Amsterdam Weekly: Vol 5 Issue 18, 8-14 May 2008

Page 1

Volume 5, Issue 18

8 - 14 MAY 2008

‘The carrot is nicknamed Dick…’

The cows are back in town

page 11


Hit the road Jacques Amsterdam to Paris by bike


page 8

The trail of your trash pages 6-7 Migrants, money and murder along the IJ page 4 Of cosmic collisions and a sense of rhythm page 5 ART: Kunstvlaai, art pie in the sky p. 11 / FOOD: A tidal wave of sake p. 17 / SEX: The Zen of swallow p. 19

Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Music/Clubs . . . . . . . . . .12 Gay & Lesbian . . . . . . . .14 Stage/Events . . . . . . . . .14 Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Glutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Ladywood . . . . . . . . . . .19 Classifieds/Comics . . . .21

Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008

CITY SECOND BY PETER CLEUTJENS In this issue and... While many think this is now officially spring, it is in fact the season of trash. The trash that has just been cleaned up after the onslaught of Queen’s Day and Liberation Day. And the eurotrash that have started streaming into town every weekend. It’s just the natural cycle of things. And when Amsterdammers consider their own pilgrimage out of town, they might just consider cycling down the Amstel towards Paris—it’s an option anyway. But regardless, a greater awareness of trash is very important. For instance, with Amsterdam Weekly, it is hoped that after you read it you include it in your personal weekly recycling routine. Or at least use it for kitty litter. Or if you are working at a cafe, here’s a handy tip: a couple of pages of this paper fit perfectly into that drawer under the cappuccino machine where you bang in the old espresso grounds. And then when the drawer is full, you can use the grounds to fertilise the plants on your terrace. Keep that cycle alive.

On the cover TOUR DE FORCE Photo by Simon Wald-Lasowski

Next week Health

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04/05/2008 - 19:32 - OOSTERDOK


Amsterdam Weekly


8-14 May 2008

AROUND TOWN Creating the IJgevoel The search for stories on migrants, money and murder. A couple of years ago, the shores of the IJ were a desolate, windswept place that mostly attracted smack-addicted ladies of pleasure and their respective johns, dope peddlers and those unfortunate souls who inhabit Amsterdam-Noord— just kidding, Noordites. How the times have changed: prestigious institutions, highbrow cultural heavyweights and flashy architecture now dominate the area near Centraal Station and close to the water, while a growing number of urban hepcats and visitors from abroad, already picking up the vibe, have started to frequent the neighbourhood. Now a group of institutions situated along the IJ—namely the Openbare Biblioteek (AKA OBA, the city library), the Muziekgebouw, the Bimhuis, the Filmmuseum and the Universiteit van Amsterdam—have banded together to form the ‘Communities rond ‘t IJ’, or ‘YCom’ for short, to create ‘an easily accessible cultural, virtual and physical infrastructure’, according to its covenant. In other words, they want to attract more visitors to the area by turning the IJ into a cultural theme park. The first step in the great scheme was to start gathering stories about the IJ. To do this, they formed a project group composed of three students— Jorieke Savelkous, Michiel Niemantsverdriet and Lena Wilde—who, under the guidance of two mentors, will study the cultural history of the area and present three master classes for academics and the public, discussing what they’ve learned. The first of the master classes, presented on 23 April at the Simon Carmiggelt auditorium at the OBA, had a dozen people gathered around a table to lose their IJ, so to speak. The students chose to focus on three themes: migrants, money and murder. ‘We looked at what was happening to ‘t IJ right now, but also [wanted to] connect it with its history,’ said Niemantsverdriet, a musical science student. ‘It was the gateway that connected Amsterdam to the rest of the world, from the grain imported from Latvia to our colonies in the Far East. Migrants passed through, who brought knowledge and wealth, but there’s also the dark side. That’s how we came up with our three themes, and we’re in search of stories that are connected to those themes.’ Savelkous, a history student, kicked off the talk with a PowerPoint presenta-


by Luuk van Huët

tion about the first wave of Chinese immigrants, who arrived in Amsterdam in the early 20th century, and how they were welcomed—or rather, how they weren’t. The forefathers of the Chinese community, brought in to quell a strike in the harbour, lived through unemployment, razzias and racism before settling down and starting the first Chinese restaurants in Amsterdam. Niemantsverdriet continued the presentation by describing the city’s controversial plans to connect Noord with the centre, as far back as 1857. But the project, bogged down by discussions about whether it should be a bridge or a

tunnel, along with political backstabbing and financial troubles, only became a reality with the completion of the IJ-tunnel in 1968. Then, Lena Wilde, a student of cultural studies, recounted the grisly 17th-century past of the gallows field north of the IJ, which warned horny sailors, criminal vagabonds and homegrown miscreants alike that Amsterdam was a law-abiding city. It was a place where families picnicked and unruly youths were scared into obedience. No surprise that since the 1960s it’s been the site of the Shell Tower. Ultimately, the stories will be avail-

There’s stories in these waters somewhere.

able in many different formats. Niemantsverdriet said they may be published as printed texts for senior citizens, digitally and as guided tours you can download onto your iPod. And once the stories are out, there’ll be no stopping the public from coming out to feel the IJ for themselves. The final master class will be held on 14 May in the Simon Carmiggelt auditorium from 16.00 until 18.00. Reservations:

8-14 May 2008

Yours to discover Academics fight with smarts for €100,000 prize. By Laura Bruun Imagine: it’s three billion years in the future. The Milky Way has collided with a nearby galaxy creating hazardous supernovas that continuously explode. This has wiped out humanity—everyone that is, except you. Your mission is to find a suitable new home for future generations by discovering the best and safest route to travel in outer space. You can slip into black holes, which are known to suck up whatever passes, or use this force to travel faster. This video game, Collision, is a part of an academic project created at De Universiteit Utrecht (UU) to compete for the prestigious Academische Jaarprijs, a competition in which teams of professors and students from universities all over the Netherlands present their specialised expertise for a €100,000 award. The initiative, which encourages academics to share their knowledge with the public, is sponsored by the newspaper NRC Handelsblad in cooperation with the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and Shell.

Amsterdam Weekly

On 1 May, 11 competing teams submitted the projects they’ve been working on since the beginning of this academic year. The winners will be announced on 11 June. Two of the most unusual and cutting edge projects show how different the aims of the competition are this year. The team behind the project ‘Explore Unknown Worlds with Collision’, based at UU’s Department of Science and Astronomy, has designed Collision to give the public the opportunity to discover outer space and thereby present the field of astronomy in a new way that gives people a more personal perspective. ‘Collision is like our child,’ says PhD student Diederik Kruijssen, the leader of the project. ‘Astronomy is always text and pictures. We want people to experience the universe themselves.’ The game is generated by a supercomputer situated somewhere in Amsterdam. ‘It is as big as a gym,’ Kruijssen says, although he has never actually seen it. The team only accesses the computer remotely because, as he jokes, ‘You never know, it might eat us.’ Now in its third year, the Academische Jaarprijs encourages experts to share their knowledge. ‘It’s excellent and mandatory,’ says Kruijssen. ‘One of the big responsibilities of science is informing the public.’ Only one team will take home the big prize, and if the Utrecht team gets it, the money will be spent on completing Collision. ‘We’ll involve more people from a range of disciplines, such as students of game design—they are pretty damn good!’ says Kruijssen. If the jury selects another research project, the team has a different

plan: ‘We will probably... yeah... get a drink!’ The team from Universiteit van Amsterdam is working on something very different for the Jaarprijs. The Music Cognition Group (MCG), part of the Department of Musicology, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation and the Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam, are participating in the project, ‘No Music Without a Listener’. The team of students is led by Henkjan Honing, an associate professor in Music Cognition, and the project’s goal is to encourage music lovers to discover that they are more musically talented than they may think they are. MCG’s project consists of an interactive website that helps people explore their hidden flair for music. By listening to different performances and noting their metrical differences, participants may discover that everyone (yes, everyone) has an innate sense for rhythm. The website is a culmination of many years of research, including an experiment that compared the listening abilities of music experts with those of music lovers. The study showed that both groups were equally good at recognizing changes in rhythm but that the music experts were able to verbalise what they had heard, while the music lovers had more trouble articulating those qualities. In an informal demonstration of this experiment, Honing invited the readers of his blog on the university’s website to explore their sense of rhythm by listening and comparing performances. Now, with the construction of the website, an even broader public is invited to engage in the project.


Explore the universe through a collision with academia.

Honing hopes that the project will help listeners of all ages explore their talents. ‘I feel like a missionary,’ says Honing. ‘If ten people realise that they are good listeners, that’s enough.’ According to Honing, having a sense of rhythm is not about knowing how to play an instrument, but about being sensitive to the pulse. ‘Music is magical and emotional and it’s a human talent being able to pick up the beat.’ In addition to these two projects, there are a wide range of other competitors for the Jaarprijs. A team from De Universiteit Twente is sharing their knowledge on new media for information storage, another group of researchers based at the Erasmus Universiteit is investigating how to identify pain experienced by patients who have difficulty articulating what they are feeling, such as children and the disabled. Another group from the Universiteit Maastricht is exploring how Van Gogh paintings can be analysed digitally, and Universiteit Leiden researchers are looking into how the adolescent human brain develops. Honing is also excited about sharing the knowledge of his field by participating with the project: ‘It’s not about winning. It’s a challenge that helps us focus.’ Check out the trailer of the Collision game on and test your sense for rhythm via the online experiment on Further reading can be found on


Amsterdam Weekly

In with the trash Garbage. We create a lot of it. But where does it go? It burns. It burns real good. BY FRANCKA SULLIVAN

8-14 May 2008

8-14 May 2008

Amsterdam Weekly


waste incinerating plant with an annual processing capacity of 530,000 tonnes was expected to debut in April, but that was postponed on short notice because of an alignment problem in the turbine shaft. The sickly scent of two-day-old lilies permeates the reception area of AEB, where I meet the senior communication adviser, Nadia Pattavina, who has agreed to show me around. She seems impressed that I’ve worn sturdy sneakers for the tour, and she’s very enthusiastic to talk rubbish. ‘The public is unsure what stuff is coming out of the stacks and think everything is polluted, but they don’t know us or what we do, and garbage is not sexy,’ says Pattavina with a laugh. Awareness is the first step in image overhaul and the AEB has seen increased public interest in tours in recent years, including a visit from an African journalist doing a documentary on modern incineration. Developing countries have also recently started sending officials here in an effort to get their own waste problem under control. Although countries such as the US, she says, ‘don’t see incineration as a positive thing. Landfills that don’t bother people seem better.’

t’s Monday, trash day in De Pijp and I take one final look inside my 30 litre sack before tying it up: strawberry bits, plastic gum wrappers, bright green napkins, Actimel cups, random plastic. Too afraid to dig deeper, I’m suddenly reminded of crazed fans who make a hobby out of sifting through celebrity trash. Amsterdam households produce about 281,000 tonnes of rubbish annually, according to Gemeente Amsterdam Dienst Onderzoek en Statistiek. This means each person generates approximately 468 kilos of household waste annually, or seven and a half kilos a week. Generally, it’s two or three bags a week for my two-person household, and it still shocks me when I leave home to discover a battlefield of discarded items and rubbish abandoned on the street. But do you know where your garbage ends up? As a concerned citizen who pays an annual afvalheffing, or waste disposal fee, I wanted to know what actually happens to my trash after it leaves my house. While following this trail, it becomes evident that waste disposal takes up a greater part of Dutch history and its landscape than even the tulips. Landfills used to dot the landscape in Amsterdam until city authorities stopped dumping into the Naardermeer and started incinerating trash at the beginning of the 20th century. For the Netherlands, incineration was an obvious choice because of the country’s size: there is simply no room to store waste. Burn, baby, burn The trash on our streets is incinerated at the Afval Energie Bedrijf (AEB), located in an industrial area near the Westpoort Haven in Amsterdam. Although the two looming smoke stacks are not featured in the Lonely Planet’s guide to Amsterdam, you can catch an impressive glimpse of them on the IJ waterfront. Incineration of rubbish has survived various transformations in the last 50 years due to technological advances and environmental regulations. We are producing more garbage than ever before, and waste facilities struggle to strike the perfect balance between the economy and the environment. The old adage, ‘Not in My Backyard’, is an ever present reality in the waste business. Advances in technology have changed waste disposal and incineration tremendously in the last decades, says Dr Georg Schaub, Professor of Chemistry and Technology of Fossil and Renewable Fuels at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in southern Germany. He worked for several years in the engineering business, building industrial flue-gas cleaning units for waste incinerators similar to what the AEB uses. ‘There are minor quantities of substances formed during combustion that remain after gas cleaning,’ he says. Waste disposal is a complicated topic and consumers and businesses need to be equally involved in the process. ‘The Amsterdam plant appears to be a good solution,’ says Dr Schaub. ‘In other parts of the world, in big cities, similar plants are being built. It is not an either/or solution, but a complementary solution: recycling collection is always good for materials that are easy to collect and to convert into valuable materials (e.g. glass, paper), and there always remain quantities of heterogeneous material


Waste reduction tips Respect your street and garbage collectors. Don’t just litter and remember to put garbage out only on designated days. Don’t buy items with excess packaging. Can be difficult if you shop at Albert Heijn, but it is possible. Try your local markets. Whenever possible, buy refillable or reusable containers. Avoid containers that can only be thrown away. Bring your own bags when you shop and try to buy in bulk as often as possible. Purchase durable goods of quality rather than disposable items. The cost may be higher initially, but in the long run you can save money. Get the longest warranty with the best repair service possible. Be an informed buyer. Read consumer magazines and contact consumer organisations before making major purchases. Certain items should not be disposed of with the rest of your rubbish. These include batteries, medicines and chemical substances such as paints, and products such as electrical equipment which can be recycled. Take all of your Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) toone of the six Waste

Depots in Amsterdam. Local residents and businesses can bring all kinds of waste to these collection centres, where it is sorted into categories such as building materials, wood, textiles, garden waste and chemical waste. (For more information, Try to purchase cleaners that are less harmful to the environment. Don’t throw anything away that can be reused or repaired. Your trash could be someone else’s treasure. Fabric scraps, books, sporting goods, toys and clothing are always needed by non-profit groups. Visit for a list of second- hand stores. Compost your food and yard waste. Up to half of your household waste is compostable. It’s a simple way to reduce waste and produce a nutrient-rich conditioner for your lawn, garden and houseplants. Many garden centres carry compost bins. Say ‘no’ to junk mail with a GEEN REKLAME sticker. Recycle paper and glass at designated containers when you can’t reduce or reuse.

which require too much effort and cost for recycling.’

pipes next to two massive smoke stacks, one ominously emitting billows of what looks like smoke. Though in fact, it is merely water vapour, formed during combustion of the city’s rubbish. These two giant stacks belong to the AEB. The older of the two was built in 1993. Additionally, a new ultra-modern

That’s just water vapour The journey to Australiehaven, in the Westerlijke Haven area, drags on endlessly. The industrial factory buildings are set in a surreal landscape, with silos and steel

Stench power The stench in the plant is truly nauseating, although everyone seems oddly immune to it. Upstairs in an operating room, a crane driver is maneuvering a massive crane. ‘I mix the garbage,’ he says. ‘That way everything burns evenly.’ I look through the plexiglass, expecting to catch a glimpse of the cereal I threw out today. There are pigeons and seagulls celebrating in the filthy heaps; an operator tells me that they enter the building when the trucks dock at the loading area. With roughly 500 garbage and container trucks passing through AEB daily—processing approximately1.4 million tonnes annually—there are plenty of opportunities for illegal seagull entry. After the garbage is incinerated at a temperature of 1,000 to 1,200 degrees Celsius, the hot flue gases are cooled down in the cooling section. Here, cooling water in cooling coils is evaporated to high pressure steam, which is expanded in a steam turbine to produce electricity. My tour guide points out that the city trams and Metro, as well as the Stopera in Amsterdam, are fuelled with this electricity. The AEB also provides community heating for 15,000 of the city’s homes, which works because we are ‘running on our own garbage’. The rest of the trash, known as ‘slag’, is almost completely utilized in the process. Iron and non-ferrous metals such as copper and silver are recovered. Some materials are recycled and given new homes like the fly ash for filler in asphalt. At the end of the whole process, only 1.3 per cent of the total waste mass is unusable. Before the flue gases are sent into the air, they have to be cleaned in the flue-gas scrubbing section, which makes up the largest section of the plant. The gas is sent through filters and several chemical cleaning processes. My odyssey has drawn to a close. I’m on my way home in a tram fuelled by my own trash. I’ll start seeing garbage as a poetic expression of human ingenuity. Some waste is not really so wasteful after all.

Amsterdam Weekly


8-14 May 2008

A long way home Amsterdam to Paris by fiets BY ANDRÉ DRYANSKY PHOTO BY GUILLERMO GÓMEZ MONSIVÁIS

am lucky enough to see the Magere Brug in a straight line from my sixth floor apartment. The Amstel flows around the corners of my street, downstream to the right, upstream to the left. Sometimes I long for what’s beyond the left turn. For a man who doesn’t drive, it’s ‘the great way South’. In 2006, my girlfriend and I tried to cycle to the source, as I have never been able to find a map that locates it exactly. Then the storm, which killed the summer before the calendar could even roll into August, put an end to our Livingstonian quest, somewhere past Uithoorn. This time, though, on my long way home, starting with the Amstel, I was sure geographic logic would lead me to the source. On the fietsers map, it clearly looked like the tiny river Woerdense Verlaat. But when my Mexican travel companion/buddy Guillermo and I biked into a weird shipyard for barges at Woerdense Verlaat, the river just kept on going. Was this now the Kromme Mijdrecht river... or still the Amstel? Or just one more of those indeterminately mapped sections in the labyrinth of waterways criss-crossing the polders? Guillermo had already walked the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain and had recently returned from crossing the deserts from Madrid to Burkina Faso. Thus I had no qualms about the 676 kilometres and six days of backroad cycling I had planned to Paris. So we left Woerdense Verlaat with the quest still open and soon came the old Jewish graveyard in Woerden, followed by Gouda: a jewel of absolute Dutchness, a living 17th-century painting in the 21st. In the late afternoon: ‘Rodderdamn!’ as Guillermo called it when we hit the city limits across the way from a McDonald’s. My girlfriend’s sister’s fantastic apartment overlooking the Nieuwe Maas and her Rotterdammer boyfriend made me like


Rotterdam, naturally. They kindly took us in for our first night. Day two We ride past a cement mosque under construction, the railway, Feyenoord stadium, the A16, and enjoy a delicious koffie verkeerd and appeltaart met slagroom in the old centre of Dordrecht. The neverending cycle path—sometimes following the highway, sometimes skirting a lost canal where you can see the last standing telephone poles in the Netherlands—brings us to the great divide between Protestant Northern Europe and Catholic Southern Europe at the Moerdijk Bridge. The road signs become more erratic. We get lost in Brabant. We finally reach Vincent van Gogh’s native Zundert, the last village in the Netherlands, where they say smuggling runs in the families. On a signboard by a frituur, Knabbel and Babbel, (AKA Disney’s Chip ‘n’ Dale) those two friendly squirrel characters who never seem as friendly to Donald Duck, are holding a broodje: Belgium! Night falls as we reach the atrocity of Antwerp’s suburbs in their freeway jumble, probably Vlaams Belang territory... Our Youth Hostel overlooks the endless drone of traffic on the E34. Day three A 1930s tunnel takes us to the other side of the Schelde. We ride on into the depths of Flanders: Kruibeke, unfriendly Sint Niklaas, Sinai, Eksaarde, Zaffelare. It is straight, flat, neither ugly nor pretty, simply foggy, endless, dizzying. And then the pearl of Ghent that arises like a paradox after all the preceding monotony. At Deinze, we hit the river Lelie—the water of which is pitch black along the towing path. Because of the night, we cannot see more than 12 metres ahead; we have to tilt our front lights down to avoid the potholes that can send one flying into

the murky water. A barge from Rotterdam is going through a lock; the colossal structure shakes with its dim lights in the emptiness of the Belgian night. It’s cold, a bit frightening, elating. And then, after 13 hours of riding that day: Kortrijk, with its awful mayo-drenched Turkish sandwiches, the youth hostel that had just closed and the 3-star hotel where we ended up. Day four At around 10 a.m., we finally spot France: across the river two circus dromedaries are grazing. But we continue riding along the Belgian side; the towing path turns into a dirt road. Remnants of 19th-century industrialisation come to light through the dissipating fog over this otherwise pastoral landscape. At Comines Belge/Comines France I make the mistake of ordering a beer in Dutch. We cross over by decaying Armentières. Relatively quickly, these sorry extremities of France turn into generous countryside. We pick up a few superb carrots at the church square of Wavrin and, while sitting in a small military cemetery, enjoy a sober lunch with the ‘Deutscher Krieger’ without a name, killed on 25 September 1915, resting between two British graves. A fresh little Romany girl’s smile in the ruins of a factory by a slagheap near Hénin-Beaumont is where Flanders becomes Artois, and then comes Arras, where the Grand Place seems to be mocking the dreary surroundings with its 17th-century bourgeois exuberance. The Grande Place is magnificent indeed, but down that dark road is our Formule 1 Motel box and the rest of Northern France... Day five The scenery becomes truly pretty. The men in the nameless cafe-gas station of Ayette, where we have a Cognac for breakfast, have never been to a place as far away as Amsterdam. The mailman is in a good mood. It’s a sunny day. But

Down the Amstel: the great way south.

there are more and more graves—in fact, more than one million young men were killed here in the summer of 1916 during the battle of the Somme. Artois becomes Picardy, with its vast and beautiful rolling views, dotted with brick churches and their gilded steeples. At Hôtel le Conde in Montdidier, we are exactly 100 kilometres from Paris. The hotel maid is charming and the long meal is one lingering moment of gastronomic relishing. The rooms of the inn are covered in antique browning wallpaper. Day six The last day: sugar beet fields everywhere, enormous views, a lonely road gently flowing into the horizon. Had we just taken a wrong left onto Route 66? At Creil, we get the first whiffs of the infamous Paris banlieue: the first housing projects start conglomerating the scenery, and a lonesome teenage kid at a roundabout ponders whether he is going to start something up with us. But we bike on. We enter Île de France at the Forêt de Montmorency, once hunting grounds for royalty. A dull stream of suburban homes follows and turns into grubby streets smelling of rotting meat at Argenteuil. Finally the Seine, the huge business complex of La Défense a bit downriver, a long avenue in posh Neuilly and an insignificant red and white signboard: Paris! The exhaust sends burning tickles straight down our windpipes. The Arc de Triomphe stands atop our last uphill stretch. Down to the Pont d’Iéna: a pretty Italian ragazza photographs us in front of the Eiffel Tower in our moment of vanity. A few street corners away: 29 Avenue de Suffren. Mom and Dad have prepared an excellent dinner for us. I have made it home. The source. My source.

8-14 May 2008

Amsterdam Weekly



Impakt Festival 2008, Thursday

THURSDAY 8 MAY Art: Tijdelijk Museum Amsterdam Man, this week there really won’t be any chance to escape art in this town. Both Kunstvlaai and Art Amsterdam are happening, and—watch out you art haters—if you thought you’d be safe staying clear of Westergasfabriek/RAI, you were wrong. Art will permeate the town with the help of Art Amsterdam’s parallel programme, Tijdelijk Museum Amsterdam. In 18 museums, galleries and other institutions, there’ll be special exhibitions and happenings. And, in between the participating locations, routes have been developed. The aim, according to the organisers, is to transform the whole city into a museum, where the different locations function as exhibition rooms and the streets become museum aisles. Urban space becomes exhibition area. And now you may insert your own silly pun about street art. For full programme, see (Sarah Gehrke) Various locations and times, €18, free for Art Amsterdam visitors. Until 12 May.

Art Fair: Art Amsterdam So it’s all a little bit confusing. At first there were Art Rotterdam and, in Amsterdam, KunstRai. Both were large-scale art fairs with many international and even more Dutch galleries represented. Rich people could go there and buy nice artworks. Only that the rich people that were cooler than the other rich people went to Art Rotterdam instead of KunstRai. And now KunstRai is not called KunstRai anymore. Instead it’s called Art Amsterdam. This has something to do with words like ‘rebranding’ and ‘internationalisation’. At the new and shiny Art Amsterdam, there’ll be 125 galleries present, a quarter of which come from foreign countries. The action is accompanied by lots of special events, for example, 18 solo exhibitions, the awarding of the Thieme Art Award and an event called ‘Young and Collecting’, which teaches young people the ‘Dos and Don’ts of Art Collecting’. Oh, and then there’s also yet another art fair, it’s called Kunstvlaai. But that is another story and shall be told another time, on another page. (Sarah Gehrke) RAI (Thur-Mon 11.0019.00), €18. Until 12 May.

Contemporary: Dada voor Allen Dada is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is… That should be all I have to say. But for those who aren’t familiar with the puckish art movement that rejected all prevailing standards in art and literature, it’s important to know that it arose (rose up. Arise, I say!) as a response to WWI. This movement breached (and reached, now that’s really reaching) all art forms, but perhaps (and this ain’t no mishaps, my dear. No no. No, really.) most notably the visual and musical arts (farts). Tonight, the Ives Ensemble perform pieces by composers active in the movement, including George

Antheil, Francis Poulenc, Erik Satie and Paul Hindemith (Schmindemith). And, as is the Dada way, (which way? That way! Let’s go!!!) the performances will blend literature, lights, film and various theatrical tendencies (I once had a really bad tendency but then my friend bought it and now I feel much much better. Thank you. So much. My friend.) The end. (Mark Wedin) Muziekgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.30, €20.

Festival: Impakt Festival 2008 It’s another year for Impakt, the festival that proffers ‘adventures in sound and image’. Of the various film, music and lectures on offer, a few notable highlights make the trip to Utrecht well worth the effort, such as the ‘Multiplicity of Desires’ programme, which presents workshops, performances and films based on personal and sexual identity in the modern internet age. Or, head for the ‘You are What You Eat’ film/video programme, which screens a flock of shorts revolving around the idea of corporate branding culture and how it pervades much of human life, again with a focus on the internet. But if that’s too much techy talk for you, try the ‘Mushroom Nightmares’, which sees trippy bands Magik Markers (US) and Aqua Nebula Oscillator perform their brands of psych noise that help prove the truth of that memorable Bill Hicks quote: ‘If you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists that made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? Rrrreal fucking high on drugs.’ Take it as you will, but this quote is the theme of the evening. See the full schedule at (Mark Wedin) Various locations, Utrecht, various times and prices. Until 11 May.

FRIDAY 9 MAY Dance: Cullberg Ballet It’s been 13 years since the Cullberg Ballet visited Amsterdam, but since then, the Dutch influence on this noted Swedish company has only grown. In 2003, Johan Inger, formerly a ranking dancer and choreographer with the Nederlands Dans Theater, became the Cullberg’s Artistic Director, and he brought changes that have been applauded far and wide. Yet Inger hasn’t imposed a pre-set Dutch/Kylián esthetic on his new perch, but worked within the Cullberg’s traditions of stylistic flexibility and foregrounding of individual dancers—all of which inform this weekend’s modern programme. First up is a largely abstract work, As If, which, the choreographer has noted, ‘goes from being extremely minimalist to becoming more and more physical.’ Then Negro Con Flores, admittedly the product of a difficult moment in Inger’s life, ‘has both a kind of darkness but is also striving towards something lighter—a playfulness. I am exploring not play or playfulness but freedom.’ What could be more Dutch than that? (Steve Schneider) Het Muziektheater, 20.15, €15-€35. Also Sunday afternoon and Monday.


Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008

SATURDAY10 MAY Art: Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden This Pinksterweekend, the islands west of Centraal Station will host the 24th Open Ateliers. Five thousand visitors are expected at 55 studios and other art institutions across and close to the Bickers-, Prinsen- and Realen- islands during the long weekend. Local artists will open their studios to entertain and enliven as they have been doing, on and off, since 1971, making this event the oldest of its kind in the country. The artistic history of these islands, in fact, goes back much further: the famous 19th-century photographer Jacob Olie worked and lived in the area and his contemporary, George Breitner, housed his art studio on the Prinseneiland at the turn of the 20th century. This year, in addition to the customary kunstroute, there are events such as film screenings and readings by local writers. ‘Zula on the IJ’ is a sailing film house which will operate from the Westerdok at 21.30 and 23.00 on the 10th and 11th. Tickets (€5) can be purchased for this at the OAWE headquarters, the Kunstkerk (Prinseneiland 89), which is a perfect place to begin your art tour since it also houses one piece from every contributing artist. See for programme and locations. (David Lee) Westelijke Eilanden, 12.00-18.00, free. Until Monday.

TUESDAY13 MAY Debate/Party: Week van de Amsterdamse Student If you just got up at four in the afternoon smelling like an attack of dysentery, or listlessly listened to bored bureaucrats while counting away the hours, or been busy convincing fellow academicians to follow Christ, you just might be a student in the big, bad city of Amsterdam. Okay, so these stereotypes of the VU, UvA and HvA aren’t necessarily true, but it is the case that your average student doesn’t exactly get hot and bothered about the issues of democracy on campus. Which is why this week, the Stichting Amsterdamse Student are organising events to inspire involvement in the student council elections. Today, the main event is a debate, featuring über-university chief Sijbolt Noorda, PvdA-parlementarian Marianne Besselink and Lisa Westerveld from the LSVB, which should get pretty feisty as it touches on subjects like student finance. Once the dust settles, tomorrow brings a multicultural ‘Clash’ with music, cabaret, fashion and plenty of tea—hosted at Leeuwenburg (HvA), Weesperzijde 190. Finally, on Thursday, there’s a party at Melkweg to get us lazy bastards to stand up and vote already. Now that’s what you call democracy in action. (Luuk van Huët) Vondelkerk, debate is free, reserve at

Rock: Broken Social Scene What is Broken Social Scene? Who are Broken Social Scene? Those are never easy questions to answer since the scene is always changing. Formed back in 1999, this Toronto music collective was labelled an indie supergroup long before many of their individual parts ever received any significant acclaim, but that’s the benefit of having a pool of over 20 different musicians who can step into a musical gap at any time. Down the years, they’ve enticed indie darlings like Leslie Feist, Jason Collett, James Shaw and Emily Haines of Metric, Jason Tait of The Weakerthans and so on. The only true mainstays of their albums and many tours are Kevin Drew, Brendan Canning and drummer Justin Peroff. But let’s not get lost in the random Canadian names, because no matter who shows up in Amsterdam, a Broken Social Scene concert is an experience—sometimes a wild, sonic pop ride, and on other nights they lose themselves to experimental noodling and more careful layering. Tonight’s guest stars include Amy Millan of Stars and Charles Spearin of Do Make Say Think, and they’ll probably showcase some of the upcoming Broken Social Scene Presents: Brendan Canning tunes, so maybe you can expect the former, but you can only ever guess. (Steven McCarron) Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 20.30, €10 + membership.

WEDNESDAY14 MAY Roots: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Little shook the rock world last year more than the reformation of Led Zeppelin, even if it was only for one night. While all three remaining members seem reluctant to make it a more permanent vacation, Robert Plant, in particular, was somewhat distracted by his own collaboration with enchanting bluegrass-country singer Alison Krauss. And while the release of Raising Sand certainly couldn’t overshadow the return of Zeppelin, the album certainly slow-burned its way into the hearts of many music fans who never expected to be willingly listening to his solo adventures again. Drawing on old American classics and driven by legendary producer/guitarist T-Bone Burnett, it turned out there was real chemistry born of the sessions, and the two very different voices of Plant and Krauss interweave and harmonise beautifully. Six months on from the release, the duo are attempting to recreate their understated ambience in musical caverns; never an easy undertaking. And with only one official album to play with, that leaves space for some extra covers that didn’t make it onto tape, as well as occasional bluegrass versions of Led Zep hits, too. (Steven McCarron) Heineken Music Hall, 20.00, sold out.

Send details and images for listing consideration at least two weeks in advance to

Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008

In the tenth year of its existence, Kunstvlaai teams up with old enemies while still presenting a carrot named Dick.

HAVE THE PIE (AND EAT IT,TOO) ART Kunstvlaai Art Pie International 10-18 May, 12.00-18.00, Westergasfabriek By Sarah Gehrke

‘Niet de KunstRAI’ was the title the founders originally thought up when they established the art fair at Westergasfabriek ten years ago. That name, however, didn’t find much appreciation with the competition it was named after—KunstRAI, the yearly art fair down in Oud Zuid—so it had to be changed. The new title was ‘Niet de Kunstvlaai’, and it was then changed again, for the following edition, to simply ‘Kunstvlaai’. As its original title suggests, Kunstvlaai was set up as an alternative to the more established art world—the world of high-profile galleries and moneyed collectors. ‘We wanted to stimulate the discussion about what good art is,’ says Jos Houweling, co-founder and organiser of Kunstvlaai. ‘So Kunstvlaai was meant as a sort of counter-movement to KunstRAI. We wanted to do it better.’ Times have changed. KunstRAI is not called KunstRAI anymore but Art Amster-

dam (See Short List). And this year, for the first time, the two fairs have proudly announced their cooperation. Kunstvlaai will present work of Sandberg students and graduates in the RAI halls, while one of the galleries that participate at Art Amsterdam will also have a stand at Kunstvlaai. For the coming years, a closer cooperation is planned. Why the change of heart, Mr Kunstvlaai? ‘Although we started as a counter initiative, Kunstvlaai quickly became an institution in its own right, and being an anti-movement stopped being an urgent necessity’, says Houweling, ‘partly because our approach has always been so different. While the big art fairs represent the art gallery world, we are all about independent artist collectives and master students. And for art lovers, it’s nicer to have the two worlds together. After all, two eyes see more than one. ‘So in the future, Kunstvlaai and Art Amsterdam will be more like one big fair on two locations. That also fits in better with us becoming more international. And, in fact, it fits in better with the whole character of art. Art just comes in different versions. But we are definitely going to keep our specific style and approach.’

The cooperation with Art Amsterdam isn’t the only big news on the Kunstvlaai horizon. At the coming edition, there will be large delegations from both Turkey and China, in preparation for their own Kunstvlaais. If the plans go through, there’ll be two Kunstvlaai franchises, called Art Pie International, in Istanbul and Shanghai. ‘It’s nothing definite yet. But in the worst case, we’ll have to organise three Kunstvlaais in 2010,’ Houweling says contentedly. One of the projects at Kunstvlaai, by Su Tomesen, goes along quite nicely with the China theme. Her collective, Petersburg Project Space, will erect a huge wall on the Westergasterrein, and during the opening, Tomesen will transform it into the Chinese Muur. Covered with the Chinese flag, the wall will serve as locale for a picnic. Through a hatch in the wall, Buddhist nuns from the Zeedijk temple will serve spring rolls and tea to Kunstvlaai visitors. ‘China has been incredibly present in the world in the past years,’ says Tomesen, ‘with its booming economy and its export products. My work is about that. It’s to be a short intervention: after one hour, everything will be taken down very quickly, so that people who come past will stop and think, “wait… wasn’t there something else here just a minute ago?” This suddenness fits in well with the character of Kunstvlaai—it’s rapid, powerful and overwhelming.’ Bart Cardinaal, of Rotterdam design studio Hunk Design, agrees. ‘Kunstvlaai is one of the few art exhibitions where you can be surprised. Usually, you’ve kind of seen it all before. At Kunstvlaai, things can be terribly beautiful—or terribly ugly. But they’re always challenging.’


Rolling out the multi-coloured flying carpet and taking an art ride.

Hunk Design’s project, by Cardinaal and Nadine Roos and together with Eddy Kaijser from IDEddy, is the ‘Flying Grass Carpet’. Made from artificial grasses normally used for football, tennis and hockey grounds, the giant carpet is intended as a mobile park. ‘We are interested in nature and in artificial representations of it. And we think many cities don’t have enough green space. So the carpet shall tour the world from here to Tokyo. Wherever it lands, people can use it to hang around on, and to play frisbee, and to do all the other things you do in a park.’ The summery mood continues with the project by artist Monique Horstman. ‘There’ll be a giant carrot!’ she says. ‘It will be surrounded by little bunnies...’ A question of who eats whom? ‘Yes, and it’s got a sexual element as well: the carrot is nicknamed Dick. It’s a playful, in-your-face project. What I like about Kunstvlaai is that in-your-face character. The atmosphere is more free than at more traditional art fairs. Artists can participate even if they’re not affiliated with a gallery. It’s younger, less old-fashioned and the barriers are lower.’ So what do you think about the former anti-KunstRAI initiative cooperating with Art Amsterdam? Su Tomesen: ‘I think it’s one big joke. In a positive sense. It’s very typical for Jos [Houweling]—it just shows a good sense of humour. Fits in very well with Kunstvlaai, actually.’ ‘What Kunstvlaai is about,’ says Houweling, ‘is an atmosphere of unexpected discoveries. And if you don’t like it, you can always just go and sit on the terrace in the sun.’

Amsterdam Weekly


8-14 May 2008

Saturday 10 May Blues: Johnny Winter Renowned American blues guitarist. Breaking onto the scene in the late ’60s, Winters starred at the original Woodstock and has been taking his characteristic electric blues around the world since. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 19.30, €25 + membership Opera: Opera in Concert Europa Galante and Opera Seria Chorus perform the Mozart opera Idomeneo. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 19.30, €61.50/€72.50 Rock: One Man Band Blast-Off Sets from weird sonic one-man rock ’n’ rollers Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave, Sherriff Perkins and King Automatic. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 20.30, €8 + membership Heavy: 3xLixe Featuring So Called Celeste, Return To Reason and Fire Walk With Us. Winston Kingdom, 21.00, €6 Gospel: Campbell Brothers Afro-American gospel and blues built upon some amazing pedal steel guitar-play from the brothers. Bimhuis, 21.00, €16 Broken Social Scene, see Tuesday

MUSIC More listings at Send listing suggestions at least two weeks in advance to

Thursday 8 May Pop: Morcheeba Dance, trip-hop and soulful pop. This organic English bunch aren’t quite setting the charts alight as they did back in the late ’90s but their live reputation remains solid. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 19.30, sold out Singer-songwriter: Boris McCutcheon Americana and folk from New Mexico. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 20.00, €8 + membership Classical: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra English conductor and master of the old, Trevor Pinnock leads the RCO tonight, with guest pianist Maria João Pires. Works include Johann Christoph Bach’s Sinfonia in B flat; Mozart’s Piano Concerto No.9; The Black Gondola by Liszt/Adams; and Haydn’s Symphony No.99. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.15, €25/€52.50 Classical: Royal String Quartet The four young players from Poland tackle string quartets by Mozart, Szymanowski and Dvorák. Concertgebouw, Kleine Zaal, 20.15, €29 Contemporary: Ives Ensemble A programme titled Dada voor Allen, featuring works by Erik Satie, Erwin Schulhoff, George Antheil, Francis Poulenc and Paul Hindemith. See Short List. Muziekgebouw, 20.30, €20 Pop/Rock: Fools Gold Indie party with sets from The Mekkits (UK), Three Storeys High (UK) and The Looks. Winston Kingdom, 21.00, €5 Jazz: ICP Orchestra Always a mind-blowing improvisation event, pianist Misha Mengelberg and drummer Han Bennink once again lead this amazing ten-piece band of extraordinary international improv talents. Bimhuis, 21.00, €16 World: Milton Nascimento Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter who’s a proper musical icon in his homeland of Brazil, as well as being recognised worldwide for his rich back catalogue and guest appearances with the likes of Paul Simon, Cat Stevens, George Duke, Quincy Jones and Duran Duran. Melkweg, The Max, 21.00, €25 + membership

Latin/Jazz: Estrella Acosta & Esquina Afro-Cuban classics meet Latin jazz improvisations. Badcuyp, Noordpool, 21.30, €8 World: Mdungu & Beyond Club Meander, 21.30, €8 Pop/Rock: Club 3voor12 Live radio and TV session featuring sets from Tom Helsen, LPG and Jodymoon. Desmet Studios, 22.00, free, tickets: World: Forro in the Dark Brazilians move to New York and bring a contemporary twist to the traditional sounds of the Forro, revitalising it for the European and North American party scenes. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 22.00, €7 + membership Rock: The Hong Kong Dong Belgian indie rock from a Chinese takeaway. Comedy Theater, 22.00, €7.50

Friday 9 May Pop/Rock: Scouting for Girls London-based guitar pop. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 19.00, €8 + membership Singer-songwriter: Kevin Devine Politically minded singer-songwriter from Brooklyn. Devine is hardly a big name artist, but his four albums to date have proven him a great wordsmith, plus his previous visits here have always been particularly memorable. De Nieuwe Anita, 20.00, €6 World: Todos Para Brasil Live Brazilian music in this party for charity. Sugar Factory, 20.00, €12.50 Classical: Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (See Thursday) Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.15, €25/€52.50 Tango: Quinteto El Después New tangos on bandoneón, guitar, violin, piano and double bass, inspired by Astor Piazzolla’s most famous formation. KIT Tropentheater, 20.30, €20 Jazz: Bobby Previte’s New Bump The drummer leaves behind the safety of the New York jazz melting pot for an evening with sax player Ellery Eskelin, Bill Ware on vibes and bassist Brad Jones. Together, they’re promoting the quartet’s new album. Bimhuis, 21.00, €16 World: Brasilintime on Tour Last year Mochilla unleashed its latest music documentary on the world with the release of Brasilintime: Batucada com Discos, a feature-length exploration of the connections between hiphop and Brazilian musical styles such as samba and bossa nova. Live guests tonight include Madlib & Mamao (Jackson Conti), J-Rocc, Nuts, Joao Parahyba, B+ and Tony Allen. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 21.00, €16 + membership Rock: Chikinki Bristol glitch rock. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 21.00, €10 + membership Electro rock: Transaudio, Junkbeat Winston Kingdom, 21.00, €6 Blues: The Bizznizzmen of Rock ’n’ Roll Rockabilly. Maloe Melo, 22.00, €5 World: Zabumba Gafieira and forro dance night. Badcuyp, Noordpool, 22.30, €6 Hiphop: La Melodia Warm and soulful female hiphop. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 23.30, €8 + membership

The Hoosiers Pop/Rock: The Hoosiers Light-hearted indie pop from the UK. Think The Cure meets XTC with some of the comedy of Ben Folds Five. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 21.00, €13 + membership

Festival: International Jewish Music Festival This competition is for musicians and ensembles with a goal of an international career focussed on Jewish music, be it classical, liturgical, folk, pop or klezmer music. Twenty-four ensembles will battle it out this weekend. See Muziekgebouw, various times and prices

Hiphop: Three 6 Mafia This old school rap outfit from Memphis, who turned trendy Academy Award winners, make their Dutch debut tonight. Melkweg, The Max, 21.30, €19 + membership Electronica: Shapeshifter New Zealand drum & bass act. They’re so massive in the southern hemisphere that they’ve completed orchestral tours and even have a live album behind them. So this certainly won’t be just another anonymous and mechanical electronic performance. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 22.00, €15 + membership Funk: The Grits Sleazy and groovy Hammond funk outfit from the UK that would make James Brown proud if he was around to hear them. Maloe Melo, 22.00, €6 Festival: International Jewish Music Festival (See Friday) Muziekgebouw, various times and prices

Sunday 11 May Classical: Marlene Hemmer The young violinist gets all romantic in a Brahms special. Bethaniënklooster, 15.00, €16.50 Electronica: More Tea, Vicar? Featuring Mark Pritchard, Max Cole and Van Conk. 't Blauwe Theehuis, 15.00-22.00, free Singer-songwriter: Amsterdam Songwriters Guild Presenting their new compilation album with diverse appearances from Ro Halfhide, Lucky Fonz III, Arthur Adam, Leine, Roely, M-JO, Barbara Breedijk and loads more. Bitterzoet, 20.00, €5 Classical: Harmony Benefit concert featuring pianist Alexander Melnikov, cellist Quirine Viersen, violinist Isabelle Faust and the Osiris Trio. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.15, €29.75/€35 Heavy: MKM! KapotMoet! Experimental noise for boys! And girls. Ear breaking sets from Company Fuck (Austria), Eustachian (US), Sgure (FR), Surachai (US) and Peter Quistgard. OCCII, 21.00, €5 Experimental: Puma Intense and adventurous electronic noise jazz that is typical of the bold Norwegian improv scene. Bimhuis, 21.00, €14 Festival: International Jewish Music Festival (See Friday) Muziekgebouw, various times and prices

Monday 12 May Classical: Concert voor Israel The Holland Koor and Hineni Symfonie Orkest mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 14.30, €19.10/€22.50 Singer-songwriter: Phosphorescent Raw gothic Americana and folk from American songwriter Matthew Houck. If you didn’t catch him at Paradiso last month, he’s hotly tipped and performs a style of music reminiscent of Devendra Banhart and Akron/Family. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 18.30, €10 + membership Rock: Explosions in the Sky One of the leading outfits from the instrumental post rock scene, these Texans are responsible for a rather emotive approach to writing guitar epics. What’s most surprising is that even after four full albums, their sound remains a fresh, glimmering pool of water in a baking desert, loaded with feeling and meaning despite the lack of words. Support from Eluvium, the ambient shoegaze project of Matthew Cooper. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 19.00, €15 + membership Experimental: Atlas Sound The experimental indie pop project of Bradford Cox, frontman of acclaimed indie band Deerhunter. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 20.00, €8 + membership

Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008 Opera: Opera per Tutti! Weekly performance by De Nieuwe Opera Academie. Vondelkerk, 20.15, €20 World: The Klezmatics This lively New York klezmer ensemble are in town to officially close the International Jewish Music Festival. Fans can also take in a masterclass with them at lunchtime today. Muziekgebouw, 20.30, €25 Soul: Bilal Neo-soul and jazz from this smooth American singer. Before, there’s worldly hiphop and soul grooves from Ntjamrosie. Melkweg, The Max, 21.00, €25 + membership Rock: Infadels Melodic guitar pop from London that struts around as though Robbie Williams is ready to leap out from behind the amps. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 21.00, €14 + membership Big band: Konrad Koselleck Big Band Jazz pop dance fusion—big band style. Joining Koselleck tonight are singers Esra Dalfidan and Mapi Quintana, plus Raphaela Danksagmuller on dudek. Sugar Factory, 21.00, €9 Jazz: Miguel Zenon Quartet Saxophonist Miguel Zenon has played with Latin jazz greats, but also in the SF Jazz Collective with Joshua Redman and Bobby Hutcherson. Recently he released his fourth album, Awake, and will be showcasing his own rhythmic and melodic sounds with pianist Luis Perdomo, bassist Hans Glawischnig and drummer Henry Cole. Bimhuis, 21.00, €16 Experimental: DNK-Amsterdam Weekly concert series for new live electronic and acoustic music. Tonight features three American soloists: Audrey Chen, Nate Wooley and C Spencer Yeh. SMART Project Space, 21.30, €5

Pop/Rock: The New Amsterdams The softer side of emo. Frontman Matthew Pryor was formally a key member of energetic punks The Get Up Kids, but this project is much more acoustic; close to Americana at times, then quirky melodic pop at others. Bitterzoet, 20.30, €9 Singer-songwriter: Tom McRae and the Hotel Cafe Tour Melancholic and emotional acoustic song-crafting from the Englishman, who’s always popular on visits to the Netherlands. Tonight is a little different, however, as he brings the Hotel Cafe Tour concept to town, performing in turns and together with five other talented artists: Cary Brothers, Jim Bianco, Catherine Feeny, Greg Laswell and Brian Wright. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 20.30, €17.50 + membership Hiphop: Busta Rhymes A big game rapper that needs little introduction. His eighth studio album, titled I’m Blessed, is due for release next month and features guest slots from the likes of Mary J Blige, Jamie Foxx, Common and Akon. Melkweg, The Max, 21.00, €35 + membership Jazz: Emil Bovbjerg New Septet Vocal jazz. Badcuyp, Zuidpool, 22.00, €2

Wednesday 14 May Rock: Rogue Wave, Blitzen Trapper The super sound of spring. Both of these American bands are renowned for their soaring harmonies and chiming guitars. Additional support from Eastern Conference Champions. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 19.30, €11 + membership Jazz: Muziekschool Amsterdam An evening full of young jazz talents, featuring five ensembles and two big bands led by Peter Guidi. Bimhuis, 20.00, free Roots: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss The voice of Led Zeppelin meets bluegrass songstress Krauss on a surprisingly level playing field, with the duo tackling old-time American greats. See Short List. Heineken Music Hall, 20.00, sold out Classical: Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra Glinka’s Overture from A Life for the Tsar; Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E; and Dvorák’s Symphony No.8. Conducted by Peter Sánta, with cellist Pieter Wispelwey. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.15, €21.25/€25 Contemporary: Schönberg Ensemble To mark the 2000th anniversary of the city of Nijmegen, in 2005 the young Tilburg composer Mayke Nas wrote a piece for the Schönberg Ensemble, entitled ‘To Hell!’, which is unveiled tonight. Also premiered is Roi Nachshon’s ‘Exiled’, plus works by Salvatore Sciarrino and Bart de Vrees. Muziekgebouw, 20.30, €22

Burlesque FreakOut

Skip Intro Electro and house. Club 8, 22.00-04.00, €6

CLUBS Thursday 8 May Vreemd Weird dance mania, featuring Van Valen (live), Tim Nieburg and Julien Chaptal. Sugar Factory, 23.00-05.00, €10

Friday 9 May Red Parade A Moskow Diskow special featuring live sets from La Minor and Messer Chups, then a party with all your Russian faves. Studio K, 21.00-04.00, €12 Nataraj A spiritual and health-conscious party specialising in trance and psychedelic dance. Club 8, 21.30-04.00, €9 Boemklatsch Remixing the unremixable. Bitterzoet, 22.00-04.00, €7.50


Welcome to the Future With Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts (Berlin/Montreal), Radio Slave (Berlin) and Jobez. 11, 22.30-04.00, €12

Singer-songwriter: Thao Hotly tipped in 2008, this young lass from Virginia specialises in indie folk, blues and sparkling pop. Her new album We Brave Bee Stings And All is only a few months old, but she’s proving equal to the hype and was suitably refreshing at her previous Paradiso show back in January. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 21.45, €6 + membership

Feestbass Old school hiphop, broken beats, UK garage, dubstep, jungle and drum & bass. Club Chi, 23.00-05.00, €10 Freitag A Freude am Tanzen label special, featuring Krause Duo (DE), Douglas Greed (live) and Boris Werner. Flex Bar, 23.00-05.00, €10

Tuesday 13 May Blues: Bjørn Berge There’s no mistaking the sound of the blues, but when it comes to Norwegian performer Berge, there’s a little added something. Maybe it’s a fury, maybe just passion. Either way, his guitar takes a real whipping on stage. Paradiso, Kleine Zaal, 20.00, €8.50 + membership Classical: Les Musiciens du Louvre Baroque orchestra paying tribute to the music of Rameau; conducted by Marc Minkowski. Concertgebouw, Grote Zaal, 20.15, €42.50/€50 Classical: Members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Works by Barber, Castérède, Berio, Hartmann, Toch and Martinu. Concertgebouw, Kleine Zaal, 20.15, €25 Rock: Broken Social Scene The Canadian indie rock supergroup. Headed by Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning, the band usually features Canuck hipsters like Andrew Whiteman, Jason Collett, Leslie Feist, Metric’s Emily Haines, Stars’ Torquil Campbell and Amy Millan, and typically many more. Support from New Zealand indie pop act The Brunettes. See Short List. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 20.30, €10 + membership Contemporary: The Karnatic Lab A concert series devoted to exploring elements of Karnatic music from southern India and fusing them with jazz styles. Badcuyp, Noordpool, 20.30, free


The Whitest Boy Alive Pop: The Whitest Boy Alive Minimalist pop outfit based in Berlin. They’re undoubtedly most famous for being fronted by Kings of Convenience member Erlend Øye. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 20.30, €15 + membership Jazz: Willem Breuker Kollektief Okay, so Breuker isn’t actually performing tonight. Instead, he’s ably replaced by soprano saxophonist Frans Vermeerssen. What’s more, the ensemble are joined by world champion whistler Geert Chatrou. Bethaniënklooster, 20.30, €15 Hiphop/Electronica: Bunny Rabbit Sex, drugs and rock ’n’ roll wrapped up in a femme electro hiphop act from Brooklyn. Winston Kingdom, 21.00, €7 Pop: Sebastien Tellier Sexy French lo-fi synth-pop from the multi-instrumentalist who moves in similar circles as peers like Air and Daft Punk. Later this month, he’ll be taking his song ‘Divine’ to the Eurovision Song Contest—the first time in the history of the contest that the nominated French entry will be performed primarily in English. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 21.00, €19 + membership Electronica: Noodlanding! Electro Special Featuring the weird party sounds of Brit dance band Metronomy. Paradiso, Grote Zaal, 22.30, €10

klinch: RAUW Rocking and raving with a live set from Panther (US), DJ Beni (Riot in Belgium), Joost van Bellen and a screening of the Soulwax Nite Versions documentary, Part of the Weekend Never Dies. Melkweg, The Max, 23.00-05.00, €15 + membership Stad van Spinoza A new club experience where great music is supported by art, performances and a sense of ideology. Oh, and some great DJ and club acts. Sugar Factory, 23.00-05.00, €10 Sonic Warfare VII Dubstep warriors from home and abroad step up to the drum & bass plate for another terrorising night of bass drones and twisted beats. With Appleblim (UK), Martyn, Peverelist (UK), Gatekeeper (UK) and more. Melkweg, Oude Zaal, 23.30-late, €12 + membership J.A.M. & Friends Hiphop, dubstep and drum & bass. De Duivel, 23.59-04.00, free

Kit Cat Klub Take a break... for more weekend dance sounds. Club Home, 22.00-05.00, €12 Night Moves Underground house, acid and disco goodies. Cafe Pakhuis Wilhelmina, 22.00-late, €7 GirlsLoveDJs And some people love to look at trains. It isn’t necessarily something to celebrate in public. Hotel Arena, 23.00-04.00, €15 Last Night on Earth Apocalyptic chaos from David Gilmour Girls, Marco & Orpheu and My Little Soundsystem. For early birds, there’s a Metal Heart party beforehand, as part of Kunstvlaai, so look out for metal acts and art. Flex Bar, 23.00-05.00, €9 Odeon’s Countdown Hitshow The public votes for the tracks, the DJs play them. Odeon, 23.00-05.00, €12 Redevice Invites Electronic goodies from the likes of Dieb (live), Prosumer, Antal and Sander Baan. Studio 80, 23.00-06.00, €11.99 Voltt Electrifying electronica. There’s live sets from Polder, Kabale und Liebe, District One, Scion (Berlin) and Andy Stott. DJs sets from the likes of David Labeij, Lauhaus and Bart Skils. Paradiso, 23.00-late, €20.50 Hiphop Funk Sessions Various DJs. De Duivel, 23.59-04.00, free Gemengd Zwemmen Two rooms of swimmingly diverse noise. In The Max, it’s classic ’80s and ’90s; in the Oude Zaal, there’s alternative dance, pop, rock and indie hits. Melkweg, 23.59-late, €9

Sunday 11 May Burlesque FreakOut Getting saucy on Mother’s Day with DJs, acts and burlesque stars. As always, arrive with a 1920s nightclub vibe. Club 8, 21.00-03.00, €10 Cheeky Sunday Roast Electro, grime and dubstep from the Cheeky Monday crew. Winston Kingdom, 22.00-03.00, €6 Rhythms del Mundo A spicy mix of house, funk, Latin house, eclectic, electro and oriental. Odeon, 23.00-05.00, €15 Ultraviolet With Matthew Stone (London), Rfh Delfos, Cleo and Yuki. Flex Bar, 23.00-05.00, €7.50 WickedJazzSounds Jazz, hiphop, broken beats, nujazz, funk and Afro sounds, as classic vinyl collides with live musicians. Sugar Factory, 23.00-05.00, €9.50

Monday 12 May Saturday 10 May Big Night Out Cocktails and music with Alec Smart. De Nieuwe Anita, 20.00-late, €6

Cheeky Monday True skool jungle and drum & bass, featuring players from the local and international scenes. Winston Kingdom, 21.00-03.00, €7

Hex New wave, minimal and electro sounds, plus a live set from Ben et Bene (FR). OCCII, 22.00-04.00, €6

Tuesday 13 May

Live at the BBQ Hiphop, disco and funk sausages. Bitterzoet, 22.00-04.00, €7.50

Les & More Minimal techno night. Winston Kingdom, 22.00-03.00, €6

Amsterdam Weekly



Dance: Enter Ghost Inspired by the ghost-lore of Hamlet, Nicole Beutler has created a suggestive and poetic choreography which attempts to visualise the invisible. De Brakke Grond, (Wed 20.30), €12

Film: Israel 60 jaar Two documentaries to mark 60 years of Israel: De kolonist van Kibboets Karmya and In gesprek met Amos Oz. Felix Meritis, (Thur 19.00), €7.50

Friday 9 May Social: Thank God It’s Friday Weekend drinks with DJs, snacks and booze from 5pm until three in the morning, when it isn’t even Friday any more. De Engel van Amsterdam, 17.00-03.00, free

Saturday 10 May Social: HIV Speeddating Organised by Poz & Proud, this is a special speeddating afternoon for gays who are HIV. Register at PRIK, 16.00 DJ night: Queen’s Head DJ Bloom spins dancey tunes from 22.00 onwards at this lovely bar that attracts lovely men, and some women, and also has a fab canal view. Queen's Head, 16.00-03.00

Cullberg Ballet Dance: Cullberg Ballet The renowned Swedish modern dance company, Cullberg Ballet, is heading back to Het Muziektheater after a 13-year absence for performances of As If and Negro con Flores. Under the leadership of Johan Inger, they’re masters of combining dramatic performance with brilliant dance technique. See Short List. Het Muziektheater, (Fri, Mon 20.15, Sun 14.00), €15-€35


Party: (Z)onderbroek Drop your pants and dance in your most sexy briefs/Y-fronts/boxers or jockstrap at this men-only afternoon fun party. We love it here! If the heat on the tiny dancefloor gets too much, head for the balcony for some relaxing action. Club La, 16.00-20.00, €12

Music/Dance: Pamina Devi This dance production is a Cambodian version of Mozart’s 18th-century opera Die Zauberflöte. Here, 36 dancers, musicians and singers interpret the story, with choreography by Sophiline Cheam Shapiro. Het Muziektheater, (Thur 20.15), €15-€35

Sunday 11 May

Theatre: Electronic City Susanne Kennedy’s adaptation of Falk Richter’s piece about lost identities in times of globalisation. In Dutch. Frascati, (Thur, Fri 21.00), €12

Sex club: S.O.S. Organised by these naughty boys from GALA (who also brought us (Z)onderbroek). Well you don’t need much clothing here either as S.O.S. is not about that Abba song, but all about Sex on Sundays. Nude or underwear, it doesn’t matter. Anything goes (quite literally)... The Eagle, 16.00-20.00, €8

Monday 12 May Party: Blue Monday Alternative ‘dixo’ with alternative music and no dress-code at this famous squat. Vrankrijk, 22.00-02.00

Tuesday 13 May Sport: Nude Swimming Weekly nude-swimming hour, which is actually not gay but has been taken over by a herd of happy homos who don’t mind swimming without their AussieBum, Speedo or Calvin Klein—or with the occasional woman. Het Marnix, 21.00-22.00, €3.50

Wednesday 14 May Happy hour: Fabulous Cocktail Night Luxury finger food, cocktails and champagne. Oh, and a fashion-conscious crowd in the latest designer-wear, of course! All cocktails €5. Arc, 16.00-01.00, free

STAGE Opening Music/Theatre: Shit in the City Charlotte Lap and Babette Labeij face up to life in the big city. A life throwing up the difficulties of Amsterdam, clothing, childcare, sex, sushi, whores and so on. In Dutch. Melkweg Theater, (Thur, Fri 20.30), €10 Music/Theatre: Één Thijs Maas, winner of the Wim Sonneveldprijs last year, explores the loneliness and melancholy of the crooner in this solo show. In Dutch. Theater Bellevue, (Thur-Sat 20.30), €13 Performance: Mythobarbital/Val der Titanen Award-winning Flemish group Abbatoir Ferme get silently weird and wonderful. De Brakke Grond, (Fri, Sat 20.30), €12 Dance: Priyadarsini Govind Bharata natyam, a classical dance style from India, is said to combine strength and flexibility, energy and elegance. Tonight, this Indian dance group present the proof. KIT Tropentheater, (Sat 20.30), €18

EVENTS Event: Portfolio Night Amsterdam A place for advertising students, junior copywriters, art directors, interactive art directors and advertising-geared designers to show off their portfolio and get feedback from the professionals. The Corner, (Thur 18.15), €16

Edited by Willem de Blaauw.

Party: Women’s Night Weekly women’s night in this laid-back cafe, with either DJ Suna, Ortega, Roest or Voytec. Men are welcome, if accompanied by a female friend. Cafe Sappho, 21.00-01.00

8-14 May 2008

Theatre: Naar Damascus Ingmar Bergman meets David Lynch in this Strindberg play, brought to stage by Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Directed by Pierre Audi, the play is about the writer’s struggle with relations, fame and religion. In Dutch. Stadsschouwburg, (Thur-Sat 20.15), €12-€23 Comedy: Comedy Explosion New and used stand-up comics doing their thing, with guests like Jim Speelmans and Dara Faizi. In Dutch. Comedy Theater, (Thur-Sat 20.30), €12.50 Performance: Varekai Yet another Cirque du Soleil touring monster. This one is based loosely on the Greek myth of Icarus. Grand Chapiteau, (Thur-Sat, Tues, Wed 19.30, Fri, Sat, Wed also 15.30, Sun 13.00, 17.00), €25-€74 Dance: Borrowed Landscapes Anouk van Dijk’s newest choreography is about freedom: of both individuals and society. Questioning what is authentic or original, she uses her dancers like pebbles in a Japanese garden, moving them around to create order and disorder in a limited space, forcing the individual to surrender to the greater whole. Frascati, (Thur-Sat, Tues, Wed 20.30), €14 Theatre: De Fantasticks The famous ’60s musical, with music by Harvey Schmidt and lyrics by Tom Jones, gets a Neder-reworking. Arjan Ederveen and Johnny Kraaijkamp Jr take the lead roles, as Broadway comes to Westerpark. In Dutch. Westergasfabriek, (Thur-Sat, Wed 20.30, Sun 15.30), €35 Theatre: Lente During the John Everett Millais exhibition, Olivier Provily presents a piece about five young women moving through time. Van Gogh Museum, (Fri 20.00), €10 (includes access to exhibition) Comedy: easylaughs Comedy improv in English. Two knee-slapping shows every Friday night. CREA Muziekzaal, (Fri 20.30, 22.30), €8, €5 (late night) Comedy: Wat De Pot Schaft One presenter, a house band and two well-known guests flaunt their talents on a Sunday afternoon. In Dutch. Comedy Theater, (Sun 16.00), €20 Dance: Wonderland Improvised dance and music performance for kids and family. OT301, (Sun 16.00), €4 Theatre: De geschiedenis van de Familie Avenier (3 & 4) Maria Goos’ new play depicts the history of a Dutch family through the decades and an ever-changing society. Divided into four parts, the play finally reaches its conclusion, which takes us from their world in 1970 to 2000. In Dutch. Stadsschouwburg, (Tues, Wed 19.00), €15.50-€38

Literature: VI It Up! Wordsinhere, Amsterdam’s most progressive group of writers, poets and artists, are proud to present the long-awaited unveiling of Versal VI. Featured are live writers, live performances and live music, starring local and international talent. Sugar Factory, (Thur 19.30), €5 Art: Katie’s Cozy Craft Corner A free event open to anyone who wants to come down and get crafty or keep crafters amused. Just bring your crafty bits along and take them away at the end of the night. De Nieuwe Anita, (Thur 20.00), free Art: Tijdelijk Museum Imaginary museum series running parallel to Art Amsterdam. See and Short List. Various locations, (Thur-Mon), €7.50/€18 Art Fair: Art Amsterdam The former KunstRAI. See and Short List. RAI, (Thur-Mon), €18 Festival: H-OT Scenes Festival Four days of hot music and partying featuring more than 40 bands, DJs and performance artists. See OT301, (Thur-Sat 20.30, Sun 16.00), €7.50 per day, €17.50 festival pass Multidisciplinary: Impakt Festival Films, street art, music and media. See Short List and Theater Kikker, Utrecht (Thur-Sun), various prices Art: Young and Collecting An off-shoot of Art Amsterdam and backed by the Stedelijk, this workshop is designed to teach youngsters from 17 to 22 years old the key points of collecting art. Email for reservations and info. RAI, (Fri 10.00-19.00), €18 Discussion: Dizkuzz All you need know about organising your own music festival. In Dutch. Paradiso, Kelder, (Fri 19.00), free, reserve at Festival: Nacht van Europa Marking the anniversary of the European Union with a festival for youths drawing on music, film and cabaret with political elements. There’s music from Balkan Beatz, Fixkes and The Nits. In Dutch and English. Felix Meritis, (Fri 19.00), €5 Event: Serve the City Four days of volunteering to make you feel good about yourself and to make a difference. See Various locations, (Fri-Mon), free Art Fair: Kunstvlaai API The bi-annual alternative art fair returns to promote the hottest contemporary art talents from Holland and abroad. 400 artists will be showing work, with 75 galleries represented and 15 art schools. See Until 18 May. Westergasfabriek, (Sat 16.00 -19.00, Sun-Wed 12.00-18.00), €6 Literature Festival: Vurige Tongen Three days of poetry and music with a healthy blend of live performances, lectures, exhibitions, theatre, children’s events, workshops, open stages and visual poetry. Guests include Branco Galoic & Skakavak Orchestar, Willem de Ridder and Russian Chamber Choir. See Ruigoord, (SatMon), various prices Comedy: Quiet Night In The best of English-language comedy and sitcoms with the bonus of live sketches and short sets by the QNI Players. De Nieuwe Anita, (Sun 19.00), €4 Lecture: And the Winner is... The latest in the series ‘The Next President of the United States’. As we head towards the political conventions, experts look ahead to the US general election. Special guests are Michael Oreskes (editor International Herald Tribune) and Michiel Vos (journalist). In English. Aula UvA, (Tues 15.00), free, reservations required Debate: Week van de Amsterdamse Student Students get frisky about democracy and modern student issues. See Short List. Vondelkerk, (Tues 18.30), free, reserve at Discussion: The Globalised Crystal Ball #7 What will be the significance of western economic development aid in tomorrow’s world? On the basis of this question, Wilbur Perlot will discuss poverty reduction with Simeon Djankov, Susan George and Andrew Mwenda. In English. De Balie, (Tues 20.00), €8

Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008

Edwin Zwakman: Fake But Accurate A retrospective of well-known Dutch photographer Zwakman, in which his three latest series can be seen together for the first time. Huis Marseille (Tues-Sun 11.00-18.00), until 25 May

Charlotte Dumas: Tiger Tiger Photographic portraits of tigers in nature reserves and zoos throughout the US. Galerie Paul Andriesse (Tues-Fri 11.00-18.00, Sat 14.00-18.00), closing Saturday

Paul Sietsema: Three Films The American artist Paul Sietsema has earned a reputation during the last decade with a refined cinematographic oeuvre of three films. Within the context of his first solo exhibition in Europe, the three works will be screened as a trilogy, representing three distinct phases in a conceptual artistic expedition through (art) history. De Appel (Tues-Sun 11.00-18.00), until 25 May

Sit: Unwired Documenting the process of an Amsterdam street artist stepping away from his computer and getting back to black-and-white basics. GO Gallery (Wed-Sat 12.00 -18.00, Sun 13.00-17.00), closing Sunday

Rachel Howard New work by the acclaimed British painter. Museum van Loon (Fri-Mon 11.00-17.00), until 26 May Boek Zoekt Lezer A historical overview of the Dutch literature world, showcasing advertising from the 17th century to the present. UvA: Special Collections Library (Mon-Fri 10.00-17.00, Sat, Sun 13.00-17.00), until 28 May Eyes Wide Open The Stedelijk Museum presents a selection of recently acquired paintings, photographs, examples of film and video art, sculptures and graphic works by artists working in the Netherlands or elsewhere. Stedelijk Museum CS (Daily 10.00-18.00), until 1 June

Beeldend Gesproken Kunstprijs, see Opening

ART More listings at

Opening Arabic Graphics Exhibition showcasing the graphic and typographic design works of Lebanese-Dutch designer Tarek Atrissi, who has developed ideas for commercial and non-commercial projects around the world. De Levante (Wed-Sun 13.00-17.30), opens Thursday, until 22 June Beeldend Gesproken Kunstprijs Promoting the talents of artists from a psychiatric background. Jan van der Togt Museum (Wed-Sun 13.00-17.00), Amstelveen, opens Thursday, until 18 May In Afghanistan Hans Stakelbeek’s photos of the rebuilding process in Afghanistan. Centrale Bibliotheek (Daily), opens Thursday, until 30 June Luis Buñuel Photos, film fragments, original posters and memorabilia from the Spanish film-maker’s Mexican period. Filmmuseum (Daily 13.00-22.00), opens Thursday, until 22 June Satellite Station Eight artists from seven galleries combine for one show in Post CS. Featuring diverse installations from Alex Winters, Sema Bekirovic and Nicky Zwaan, Rob Johannesma, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, David Bade, Maze de Boer and Mike Cooter. W139/Basement (Thur 13.00-01.00, Fri-Sat 13.0021.00, Sun, Mon 13.00-18.00), opens Thursday, closing Monday Acequias Ida Kleiterp’s exhibition—part of the International Jewish Music Festival—is inspired by the thousands of years-old water channelling systems that have existed around the world. The exhibition is comprised of an artistic installation along with a module of objects similar to the art objects but which can be experimented with and interactively manipulated. Muziekgebouw (Fri-Sun 11.00-20.00), opens Friday, closing Sunday Zomer in de Kerk The Nieuwe Kerk lays itself bare in the early months of summer. Rather than showcasing treasures gathered from around the world, you can explore the church and its tombs in their own full glory. Nieuwe Kerk (Fri-Wed 10.00-18.00, Thur 10.00-22.00), opens Friday, until 29 June

Geert van Kesteren: Baghdad Calling The acclaimed Magnum photo-journalist shows how Iraqi refugees are living in countries like Jordan, Syria and Turkey, as well as images of everyday Iraqi life, shot by the locals in areas where journalists would never dare to tread. Nederlands Fotomuseum (Tues-Fri 10.00-17.00, Sat, Sun 11.00-17.00), Rotterdam, opens Saturday, until 15 June Open Ateliers Jordaan Seventy artists and initiatives of the Jordaan open their doors to the public across the Pinkster weekend. Locations such as Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Rietveld Academie, Het Marnix and Jordaanmuseum play host to special events, while Dancestreet acts as the central location. To find out what’s where, see Various locations, Jordaan (Sat-Mon 12.00-18.00), opens Saturday, closing Monday Open Ateliers Westelijke Eilanden Fifty-five studios and organisations showcase the rich art scene out in the Westelijke Eilanden. See Short List. Westelijke Eilanden (Sat-Mon 12.00-18.00), opens Saturday, closing Monday

Museums MAGNUM Photos 60 years This collection uses photographs, books and texts to illustrate the history of MAGNUM year by year, giving visitors the opportunity to view work by 83 photographers. Stedelijk Museum CS (Daily 10.00-18.00), closing Monday Lucas Lenglet: A Canary in a Coalmine Lenglet continues a series of installations in which he explores the ambiguities of ‘the architecture of security’. His work can be regarded as a visualisation of the increased state of vigilance in Western society, though at the same time he uses the aesthetic means of the sculptor to create a sort of dramaturgy of trust to accompany it. Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (Tues-Sun 11.0017.00), closing Monday

Ewout Huibers: De Onvoorstelbare Stad Surreal urban images of Amsterdam from this master of interior and architecture photography. Meneer de Wit (Tues-Fri 14.00-18.00, Sat, Sun 12.00-18.00), opens Saturday, until 30 May

Jessica Dimmock—The Ninth Floor An exhibition of socially-engaged photography by the young American photographer. This disturbing portrait series features a group of young heroin addicts living in a ninth-floor apartment in Manhattan, New York. Foam (Sat-Wed 10.00-18.00, Thur, Fri 10.00-21.00), until 1 June Wim de Haan—Drawings 1954-1964 Around 50 drawings from the late period of the artist’s life (he lived from 1913-1967), whose often intuitive and expressionistic style has a powerful immediacy. Much of the determination felt in his work is said to be born of his experiences as a Japanese POW in WWII. CoBrA Museum (Tues-Sun 11.00-17.00), until 1 June Daniel & Geo Fuchs: STASI—Secret rooms This exhibition opens up the hidden rooms once used by the STASI, the infamous East German secret service, in a series of monumental photos. Foam (Sat-Wed 10.0018.00, Thur, Fri 10.00-21.00), until 4 June Superheroes and Schlemiels Superman, Maus, The Rabbi’s Cat and many other heroes and anti-heroes from the art of comics feature in this exhibition of comics and graphic novels by Jewish artists. Joods Historisch Museum (Daily 11.00-17.00), until 8 June Kurt Lubinski: Photographer in Exile Documentary portraits by this German photographer, who gained a significant reputation as a successful photojournalist for his worldly travel reportages in the ’20s and ’30s. Joods Historisch Museum (Daily 11.00-17.00), until 8 June Nancy Spero: Spero Speaks A solo exhibition by this prominent American artist, including exemplary works from different phases of Spero’s lengthy artistic career. A diptych sheds new light on the ‘persona’ of Spero, as artist, but also as activist, feminist and mentor. De Appel (Tues-Sun 11.00-18.00), until 22 June World Press Photo Exhibition of winning photos from the 2007 World Press Photo competition, including the esteemed Photo of the Year: an image of an exhausted American soldier resting in Afghanistan, taken by UK photographer Tim Hetherington. Oude Kerk (Mon-Sat 10.30-17.30, Sun 13.00-17.30), until 22 June

Nieuwe Oogst Shining the architectural spotlight on the newest members of the Bond van Nederlandse Architecten. ARCAM (Tues-Sat 13.00-17.00), until 17 May

Lectori Salutem Delving into the history of books, with original objects, beautiful manuscripts and books from Dutch collections, photographs and texts. Allard Pierson Museum (Tues-Fri 10.00-17.00, Sat, Sun 13.00-17.00), until 7 September

Maria Sibylla Merian & Daughters—Women of Art and Science Containing the most important and influential natural history art from the Netherlands in the 17th century, this exhibition features more than a hundred rarely displayed masterpieces, including original drawings, watercolours, gouaches, prints and books. Rembrandthuis (Mon-Sat 10.00-17.00, Sun 11.00-17.00), until 18 May Ewout Huibers: De Onvoorstelbare Stad

Karel Appel—Jazz 1958-1962 One of the nation’s most famous post-war artists, this collection comprises some 23 large-scale works. CoBrA Museum (Tues-Sun 11.00-17.00), until 1 June

Territorial Phantom Employing a whole mix of attitudes, viewpoints and forms, the international artists represented here respond to the concept of occupying and possessing space with a series of multidisciplinary multimedia works. Montevideo/Time Based Arts (TuesSat 13.00-18.00), closing Monday

John Everett Millais He was the foremost painter of the English Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and Britain’s most successful artist of the latter half of the 19th century. His jewel-like, highly detailed paintings exude a dreamy, serene atmosphere, and this exhibition comprises some 100 works, covering all aspects of Millais’ career. Van Gogh Museum (Mon-Thur, Sat, Sun 10.0018.00, Fri 10.00-22.00), until 18 May

Tobias Rehberger: the chicken-and-egg-no-problem wall-painting The first major Dutch retrospective of works by German artist Tobias Rehberger, who in the mid-’90s gained an international reputation for objects and installations at the interface of fine art, design and architecture. Stedelijk Museum CS (Daily 10.00-18.00), until 25 May


Drie Meiden in Verzet—Hannie Schaft en de Zusjes Oversteegen Exhibition about Hannie Schaft—’the girl with the red hair’—and Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, the girls she collaborated with in the resistance movement, and the difficult choices forced upon them in WWII. Verzetsmuseum (Tues-Fri 10.00-17.00, Sat-Mon 11.00-17.00), until 7 December

Galleries Le Milieu Experimental exhibition featuring diverse works by local Rietveld graduates: Jasper Engel, Joost van Kempen, Michelle van Kempen, Eva Pel, Marieke Schoonderbeek, Maarten Sleeuwits and Roosmarijn Schoonewelle. Meneer de Wit (Wed-Sun 12.00-18.00), closing Friday Aurélien Froment: Acknowledgement The French artist presents a series of works which tackle the issue of image manipulation and the importance of reference systems. Motive Gallery (Wed-Sat 13.0018.00), closing Saturday

Under The Surface An international selection of artists working in the field of non objective art provide a show about painting without paintings. RC de Ruimte (ThurSun 13.00-17.00), IJmuiden, closing Sunday Frisse Koeien The cows are back in town. De Kunstfabriek (Tues-Fri 12.00-18.00, Sat, Sun 12.00-17.00), until 15 May Field Work—Part One As a two-part exhibition and ongoing discussion, Field Work conjectures two parallel, interconnected, and yet differently oriented trajectories that encompass art, nature and ecology. Featured are works by Allora & Calzadilla, Andrea Geyer, Marine Hugonnier, Lasse Lau and Jason Middlebrook. SMART Project Space (Tues-Sat 12.0017.00), until 17 May Pepijn van den Nieuwendijk: Salon Printemps 2008 Monumental three-dimensional ceramic objects and oil paintings inspired by Victorian artists like Arnold Böcklin and Viktor Vasnetsov, Catholic devotion cards and works of the the Arts and Crafts movement. KochxBos Gallery (Wed-Sat 13.00-18.00), until 17 May The Disobedients Works by Adel Abdessemed, Gabriel Orozco, Wilfredo Priëto, Fernando Sánchez Castillo and Pascale Marthine Tayou. Annet Gelink Gallery (Tues-Fri 10.00 -18.00, Sat 13.00-18.00), until 17 May Chikako Watanabe: Animal Trail An installation attempting to visualise the invisible ‘animal trails’ of Amsterdam. Ellen de Bruijne Projects/Dolores (TuesSat 13.00-18.00), until 17 May Tobias Lehner: Multiplexor The first solo exhibition in the Netherlands by the Leipzig-based painter. Grimm Fine Art (Wed-Sat 12.00-18.00), until 20 May Shintaro Kago The first European solo exhibition by this much-talked about Japanese artist, who deals in satirical and grotesque manga imagery. K-Space Amsterdam (Wed, Fri, Sat 12.00-19.00, Thur 12.00-21.00), until 24 May Marcel van der Vlugt: A New Day In this photo series, Van der Vlugt remakes John Collier’s painting, Lilith. But rather than rehashing religious imagery, this collection reinvents the character in a world of plastic surgery. Witzenhausen Gallery (Thur-Sat 12.00-18.00), until 24 May Elliott Erwitt: Personal Best The Magnum photographer presents highlights from his 60 year career. Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen (Thur-Sat 12.00-18.00), until 24 May Bonnie Severien: Supernatural Paintings of landscape and interiors with unusual twists. AYAC’S (Fri, Sat 13.00-17.30), until 31 May Chris Shaw: Life as a Night Porter Shaw spent 10 years working in London hotels, all the while using his camera to both document the hotel’s unexpected human spectacles and keep himself awake through the long hours of his shifts. Hup Gallery (Tues, Thur, Fri 10.00-17.00), until 1 June Milly Betten, Henny van der Meer Recent grid-style paintings by Betten; organic looking objects and sculptures by Van der Meer. Galerie Roger Katwijk (Wed-Sat 13.00-18.00), until 1 June Sustainability and Transparency A photo exhibition displaying the themes of ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Transparency’ through the eyes of a diverse group of international photographers, including renowned artist, Chris Jordan (US). Melkweg Galerie (Wed-Sun 13.00-20.00), until 1 June Nicolas Provost Retrospective exhibition of works by filmmaker Nicolas Provost, featuring seven of his films. De Brakke Grond (Mon 10.00-18.00, Tues-Fri 10.0020.30, Sat 13.00-20.30, Sun 13.00-17.00), until 1 June Miles Aldridge: New Works Fashion photography? Perhaps. But if you look a bit closer, you’ll notice a certain discomfort underlying the world of glamour Aldridge portrays, as if something terrible is just about to happen. Reflex New Art Gallery (Tues-Sat 11.0018.00), until 7 June Niels Helmink: Shopkeepers Photos of shopkeepers in their winkel domains. Galerie Bart (Thur, Fri 11.0018.00, Sat 12.00-17.00), until 7 June Carli Hermès: The Elements The commercial photographer presents a new set of expressive fantasy images. Galerie Rademakers (Tues-Sun 11.00-17.30), until 8 June

Amsterdam Weekly


8-14 May 2008

Bimhuis Piet Heinkade 3, 788 2150

CREA Muziekzaal Turfdraagsterpad 17, 525 1400

Bitterzoet Spuistraat 2, 521 3001

De Engel van Amsterdam Zeedijk 21, 427 6381

Blauwe Theehuis, 't Vondelpark 5, 662 0254

Desmet Studios Plantage Middenlaan 4A, 521 7100

De Brakke Grond Nes 45, 626 6866

De Duivel Reguliersdwarstr 87, 626 6184

Cafe Pakhuis Wilhelmina Veemkade 576, 419 3368 Cafe Sappho Vijzelstraat 103, 423 1509

Ellen de Bruijne Projects/Dolores Rozengracht 207A, 530 4994

Centrale Bibliotheek Oosterdokskade 143, 523 0900

Felix Meritis Keizersgracht 324, 626 2321

Annet Gelink Gallery Laurierstraat 187-189, 330 2066

Club 8 Admiraal de Ruyterweg 56B, 685 1703

Filmmuseum Vondelpark 3, 589 1400

De Appel Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, 625 5651

Club Chi Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal 161

Flex Bar Pazzanistraat 1, 486 2123

Club Home Wagenstraat 3-7, 620 1375

Foam Keizersgracht 609, 551 6546

Heineken Music Hall ArenA Boulevard 590, 0900 300 1250

Club La Kerkstraat 50-52

Frascati Nes 63, 626 6866

Hotel Arena ’s-Gravesandestraat 51, 850 2400

Club Meander Voetboogstraat 3, 625 8430

Galerie Bart Bloemgracht 2, 320 6208

Huis Marseille Keizersgracht 401, 531 8989

AYAC'S Keizersgracht 166, 638 5240

CoBrA Museum Sandbergplein 1-3, Amstelveen, 547 5050

Ferdinand van Dieten-d'Eendt Spuistraat 270, 626 5777

Hup Gallery Tesselschadestraat 15, 515 8589

Badcuyp 1e Sweelinckstraat 10, 675 9669

Comedy Theater Nes 110, 422 2777

Galerie Gabriel Rolt Elandsgracht 34, 785 5146

De Balie Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, 553 5151

Concertgebouw Concertgebouwplein 2-6, 671 8345

Galerie Paul Andriesse Withoedenveem 8, 623 6237

Jan van der Togt Museum Dorpsstraat 50, Amstelveen, 641 5754

Bethaniënklooster Barndesteeg 6, 625 0078

Consortium Veemkade 570, 06 2611 8950

Bijbels Museum Herengracht 366-368, 624 2436

The Corner Herengracht 498

Galerie Rademakers Prinsengracht 570-572, 6225496

Joods Historisch Museum Jonas Daniel Meijerplein 2-4, 531 0310

ADDRESSES 11 Oosterdokskade 3-5, 625 5999 Amsterdams Centrum voor Fotografie Bethaniënstraat 9, 622 4899 Amsterdams Historisch Museum Kalverstraat 92, 523 1822

Arc Reguliersdwarsstraat 44, 689 7070 ARCAM Prins Hendrikkade 600, 620 4878 Aula UvA Singel 411, 525 4791

Galerie Roger Katwijk Lange Leidsedwarsstraat 198-200, 627 3808 Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen Hazenstraat 27, 06 5203 1540 Gemeentemuseum Stadhouderslaan 41, Den Haag, 070 338 1111 GO Gallery Prinsengracht 64, 422 9580 Grand Chapiteau near Amsterdam ArenA (P2) Grimm Fine Art Hazenstraat 24, 422 7227

Imagine IC Bijlmerplein 1006-1008, 489 4866

K-Space Amsterdam Nieuwezijdsvoorburgwal 262 KIT Tropentheater Mauritskade 63, 568 8711 KochxBos Gallery 1e Anjeliersdwarsstraat 3-5, 681 4567 De Kunstfabriek Polonceaukade 20 (Westergasfabriekterrein), 488 9430 De Levante Hobbemastraat 28, 671 5485 Maloe Melo Lijnbaansgracht 163, 420 4592 Het Marnix Marnixplein 1, 5246000 Melkweg Lijnbaansgracht 234A, 531 8181 Melkweg Galerie Marnixstraat 409, 531 8181 Meneer de Wit Postjesweg 2, 616 3680 Montevideo/Time Based Arts Keizersgracht 264, 623 7101 Motive Gallery Elandsgracht 10, 330 3668 Museum van Loon Keizersgracht 672, 624 5255 Muziekgebouw Piet Heinkade 1, 788 2010 Het Muziektheater Amstel 3, 625 5455 Nederlands Fotomuseum Wilhelminakade 332, Rotterdam, 010 213 2011 De Nieuwe Anita Frederik Hendrikstraat 111, 06 4150 3512 Nieuwe Kerk entrance on the Dam, 638 6909 OCCII Amstelveenseweg 134, 671 7778 Odeon Singel 460, 624 9711 OT301 Overtoom 301, 779 4913 Oude Kerk Oudekerksplein 23, 625 8284 Pakhuis de Zwijger Piet Heinkade 179-181, 788 4444 Paradiso Weteringschans 6-8, 626 4521 PRIK Spuistraat 109, 06 4544 2321 Queen's Head Zeedijk 20, 420 2475 RAI Europaplein 22, 549 1212 RC de Ruimte J.P. Coenstraat 51-55, IJmuiden Reflex New Art Gallery Weteringschans 79A, 423 5423 Rembrandthuis Jodenbreestraat 4, 520 0400 Ruigoord Ruigoord 15, 497 5702 SMART Project Space Arie Biemondstraat 107-113, 427 5953 Stadsschouwburg Leidseplein 26, 624 2311 Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam Rozenstraat 59, 422 0471 Stedelijk Museum CS Oosterdokskade 5, 573 2911 Studio 80 Rembrandtplein 70, 521 8333 Studio K Timorplein 62, 692 0422 Sugar Factory Lijnbaansgracht 238, 627 0008 The Eagle Warmoesstraat 90, 627 8634 Theater Bellevue Leidsekade 90, 530 5301 Theater Kikker Ganzenmarkt 14, Utrecht, 030 231 9666 Tropenmuseum Linnaeusstraat 2, 568 8200 UvA: Special Collections Library Oude Turfmarkt 129, 525 2141 Van Gogh Museum Paulus Potterstraat 7, 570 5200 Van Zijll Langhout Brouwersgracht 161, 06 2825 9620 Verzetsmuseum Plantage Kerklaan 61, 620 2535 Vondelkerk Vondelstraat 120 Vrankrijk Spuistraat 216 W139/Basement Oosterdokskade 5, 06 2427 6657 Walls Gallery Prinsengracht 737 Westergasfabriek Haarlemmerweg 8-10, 586 0710 Winston Kingdom Warmoesstraat 129, 623 1380 Witzenhausen Gallery Elandsstraat 145, 644 9898 Zaal 100 De Wittenstraat 100, 688 0127

8-14 May 2008

Amsterdam Weekly

For heaven sake Sake and Co. Zeedijk 134, 625 2180 Open Sun-Thur, 17.00-22.00; Fri-Sat 17.00-03.00 Cash only Did you survive the Queen’s Day beer tsunami? Now that we’ve consumed our share of Heineken and Amstel, it’s time to explore the lighter side of the alcoholic palette, brought to us by our friends in Japan. Sake and Co., conveniently located at the Nieuwmarkt end of the Zeedijk, is a trendy new chill-out Asian establishment, run by charming Kevin Lem and his warm, efficient staff. Spanking new, it opened for business on 1 May (I had been invited to an opening party). Although finger foods are on offer, the emphasis is really on drinks, both East and West: wines, Japanese beer, spirits, interesting cocktails such as something called the Plum Crazy (plum wine on crushed ice with a gin-soaked plum to nibble) and, of course, a wide variety of sake. As for the finger food, you can snack on duck spring rolls and tempura shrimp in crusty batter. There’s also a Surprise Me Mix (€12.50) and a Mix of Famous Sushi (€12.50). The interior is intimate with low, comfortable banquettes; burnt orange muffin-like cushions dot the white swivel lounge chairs. Subtle orange lighting illuminates the black walls and the bottles are kept in high-tech vacuumsealed cases behind the bar—this has something to do with eliminating the chances of oxidising the wines. I was served an opaque glass flask of ice-cold draft Hakasuru sake, with a small white porce-

THE UNDERCOVER GLUTTON I hesitantly popped one into my mouth (food with eyes used to make me squeamish). Ronny watched my reaction. I found it lovely to chew on. lain cup. This was the first time I’d tried it cold. Usually, I drink it warm or hot, to accompany a Japanese meal. This was heavenly stuff—outrageously smooth and silky. It had a dry aftertaste,

which was pleasing. Nevertheless, I took my time to sip. Owner Ronny, who set up Sake and Co., placed a small bowl filled with marinated baby octopus, fried in a light, sweet soy sauce and


sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds, in front of me. I hesitantly popped one into my mouth (food with eyes used to make me squeamish). Ronny watched my reaction. I found it was lovely and soft to chew on. It tasted sweet—a tad oily—but a perfect accompaniment to the chilled sake. Suddenly a whole snack parade appeared. I was sitting alone between two couples (but I was served enough tasties for two). This was like a gastronomic fashion show where they were trying to see what snacks would be popular, and the menu wasn’t yet finalised. I was happy to be a focus group. Here’s what was on my plate: crisp-fried squid cake with a gooey, melted cheese centre, accompanied by a dip of sweet chilli sauce. This was surprisingly marvellous, as cheese isn’t an Asian ingredient. The combination was delicious; the textures worked well together. There was also an assortment of sushi—herring, salmon and prawn—with a creamy, smooth Japanese mayo for dipping. I was also treated to tempura prawns, marinated yakitori chicken on skewers (garnished with crisply fried onion sprinkles), crunchy chicken balls and spinach-filled bitterballen. My plans to have dinner at a nearby restaurant started to fade. I was filling up. My iced sake was almost empty, and I was feeling it. Dangerous thing, this sake. Too many - a great Japanese can really clobber you. Basho, poet, wrote a haiku that describes it well: Man drink flask / Second flask drink first / Third flask drink man. I was starting to understand what he meant. My tummy was satisfied. The snacks were heavenly, although not meant to be a full-on meal. I would revisit soon. I slowly arose to my feet with rubberised knees to thank my hosts and bid adieu to the company around me. More people were pouring in as I giddily tidal waved out.

Amsterdam Weekly


Buñuel retrospective


Edited by Julie Phillips.This week’s films reviewed by Massimo Benvegnù (MB), Angela Dress (AD), Andrea Gronvall (AG), Luuk van Huët (LvH), JR Jones (JJ), Joshua Katzman (JK), Dave Kehr (DK), Marie-Claire Melzer (MM), Mike Peek (MP), Julie Phillips (JP), Bart Plantenga (BP), Gusta Reijnders (GR), Jonathan Rosenbaum (JR), Marinus de Ruiter (MdR) and Bregtje Schudel (BS). All films are screened in English with Dutch subtitles unless otherwise noted. Amsterdam Weekly recommends.

Festivals Buñuel retrospective From now until the end of June, the Filmmuseum will present films by the great Spanish director. He started as a Surrealist provocateur with Un Chien Andalou (1926) but went on to make antibourgeois, anti-Catholic films in many styles. He worked in Mexico in the 1950s and in France in the 1960s, directing Catherine Deneuve, Jeanne Moreau and Michel Piccoli. A series of short documentaries on the director is showing on Saturday. Filmmuseum

8-14 May 2008

Ardilla Roja (Semana de Cine Español: Entremeses) Semana de Cine Español: Entremeses The next Week of Spanish Cinema isn’t until next year, but in between, a brief series of advance screenings and classics is scheduled. They include two films by Julio Medem (Ardilla Roja and the new Caótica Ana) and David & Tristán Ulloa’s Pudor, about a family whose lives divide and whose secrets intersect. Melkweg Cinema

of Into the Wild) dukes it out with a sinister CEO, with a little help from the mysterious Racer X (Matthew Fox), who may or may not be his older brother. The story isn’t anything to write home about, but a stellar cast and the trademark Wachowski visual flair combine to deliver a film that actually is family-friendly fun. With Susan Sarandon, John Goodman and Christina Ricci. (LvH) Pathé ArenA

Witnessed from Within A series of critical documentaries from Israel. They include a biographical doc on nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, a look at the work of Israeli activist Ezra Nawi, and a portrait of the Palestinian fishing village Fureidis (literally, ‘Paradise’), which has been surrounded by Jewish colonies; that film is called Paradise Lost. De Balie

What Happens in Vegas We all know Ashton Kutcher is into mature women, but that still doesn’t explain why this iffy rom-com was made in the first place. From the start we are informed that Joy (Cameron Diaz) is too uptight, while Jack (Kutcher) is just slacking off. Cue faux-funny sidekicks and a large dose of contrivances and you end up with a film that’s too mean to appeal to girls, too mushy to appeal to guys and not funny enough for anyone who wasn’t born in the ’50s. ‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’ is the expression. The film-makers should have listened. (LvH) Pathé ArenA, Pathé Tuschinski

New this week Un Baiser s’il vous plaît A light, sexy romantic comedy directed by, and starring, Emmanuel Mouret. Gabriel (Michael Cohen) gives Émilie (Julie Gayet) a ride into Nantes. He asks for a kiss, and they wind up telling stories to each other about how one kiss can be a dangerous thing. With Virginie Ledoyen, Stefano Accorsi. In French with Dutch subtitles. Cinecenter Speed Racer (Imax) The original animated series started the Japanimation craze that still captures the imagination of our feeble Western minds, but even if you aren’t a big fan of anime, there’s a lot to love about this rollicking roller coaster of a live-action remake. Young rally driver Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch

Still playing African Bambi A Dutch nature documentary for kids, set on the Serengeti, with excruciatingly sappy music and cloying narration by Loes Luca. In Dutch. 80 min. Het Ketelhuis Aleksandra Russian master Aleksandr Sokurov (Father and Son, The Sun) places himself in the position of an old woman questioning the motives of men of war. Aleksandra, played by the opera singer

Five-Word Movie Review


Galina Vishnevskaya, goes to visit her grandson, who is stationed in Grozny with the army. For both the soldiers and the viewers she is a disarming presence at the base, with her dry, motherly comments about the macho habits and phallic-looking weapons she comes across. Aleksandra is based on a marvellous idea; its lack of story development makes it less poignant than it could have been, but it’s still a moving addition to the impressive Sokurov oeuvre. In Russian with Dutch subtitles. (MdR) 92 min. Filmmuseum

Atonement Based on the novel by Ian McEwan, adapted by Christopher Hampton and directed by Joe Wright (Pride and Prejudice), Atonement tells the story of a single tragic lie with horrendous consequences. This genre-melding film opens in 1935, when 13-year-old fledgling writer Briony Tallis accus-

Special screenings 28 Days Later This 2002 postapocalyptic zombie movie by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) will be introduced by a special guest programmer: the Weekly's Bregtje Schudel. Rialto Azuloscurocasinegro A bittersweet coming-of-age drama set in contemporary Madrid, where Jorge (Quim Gutiérrez) lives with his invalid father (Héctor Colomé). Despite his university degree, he works as a concierge. His brother Antonio (Antonio de la Torre) is in prison and his mother is dead, leaving him to take care of his father. When he meets Paula (Marta Etura), he realises that there may be more to life than slaving for others, and that he must take that responsibility. Yet his future still looks ‘azuloscurocasinegro: dark blue, almost black’. Directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo. In Spanish with Dutch subtitles. (MM) 105 min. Melkweg Cinema Belle de Jour Though it may not equal the sublimity of his last three features, Luis Buñuel’s 1967 masterpiece remains a seminal work that clarifies his relationship with Hitchcock. Like Hitchcock, Buñuel was a prude with a strong religious background and a highly developed sense of the kinky and transgressive; what he does here with Catherine Deneuve parallels Hitchcock’s encounters with Tippi Hedren. Adapting a novel by Joseph Kessel, Buñuel and Jean-Claude Carriere recount the story of a frigid but devoted upper-class housewife (Deneuve) who secretly works at a high-class brothel to satisfy her masochistic impulses. Placing her fantasies, dreams and recollections on the same plane as her everyday adventures, Buñuel comes closer to the French New Wave than he did before or after, and much of his secondary cast reinforces this association, including Michel Piccoli, Macha Meril and Pierre Clementi as a dandyish gangster. In French with Dutch subtitles. (JR) 101 min. Filmmuseum

Le Bonheur A beautiful and disturbing 1965 fea-

ture by Agnès Varda about family happiness, full of lingering and creepy ambiguities. A happily married carpenter (Jean-Claude Drouot) with a beautiful wife (Claire Drouot) and two small children (Sandrine and Olivier Drouot) falls in love with a beautiful postal clerk (Marie-France Boyer), who becomes his mistress. After his wife dies mysteriously—whether

by accident or suicide isn’t clear—his idyllic family life continues with the postal clerk. Provocative and lovely to look at, this is one of Varda’s best and most interesting features, along with Vagabond and Cleo from 5 to 7. In French with English subtitles. (JR) 79 min. OT301 The Cement Garden Four children live with their dying mother in a grim English town. When she finally succumbs, they decide to bury her secretly and continue on. Incest and other power games are the result. This 1993 film is based on the Ian McEwan novel and directed by Andrew Birkin—the uncle of Charlotte Gainsbourg, who plays the oldest sister. 105 min. Cavia

Cleo from 5 to 7 Agnès Varda’s 1961 New Wave feature recounts two hours in the life of a French pop singer (Corinne Marchand) while she waits to learn from her doctor whether she’s terminally ill. Beautifully shot and realised, this film offers an irreplaceable time capsule of Paris, and fans of Michel Legrand won’t want to miss the extended sequence in which he visits the heroine and rehearses with her. The film’s approximations of real time are exactly that—the total running time is 90 minutes—but innovative and thrilling nonetheless. Underrated when it came out and unjustly neglected since, it’s not only the major French New Wave film made by a woman, but a key work of that exciting period—moving, lyrical and mysterious. In French with English subtitles (JR) OT301 Ex Drummer In this 2007 interpretation of the Flemish novel by Herman Brusselmans, an arrogant writer is convinced by three physically challenged freaks to join their rock band. He decides to lead them in a local band contest to provoke the literary establishment and get in touch with some ‘real people’ in the process. Flanders was shocked by the profanity and gross images in this pitch-black comedy, but that was exactly the comment that director Koen Mortier was aiming for in his attempt to break through the indifference of the cultural elite towards genuine social problems. In Flemish with Dutch subtitles. (MdR) 90 min. Kriterion The Forbidden Team A light-hearted Danish documentary, by Arnold Kroigaard and Rasmus Dinesen, about a group of Danes who try to organise a Tibetan

national football team. The Tibetans attempt to get to Denmark in time to play a match against Greenland. Subtitled in English and showing in the Movies That Matter series. 56 min. Kriterion

tianity is widely respected, and deservedly so. But it lacks his brilliant wit and seems much less adventurous than his ‘60s masterpieces. In Spanish with English subtitles. (DK) Filmmuseum

Le Journal d’une femme de chambre Oddly enough, Jean Renoir’s 1946 Hollywood version of Octave Mirbeau’s novel was a lot crueler and more “Buñuel-esque” than this, Buñuel’s own remarkable and neglected 1964 French version. Formally and thematically, this is one of Buñuel’s subtlest and most intriguing late works; the novel’s action is updated to the ‘30s and includes a commentary on the French fascism of the period. This was the first of Buñuel’s many fruitful collaborations with screenwriter JeanClaude Carrière and producer Serge Silberman. Jeanne Moreau plays the heroine, and others in the cast include Michel Piccoli, Georges Géret and Françoise Lugagne. In French with Dutch subtitles. (JR) 98 min. Filmmuseum

Los Olvidados Luís Buñuel’s discovery of feral youth, made in the slums of Mexico City in 1950. Buñuel’s apparent lack of compassion for his juvenile delinquents is what finally makes the film an unusually powerful social document and a disturbing piece of drama. He explains them with neither sympathy nor sentiment, but simply produces the brutal facts of their lives. Gabriel Figueroa, the great Mexican cameraman, contributes a harsh blackand-white image that transcends documentary—it’s real life, only more so. In Spanish with English subtitles. (DK) 80 min. Filmmuseum

Kid Dynamite Hans Hylkema’s 2001 documentary about the Surinamese jazz saxophonist who played in cafés on the Zeedijk from the 1930s until his death in a car accident in 1963. The soundtrack is by the Surinamese saxophonist Wilgo Telting and the jazz ensemble Fra Fra Sound. In Dutch. De Uitkijk La León A magical black-and-white feature set in an isolated village in northern Argentina, where sexual tension develops between a macho riverboat captain and the sensitive son of a local fisherman. First-time director Santiago Otheguy gives a poetic turn to the classic small-town themes of loneliness and intolerance. In this special advance screening, Otheguy will present his film in person. Rialto Das Leben ist eine Baustelle This 1997 romance set among the down-and-out of Berlin was directed by Wolfgang Becker (Good Bye Lenin!) from a script by Becker and Tom Tykwer. The real star is the city itself, undergoing a post-communist makeover as its residents hang on by their toenails. In German with Dutch subtitles. 118 min. Studio K Nazarín In Mexico in 1900, under the regime of dictator Porfírio Díaz, a priest attempts to live the life of Christ and meets only humiliation and hostility. Luís Buñuel’s 1958 meditation on the folly of pure Chris-

Small Films, Big Directors Kriterion’s own choice of short films by well-known directors, including Polanski and Scorsese. Kriterion Staal & Lavendel This 2007 documentary portrays the farmer’s son Cornelis Verolme, who rose to be the richest shipbuilder in postwar Rotterdam and then lost it all. Director Rudolf van den Berg’s best find was an old tape recording in which Verolme talks about his motives, his enemies and his life. 90 min. Het Ketelhuis Stroszek Bruno, an eccentric Berlin street singer, was the star of Werner Herzog’s Every Man for Himself and God Against All. In this 1977 feature Herzog once again uses him as an emblem of otherworldly innocence adrift in a land that hovers threateningly beyond his comprehension. Described as a ‘ballad’ by its maker, Stroszek is part moral tale and part absurdist comedy, as our scruffy hero leaves the claustrophobia of Berlin to find a new life in the wide open spaces of northern Wisconsin. Instead, he finds a dancing chicken. In English/German with English subtitles. (DK) 115 min. De Nieuwe Anita Talking Guitars In this different approach to a music documentary, Claire Pijman profiles the New York based Dutch guitar builder Flip van Domburg Scipio. Jackson Browne, Carly Simon, Paul Simon and Ry Cooder all talk about the man who made their instruments. 73 min. Het Ketelhuis

Amsterdam Weekly

es her older sister’s boyfriend of a crime he didn’t commit. Five years later, at the start of the Second World War, the young man is released from prison on the condition he join the army. In 1999, Briony as a dying novelist still feels she has to atone for bearing false witness. Starring Keira Knightley, James McAvoy and Vanessa Redgrave, Atonement is one beautiful film. (GR) Cinecenter

shot on location around the globe and again delivering a visual feast for the eyes. Singh financed the film himself, only to see it banished to distribution hell by those shifty Hollywood suits. It’s not an easy film to sell—Singh is prone to sentimental flights of fancy that can leave the viewer high and dry—but if you can stomach the saccharine, it might be worth it for the eye candy. (LvH) 117 min. Kriterion

Le Ballon Rouge & Crin-Blanc These classic shorts by French director Albert Lamorisse are so pure in their emotion and elemental in their drama that parents may be as moved as their kids. In Le Ballon Rouge (1956, 34 min.) a little boy’s blue-grey existence is brightened by the arrival of a dramatically red balloon; in the lesser-known Crin-Blanc (‘White Mane’, 1953, 40 min.) a boy forges a bond with a proud wild stallion. Both films tell the same story—the balloon is coveted by neighbourhood bullies, the stallion by mercenary horse wranglers—and both end with a moment of transcendence, as the boy and his prized ‘friend’ escape the cruel world of grown-ups for the limitless unknown. (JJ) De Uitkijk

Fool’s Gold Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey team up again after the 2003 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. They play divorced treasure hunters who think they’ve found a sunken Spanish galleon off Key West, but their rom-com antagonism fails to buoy this sorry deep-sea adventure. (JJ) 112 min. Pathé ArenA

Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead It’s hard to see the point of this hammily over-acted, confused and gratuitously violent heist-gone-wrong movie, directed by Sidney Lumet. Brothers Ethan Hawke and Philip Seymour Hoffman bungle the robbery of their own parents’ jewellery store somewhere in the suburbs of New York, resulting in the death of their mother. An unpleasant subplot is that they are both sleeping with Marisa Tomei, Hoffman’s wife. Drugs get taken. Money gets stolen. Let’s face it: the characterisation is flat, the plot ridiculous and the dialogue silly. The end. (AD) 123 min. The Movies, Pathé Tuschinski Cassandra’s Dream After making his best and smoothest drama (Match Point) in England, Woody Allen returns there for one of his most clueless and awkward, outfitted with a standard-issue Philip Glass score. In both cases Allen’s usual hang-ups about class and money lead to conventionally complicated murder plots. Two economically challenged cockney brothers in South London—a garage mechanic and compulsive gambler (Colin Farrell) and a more settled sort who runs the family restaurant (Ewan McGregor)—get pushed into killing a businessman who’s threatening to expose their rich uncle (Tom Wilkinson). (JR) 108 min. Cinecenter, Pathé Tuschinski

Control In this biopic on singer/songwriter Ian Cur-

tis, photographer and video director Anton Corbijn dares to be critical: Ian isn’t a tragic hero, but a bit of a wimp who uses his band as an escape from his own incompetence as a husband and father. The film is beautifully shot in black-and-white, though the stark contrasts and grey hues serve mainly to underline the desolation of the Manchester suburbs, and of Ian himself. (BS) 119 min. Melkweg Cinema Dan in Real Life The title refers to an advice-to-thelovelorn column written by the hero (Steve Carell), a widower who takes his three daughters to a family reunion in Rhode Island. On an idle visit to a bookstore, he meets and falls for a woman (Juliette Binoche) who later turns out to be the girlfriend of his brother (Dane Cook). The setup of this comedy by director Peter Hedges (Pieces of April) and some subsequent twists may be contrived, and the laughs aren’t very plentiful, but much of the behaviour seems real, and the able cast makes the most of it. With Dianne Wiest and John Mahoney. (JR) 98 min. Pathé Tuschinski

The Darjeeling Limited Sometimes you travel through life with some extra baggage. In the case of the Whitman brothers, it’s a luxury Louis Vuitton set that looks colourful and flashy even in India. A year after their father’s funeral, Francis (Owen Wilson), Peter (Adrien Brody) and Jack (Jason Schwartzman) meet aboard a train for a journey of spiritual healing. The fact that they have not spoken to each other in a year doesn’t prevent them from getting straight into the family’s old dynamics, which involve manic tics, substance abuse and sexual escapades. But soon both the emotional and the physical baggage starts to fall away. Film-maker Wes Anderson (Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums), much like his characters, has found his grown-up voice. This delicious curry comedy is a rich plate for film-goers, entertaining and poignant, just as it should be. (MB) 108 min. Kriterion Doomsday Neil Marshall follows up his subterranean chiller The Descent with this futuristic thriller about a team sent to eradicate a deadly virus. 105 min. Pathé ArenA Dunya & Desie A reasonably entertaining parade of ethnic and class stereotypes, based on the TV series and directed by Dana Nechushtan (Nachtrit). With Eva van de Wijdeven as kaaskop teenager Desie and the award-winning Maryam Hassouni as her Moroccan best friend Dunya. In Dutch. 96 min. Het Ketelhuis, Pathé ArenA, Studio K The Fall Tarsem Singh follows up his visually stunning yet shallow debut The Cell with a film of epic scope,

La Graine et le mulet Sixty-year-old Slimane Beiji has just been fired from his dockworker’s job in Sète, in southern France. He has been living in a shabby hotel ever since his divorce, but does his very best to keep in touch with his children. At the same time, he is having an affair with his landlady and has grown fond of her daughter, Rym. It is Rym who helps him realise his last dream: to run a couscous restaurant. Tunisian-French director Abdel Kechiche wants to paint a complete family picture. He succeeds, but at a cost: estrangement from Beiji. It’s not until two hours in that we really begin to understand his pain and appreciate his friendship with Rym—just in time for a beautiful finale. In French with Dutch subtitles. (MP) 151 min. Cinecenter, Rialto

Heimatklänge Stefan Schwietert’s documentary opens with the Swiss musical cliché: man on a mountaintop, exuberantly yodeling. This enduring ‘Heidiland’ image keeps coming back to haunt this film about three performers whose work couldn’t be less like the stereotype. Avant-garde vocalists Erika Stucky, Noldi Alder and Christian Zehnder have all in their own way managed to take back yodeling for art and soul. Schwietert has a talent for letting artists explain how and where they find inspiration; he follows the three musicians to key sites, where they reflect on their lives and their art. A highly watchable music documentary, gorgeous and engaging. In German with Dutch subtitles. (BP) 82 min. Filmmuseum I’m Not There Todd Haynes’s ambitious and daring new film is a biopic in the sense that it depicts the main events in Bob Dylan’s life and career. But they are not told in chronological order, and Haynes uses six different actors to play the singer. The different performers (including Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale and the black actor Marcus Carl Franklin) and the constant moving back and forth in time don’t make it easy to identify with any of the Dylans. But simple identification is probably not what Haynes is after. His film is not about Dylan himself, but about the mythmaking around a pop star. I’m Not There has its moments, but in the end it’s more an interesting audiovisual lecture than an overwhelming cinematographic experience. (MM) 135 min. Kriterion, The Movies Import Export Austrian despair monger Ulrich Seidl cuts between two tales of young adults sinking deeper into poverty. The ‘import’ is a tenderhearted Ukrainian nurse (Ekateryna Rak) who arrives in Vienna looking for decently paid work but winds up cleaning a geriatric ward. The ‘export’ is a Viennese youth (Paul Hofmann) who suffers various indignities while accompanying his filthy-minded stepfather on a trip to install vending machines in the Ukraine. Seidl’s drab long shots have a narcotic pull that keeps this absorbing throughout its 135 minutes, but the final image—a bedridden crone mindlessly chirping, ‘Death! Death! Death!’—is typical of the movie’s knee-jerk grimness. In English/German/Russian/Slovak with Dutch subtitles. (JJ) Filmmuseum


the Wild Moving, if somewhat overlong, account of the life of Christopher McCandless, with a bravura performance from Emile Hirsch. At the age of 22, McCandless left his wealthy, dysfunctional family, gave his college cash to Oxfam and took off into the breathtaking beauty of the American wilderness. What starts as a run-of-the-mill road movie twists into an American Odyssey as, after two years away from it all, McCandless meets an untimely death in the wilds of Alaska. The usual Characters Met Along the Way include Catherine Keener, Vince Vaughn and Hal Holbrook. McCandless won’t stick with any of them, and gradually begins to unravel in his determined solitude. The film becomes a meditation on the human need for human company, framed against some of the most glorious scenery the world has to offer. A triumph for Sean Penn as a director, backed by a custom soundtrack from Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder. (AD) 140 min. Cinecenter, The Movies, Pathé Tuschinski Iron Man Another Marvel icon gets the big screen treatment, but director Jon Favreau makes his share of lousy choices in his uneven take on the superhero CEO Tony Stark. Lucky for him, he has Robert Downey Jr, who singlehandedly saves the film with his portrayal of Stark as a boozing, slightly amoral, womanising

rogue who becomes an unlikely hero. Jeff Bridges tries to steal the spotlight by overacting in a very un-dudelike way, but the rest of the cast (Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard) accept their status as supporting players to the Robert Downey Jr. Experience. (LvH) Pathé ArenA, Pathé Tuschinski


Ladywood by Jennifer Lyon Bell

It’s a Free World... In this ironically titled movie, director of the lower class par excellence Ken Loach collaborates again with his long-time screenwriter, Paul Laverty. Angie, a bike-riding beauty and single mom, gets the sack from an employment agency and decides to start up one of her own. Although Loach’s antiheroine means well—she’s only trying to make a better life for herself and her 11-year-old—she gradually turns from exploited to exploiter as she starts to use illegal workers from Eastern Europe. The film traces Angie’s progression but never passes moral judgement. In her gritty, Loachy world no solutions are given, but viewers can’t help questioning the political system in which Angie flourishes. (GR) 93 min. Kriterion Jellyfish The celebrated Israeli author Etgar Keret and his wife, screenwriter Shira Geffen, directed this luminous foray into magic realism, Tel Aviv style. A withdrawn, disheveled waitress (Sarah Adler), abandoned by her boyfriend and out of step with her busy divorced parents, befriends a little girl who’s emerged mysteriously from the sea. Across town, an old woman makes trouble for her Filipino caregiver and newlyweds find their fragile happiness threatened when the husband is distracted by a seductive poet. The overlapping stories pulse with a tidal rhythm, the film’s sensibility flowing between serious and wry. In Hebrew with Dutch subtitles. (AG) 79 min. De Uitkijk Juno Juno (Ellen Page) is 16. Juno is full of life and

sarcasm. Juno is pregnant. Oops. She gives up the thought of abortion after hearing that her baby has already developed fingernails and instead starts looking for adoptive parents. She finds the perfect couple in Mark and Vanessa. They’re wealthy, nice and Mark might even qualify as cool, since he shares Juno’s taste in music and splatter movies. Ellen Page is beyond perfect as the wisecracking but friendly Juno, who’s bright, yet young and naïve enough to think that there is no harm in spending time with the adoptive father of her unborn child. Add a solid script and a great soundtrack and there you have it: this year’s independent American masterpiece. Directed by Jason Reitman. (MP) 92 min. Cinecenter, Kriterion, Studio K

The Kite Runner After his poignant Monster’s Ball, his pensive Finding Neverland and the daringly different Stranger than Fiction—unreleased here—director Marc Foster offers us a solid and visually arresting but emotionally drained adaptation of Khaled Hosseini’s novel. The main character, Afghan-born Amir (played by Scottish-Egyptian actor Khalid Abdalla), doesn’t evoke much sympathy—or any other emotion. When he was young, he shared a close friendship with servant boy Hassan, the kite runner of the title, but later fell out with him. Still heavily conflicted about his misconduct as a youth, he returns to Afghanistan to ‘be good again’. In English/Dari/Pashtu/Urdu/Russian with Dutch subtitles. (BS) 128 min. Studio K

Lady Chatterley The last week for Pascale Ferran's steamy French take on DH Lawrence. Rialto

Lars and the Real Girl If someone had told me this was directed by the guy who did Mr. Woodcock and revolved around a sex doll, I wouldn’t have gone near it. But Lars and the Real Girl is both hilarious and poignant, with a Capraesque humanity that caught me completely off guard. An awkward young man in a small Minnesota town (Ryan Gosling) invites his older brother (goofy Paul Schneider) and sister-in-law (Emily Mortimer) to meet his new fiancée, but to their horror and embarrassment she turns out to be made of rubber. The local psychiatrist advises them to play along with his delusion, and eventually the close-knit religious community, moved by concern for the brothers, joins in. I’m not sure there’s still that much compassion in the world, but in keeping with the spirit of the movie, I was willing to pretend. Craig Gillespie directed a script by Six Feet Under writer Nancy Oliver. (JJ) 106 min. Kriterion Lou Reed’s Berlin For those who missed his shows at the Heineken Music Hall last June, or those who attended them and want to revisit one of rock’s most hailed, and gloomiest, chapters, Lou Reed’s Berlin, documenting the live performance of that utterly dark concept album, is given theatrical release. Director Julian Schnabel, along with his daughter Lola, provided the visuals for the live show (which featured French star Emmanuelle Seigner as Caroline, the album’s most prominent character). The film, shot in Brooklyn in 2006, is a pretty straightforward rock documentary, but the high-octane performance by Reed and his acolytes makes it essential viewing for serious rock fans. Look out for a guest spot by Antony (of the Johnsons fame) and for Steve Hunter’s incendiary guitar solos. (MB) 85 min. Melkweg Cinema


8-14 May 2008

ZEN AND THE ART OF BJS I’m a single woman with multiple sexual partners. I like to give head, but I really don’t like to swallow unless I know a guy pretty well. But I also don’t want to make a big deal out of it, because some guys take it personally. How can I get around this? Assuming you mean that you prefer not to swallow because you don’t feel emotionally ready yet (and not because you don’t know your guy’s health status, in which case you should definitely use a condom) there are lots of ways to discreetly finesse this situation so you’re both happy. It’s perfectly fine not to swallow. Sex is much more fun if you assume that your partner wants you to enjoy yourself completely. Many women seem not to have gotten this memo! True, lurching for a Kleenex telegraphs a message that your guy’s come tastes (or, worse, just philosophically is) icky to you. To avoid hurting a sensitive guy’s feelings, pick a graceful, zen-like solution. Zen approach #1: Let it flow. This works particularly well if you’re lying down. By the climatic moment, your man’s eyes will be rolling blissfully back and not squinting at you trying to gauge how well you’re taking it all in. When he starts to come, relax and let it leak out the sides of your mouth. Your mouth and face will get a little wet, but we’re talking about less than a teaspoon (really!). It’s even easier if you’re incorporating a nice gripping fist in the blowjob—that’s more surface area over which to spread his load. Right after he explodes, while he’s still catching his breath, stroke your hands slowly across his abdomen, smoothing out the rest. See, all gone! And if you had intercourse before the blowjob, his pelvis might be all damp and sticky anyway, making a new layer of stickiness virtually unnoticeable. Zen approach #2: Change your mindset. You like his come; you simply don’t want to swallow it right now. So, you’re ‘transferring’ it, to the bed sheet, the used T-shirt on the floor, even to your clothes (they’re washable or dry-cleanable, aren’t they?). Move it discreetly from your mouth to your cupped hand, then to wherever you want to put it. And if you’re worrying about your white rug or expensive sheets: for heaven’s sakes, good sex makes smudges... at a minimum. Learn to enjoy it.

Amsterdam Weekly

20 La Maison A father in the midst of a divorce (Sergi López of Pan’s Labyrinth) looks at a house that’s up for auction. Gradually his life becomes entangled with the fortunes of Cloé (Bérénice Bejo), the young woman who grew up there, in this drama directed by Manuel Poirier. In French with Dutch subtitles. 95 min. Het Ketelhuis

McAvoy) to woo her. Updating Beauty and the Beast, screenwriter Leslie Caveny skewers the media’s fascination with the rich, famous and freakish while delivering a moral about facing one’s demons. Mark Palansky directed; with Catherine O’Hara, Richard E Grant and Reese Witherspoon. (AG) 101 min. Pathé ArenA

Meet the Spartans Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer directed this spoof of 300. With Carmen Electra. 84 min. Pathé ArenA

Persepolis A satisfying adaptation of the autobi-

No Country for Old Men The Coen Brothers’ lat-

est brings Cormac McCarthy’s novel to the big screen, and it’s a shock to the system, simultaneously elegiac and terrifyingly violent. A subversion of the classic lawmen-chase-outlaw genre, the film is shot like a cross between a Western and a horror flick. A Texan named Llewellyn Moss (Josh Brolin) takes off with millions in cash he’s found at the site of a drug deal gone wrong. Tommy Lee Jones is the laconic Sheriff Bell, trying to bring Moss in; Javier Bardem is Chigurh, the Terminator hitman dispatched by the cartel. The Coens give us none of the usual male-bonding, hunter-and-hunted nonsense: Chigurh, Bell and Moss are entirely alone, each in his own way, particularly Moss as the slaughter inevitably catches up with him. A stunning piece of cinema. (AD) 122 min. The Movies The Other Boleyn Girl Love, sex, ambition, rivalry and intrigue are the keywords of this bodice-ripper set in 16th-century England. Anne Boleyn (Natalie Portman) and her sister Mary (Scarlett Johansson) are seen only as commodities by their scheming father and uncle. Both girls compete for the love of King Henry VIII, and both end up in his bed, but only the manipulative Anne will marry him and become queen. The sumptuous props and costumes and the vibrant colour schemes are sure to please periodmovie fans. But the film focuses on the relationship between Anne and Mary at the expense of the historical context: the divorce of Henry VIII from Katherine of Aragon and the subsequent rift between England and the Catholic Church are mentioned only in passing. The result feels romanticised and oversimplified. Directed by Justin Chadwick. (GR) 115 min. Cinema Amstelveen, De Uitkijk Penelope More tart than sweet, this contemporary fairy tale provides a worthy vehicle for the fearless Christina Ricci. She plays a wealthy maiden who can be freed from a centuries-old family curse only by marrying a blueblood; her pig-like face repels all suitors until a tabloid reporter (Peter Dinklage) hires a down-and-out aristocrat (James

FILM TIMES Thursday 8 May until Wednesday 14 May. Times are provided by cinemas and are subject to last-minute changes. Film times also at De Balie Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, 553 5151 Flipping Out Wed 20.00 Witnessed from Within Wed. Cavia Van Hallstraat 52-I, 681 1419 The Cement Garden Thur, Fri 20.30.

ographical graphic novel about a girl coming of age in Iran during the Islamic revolution, struggling with everything from tight headscarves to bomb threats. The book’s writer and illustrator, Marjane Satrapi, and her co-director, Vincent Paronnaud, draw parallels between a girl’s passage from innocence to puberty and the violent transition of a civilised country into a fundamentalist state. In English with Dutch subtitles. (MdR) Rialto


du noir A French animation project about fear of the dark. Graphic designer Etienne Robial asked six cartoonists and illustrators to go deep into their anxiety closet. The result: six scary shorts in black-and-white. One highlight is Lorenzo Mattotti’s little fairy tale about a dusty Mediterranean village that is suddenly haunted by an unidentified monster. Mattotti draws a desolate, De Chirico-esque seaside town and really makes you feel its burning sun and devastating loneliness. Another is Marie Caillou contribution, about a Japanese schoolgirl being bullied by her classmates. Caillou’s naïve, anime-influenced visual style combines with hardcore cruelty to yield disturbing results. In French with Dutch subtitles. (MM) 83 min. Melkweg Cinema

Shine a Light Martin Scorsese brings his superb

eye (and ear) to a Rolling Stones concert experience. Closer to The Last Waltz than No Direction Home in its structure, Shine a Light intercuts live performances of the band at the Beacon Theatre in NYC with some clips of its members’ TV appearances over the course of their 40-odd-year career. A funny prologue of the band’s interaction with Scorsese adds extra cinematic flair. If you’re not embarrassed to see grandpas Jagger and Richards sweat it out for two hours—with a little young blood, including Christina Aguilera and Jack White of the White Stripes—you’ll be highly satisfied. It’s only a rock ’n’ roll concert movie, but we like it. (MB) 121 min. Kriterion Silk François Girard’s adaptation of Alessandro Baricco’s novel is a visually arresting period piece, set in the 1860s, that addresses memory and loss. Michael Pitt stars as Hervé, a young Frenchman

Los Olvidados Thur 19.30, Fri-Sun 17.00 Stellet Licht Thur, Fri, Tues, Wed 21.45, Sat 14.30, Sun, Mon 17.30 Tricks Thur 21.50, Fri, Tues, Wed 19.15, Sat-Mon 20.00 You, the Living Thur-Sat, Wed 17.15, Sat-Mon 22.00. Het Ketelhuis Haarlemmerweg 8-10, 684 0090 African Bambi Thur-Mon, Wed 14.45 De Avonturen van het Molletje Thur-Mon, Wed 13.00, Mon also 11.00 Dunya & Desie daily 17.15, Thur-Mon, Wed also 13.15, 15.15, 19.15, 21.15, Mon also 11.15 La Maison Thur, Fri, Wed 19.30, Sat 20.30 Morrison krijgt een zusje Thur-Mon, Wed 15.30, Thur-Sat, Mon, Wed also 13.30, Mon also 11.30 Silk Thur-Mon, Wed 19.00 Staal & Lavendel Tues, Wed 17.00 Talking Guitars Thur-Sat, Mon 16.30 Tricks Thur, Fri, Wed 21.45, Sat 22.15 Viva Festival Sat 19.00, Sun, Mon 18.00 Zomerhitte daily 16.45, Thur-Mon, Wed also 21.30. KIT Tropentheater, Kleine Zaal Linnaeusstraat 2, 568 8500 The Hotel Mande Sessions Wed 20.30.

Filmhuis Griffioen Uilenstede 106, Amstelveen, 444 5100 De dag dat de dollar valt Thur 19.30 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Fri, Tues 19.30.

Kriterion Roetersstraat 170, 623 1708 Buster Keaton programme Sun 11.00, Wed 15.00 The Darjeeling Limited daily 17.45, Thur-Mon, Wed also 22.15 Ex Drummer Wed 17.00 The Fall daily 20.00, Fri, Sat also 0.15 The Forbidden Team Sun 15.00 De Gebroeders Leeuwenhaart Thur-Mon, Wed 15.15 I'm Not There Thur-Tues 16.45, Mon-Wed 21.45 It's a Free World... daily 19.15 Juno daily 17.15 Lars and the Real Girl daily 19.30 Pippi in Taka Tuka Land Sun 13.30, Mon 14.45 Rec Thur-Sun 21.45, Fri, Sat also 0.00 Shine a Light Thur-Sun, Tues, Wed 21.15, Thur-Sat, Tues, Wed also 14.45 Small Films, Big Directors Mon 22.00 Sneak Preview Tues 22.15 De Spiderwick-Kronieken Thur-Mon 14.30 Het verhaal van Xiao Yan Sun 11.00, Wed 15.00.

Filmmuseum Vondelpark 3, 589 1400 Aleksandra Sun, Mon 15.45 Astrid Lindgren vertelt Sun, Mon, Wed 13.45 Belle de jour Sat 14.00, Mon-Wed 19.30 Buñuel retrospective Thur-Wed Buster Keaton: Dat had je gedroomd Sun, Mon, Wed 14.00 Calanda Films Sat 19.30 Heimatklänge Thur 17.30, Sun, Mon 15.45 Import Export Fri, Tues, Wed 21.15, Sat-Mon 21.45 Le Journal d'une femme de chambre Fri, Sun 19.30 Nazarín Mon-Wed 17.00

Melkweg Cinema Lijnbaansgracht 234A, 624 1777 Ardilla Roja, la Sun 19.00 Azuloscurocasinegro Thur 19.00 Control Fri 21.00 Ficció Fri 19.00 Lou Reed's Berlin Wed 21.15 Noche de Girasoles Wed 19.00 Nocturna Tues 19.00 Peur(s) du noir Thur 21.00, Sun, Mon 21.15, Tues 20.45 Pudor Sat 19.00 Semana de Cine Español: Entremeses Thur-Sun.

Cinecenter Lijnbaansgracht 236, 623 6615 Atonement Thur 22.00 Un Baiser s'il vous plait daily 16.00, 19.00, 22.00, Sun also 11.00, 13.45 Cassandra's Dream daily 16.15, 19.30, 21.45, Sun also 11.15, 14.00 La Graine et le mulet daily 15.45, 18.45, 21.00 Into the Wild daily 15.45, 18.45, 21.45, Sun also 11.00 Juno Sun 11.00, 13.45. Cinema Amstelveen Plein 1960 2, Amstelveen, 547 5175 Horton (NL) Sat, Wed 13.30 The Other Boleyn Girl Thur-Sat, Tues, Wed 20.30 Winx Club Sat, Wed 15.30.

convinced by a hustling silk merchant (Alfred Molina) to abandon his military career and journey first to Egypt, then to Japan to purchase silkworm eggs. Japan at that time was a culturally isolated land torn apart by warlords, but Hervé becomes transfixed by it once he meets the mysterious concubine (Sei Ashina) of a baron with whom he trades. His growing obsession disturbs his devoted wife (Keira Knightley), and the final act becomes a meditation on love’s tragic consequences. In English/Japanese with Dutch subtitles. (JK) 116 min. Het Ketelhuis, Pathé Tuschinski Stellet Licht The films of Mexican director Carlos Reygadas are an acquired taste. Not everyone will warm to his distinctive visual style, his use of an amateur cast and his uncompromising depiction of human nature. But if you’re looking for something out of the ordinary, Reygadas certainly delivers. His third feature, Stellet Licht (‘Silent Light’), starts at dawn and ends at dusk; it’s a meditative and languid tale about a married farmer, in a small Mennonite enclave in northern Mexico, who falls for another woman and thinks it might be a sign from God. In Plautdietsch with Dutch subtitles. (BS) 127 min. Filmmuseum Street Kings Another ‘roid-raging dirty cop drama from David Ayer, with a beefy Keanu Reeves as the embittered blue knight. The script is by Jamie Moss, James Ellroy (LA Confidential) and Kurt Wimmer (Ultraviolet); with Forest Whitaker, Hugh Laurie and Chris Evans. (JJ) 109 min. Pathé ArenA Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street If musicals aren’t your slice of pie, then Tim Burton’s reverential adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s show about a barber out for revenge won’t tantalise your taste buds, but the gorgeously Gothic production values are yummy eye candy all the same. The film is leached of all colour except for frequent gushes of crimson, evoking the Grand Guignol theatrical tradition using state-of-the-art techniques. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter aren’t the most accomplished of singers, but they hold their own and look the part, though Sascha Baron Cohen once again steals the show in a supporting role. With Alan Rickman and Timothy Spall. (LvH) 116 min. Filmhuis Griffioen Taken It’s Liam Neeson’s turn to play a bitter ex-military guy, lonely, estranged from his family, and seeking revenge on the bad guys who did all this to him. (It’s never Dad’s own fault, is it?) This time the sap is a former spy whose daughter (Maggie Grace) is kidnapped by white slavers. This corny-ass thriller

The Movies Haarlemmerdijk 159-165, 638 6016 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead daily 17.00, 19.30 I'm Not There daily 16.30 Into the Wild daily 16.15, 19.15, 22.00, Sat-Mon, Wed also 13.15 No Country for Old Men daily 19.00, 21.30, Sat-Mon, Wed also 14.00, Sun also 11.30 De Spiderwick-Kronieken Sat-Mon, Wed 14.45 There Will Be Blood daily 21.45, Sun also 12.00 Le Voyage du ballon rouge daily 17.15, 19.30, 21.45, Sat-Mon, Wed also 15.00, Sun also 12.30 Winx Club en het geheim van het verloren rijk Sun 11.15. De Nieuwe Anita Frederik Hendrikstraat 111, 06 4150 3512, Stroszek Mon 20.30. OT301 Overtoom 301, 779 4913 Le Bonheur Tues 20.30 Cleo from 5 to 7 Tues 20.30. Pathé ArenA ArenA Boulevard 600, 0900 1458 120 daily 11.45, 14.20, 16.45, 19.15, 21.45, Sat also 0.10 Alvin en de Chipmunks Thur-Mon, Wed 12.40, 14.50, 17.10, Thur-Mon also 10.30 The Bucket List daily 19.50 Doomsday daily 19.30, 22.00, Sat also 0.20, Tues also 12.10, 14.30, 17.00 Drakenjagers Thur-Mon, Wed 11.55, 13.50, 15.45, Thur-Mon also 10.05 Dunya & Desie daily 18.50, 21.15, Thur-Mon, Wed also 12.05, 14.15, 16.35, Thur-Mon also 9.50, Sat also 23.40, Tues also 12.20, 14.30, 16.40 The Eye daily 22.05, Sat also 0.20 Fool's Gold daily 18.20, Thur-Mon, Wed also 13.00, 15.30, 20.50, Thur-Mon also 10.30, Sat also 23.30, Tues also 13.20, 15.50 The Holiday Tues 13.30 Horton (NL) Thur-Mon, Wed 13.10, 15.20, 17.30, Thur-Mon also 10.50 Iron Man daily 12.45, 15.50, 17.50, 18.40, 20.40, 21.30, ThurMon also 10.00, Sat also 23.30, 0.20, Tues also 12.10, 14.50 Meet the Spartans daily 18.15, 20.20, 22.20, Thur-Mon, Wed also 12.05, 14.00, 16.00, Thur-Mon also 10.10, Sat also 0.15, Tues also 16.15 Morrison krijgt een zusje Thur-Mon, Wed 12.50, 14.45, 16.30, Thur-Mon also 11.00 Penelope daily 12.15, 14.55, 17.20 The Ruins daily 19.40, 21.50, Sat also 0.10, Tues also 13.10, 15.20, 17.30 Sneak Preview Tues 21.00 Speed Racer (Imax) daily 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00, Sat also 0.00 Street Kings daily 19.20, 21.40, Sat also 0.05, Tues also 12.05, 14.25, 16.55 Taken daily 12.30, 14.40, 16.50, 19.00, 21.10, Thur-Mon also 10.20, Sat also 23.15 Vantage Point daily 18.10, 20.10, 22.10, Sat also 0.15, Tues also 13.00, 15.30

8-14 May 2008 was directed by Pierre Morel and co-written by Luc Besson. Xander Berkeley and Famke Janssen also star. Pathé ArenA

There Will Be Blood An epic film of intimate proportions about a ruthlessly ambitious oil baron who comes into conflict with a charismatic young preacher in the California desert in the early 20th century. A powerhouse performance by Daniel DayLewis as Daniel Plainview netted him a rightly deserved Academy Award, but Paul Dano’s performance as the weaselly Eli Sunday is also impressive to say the least. Don’t let the sprawling length or the emotional investment the film asks of its viewers deter you: There Will Be Blood is a true masterpiece that any serious film lover simply cannot afford to miss. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (Magnolia). (LvH) 159 min. The Movies Tricks A Polish coming-of-age comedy directed by Andrzej Jakimowski. In Polish with Dutch subtitles. 95 min. Filmmuseum, Het Ketelhuis Le Voyage du ballon rouge Chinese master HsiaoHsien Hou (Café Lumière, Three Times) has based his first French-language feature loosely on Albert Lamorisse’s 1956 classic Le Ballon rouge. Here the balloon and the story follow young Chinese filmmaker Song (Song Fang), who moonlights as a nanny in the house of Suzanne, an edgy, emotionally unstable voice actress (Juliette Binoche in another brilliant, subtle role). Song bonds with Suzanne’s son, but still there’s something missing, symbolised by the presence of the self-willed red balloon, which peeks through windows and peeps around corners. In French with Dutch subtitles. (BS) 113 min. The Movies, Rialto

You, the Living A brutally deadpan comedy by Swedish director Roy Andersson, who seems to have translated the entire range of human misery into a loosely connected series of slapstick gags. His black humor is impressively layered, each layer darker than the last: when a joker at a family banquet insists on performing that old parlour trick of yanking the tablecloth out from under the dishes, he not only shatters a huge collection of crystal and china but also reveals—look sharp or you’ll miss it—a vintage dining table inlaid with swastikas. Andersson’s building block is a static long shot so solidly composed it suggests a panel in a comic strip; the central figure is often encased in his own suffering, and sometimes additional laughs come from a background figure surveying his despair in open-mouthed bewilderment. (JJ) 94 min. Filmmuseum, Studio K

What Happens in Vegas daily 14.10, 16.20, 18.30, 20.40, ThurMon also 11.50, Sat also 23.00 Winx Club en het geheim van het verloren rijk Thur-Mon, Wed 12.20, 14.35, 16.40, Thur-Mon also 10.15. Pathé Tuschinski Reguliersbreestraat 34, 0900 1458 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Thur 19.00, Fri-Mon, Wed 21.10, Tues 21.25 The Bucket List Thur 18.20, Fri-Mon, Wed 18.15, Fri-Mon also 16.00, Tues 14.00, 18.40 Cassandra's Dream daily 18.45, 21.15, Tues also 13.15, 15.45 Dan in Real Life Fri-Mon, Wed 15.45 La Fille du Regiment Sun 11.00 Horton (NL) Fri-Mon, Wed 13.15 Into the Wild daily 13.45, 17.15, 20.45 Iron Man daily 15.30, 18.30, 21.30, Thur-Sat, Mon-Wed also 12.30 Morrison krijgt een zusje Thur-Mon 12.15, 14.15, Wed 13.30 Silk Thur, Tues 16.30, Thur also 21.50, Fri-Mon, Wed 16.15, 18.45, Tues also 19.00 What Happens in Vegas daily 13.00, 16.00, 19.15, 21.45 Winx Club en het geheim van het verloren rijk Thur 16.15, Fri-Mon, Wed 14.00, Fri-Mon also 12.00 Zomerhitte daily 21.00, Tues also 16.15, Wed also 15.40 Zwartboek Thur, Tues 13.30. Rialto Ceintuurbaan 338, 676 8700 28 Days Later Sat 23.00 The Band's Visit Fri, Sat, Wed 15.30, Mon also 15.00 The Banishment daily 19.15, Sat also 12.30 Getting Home daily 22.05, Sun also 11.15 La Graine et le mulet daily 18.00, 21.00, Fri-Sun, Wed also 15.00, Sun also 12.00 It's Hard to Be Nice daily 17.10 Lady Chatterley Sun 14.00 La León Mon 15.30 Lola Sun 11.00, Wed 15.15 Persepolis Fri-Mon 16.30 Le Voyage du ballon rouge daily 18.30, 20.45, Sun also 13.45. Studio K Timorplein 62, 692 0422, Dunya & Desie daily 18.00, Thur-Sat, Mon-Wed also 20.00, Sat, Sun, Wed also 16.00 Horton (NL) Sat, Sun, Wed 15.45 Juno daily 17.30 The Kite Runner daily 21.30 Das Leben ist eine Baustelle Sun 20.00 Recep Ivedik daily 19.30 You, the Living Thur-Sat, Mon-Wed 22.00, Sun 22.15. De Uitkijk Prinsengracht 452, 623 7460 Le Ballon Rouge & Crin-Blanc Thur, Fri, Tues 17.15, Sat-Mon, Wed 15.30 Earth Thur, Fri, Tues 19.00, Sat-Mon, Wed 17.15 Jellyfish Sat-Mon 19.15 Kid Dynamite Wed 21.30 The Other Boleyn Girl Thur-Tues 21.00, Wed 19.00.

Amsterdam Weekly

8-14 May 2008

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BEACHSTUDIO FOR RENT 54m2 studio for rent in Portugal - Algarve (Praia da Rocha). Fully furnished and equipped and with access to 2 private swimming pools. Fees from 30euros per day. All local information, photos and contacts available online http://

HOUSING WANTED ROOM FOR 6+ MONTHS Relaxed, responsible 24 expat UvA grad student looking for a furnished room (shared or apt.) from late May for 6 months or longer. I’m flexible with any offer, not picky with size. I’m in town from May 1 to 10, feel free to call 0618625127

ROOM FOR ESTONIAN girl(estonian-finnish, 28 y/o)coming to a’dam to make an internship in jewellery. i’m CENTER OF A'DAM Cozy looking for a room (june, july, apartment in the busy tourist aug) max. 400 p/m. please condistrict of the center of Ams- tact: terdam, close to public trans- LOOKING FOR APT20 year port and shopping, but situ- old violinist and composer is ated on a quiet canal. 2 bed- looking for an apartment in room. 60m2 incl. cable, inter- the centre of Amsterdam, net. excl. gas/water/electr. between €500 and €850. For rent per July 1st for a please contact jeroen@jeroenminimum of 3 months. WANTED BY NZ TEACHER FABULOUS VIEW Modern A self-contained flat for 1 to and comfortable, fully fur8 weeks during July-August, nished, 80 m2 3-room appartanywhere in Holland, but ment with fabulous view over the lake in a perfectly main- preferably in Amsterdam, tained building. Enough free Haarlem or Zandvoort. 160 parking space. 1500 euro per Euros per week offered. Let me use your flat and help you month. Tel.: 0613394482 pay for your holiday at the JORDAAN APPARTMENT same time. E-mail Peter at Fabulous view on the most beautiful canal of Amsterdam SHARED HOUSING in Jordaan area. 70 sq m2, one bedroom, fully furnished in ROOM FOR RENTin shared perfectly maintained build- apartment with 2 ppl. locaing. Pictures available on tion: close to vondelpark, peridemand. Available from 07 od: 1 month from begin. of June 08 - 21 June 08 Price: 600 may till june, price: 200 euro’s euros/ week Tel:0623400217 all incl. tel. nr.: 06-42774518 cedric_assaouloff@hotmail. ROOM ONLY FOR 3WEEKS com 2 BDRS 550 AND 650 New- Room in Bos en Lommer.5mn ly renovated apartment. fur- from Sloterdijk and Westernished and equipped. Beau- park. Room downstairs in a tiful surroundings near Lake big appartment with Gaasperplas in SE- Amster- garden,quiet area. Share with dam. 15 min to central with 3 working girls.You must be metro. Near Shopping. Stor- quiet and clean. Available age and parking available. from now till the end of May. Looking for quite reliable Price:100€week plus 100€for roommates. All incl in rent. deposit. Contact:

Amsterdam, 0621 591 867 plus a bonus of monthly profits tips at www.fireflycoachevenings and weekends. written by Life & BusiTRANSPORT ness Coach Stephanie Ward. ENGLISH MAN WITH VAN CAREER CRISIS?Unhappy Can help with removals, big or stuck at work? Isn’t it time or small, in or outside of the to discover what you really country. Reasonable rates, want in life? Lost purpose, quick service. Contact Lee on passion or goal? Do yourself 06 2388 2184 or a favour, give your coach a call on 06 4998 8986 or 400 4778; or see email marianne@soul-at-


TAX & FINANCE Trying to get quality advice and save money at the same time? We are specialised in bookkeeping and taxes, and guide our relations through the entire business process. We work through a countrywide network with professionals who can help on each issue. Call us for RAAD! 691 2217.

PHOTO STUDIO For amateur and professional photographers. Can also be used as meeting or gathering space. 100m2, €150/day. Possible to rent photo equipment. High ceilings, good, natural light and located on WG Plein, adjacent to Overtoom. For appointment and more info contact GREAT HAIR COLOURIST D. Ingel: 06 2883 4224. Tints, highlights, colour ROOM WITH MUSEI’m Nirochanges, creative colours. (29) young Israeli artist who With more than 10 years of just finished art school, lookexperience, if I can’t do it then ing for a nice-sweet-clean and nobody can do it! Now at cheap room, close to the cen- Mctavish Salon in de Pijp. ter to make and show my art Contact Daniel for appointin A’dam. I’m planning to come ment: 06 2413 7392 or beginning in Aug 2008 will be I happy to hear some more info. also do make-up. Please add pictures. Email: HAIRDRESSER Short cuts for ladies or gents, done CREATIVE SPACECreative professionally at my home Company has Office space to (Westerpark) or yours. Tel: rent. €250 inc. Internet. Great 020-4889346 0655767491. location! Stunning Space. Call for more info: 0611146625 DOCTOR SERVICE CamDESK FOR RENT bridge Medicals Doctor SerDesk/workspace for rent with- vice offers office/email conin creative collective in heart sultations, hotel/home of Amsterdam. We are look- visits,prescriptions. Fully reging for people to share office istered multilingual physispace with our film produc- cians. This service is covered tion company. 1 desk avail- by most insurance compaable. Shared kitchen. Build- nies. Email: ing offers reception service, or call 0204275011 / bike garage + cleaning. E.250 0627235380(mob) Locations: per month ex BTW. info@god- 112 Bloemgracht & 30 Rapenburg CREATIVE CONSULTANT FOR SALE From a logo or a menu, to a BARGAIN NL-RAIL DAY billboard, streaming video or PASSYou have no Dutch 40% dvd, I can help you realize discount pass? Visiting e.g. your vision or resolve your creGroningen or Maastricht has ative challenge. One hour free never been cheaper: 20 euro consult. Just call 064 623 8868 Dutch Rail Daypass. Valid Sat. or email multimediaart@hotor Sun. (choose, except April 30th, May 1st, 12th) thru Sun June 29th, ‘08. Valid 00:00 hrs GET RESULTS Quit smoking, lose weight, increase conthrough 04:00 hrs THE NEXT fidence, communicate with DAY! Call me 06-24277753 ease! This breakthrough PHILIPS AMBILIGHT TV coaching package is all about Philips Ambilight 32PF9830 creating the life and results - LCD TV - 32 Contact: s.hoff- that YOU want quickly and to learn effectively. If you want an enhanced, QUALITY lifestyle more NAIF CHINALarge collection then contact: info@backinof Naif china by Villeroy and Boch. Includes 9 dinner plates, 2 sizes of small plates, dishes, cups saucers, serving plates and coffee pots. Many other items. Serious offers only please - must see - Central


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yourself whilst you drive.Your own logo or use one of the 100’s templates to promote your business. or visit ACUPUNCTURE Certified Americanacupuncturisttreats bothmenandwomenforawide rangeofailmentsat2locations in A’dam. Coverage offered by many health insurance companies.Call0627399789,email or visit

BRAZILIAN WAXING Body Waxing, Oxygen Therapy Facials, Conditioning, Acne, anti-stress, anti-age. Electrolysis, LHE laser. CIBTAC, BABTAC, CIDESCO, ANBOS. Eerste Jan Steenstraat 109, Soul at Work, A’dam. 1072NH Amsterdam (de pijp) Sign up for free e-newsletter MARTIAL ARTS CLASS English-speaking Qi Kwan Do. on m T: 0640799921 Combines yoga & self defense. BUSINESS ADVICEAre you Women friendly. Works no matHEALTH & WELLNESS thinking about starting your ter what age, strength, or build. own business? Do you have a YOGA LESSONS? Vinyasa No 2 lessons are the same so company but administration Yoga Lessons No Religion, you keep motivated. Reduces and papers are not your thing? Just Relaxin’ www.YogaJa- stress & gets you fit. Every Sat Do you need a business plan, 12.00, Sporthallen Lizzy Anslabour from abroad, to buy YOGA HOLIDAY June 17th- inghstraat 88 1072RD A’dam. real estate or moving abroad? 24th: Enjoy a wonderful relax- helen.maynard-hill@qikwanCall Tulipany on 06 1021 8271 ing holiday aboard a tradi- or email tional style motor sailing yacht EXPATRIATE COUNSELSTUNNING WEBSITES in the calm warm waters of ING Offers professional Experienced web designer the Mediterranean. For more Coaching, Counseling and builds professional, unique information, please visit Therapy in English, Dutch, sites for very reasonable Italian, Spanish and Japanese. prices (starting at €300). YOGACAFE.ORG All level Longer hours, weekends and Online links to past projects Hatha Yoga classes. Begin- simply the best service. For available. Contact Jordan: jormore information please, 06 3034 ners, intermediate and preg- it www.expatriatecounselnancy courses, private class1238 es and yoga holidays. For more call 06-282 440 88 or QUALIFIED UPHOLSTER- information, please visit email info@expatriatecounER Specialise in traditional and modern techniques TAROT CARD READINGS EXPAT MEDICAL CENincluding capiton. Give your for Inner Wellbeing. Spiritual furniture a new lease on life! TRE Expat Medical Centre insight on practical matters by Wide range of fabrics to choose offers service in your own Bhasha. Available for private from including leather. Cur- language by experienced regsessions, minigroups & events. tains also made to order. Con- istered health professionals tact Sophie for free estimate. dedicated to meet your Call Tel.0641547557 Email.alabon- needs. We are located in Cen- 020 4000 260 or 06 414 85880 www. tral Amsterdam, offering Bhasha also gives readings in Doctor service, Physio & Psy- different restaurants on a cho therapy, etc. Register or ular basis. CALIFORNIA STYLISTI am book an appointment at: a perfectionist and passion- or call HAVE LOVE & PEACE for Breakfast! LoveAwareness is ate about your hair! Special- 0204275011 the key to find inner Peace in ties: Beautiful, Rich Color | Gorgeous, Fun Haircuts | OVEREATERS ANONY- any situation. Deep RelaxStyles for Special Events! MOUSDo you have a problem ation & Self Inquiry (inspired Background: 6 yrs at a won- with food? Maybe we can help. by Byron Katie) are the tools. derful salon in Santa Barbara, English speaking Overeaters Join Bhasha on Tuesday mornCa. Contact: Sima | tel. Anonymous meetings: Tues ings from 10.00 - 12.00 in an 0206263942 | Nieuwe Doelen- 19.00, Marius van Bouwdijk open ongoing group. Or straat 3 (across from the Hotel Bastiaansestraat 30; Thur Wednesday evenings from 20.00, Nieuwezijds Voorburg- 18.00 - 20.00. Call 0641485880 de l’Europe) wal 282A. For more info call or 0204000260 BEST MOVING SERVICE 06 4874 9590 or 020-4083282. RELATIONSHIP COACH man with Van or Truck, with CLASS Want to grow together spirihoisting rope or lift. extra men STRETCHING for carrying. Everything is pos- STREEETCHIIING Feeling tually? Want to prepare for a sible. Call/see; www.vracht- stiff and stuck in your Body? fulfilling relationship? 06-44864390 prices Want to be more flexible and ing to take intimacy to the fit? Then join stretching Class- highest level? Looking to from €35/trip es in Dance Company! attract your soul mate or twin STYLISH WEBSITESStylish, Every Monday 18 to 19.30. For soul? Interested in exploring low-cost websites for small more info please contact the new relationship businesses and individuals. Contact us now for a free quotation, to discuss your needs and receive friendly, helpful advice. 0652 241 460 CAR MAGNET PROMOTIONLooking for a cost effective way to brand your business or publicise an event? Car magnet promotions offers you a simple yet powerful solution. Use your car to promote

Amsterdam Weekly

22 paradigm? visit:

QUEER PUNK MASSEUR Swedish Queer Punk Masseur gives full body massage in Amsterdam area. I’m one of the nicest dudes in town. Lifelong experience. Outcalls. Call Kevin 06 - 24 59 34 29.

BACP PSYCHOTHERAPY The Next Step? Moved to Amsterdam and brought a shadow with you? We are a team of highly qualified, experienced and professional therapists offering help with emotional problems including anxiety, depression, addictions and trauma. Contact: info@nextsteptherapy, 020 772 6489, www.nextstep

MASSAGE COURSESIl Cielo Open Day on 16 Mar from 14.00-18.00 at Mirror Centre where you can learn about holistic massage, foot reflexology, craniosacral & energy work, also combinations. Weekly lesson of 4 or 6 hours each. Also meditation workshops. Info il cielo: 06 3004 9738 or look

HEALING EVENING22 May 2000 - 2200, Enjoy being connected with the new healing energies. No more stiff spirituality, no more seperation between the spiritual life and ‘normal’ life,This evening includes a short soul reading for everyone! Donations 20 40 euro. More info

Advanced students. Private lessons based on the music that you like. I’m a professional musician and have experience teaching. Contact:


REIKI HEALING Are you feeling low in energy or out of balance? A reiki healing helps to rebalance your energetic system on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level by hand positions on the body. For more info please contact Anouk Lambrechts, 06-52305738, Location: Amsterdam

IMPROVE ALL OF YOUR relationships & find inner Peace in any situation. Learn to counsel yourself. It works for any area of your life & every topic. Easy to apply for everyone. Try out session for just 25 €. Call 0641485880 or email selfcounselling@yahoo. com - It’s NOT to good to be true!

8-14 May 2008

THE ARTS DRAWING AND PAINTING Summer workshops by professional artist, various techniques, all styles, from scratch to painting with oils. Contact

4HANDSMASSAGE . For men only..Fullbodymassage, 4hands by 2 male masseurs. Phone 06- 23 32 27 67

FOOT REFLEXOLOGYIf you feel low in energy or out of balance, foot reflexology can recharge your batteries and help to rebalance your energetic system (applying pressure to the areas on the feet that reflect the organs of the entire body). Anouk Lambrechts,06-52305738, info@ Location: Amsterdam

HOME IMPROVEMENT CARPENTER For all your carpenting and plastering call Thomas Pfanner on 06 1766 1109 (after 18.00, GM speaking). We deliver a quality job!

COMPUTERS PC HOUSE DOCTOR PC HOUSE DOCTOR Specialise in virus/spyware removal, h/w, s/w repair, data recovery, wire-

less, cable/ADSL installation and computer lessons from friendly and experienced Microsoft professional for reasonable price. Contact Mario: 06 1644 8230.

COURSES GOOD GIRL SYNDROME Are you an independent woman suffering from perfectionism and Good Girl Syndrome? Join like minded achievers: 1 day workshop, 24 May, Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam. Covers personal and professional branding, strategic life planning, networking, 200 euros. Email: to secure a place. CURSUS CAMERAACTERENWat: 2 daags workshop camera-acteren. Waar: Amsterdam-Z. Wanneer: Ma. & Di.; bij Wie: Waarom: Camera-acteerervaring & opbouw van je showreel. SIMPLY WEIGHT LOSSDon’t miss this amazing Health and Weight Loss workshop. Learn the latest, cutting edge tools on how to manage and maintain your IDEAL health and

weight. LAST CHANCE to guarantee a place, Monday 12th at the ABC Treehouse. Contact:

ner’s course for English speakers. Registering for spring semester courses now! For more information: www.moliSINGING LESSONS On Prin- sengracht (Jordaan). Classi- IMPROVE YOUR DUTCH!in cal voice training, breathing a study conversation group techniques, vocalization. For on Tues or Wednes at 20.00beg & advanced. 1-on-1 & 21.30 Also private classes, group lessons. From classic, intensive, conversation, NT2, jazz to rock, all styles.Free etc, all levels, starting every intro lesson and reasonable week, professional approach, prices. For more info,call, Michael on 020-3202095, or Vijzelgracht 53C, Anja 0641339323 mail: DUTCH COURSESLanguage LANGUAGES school in the centre of AmsDUTCH GROUP COURSE terdam offers inspiring group Excelent Dutch proficiency courses at a reasonable price. in conversation with solid Check out our website base of pronounciation, gram- or call mar+spelling starts Begin- 6934250 ners Course/09-05-08 to 27- INTENSIVE DUTCH cours06-08/Fridays/18:30 to 20.00/€ es at Joost weet het! Classes 144,- excl /info: excellent- 4 times per week during 4 Good teachers, fun 36122870/www.excellentclasses and energetic sphere. Small groups, perSPANISH COURSES Moli- sonal approach with emphanos de Viento is a well known sis on conversation. 2,3,4 and Spanish language institute 8 wks with more than 25 years courses. Price: E 8 /hr. Visit teaching experience. We offer email: Spanish courses for all lev- tel: 020els, as well as a special begin- 4208146

DUTCH CONVERSATION with GLOSSA on inspiring location in Amsterdam. Small group one week intensive in May. Do you have a basis in Dutch? Do you want to practice Dutch? Do you want to feel more confident in Dutch? Are you higher educated? More information and other training options: or call 06 1471 5372.

MUSIC GUITAR LESSONS Experienced guitar teacher has place for new students. I do house visits and teach at your house. mobile:0651920487 ELECTRONISCHE MUZIEK These lessons are intended for musicians, composers or technicians who want to develop their knowledge in 20th century electronic music. Pieces from Stockhausen, Xenakis, Nono, Cage and others can be dealt with. Introductory lessons to this music are also possible. Based in Amsterdam: 064 840 9637 BASS LESSONS Bass Guitar lessons for Beginners and

Amsterdam? Log on to: /60 for details of members and next events. LESBIAN EXPAT GROUP Come and join us – A social group for expat lesbian and bisexual women in Amsterdam. To join our mailing list send a blank email to lbexpatamsterdamsubscribe@ You can unsubscribe at any time.



DESPERATELY SEEKING SHEILA. Need to contact Sheila McCoy originally from Dublin Ireland. Please e-mail m or phone 004428 82898616. SEAN.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT What if we gave to each other without expecting anything in return? If we joined hands to help those with greater needs than ourselves? What would happen? Come find out ... Serve the City: 9 - 12 May. Join the Movement, Make a Difference. info@ 0642244109

GROUPS & CLUBS HEY! YOU AMERICAN?Join the fun with like-minded Americans at Democrats Abroad. With monthly DemsFun Drinks, discussions, issue groups, and other activities. You don’t even have to be a Dem to join! Go to for more info.


LOOKING FOR FRIENDS A Handsome guy wants to hear from a very serious man for a long lasting friendship. Love music & outdoors. Please Write To: P. A . Quansah, P. O. Box # OF AMERICANS: 5419 673, Agona Swerdu, Ghana, Are you one of the thousands West Africa of Americans living in A’dam? NOTICES Join the fun with like-minded Americans at Democrats WHAT IS AN ESOTERIC Abroad. With monthly Dems- School? Alive, inspiring and Fun Drinks, discussions, vot- meaningful in this time and er registration and other activ- culture. Also for you? The ities. You don’t even have to Phoenix Fellowship (Esoterbe a Dem to join! Go to ic School for Personal for opment) welcome you to these more info. open nights in Amsterdam IRISH EXPAT CLUB On for each Tuesday evening. meeting up for drinks and fun or with fellow Irish expats in Call:0618687959


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