HOW TO DEAL WITH BEING PASSED OVER FOR PROMOTION If you didn't make the cut, evaluate what happened and decide what you're going to do going forward. for a walk, lift weights, or practice your favorite kata. Next, talk to a friend or mentor about what's going on with you. It's not about advice, but about your getting a chance to vent. Once that's done, you can start looking at what happened and why.
Accept what is. Unless you have grounds for some type of lawsuit, it is what it is. There are many factors that you might not have considered. Perhaps you are a poor test taker. Maybe you don't do well under the time constraints of an assessment center. Or it could be politics played a role and you didn't support the right person. Keep in mind, none of these issues points to your not being able to do the job. Be honest with yourself about what you think went wrong during the Figure out what went wrong. Be honpromotion process so you can learn from your mistakes. est. It's very important so you can learn from any mistakes you have made. It could have been as veryone starts out the same in law enforcement; you get simple as misreading the situation during the assessment hired, go to the academy, and then you do your time on center. Maybe you changed one too many answers on your probation. After that, there are usually two choices you can written test. Perhaps you should have studied more. Blammake: what assignments you want and if you want to be- ing it on the process is not only lying to yourself but preventcome a supervisor. I've known officers who never wanted ing you from doing better the next time. How can you make any rank, and I have known officers that wanted nothing changes in your approach if you don't know what they are? Solicit feedback. One way to improve next time is to get less than chief or sheriff. Making your choice is not the same as being successful at it. For those seeking promotion, there feedback from fellow officers, supervisors, and mentors. is always the possibility of not getting one. Although when Ask what you could have done better. The next question you you don't get the promotion it might seem like the end of the ask is how they handled the process and what they did that helped them get promoted. Get input from all angles. world, it isn't. What next. Should you try again or just be happy with what you're doing now? That's entirely up to you and not INITIAL REACTIONS Anger, resentment, and even depression are normal reac- something you have to decide right away. Sometimes offitions to being passed over for promotion. It's not our emo- cers forget the extra responsibility they must take on as a sutions that get us in trouble, it's how we react to them. Your pervisor. The extra money might be tempting but there is no first step is to cut yourself some slack and give yourself some such thing as a free ride. The headaches that come with the time to deal with those emotions. Put some distance be- position may not be worth it to you in the long run. Maybe tween you and the event by doing something physical. Go you're not ready and another year's experience will make