Stripes and Bars AMAURY MURGADO
LEARN TO LOVE CHAOS If you can't make order out of chaos, then you shouldn't be a supervisor. Through good communication, supervisors can clearly I LOVED CHAOS when I was working. It's my view that if you can't make order out of chaos, then you shouldn't be a super- assess and identify the problem. When you know what visor. You don't earn your pay on a quiet night; you earn it you're up against, you can begin to take actions that have when all hell breaks loose. How you deal with chaos defines the highest probability of success. Supervisors need to ask questions, seek confirmation of critical information, and how effective you are as a supervisor. About 10 years ago, my former agency conducted its first seek input whenever possible. It's important that you explain your plans so that evmock terrorism training exercise at one of our local high schools. It started off slow and then everything seemed to eryone understands what the objectives are. You and your happen at once. Before I knew it, a school bus had been de- officers need to stay flexible because plans have a habit of stroyed, there were hostages inside the school, and there changing. Communication also helps control conflict. Conflict occurs when individuals come together with were injured firefighters everywhere. It was my task to set up the perimeter and make sure the preconceived ideas about how things should work. You need area was locked down. As other tasks were being identified, to quiet the naysayers by keeping them busy. By using good I observed several sergeants disappear into the background communication, you can get everyone working together instead of volunteering. They missed a wonderful opportu- and headed in the same direction. Time is a luxury you don't have, so you can't squander it nity to prove themselves. To be effective in a chaotic environment, you must learn to minimize the impact, stress the away with conflicting orders, duplication of effort, or ignoring resources. Your job as a supervisor is to communicate importance of communication, and stay positive. your intent in a way that avoids any unThe first step in dealing with chaos is YOU EARN YOUR PAY certainty and makes sure that everyone preventive; you must learn to minimize involved is actively working to resolve the the impact before it ever starts. You acWHEN ALL HELL issue. If they are not, they have no reason complish this by preparing yourself and BREAKS LOOSE. to be there. Get rid of gawkers quickly, remembers of your command by conductgardless of rank. ing relevant training. Though hands-on Supervisors often make the mistake of trying to control training is always considered best, notional (on paper) training through tabletop exercises or squad/platoon as- chaos; it can't be done. Instead, they should try to work with it. Think of chaos as a balloon that you deflate in short signments is also effective. One example comes from former New York City mayor spurts. You never try to pop the balloon but instead change Rudy Giuliani. In his book on leadership he tells of how he its size. Your actions serve to deflate chaos. One such action and his multiagency command staff routinely conducted is staying positive. When chaos strikes, your officers will look to you for guidtabletop exercises. One such exercise involved a small plane crashing into the Twin Towers. Though the incident was not ance and support. Staying positive will help you focus on the of the same magnitude as the 9/11 attack, it did give the inci- light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you need to smile dent command a chance to work through many of the same and say, "We got this," even if you are still trying to figure it out. Having a positive attitude and exuding confidence is infecissues they would face on that fateful day. What makes chaos so difficult is that it tends to create new tious. If you don't believe in yourself, neither will anyone else. You shouldn't fear chaos but instead learn to embrace it. circumstances and new scenarios, or simply overwhelms you by giving you so much to deal with at one time. The goal of We often hear things like, "While others run away from the your training is to take the unfamiliar and make it as familiar sound of gunfire, it's our job is to run toward it." If you don't as possible. Work toward making each situation a set of priori- make chaos your friend, sayings like that are nothing more tized tasks that can be managed efficiently. Since all critical than phrases for T-shirts and bumper stickers. incidents share the same baseline response, create a flexible structure, stick to the basics, and train often. That way you Amaury Murgado retired a senior lieutenant from the Osceola will be way ahead of the game when game day comes. County (FL) Sheriff's Office with over 29 years of experience.