Journal 1

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Journal 1 - The Alpha





NEWS ROUNDUP Oscar Stenbom and Evanthia Kasiora sample the best of the week’s news. Sandy’s Aftermath

US Elections Loom Large

The slow pace of restoration after the destruc-

The impact on next week’s US election of New

tion caused by Hurricane Sandy that lashed the

York Mayor Michael Bloomberg deciding to en-

East Coast of the United States on Monday night

dorse Barack Obama after Storm Sandy, citing

has caused tempers to rise. The power and petrol

the President’s climate change policy and its re-

shortages caused by the largest Atlantic hurricane

lation to the storm, as well as recent job figures

on record has seen fights break out at petrol sta-

are unclear. With both Mitt Romney and Barack

tions and power may not return to some affected

Obama suspending campaigning during the storm

areas for another week.

whilst neck and neck in the polls, Tuesday’s election promises to be a close call. Whoever wins can

Syrian Rebels Faced with War Crime Accusations

expect a tough challenge from the start with stag-

28 soldiers of the Syrian army were murdered

nant budget negotiations threatening to enforce

yesterday, 1st November, close to Saraqeb, in the

massive automatic spending cuts in January.

province of Idlib. The murders were recorded in a video linked to militiamen that oppose the Syrian

Trick-or-treaters Given Cocaine in Oldham, UK

regime and was spread by international television

In a most peculiar event, two people have been

networks.T he footage shows gunmen beating and

arrested after bags with cocaine were handed to

shooting a group of prisoners who were cowering

children on Wednesday evening. The children dis-

on the floor. The killings were condemned by Am-

covered bags containing the drug in their trick-or-

nesty International and Human Rights Watch.

treat bags. It is understood that the cocaine was THE bought for personal use and accidentially ended up in sweets’ box.


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