HOW TO WORK WITH AVIATION UNITS Officers need to communicate and coordinate with the flight crew to get the most out of air support units.
t's been my experience as a field supervisor that there is no substitute for some type of aircraft in the air to support your operations. My preference has always been a helicopter due to its versatility, but a fixed wing aircraft also has its place. Regardless of what type of aircraft you use, it's imperative that the coordination between ground units and flight crews be seamless and problem free. It's also been my experience that this is easier said than done. An ideal flight crew consists of a pilot and a tactical flight officer (TFO). The pilot is responsible for the safe operation of the aircraft. The TFO is responsible for everything else. In other words, the pilot handles flight operations and the TFO handles the ground operations. It's the TFO who handles the law enforcement mission. Flight crews' duties include watching out When ground officers know how to work with the agency's aerial units, for obstructions, managing airport and pothe air operations are much more efficient and effective. lice radios, and operating the spotlight. They also operate day/night cameras, thermal imaging, and avia- display console. What appears very distinguishable on the tion computers (GPS/mapping); and manage the flight re- ground is not so apparent from the air. For example, ground corder that documents the flight for court purposes. In other units can see into buildings and aircraft can see the tops of words, they have their hands full, it's not an easy job, and roofs; it hardly works the other way around. you soon find every technology has limitations. After speak3. Modern aircraft are usually equipped with GPS softing with many flight crews over the years, I've come up with ware but not every ground unit has access to it or knows some key points on the topic that can help officers improve how to use it. The best way to pinpoint an officer's location communication and effectiveness. at night while inbound is to have the officers on the ground flash their handheld lights or have them point a strobe light at the helicopter. When ground units say they have their KEY POINTS TO CONSIDER 1. Communication is the key when working with flight overheads on, it may not help the TFO because there are crews who are trying to direct ground units. Ground units other emergency vehicles flashing theirs in the same area. 4. When working with K-9s, it's important that the hanmust have an understanding of the air crew's perspective. The best way for you on the ground to understand the per- dlers advise when they are on scene and starting their track. spective from the air is to take an orientation flight so you That brings the air crew's focus to include the K-9 team's safety as they guide them to the suspect. get a feel for what the flight crew sees and does. 5. During felony stops, the ground unit requesting sup2. Ground units need to understand that life is very different when flying at 1,000 feet and looking through a camera port should wait until the aircraft is on scene to effect the 14