HOW TO INVESTIGATE A BURGLARY If you can nail down the essentials of conducting a burglary investigation, you'll have a good foundation for handling all other investigations.
your investigation. One of your first goals is to establish the true nature of the call. If you find out it's no longer a felony in progress, then you can downgrade or cancel other responding units. If you confirm it's still a go, then you must document all the tactics you use in trying to capture the suspect, such as forming a perimeter and deploying K-9 teams. There are a host of other considerations that include things like addressing any victim injuries, clearing the structure to make sure the suspect is not hiding inside, and finding any witnesses including any surveillance video. In other words, you must document everything involved. If the call is over with, your sense of urgency is somewhat scaled down. The First, you need to establish if you're investigating a burglary (or other crime) emergency factor is taken away and you in progress, or if the incident has ended. can get right to the investigation part. But you still have to document who reported y friend Jeff Barnes spent the bulk of his career in the call and the circumstances behind it. Someone coming criminal investigations. He told me that he used inves- home from a two-week vacation and finding out their front tigating burglaries as his template for training new detec- door was kicked in has a different set of details than a pawn tives. He felt that everything needed to solve and prosecute shop that had its alarm cut off and rear wall breached. An a burglary case could be applied to any investigation. Since investigation is all about the details. Jeff's clearance rate was always above the national average, I'd say his training model has merit. With that in mind, let's SECURING THE SCENE Securing the scene is one of the most important considertake a look at some points to remember. ations you have; it's where the bulk of your evidence lies. A mistake here can cost you the case. Not too long ago, I was IN PROGRESS VS. OVER-WITH made aware of an agency that mishandled a gun during a As with any call for service, there is a big difference between an in-progress call and one that is over with. The biggest homicide investigation. After having his day in court, the concerns for an in-progress call revolve around victim and suspect walked. That scenario could have easily been avoidofficer safety, securing the crime scene, and obviously doing ed if all those that were involved had understood that every part of an investigation is important. The whole is greater everything possible to catch the suspect. You have to document everything that leads up to the than the sum of its parts. Securing the scene sets you up for things like processing start of your investigation. How you received the call and what happens prior to the dust settling can make or break the scene, interviewing witnesses, and keeping contami-