral decorations; engraved frontispiece by P. Tanjé; folded, copperengraved, map of the Amstelstroom; (36) 207 pp. Cover worn along extremities, boards slightly rubbed. Top of spine with small, chipped portion. Gilt decorations and lettering on spine rather faded. [25056]. € 350,-
N.n.. Ordonnantie des Coninghs op het Generael reglement van sijne Munte (I). (Bound with:) Beeldenaer
ofte Figuer-boeck / dienende op de nieuwe Ordonnantie vander Munte / gearresteert ende uytgegeven by de Doorluchtige / Hooghe ende Mogende Heeren / de Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlanden....... In welcke gherepresenteert zijn / alle de figueren vande Goude ende Silvere Munte / cours ende ganck hebbende in krachte der selver Ordonnantie / ende boven welcken gheene tot anderen prijse ontfanghen ofte besteet sullen mogen werden (II). Ad (I): Antwerpen; 1665; By Francois Verdussen; (94) pp. of which 51 pp. with numerous woodcuts. Ad (II): s’ Graven-haghe; 1615; By Hillebrant Iacobssz; (76) pp.; every page with numerous woodcuts. Bound in modern halfleather with marbled boards. Both titles are seldom offered. [28515]. € 950,-
Vonk, L.C. Geschiedenis der landing van het Engelsch-Russisch leger in Noord-Holland; Alsmede der
krijgsbedrijven en politieke gebeurtenissen zoo aldaar, als in Vriesland en Gelderland, in den jare 1799, uit echte stukken en bescheiden. (Compleet in 2 delen.) Haarlem; 1801; Francois Bohn. Goudgestempeld halfleer met gemarmerde platten. Deel 1: (6), 280 p. en 3 uitvouwb. gravures. Deel 2: (6), 198, 211 p.(Bijlagen en bladwijzer). 3 Uitvouwb. gravures en een grote uitvouwbare oud-handgekleurde kaart (64 x 45 cm) van Noord-Holland met Texel, Vlieland en Terschelling. De 6 gravures zijn meer of minder roestvlekkig. De kaart verkeert daarentegen in uitstekende staat. Zeldzame Nederlandse editie! [28467]. € 800,-
Pfau, Theodorus Philippus van. Geschiedenis van den veldtogt der Pruissen, in Holland, in
MDCCLXXXVII. Part I and II. Amsterdam; 1792; Willem Holtrop. 2 Parts in 1 volume. 1 Folded handcoloured map and 14 plates concerning plans of several towns and the surroundings of Amsterdam of which some handcoloured. Gilt stamped half cloth; (4), 84, (4), 80, 22 pp. Some (text) pages waterstained. Otherwise in very good condition with wide margins. [28474]. € 600,-
Molitoris, D. Georgio. Cursus Philosophicus Aristotelico-Thomisticus. Doctissimo D. Georgio Molitoris S.S. Reverchon, Hector. Anatomie du cheval. Ostéologie et myologie. Dédiées à Monseigneur le Dauphin,
fondateur de la Chaire de Dessin aux Ecoles Vétérinaires de France. Paris / Lyon; 1825; Durand et Perrin. Folio (36 x 52 cm), (modern) half leather with marbled boards; 74 pp. with 17 fullpage (coloured) lithographs. An extremely rare interesting edition about this subject! Because of mould the book has been treated . In spite of this several leaves are spotted. [28473]. € 2.800,-
Lapie M.. Atlas universel de géographie ancienne et moderne précédé d’un abrégé de géographie physique
et historique. Paris; 1851; P.C. Lehuby. Folio; contemporary half leather with gilt printed raised bands and marbled boards; 100 text pp. and 50 handcoloured maps (doublepaged). [28703]. € 700,-
Havart, Daniel. Op- en ondergang van Cormandel. In zijn binnenste geheel open, en ten toon gesteld. Waar in nauwkeurig verhandeld word een ware, en duydelijke beschrijving van alles, wat op Zuyder, en Noorder Cormandel, zo in Steden, Dorpen, Vlekken, Rivieren, Gebergtens, enz. aanmerkens waardig te zien is. Alsmede 14
Theologia Licentiato Professore ordinario à Mathia Wickrath Calcarienci. Colonia Agrippina; 1696 / 1697. Manuscript written in black and red; decorated with: engraved frontispiece by E. Goffaert / Ioan van Sande; fullpage engraved portraits of Thomas Aquinas, St. Norbert, St. Catharina, St. Ursula, St. Helena and St. Barbara; copperengraving by Jacobus de Man: “Iesus Crucifixus” mounted on first endpaper and at the end cut out engraving of Maria; fullpage engraving of “Pons Asinorum” (aid to memory) signed “A. R. Y.”. Fine allegorical drawing in colour and handmade philosophical diagram. Contemporary vellum; 487 pp. A very fine and very readable copy in clear handwriting. Vellum soiled and slightly worn. Aquino’s philosophy integrates Christian doctrine with elements from Aristotelism and is stil ltopical. The different parts always start with “Disputatio” followed by “Quaestio” and “Resolutio”. A nice and rare example of studying philosophy in the late 17th century! [25259]. € 1.500,-
Gelder, Dirk van. Veere. 14 Houtgravures door Dirk van Gelder. n.p.; circa 1953; n.n.; 14 woodengravings by Dirk van Gelder; halfcloth, gilt stamped portfolio. Fourteen signed woodengravings of outstanding quality. In 14 seperate passepartouts. Cloth portfolio slightly loosened. Former copy of Mr. J. van Aartsen (former Royal Governor of Zeeland). With calligraphed dedication: Officiële Opening Jachthaven ‘Oostwatering’ Veere 31 mei 1969. [13085]. € 950,-
Antiquariaat Brabant Bij de Bijzondere Collecties van de Universiteit van Amsterdam worden belangrijke verzamelingen boeken, prenten en handschriften beheerd. De meer dan duizend deelcollecties bevatten zeer uiteenlopend materiaal: van middeleeuwse manuscripten, Blaeu-atlassen en handschriften van Hooft en Multatuli tot letterontwerpen, kookboeken, strips en het archief van Arnon Grunberg.
W.J.F. van Pagée Van der Does de Willeboissingel 62 5211CE ’s-Hertogenbosch Tel. +31(0)736141915 antbrab@tele2.nl www.nvva.nl/brabant
Jollivet-Castelot, (F.) a.o. (ed.). Les sciences maudites. Paris, “La Maison d’Art”, 1900. Large 8vo. With
Bijzondere C O L L E CTI ES
In het tentoonstellingsprogramma 2013–2014 onder meer: Atlas der Neederlanden: de dageraad van het Koninkrijk 8 oktober 2013 t/m 9 februari 2014 Grafisch Geld maart 2014 t/m juni 2014 Oude Turfmarkt 129 (Rokin) Amsterdam www.bijzonderecollecties.uva.nl
col. frontisp. by Galand, 22 partly woodengr. plates and num. ills. in text by i.a. E. Bayard, E. Levi, A. Delannoy and Retzsch on different coloured paper. 8 nn. lvs., 202 pp., 4 nn. lvs. Contemp. h. yellow morocco, large morocco coins, spine gilt with 5 raised bands and dark green morocco letterpiece, t.e. gilt, marbled endpapers, orig. col. wrappers by L. Payret-Dortail preserved. € 200,Caillet 5598. – Texts by E. d’Hooghe, V.E. Michelet, Sédir, etc. printed on different coloured paper. – Richly illustrated history of alchemy, the occult, Satanism, black magic, etc. from its beginning up till 1900. – A very good/fine copy with ex libris of Jacob Kalff.
Laer, W. van. Weg-Wyzer Voor Aankoomende Goud en Zilversmeeden. Verhandelende veele weetenschappen, die Konsten raakende, zeer nut voor alle Jonge Goud en Zilver-Smeeden. Te zaamen gestelt door Willem van Laer. Mr. Zilver-Smidt tot Zwol. Zig als nu ophoudende tot Amsterdam, en te bevraagen by Jan Stand, Knegt van ’t Goud en Silver-Smeeden Gilt, alwaar deze Boekjes te bekoomen zyn. Nooit voor deezen gedrukt. Zynde hier bygevoegt een Tafel vergelykende Penning tegen luedig Naalden, en de waarde. A’dam, F. Helm (“voor den Auteur”), 1721. 8vo. With engr. ill. on title, 4 engr. plates and 2 engr. tables. 1 nn. lf., 6 nn. pp., 212 pp., 4 nn. pp. Early 19th century h. gilt calf with red morocco letterpiece. € 1.200,Very rare 1st ed. of a very popular manual for the young gold- and silversmiths. – Bierens de Haan 2601. – The author was a master silversmith from Zwolle. He gives instructions for the making of all kinds of objects, and reveals many recipes and trade secrets for testing gold and silver, gilding and silvering, polish and glue, etc. Three plates illustrate the tools and instruments of the trade, the fourth some samples of highly ornate designs for various silver pots and dishes. The tables with lists of gold, silver and copper prices. – Foot of spine chipped, title-p. backed with restored upper corner, top and lower margin cut short, occasionally just touching the pagination numbers, some dust-soiling. In all a good copy of a hard to find work. [Printbible]. Cürieuse Bilder-Bibel oder die vornehmsten Sprüche heiliger Schrift in Figuren
vorgestellt wodurch dieselben der zarten Jugend auf eine angenehme u: ergötzende Art bekan(n)t gemacht werden kön(n)en. Nürnberg, Kaspischen Buchhandlung, n.d. (1765). 8vo. With engr. frontisp. and num. woodcuts in text (120 pp. with rebuses on passages from the Old & New Testaments). 1 nn. lf., 124 pp. Contemp. h. calf, spine gilt with letterpiece. € 250,2nd (or 3rd) ed. of a very popular hieroglyphic bible with this title. “Die erste Bilder-Bibel wurde 1687 von Thomas von Wiering kurz nach Erscheinen des Figurspruchbuches von Mattsperger (und diesem sehr verwandt) herausgegeben. Sie gilt als direkter Vorläufer der damals wohl bekanntesten “Curieuse Bilder-Bibel” von 1749, die in mehreren Auflagen und Erweiterungen erschien” (K.P. Dencker, Optische Poesie, 2011, p.492.) – Top of spine very slightly rubbed. A very good/fine copy.
(Spee, F. v.) Waer-borg Om geen Quaed hals-gerecht te doen. Dat is: Een Boek Vertoonende hoemen tegen
de Toovenaers procedeert. Aen de Magistraten van Duytsch-landt, in dese tijden zeer noodtsaekelijk; … Beschreven door een Roomsch Godt-geleerde. Vertaelt door N. B(orremans van) A(msterdam). Met een Voorrede van het wegen der Toovenaers tot Oudewater. A’dam, (J. de Jonge) voor J. Hendriksz. ende J. Rieuwertsz., 1657. 12mo. 18 nn.lvs., 513 pp., 2nn.pp. Contemp. overlapping vellum. € 675,1st Dutch ed. of Spee’s “Cantio Criminalis”, the first successful work against witch-hunting. – Waller 1578; BCNI 11376; Van Doorninck p. 418-419; Muller 537: “Zeer uitvoerige bestrijding der heksenjagerij”. – This Dutch translation includes a very interesting preface by the translator Nicolaas Borremans about the famous “witches weighhouse” at Oudewater. – A fine copy.
Antiquariaat Brinkman Frank Rutten Edwin Bloemsaat Singel 319 1012 WJ Amsterdam Phone: +31(0)20 623 83 53 info@antiquariaatbrinkman.nl www.antiquariaatbrinkman.nl
From the libraries of Boudewijn Büch and Gerrit Komrij Alberti, Louis. Description physique et historique des
Cafres, sur la côte méridionale de l’Afrique. With folding map and 3 plates (one folding) all in nice colouring. Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp, 1811. xvi,255 pp. Full mottled calf, gilt vine borders on the sides, spine with ship ornaments and morocco title-piece ( 3 small wormholes in the joints). ¶Ex-libris of J.B. Powis, and 2 others. Louis Alberti was commander of the garrison at Fort Frédérick on Algoa Bay, South Africa, near modern Port Elizabeth, and later landdrost (governor) of Uitenhage district. He was appointed commissioner of Bantu and Khoikhoi affairs on the south coast, and fulfilled this function from 1803 to 1806. This is a detailed physical and cultural description of the East Cape Xhosa. The nicely coloured plates are drawn by W.B.E. Paravicini di Capelli and J.Smies, the map with view by Lt. Col. Howen. -Tiele 31 and Cat. NHSM. p. 209 for the Dutch ed. of 1810. € 850,-
Copy from the richest man of the world Beverland, Adriaan. De fornicatione cavenda admonitio. Sive adhoratio ad pudicitiam et castitatem. Editio
nova. Juxta Exemplar Londinense (=Nederland?), 1698. Kl.8vo. 109 pp. BOUND UP WITH: Idem. De stolatae virginitatis jure lucubratio academia. Leiden, J. Lindanus, 1680. [xii],223,[4] pp. Geel marokijn, met het wapen van George Granville Leveson Gower (1758-1833) op voorplat binnen een floraal kader, rug verguld met rood marokijnen titelschild, snede verguld. (Vage vochtvlek in het eerste deel). ¶De bekende libertijn Adriaan Beverland (Middelburg 1652-Engeland na 1712) werd verbannen uit Zeeland en Holland en later uit Utrecht. Hij reisde naar Engeland, waar hij tijdelijk secretaris van Isaac Vossius was. Deze titels zijn van na zijn zogenaamde inkeer. -Provenance: George Granville Leveson Gower, 1st. duke of Sutherland (1758-1833), de rijkste man ter wereld in zijn tijd. Hij gebruikte meerdere supralibros, dit is no. 5 in de British Armorial Bindings. Zijn bibliotheek werd op 10 maart 1892 geveild bij Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge in London. -Ad I:De eerste druk verscheen in 1697 in London, waar in hetzelfde jaar al de 2e druk verscheen. In 1698 verschenen er 2 drukken met het kopij impressum London, die waarschijnlijk in Nederland gedrukt zijn. Een hiervan is in twee varianten, dit is een ex. met b2 G5 s:$ als fingerprint. Ad II: Enige druk. € 1.150,-
Boer, Francijntje de. Nieuwe dichtproeven van Francijntje de Boer, dienstmaagd te Sneek. Met gegraveerde titelpagina met een vignet door D. Veelwaard naar L.P. Munster. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1821. xxii,75, [1] pp. Origineel karton (Platten gesleten, rug beschadigd). ¶Ex-libris van Gerrit Komrij. Bevat een lijst van intekenaren met ca. 500 personen. Francijntje de Boer (1784-1852) was destijds vooral bekend vanwege haar kindergedichten. Met een handgeschreven overlijdensaankondiging door haar broer Dirk de Boer, dd. 7 maart 1852. € 120,-
Bulgarin, Faddej V. Lotgevallen en avonturen van den Russischen Gilblas. Een vrolijke roman.
Met 3 gegraveerde titelpagina’s met een identiek vignet door D. Sluyter naar H.P. Oosterhuis. Leeuwarden, Steenbergen van Goor, 1832. 3 dln. in 1 band. [iv],264-[ii],248-[ii],264 pp. Halfleer met simpele vergulding en groen titelschild. ¶Vertaling van de historische roman ‘Iwan Wyshigin’, die hij schreef op instigatie van Walter Scott en die verscheen in 1829. De vertaler is J.W.J. Steenbergen van Goor: “Deze vertaling is niet naar het oorspronkelijke Russisch (des vertolkers taalgeleerdheid strekt zich, helaas! niet tot het Russisch uit), maar naar de in Petersburg onder de oogen des schrijvers vervaardigde Fransche overzetting geschied, door welke, zoo als de heer Bulgarin zelf betuigde, het oorspronkelijke zelfs nog gewonnen heeft.” € 280,-
Francq van Berkhey, Joannes le. Eerbare proefkusjes, van vaderlandsch
naïf, in de arkadische vrijerijen van Dichtlief en Gloorroos. Met 4 platen & titelvignet door N. van der Meer. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart,1782. xl,388 pp. Halfleer met 5 ribben en rood titelschild, simpele vergulding. (Hoeken iets gestoten; bovenzijde rug iets beschadigd). ¶Ex-libris van Gerrit Komrij. Drie platen en het titelvignet zijn handgekleurd. Het titelvignet is naar ontwerp van le Francq van Berkhey zelf. Dit is de enige editie. € 320,-
Perelaer, M.T.H. Baboe Dalima. Opium roman. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1890. 2e druk. 2 dln. in 1 band.
xi,326,[5],317 pp. Halfmarokijn met 4 ribben en simpele vergulding. (Bibl. stempel op schutblad en titelpagina; rug enkele krasjes). ¶De schrijver was hoofdofficier in het Ned.Indische leger. Deze roman is bedoeld als aanklacht: “Onverbiddelijke oorlog! Oorlog à outrance aan de opiumpacht, die schandelijke bron van inkomsten van ons Nederlanders!” De realistische beschrijving noodzaakte de schrijver om op het oorspronkelijk omslag de waarschuwing te plaatsen: “La mère en interdira la lecture à sa fille”. € 140,-
Phaedrus. Ezopische fabelen van Fedrus. In Nederduitsch dicht vertaelt en met aenmerkingen verrykt door D. van
Hoogstraten. Gegraveerde titelpagina door P. Bouttats naar J. Goeree, titelvignet, uitslaand portret van Van Hoogstraten door P. van Gunst naar A. Boonen, 106 emblemata door J. van Vianen alsmede initialen en sluitstukken in kopergravure. Amsterdam, F. Halma, 1704. [xxxiv],198,[12] pp. Blindgestempeld perkament, rug met 6 ribben en handgeschreven rugtitel. (Bibl. stempel; scheur van ca. 5 cm. in portret; band iets vuil.) ¶De emblemata en initialen waren al eerder afgedrukt in de Latijnse editie uit 1701. De 18 koperplaten van die editie zijn echter versneden, opdat de emblemata daar geplaatst konden worden waar ze in de tekst thuishoren -Geerebaert 125 II; Landwehr F178. € 850,-
Antiquariaat Brinkman
Antiquariaat Brinkman One of the most important works on the Rosetta Stone Hale, C.R., S.H. Jones & H. Morton. Report of the
Committee appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylviania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. (Philadelphia 1859). 2nd ed. 4to. [4],152,[8] pp. + 24 pp. Catalogue of Members of the Philomathean Society. With copyright slip at the end. Gilt cloth, with golden centerpiece of a sphynx, all edges gilt. ¶Entirely lithographed in colour by Henri Morton, and printed by L.N. Rosenthal. “In 1858, the Society published the first complete English translation of the Rosetta Stone. The work was performed solely by three undergraduate members, Charles R Hale, S Huntington Jones, and Henry Morton. The translation quickly sold out two editions, and was internationally hailed as a monumental work of scholarship. In 1988, the British Museum bestowed the honor of including the Philomathean Rosetta Stone Report in its select bibliography of the most important works ever published on the Rosetta Stone. The Philomathean Society maintains a full-scale cast of the stone in its meeting room, along with several original lithograph prints of the report.” A remarkable book in pristine condition. € 750,-
[Hooghe, Romeijn de.] Aesopus in
Very rare Deventer incunable with the often absent woodcut Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio mysteriorum misse et verus modus rite celebrandi. With the woodcut of the
Mass of St Gregory on the title-page in old colouring, and rubrication troughout the text. Deventer, Jacobus de Breda, 1497. 4to. 36 pp. Modern pigskin. ¶Willem van Gouda (ca 1466-1510) was a Franciscan monk who lived near Gouda. The Expositio, his only work, is an instruction booklet for priests on how to perform the mass properly, ending with a prayer which can be said before and after the mass, was first published ca 1480. The woodcut on the title-page (Kok 212) is especially commissioned by Jacobus van Breda to illustrate this work and has a direct relation to the text. The first time it was probably used in a not surviving edition of 1485, and the last time in our edition. Bob de Graaf suggests that the woodblock might have been broken during the printing process of the 1497 edition, which could explain why there are textually identical copies, with and without the woodcut. -ILC 1134; Camp. 893.; GW 11885. According to ISTC and GW 11 copies of this edition survive, our copy is the 12th. Five copies have the woodcut, three are without, the other copies unspecified. There are 2 copies in Dutch libraries, both without the woodcut. € 7.800,-
Europa. Met 40 etsen van Romeijn de Hooghe. ‘s-Gravenhage, F. Moselagen (volgens de Romeinse copy), 1738 (titelpagina’s van de afleveringen: 1737). 4to. 2e druk. 40 afleveringen van 8 pp. Getoept bruin schaapsleer, rug met goudstempeling en rood titelschild, snede rood gekleurd. (Enkele beschadigingen op voor- en achterplat; bibl. stempel; afl. 40 is dubbel ingebonden) ¶Dit werk bestaat uit 40 politieke fabels over de toestand in Europa bij het overlijden van Karel II van Spanje en de daarop volgende gebeurtenissen. -Provenance: In oud handschrift op schutblad: “Venduta J. Schouten. rarus”, deze veiling was in Leiden in 1788. Ingeplakt een briefje met in handschrift: “Gekocht bij Bom op publieke veiling den 14. December 1871 voor de prijs van F 6,25” en de beschrijving uit de catalogus van Bom. -Landwehr 95; Muller 3017; De eerste editie verscheen in 1701-02. € 1.250,-
Overbeke, Aernout van. De rym-wercken. Verzaemelt en uytgegeven door Jan Claesz. ten Hoorn. Met een portret van de auteur door H. Cause. Amsterdam, J. Claesz. ten Hoorn, 1678. Kl.8vo. [xiv],116,[2] pp. Perkamenten splitselband. (Stempel op schutblad; tekst wat gebruind) ¶In 1678 verscheen ook de eerste druk onder de titel “De geestige werken”. Aernout van Overbeke (1632-1674) was advocaat van het Hof van Holland. Hij overleed in 1668 na een reis naar Indië. Dit liedboek bevat boertige en geestelijke liederen, deels met wijsaanduiding, ook bevat het een “Geestige en vermaeckeleijcke reys-beschryving” van zijn Indiëreis uit 1668, die al in 1671 apart verscheen (Landwehr VOC 1540). -Deze editie niet in Scheurleer of Waller. In de STCN worden 2 drukken uit 1678 vermeld met deze titel, dit is de editie met de fondslijst van Jan ten Hoorn en wordt in het voorwoord met 2e druk aangemerkt. € 450,21
Antiquariaat Brinkman Godsdiensttwisten in zeemanstaal [Meerman, Willem.] Comoedia vetus, of Bootsmans-praetje. De
tweede druk. Met meerder aenteykeningen opgeheldert; en vermeerdert door Georgius van Zonhoven. Met gegraveerde titelpagina, 1 uitslaande tafel & 2 titelpagina’s met verschillende titelvignetten. BIJGEBONDEN: (Vondel, J. van den.). Rommel-pot van ‘t hanekot. / Harpoen aen jonkheer Landeslot. Amsterdam, Pieter Visser, 1732. [vi],136,[16];16 pp. Blindgestempelde perkamenten splitselband, schutbladen met kammarmering. (Enkele vlekjes in het papier; Scheur van ca. 8 cm. in de tafel). ¶Ex-libris van Gerrit Komrij en naamstempels van de Vondelbibliograaf J.H.W. Unger en van G. van der Flier. -Ad 1: Bevat ook binnen collatie: Malle-waegen, zynde een Vervolg, en Verantwoording van de Comoedia vetus en de Naem-lyst. De eerste druk verscheen in 1612. Van Doorninck 889; Knuttel 2024 voor de uitgave 1718. Het is een tractaat over de godsdiensttwisten tussen remonstranten en contra-remonstranten in zeemanstaal. -Ad 2: Unger 155 noot. Niet in Schuytvlot. Dit bijwerk hoort bij deze editie van de Comoedia vetus. € 250,-
Van Ackere-Doolaeghe, Maria. Madelieven. Dixmude, Vancuyck-Gyole, 1840. viii,153,[3] pp.
Origineel bedrukt omslag. (Rug beschadigd; omslag wat vuil; onafgesneden) ¶Maria Van Ackere Doolaeghe (Dixmude 1803-1884) werkte in de stijl van Bilderdijk, Tollens en Helmers. Dit is de eerste dichtbundel door een vrouw geschreven die in het onafhankelijke België verschijnt, zoals ze zelf in haar voorwoord opmerkt. € 120,-
No copy in any Dutch library [Wicquefort, Adriaan.] A relation in form of journal, of the voiage
and residence which the most excellent and most mighty prince Charls the II king of Great Britain, &c. hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, to the 2 of June, 1660. Rendered into English out of the original French, by Sir William Lower, knight. With a folding portrait of Charles II and 6 (5 double-page and 1 folding) plates after A. van der Venne and J. Toorenvliet by D. Philippe and T. Matham. Den Haag, A. Vlacq, 1660. Folio. [iv],116 pp. BOUND UP WITH: Keuchenius, R. Anglia triumphans. Sive in inaugurationem serenissimi [...] principis, Caroli II, [...] poëmaton. Den Haag, A. Vlacq, 1660. [ii],36 pp. Brown leather with blindruling and the gilt coat of arms of George Granville Leveson Gower, 1st duke of Sutherland (1758-1833) central on the frontside, spine with 5 artificial ribbons and gilt title. (Binding nicely restored; one plate small tear repaired; some pages small marginal stain). ¶A very good copy of the extremely rare English edition of this work, which was issued at the same time also in French and Dutch, from mostly first-hand accounts of the exile in Holland of Charles II and his departure as King of England from Scheveningen. The impressive large plates depict i.a. his arrival at Delft, The Hague, a candle-light banquet at the Mauritshuis (on which also depicted the later king William III) and his departure from Scheveningen. This copy is from the library of the 1st duke of Sutherland, who was considered the richest man of the world in his time. -Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 126; Muller, Historieplaten 2156; Davenport193 ff. € 12.000,-
Charbo’s Antiquariaat Roel Charbo Leerdamhof 274 1108 BZ Amsterdam Postal address: P.O. Box 22513 1100 DA Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 6761229 mail@charbo.nl www.charbo.nl
FRANCK (FRANCKE VAN WORD), SEBASTIAN, Chronica, tytboeck en gheschiet bibel,
van aenbegin der werelt, tot den jare MDXXXVI verlengt ... Mitsgaders hier by ghevoecht den spieghel ende beeltenisse des gheheelen aerdtbodems in vier deelen afghedeylt, ghenaemt, het Wereltboeck. (Leyden, Jan Paets Jacobsz. ende Jan Bouwensoon), 1583. 4 vols. in 1. Folio. Title printed in black and red, woodcut initials. 17th century blind stamped vellum with inked title on head of spine. (Binding sl. dust-stained; occas. light marginal waterst.; few early marginal annots.). * Rare Dutch translation (by Johan Gailliart) of Chronica, Zeitbuch und Geschichtbibel von anbeginn bis in die gegenwertig (Ulm, 1536). Ref.: Typographia Batava 1981. - Incl. the 4th part: Werelt-boeck, spieghel ende beeltenisse des gheheelen aerdtbodems (van Aphrica, van Europa, van Asia, van America). Ref.: Typographia Batava 1994, Tiele 358 (both Dutch ed. Emden 1562), Sabin 25470 (German ed. 1534). € 2.950,-
LESCAILJE, KATHARYNE, De mengelpoëzie. Eerste & Tweede deel; De tooneelpoëzie. Derde deel,
behelzende alle haare tooneelstukken. (Voortitel: K. Lescailjes tooneel- en mengelpoëzie in drie deelen). Amsteldam, Erfgenaamen van J. Lescailje en D. Rank, 1731. 3 delen. Klein 4to. Met gegrav. frontisp. & 3 identieke vignetten op de titelpagina’s. Kalfsleer uit de tijd, ruggen en randen verguld. (Bovenrand rug van 2e deel iets beschadigd; randen van schutbladen iets verbruind door inwerking leer, overigens fraai ex.). € 950,-
NISPEN, M. VAN, De beknopte landmeet-konst. Leerende In ‘t korte, alles wat in ‘t gemeen, in de practijcke
des landt-metens voor-komen kan. (...). In desen lesten druk, in vele plaatsen vermeerdert, voornamelijk met saaken, dijkagien, en inbraaken van polders, en herdijken aangaande. Hier by gevoegt het Tractaaat [sic] van de landt-maten door J.P. Dou, ende C.Fr. Eversdijk, en ander. Dordrecht, Mattheus de Vries, 1744. 3 vols. in 1. Small 8vo. With engr. additional title, num. woodcut figs. Contemp. half calf, gilt spine with gilt-lettered green morocco title label. (Corners sl. dam.; small old owner’s label on pastedown. Fine copy). * Bierens de Haan 3579-3580 (notes). € 1.250,-
SEVERS, JAN, AURELIUS, CORNELIUS & VEER, ELLERT DE, Die chronycke van Hollant, Zeelant ende Vrieslant. Beghinnende van Adams tijden tot die gheboorte ons Heeren Jesum voortgaende tot den jare M. CCCCC. ende XVJJ... + Dat tweede deel vande Hollantsche ende Seelantsche cronycke... + Historie ofte wiider verclaringhe vande Nederlantsche gheschiedenissen... + Appendix, andersins genoemt een byvoechsel, waer in verhaelt worden van de gedencweerdichtste gheschiedenissen, de oorloghen belangende. Dordrecht/appendix: Amstelredam, Peeter Verhagen/Verhaghen, appendix: Cornelis Claessz., 1591/1595/1595/1597. 4 vols. in 1. Small folio. With 3 woodcut portraits on first 3 titles & 36 portraits in the text (attributed to Lucas van Leyden). Contemp. embossed/bindstamped calf over woorden boards, with 2 brass clasps and catches. (Rebacked with morocco leather, few repairs to frontcover, leather joints of clasps renewed; later endpapers; occas. browning, few marginal sl. waterst. Overall a very well preserved copy). * Vol. 1 (known as “Divisie chronijk”) was first published in 1517, by Jan Severs; authorship has been attributed to him and to Cornelius Aurelius. Our copy is the 4th edition. Vol. 2: Dat tweede deel vande Hollandtsche ende Zeelandtsche cronycke ... Met grooter vlijt by een vergadert, door E.D.V. [Ellert de Veer]. Vol. 3 & Appendix (supplement 1591-1597), attributed to Ellert de Veer. € 1.650,PICTURES OF THESE BOOKS CAN BE VIEWED IN OUR WEBSITE WWW.CHARBO.NL 23
Antiquariaat FORUM BV Sebastiaan & Laurens Hesselink Westrenen, Tuurdijk 16 3997 MS ’t Goy – Houten, Utrecht Tel. +31 - (0)30 60 119 55 Fax +31 - (0)30 60 118 13 info@forumrarebooks.com www.forumrarebooks.com
Painters, sculptors and their patrons celebrating the feast of St. Luke
Romantik und Biedermeier am Rhein EMMINGER, Eberhardt (Artist). Der Rhein von Mainz bis Bonn in seinen schönsten Punkten.
Mainz, Victor von Zabern, [ca. 1853]. Oblong folio (ca. 27.5 x 39.5 cm). With 21 steel engravings (ca. 14.5 x 26 cm), finely coloured by hand and heightened with gum Arabic. Original publisher’s red morocco, richly blind and gold-stamped. € 14.500,One of the few existing copies with publisher’s colouring, as mentioned by Engelmann, of a magnificent series of Rhine views from Mainz to Bonn by Eberhardt Emminger (1808-1885). The views are all gorgeously handcoloured giving a lively and romantic idea of the greatness of the beautiful and mysterious Rhine landscape that has played such a crucial role in German history and literature. With the spine restored. In very good condition. Andres 794; Engelmann, p. 82; Schmitt 63.
[ASSELYN, Thomas and Joost van den VONDEL]. Broederschap der schilderkunst,
… Amsterdam, Jacob Vinckel (colophon: printed by Cornelis de Bruyn), “1654” (possibly a ca. 1685 reprint). 8vo. Decorated paper wrappers (ca. 1800). Untrimmed. € 1.750,One of three editions, all dated 1654, of a rare guild play with additional verses by Thomas Asselyn and one verse written for the occasion by Joost van den Vondel. On 21 October 1654, painters, sculptors and their patrons gathered in the St. Joris Doelen in Amsterdam to celebrate the Feast of St. Luke, patron saint of the Guild of St Luke, which included painters, sculptors and the book trades. The occasion was marked by the publication of the present metrical play by Asselyn. Good copy. STCN (6 copies); Unger, p. 182.
Complete astronomical and mathematical works by leading Copernican LANSBERGE (LANSBERGIUS), Philip van.
Opera omnia. Middelburg, Zacharias Roman, 1663 (parts 1635-1663). 9 works in 1 volume. Folio. With engraved general title-page, author’s portrait, 1 folding and 4 double-page engraved plates and many diagrams and tables in text. Contemporary slightly overlapping vellum. € 15.000,The complete mathematical and astronomical works, in Latin, of Philip van Lansberge, one of the most famous mathematicians and astronomers of the Dutch Republic during its golden age. Zacharias Roman assembled the present complete works primarily by reissuing the separate editions that had been printed earlier, but printed new preliminaries, the previously unpublished Horologium and apparently parts of the Tabulae motum coelestium. With an early owner’s name on the half-title. The binding with some small cuts and somewhat dirty. In good condition. Bierens de Haan 2678; STCN (7 copies); DSB VIII, pp. 27-28. 24
A thoroughly illustrated anatomy, 140 years before Gray MANGET, Jean Jacques. Theatrum anatomicum, quô, non tantùm
integra totius corporis humani… Including: EUSTACHIUS, Bartholomaeus. Tabulae anatomicae. Geneva, Cramer and Perachon, 1716-1717. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large folio (43 x 29 cm). With engraved author’s portrait and 136 engraved plates (some folding). Contemporary vellum. € 8.000,A very thoroughly illustrated, systematic account of human anatomy, with 136 large engraved plates, some with a single large figure and some with many small ones. Some of the figures show microscopic views of details. It had been first published in 1714, but new plates were engraved for the present edition. With some spotting and occasional, mostly marginal, stains, but still in good condition. Blake, p. 285; Cole Library 1040; Heirs of Hippocrates 443.
A. Gerits & Son b.v. Antiquarian Booksellers Arnoud Gerits Distelvlinderweg 37 d 1113 LA Diemen Tel. +31 (0)20 698 13 75 a.gerits@inter.nl.net www.agerits.com
(HOTMAN, F.) De Furoribus
A. Gerits & Son b.v. Antiquarian Booksellers
Gallicis, Horrenda et Indigna Amiralij Castillionei, Nobilium atque illustrium virorum cæde, scelerata ac inaudita piorum strage passim edita per complures Galliæ civitates, sine ullo discrimine generis, sexus, ætatis & conditionis hominum. Vera & simplex Narratio. Ernesto Varamundo Frisio Auctore. Edimburgi, Anno salutis humanæ (Basle, T. Guarin), 1573. 135 pp. 4to. Nineteenth century full red morocco, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, gilt inside dentelles, marbled pastedowns, all edges gilt, a few scratches on rear cover and a small dark spot on front cover, a very nice copy, binding signed “Hardy”. € 1.800,Adams H-1071; Hauser 2149; Pollard & Redgrave, STC (2nd edition), 13844; not in Graesse; Haag, La France Protestante, vol. 5, pp. 525-539; Mealy, Les Publicistes de la Réforme, pp. 140 ff. Very rare first edition published under the pseudonym of Ernestus Varamundus, sometimes attributed to the Beze. This works presents in a very clear, simple and detailed manner the religious troubles raging over France and the horrors of the Bartholomew Massacre. According to Hauser, the work was designed to oppose and refute the Catholic version of the events of the Bartholomew Massacre, and this very eloquent and violent pamphlet adopted the thesis that the massacre was premeditated, deliberate strategy, and placed the principal responsability with Catherine (de Medici). “Mais ce qui donne à ce petit livre une valeur exceptionnelle, ce sont les pièces justificatives qui y sont insérées, déclarations, édits, lettres authentiques de Charles IX, venant confirmer de façon irrécusable l’interprétation des faits donnée par l’auteur” (Méaly, op. cit). This book and the inserted pieces actually served as the source for many other writings about the Bartholomew Massacre, the religious controversies and those responsible. Actual place of publication and name of publisher taken from Pollard & Redgrave. Copy from the library of Jules Renard (with ex-libris) and Maurice de Smet de Naeyer (large armorial ex-libris), and «Ex Bibliothèque D. Hardy, Senonis» stamped on verso of title-page. Handwritten annotations on recto second free front blank (in two different hands) concerning the book, binding and provenances. 26
De la Verité de la religion Chrestienne: Contre les Athées, Epicuriens, Payens, Juifs, Mahumedistes, & autres Infideles: Par Philippes de Mornay, Sieur du Plessis Marly. Seconde édition reveue par l’Autheur. A Anvers, De l’Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin, 1582. With Plantin’s woodcut device on title. (32), 774, (2) pp. 8vo. Late 19th century brown Jansenist morocco, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, inner gilt dentelles, all edges gilt, binding signed Hans Asper, a very nice copy. € 2.800,Voet, The Plantin Press, 1719; Adams M.1797; BMSTC, p. 477 (first edition, 1581); Graesse, Trésor des Livres Rares, iv, p. 610; Brunet, iii, col. 1911; Haag, La France Protestante, vii, pp. 512542. Very rare second and revised edition: the first was also published by Plantin, in small 4to, in 1581. Important work trying to affirm the ‘truth’ of the Christian religion against other religions and against non-believers. De Mornay was at that time in the Netherlands and in Antwerp, as a representative of the King of Navarra accompanying Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon. Duplessis-Mornay (1549-1623) was a French statesman and Huguenot leader. He escaped the massacres of St. Bartholomew and fled to England and for the next ten years acted as a military leader in the Huguenot cause and as a diplomatic agent to William of Orange and Henry of Navarre. He actively furthered the proceedings of the general synods of the French Reformed Church and cherished the ideal of the union of all Protestant Churches. The conversion of Henry IV (1593), whose trusted counsellor he had been, came as a great blow, but he continued to work hard for the toleration fo the Huguentots and secured in 1598 the Edict of Nantes. In 1621, after the renewal of persecution under Louis XIII he retired to his castle, La Forêt-sur-Sèvre, where he died. He is nowadays considered to have been at least the intellectual author, if not the author, of the famous Vindiciae contra Tyrannos. His erudition was immense, he was called the “Pope of the Huguenots” and he was the author of various important writings: a true gentleman as well as a man of action and one of the key figures in the political-religious controversies and developments of the late 16th and early 17th century. Provenances: the book was bound for Gaspard Ernest Stroehlin (1844-1907), Swiss minister and professor of church history at Geneva University, with his “Mente Libera” bookplate on the front pastedown; later in the library of Hector de Backer, with his bookplate also on the front pastedown, and after that in the library of Isidoro Fernandez, with his morocco bookplate on recto marbled front free endpaper, and his gilt supralibros in the center of both covers. Fernandez purchased the book at the De Backer sale in 1926. A truely beautiful copy. 27
Please visit our booth at the 12th Paris Old Map & Travel
Book Fair www.map-fair.com Hotel Ambassador November 9, PARIS 33 international exhibitors
C.J.VISSCHER / J. VAN DOETECHUM - Leo Belgicus ... Excudit Anno 1641. Amsterdam., 1641. Onbekende staat; gepubliceerd in het jaar dat de Republiek voor het eerst werd betrokken bij de vredesonderhandelingen die leiden tot de Vrede van MĂźnster (1648) en de officiĂŤle onafhankelijkheid van de Republiek.
Koop en Verkoop uw kaarten bij
internet veilingen - gallerie - prijslijst oude land kaarten, atlassen & globes
W. BLAEU - Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. ZUDA ROKASHI - Nansenbushu Bankoku Shoka No Zu. Amsterdam, 1635. Kyoto, 1710 (Hoei 7)
J. JANSSONIUS - Die Wasser-Welt, oder See-Atlas. Amsterdam, ca. 1664.
Paulus Swaen is sinds 1978 gespecialiseerd in landkaarten , atlassen en globes uit de 16 - 18de eeuw. Onze collectie bevat landkaarten uit alle delen van de wereld, gepubliceerd door Ortelius, Mercator, Blaeu, Janssonius, Hondius, Speed, Visscher, de Wit, etc. Bestel nu een gratis exemplaar van onze catalogus "East bound, V.O.C. and Trading companies" : www.swaen.com/nvva
Paulus Swaen | Tel.: USA +1 727 687 3298 www.swaen.com | paulus@swaen.com
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis Fokas Holthuis & Paul Snijders P.O. Box 18604 2502 EP Den Haag Tel. +31-(0)70 346 6020 fokas@fokas.nl www.fokas.nl www.paulbooks.nl
GLOEDEN, Wilhelm von, and others Collection of 35 vintage photographs dating about 1900.
Photographs in various formats, all matted in the same size, together in a special black cloth box (42 x 32 cm). The collection comprises 7 stamped Von Gloeden photos, two Plüschow and one Galdi, 10 antique photos-ofphotos stamped S. Bloch, Vienna, and 15 unstamped photos by Von Gloeden, Plüschow or Galdi (sometimes with a number in blue crayon or in pencil). One is signed and dated by Von Gloeden in ink. Various techiques, but predominantly albumen prints. Some of the photos are creased, some have tears and damage of corners, some are discolored. € 12.000,* A varied collection in many ways. Most of the pictures show Italian boys in elegant poses, nude or in antique garments, the type Baron von Gloeden was famous for. But there’s also a broadly smiling lesbian couple, there’s a classical serenade sung in a mediaeval ruin by a man in folk costume (this is the photo signed and dated by Von Gloeden) as well as a scene of a boy and girl together. More extensive description on request.
GORTER, Herman Mei. Een gedicht. Amsterdam, W. Versluys,
1889. Gilt decorated cloth. (4), 194 p. First edition. Inner hinge neatly repaired, but an exquisitely beautiful book. € 850,* Almost immaculate copy of the first edition (a very delicate book) of this classical poem from the legendary library of Henri Dirkx (19041980), with his modest bookplate on the first endpaper. A mediocre copy of the first edition is available for € 75.
HAAN, Jacob Israël de Rechtskundige significa en hare toepassing
op de begrippen: “aansprakelijk, verantwoordelijk, toerekeningsvatbaar”. Academisch proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de rechtswetenschap aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Versluys, 1916. Cloth (!). (8), 274 p. First edition. Edges of spine and corners slightly worn, else fine. € 550,30
* A nice association copy. Thesis by Jacob Israël de Haan (1881-1924) about law significs. With author’s inscription on half title: ‘To Lady Marie/ and Sir Charles/ Welby/ Jacob Israël de Haan’. Charles Welby (18651938) was the son of Sir William and Victoria, Lady Welby; Maria Hervey was his wife. Lady Welby (18371912) was a self-educated English philosopher of language who introduced the term ‘significs’. She had great influence on the Dutch Significs movement, with members De Haan, L.E.J. Brouwer, Frederik van Eeden and Gerrit Mannoury. De Haan was a fervent significian in the 1910-1920 period. His thesis ends with a grateful citation of Lady Welby. Frederik van Eeden and De Haan were planning to visit her in England in 1912, but shortly before the planned visit, she died. Dedications by De Haan are not rare for this title, but no other copies of the thesis were traced in full publisher’s cloth.
HAVERSCHMIDT, F. as: Piet PAALTJENS Snikken en Grimlachjes. Poëzie uit
den studententijd van Piet Paaltjens. Met portret. (Met een Levensschets door F.H.). Schiedam, H.A.M. Roelants, [1889]. Gilt decorated cloth. XX, 116 p. Sixth edition. Book block loosening. € 1.850,* Lengthy author’s inscription to his close friend and first biographer on verso front free endpaper: ‘den Wew. Zlg. Heere/ Johs. Dyserinck./ Theol. Doct./ Liefhebber van Fraaie Letteren en Kunst/ wordt deze Zesde Uitgave van/ „Piet Paaltjens’ Snikken en Grimlachjes”/ vriendschappelijk aangeboden/ door/ den zaakwaarnemer des Dichters:/ Fr. HaverSchmidt/ Schiedam/ Sept. 1891’. Dr. Johannes Dyserinck (1835-1912) was the author of the first biography of François HaverSchmidt (1835-1894) and his literary mystification Piet Paaltjens. This sixth edition, the last published during HaverSchmidt’s lifetime, was enriched by Dyserinck with three touching original documents by HaverSchmidt: a self-portrait (original drawing) with a handwritten quatrain (‘Door Piet Paaltjens zelven geteekend en gerijmd in mijn pastorie te Helder’), a handwritten postcard (‘Schied. 29 Nov. 92’) and a photograph of HaverSchmidt’s wife Maria Osti. Dyserinck exemplified these unica with notes and also pasted in some contemporary newspaper clippings. On page (6) Dyserinck wrote an at that time unpublished excerpt from Paaltjens’ poem ‘De Hoogewoerd’. HaverSchmidt, melancholy after his wife’s sudden death in 1891, committed suicide in 1894. This edition is the first to comprise his famous poem ‘De zelfmoordenaar’ (= ‘The Suicide’). A unique and astonishing copy of the most renowned Dutch book of verse from the nineteenth century.
KEMP, Pierre ‘Treinboekje’. Original notepad (‘Scotch Bloc’) with 62
lined sheets, of which only 6 are left blank. 13,3 x 8,3 cm. On the cover Kemp wrote the period in which he used this notepad: ‘1941/43’. With later author’s inscription on inside cover: ‘Voor/ Mimi Asselberghs/ dit „schetsboekje” uit/ mijn de-dichter-in-de trein-/ tijd (1934-1944)/ van/ Pierre Kemp’. Some sheets partly torn (out). € 850,* Intriguing document from the acclaimed poet, who - even during the war wrote his poetry with a small pencil in notepads like these, when he was commuting to work. This notepad contains some complete manuscript poems, but mostly quick thoughts, poetry lines and verses, with alterations. Most of the sheets are accurately dated. 31
Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge Robert-Jan de Jonge Bernard Zweerskade 18 1077 TZ Amsterdam Tel. (+31) (0)20 6 64 08 41 / (+31) (0)6 5373 7422 interantiquariaat@chello.nl www.inter-antiquariaat.nl
Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge
Amsterdam, gezicht op de bloemenmarkt aan de Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal “Vue du Marchè
aux fleurs, & d’une partie du Palais Royal à Amsterdam”. In lijst.
€ 2.650,-
“A General Map of the World or Terraqueous Globe, with all the New Discoveries and Marginal Delineations, Containing the Most Interesting Particulars in the Solar, Starry and Mundane Systems... 1794”. Drawn in London by Thomas Dunn based on earlier cartographic research by J. B. B. D’Anville. Published by Laurie and Whittle as plate nos. 1-2 in the 1797 edition of Thomas Kitchin’s General Atlas. Size: 106,7 x 124,5 cm.
Beautiful double hemisphere wall map of the world, embellished with a number of different Celestial Models. The map was revised several times to include the discoveries of Captain Cook’s 3 voyages. The general outline of North America is known in 1794. However, few inland expeditions had extended westward beyond the Mississippi. The map notes two separate speculative courses for the mythical River of the West, a northern route extending from Lake Winnipeg and a southern route passing south of Winnepeg through Pike’s lake. South America exhibits a typically accurate coastline and limited knowledge of the interior beyond Peru and the populated coastlands. A few islands are noted off the coast, including the Galapagos, which are referred to as the Inchanted Islands. The Amazon is vague with many of its tributaries drawn in speculatively. In Africa we also find the coasts well defined but a vague interior. The Nile River follows the Ptolemaic course with a presumed source in two lakes at the base of the “Mountains of the Moon”. Asia is exceptionally well mapped reflecting the most recent information available in Europe. Australia appears in full as New Holland or Terra Australis. Numerous points along the coast are named with associated notes regarding the activities of various explorers. Van Diemen’s Land or Tasmania is curiously attached to the mainland - an error that many earlier maps had long ago corrected. There is little trace of either Antarctica or the Great Southern continent. € 5.500,-
Amsterdam, gezicht op de Muiderpoort aan de Singelgracht
“Vue de la Porte de Muiden, et de la Caserne Orange Nassau à Amsterdam”. € 2.250,-
Gravures met aquatint vervaardigd ca. 1824-26 door Frederik Christiaan Bierweiler naar ontwerpen van Cornelis de Kruyff, uitgegeven te Amsterdam door Franz Buffa & Zn. In de tijd met de hand gekleurd. Afm. (afbeelding): elk 42 x 58 cm. Zeldzaam!
Christiaan Bierweiler (1783 – na 1831) stond in Amsterdam ingeschreven als graveur. Kramm, in zijn Levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche kunstschilders, beeldhouwers (1864), beschrijft hem als “een bekwaam kunstenaar, die het schraapijzer meesterlijk te hanteren wist.”
Antiquariaat Isis Theo Butterhof M.A. en Lyseth Belt M.A. Folkingestraat 20 9711 JW Groningen Tel. +31 (0)50 318 4233 Fax +31 (0)50 311 2298 info@isis-books.nl www.isis-books.nl
1600. Catalogus librorum impressorum ab anno MDXLI ad annum MDC in regionibus quae nunc Regni Belgarum partes sunt. Complete in 4 volumes. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1968-1994. (XXVI) 611, (XVIII) 495, (XVI) 236, (XIV) 634 pp. Cloth. (Nationaal centrum voor de archeologie en de geschiedenis van het boek, II, II, 2, II, 3, II, 4) (Centre National de l'archeologie et de l'histoire du livre) *a few old library stamps and 4 small library stickers on the inner side of front cover* [607982] € 450,Volume I:Bibliotheca Regia Bruxellensis, Volume III:Aliae Bibliothecae Regni Bellarum, Volume IV: Indices. Nice set
GIBB, H.A.R., KRAMERS, J.H., LÉVIPROVENÇAL, E., SCHACHT, J., (ED.) BACON, F. Opera omnia, quae extant: philosophica, moralia,
politica, historica. (...) In quibus complures alii tractatus, quos brevitatis causa praetermittere visum est, comprehensi sunt. Hactenus nunquam conjunctim edita, iam vero summo studio collecta, uno volumine comprehensa, & ab innumeris mendis repurgata: cum indice rerum ac verborum universali absolutissimo, his praefixa est auctoris vita. Frankfurt am Main: Johan Baptist Schonwetter, 1664-1668. Frontispice + engraved portrait of Bacon + 9 title pages with printer's marks. Parchment with decorated covers. Large. 6to. (X), 1324, (29) pp. *some foxing; last pages slightly water stained* [590749] € 650,Two columns on each page. Every column is separately numbered. Next to the main title page the book has 9 other title pages 1. De dignitate & augmentis scientiarum, lib. IX. sive instaurationis magnae pars prima (1664), 2. Novum organum scientiarum, sive judicia vera de interpretatione naturae (1664), 3. Phoenomena universi, sive historia naturalis & experimentalis de ventis (1664), 4. Historia vitae et mortis (1664), 5. Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia. Contenta hujus libri reperies pagina sequenti (1664), 6. Sylva sylvarum, sive historia naturalis (1664), 7. Historia regni Henrici septimi, angliae regis. Opus vere politi cum (1664), 8. Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici: sive interiora rerum. Accedunt faber fortunae, calores boni et mali & c. (1664), 9. Sapientia veterum liber, ad inclytam academiam Cantabrigiensem (1668) Nice copy. R.W. Gibson, Francis Bacon: a bibliography of his works and and of Baconiania to the year 1750. Oxford, 1950, 235
CATS, J. Alle de wercken van den heere Jacob
Cats; ridder, oudt raadt pensionaris van Hollandt. &c. De laatste druck; waar in het twee-en-tachtig jaarig leeven des dichters; beneffens desselfs slaapeloose nachten, met printverbeeldingen sijn verrijkt. 2 delen in 1 band. Amsterdam, 's-Gravenhage: Johannes Ratelband, Weduwe Jan van Heekeren, Hermanus Uytwerf, Isaak van der Putte, Pieter van Thol en Pieter Husson, 1726. (XXII), 666, (10), (XVIII), 608, (68) pp. Folio. Halfleer. Met gegraveerde titelpagina’s, 3 gegraveerde portretten, 2 drukkersvignetten van J. Goeree, 3 uitvouwbare gravures, binnentekstgravures en honderden emblematische afbeeldingen naar A. van der Venne *19e eeuwse band; pp. 63/64 ontbreken; oude veilingresultaten op binnenzijde voorplat geplakt* [608010] € 950,Museum Catsianum, 8. Fraai exemplaar 34
The encyclopaedia of Islam. New edition. Prepared by a number of leading orientalists. Edited by an editorial committee (...) assisted by S.M. Stern as secretary general (pp. 1-320), B. Lewis, CH. Pellat and J. Schacht assisted by C. Dumont and R.M. Savory as editorial secretaries (pp. 321-1359). Photomechanical reprint. Complete in 13 volumes including index and supplement. Leiden: Brill, 19862009. Cloth. Illustrations. *library stickers and stamps on endpapers; spines slightly damaged; index volume partly plasticized* [606703] € 2.000,Very nice and good set
GÖBEL, HEINRICH. Wandteppiche. 3 parts in 6 volumes.
Leipzig: Klinkhardt/Brandbussche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1923-1934. 668 (24), 644 (20), (VIII) 316 (2) pp. Cloth. Illustrations. *traces of old library stickers on back; small library sticker on back and front cover; some foxing; spines slightly damaged; volume 1 end papers missing; spines volume 1, 2 repaired; cloth discoloured; lacks plate 537/538 [608024] € 3.000,Volume 1 - 2: Die Niederlande. Volume 1: Plates 1-52. Volume 2: Plates 53-510 Volume 2 - 3: Die Romanischen Länder. Plates 1-552 Volume 3.1: Die germanischen und slawischen Länder. Deutschland, einschliesslich Schweiz und Elsass (Mittelalter), Süddeutschland (16. bis 18. Jahrhundert). Plates 1-241 Volume 3.2: Die germanischen und slawischen Länder. West, Mittel-, Ost- und Norddeutschland, England, Irland, Schweden, Norwegen, Dänemark, Russland, Polen, Litauen. Plates 1-209
HOUTEN, HENDRIK VAN. Verhandelinge
van de grontregelen der doorzigtkunde, of tekenkonst (perspectief,) leerende de middelen en wyze, hoe alles in de doorzigtkunde, kan werden afgeteekend. Zeer dienstig voor bouwmeesters, schilders, teekenaars, enz. Op een korte manier afgebeeld en voorgedraagen. Amsterdam: Jan ten Hoorn, 1705. Frontispice + 1 gegraveerde plaat met 20 geometrische figuren + diverse binnentekstillustraties + 52 uitvouwbare gegraveerde platen. Gekartonneerd. Gr. 4to. (IV), 76 pp. *paginanummers verkeerd gedrukt (76 i.p.v 72 pagina's), oorspronkelijke band ontbreekt; oude naam op titelpagina; randen papier hier en daar licht vlekkig en iets beschadigd; gaatje in kaarten XXXI t/m XXXIV* [590815] € 1.500,D. Bierens de Haan. Bibliographie Néerlandaise historique-scientifique des ouvrages important dont les auteurs sont nés aux 16e, 17e et 18e siècles (...). Nieuwkoop, 1965, 2153
Antiquariaat Isis
Antiquariaat Isis
ISING, ARNOLD. Het Binnenhof te 's Gravenhage in plaat en schrift. Bewerkt door Arnold Ising.
RÉAU, LOUIS. Iconographie de l'art chrétien. 3 parts in 6 volumes.
Tekstband + map met 20 gelithografeerde bladen. 's-Gravenhage: H.C. Susan, C.H. Zoon, 1879. (VIII) (IV) (II) (II) (XII) 11, 24, 43, 28, 52,36, 34, 38, 31 pp. Folio. Halfleren band (34 x 48). Illustraties. *oud bibliotheekstickertje op rug en voorplat; hoeken platten gestoten; randen platten geschaafd; voorplat deels los; papier hier en daar licht roestvlekkig; hoekje eerste 7 pagina's aan onderkant licht watervlekkig; map beschadigd; marges litho's hier en daar licht roestvlekkig; enkele vloeibladen beschadigd* [608057] € 2.500,Map (72 x 101 cm) bevat de volgende litho's: 1. De Trêveszaal, 2. Plafond der Trêveszaal, 3. Het stadhouderlijk kwartier in 1650, 4. Rolzaal van den Hove van Holland, 5. Raadkamer van den Hove van Holland (Zaal van De Lairesse), 6. Zaal van den Hoogen Raad, 7. Zaal van Hun Hoog Mogenden, 8. Plafond der Zaal van Hun Hoog Mogenden, 9. Voorgevel der Groote Zaal in de 15de eeuw, 10. De Groote Zaal in 1651, 11. Zaal der Staten van Holland en Westfriesland, 12. Zaal van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, 13. Kabinet van Prins Willem V, 14. Portaal van den Raad van State in 1687. Trap naar de Vergaderzaal der Staten van Holland in 1655. Hoofddeur der Trêveszaal. Trap naar de Zaal der Eerste Kamer in 1883, 15. De Poorten van den Hove I. De Oostpoort (1600). Poort van den Hoogen Raad (1640 tot 1840). Poort ten zuiden der Groote Zaal (1600). De Zuidbinnenpoort (1800). Der Middenpoort (1600). De Binnenpoort, gebouwd in 1634, 16. De Poorten van den Hove II. De Voorpoort van den Kooltuin (1400 tot 1600). De Maurits- of Grenadierspoort (1634 tot 1860). De Spuipoort (1400 tot 1861), 17. De Gevangenpoort of Voorpoort van den Hove, uit- en inwendig, 18. Gezichten op het Binnenhof aan den Vijverkant in 1598 en in 1879, 19. Gezicht in vogelvlucht van het Binnenhof in 1883, 20. Gezicht in vogelvlucht van het Binnenhof en zijne omgeving in 1616. Fraaie litho's van J.J. Meskes naar K. Klinkenberg uitgevoerd bij S. Lanshout & Co.
Paris: PUF, 1955-1959. (VIII) 480, (VIII) 470, 769, (VIII) 552, (IV) 553-1019, (IV) 1021 - 1527 pp. Cloth. Bibliography. Illustrations. *old library stickers on back and inner side front cover; cloth discoloured, spines slightly damaged* [608026] € 750,Volume 1: Introduction générale (32 plates), Volume 2.1: Iconographie de la bible. 1. Ancien Testament (32 plates), Volume 2.2: Iconographie de la bible. 2. Nouveau Testament (48 plates), Volume 3.1: Iconographie des saints. 1. A-F (32 plates), Volume 3.2: Iconographie des saints. II. G-O (plates 33-64), Volume 3.3: Iconographie des saints. III. P-Z. Repertoires (plates 65-80)Nice set
ZAKATLAS FRANKRIJK. Zak-atlas van Frankryk, en deszelfs veroverde en aangrenzende landschappen,
zeeën en rivieren. In XXI aan elkander sluitende kaartjes, ten gebruike van militaire officieren, reizigers en beoeffenaars der geographie. Vooraf gaat eene generaale kaart des lands. Atlas portatif de la France, de ses païs conquis, frontières, mers et rivières, en XXI cartes conjointes, précèdées d'une carte générale, à l'usage des militaires, voyageurs et amateurs de la géographie. € 1.500,Amsterdam: N.T. Gravius, z.j. Met 1 algemene kaart van Frankrijk + 21 kaartjes (allen uitvouwbaar en ingekleurd). Halfleer. 14, (2) pp. + 22 kaarten. *hoeken voor- en achterplatten beschadigd; onderkant kaartjes kleine scheurtjes; laatste kaartje en pagina met afstandstabel licht watervlekkig; rug bovenzijde beschadigd; hoekje uit algemene kaart* [590814]
MASAI, F. , WITTEK, M. Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Notices établies sous la direction de
François Masai et de Martin Wittek. Par Albert Brounts, Pierre Cockshaw, Marguerite Debae, Marianne Dewèvre, Georges Dogaer, Thérèse Glorieux-De Gand, Bernadette Lagarde-Lamberts, Françoise Lecomte, Rénée Masai-Kollmeyer, Nicole van den Hove. 6 parts in 7 volumes. Bruxelles-Gand: Éditions scientifiques, 1968-1991. 87, 115, 159, 135, 168, 159 pp. Cloth. *small library sticker on inner side front cover; library stamps* [608008] € 500,Volume I: 819-1400. Plates 1-217 Volume 2: 1401-1440. Plates 218-415 Volume 3: 1441-1460. Plates 416-695 Volume 4: 1461-1480. Plates 696-943 Volume 5: 1481-1540. Plates 944-1234 Volume 6.1:1541-1600.Plates 1235-1514 Volume 6.2:1541-1600.Notices Very fine set
PANZER, GEORG WOLFGANG. Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD post
Maittarii Denisii aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti emendati et aucti. 11 volumes. Hildesheim: Olms, 1963-1964. Cloth. Illustrations. *small library sticker on inner side front cover* [608027] € 850,Facsimile reprint of this typographical reference classic original published 1793-1803 in Nürnberg Volume I: Abbatis Villae - Luneburgi, Volume 2: Madriti - Rothomagi, Volume 3: Salmanticae - Zwollis, Volume 4: 1. Librum cum nota anni et sine indicio loci et typographi. 2. Libri indicio anni, loci et typographi destituti. 3. Supplementum, Volume 5: Index primus bibliographicus. Index secundus urbium et typographorum. Index tertius typographorum, Volume 6: Albiburgi - Ettelingae, Volume 7: Fani - Parisiis, Volume 8: Parisiis - Vicentia, Volume 9: Viennae Austriae - Zwollis. 1. Libri cum nota anni et sine indicio loci et typographi. 2. Libri indicio anni, loci et typographi destituti. 3. Supplementum annalium ... ad annum MD. 4. Supplementum annalium typographicorum ab anno MDI. ad annum MDXXXVI. continuatorum, Angiers - Papiae, Volume 10: Parisiis - Venetiis. Index primus bibliographicus A-N, Volume 11: Index primus bibliographicus O-Z. Index secundus urbium et typographorum. Index tertius typographorum. 1. Supplementum annalium ... ad annum MD. 2. Supplementum annalium typographorum ab anno MDI. ad annum MDXXVI. continuatorum. Indices Very nice set
B.M. Israël Drs. S.E. Blok Lamoraalweg 73 1934 CC Egmond aan den Hoef Netherlands Tel. 00 31 72 506 3620, 06-26154061 Fax 00 31 72 507 2032 bmisrael@xs4all.nl www.bmisrael.com
Frst suggestion of the use of portable time pieces to measure longitude by lapsed time, Chapter ‘de novo modo...’ from the library of Robert Fotherby explorer and whaler Spitzbergen 1613
GEMMA FRYSIUS, Reiner.- Frisius.- Jemme Reinersz.- Gemma Reyneri.- Astronomy.- De
Principiis Astronomiae & Cosmographiae, // Déq{ vfu Globi eodem editi. Item // De Orbis diuisione, & Insulis, rebusq{ nuper in- // uentis. Opus nunc demum ab ipso auctore mul// tis in locis auctum, ac sublatis omnibus // erratis integritati restitutum. //. Antverpiae, In aedibus Ioannis Steelsij [typis Ioan. Graphei], 1553. 8vo. W. woodc. vign. on the printed title & a beautiful large woodcut depicting a terrestrial sphere [‘Figura circulorum sphaerae’]. [leaf. A6 verso] & 2 further woodc. textills. [on F3r, F4v, pp. 85, 88]. 4 woodc. initials. Early 17th c. full blindruled clf., spine in 5 compartments w. some imperfections and old repairs to the outer hinges. Some spine material chipped off. Overall some rubbing and scuffing. Red original tileshield, chipped. Recased at an early date, original upper endp. re-attached, and an extra blank inserted between the old endpapers and the printed title, skillfully executed; part of the upper original paste down lost in the process.). [116 lvs. signed: (A8) - O8, (P4) (P3verso impressum Grapheus 1553, P4 recto printer’s mark, P4 verso blank)]. (I - V, 6- 185, VII [to the reader 1530 version, & 5 pp. ‘Tabella Civitatum’), XXXVIII [19 lvs.] ‘Tabula Stellarum Fixarum / de compositione Globi Colestis’, I [woodc. printer’s mark, I (blank) pp.). (Small heraldic owner’s stamp in the form of a shield on printed title ‘MDC’ with 2 crossed keys and a hammer, indicating Papal Regalia.); 2 owner’s sign. in ink on printed title ‘Ro: FFotherbye & Jo: Dalton 1643 [on the woodcut terrestrial sphere]. (Further annots. in ink on the upper free endp.& on M2r (p. 179) in Fotherby’s hand.). (The inscr. on the upper free endp. being a motto ‘Virtus nudo homê [ine] contenta’ [= From Ceasare Ripa’s ‘Iconologia’, the latin edition seen or owned by Fotherby probably the Padua 1611 or Sienna 1613], signed Ro: Ffotherbye’). € 6.500,¶ First published in 1530 [42 lvs. only] in Louvain and Antwerp], Antwerp, 1544, Paris 1547 [or 1548]; Antwerp 1548 and 1553 both Steelsius]. 2nd Steelsius impression. Bierens de Haan, comp. 1602, 1603 & 1604 [1576 ed. only]: Van Ortroy, Bibl. Gemma Frisius, item 41, p. 198 - 208, Smith, Rara Arithmetica, comp. p. 200 and foll. [on the ‘Arithmeticae’ eds.; but w. interesting biographical note at the beginning]: Not in the Crone collection: Honeyman Coll. part IV, item 1467 ‘This edition contains the first appearance of the chapter ‘de novo modo investigandi latitudinem regionis absq. meridiani vel loci solis cognitione’, in which is first suggested in explicit terms the use of portable timepieces to measure longitude by lapsed time.’: Horblit, Early science & navigation, part 2 [auction Nov. 1974 Sotheby’s], item 457: Davids, Zeewezen en wetenschap, pp. 67 - 68, 283/284: Houzeau & Lancaster [Dewhirst ed.], vol. I, 2426: De La Lande, 553: Zinner, Astronomische Instrumente, i.l.c., esp. pp. 148 150 & pp. 319 - 321: Sparrow, Milestones of Science, item 71 [ed. 1530], titlepage ill. on plate 31, p. 81: Adams, 38
G388: STCDutch, p. 83: Comp. Poggendorff vol. I, colums 871 - 872 [Paris 1547] ‘Darin zuerst die Idee, LängenUnterschiede durch Uhren zu bestimmen.’: Terpstra, Friesche Sterrekonst, pp. 46 - 52. ‘Een van de belangrijkste werken die Gemma Frisius over de sterrenkunde heeft geschreven, is de “De Principiis...” In dit werk, dat in 1530 het licht zag, ... leert hij een methode ter bepaling van de geografische lengte op zee met behulp van draagbare uurwerken.’: Machiels, items 158, 159 [eds. 1530, 1548 only]. On Robert Fotherby see the manuscript Whaling Account dated 1613 in his hand, now at the American Antiquarian Society.
ROONHUYZE, Hendrik van Genees en Heel-konstige
aanmerkingen van Hendrick van Roonhuyze, Ordinaris Heel meester Der Stadt Amsteldam... b.u.w. 2) IDEM, [as issued] Heel-konstige aanmerkingen van ... Betreffende de Gebreekken der Vrouwen. De Tweede Druk, met verscheyde nieuwe stoffen, en Geneesmiddelen vermeerdert. Amsteldam, By de weduwe van Theunis Jacobsz. Lootsman, op ‘t water, in de loots-man, 1672. 8vo. W. 2 engr. fronts., 6 engr. ills. for part 1 [of which 3 full page] & 3 small woodc. textills [pp. 65, 130, 146]. 4 engr. textills. for part 2 (all full page). Fine contemp. full overlapping vellum. [*8, A8 - Q8; 2*8, 2A8 - 2M8]. (XVI), 251, V (index & errata); ( XVI), 184, VIII (Index and errata) pp.). € 1.250,¶ First edition & [ad 2] Second edition [first 1663] , as issued w. the improved and extended version of the ‘Heel-konstige aanmerkingen...’: Hagelin, Byrth of Mankinde, pp. 68/69 (german 1674 ed.).: ‘The first Dutch edition [of ad 2] ... appeared in 1663 and is regarded as the first work on operative gynaecology in the modern sense. ... Hendrik van Roonhuyze was a Dutch surgeon who lived in Amsterdam as a contemporary of Rembrandt...he was a skilful craftsman, excising tumours, treating wounds of the head without trephining, operating succesfully on cases of wry-neck and hare-lip. He was particularly interested in in the diseases of women and is famous as a gynaecologist and obstetrician who wrote the most remarkable text treating of surgical gynaecology in the seventeenth century.’: G&M 6015 (first ed.): Krivatsy, 9929, 9931: Wellcome vol. IV, p. 555: Parkinson/Lumb, comp. 2076: Comp. Waller 14784: Ricci, pp. 138 - 145: Proksch III, p. 447:A very good copy in contemporary overlapping vellum.
RIVIERKAARTEN.- BASTINGIUS, J.- Den Bosch.- Loonse Vaart.- 1658 ‘Afmeetinge van
alsulke Velden, Dijken, Wegen en Uitwaterin- / gen, als by dese Kaarte vertoont word, nemende zijn begin van de Stad van s’Hertogen-bosch, / langs de Loonse Vaaert tot aan de Houvenaars Dijk, en hebben aldaar bevonden in den voorsz. / Dijk twee Inbraacken, mitsgaders nog vier Inbraacken daar ontrent gelegen, dewelke door de / hooge Wateren van desen Jare 1658. Soo in de Houvenaars, Waalwijksen ende Eycken-Dijk, op eenen tijt wa- / ren door gebrooken, die alhier in dese Caarte vertoont werden, geteykent zijnde met de Letteren B.C.D.E. / F.G. Wijders gemeten van ... welke af-meetinge gedaan is. alles met de Rhijn-lantsche Mate, Anno 1658. ... welke voorsz. Meetinge en Afpeyline by mijn ondergeschrevene is gedaan, door Ordre van de E: Heere Magistraten der HooftStad s’Hertogen-bosch. By myn J. Bastingius, geswooren en geadmitteert Landmeeter, 1658. [Followed by legenda A - O, indicating the areas afflicted by dike breaches.]. No place [?], No publ. [?] N.Visscher?, 1658. Large in folio. In 6 sheets [appr. 60 x 136 cm]. Loose sheets meas. appr. 60 x 45 [full sheet] & 45 x 31 cm [engraved surface]. Top lefthand map w. windrose top right, central map below w. scale in ‘Rijnlantse Roeden’, lower righthand map w. legenda and letterpress title. [Total of 6 map sheets meas. appr. 136 x 60 cm.]. (Light yellowing in 3 of the 6 sheets.). (Excellent early proofs & uncut sheets.).. € 1.800,¶ Rare original edition 1658 in 6 sheets. A ‘Memorie’ was printed in letterpress in 1701, the map was reprinted in 1757, which was directly linked to ‘een nieuw geconcipieerde waterlozing’ for which a proposal was made in 1754. Koeman, Gesch. van de Kartografie van Nederland [2e druk, 1985], p. 145, ‘Polders langs de Maas tussen ‘s - Hertogenbosch en Ravenstein 1658 Heruitgave na 1715’: Donkersloot - de Vrij, p. 190 ‘Bastingius, Jeremias. Landmeter -kaarttekenaar (als landmeter commissie gekregen van de Staten van Holland op 19 aug. 1637, met attestatie van Frans van Schoten). 39
B.M. Israël Woonachtig in Strijen (1637), werkzaam in Noord Brabant (1658, 1660). See item 773 blw. VI ‘De oorspronkelijke kaart uit 1658 (aanwezig in de bibliotheek van het Provinciaal Genootschap te ‘s Hertogenbosch, kaart nr. 145) is vervaardigd i.v.m. dijkdoorbraken van dat jaar, welke zijn aangegeven met letters. ...’: R.A.N.B, kaartenverzameling, zonder nummer: A.R.A. Genie archief (18e eeuwse kopie), Coll. Hingman 4058, alleen een deelblad: Landbouw Hogeschool Wageningen CB kk 290 [1e uitgave?] en 291: Provinciaal Genootschap Den Bosch, nr 147 [=145?]: Muller & Zandvliet, Admissies als landmeter in Nederland voor 1811, lijst p. 189, item 1103 ‘Jeremias Bastingius’. Bastingius was not only a chartered surveyor, but also a mapmaker, painter, ... See a.o Thieme Becker, vol. III, p. 27 ‘Maler-Dilletant im Haag ... 1658 zeichnete er den Durchbruch der Maasdämme in Brabant.’: Von Wurzbach, vol. I, p. 64: Obreen’s Archief, vols. IV, V, VII: Kramm vol. II, suppl. mentions a 7 sheet folio map 1658 of the ‘Meijery’ Brabant: See also Databank Top. Hist. Atlas University of Tilburg, 708463: Dr A.C.M.Kappelhor, ‘Overheid en economisch leven’, Bossche Bladen, 195, pp. 53 - 55 ‘Bastingius kaart 1658’... ‘In ‘s Gravenmoer lagen enkele vaarten die naar het Noorden liepen en uitkwamen in de Amer en de Biesbosch landmeter Bastingius kreeg de opdracht om het terrein bij Sprang te waterpassen en een nauwkeurige kaart te maken. In september 1658 was het karwei geklaard. De kosten van het landmeten en het tekenen van de kaart bedroegen f 438,- voor die tijd het jaarsalaris van een predikant. ... Gewapend met de kaart van Bastingius togen de Bossche heren naar Dordt. Daar had men echter weinig interesse in het idee... Na 1668 werd het stil rond dit plan. Niet bekend is waar de manuscriptkaart van Bastingius is gebleven. Hij is wel herdrukt door Scheffer in 1701... de watersnood van 1757. Nu kwam het wel tot realisatie van een variant op dit plan in 1766 werd de Baardwilkse Overlaat in gebruik genomen. ... totale kosten f 270.000,-- grotendeels gefinancierd door Holland...’:
O’MEARA, Edm. [Th. WILLIS].- Examen Diatribae Thomae
Willisii, ... de Febribus. cui accesserunt Historiae aliquot Medicae rariores. ... [W. separate titlepage:] de MEARA, Pathologia Haereditaria Generalis, sive De Morbis Haereditariis Tractatus Spagyrico-dogmaticus; in quo Generalis eorundem Morborum Radix, Naturae, & Therapeutica Indicatio ex utriusque Medicinae fontibus investigatur.Amstelodami, Apud Gerardum Schagen; Apud Gerbrandum Schagen, 1667. - Ibid., id., 1666. 12mo. 3 parts in 1 vol. W. engr. title [righthand margin a bit short], woodc. vignet on printed title. Excellent modern period style dark red full mor., covers w. single dotted line and each corner w. a floral handtool. Spine in compartments, w. elaborate gilttooling. Edges of covers gilt, inside dentelles. Handsewn head-bands. [A-K12 (K10-12 blank; C3 signed B3)]. (233, I (chapters), VI (blank) pp.). € 850,¶ A very good copy. Critical edition by the Irish doctor Edmund O’Meara of Willis’s ‘Diatribae Duae Medico-Philosophiae’, which contained tracts on fermentation and fevers, with an appendix on urines.: Willis Exhibition 1997 [Jesus College, Cambridge], comp. Prof. Compston, p. 12: ‘Willis argued that fermentation, the basis for fever and putrefaction, arose from the movement, explosion and escape from bondage of atoms and corpuscles. This is an evolving iatrochemical treatise based on farmyard observations, clinical medicine and armchair theorisation. It includes the first epidemiological studies in medicine and descriptions of influenza, meningococcal meningitis, smallpox, pneumonia, Bubonic plague, typhus, and (in the second edition) puerperial fever. The uses of cinchona bark for quartan fevers (malaria) and spa waters are described. It was criticized mostly by an Irish doctor - Edmund O’Meara.’:
Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh Matthys de Jongh Groenmarkt 11 7201 HW Zutphen Tel. +31 - (0)575 54 31 36 matthys@mdejongh.com www.mdejongh.com
PINTO, Isaac de. Traité de la circulation et du crédit. Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey 1771. [XVI],114,[8],115-
368,[1 errata]p. Contemp. half vellum. Stamp on title below impressum. A very nice copy with ample margins. € 3.500,First edition, first issue, complete with the additional 8-page note inserted after p.114, and with the errata leaf lacking in most copies.
POSTEL, Guillaume. De orbis terrae concordia ... [Basel, Johann Oporinus 1544.] Folio. [VIII],427 [i.e.
447, p.447 misnumbered 427], [29]p. Old manuscript vellum over boards, partly blackened and with some imperfections, upper joint cracked but holding. First blank detached, 8 mms of inner margin of title affected by old tape 'repair', a few stains but generally bright and clean. € 5.500,First complete edition. In his great work Concerning the harmony of the earth Postel advocates a universalist world religion (Christianity), a united world (under French supremacy) and a universal law (natural law), resulting in general world peace. Bound with an incomplete copy (i.a. the map) of Joachim VADIANUS' Epitome trium terrae partium, Asiae, Africae et Europae compendiariam locorum descriptionem, 1534.
BARLAEUS, Caspar. Nederlandsch Brazilie onder het bewind van Johan Maurits Grave van Nassau 1637-
1644. Historisch-geographisch-ethnographisch. Naar de Latijnsche uitgave van 1647 voor het eerst in het Nederlandsch bewerkt door S.P.l'Honore Naber. 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff 1923. Folio. XVI,442p. With portrait, frontispiece, 67 mostly folding plates, maps and plans, and folding facsimile. Orig. cloth. Printed in a limited edition of 160 copies only. € 2.500,First and only Dutch edition of the most important work on the Dutch period in Brazil, based upon information given to the author by Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen himself. Originally published in Latin in 1647 only a German translation appeared during the seventeenth century. This Dutch edition contains several documents not included in the contemporary editions, as well as the reproduction of all nine leaves of the great map of Dutch Brazil, of which only four leaves could be reproduced in the original edition.
bergen, rivieren, enz; de godsdienst, wetten, zeden, gewoonten, en kleding der bijzondere volken; en het merkwaerdige in de dieren, planten en gewassen der Indische gewesten, nauwkeurig worden beschreven. Utrecht, J.J. van Poolsum ... Amsteldam, M. de Bruyn 1775. 2 volumes. 4to. With engraved frontispiece, portrait, 47 plates on 44 folding leaves and 4 folding maps. Contemp. calf-backed boards, gilt backs with label, hinges of volume 1 weak but holding, corners bumped, spine ends little worn. A good copy on white paper and with fine impressions of the plates. € 1.500,Fourth edition, first issue. The present edition is 'rewritten in modern Dutch', and augmented with footnotes and with a sea-chart of the world and maps of Amboina, Ceylon and Java, not present in earlier editions. Schouten spent seven years as a physician in the service of the Dutch East India Company and the account of his voyage has been praised for the vivid descriptions of the countries he visited.
CAPELLEN TOT DEN POL, Joan Derk van der. Aan het volk van Nederland. [c.1785]. Klein 4to (16,5
SMITH, Adam. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. The fifth edition. London,
x 21 cm). [II],186p. Contemp. karton, rug met label in ms. € 950,Manuscript in inkt in een goed leesbaar handschrift. Hoewel verschillende keren herdrukt - Loosjes vermeldt zeven verschillende drukken - was het verboden pamflet kennelijk toch moeilijk verkrijgbaar en daarom ook handmatig gecopieerd. De tekst lijkt slechts hier en daar in spelling af te wijken van de oorpronkelijke druk.
COURNOT, Antoine Augustin. Exposition de la théorie des chances et des probabilités. Paris, L.Hachette
1843. [IV],VIII,448p. With folding table at end. A few paperspots mostly in first two quires. Nearly contemp. full red grained calf, gilt stamp of a Paris educational institution to front side, gilt coat of arms of Napoleon III to rear side, back lettered gilt, all edges gilt. A fine copy. € 1.750,First edition. Cournot’s contribution to probability theory with which he 'did achieve a much higher level of clarity than did any of his predecessors in his discussions of distinctions between subjective and objective probability' (Stigler).
DULAC,H.G. Le glaive vengeur de la république française une et indivisible. [At head:] Liberté, egalité,
fraternité, ou la mort. A Paris, se trouve chez G.F.Galletti 1794]. 216p. With an engraved frontispiece by J.B.Louvion depicting a guillotine with the text 'Le poignard des patriotes est la hache de la loi' and 'Traitres regardez et tremblez elle ne perdra son activité, que quand vous aurés tous perdu la vie'. Finely bound in nineteenthcentury half olive morocco, back richly gilt with red label, marbled sides and endpapers. € 1.250,First (only) edition. The 'revenging sword of the French republic' is an astonishing document of the revolutionary justice during the Reign of Terror. The first part is taken by the legal documents instituting the Revolutionary Tribunal, with the names of the members (accusateur public: Fouquier-Tinville). The greater part of the volume is taken by the enumeration of now mostly forgotten victims of the guillotine, with short backgrounds of their 'crimes', and of better known men and women, usually with more details, sometimes occupying several pages: Charlotte Corday, Marie-Antoinette, J.P.Brissot, Olympe de Gouges, Louis Philippe d'Orléans (dit Egalité), Marie Jeanne Philipon (Madame Roland), J.S.Bailly, Barnave, a.o. The last pages are taken by the 'Evangile du jour, ou le pas republicain'. Rare. 42
SCHOUTEN, Wouter. Reistogt naar en door Oostindien, waar in de voornaamste landen, steden, eilanden,
printed for A.Strahan and T.Cadell 1789. 3 volumes. Contemp. full calf, backs richly gilt with red title and green volume labels. From the libraries of Henry Oldfield, Ashill, with his fine engraved bookplate to front paste downs of volume 2 and 3 and his name to front paste downs of all volumes, and of F.Baker, with his bookplate to front paste down of first volume and his name to front free endpapers of all volumes. Endpapers mildly browned. A very attractive set. € 2.500,The last edition published during his lifetime of Smith's magnum opus.
SÜSSMILCH, Johann Peter. De goddelyke orde, heerschende in de veranderingen van het menschelyk
geslacht, uit de geboorte, het sterven en de voortplanting van hetzelve beweezen. Amsteldam, Pieter Meijer 177072. 2 volumes in 4. With numerous tables, incl. 1 folding. Finely bound in contemp. calf, gilt backs with red label, gilt double line borders on all sides, marbled edges, hinges of first volume cracked but holding. € 1.500,First (only) Dutch edition. A translation of Süssmilch's seminal work on demography Die göttliche Ordnung in den Veränderungen des menschlichen Geschlechts, done after the third German edition, the last edition published during his life-time. It was 'the first complete and systematic treatise on the subject'.
THÜNEN, Johann Heinrich von. Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie. Erster Theil. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. [And:] Zweiter Theil, erste [and] zweite Abtheilung. [And:] Dritter Theil. Rostock. G.B.Leopold 1842-63. 4 parts in 1 volume. With 3 folding tables, and 4 hand-coloured diagrams on 2 folding plates. Contemp. half calf, gilt back, marbled boards, a bit rubbed, edges of boards little worn. Very small old name stamp triple to title and once to half-title of first part. Usual mild foxing and browning but generally very good. € 4.250,First complete edition, with the second revised edition of the first part and first editions of the following parts. Thunen's Isolated state is recognized as one of the greatest achievements of scientific economics in the nineteenth century, praised for its exposition of the basic principles of spatial economics, as well as for its application of rigorous mathematical methods to the theory of marginal productivity.
Antiquariaat Junk B.V. Allard Schierenberg Van Eeghenstraat 129 1071 GA Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 676 31 85 Fax +31 (0)20 675 14 66 books@antiquariaatjunk.com www.antiquariaatjunk.com
SELIGMANN, J.M. Verzameling van uitlandsche en zeldzaame vogelen, benevens eenige vreemde dieren
en plantgewassen: in ‘t Engelsch naauwkeurig beschreeven en naar ‘t leven met kleuren afgebeeld, door G. Edwards en M. Catesby. Vervolgens, ten opzicht van de plaaten merkelyk verbeterd, in ‘t Hoogduitsch uitgegeven. Thans in ‘t Nederduitsch vertaald en met aanhaalingen van andere autheuren verrykt, door M. Houttuyn. Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp, 1772-1781. 9 parts (bound in 4 volumes). Folio (443 x 270mm). With 473 handcoloured engraved plates (of which 425 depict birds). Contemporary half vellum. € 55.000,A splendid work, beautifully coloured. In 1749-1776, the works of Edwards ‘A natural history of uncommon birds’ and ‘Gleanings of natural history’ and Catesby ‘Natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands’ were translated into German and combined into one work under the title ‘Sammlung verschiedener ausländischer und seltener Vögel’. Catesby’s work is considered ‘the most famous colorplate book of American plant and animal life’ (Hunt). The plates of Edwards and Catesby were re-engraved by Seligmann, further embellished by the addition of figures of plants not present in the originals. The present work is a translation of the German edition into Dutch by Houttuyn with Seligmann’s plates. The Dutch edition was published by the famous Dutch publisher Sepp, a company which exercised the utmost care in producing colour-plate books of outstanding quality. The colouring of the Dutch edition seems to be more delicate than the other editions. An unusual clean and fine set of this rare ornithological classic, of which according to the list in volume I, only 90 copies were subscribed. The Dutch edition is the most complete edition having 473 plates. The German edition has 447 plates and the French edition 422 plates. Fine Bird Books, pp. 73-74; Landwehr 180; Nissen IVB, 857 & ZBI, 845; Zimmer I, 200.
Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
A. (Ton) Kok Oude Hoogstraat 14-18 1012 CE Amsterdam Tel. + 31 (0)20 623 11 91 Fax +31 (0)20 623 28 09 kok@xs4all.nl www.nvva.nl/kok
28 sep 2013 t/m 12 jan 2014
[ARCHITECTURE]. Lissittzky, El. Russland. Die Rekonstruktion der Architektur der Sowjetunion.
Wien, Anton Schroll & Co., [1930]. 103 pp. 104 b./w. ills on plts. Hardcover, with dustjacket. - Dustjacket sl. dam. along the edges (o.a. small piece of lower right corner on frontcover missing). (Neues Bauen in der Welt. Band I). # Overall a good to very good copy of this rather rare work. Complete with the scarce dustjacket with a photomontage by El Lissitzky. € 1.500,-
[BIBLIA NEERLANDICA]. Gheheelen Bybel, Den, Inhoudende het oude ende nieuwe Testament /
ontwerp & illustratie Walvis & Mosmans
Met grooten naersticheyt ende arbeyt nu corts in duytsche van nyews overghestelt wt den Latijnschen ouden text. Louvain, Bartholomeus van Grave, 1548. No pagination. Woodcut frame to the title & num. woodcut ills, partly after H. Holbein. Contemp. blindstamped panelled calf over wooden bds., two (19th century ?) brass clasps and catches. Fol. - Catches repaired; two corners sl. dam.; last blank partly cut out. # Poortman I, p. 122-124; Darlow / Moule 3287. - A very good copy of the scarce so called 'Leuvense bijbel', translated from the Vulgate by Nicolaes van Winghe. This Low German (‘Brabantse’) translation was intended to replace the 'incorrect' Liesveldt and Vorsterman bibles. "The frame to the title and the woodcuts in the text are like those used in W. Vorsterman's Bible of 1542." (Darlow / Moule). € 3.500,-
[BIBLIA LATINA]. Biblia cum concordantijs Veteris et Noui Testamenti et sacrorum canonum, necnon
Museum Meermanno Huis van het boek Prinsessegracht 30, Den Haag
Blijf op de hoogte en kijk op meermanno.nl
et additionibusque in marginibus varietatis diuersorum textuum [...].[Lugduni, per Iacobum Sacon impressa, expensis Anthonij Koberger de Nuremburgis, 1512]. [14] with two modern blanks, CCCIX (of CCCXVII !!), [1] blank,[15] lvs. Printed in black and red. Two handcol. woodcut printers' devices, two handcol. woodcut titlevignettes & num. handcol. woodcut text ills, incl. two large single-page handcol. woodcuts, dep. a.o. the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (After the first modern blank one manuscript lf (Misal) on vellum in black and red inkt. Rebound in modern leather over wooden bds in antique style. Folio. - Modern blanks; claps missing; few margins of first and last pages stained & strenghtened with paper. # Rare first edition printed by Jacques Sacon (also called Sacco, Sachon or Zachoni of Romano. Active in Lyon between 1498-1522) for the German publisher Anton Koberger (c. 1440/1445 - 1513). Koberger was a.o the publisher of the Nuremberg Chronicle and godfather of Albrecht Dürer. The woodcuts throughout are very fine and similar to the famous 'Malermi Bible'. * Adams B. I, 988; Wierda, 2006, p. 215, nr. 50. cf. Darlow / Moule II, 2 (this 1512 ed. not in Darlow). See for printers' device: Davies, Devices of the early printers, p. 238/239. € 750,-
Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
[CARTOGRAPHY]. Meurer,Peter H. Die Manuskriptatlanten Christian Sgrootens. Alphen aan de
[ MODERN ART]. Katalog 1912. Kandinsky Kollektiv-Austellung 1902-1912. [1.Aufl.].
[CLASSICAL LITERATURE]. Spondani,Johannis (ed.). Graecorum Poëtarum Principis Homeri Opera omnia quæ extant, nempe Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, Epigrammata. Cum versione Latina [...] ut et commentariis accuratissimis Joannis Spondani, Mauleolenisis. Addita sunt et interspersa Pindari Thebani Epitome Iliados [...] et Daretis Phrygii de bello Trojano libri a Cornelio Nepote eleganter Latino versi carmine. Basileae, Emmanuelem König & Ludovici [König], 1686. 2 parts in 1 vol. [36],499,[23], [4],380,[22] pp. Title printed in red and black. Woodcut printer's device, head- and endpieces. Contemp. blind stamped full vellum binding. - Few minor defects: Title-page creased, first pages sl. waterstained. # Bibl. Philologica Classica 2085. € 450,-
[MODERN ART]. XXe siècle (revue). 1er Annee, 1938, nr 4: Noël. Paris, 1938. 37,[25] pp. 8 orig col.
Rijn, 2007. 3 parts in 2 vols. 300 pp. Num. b./w. ills. (= commentary volume. Sm. folio). [37], [38] loose col. double-page maps (= 2 sets of plates in portfolio. Large folio). Uniform hardcovers. # Complete set of 3 parts in two volumes: [Vol. 1:] Kommentarband; [vol., 2 part 1:] Faksimile Tl. I: Atlas Bruxelles; [vol. 2, part 2:] Faksimile Tl. II: Atlas Madritensis. € 245,-
München, Verlag "Neue Kunst" Hans Goltz, [October 1912]. 5 pp. 4 monochr. ills. Orig. wrappers, spotted.Sl. waterstained along the edges. # Scarce first edition of this important Kandinsky catalogue of 73 works made during the years 1901-1912. Including a foreword (two pages) by the artist. A second edition of was published in 1913 in Berlin. € 450,woodcuts by Henri Matisse, Henri Laurens, Míro, Arp, Magnelli, Giorgio de Chiroco, Zadkine & Helion, 2 orig. col. lithogr. by Marcel Duchamp & Max Bill. Orig. wrappers, spine ends dam.; spine & edges browned; frontcover with large crease. The rare Christmas number with 8 original woodcuts and 2 original lithographs. € 2.000,-
[EXPROPIATED ART]. Mühlmann,Kajetan [or 'Kai']. Sichergestellte Kunstwerke in den
besetzten niederländischen Gebieten. Mit den Wissenschaftliche Durchführung Franz Kieslinger [...]. [Einführung von Kai Mühlmann].[Den Haag, Reichskommissariat Niederlande, 1943]. VIII,214,[1] pp. Rebound in modern hardcover. Folio. # Very rare catalog of expropriated art in the Netherlands during the German occupation. This is the text volume. A plate volume was never published. Kajetan "Kai" Mühlmann (1898 - 1958) was an Austrian art historian, active as an SS officer during World Wor II, and a major player in the expropriation of art by the Nazis. € 500,-
[FURNITURE]. Quétin,Victor Louise. Le Magasin de
Meubles. No. 16. Album de meubles riches contenant 212 modèles de Meubles. Publié et dessiné par V.L. Quétin. Paris, V.L. Quétin, [ca. 1880]. 135 b./w. lithogr. plts. Raised h.calf. Oblong. - Extrimities rubbed, corners sl. dam., some foxing. € 650,-
ART]. Wallenberg,
Bibliophiles Bilderbuch. 12 Lithographien von Heinz Wallenberg.Leipzig, Gerhard Schulze, [1936]. Unpaginated. 12 loose lithographed plates [18.5 x 24 cm] after drawings by Heinz Wallenberg, each handcoloured by the artist. In orig. lithogr. handcoloured wrappers. In orig. stiff paper folder with handcol. vignette. # Issued for the bibliophile friends of the publisher in a limited edition of 200 copies. - Rare. € 250,-
[HORSES]. Rueff,Adolf von. Race, Haar und Gang des Pferdes. Eine hippologische Monographie. Ravensburg, Eugen Ulmer, 1874. VII,[1],68 pp. 32 chromolithographed plates [each ca. 13.5 x 17.5 cm]. Orig. blind tooled cloth binding [17 x 25.5 cm], frontcover gilt. - Spine discol., text pages foxed. # A fine collection of coloured lithographed plates of horses. € 500,-
[PHOTOGRAPHY]. ELSKEN, ED VAN DER. De ontdekking van Japan. 1st ed. [Amst., Fragment
Uitgeverij. 1988]. 154,[18] pp. B./w. ills (photographs) by Ed van der Elsken). Cloth, dustjacket. Complete with the additional booklet "Ratatouille Japonica" (35 pp., b./w. ills, stapled wrappers) in the rear pocket. # PERSONAL COPY OF ED VAN DER ELSKEN. In the rear pocket is a small piece of paper with an annotation in pen and ink by the photographer: "Ex[em]p[laar]: Ed van der Elsken Z[eevangs]zeedijk 4 1135 PZ Edam". € 375,-
[TRAVEL - ASIA]. Correa, Gaspar. Lendas da India .
Publicadas de Ordem da Classe de Sciencias Moraes, Politicas e Bellas Lettras da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa e sob a direcçaão de Rodrigo José de Lima Felner. Lisboa, Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencas, 1858-1864 & Coimbra, Na Imprensa da Universidade, 1921(= vol. I, part II). 8 parts in 4 vols. XXX,1013, 985, 909, 756,98,[1] pp. Lithogr. plts. Uniform full mottled calf bindings, richly gilt spines. - Corners of spines sl. worn, few pages sl. waterstained. Colecção de monumentos ineditos para a historia das conquistas dos Portuguezes, em Africa, Asia e America. 1a. serie, Historia da Asia. - 1e Serie: Historia da Asia, Tomo 1-4). Scarce work on the Portuguese conquests in Asia in the 15th and 16th century. - Complete set of the first series. The second part of the first volume was issued in 1921. Text in Portuguese. € 750,-
[WATERMARKS]. Uchastkina, Zoya Vasil'evna. A history of Russian hand paper-mills and their
watermarks. Hilversum, 1962. XXIX, 297 pp. 38 b./w. plates. Hardcover. (Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia IX). € 375,48
De Boekenwereld
Krul Antiquarian Books De Boekenwereld, al bijna dertig jaar hét blad voor liefhebbers van boek en prent, is geheel vernieuwd. Een blad om u tegen te zeggen.
René Krul Burg. Jansoniushof 107 2131 BM Hoofddorp Tel. +31 (0)20 73 70 588 Fax +31 (0)20 73 70 588 renekrul@xs4all.nl www.nvva.nl/renekrul
Groot formaat, 96 pagina’s, full colour en in een verjongde omgeving. De Boekenwereld verschijnt vier maal per jaar en een abonnement kost 339,95. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.deboekenwereld.nl of bel 024 – 360 22 94.
VRIES, Dirk de, Günter SCHILDER, Willem Mörzer BRUYNS, Peter van ITERSON and Irene JACOBS. The Van Keulen Cartography Amsterdam 1680-1885. Part I: Family and Firm. The Importance
of the Van Keulen to Navigation. The Van Keulens and the Dutch East India Company. The Manuscript Charts. Part II: Catalogue of Manuscript Charts, c. 1704-1749. With supplement [10 leaves, paper wrappers) with 20 index sheets. Alphen aan den Rijn, Canaletto/Repro Holland, 2005. With contributions by Nils Persson and Ton Vermeulen, 633pp with 38 textillustrations, and 631 coloured textmaps, frontispiece, appendices, index, large 4to original cloth, gilt lettering. - Important reference work on the history of the Van Keulen family, their business, the publishing firm and the products, including a catalogue of the more than 750 hand-coloured nautical manuscript charts. € 175,-
ANDRES, E. Steel-engraved views of Towns and Cities. First Complete bibliography. Bibliography of Nineteenth
Piet J. Buijnsters Geschiedenis van antiquariaat en bibliofilie in België ‘Een fantastisch boek voor de happy few en hun sympatisanten. Mooi klassiek en degelijk uitgegeven en met een licht statige toon geschreven door de erudiete Nederlandse professor emeritus Piet J. Buijnsters.’ – Peter Jacobs, Standaard der Letteren 432 pagina’s Gebonden | geïllustreerd en deels in kleur isbn 978 94 6004 123 5
Century illustrated works containing views of towns and cities engraved on steel. A Descriptive Bibliographical Catalogue with alphabetical indexes of book-titles, authors, views of towns and cities, artists and engravers as well as publishers.Text in english, french and german. Alphen a.d. Rijn, Canaletto/Repro Holland, 2004. 3 volumes. vl,760, vl,742, vl,763pp. 38 coloured plates with 56 illustrations, indexes, 8vo original cloth, gilt stamped with coloured illustrated dustjackets. € 125,¶ - England, Europe and America during the period under review, i.e.between ca. 1820.
MELCHERS, Franz. L’An. Poëmes par Thomas Braun. Bruxelles, E. Lyon-Claeson, 1847 (=1897), Of an edition
of 1070 copies, 39pp., this is one of fifty on Papier Holland Van Gelder & Zonen (Nr. 19), contains Thomas Braun’s poems on the changing seasons are illustrated with 16 richly-colored woodblock landscapes by Franz Melchers with the artist’s signature remarque on each plate, with an Art Nouveau title printed in lavender and olive, Square quarto (35,5 x 33,5 cm), original olive green wrappers pasted on a professionaly repaired covers. The plates are in excellent condition. € 4.200,-
BOULOS MEO. Fleurs de Terre-Sainte. Jérusalem, ca. 1898. 24 plates with superbe pressed dried flowers (plants) decoration with tissue guards, large oblong quarto (4to). Thick olive wood boards with carved Jerusalem Cross, half leather. € 1.800,¶ Fleurs de Terre-Sainte, Fleurs de Jérusalem, Fleurs de Mont Sion, Fleurs de Gethsémani, Fleurs de Mont des Oliviers, Fleurs de Béthanie, Fleurs de Saint-Jean (Ain Karim), Fleurs de la Grotte de Jérémie, Fleurs de la Vallée de Josaphat, Fleurs de la Grotte des Pasteurs, Fleurs de Bethléem, Fleurs du Mont Scopus, Fleurs d’Aceldama, Fleurs du Tombeau des Juges, Fleurs du Tombeau des Rois, Fleurs du Cédron, Fleurs de JérichoFleurs du Jourdain, Fleurs de Hébron, Fleurs du Mont de la Quarantaine, Fleurs du Couvent de Sainte-Croix, Fleuts de la Mosquée d’Omar, Fleurs de Nazareth, Fleurs du Mont Carmel,. - Ex copy of J. AS.Z. Baron van Brakell, Doorwerth, Jerusalem, 5 Mars, 1899. HOORWEG, Dr. J. L. De Gas- en Petroleum-motoren: Beknopte uiteenzetting van de inrichting en werking
dezer motoren, aanschouwelijk voorgesteld door een beweegbaar model en opgehelderd door vele illustraties tusschen den verklarenden tekst. Deventer, Æ.E.Kluwer, (1899). 36pp text with 12 illustrations & 1 coloured plate with movable parts of a gas and petroleum-machine, 4to oblong original coloured illustrated halfcloth. € 240,-
134,95 www.vantilt.nl
Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink H.J. Meemelink Mankesstraat 6 2597 CN Den Haag Tel. +31 (0)70 324 05 36 info@meemelink.com www.meemelink.com
Ammann, Paul: Hortus bosianus quod exotica solum
descriptus. Lipsiae [Leipzig], Johann Wilhelm Krüger, 1686, 1. edition, pp. [xi], 38, extra-illustrated with 2 large engraved folding plates dated the year 1700: a birds-eye-view of the garden by J.C.Oberdorffer after Elias and an American aloe by M.B., published by Peine (ca. 390 x 705 mm), small, marbled front and rear paste-down endpapers, contemporary half calf with sprinkled boards, gilt-ruled spine with raised bands and gilt-lettered labels (spine-ends chipped). Some browning and a few paper imperfections. Attractive copy. € 3.200,A rare work on the exotic plants to be found in the garden (situated just outside the Grimmischen Gate in Leipzig) of the merchant and city councillor, Caspar Bose. The head gardener appears to have been Peine, and when the Aloe flowered in August 1700 the plate was produced to commemorate the event: the stance of the figure in the foreground suggests that it is Peine presenting the plant to presumably Caspar Bose.
Panckow, Thomas (Pancovius): Herbarium, Darinn so wol Einheimische als Ausländische Kräuter
zierlich und eigentlich abgebildet zu finden … verbessert durch Bartholomaeum Zornn. Cölln an der Spree [Berlin], Georg Schultze, 1673, 3. edition, pp. [xx], (8), 425, (45), (1, err.), ornamental woodcut (basket with flowers) on verso of title-page and 1536 woodcuts on 192 leaves, small 4to (152 x 192 mm), contemporary vellum. Verso of errata leaf and last free endpapers inscribed in a contemporary hand. Slight browning as usual. Very well preserved copy. € 2.400,Thomas Panckow (1622-1665) was physician to King Wilhelm von Brandenburg. The woodcuts are by Peter Holtzmeyer and derive from the group assembled for Thurneisser zum Thurn’s projected and not finished Historia Plantarum. Some copies have a frontispiece with a view of Berlin.
Peters, C.H.: Kort geschiedkundig overzicht van het paleis “Het Loo” met bijbehoorend park. ‘s-Gravenhage, Mouton, 1914, pp. 68, 1 text-illustration and 30 plates (1 in colour and some folding and double-page), large 4to (240 x 314 mm), gilt-ruled and lettered cloth. Fine copy. € 200,-
Gelder, H.E. van: Oude buitenplaatsen rondom ‘s-Gravenhage. 24 lithografieën door S. Moulijn. Met een Beaumont, Germaine: Mes jardins. Lithographies de
Drian. Paris, Éditions de la Galerie Charpentier, 1945, pp. 146, (1), lithographed frontispiece, 18 lithographed plates, 9 head-pieces and 8 tail-pieces by Drian with a suite of all the lithographs, protected by tissue, folio (250 x 325 mm), unbound as issued, 2 printed covers, lettered portfolio in slip-case (rubbed). Fine copy. € 450,Original edition limited to 40 copies on “vélin pur chiffon” numbered 1-40 of which this is no. 10 with a suite of plates and 240 copies on “vélin pur fil du marais” numbered 41-280. The illustrator Drian was born Adrian Desire Etienne in Lorraine, France in 1885 and died in 1961. He attended the Academie Julian in Paris where he took the pseudonym Drian. He was one of the classic figures of fashion illustration during 1910 and the mid 1920s. His art can be recognized by his fluidity in movement.
historische inleiding door ...‘s-Gravenhage, Gemeentebestuur van ‘s-Gravenhage, [ca. 1926], pp. [xxii], colourfrontispiece, text-illustrations after prints, photos etc., 24 plates after lithographs, oblong 4to (310 x 229 mm), cloth-backed decorated boards. € 1.100,Issued not for trade and rare. With frontispiece of Huis ten Bosch after a water-colour by J. van Call (ca. 1690). Added 9 original lithos (sheets ca. 485 x 315 mm), mostly reproduced in this work and most signed by the artist: De Raephorst (2 different views), De Binckhorst, Clingendaal, Huis ten Bosch (2 different views), Zorgvliet, Marlot and Huis ter Horst.
Antiquariaat Papyrus Rita Colognola On appointment only Wezelweide 15 2727 DK Zoetermeer The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0) 6 48 15 40 24 r.colog@gmail.com
Petrus Plancius International t 0ME BOE SBSF CPPLT
(Engineering) Carl Friedrich Richter Projet d’une nouvelle méthode de fonder sans épuisement
et sans bâtardeaux d’une profondeur jusqu’à 30 pieds reinlandiques sous l’eau approuvée par l’Académie des Sciences et des belles lettres de Berlin ... A Berlin et Leipsic, aux dépens de Fred. Guill. Birnstiel, 1765. Folio. 4 unn. ll., 8 double-page engraved plates. Contemporary Austrian half-calf (extremities of spine little damaged, trace of worms on the back side). Title with a stamp and an erasure resulting in a small hole (no loss), last plate with a small hole, otherwise a very good copy. First edition in French, appeared contemporarily also in German. Carl Friedrich Richter (Berlin 1701 - 1766) was a civil engineer and a renowned architect, who built i. a. Schulemburg Palais in Berlin. He was charged by the governor of the city, Field Marshal Jacob Keith, to design impressive bridges in the English or French style in order to replace the modest wooden structures which spanned the city moat. The project was held up because of the Seven-Years’ War, but as a consequence Richter had elaborated a method to reduce the cost of founding bridge piers in cofferdams and alongside to avoid the drying up of the sections of the Spree where piers were being implanted, which would have put out of work the many mills located along the Spree. The solution he proposed was to drive down close-centered rows of piles and sawing them simultaneously at a distance of about 2-2,5 meters from the surface, using a special guided saw. On the level surface thus formed a caisson filled with stones was laid, on which it was possible to build stable piers. The plates show details of the mechanism of the guiding saw and its operations, the laying of the caisson etc. Poggendorff II, 635 (giving erroneously 1752 as publication year); Engelmann page 304; not in Roberts/Trent, Kat. Berl. and “Der reale Nutz. Angewandte Wissenschaften in Preussen im 18 Jahrhundert”. € 1.000,-
Hans H. Bom Sophialaan 7 3851 XH Ermelo Tel. 0341-56 42 94 Mob: 0655-38 48 66 Fax: 0341-550219 info@plancius.nl www.plancius.nl
“Nieuwe Afteekening van het Eijland Curacao Vertoonende Desselfs Gelegentheeden Mitsgaders de Haven van St. Anna en’t Fort Amsterdam ...”,
Gerard van Keulen 1728, size: 51 x 59cm. Original colors, the map is in good condition. Very nice map with lost of details of Curacao. Zeer gedetailleerde kaart van Curaçao met een inzet van Fort Amsterdam, en profielen. De kaart is verfraaid met schepen en kompasrozen. De kaart heeft originele kleuring. € 5.750,-
Mercator, G. Atlas minor, I. Hondius for C. Nicolai and J. Janssonius, Amsterdam, 1613. Qu.-4to
(17:22 cm). With 146 maps. Bound in a leather binding (with small damages) Koeman me190 – Latin edition, with Worldmap, maps of the continents and the detailed maps of these continents, at the end the 7 historical biblical maps. All maps are in good condition. € 8.500,-
Facsimile of the original French edition of Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major, 1663. Printed in
Amsterdam, by N.V. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1967-68. 12 volumes with 609 double-page maps (partly coloured.). Large-folio. Dimensions of the total packet : 65 x 55 x 35 cm [ ca 26 x 22 x 14 ins ]. Original imitation vellum with richly gilt decorated spines & sides. On the backs are blue labels with the title and the number of the volume in gold. Printed in a limited edition of 1000 numbered copies. A complete facsimile of the extremely rare original edition. Together with : C. KOEMAN, Joan Blaeu and his Grand Atlas. Introduction to the facsimile edition of Le grand atlas, 1663. Amsterdam, (1970). With many illustrations and very interesting stories about the Blaeu-family and their printing emporium of maps and atlases. Original imitation vellum. € 1.950,54
Antiquariaat Plantijn D. (Dieter) R. Duncker Ginnekenmarkt 5 4835 JC Breda Tel. + 31 (0)76-560 44 00 (Nederland) Tel. + 32 (0)3-231 947 4 (België) Gsm +31 (0)6-532 99 410 (Nederland) dieter.d@planet.nl www.plantijnmaps.com
Antiquariaat Plantijn t .BQT t 1SJOUT t #PPLT t %FWPUJPOBM BSU t .BOVTDSJQUT
Comenius, J. - Eerste deel der school-geleertheyd,
genoemt Het Portael : inhoudende de grondtveste der dingen. Prima pars scholasticae eruditionis (…) Ammsterdam, 1658. 37 volbladzijdige illustraties 19de eeuwse kartonage gebonden. Een van de eerste geïllustreerde schoolboeken, zeer interessant voor de geschiedenis van de pedagogiek. De gravures zijn van Crispijn van der Passe. De laatste bladzijde van het Latijnse voorwoord ontbreekt. € 800,-
Pinder, U. - Speculum passionis domini nostri
Jesu Christi Neurenberg, 1519, met 41 houtsnedes waarvan 39 op volle bladzijdes. Van Schäufelein, Grien, Traut. Met 78 genummerde pagina’s. In folio, leren band 19de eeuw met houten deksel in de stijl van de LaatGotiek. 2de uitgave, ontstaan in het atelier van Dürer tussen 1503 en 1507. (Thieme-Becker, 29,558). Het tekstblad van pagina 74 uit een ander exemplaar. Exlibris Six van Hillegom. (Ref. Holstein 43, Dodgson, Leblane) €8.000,-
Pontanus, J.I. - Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium
Historia Amsterdam, Hondius, 1611 Kl-fol. Met titel, 4 (2 gevouwen + 2 dubbelbladige) kopergravures; 3 (2 dubbelbladige, 1 gevouwen) kopergravures en 50 gravures in tekst. Eerste editie gezocht vooral wegens zijn uitgebreide beschrijvingen van Nederlandse reizen en bezittingen in Afrika en Azië evenals ontdekkingsreizen naar de Noordpool gebieden 1594-96. Nieuwe halfleren band. (Ref. Tiele 876, Sabin 64002, Chavanne 116. € 5.500,-
Apianus, P – Cosmographia, per Gemmam Frisius,
apud Louvanienses Medicum ac Mathematicum (…) Antwerpen, 1539. In varkensleren band, gedateerd 1650, rug vernieuwd. Vier houtgravures met beweegbare delen. Apianus’s publicatie werd voor het eerst uitgegeven in 1524 en was het belangrijkste werk op gebied van de kosmografie. Zeer vroege uitgave. (Ref. Adams, Alden-L, Van Ortroy) € 6.000,-
Leth, H. de – Nieuwe Geographische en Historische Atlas
(…) Amsterdam, Klein 8vo. In originele half leren band. Mooie pocket wereld atlas met 42 kaartjes inclusief de Nederlanden en twee stedenwijzers en vlaggenkaart van landen in de wereld, alles in perfect staat. € 3.500,-
Peeters, I en Bouttats, G. – Thooneel der Steden ende Sterckten van ’t Vereenight Nederlandt met d’ Babington John, In twee delen: Pyrotechnia, of
konstige vuurwerken, waer in wort seer duydelijck beschreven de manier van het maken en toestellen van allerley vuurwercken tot vermaeck (…) / Pur erga yslatryan ofte Vuurwerken tot dienst : Waer in wort geschreven de manier van ’t maken der Granaden, Vuurkranssen (…) Rotterdam, 1672 & 1671, 2 vol. in 12 in 1 band. Uiterste zeldzame eerste editie. De bron is anoniem. € 1.200,-
aangrensende Plaetsen soo in Brabant Vlaenderen als anden Rhijn en elders verovert door de Waepenen der Groot-moghende Heeren Staeten onder het gheleij vande seer Edele Hooghghebore Prinsen van Oranien. Antwerpen, 1674. Met 94 gezichten, waaronder een aantal met twee tot vier gezichten op één blad. Samengebonden met : Les Pourtraicts de tous les Souverains Pinces et Ducs de Brabant. Met 53 portretten, getekend door Jean Meyssens. Oblong in 4°, nieuwe halfleren band. € 6.500,-
Polare Amsterdam (voorheen De Slegte Amsterdam) Polare B.V. Kalverstraat 48-52 1012 PE Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 622 59 33 amsterdam@polare.nl www.polare.nl
HOOLA VAN NOOTEN, BERTHE: Fleurs, fruits et
Polare Amsterdam (voorheen De Slegte Amsterdam)
feuillages choisis de la flore et de la pomone de l’ Ile de Java peints d’apres nature. Troisième édition. Bruxelles, publiée par Merzbach & Falk, éditeurs, libraires de la cour et de S.A.R. le Comte de Flandre, Libraire Européenne C. Muquardt, même maison à Leipzig, [1880]. [X] + 40 plates and 40 textpages (printed recto only). Texts in French and English. Bound in later half-calf with matching cornerpieces, gilt lettering on the spine. 55 x 37cm. With a half-title, title, dedication to the Queen of the Netherlands and foreword in French, parallel text in French and English. Third, and improved edition of this magnificent display of spectacular Javanese fruits and flowers, their bright colours ideally suited to the then new technique of chromolithography. One textpage restored in the corner, not touching the text. Berthe Hoola van Nooten [12 October 1817], was a Dutch botanical artist, noted for her botanical plates illustrating “Fleurs, Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de l’Ile de Java” in 1863-64. Van Nooten was the daughter of a vicar and on 11 July 1838 she married Dirk Hoola van Nooten, a judge in Paramaribo. Being interested in botany, she regularly sent specimens of cultivated plants to the botanical gardens in Holland, collected on trips through Suriname and Java with her husband. Personal tragedy and financial disaster struck with her husband’s death in 1847, leaving her stranded in Java with large debts and a young family of five, a situation much like that faced by Maria Sibylla Merian and Elizabeth Blackwell. Aware of the vogue in Europe for lavish illustrations of exotic flora, she set about producing 40 plates depicting interesting plant species from Java. Her attempts to publish the work were unsuccessful until she acquired the patronage of Sophia Mathilde, wife of King William III of the Netherlands. The exceptionally well executed chromolithographs were done by Pieter Depannemaeker, the Belgian lithographer operating from Ledeberg near Ghent. “ 58
Van Nooten was clearly a more than competent artist, for the splendid tropical plants, with their lush foliage, vividly coloured flowers and exotic fruit, have been depicted with great skill. She managed to accentuate the splendour of each species by adopting a style that combined great precision and clarity with a touch of neoBaroque exuberance, reveling in the rich forms and colours of the tropics. The reader’s eye is immediately captured by the dark leaves, shown furled or crumpled or partly nibbled away by insects, the delicately rendered details of the follicles and seeds, and the heavy clusters of flowers that cascade down the page. The excellent reproduction of the artist’s drawings in the form of chromolithographs lends a tactile quality to these striking images.” — Lucia Tongiorgi Tomasi, An Oak Spring Flora. € 9.500,-
PREJEVALSKY, N : Mongolia, the Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet being a
narrative of three years’ travel in Easter High Asia. Translated by E. Delmar Morgan. With introduction by Colonel Henry Yule London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1876. 2 volumes. 8vo. l,[2],287; xii,320 pp. Original black- and gilt-stamped and decorated cloth. With frontispiece portrait, large folding map coloured in outline , 24 woodengraved illustrations (13 plates + 11 in text). First English edition. - A classic and central work in the library of world exploration. Nikolai Mikhaylovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888) was Russia’s greatest explorer, his journeys extending from the Siberian Amur to Mongolia, the Gobi, Tibet and Xinjiang. However, it is for his two abortive attempts to reach Lhasa, which he is perhaps best known. There was, however, a great deal more to his expedition, described in the volumes herewith, than an attempt to reach the Forbidden City. In his preface he explains his purpose thus: “The whole vast plateau of central Asia, between the mountains of Siberia to the north and the Himalayas of India to the south of terra incognita, of its geology, climate, flora, fauna we are almost ignorant”. After setting out in 1871, he and his caravan spent the next two years exploring the barren wilderness of Northern Tibet, eventually reaching 400 miles beyond Laka Koko-Nor, short of his goal, but unable to continue, due to severe privation and lack of funds. The bare facts of the expedition’s achievements are staggering; over three years it had travelled over 7000 miles over some of the bleakest terrain in the world, over which no European had ever travelled. In the course of their wanderings, they collected over 4000 plant specimens (102 previously unknown), over 1000 bird specimens, 37 large mammals and 90 small, 70 reptiles, 11 fish, and over 3000 insects. Minor slight wear at extremities, bookplates on upper pastedowns, the map bound upside down and tear skillfully repaired + few smaller restorations, few pencil marks, small tear last endpaper repaired, otherwise a good clean set. € 1.500,-
STEDMAN, J.G. : Voyage a Surinam et dans
l’intérieur de la Guiana, contenant la relation de cinq années de courses et d’observations faites dans cette contrée intéressante et peu connue. Avec des détails sur les Indiens de la Guiana et les nègres. Paris, F. Buisson, An 7[=1799]. Three text volumes. [xii], 410, [ii]; [iv], 440, [iv]; 506, [i]pp. and one atlas with 44 (folded) engraved maps, views and plates. [Ex-libris Boudewijn Büch] Bound in contemporary gilt calf, all covers with gilt intertwined initials “SB” (circle Napoléon Bonaparte(?) according to B. Büch). Two plates have a brown stain in lower blank margin; occasionally usual foxing and browning. Spine of atlas expertly rebacked using the original leather. One of two letter-pieces lacking. Spines of text-volumes a trifle worn and slightly bumped. € 3.500,-
Antiquariaat Polare Antwerpen (voorheen De Slegte) Antiquariaat Polare Antwerpen Wapper 5 B – 2000 Antwerpen Tel. +32 (0)3 231 66 27 antwerpen.wapper@polare.be www.polare.be
Antiquariaat Polare Antwerpen (voorheen De Slegte)
und militärischer Pläne dienen sollte”, posthumously issued by Daniel Schwenter. Originally issued with 60 woodengraved plates in various sizes as well as 10 copperengravings. However, some copies, and this is one of them, of this rare work are known to have 21 anonymous folding copperengravings added, which are hinged in the margins of an equal number of pages. Rebound in vellum-backed boards, with handlettering on the spine. Some stamps of the former owner, a 19th century Swiss engineer, on the title page. € 2.450,-
AGRICOLA, Georgius : Vom Berghwerck xii. Bücher dariñ alle Empter / Instrument / Bezeuge unnd
alles zü disem handel gehörig [...]. Basel: Jeronymus Froben & Niclausen Bischoff, 1557. Folio in-6 / [viii], 491, [xiii] pp. In 19th century half calf with marbled boards, a leather title ticket and gilt decoration to the spine. Illustrated with 273 woodcuts in the text and 2 woodcut plates, further decorated with a printer’s mark to the title page and the final page, and decorated initials. This copy with cropped margins, and scattered marginal annotations in ink. Pages lxxviii & lxxix were stuck together (now loose, damaging the page and illustration a little), a stain to the illustrations on page xxxvi-xxxvii. A quite crisp and clean copy in very good condition. The later spine faded. First German edition of Agricola´s famous work on metallurgy (original title: De re metallica libri xii [12 books on the nature of metals], 1556). Georgius Agricola (=Georg Pawer, 1494-1555) was born in Glauchau. His interest in mining began during his studies of medicine, physics and chemistry, but became poignant during his appointment as physician in Joachimsthal, a centre of mining and smelting works. Here, he decided to test theories on metallurgy and mineralogy. Later he moved from Joachimsthal to Chemnitz, the epicentre of the German mining industry, where he could intensify and freely pursue his studies into the art of mining. The book is a systematic treatise on state of the art of mining, detailing the extraction and processing of metal ore. Agricola also gives information on how to indentify ore veins in the ground and describes prospecting and surveying in great detail. The woodcut illustrations show numerous uses of the watermills and winches in mining, among many other technical details. The rear of the book contains a list of terminology in German with their Latin translations. This work, building on Pliny´s Historia Naturalis, has long remained a standard work in the field of metallurgy. An English translation was published in 1912, by Herbert Hoover, who would later become the 31st president of the USA. *P.M.M. 79 / Hoover 18 / Ward & Carozzi 31 / Dibner 88. € 12.500,-
[BRONTË (Charlotte, Emily & Anne)] : Poems, by Currer, Ellis and Acton BELL.
London, Smith. Elder and Co. 1846 [1848]. [ii], iv, 165, [iii] pp. 1 (verso printed) page advert opposite the (Smith Elder) title page, 2 pp. contents, 165 pp. text. Bound without errata but with 16pp. earliest state adverts (May 1848). In original green publisher’s cloth with blind decorated borders and lyre design. Light yellow end papers. The second issue as described in Smith p. 6-14. This is a copy of the first edition published by Smith, Elder & Co., the advert. being still one leaf with the (cancel)title page. As soon as one realized the discrepancy between the advertisement and the date on the title page, the advertisement has been severed from the title page and pasted at the end (Smith p. 13). Containing the catalogue dated May 1848 (the earliest), but, as often, lacking the errata slip. This means that this copy is one of the 279 copies sold between 1848 and 1853. The fact that this is a very early copy is further enhanced by the lack of Westley’s binder’s ticket, which appeared from 1850 on. A very good clean copy in original binding, missing only a small fragment of the top of the spine and a small tear (hardly visible) halfway the spine. *Smith p. 6-14. This collection of verses contains 19 poems by Charlotte Brontë (“Currer Bell”), and 21 each by Emily (“Ellis”) and Anne (“Acton”). First published by Aylott Jones in 1846 in an edition of 1000 copies, Only 39 copies were sold. The remaining 961 copies were placed in storage and were only reissued in October 1848 by Smith, Elder, and Co., following the success of Charlotte’s Jane Eyre. € 2.000,-
UTTENHOFER, Kaspar : Circinus Geometricus, zu Teutsch: Mess-Cirkel. [N. pl.]: Simon
Halbmayer, 1626, 1st ed. Small 4to. [xvi], 136, [ii] pp. Half-vellum. With extra set of engravings. Extensive description of a “Universalinstrument welches hauptsächlich für das Entwerfen geometrischer, geodätischer 60
CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Michel de : Histoire de l’Admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche. Paris: Louis Janet / Magnin, Blanchard, [ca. 1860]. A new translation. 4to. With a frontispiece and 27 lithographed colour plates. In later deluxe art binding by Cherfontaine: on black morocco an abstract windmill is suggested using fields of grey-green morocco and gilt ruling. Triple gilt ruling to the turn-ins, moiré silk endpapers, all edges gilt. In a paper-covered slipcase with black morocco edges. Some foxing throughout. A magnificent binding on a rare edition – a true bibliophile gem. This edition is an abridged version for children. *Río y Rico 375. € 1.100,BEUYS, Joseph – Zeichnungen zu den beiden 1965 wiederentdeckten Skizzenbücher ‘Codices Madrid’
von Leonardo da Vinci. Stuttgart, Manus Presse, 1975. 156p., original binding in slipcase. 1000 numbered copies. This copy, n° 765 of 1000 numbered copies, with an original signed lithograph (n° 65/100).€ 850,61
Quist Antiquariaat Ernie Quist Voorstraat 50 3311 ER Dordrecht Tel. + 31 (0)78 631 8867 info@antiquarianquist.com www.antiquarianquist.com
Agricola, Georgius. De Re Metallica; Translated from the first Latin edition of 1556, With Biographical
Introduction, Annotations And Appendices Upon The Development Of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law From The Earliest Times To the 16Th Century. By Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover . The Mining Magazine, London, 1912. XXXI-640 PP. Uncut, 4To. Orig. Full Vellum. Illustrated (Hans Rudolph Manuel Deutsch) With extensive indexes. Facsimile, published 1912. Agricola’s book, first published in Latin at Basel in 1556, was “The first systematic treatise on mining and metallurgy and one of the first technological books of modern times.” (PMM) € 525,-
Mayer, Luigi. Views In Palestine From The Original Drawings Of Luigi Mayer. With An Historical And
Descriptive Account Of The Country And Its Remarkable Places. London, Bowyer ,1804. 47 PP. Folio,With 24 very fine, full page, colored aquatint plates. BOUND WITH: Views In The Ottoman Empire Chiefly In Caramania, A Part Of Asia-Minor Hitherto Unexplored; With Some Curious Selections From The Islands Of Rhodes And Cyprus And The Celebrated Cities Of Corinth, Carthage And Tripoli. R.Bowyer, London, 1803. 47 PP and 24 fine coloured full page aquatint views. A very good and clean set. The plates cleverly grouped together to prevent offsetting from the printed pages. Orig. gilded half-calf with raised bands. Lower upper joint starting to split… € 5.400,-
Beardsley, Aubrey. The Ballad Of A Barber. Regensburg, Heinrich Schiele, 1919. 10 PP. 4To.Frontispice
after Beardsley. Orig. boards, printed on fine handmade paper in an edition of 265 copies only, this is nr. 230. Spine damaged, backstrip missing. € 125,-
Gil Roesset, Consuelo Et Marga, Rose De Bois. Texte De Consuela Gil Roesset, Illustrations De Marga Gil Roesset.. Plon Nourrit, Paris, 1923. 51 PP. Folio, Original decorated, limp, full percaline (ties lacking) A fine bookproduction, with delicate symbolystic, monochrome, full page illustrations. € 155,-
Giles, Herbert, A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. 2 Vols. Kelly & Walsh Ltd. Shanghai & B. Quaritsch,
London, 1912. XVIII-1711 PP. Large 4To.Contemp. cloth with red morocco title pieces. 2Nd. Revised Enlarged Ed.. of Giles’s monumental work, the most complete English-Chinese dictionary ever published. Virtually all available Chinese-English dictionaries consist of less then 9K characters, while Giles gives us some 13.844 characters.Printed in 3 columns. Spines are fine though sunned, boards are slightly wormed, not affecting interior, some rubber stamps. In all a very good set of this desirable, still usefull book. € 1.165,-
Godschalk, L.A.F. Ontijdig Schip Verlaten. Academisch Proefschrift Ter Verkrijging Van Den Graad
Van Doctor In De Rechtsgeleerdheid. Private Publication, Amsterdam, 1942. 382 PP. Roy.8Vo. Uncut, Original gilt lettered full vellum ,t.e.g. With the loosely inserted “points” sheet, as well as the invitation to the party/reception. € 90,-
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. West-Ostlicher Divan. Leipzig, Insel Verlag, 1910. 262 PP. 8Vo.
Uncut. Edited by Max Hecker, typography and illustrations by Marcus Behmer. Half leather, with original decorated boards, Printed in an edition of 1300 copies only, and 100 copies printed on Japan. Fine double titlepage with strapwork by Marcus Behmer. Innerhinges a trifle weak, one corner bumped. € 155,-
Labric, Roger. Les 24 Heures Du Mans. Histoire d’une grande bataille pacifique et sportive. Illustrated
by Geo Ham. Original decorated cover, broché. Large 4To. 471 PP. Uncut. l’Automobile Club de l’Ouest, Le Mans, 1949. Vibrant, full page color illustrations. With a listing of former winners, their cars, and the history of the race track. A fine copy of the regular, unnumbered edition ,with only slight wear. € 565,-
Marini, Egle. Poesi. Con 6 Disegni Originali Di Marino Marini. Milano, Editione Del Milione, 1957. 41 PP. 16Mo. Broche, with 6, (2 double page) fine monochrome, full page plates after Marini. A very good copy. € 155,62
Rumphius, Georgius Everhardus. d’Amboinsche Rariteitenkamer, Behelzende Eene Beschryvinghe
Van Allerhande Zoo Weeke Als Harde Schaalvissen, Te Weeten Raare Krabben, Kreeften, En Diergelyke Zeedieren, Als Mede Allerhande Hoorntjes En Schulpen, Die Men In De Amboinsche Zee vindt; Daar benevens Zommige Mineraalen, Gesteenten, En Soorten Van aarde, Die In De Amboinsche En Zommige Omleggende Eilanden Gevonden Worden. (etc. etc.) Amsterdam, Jan Roman de Jonge, 1741. Folio, Half Roan ,(24)-340, (43) PP. 2Nd. Edition. With engraved frontispice & title, full page author’ s portrait, and 60 full page plates and 5 vignettes. a fine uncut large paper copy. See: Landwehr & vdKrogt; VOC-591. Nissen ZBI-3519. € 3.600,-
Pomme, M. Traite Des Affections Vaporeuses Des Deux Sexes, Ou Maladies Nerveuses, Vulgairement Appelees Maux Des Nerfs. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1782. XII-595-(II) PP. 4To. Frontispice portrait engraving by Le Vasseur after the painting by Kymle. Orig. full calf, Spine with raised bands. (upper-hinge a trifle weak) Tranches painted red. Early treatise on this subject, by the King’s Chief Medecine Consultant. Amongst other diseases he describes; Vomitting, Venereal Diseases, Epileptic Strokes, Hysteria, Spasmodic Fevers, Coliques, etc. etc. As a remedy he proposes, amongst other things; “A good cup of turtle-soup or any other strong bouillon." € 790,-
Vervliet, H.D.L. Sixteenth-Century Printing Types Of The Low Countries. Amsterdam, Hertzberger, 1968. XXV-365 PP. 4To. Orig.embossed cloth ,with Dw. & the errata slip. Profusely illustrated, with index. “as new” € 155,63
Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema Dik Ramkema Bloemendaalseweg 241 2051 GC Overveen Tel. +31 (0)23 5269144 // + 31 (0)6 1762 0872 dikramkema@gmail.com www.dikramkema.com
Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema t $IJMESFO T CPPLT t *MMVTUSBUFE CPPLT
Toover - Prentenboek. [2 stories: Lotgevallen van Robinson Crusoë : De gelaarsde Kat] [Pop-up - Robinson]
No pl., no publ., (1872), 6 text pages and 2 chromolithographic plates folded in 4 (changing pictures), Amand Lith. Amsterdam, decorated title wrappers, 27 x 22,5 cm. Condition: Near Fine, spine and edges slight traces of use.
Rare changing picture book; adventures of Robinson Crusoë and Puss in boots. Not in the collection of the KB. Buijnsters, Lust en Leering, p.405 and 418. € 700,-
Jigsaw Puzzles - Onze Dieren.
No place, F. Schmidt-Glinz, (1896), 6 puzzles mounted on 3 leaves (front and back) in original box 35 x 28 cm, accompanied by a book (12)p. with 6 chromolithographic pictures text on verso plates, decorated limp boards (same picture on the box), folio. Condition: Very Good; three pieces slightly damaged, small pinhole through the lower right pieces, decorated boarder of the box and lower corner of the mounted picture damaged. Contents: ‘De kat, koe, hond, paard, geit, varken’. (Cat, cow, dog, horse, goat, pig). Number on the box; No.1063 € 350,[abc]
Het A-B Boek voor Meisjes. Met 26 gekleurde Plaatjes en Vignet.
Gouda, G.B. Van Goor, (1847), (15)p., illustrated title with vignette and 26 hand coloured illustrations, with letters around the picture and 6 text-lines underneath, decorated wrappers, 21 x 12,5 cm. Condition: Near Fine, spine damaged (repaired), small surface damage to front and back wrapper else Fine.
Fransen Jz., P. Hans wil reizen. Tiel, H.C.A. Campagne, (1882), 6 one side printed composite lithographic plates with text on the pictures, Tresling & Co., decorated title wrapper in colour, 28,5 x 23,5 cm. Condition: Very Good; spine strenghtened with tape, edges wrappers damaged on four places, large owners entry on verso first leave, ‘18 Nov. 86’. Curious picture book; Hansje was shipwrecked and in all sorts of miraculous ways manages to escape: on a whale, a wolf and ended up using a hot air balloon. Landwehr, Vergeten cultuurdragers, 625. Rare Not in the NCC. € 165,-
Rare First Italian edition Munari, Bruno. 1907-1998 il prestigiatore verde. [Green conjurer]
Verona, Mondadori, (1945) first edition, (16)p. including title boards and 6 lift-the-flap pieces, all illustrated in colour, decorated cloth backed boards, with original glassine dust jacket, 32cm Condition: Near Fine, glassine dust jacket damaged, else Fine Series I Libri Munari No. 4. One of Munari inventive movables for children. Cotsen 7696. € 780,-
Fine rare unusual ab book for girls where it shows us the characteristic qualities of how we would like the girls to be. With the emphasis on a good wife and mother. Buijnsters, Lust en Leering, 153 and pict. p.152. Not in the KB € 650,-
Jongens en Meisjes ABC.
Utrecht, Lentz & de Haan, (1896), (16)p. including printed front board and printed inside backboard, 4 pages and front board in chromolithography (one over two pages) and 8 in brown, on thin board, 25,5 x 21 cm. Condition: Very Good, spine and board edges damaged/rubbed.
Sigall, E. Robert en Bertram, twee lustige snaken. Amsterdam, J. Vlieger, n.d.. (ca.1880), 12p., 8 full-page composite pictures in colour lithography, Amand Lith. Amsterdam, decorated clothbacked boards, 28,5cm. Condition: Near Fine, lower corner of plate 7 cut-off 1x2cm not effecting the plate, here and there few small cuts in lower margin. Not in the KB. € 90,-
Beautiful illustrated ABC book, the colour plates one letter each, and one over two pages depicting playing children with underneath in alphabetical order all the toys they are playing with, all printed on thin boards. H.Göbels p.158-159 (ills.) and pict. on frontcover; Bilderwelt no.1002, pict. p.194, English ed. € 550,64
Rashi Antiquarian Booksellers Ingrid M.C. Oey P.O. Box 503 4200 AM Gorinchem Tel. +31 (0)183 66 55 99 Fax +31 (0)183 63 36 73 info@rashi.nl www.rashi.nl
AHMED DJEMAL PASCHA. Alte Denkmäler aus Syrien, Palästina und Westarabien. 100 Tafeln mit
beschreibender Text, veröffentlicht auf Befehl von Ahmed Djemal Pascha, Führer der vierten Türkischen Armee, Minister der Marine. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1918. (Modern cloth, 100 b/w photographic plates with Arabic and German parallel descriptions. Folio.) € 450,¶ Early registration of the valued historic archaeological sites in Aleppo, Baalbek, Damascus, Gerasa, Jerusalem, Palmyra, Petra and other cities in the region. With alphabetical geographical index.
BERNATZ, J.M. Afbeeldingen van het Heilige Land, bestaande uit
veertig gezigten van belangrijke plaatsen, in de Heilige Schrift vermeld, naar de natuur getekend door J.M. Bernatz; met beschrijvingen door G.H. von Schubert. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. Amsterdam, Johannes Müller, 1839. (Or.hcloth. worn. Oblong folio, (82) lvs. unpaginated, 42 lithographed plates including a folding panorama of the Sinai. All plates in fine condition. Previous owner’s stamp on first endleaf and written dedication.) € 4.250,¶ Dutch edition with the original lithographs of the German edition. Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert was a famous German physician and naturalist, travelling in Palestine during 1836-1837 accompanied by Johann Martin Bernatz, a well-known landscape painter. In 1838 Schubert published an account of his travels: Reise in das Morgenland.
CUMONT, FRANZ. Fouilles de Doura-Europos (1922-1923). avec un appendice sur la Céramique de
Doura par M. et Mme Massoul. Ouvrage publié avec le concours de l’Académie des Inscriptions (Fondation Louis de Clerq). 2 vols. 1926. (Or.hcloth. and modern hcloth, LXIV, 533 pp. and CXXIV plates. 4to. Complete edition.) € 850,-
CUNAEUS, PETRUS. De Republyk der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden. In drie Boeken. En nu voor d’eerste maal Vertaald, met naauwkeurige Printverbeeldingen en noodigen inlassingen verrijkt, door een Liefhebber der Joodsche Outheden (W. Goeree). 3 vols. Amsterdam, Daniel vanden Dalen. 1700 With numerous engr. plates, some folded, by Johannes Luyken. And: Vierde deel van de Republyk der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden...Nieuwlijx agtervolgd op de dry stukjes, tertijds uytgegeeven door W. Goeree. En insgelijx met Printverbeeldingen en noodige Blad-wyzer verrijkt. Amsterdam, Daniel vanden Dalen, Jan Roman de Jonge, 1700-1735. (Cont.leather, 8vo. A fine set. Complete with 55 plates, partly folded. According to the printer’s collation one plate from vol. I is lacking: ‘t Beloofde land Canaan, but this plate is (also) included in vol. 3. All plates are in excellent condition.) € 550,¶ First Dutch edition, translated from the Latin by Willem Goeree. The 4th volume was published by Jan Roman de Jonge.
MATTHIOLUS, PIER ANDREA (MATTIOLI). Apologia adversus Amathum Lusitanum, cum
censura in eiusdem enarrationes. Venetiis, Officina Erasmiana, Vincentij Valgrisij & Balthassar Costantini, 1558, 8vo. (Modern vellum, cased, (222 pp.) unnumbered, but handwritten numbering present. A handwritten index (3 pp) of plantnames is added. Titlepage and first 3 lvs expertly restaured, no loss of text. A well preserved copy in a splendid modern vellum binding and slipcase.) € 2.500,¶ Pier Andrea Mattioli (1501-1577), Italian physician and botanist. First edition of Mattioli’s attack on his rival Amatus Lusitanus (1511-1568), a Portuguese Jewish physician. 67
Antiquariaat Die Schmiede A. & G. Leyerzapf Brouwersgracht 4 1013 GW Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 625 05 01 Fax +31 (0)20 623 54 70 schmiede@xs4all.nl www.dieschmiede.nl
APULEJUS. Amor und Psyche. Frankf., Ars Librorum 1963. 41 S., 6 (5 ganzseitige) ORadierungen (1 auf
Umschlag) von Felix Hoffmann.Illustr.OBr.in Schuber.2°. € 450,(4.Ars-Librorum-Druck).Druck auf Kupferdruckbütten in der Palatino in 150 num.Expl., Druckvermerk vom Künstler signiert.Mit beil.Grußkarte des Verlegers.
BEER-HOFMANN, Richard. Jaákobs Traum.Ein Vorspiel. Bln., Fischer 1918. 171 S., 1 signierte ganzs. ORadierung von E.R.Weiss. Reichverg.Led.d.Zt.a.5 Bünden m.Seidenvorsätzen.Gr.8°. € 485,1.Ausg.1 von 100 num.Expl.der Vorzugsausgabe a.unbeschnittenem Zandersbütten, Druckvermerk v.Verf. signiert.
BORCHARDT, Rudolf. Das Buch Joram. (Frankf., Trajanus-Presse 1962.) 39 S., 7 (5 ganzseitige)
OVetrographien von Hans Fronius.OSchweinsled.m.Rückenblindprägung in Schuber. 2°. € 850,(13.Druck der Trajanus-Presse).Spindler 40,13; Tiessen 37.Auf festem Bütten in der Palatino gedruckt in 275 num.Expl., Druckvermerk v.Künstler signiert.1 von 25 römisch num.Expl.d.Vorzugsausgabe im Handeinband v.Willy Pingel.
GOLL, Claire. Journal d’un cheval. ([Paris,] Bruker
1952.) 57 pag.(en feuilles), 5 lithographies originales (une en couleurs sur la couverture) et 2 gravures originales par Marc Chagall.Chemise de l’éditeur dans l’etui illustré avec attaches.4°. € 1.450,Première edition illustrée.Tirage limité à 200 exemplaires numerotés.Un des 150 exemplaires sur velin Rives.
HOPPE, Felicitas. Die Reise nach Java. Ein Forschungsbericht.(Bln.,) Berliner Handpresse 2003.22 S.,
Bandillustr.u.6 ganzseitige (4 doppelseitige) farbige OLinolschnitte von Ingrid Jörg.Farbig illustr.OHln.Gr.4°. € 425,1.Ausg.dieses Kinderbuchs über den Entdeckungsreisenden Franz Junghuhn.(116.Druck der Berliner Handpresse).1 von 100 num.Expl., Druckvermerk von der Künstlerin signiert.
(HOUT, Jan van). Nieuwe keuren tot vordernisse van de getimmerten ende tbouwen van huyzen binnen
dezer stadt Leyden. (Leiden) 1586.12 nn.pag., titel in brede omlijsting en met wapenhoutsnede, 1.pagina met groot initiaal, laatste pagina met rijkversierde wapenhoutsnede (gedateerd 1575).Ingenaaid. € 375,Breugelmans, Leiden imprints 60.Zeldzame publicatie, nagenoeg geheel in civilité letter gedrukt door de Leidse stadsarchivaris van Hout op zijn “Raedhuys”-pers.
JOEL, Hans Theodor (Hrsg.). Das graphische Jahrbuch. Darmstadt, Lang [1920]. 56 S.mit 12 Abb.+ 8
S.Anz., 32 Taf., 1 ganzs.OLitho v.Walter Ruttmann u.je 1 ganzs.OHolzschnitt von G.Graf u.Schmidt-Rottluff. OPp. € 400,1.Ausg.Enthält Aufsätze von u.a.Däubler, Meier-Graefe, Schapire u.Schiefler über Beckmann, Feininger, Gleichmann, Klee, Kokoschka, Schmidt-Rottluff, Seewald u.a.
RINGELNATZ, Joachim. Fahrensleute. Bln., Galerie Flechtheim 1922. 29 nn.S., 10 (5 ganzseitige)
signierte ORadierungen von Otto Schoff.Illustr.OHpgt.m.VDeckel-u.RVerg.Kl.8°. € 1.100,1.Ausg.(23.Flechtheim-Druck).Kayser/des Coudres 19; Rodenberg I,356.Druck von Otto von Holten in 125 num.Expl., Druckvermerk vom Verfasser signiert.
WILDE, Oscar. The Sphinx. London, Lane 1920. 36 pag.,
coverillustr., 8 initials and 12 full-page plates in black and blue by Alastair.Or.-cloth. 4°. € 875,First edition of these illustrations.Printed on handmade paper in 1000 copies.
WIJDEVELD, GROSZ, George. Hintergrund.17 Zeichnungen zur
Aufführung des ‘Schwejk’ in der Piscator-Bühne. Bln., Malik (1928). 1 Blatt Titel u.Druckvermerk + 17 Taf. Lose in illustr.OKt.-Mappe.Qu.8°. € 525,1.Ausg.dieser zeitweilig beschlagnahmten Graphikfolge, die dem Künstler einen Prozeß wegen Gotteslästerung einbrachte.Lang 51; Gittig 191.
H.Th. Naar een internationale Werkgemeenschap. Santpoort, Mees 1931. geïllustr.or.-kt. 33 pag., 4 fotos en 12 ontwerptekeningen. € 175,1e. druk van dit plan voor een internationale werkgemeenschap van architekten en ontwerpers.Schutblad met opdracht van de auteur aan H.P.Berlage. ZÜRN, Unica. Signierte Originalradierung.Ohne Titel.1967. 24,5 x 15,5 cm.
€ 475,Blatt 8 der Mappe “Oracles et spectacles”, die in 135 Expl.in Paris erschien und Graphiken und Gedichte der mit Hans Bellmer befreundeten Berliner Künstlerin enthielt.Kräftiger Abdruck in violett u.schwarz auf Kupferdruckbütten, rechts unter der Darstellung von der Künstlerin signiert. Unter Passepartout gerahmt.
Antiquariaat Schuhmacher Wilma Schuhmacher Max Schuhmacher †Gelderschekade 107 1011 EM Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 622 16 04 schuhmacher@xs4all.nl www.antiquariaatschuhmacher.nl
4º; (XX, 512) pp; 2 fullpage engravings depicting the stage, 12 emblem-shields of the performing chambers and foremost, added the 12 entries still in their separate plates – hot glued together like usual – every entry consists of 2 till 5 different engravings, together 41 separate plates. In the same volume: the often included Haerlems Juweel/ | Tot nut vande oude Arme uyt liefden | ten thoon ghe telt nae de voorgegevene Caerte | vant Speelcorentken. | (illustration: engraving) | Tot Zwol/ | By Sacharias Heyns/Drucker | des Landt chaps van Over-y el. | Anno 1608. 4º; (24) pp; printed in 2 columns; also with its entry in the 3 separate plates! This next to unique copy in contemporary vellum ₏ 5.850,-
58. Spelen van Sinne van Rotterdam 1561, 1564
In our recently issued catalogue 245 Dutch Language & Literature printed up to c.1621 (also including some Emblem Books!): we offer the largest collection of ‘Rederijkersboeken’ since the Scheepers auction in 1947. This type of books, the result of a festive but competetive meeting of the different Chambers of Rhetoric in a particular town, consists mostly of the plays, acted, the poetry (also sonnets) recited and the songs, often new ones on already existing music. The entries of the Chambers into the towns were often designed by artists like Goltzius All this must have had a great influence on and support of the new forms of Art, like the Renaissance poetry. And they even had sometimes promoted the new Protestant religion, first seen only as heresy. From this type of books from this catalogue, three examples:
13. Const-thoonende Iuweel 1607
CONST-THOONENDE | IVWEEL, | By de loflijcke tadt Haerlem/ ten ver- | oecke van Trou moet blijcken, in’t licht gebracht. | Waer inne duydelick verclaert ende | verthoont wordt alles wat den Men che mach | wecken om den Armen te troo ten/ | ende zijnen Nae ten by te taen. | In twaelf Spelen van Sinne / oo veel Intreden/ | Refereynen ende Liedekens ghe telt in Leden- | rijck naerde volgende voorgegevene Caer- | te van ’t Speel-korenken. | (illustration: engraving) | TOT ZWOL, | By ZACHARIAS HEYNS, | Drucker des Land chaps van Over-ij el, 1607. | Met privilegie.
Spelen van Sinne | vol choone allegatien, loflijcke | leeringhen ende chriftuerlijcke | ondervvij inghen. | Op de vraghe: | VVie den mee ten troo t oyt quam te baten | Die chenen te ijn van Godt verlaten. | Ghe peelt ende verthoont met octroy der Coninck- | lijcker Majesteit. binnen die tede van Rotterdam / bijde ne- | ghen Cameren van Rhetorijcken/ die hem daer ghepre- | enteert hebben den xx. dach in Julio/ Anno 1561. | (printersmark) | Tot ANTVVERPEN, | Op de Camerpoort brugghe/ inden gulden Enghel/by | M. Willem Silvius/ Drucker der Con. Majesteit. | An. M. D. LXIIII (1564). 8º; 159 lvs (=318 pp); 1 + 9 emblem shields: woodcuts + music. together with – the separately issued with its own pagination Drijderley Referey- | nen ghepronuncieert opte Rhe- | torijck-fee t der blauvve Acoleyen | van Rotterdam. | 1561. Int vroede/ opde Vraghe. | VVat meest gheacht , en chadelijcst vercreghen is. | Int amoreus/ opde Vraghe. | VVaer een amoureus hert den meesten troost in chept. | Int ot/ elck na den ve ten Reghele telt. | (printersmark) | TOT ANTVVERPEN, | Op de Camerpoort brugghe/ inden gulden Enghel/ by | M. Willem Silvius/ Drucker der Con. Majesteit. | An. M. D. LXIIII (1564). 8º; 43 leaves (=86 pp.). Together in gold stamped, richly decorated calf; some stamps on title page. ₏ 7.250,-
60. Spelen, Zeven, van Bermherticheyd 1591
ZEVEN | Spelen / van die | Wercken der Bermher- | ticheyd. | In rijm ghemaeckt/en nu tot Aem telredam opent- | lijck ghe peelt/ Anno 1591. | (illustration) | t’AMSTELREDAM, | By my, Herman Jan z. Muller/ Figuer- | nyder/woonende inde Wermoe traet/inden | vergulden Pa er. Anno 1591. 8°; (302) pp; title illustration plus 6 halfpage illustrations: woodcuts [probably by the son of the printer]. Contemporary vellum, some wormholes, hardly affecting the text. ₏ 6.500,-
Antiquariaat Schuhmacher
Antiquariaat Schuhmacher
To be published: a special catalogue (also on paper) on Daniel Heinsius as Theocritus à Ganda with a separate volume: clearly showing various newly made (mostly emblematic) engravings to his poems in the vernacular. As an example all the different illustrations from Quaeris quid sit Amor | Emblemata Amatoria number 11
Also to be expected (also on paper) an illustrated catalogue on the great Flemish poet Karel van de Woestijne – all his works in its various original bindings – a variety of bindings is not exclusively reserved to editions by Couperus or Elsschot!
· · ·
an illustrated catalogue on the other great Flemish poet Paul van Ostaijen a special catalogue of Jan van Krimpen – often preliminary drawings in pencil and ink of some of his lettertypes like Romanée, Antigone, and a never further developed italic for his Spectrum. These could be sold as a collection.
· · · ·
and at last a special catalogue of all books published in Amsterdam by A.A. Balkema (1906-1996) including of course all his clandestine publications, partly issued in his 5 lbs. Press (with many variant issues). Some are designed by typographers like J. van Krimpen (many), S.H. de Roos, Dick Elffers, Frans Duwaer, Jan Bons.
Already issued in this field: a special catalogue, of over a 100 items, dedicated to the Halcyon Press of A.A.M. Stols 4
a small catalogue of the early, formative years of our most famous private press: De Zilverdistel (The Silver Thistle) also on its successor with only J.F. van Royen as designer and printer The Kunera Press (complete, also with all prospectuses).
See for these last catalogues in length – Paul van Capelleveen in The Ideal Book 2000
These 2 publications will be issued together on demand: € 10,- into our bankaccount: ABN AMRO - IBAN: NL09ABNA 0545310342 BIC: ABNANL2A.
Antiquariaat Secundus P.F.W.H. Everaers Notendijk 7 4583 SV Ter Hole Tel. +31 (0)114 314 209 secundus@zeelandnet.nl www.antiqbook.nl/secundus
(Avant garde - Bibliophily) Burssens, Gaston - Piano. Mechelen,
Holemans, 1924. Original wrapper in original slipcase, (IV), 32+4pp. Ca. 24 x 18,5 cm. 225 Numbered copies, printed by J.E. Buschmann on ‘Hollands Van Gelderpapier’ (this is nr. 100). Very remarkable, avant-garde design by the author, a friend of Paul van Ostayen; typographical highlight of the Interbellum, printed in several colours; loose as issued in the original wrapper and slipcase. Fine copy, only a very small discolouring in the middle of the spine (as always); slipcase somewhat damaged along sides; with bookmark of the former owner. Cfr. Vlaamse bibliofiele uitgaven 44. (#29929) € 1.750,-
(Avant garde - Boxing) Wyngaert, Frank van den - Boksmatch.
Een gedicht in proza Xylografies bewerkt door Henri Van Straten. A’dam, N.V. Prometheus, 1926. Original, illustrated stiff paper wrappers bound with a cord, 14pp. of which 12 are illustrated at one side. Ca. 35,5 x 23,5 cm. Series: “Twede reeks der bibliofielenuitgaven “Vrienden van Prometheus’’”. Numbered edition of 100 + X copies (this is nr. 71/100, not signed). Illustration and text are integrated in one plate and form a very original combination. Large ex-libris on the verso of the frontcover; overlapping cover a bit discoloured and with some small tears; downer side of frontwrapper with a trace of moisture; corners a bit bumped; otherwise a very good copy! (#30004) € 950,-
(Chapbook - Pirates) A.A. - Vie de Jean-Bart, célèbre
marin, chef d’escadre sous Louis XIV; suivi de celle de Jean d’Estrées, maréchal de France. Rouen, Lecrêne-Labbey, Imprimeur-Libraire et Md. de Papiers, rue de la GrosseHorloge, no. 1751812. Cont. gilt halfleather binding, 107+1pp.+ 30 blank. Ca. 13 x 8,5 cm. With woodcut-frontispiece of Jean-Bart. Fine copy of this chapbook. (#27900) € 295,-
Antiquariaat Secundus
Antiquariaat Secundus
(Children’s books Fair) Rinke, Jan - Jong
1676. Contemporary full leather binding on five raised bands, (VI), 350; (II), 303+7pp. Ca. 20 x 15,5 cm. Lambert van den Bosch was i.a. the first translator of the Don Quixote. With 25 full-page and eight double-page engravings. A) 11 one-page portraits; B) 8 double-page engravings; C) 14 one-page scenes. With a large article about Michiel de Ruyter (pages 173-303 of Part two). Old, profusely nearly visible restoration of spine; corners a bit bumped; very good copy with strong engravings. Complete description on request. (#30041) € 1350,-
Holland naar de Kermis. Amsterdam, Scheltens & Giltay, n.d. (1920?) Original illustrated stiff paper wrapper, (10) pp. + model, instructionleaflet. Oblong: ca. 23,5 x 55,5 cm. “Prentenboek voor Jongens en Meisjes, om een OudHollandsche Kermis op te bouwen.” Every page with instructions, rhimes and chromo-lithographed illustrations to cut out and to build your own fair. Staples replaced and in those places a little damaged; small tear in right side of frontcover; short text on front in the right upper corner; otherwise a very fine copy of a very rare children’s fair-item. (#31384) € 150,-
books) Kreidolf, Ernst Alpenblumenmärchen. Bilder und Texte von Ernst Kreidolf. Erlenbach-Zürich - Leipzig, Rotapfelverlag, (1922). Original illustrated halfcloth with corners and illustrated endpapers in the original, titled cardboard slipcase, (40)pp. Oblong: ca. 25,5 x 32 cm. With 18 full-page colourplates: “Die Abbildungen dieses Buches sind verkleinerte Wiedergaben einer Folge von Aquarellen, die gleichzeitig in zwei in farbigem Lichtdruck faksimilierten Ausgaben erscheinen....”. Private dedication and date on the titlepage; slipcase damaged; very fine copy of the book! (#30035) € 200,-
(Postincunabel) Eusebius Caesariensis - Eusebii Pamphili,
Episcopi Caesareae, quae est Palestinae, De vita Constantini Imperat. libri quinq; recèns conversi de Graecis. Ioannes Portesio interprete. Parisiis, Ex officina Michaëlis Fezandat, in domo Albretica è regione D. Hilarij, 1546. Contemporary limp vellum, titlepage with printer’s vignet and blank verso, 118 (= 236), (12)pp. Ca. 11,5 x 7,5 cm. Late postincunable with the life of Constantine I by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. At the end a few pages little waterstained; good copy. (#30668) € 500,-
(Children’s books) Kreidolf, Ernst - Ein
Wintermärchen. Erlenbach-Zürich - Leipzig - München, Rotapfelverlag, (1924). Original halfcloth with corners and illustrated endpapers in original titled, cardboard slipcase, (36)pp. Oblong: ca. 25,5 x 32 cm. With 16 full-page colourplates. Private dedication and date on the verso of the first free endpaper; slipcase damaged; very fine copy of the book! (#30036) € 275,-
(Dutch History Navigation) Bosch, Lambert van den - Leeven en Daden der
Doorluchtighste Zee-Helden en Ontdeckers van Landen, deser Eeuwen. beginnende met Christoffel Colombus, Vinder van de Nieuwe Wereldt. En eyndigende met den Roemruchtigen Admiraal M.A. de Ruyter, Ridd. &c. Vertoonende veel vreemde Voorvallen, dappere Verrichtingen, stoutmoedige Bestieringen en swaere Zee-slagen, &c. Naeukeurig, uyt veele geloofwaerdige Schriften, en Authentijcke Stucken, by een gebracht, en beschreven, door V.D.B. Amsterdam, Jan Claesz. ten Hoorn, en Jan Bouman, Boeckverkoopers, 76
(Russia - Art) Marks, A.F. (Composer) - Album
of “Niva” before 1893. Published by A.F. Marks. First prize Niva for 1893. Approved by the censor. Sint-Petersburg, A.F. Marks, 1893. Original halfcloth portfolio with flaps, nine full-page chromo-lithographs with titles, loose as issued. Ca. 42,5 x 32 cm. Chromolitho on the frontcover; all text in Russian; plates censored in 1892. Plate (1): N.N. Karazin - “The find”; (2): K.V. Lebedjev - Princes (or daughter of the Tsar); Sofia receives near the Trinitychurch (Cathedral?) a letter of Vasily Golitsyn; (3): Professor K.E. Makovsky - On the skirts of the village; (4): I.E. Repin - The Hetman; (5) S.I. Vasiljekovsky - Cossack; (6): S.F. Aleksandrovsky - Russian young lady; (7): K.A. Trutovsky - In the field, where watermelons (or pumpkins) are grown; (8): N.E. Svertsjkov - Wolfhunting; (9): A.K. Beggrov Evening on the river Neva. With light traces of use (Corners somewhat bumped; flaps inside damaged); good copy. (#31361) € 275,-
(Voyages - Turkey) Dutemple, Edmond - En Turquie d’Asie.
Notes de voyage en Anatolie. Paris, G. Charpentier, 1883. Contemporary richly gilt, full green morocco on five raised bands, top-edge gilt, six fullpages plates “hors-texte” (including the frontispiece), reading rope, 318pp. Ca. 18 x 11,5 cm “Édition ornée de six dessins par A. Brun. D’après des photographies rapportées de Brousse.” Margins of the front- and backcover richly gilt with a large Arabian calligraphy in the middle; versos of the cover gilt and together with the endpapers covered with silk. Uppercorners a little bumped; otherwise a very fine copy in a luxury binding. (#31382) € 550,-
Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg Max Silverenberg Kleine Berg 81 5611 JT Eindhoven Tel. +31 (0)40 2432 064 Fax + 31 (0)40 2462 879 info@silverenberg.nl www.silverenberg.nl
BROUËRIUS v. NIDEK, M. / I. LELONG. RADEMAKER. Kabinet van Nederlandsche en
Kleefsche Outheden, bestaande in Steden, Dorpen, Sloten, Adelijke Huysen, Kloosters, Kerken, Godshuysen Poorten en ........ Geopent, opgeheldert en wydloopig beschreven. Antony Schoonenburg, Amsterdam 1727. 6 parts, with 300 textcopp. engr. by A. Rademaker. 4to. Cont. vellum. with engraved title, each engraving has an additionnel handwritten explanation. Text in French, Dutch and English. Vellum bent. € 2.250,-
HEURN, J.H. van. Historie der Stad en Meyerye
van ‘s Hertogenbosch, alsmede van de voornaamste Daaden der Hertogen van Brabant tot den Jaare 1629... J. van Schoonhoven en Comp., Utrecht 1776. 2010 pp., 4 banden,1776-1778 , 8vo. reb. halfcalf. titelgravure, marbled boards. Geïllustreerd met o.a. allegorische frontispice (naar Mauer) door C.F. Fritschius. € 650,-
WILLINK, DANIEL. Amstellandsche Arkadia, of
Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Minderbroedersgang 5 Vrijdag 13 december 2013 van 14u tot 20u Zaterdag 14 december 2013 van 11u tot 18u Zondag 15 december 2013 van 11u tot 17u Op zaterdag 14 december van 11 tot 13u, gratis expertise van boeken en prenten. www.antiquarenbeurs-mechelen.com
beschryving van de gelegenheit, toestant en gebeurtenissen van Amstellandt, met deszelfs onderhoorige dorpen, heerlykheden, ambachten, lusthoven, wateren, enz. In orde geschikt, en nader overzien, door .. Gerrit Schoemaker.. Arent van Huyssteen, Amsterdam 1737. 2 volumes in one. (16),400; 327,(8) pp. Sm.8vo. Contemporary vellum. With 2 engraved title-vignettes, engraved frontispiece, folding table, and 12 folding engraved views of the Amstel, Oudekerk, Amstelmond, Amstelveen, Waverveen, Slooten, Sloterdijk, Haarlemmerpoort etc. by J.C. Philips, C. Pronk a.o. € 475,-
ROOSKENS, ANTON. Originele brieven van Anton Rooskens aan Mevr. de G. te S. Amsterdam 1954. Twee originele brieven (Gesigneerd) en een briefkaart( 1957) gericht aan Mevr. de G. met de originele doorslagen die bij de brieven horen. Met een bewijs van betaling voor het schilderij “Verticale compositie”. In de eerste brief kondigt hij haar aan haar te waarschuwen als er weer werk terugkomt van een expositie. In de tweede brief geeft hij aan accoord te gaan met haar voorstel inzake de aankoop van een schilderij. Inclusief affiche Galerie Delta Rotterdam 1963. inclusief wat kranteknipsels over Rooskens. € 450,¶ Anton Rooskens (1906-1976) 79
Antiquariaat Spinoza Manja Burgers Den Texstraat 26 1017 ZB Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 6209129 Fax +31 (0)20 6257540 info@spinozabooks.com www.spinozabooks.com
Antiquariaat Spinoza t +VEBJDB t $ISJTUJBO )FCSBJTUT t 4QJOP[BOB
Benedictus de Spinoza, collected works in Dutch translation, 7 parts in 6 volumes, translated
from the orig. Latin in Dutch by W. Meijer. (1).Godgeleerd-staatkundig vertoog. Met een inleiding van Prof. Dr. J.P.N. Land. (2). Ethica (3, 4) Brieven (...) benevens des schrijvers Vertoog over het zuivere denken. (5) Korte verhandeling van God, de mensch en deszelvs welstand. (6) Staatkundig vertoog. (7) Aanteekeningen op het Godgeleerd-Staatkundig Vertoog. ( XIV, 32 pp.). Amsterdam, S.L. van Looy, 1895-1901 (1905). Original uniform decorated cloth (part 1-6 in 5 vols) and orig. wraps (part 7). € 210.Complete set of first editions, except for vol. 2 (Ethica) in identical 2nd. ed., 1905
16th century Hebrew-Latin Bible, translated by Sebastian Münster
Mikdash ha-Shem Esrim we-Arba`. Hebraica Biblia, Latina planeq; nova Sebast. Munsteri Tralatione, post omneis omnium hactenus ubivis gentium editiones evulgata (...) Accesserunt in hac secunda editione multae novae annotationes, praesentim in Pentateucho. Basileae, Ex officinis Michaelis Isingrin et Henrici Petri, 1546. Folio. Uniform later boards covered with dark purple painted paper, gilt leather title-pieces on spine; boards worn at edges and slightly rubbed. (40), 743, (1 blanc), (2), 747-1601 pp.; fine printing in attractive Hebrew and Roman type, including many variated decorated woodcut initials and vignettes. A few old annots. in ink in margin, some worming, mainly in first quires of both vols., final leaves vol. II waterstained and damaged, skilfully repaired with insignificant loss of text. Bookplates of M. Schlimovic and a trace of tipped in article (1940) on paste-downs, bookdealer’s labels on endleaves ( Buenos Aires). Complete copy, with a few defects, else in good condition. € 1.200.Second edition with additional notes. The first edition of the translation appeared in 1534. This 2nd edition exerted great influence on the later translations prepared by the Reformers, particularly the English version known as “the great Bible”. Prijs, Die Basler Hebräischen Drucke nr. 73; Darlow & Moule 5090
Large photographic reproduction of the most important Mishna-manuscript
Mischnacodex Kaufmann A50. Faksimile Ausgabe. Mit Genehmigung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Budapest besorgt von D. Dr. Georg Beer. (Veröffentlichungen der Alexander KohutGedächtnisstiftung). The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1929. Large Folio (42x35 cm) Orig. boards, one corner damaged. 574 plates, quires loose as issued, uncut. Very good condition. € 1.200.The codex Kaufmann A50, probably written in the 11th or 12th century, must be regarded as the basic text of all scientific editions of the Mishna.
Jewish-Russian Avant-garde, first monograph on Marc Chagall.
Abram Efros and Y. Tugendhold: Isskustvo Marka Shagala. (Art of Marc Chagall). Moscow, Knigoizdatel’stvo “Gelikon”, 1918. 295 x 233 mm. Orig. blue paper wraps. decorated on both sides in black after design by Marc Chagall. Chipped at edges and spine with some loss (as usual), minor wear, tiny spots at lower corner frontcover. 56 pp. and a green leaf with tipped-in colourplate as frontispiece; illustrated after drawings and reproductions of paintings by Chagall, also tipped-in. Sewing threads partly lacking, somewhat loose, incidental slight yellowing, but in all internally very good. € 3.000,The first substantial monograph on Chagall. Printed in Russian on different paper in 850 copies numbered by hand, copy no. 796; just a few dozen of these copies survived revolution, Stalin, emigration and war. Despite the few small defects due to wear, a very good, fresh and complete copy. Compton II p.125/6 fig.73, Hellyer no. 81. See also: Benjamin Harshav (ed.): Marc Chagall on art and culture, Stanford Univ. Press, 2003, which contains an English translation of present work. Chagall’s short visit from Paris to his hometown Vitebsk in 1914 was prolonged because of the outbreak of war. In the following years in Russia, Chagall attempted a new form for Jewish art. This flowered briefly in 1917-18 after years of suppression of Jewish culture, especially in the field of book illustration. In 1918 Chagall set up an Art School and Museum in Vitebsk, and in the same year this monograph was published. The book was prepared with the cooperation of the “Schomir” Circle of Jewish National Aesthetics. It included photographs of many of Chagall’s early works he had left in Western Europe in 1914. When in 1919 his streetdecorations for the anniversary of the revolution were dismissed as too utopian and therefore unacceptable, and at the same time his colleagues Malevich and El Lissitzky used their positions at his school to launch a campaign sanctioning Suprematism as the only correct method for modern art, Chagall’s position became untenable. Shortly thereafter Chagall left Russia. 81
Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur Fam. van der Steur & Th. Hopman Kruisstraat 3 2011 PV Haarlem Tel. +31 (0)23 531 14 70; +31 (0)23 532 42 37 Fax (023) 542 06 70 antiquariaat@vandersteur.nl www.vandersteur.nl
Kaempfer, Engelbert, Histoire naturelle, civile et ecclesiastique de l’empire du Japon, translated from the English by J.G. Scheuchzer. 3 vols., Amsterdam, Uitwerf, 1732. 12°, 312+416+379 pp., full leather. Good copy of a classical work on Japan in French. Illustrated with a frontispiece and 13 folding plates with maps and views. Second, slightly abridged edition in 12°. Kaempfer (a German physician and botanical scientist), was a medical officer to the Dutch factory on Deshima. He was one of the (very) few persons that were allowed to travel through Japan when this was forbidden to other Europeans. His interesting and excellent illustrated work has long been recognized as the most authoritative report on Japan. € 2.250,-
Neander, J. / Baumann, J.N., Tabacologia hoc est tabaci, seu nicotianae descriptio medico-chirurgicoBeverwyck, Joh. Van, Van de wtnementheyt des vrouwelicken geslachts. Versiert met kopere platen; ende verssen van Mr Corn. Boy. Tot Dordrecht, voor Jasper Gorissz. Boeck-verkooper, wonende by de Wijnbrug in de Griffioen, Anno 1639. First edition, (16)+ 679 pp. With 16 beautiful plates (among which a portrait of Anna Maria van Schurman, the first woman to enter a Dutch university). In this book “Of the Excellence of the female Gender”, Van Beverwyck (“Beverovicius”, an established physician in the Dutch city of Dordrecht and author of popular medical works) argues and illustrates with historical examples that women are superior to men in human virtues and endeavours. Rare book, some pages have minor tears, further in good condition. € 1.100,-
Blankaart, S., Schou-burg der rupsen, wormen, maden en
vliegende dierkens daar uit voortkomende, Amsterdam, Jan ten Hoorn, 1688. Full. cont. vellum binding, (8)+232+(2) pp. Illustrated with frontispiece and 22 engravings, of which 1 hand-coloured (2 butterflies). Plate numbers 17-22 are [complete, but confusingly] not bound in the correct sequence. The book is complete, a second volume was never published. € 1.100,-
Böhme, [Boehme, Behmen], Jacob, Signatura rerum. Or the signature of all things, shewing the sign
and signification of the several forms and shapes in the creation and what the beginning, ruin and cure of every thing is, it proceeds out of eternity into time (...) and comprizeth all mysteries. Written in high Dutch 1622 by Jacob Behmen, alias Teutonicus Phylosophus. London, Macock for Calvert, 1651. 4°, (8)+224 pp. 19th century half vellum (last page repaired). First English edition. Very rare. Translated by J. Ellistone. € 3.500,-
Bourgeois, Louise, Verscheyde aenmerckingen nopende de onvruchtbaerheyt [...] siecten der vrouwen ende
de geboorte der kinderen. 2 vols. in 1. Delft, A. Bon, 1658. Full vellum, (18)+133+(4)+88+(1) pp. Illustrated with portrait of Louise and engraved title page. Bourgeois (Le Boursier du Coudray) was the Parisian midwife of Maria d’Medici. The book is translated from the French edition. Bookblock loose on one side. Interesting and rare medical book. € 1.200,-
Buren, Hendrick van, Drilkonst of hedendaaghsche wapen-oeffening, third
improved impression, Amsterdam, M. Doornick, 1672. 8º, Bound in 19th century vellum, (12)+(98) pp. Illustrated with engraved frontispiece and 17 plates outside the text with each 4 pictures of the usage of weapons (attributed to J. de Gheyn). Rare and famous book on infantry drill and tactics. € 2.500,-
pharmaceutica. Leiden, Elzevier, 1626. 4°, (40)+257+(3) pp., modern half vellum. Illustrated with frontispiece, portrait of Neander (by W. Delff) and 9 full-page etchings (by M. Brouck) and engravings (by Le Blon). Bound together with J.N. Baumann, Dissertatio inauguralis de tabaci, virtutibus usu et abusu. Bazel, Genathius, 1629. 31 pp. First pages of the Tabacologia mended. Pages browned. The first work with an epilogue in Dutch by Joost v. Ravelingen. € 2.500,-
Passe, Chrispijn de, Les abus du mariage, ou sont clairement (...) / Misbruick des houwelycx, waer in klaerlijck word uitgebeeldt de boosheden en loosheden zo wel tusschen mannen als vrouwen gepleeght om malkander behendigh te bedriegen / The mistake off matrimonij (...). z. pl., 1641. Oblong, (90) pp., bound in 19th century red moroccan. On the spine in gold: “miroir des plus belles courtisanes”. Complete, very rare edition with fine prints. With frontispiece, 50 oval portraits of men and women (two on each page), a beautiful, full-page engraving of a group on a carriage “De dry onoosele en doch beschuldigde”, with a view of the city of Calais and the hospital St. Job. Plates 21/22 with title: “Hier beginnen de misbruijcken van de Spaensche en Italiaensche vrouwen” .The text pages are slightly damaged due to the removal of earlier pasted engravings. € 7.500,Philippus Cyriacus Nicolai,
Monosticha memorialia biblica in usum studiosorum adolescentum scripta & edita, Arnhemii, Jacobi Bies II, MDCXXXVIII (1638),(14)+81 pp. Very rare biblical book, full cont. vellum, 16° oblong. With several chapters: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium, (…), Psalm 1, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Canticum Canticorum, Jesaias, Jeremias, (…), Iob, Ad Hebraeos, Jacobi, Iudae, Apocalypsis. Nicolai worked most likely in Arnhem. With prefaces of Ioan-Theobaldus ‘head of the Arnhem school’ Curtenius and Johannes Isacis Pontanus dd 1637. € 3.500,-
Ramus, Petrus [=Pierre de la Ramee], Meetkonst in XXVII boecken vervat. Uit het Latijn in ‘t
Neerduyts overgheset by Dirck Hendrickx Houtman. Oversien (...) door W. Snellium. Amsterdam, W.J. Blaeuw 1622, 4°. (20)+221+(5) pp. First Dutch textbook on geometry. Full cont. vellum with many geometrical wood engravings in the text. With a dedication written by D.H. Houtman, pastor at Loosdrecht, to Adriaan Pauw, ruler of Heemstede. With preface of W. Snellius. With verses of legendo et scribendo [=Petrus Scriverius] and Vondel. At the end the famous demonstration of the area of a triangle, considered as fundamental in the history of trigonometry. This is still known as “Snellius” demonstration and a starting point in basic modern geodesy. Snellius made investigations into the figure of the earth and discovered the refraction-theory, later used by Descartes. Snellius claims in the preface that the translations of the Greek and Latin terms in Dutch were made by him. With a large poem by P.S.: “Loff van de Wijs-konst” (Praise of mathematics) and a poem by J. v. Vondel. First and last leaves sl. frayed. Good copy. € 3.900,-
Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur
Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur
Ruff, Jacob, ‘t Boeck van de Vroet-wyfs. In ‘t welcke men mach leeren alle
Bulthuis, Jan, [Vaderlandsche gezichten of afbeeldingen, behoorende tot den Tegenwoordigen staat der Vereenigde
Heymelijckheden van de Vrouwen, ende in wat gestalte de Mensche in zijn Moeders Lichaem ontfanghen, groeyet en ghebooren wort. Vertaald uit het Duits door Martyn Evebaert B. [= Everhart], Amsterdam, Broer Jansz, 1622. 4°, 74+4 pp., cont. vellum binding. Illustrated with 33 wood engravings (of which 6 full-page) in the text and an engraving depicting child-birth on the titlepage, all after Jost Amman. In the front and in the back several blank pages bound together with 11 pages with notes in cont. handwriting, amongst which 12 prescriptions against after-effects and notes from 1658 stating that the book is the property of “onse suster Heijnderijckgen Claes Jans dochter, wonende aen de Odijker steegh”, signed in The Hague by “mijn Frederick Jaenen, sieckentrooster in ’s Gravenhage en Maria Klaes Jans dochter, mijne huijsvrouwe”. Further notes from A. Wingelaar dated 1680 at the end of the book. Very rare. € 3.500,-
Nederlanden, in den jaare 1786 [tot 1792] naar ‘t leven getekend door J. Bulthuis [later: J. Gardiner Visscher naar J.B.] en in ‘t koper gedruckt door K.F. Bendorp.] Amsterdam, H. Gartman [1786-1792]. Three vols., half cont. leather, 114 prints on double pages (17x23 cm), 2 prints on 1 double page (8x23cm) and 478 prints on 1 page (8x11cm). A total of 594 very good quality prints. Rare book in good condition. € 12.500,-
Bylandt, van, Genealogical register of the family Van Bylandt, 13th-19th century.
Handwritten text attributed to A.A. Vorsterman van Oyen. Heraldic prints by J.E. van Leeuwen, ca 1895. 4° large, bound in full leather. The cover is decorated with the family arms in relief in gold, red and black, gilt edges, 344 pp. Text in red, blue and black. Many historiated and richly decorated initials, in pen and ink, and watercolour. One small belt broken, further in good condition. € 2.800,-
Schouten, Willem Corn. / Aris Claessz, Journael van de
wonderlijcke reyse gedaen door Willem Cornelisz Schouten van Hoorn, in de jaren 1615, 1616 en 1617, Verhalende hoe dat hij bezuyden de Straet Magalanes eenen nieuwen doorganck gevonden heeft (...). Amsterdam, Saeghman [colophon: J.J. Bouman, 1651]. 4°, bound in half cont. vellum, 56 pp., illustrated with 6 woodcuts in the text. Title page is missing (with verso portrait of van Schouten). The large woodcuts are pasted on paper. Photocopies of title page and portrait are included. Very rare. € 975,-
Velde, Jan van de / S. Ampzing, Spigel ofte toneel der ijdelheyd ende
ongebondenheyd onser eeuwe, voorgestelt in rijmen van S[amuel] A[mpzing] tot lere ende beterschap. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas. [Amsterdam], C.J. Visscher, 1633. Hollstein 108-125 first state of 2; Franken 72-89. Set of 18 engravings by and after Jan van de Velde: one title page and 17 portraits, each with a 4-line verse at the bottom. Each print mounted, with care and only along the edges, onto 19th cent. paper. Decorated full leather binding, signed Riviere & Son. Very good copy with very good quality prints. € 6.000,-
Wegeler, F.G, Ries, F, Ridder von Seyfried, J., Ludwig van Beethoven, Geschiedkundige bijdragen
en verhalen, eigenhandig geschrevene brieven, fac-simile enz. van dezen beroemde componist. Leiden, Mortier 1840, 12+231 pp. Bound in full leather, gold on the edges. Illustrated with lithographed portrait, a double page with sheet music (“Die Klage”) and further sheet music in the text. Back renewed, bookblock loose on one side. Gold on the edges. Very rare. € 1.050,-
Album 1836, Album in leather with 171 numbered pages. On the spine in gold “Album 1836”. Family album
that belonged to the family De Vries, starting from 1837 until 1885. Central theme of the album is the quest for philosophical wisdom, illustrated by poetry and text of famous writers and poets (Schiller-Voltaire-MontgomeryVondel-Beets). Friends of the family from all over Europe have contributed to this album. The album contains inter alia 2 early photographs (portrait of Maria Leer 1864 and W.C. Reuvens born Verschoor ca 1864) and 6 portraits in different techniques, among which portraits of the Leiden circle of famous scientists from which the family originates. Sophie Reuvens-Blussé (also known as D.N. Anagrapheus) received the album after the death of her famous husband C.J.C. Reuvens, founder of the science of archaeology and first director of the Rijksmuseum of Oudheden, in 1835. On the first page of the album the dedication dated Sept. 1904 of Mr. G. de Vries (married to M.E. Reuvens): After my death this album should belong to Egbert de Vries. Very nice album. € 1.200,-
“Caerte figuratief van een wel gelegen hofstede met de daer mede gaende landen, bosschen, ende meerschen, gestaen en gelegen binnen de prochie van Meerendré”,
property of Anthone de Rouck, inherited from his aunt Marie Therese de Rouck, beguine (“begijntje”) in the St. Elisabethshof, dd 18 December 1776, drawn by surveyor J. le Cler. Meerendre is a suburb of Gent, Belgium. Very fine drawing, pen and ink and watercolour, with traces of graphite, 47x66cm, fixed on linen roll. € 1.250,-
Conditien ende voorwaerden daer op dat men van wegen die meyer, schepenen en regeerders der paroche ende heerlyckheydt van Sint Stevens Woluwe sal verpachten de […] taux ofte settinghe van bundergelt. Collection of different assessment-lists from the years 1685-1710 in Belgium, in which all tax-payers are listed with their properties and obligations. With a great number of acts about the specific leases. Original manuscripts with signatures of the persons concerned: Creynhem, Elmpt, Schaerbeek, Etterbeek and Brussele. Cont. half vellum (folio); on the spine: “Conditien van 1685-1710”. Spine with tears. € 1.600.-
[Netherlands – Maurice of Nassau –VOC]- Fine and rare collection of some 40 prints, portraits and
pamphlets on the political situation in the early Dutch Republic, with a focus on the actions taken by Maurice of Nassau against his opponents Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Hugo Grotius and others in the years 1618-1622, with some items from later years (until 1629). Some titles and names: Den Nieuwen BarneValschen Handel (with verses)/ Wonderlijcke schoolhoudinghe van Mr Jan van Olden Bernevelt (…) (partly in verses)/ Ligue ofte verbintenisse bye enige Predicanten (…) (1619)/De nieusgierige hoop t’Veelhoofdich Wonder-dier (1618)/ Bataviersche klachte (1623, in verse)/Bonifacius, A., Cort (…) verhael van de Arminiaensche Factie (…)(1628)/ Sententien by de Gecommiteerde Raden ter Admiraliteyt (…), Rotterdam (…) Oost-Indische Compagnie (1629). Bound in 1 vol., 4°, contemp. blindruled overlapping vellum, green ties partly preserved, flat spine titled in ink (occasional dampstaining). Nice copy. € 6.500,-
Treurfeest der Calvinisten, Midtsgaeders der VVtvaert van Breda. Copper engraving (21 x 27 cm) with three column letterpress poems
(total size 43x32 cm), Antwerp 1625. Rare Belgian (Southern-Netherlandish) caricature on the loss of Breda to Spain under the command of Spinola. The satirical newsprint shows a funeral procession with in the middle the peat-boat (“turfschip”) of Breda (used by Prince Maurits of Orange to capture Breda in 1590) covered with a mourning-attire and pulled along by two horses. The horses are mounted by Mansfeld and Halberstad. The procession is accompanied by two donkeys carrying candles, two owls and a goat smoking a pipe. Further a man riding on a fish, according to the text H. Bocxhorinck, the preacher of Breda. In the background the city of Breda. The capture of Breda by the Spanish was world-news. Excellent condition. € 4.500,-
Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur Tijsens, Gijsbert / Claes Jansz Visscher, Haarlemmer duinzang, ter eere van des zelfs vermakelyke land-
en watergezigten van Santvoordt af tot Haarlem. Amsterdam, H. Bosch, 1728. 4° oblong, original decorated paper cover, (4)+12+(12) pp., illustrated with 12 engravings of Claes Jansz Visscher with title page “Haerlem”. On the title page a beautiful vignette. Good contrasting impressions. The 12 plates were published separately in 1611 under the title of “Plaisante plaetsen”. € 2.750,-
Wichman Billing, de Gand, de Villain, v. Issenghien, de Mamines, Vandersteene, v.d. Steen, Annales genealogique de la Maison de Wichman Billing, comte du nouveau chateau de Gand etc., apres
dans les decendans nommes de Gand, et ensuite dans la branche de Gand qui prit le surnom de Villain, pour les comtes de Issenghien apres Princes de Mamines et pour ceux de la dite Branche qui ont ecrits Vandensteene autrement Villain, apres Vandensttene et en dernier lieu VandenSteen. Manuscript, 18th century, Belgium, 849 pp. Very detailed genealogy, 33 generations, 12th-18th century, with pencil drawings of family arms, etc. At the end of the book several notes from the 19th century. 40 cahiers. € 1.200,-
VEILING 338 12 en 13 november 2013
Patent of Nobility dated 6 July 1789 donated in name of King George III (1738-1820) to John
FitzGibbon (ca. 1747-1802), Lord Chancellor of Ireland, creating him Baron Fitzgibbon of Lower Conello co. Limerick. Vellum charter (70x62cm), beautifully engrossed with top line in gold with illuminated initial letters and fine coloured initial letter portrait of George III with Royal Arms, Arms of Ireland in a cartouche and an arrangement of roses, thistle and shamrock. Trifle soiled, otherwise in very good condition. The Great Seal is in pieces and half complete. The wax seal is encased in a large disc shaped metal box. The charter and seal are encased in a beautiful original red/brown leather box (made by Charles Tennant of Dublin) elaborately embossed with gilt designs and borders. John FitzGibbon became Lord Chancellor of Ireland in 1789. He was a controversial figure in Irish history, being described variously as a Protestant hardliner, a staunch anti-Catholic, and an early supporter of the Union with England. € 3.500,-
Met o.m. de bibliotheek van Prof. mr. J.Th. de Smidt (rechtsgeschiedenis) Tweede deel Collectie Boonekamp (eerste drukken, opdrachtexemplaren Nederlandse & Vlaamse literatuur)
Kijkdagen: 8 nov. 10.00 - 17.00 9 nov. 10.00 - 17.00 10 nov. 12.00 - 17.00 11 nov. 10.00 - 17.00
BURGERSDIJK & NIERMANS Patent of Nobility dated 5 December 1863 donated by Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830-
1916, later to become husband of the famous Sisi) to Peter Stoffelia (Knight third class in the order of the Iron Crown, medical doctor) entitling him and his siblings to add “D’Alta Rupe” to their name with the title of Knight (“Ritter”) as token of the appreciation of the yearlong loyal medical service to the Imperial family, the Infante of Spain and the Empress Maria Anna Pia. 8 pp. on vellum, in attractive blue velvet binding with the coat of arms of the Emperor (37x28cm). Partly printed, text handwritten, calligraphy, gold embossed with hand painted coat of arms in colour and the original signature of Franz Joseph I. The imperial wax seal is attached in a disc shaped wooden box. Seal in very good condition. € 2.600,-
Nieuwsteeg 1 2311 RW Leiden 071-5126381 071-5121067 auctions@b-n.nl www.b-n.nl
Antiquariaat André Swertz B.V. André Swertz Burg. Reigerstraat 69 3581 KN Utrecht P.O. Box 85054 3508 AB Utrecht Tel. +31 (0)30 252 01 69 Fax +31 (0)30 252 29 00 swertz@andreswertz.com www.andreswertz.com
[Groningen, Self published]. 1935/1937, (4 pp, 3 blanc) [the cover], 4 leaves (one blanc). 32.1 x 24.9 cm. * Issue compiled by Hendrik Werkman, of which only a very few are known. The cover is the very famous print, titled hot printing and printed in a very limited number of copies, and several times used as the cover for the editions Hot Printing, as it was used here, the real purpose! Werkman published this hot printing, in several combinations [mostly 2 prints and 1 or 2 text-leaves], in a very small number of copies. This copy contains the prints HP 11 [profile facing right] and HP 14 [retrospect] and his text “hoopvol begin 1936”. As it was sent (or distibuted by Werkman on his bicycle) there is one extra fold in the middle, but that is not very visible. - Overall a very, very fine example. THIS IS ONE OF THE EARLIEST APPLICATIONS OF THE SO-CALLED STENCIL TECHNIQUE. - The series under the title HOT PRINTING, are realized in 1935 and 1936 and consist of 20 (including the cover) different prints. which are very rare. These are also the first prints, made by Werkman in small editions, but comparing them, they are all unique! With the [cover] print which Werkman gave the name hot printing was also born the name Werkman used for this special way of printing for which he is famous all over the world. - Cat. Hot Printing 35-g1; Zuithoff: Hot printing, pp. 15-20. To this compilation is added an almost complete set of the hot printing prints [all ca. 32 x 24.5 cm] and consist of [numbers according to Jan Martinet]: 1. “hot printing” 1: racehorses [HP 35/37-23]; 2. “hot printing” 2: men with little dogs [HP 35/37-24]; 3. “hot printing” 3: woman in green [HP 35/37-25]; 4. “hot printing” 4: porcelain doll [HP 35/3726]; 5. “hot printing” 5: woman with medicine bottle [HP 35/37-27]; 6. “hot printing” 6: skipper [HP 35/3728]; 7. “hot printing” 7: two masks [HP 35/37-29]; 8. “hot printing” 8: woman with yellow shawl [HP 35/3730]; 9. “hot printing” 9: seated woman [HP 35/37-31]; 10. “hot printing” 10: composition with human figure [HP 35/37-32]; 11. “hot printing” 11: profile facing right [HP 35/37-33]; 12. “hot printing” 12: composition [HP 35/37-34]; 13. “hot printing” 13: little man at table [HP 35/37-35]; 14. “hot printing” 15: nude on sofa [HP 35/37-37]; 15: “hot printing” 15 (variant): nude on sofa [HP 35/37-37] 16: “hot printing” 16 recto: violoncello [HP 35/37-38(a)]; 17: “hot printing” 16 verso: violoncello [HP 35/37-38(b)]; Not available in the single leaves: “hot printing” 14: retrospect [HP 35/37-36], (but available in the above mentioned issue); “hot printing” 17: harbour [HP 35/37-39] (only some copies known), “hot printing” 18: composition with playing cards [HP 35/37-40] and “hot printing 19: juggler with balls of which only one copy is known. All leaves have a very very small damage (1-2 square cm.) at the bottom of the leaves and not affecting the image, due to probably fluid, except (according to the nos above) 6, 14, 16, 17/18, which are in MINT condition. Also available in this rare and unfindable collection 3 other poems/text leaves, written and printed by Werkman: “februari aanbieding”, “leve de poëzie” and “gestadige beweging”, all printed on brown paper, aprox. 32.5 x 20 cm. A remarkable collection and - in my opinion - in very good condition. - As mentioned above: Werkman created and printed these prints as a number of “illustrations” to distribute them together with some of his “poems”, but only a very few were distributed in that way. All prints (and also his poems) were printed in very limited editions. - The collection as offered here is REALLY THE ONLY ONE I KNOW! in private hand. € 90.000,-
WERKMAN, H.N. - HOT PRINTING. A complete issue compiled by H.N. WERKMAN with one poem by himself (printed on brown paper), the cover in “hot printing” and 2 “hot printing’s”, all 3 signed with printed initials “h.n.w.” in the right under corner. 88
Erik Tonen Books Erik Tonen Kloosterstraat 48 B-2000 Antwerpen BELGIË Tel. +32 (0)3 237 94 66 info@erik-tonen-books.be www.erik-tonen-books.com
Quadekker, Eerelmann, Otto. Paardenrassen. Kunstalbum van 41 afbeeldingen naar schilderijen van
Otto Eerelman. Met beschrijvingen door E.A.L. Quadekker. Horses, lithografisch, Chevaux. Zutphen Schillemans en Van Belkum 1898. Large folio (620 x 471mm). With excellent 41 chromo-lithographed plates of horses. Orig. gilt cloth portfolio. Folio. - Spine, corners and flaps of portfolio worn. Among the horses shown in the album are the Arab Horse, American Race Horse, Andalusian Horse, English Fullbread, Lippizaner Horse, Hannover Horse, Hungarian Horse, Turkish Horse, Russian Race Horse etc. € 7.950,-
Philippe Étienne Lafosse. Cours d’hippiatrique, ou traité complet de la médicine des chevaux. Paris Edme
1772, gr. in-folio, reliure moderne. 7 Gravures entre texte , - Frontispice, -Portrait de l’auteur et 54 Gravures hors texte +EXTRA 54 gravures coloriées dépliantes hors texte et 23 vignettes, gravées d’ apres Harguiniez ou Lafosse Total 108 planches (2 planches manquent). Magnifique ouvrage avec doublure des planches! *Nissen 1(2360). € 6.500,-
S.S Lapland , West Indies Cruises on the Red Star Line to Havana, Nassau and Bermuda. On April 10, 1909,
the Lapland began her maiden voyage sailing from Antwerp, Belgium to Dover, England and New York City under the Belgian flag. She started her last voyage on this service on April 7, 1914 and on January 9, 1914 began sailing between Liverpool, England and New York. Item in 2 sheets folded to narrow 8vo. € 350,-
Johannis van Zyl. Theatrum Machinarum Universale of, Groot algemeen Moolen-Boek: Behelzende de
beschryving en afbeeldingen van allerhande soorten van moolens, derzelver opstallen en gronden [...] voor ‘t grootste gedeelte getekent te Amsterdam door Johannis van Zyl ; en in ‘t koper gebragt door Jan Schenk. Amsterdam: Petrus Schenk, 1761. Gebonden, halflederen eigentijdse band, gemarmerde platten, [8]+18+[2]+4 pp., titelprent + 64 platen hors texte (nummering I - LVI + Tab I - VI + Tabula I - II); col. compl., 32x52cm. Goede staat, band netjes gerestaureerd. Beschrijft de Nederlandse molenbouwkunst en beklemtoont de mathematische precisie die essentieel is in zijn beroep. Verschillende molentypes worden beschreven en in detail uitgetekend. € 2.800,-
Heister, Lorenz / Ulhoorn, Hendrik (medew.); Heelkundige onderwyzingen, waar in alles wat ter
heling en genezing der uiterlyke gebreken behoort, benevens de maniere van verbinden, gevonden word, zynde te gelyk met een goed getal werktuigen, tot de heelkonst dienende, voorzien( ..) Amsterdam : By de Janssoons van Waesberge 1741. Gebonden in lederen banden, 2 volumes, illustraties, 4°,1278pp. + register 58pp. Mooie set! Twee delen, met 26 uitslaande gegraveerde platen,+ 2 volbladgravures en 9 vignetten. € 1.950,90
Bezoek onze website !
Antiquariaat Vloemans Cora H. van de Beek Anna Paulownastraat 10 2518 BE Den Haag Tel. +31 (0)70 360 78 86 Fax +31 (0)70 345 03 65 info@vloemans.net www.vloemans.net
Biebl, Konstantin. Zlom. NovĂŠ vydĂĄni. (Rupture. New edition).
Our Autumn auction (26-29 November) will i.a. contain
s 0IET :WART – A choice from his personal archive (part 2) s !RCHITECTURE, i.a. from the library of the late prof. dr. C.J.A.C. Peeters s 3URINAM (books, manuscripts, prints) – A private collection s A large private collection on &RIESLAND (books, prints and manuscripts) s Books from the library of the late *AN "ONS and the library of the late &RISO 7IEGERSMA s An extensive collection of AUTOMOBILE brochures s A private collection #OMMERCIAL ART AND TYPOGRAPHY (i.a. by T. Baanders, W.A. Bielkine, J.G. van Caspel, A.M. Cassandre, FrÊ Cohen, Jac. Jongert, E. Riemersma, W. Sluiter, J.A.W. von Stein etc. etc.) s Signed photographs of i.a. 'USTAVE -AHLER, $ARIUS -ILHAUD, !RNOLD 3CHÚNBERG and )GOR 3TRAWINSKY s /LD AND RARE BOOKS, including fine books on Botany s !RT WORKS ON PAPER from the collection of !". !-2/ (part 1) s A large collection of 'RAPHIC ART, including Cartography, Topography (i.a. Optical views), Drawings, Japanese prints, Old master prints and Modern art s Otherwise all the usual subjects: "IBLIOGRAPHY AND TYPOGRAPY )LLUSTRATED BOOKS (ISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY .ATURAL HISTORY AND SCIENCES $OCUMENTS AND MANUSCRIPTS ETC ETC
Prague, Odeon, 1928. (19,8 x 14 cm). 64 pp., with 4 handcoloured typographical compositions by Karel Teige. Original blue wrappers, with orange title label with black lettering, designed by Teige (re-backed). (Odeon 46). â‚Ź 6.500,Âś Rassegna, ill. p. 59; Ring neue Werbegestalter, 55; Valencia, ill. p.137. A beautiful copy of one of the 20 handcoloured copies of the de-luxe edition (total of 100 copies) on Holland Van Gelder. This one no. 17, signed by Teige in the first composition, and signed by Biebl on half title.The second, expanded edition of Biebl’s surrealistic poems from the years 1923-1928 (1st ed., 1925, E.JĂĄnskĂĄ, design O.Fuchs and C.Bouda, 800 copies), here for the first time with Teige’s typographical compositions, printed in red and black on yellow stock, and here enhanced with watercolour by Teige, illustrating his concept of ‘modern illumination’: ‘new typography is not art, nor is it black. The black, grey and white ideal of the renaissance printing belongs to the past and, in the main polygraphical discipline, colour fulfills an ever more important role’ (Panorama, 12, 1934). Fly leaf browned due to the quality of the paper, otherwise a beautiful handcoloured copy, of great rarity.
On view: 21, 22, 23 and 24 November, 10.00-16.00 hrs., or by appointment. Catalogue on request The catalogue will also be available online from the beginning of November on our website www.bubbkuyper.com
AUCTIONEER OF BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND GRAPHIC ART Kenaupark 30, NL - 2011 MT Haarlem, The Netherlands tel. 0031 23 5323986 - fax. 0031 23 5323893 - e-mail info@bubbkuyper.com
Antiquariaat De Vries & De Vries Pieter J. de Vries Damstraat 19 2011 HA Haarlem Tel. +31 (0)6 15821092 mail@oudeprenten.com www.oudeprenten.com
Antiquariaat De Vries & De Vries t )JTUPSZ t 1SJOUT BOE ESBXJOHT t 5PQPHSBQIZ t 5SBWFM
Pierce Egan. Diorama Anglais ou promenades pittoresques a Londres, Renfermant les notes les plus exactes
sur les caracteres, les moeurs et usages de la nation anglaise, prises dans les differentes classes de la societe. Par M. S......Ouvrage orne de vingt-quatre planches gravees et enluminees, et de plusiers sujets caracteristiques. Paris, Chez Jules Didot L' aine, Libraire et Baudouin Freres, Libraires.1823. 235pp. 24 beautifull handcolored illustrations by I.R. & G. Cruiksbank of nineteenth century London. Vertaling van "Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorne Esq and his elegant friend Bob Corinthian, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees trough the Metropolis. (London, 1821) € 320,-
Number 7: ‘A View of Vredenoord looking towards the Seat of the Heer Boendermaker and Gunterstein’ (21 x 34 cm.) Number 8: ‘The House of Oudaan belonging to the Heer Philibert de Clerque, Lord of Bonenge’ (21 x 33,7 cm) Number 10: ‘A view of Maarseveen looking toward (1) Doelwijk (2) Vechthoven (3) Den Oever. ( 21,3 x 33,7 cm) € 600,- each
‘Gezight Buyte Harelem – Vue de Hors Harlem’
Zeer zeldzame kopergravure door Jan Evert Grave (1759 – 1805) uitgegeven door P. Fouquet Jr. te Amsterdam in ca. 1790. Fraaie, levendige voorstelling van herberg het Haringbuis met het tolhek op de viersprong te Aerdenhout (27 x 38 cm). € 550,-
Marianne Clouzot. Jeunesse. 12 Eaux-Fortes orginales de Marianne Clouzot presentees par Gerard D’Houville. by La Tradition. 1945 With 12 fine engraved plates. signed by the author.
€ 275,-
By D. Voisin ca. 1750 Based on the prints from “De Zegepralende Vecht’ done by Daniel Stoopendaal from 1719, but in a larger size and beautiful contemporary colored. Our set consists of seven different views. The original series contained more prints. Each one is numbered at the top right corner, the highest number is 10. The address of each engraving is: Printed & Sold by D. Voisin. Printseller in Middle Row, Holborn London. Each print is framed in a luxurious mahogany frame. Number 1: ‘Vechtvliet: the Seat of the Heer Counsellor Vanden Broek looking towards Hopwerk’ (21,5 x 31 cm) Number 2: ‘The Seat of the Heer Theodore Boedenmaker seen looking towards Breukelen’ (21,5 x 34,3 cm) Number 4: ‘The Pavillon of Ouderhoek, honour’d three times with the Presence of his Czarish Majesty Peter the Great in the Year 1717. With a View towards Nieuwersluis’ (21,3 x 31,5 cm) Number 6: ‘A view of the Villages of Loenen and Croonenburg from Nieuwerhoek’ ( 21,5 x 34,3 cm) 94
CLAPPERTON,Hugh : ‘Second voyage dans l’intérieur de l’Afrique, depuis le golfe du Bénin jusqu’à Sackatou, pendant les années 1825, 1826, et 1827, suivi du voyage de Richard Lander, de Kano à la côte maritime; traduits de l’anglais par M.M. Eyriès et de La Renaudière, membres de la commission centrale de la Société de Géographie. Ouvrage orné du portrait de Clapperton et enrichi de deux cartes géographiques, gravées par A. Tardieu. Paris by Arthus Bertrand, 1829, 1829. 2 vol. in-8o. 329 pp. et 439 pp., 2 folding maps and portrait of the author. € 390, -
the new hollstein dutch & flemish series
The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts 1450-1700
Auf der Frankfurter Antiquariatsmesse treffen sich alle, die Raritäten zu Schätzen machen. Halle 6.0 Öffnungszeiten: 9.10.2013 10.–12.10.2013 13.10.2013
Seven-volume catalogue-raisonnée, with enhanced descriptions of state differences, for the first time distinguishing between contemporary and posthumous states, and describing about 200 completely new states All states illustrated in full, with enlarged details of minor state changes The new standard oeuvre catalogue on Rembrandt’s prints For more information visit our website: www.hollstein.com or contact us at: info@hollstein.com
11.00–18.30 Uhr 9.00–18.30 Uhr 9.00–17.30 Uhr
Die Frankfurter BuchmesseApp zum Download Download the official App for the Frankfurt Book Fair
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P.O. Box 3053 2935 ZH Ouderkerk aan den IJssel The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)180 681025 - Fax: +31 (0)180 681880 - e-mail: info@hollstein.com - www.hollstein.com
REISS & SOHN Antiquarian Booksellers & Auctioneers
Auction Sales October 29th - November 1st, 2013 Rare Books . Manuscripts Geography . Travel . Atlases Maps . Town Views Old and Modern Art
Hamilton, Campi Phlegraei, Neapel 1776-79
Illustrated catalogues available on request or online www.reiss-sohn.com
D-61462 Kรถnigstein im Taunus, Adelheidstraร e 2 Phone: +49 61 74 / 92 72 0 . Fax: +49 61 74 / 92 72 49 E-Mail: reiss@reiss-sohn.com
pa sse n g e r t e r m i n a l a m st e r da m
34th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair 2013 Vrijdag 4 oktober • 14.00 - 20.00 uur Zaterdag 5 oktober • 10.00 - 18.00 uur Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren (nvva) i.s.m. Bond van handelaren in Oude Boeken (bob)
www.amsterdambookfair.com • www.nvva.nl • www.bobboeken.nl
Ledenlijst Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren Amersfoort Leen Helmink
Doornspijk Van Coevorden
Amsterdam Antiqua E.H. Ariëns Kappers John Benjamins Brinkman Charbo Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & de Jonge Junk De Kloof A. Kok & Zn. Polare Dieter Schierenberg Die Schmiede Schuhmacher Spinoza
Dordrecht Quist
Apeldoorn Polare Arnhem Polare Balk Aeric Bergum Frederik Muller Breda Plantijn Diemen A. Gerits & Son
Bestuur NVvA
Dreumel Meijering Eerbeek Iris Globes & Maps Egmond aan den Hoef B.M. Israel Eindhoven Polare Max Silverenberg Enschede Polare Ermelo Petrus Plancius Gorinchem Rashi ’t Goy – Houten Asher Forum ’s Gravenhage Fokas Holthuis A. Jongbloed & Zn. Jan Meemelink Polare Van Stockum Vloemans
Voorzitter: Ton Kok (Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn.) Secretaris: Frank Rutten (Antiquariaat Brinkman) info@nvva.nl
Groningen Isis Polare Haarlem Bubb Kuyper Polare Van der Steur De Vries & de Vries ‘s – Hertogenbosch Brabant Luïscius Polare Hoofddorp René Krul Leeuwarden Polare Leiden Burgersdijk & Niermans Hotei Polare Maastricht Paul Bremmers Polare Middelburg De Boekenbeurs Dat Narrenschip Nijmegen Polare Overveen Dik Ramkema
Rotterdam Polare Ter Hole Secundus Tilburg Polare De Rijzende Zon
40 39
Eutin, Duitsland Hartmut Erlemann
Antwerpen, België Erik Tonen
Zalk Theo de Boer
Zwolle Polare
Vorden Het Bisschopshof
Zutphen Matthys de Jongh
43 47
Vianen Gert Jan Bestebreurtje
Penningmeester: Simon Blok (B.M. Israël) Peter Everaers (Antiquariaat Secundus) Peter Pruimers (Van Stockum)
Omslag: Willem Tholen, De gezusters Arntzenius, 1895. Met dank aan Museum Gouda Vormgeving en drukwerk: MarcelisDékavé, Alkmaar Oplage: 4.000 exemplaren
Utrecht Acanthus Beijers Polare André Swertz Niek Waterbolk
37 38
Alfa Haganum (37) Apollo Art Books (51) Art & Paper/ Marc Vandewiele (44) Bagage (42) van den Bemt (43) Berger & de Vries (39) van den Burg (40) Demian (36) Fokas Holthuis (54) de Hanze (41) Krylja (56) Laarmans (35) Leest (48) Librairie Stille (38) Lont (52) Novemberland (45) Pallas Books (49) Serendipity (47) Snark (57) Tofino (58) Wijnhoven (50) Zaal Books (46) Zwiggelaar (55)
7 6
8 9
3 10
2 1
12 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
32 25
30 29 28 27
Asher (20) Bisschopshof (7) Boekenbeurs (1) Brabant (6) Bremmers (30) Brinkman (23) Fokas (12) Forum (19) Gerits (9) Iris Globes (3) Isis (26) Israel (8) De Kloof (17) Knuf (22) Kok (11) Lindner (18) Mefferdt & de Jonge (4) Plantijn (5) Polare – A’dam (15) Polare – Antwerpen (16) Ramkema (25) Rashi (31) Rijzende Zon (24) Schmiede (29) Schneideman (2) Secundus (10) Silverenberg (32) van der Steur (21) Swertz (27) Vloemans (28) de Vries & de Vries (14) Extra participants (33)