Lead, Don't Blame

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Stripes and Bars AMAURY MURGADO

LEAD, DON'T BLAME A supervisor needs to search for solutions, not for someone to throw under the bus. 2. Choice equals options. Leaders have to make it clear WHEN SOMETHING GOES WRONG at an agency, administrators go into self-preservation mode. This, in turn, has a that employees always have options. They can choose any cascading effect all the way down to the last supervisor in course of action they wish. The problem for some is underthe office. The blame game begins as a quest for the lowest standing that all decisions are choices. Once you speak in common denominator in order to find the one to blame. terms of choices and options, your subordinates start to reWhen it's over, most everyone sighs with relief because it alize it's a lot harder to blame others. 3. Set clear goals, objectives, and deadlines. This is not wasn't pinned on them. In other words, leadership doesn't rule the day; fear does. In today's world there are supervi- new but there are supervisors who choose to ignore it. Letsors who act to protect themselves from the fear of failing, ting people know what's expected of them helps cut wiggle the fear of confrontation, and the fear of dealing with their room for excuses. Shame on the supervisor who lets a subordinate get away with something because he or she failed to own mediocrity. There are many unfortunate outcomes from playing the give clear guidance. Remember the 80/20 rule; 20% of your blame game. Problems are seldom resolved, innovation gets subordinates give you 80% of your headaches. Make sure quashed, and the only form of forward thinking revolves you always keep that 20% in mind. 4. Think in terms of solutions, not around how to limit one's own exTHERE'S A TENDENCY TO problems. When your unit uses a posure to the absolute minimum. Supervisors may talk about accountSIDESTEP RESPONSIBILITY solutions-based approach, everyone benefits. You are no longer looking ability, but in reality there is a tenBY USING BLAME AS A for who caused the problem, but what dency to sidestep it by using blame SMOKESCREEN. caused it. Is the issue with Officer as a smokescreen. If you are in a leadSmith or the fact that he received litership position you should consider tle to no cooperation? If you only adwhat WWII General George S. Patton once said: "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." He was dressed Officer Smith for not completing a task, you missed the bigger picture and did nothing to solve the problem. never quoted as saying, "Or learn to blame others." 5. Failure is not an option. You want solutions, not excusBlame has an interesting place in our physiological makeup. It's a defense mechanism that helps preserve your es. Keeping high standards is a way to help people learn to sense of self-esteem by avoiding your own flaws or failings. accept responsibility. If everyone has skin in the game, they It's also used when we're in the attack mode. Blame is used take their personal performance much more seriously. 6. Communicate. Explaining you were having probto hurt others professionally or personally. The main reason it works so well is it takes the focus off of you. Like children, lems after the deadline has passed is unacceptable. When some supervisors learn early that it's easier to blame some- a problem arises, everyone needs to own it in order to solve it. Walking away and blaming others never solves anything. one else than to accept responsibility. I also want to point out that blame is a tool often used by When people believe it's not their problem, they rarely take liars. When the heat is on, liars will say anything to keep any action to help solve it. Encourage communication so from getting into trouble. Casting doubt shifts attention to you can solve problems together. We've all witnessed people in leadership positions who someone else while they think up their next move. Here are some things to look at if you are tired of dealing are quick to dodge responsibility, and they command little respect. True leaders understand the fastest way to make an with the blame game. 1. It's a bit clichĂŠ, but look in the mirror. Change always issue go away is to own it, deal with it, and take it to its logistarts with the individual. How do you handle the dropped cal conclusion. To do anything else will only make it worse. ball or serious mistake? Do you go for blame or try to fix Don't like the blame game? My advice is to stop playing it. the root cause of the problem? Take a look at the culture you have created around your leadership position. Are you Amaury Murgado retired a senior lieutenant from the Osceoblame oriented or solution oriented? la County (FL) Sheriff's Office.




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