How to Investigate Lost Children

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HOW TO INVESTIGATE LOST CHILDREN Knowing how kids of different ages behave can help you know where and how to look for them.




here are basically five ways children go missing: abduction by a parent, kidnapping and ransom, runaway children, predator abduction, or unexplained disappearance. Until you figure out what you have, each investigation starts off with the premise that the child has gone missing by wandering off somewhere. This article will cover common aspects of a lost child in order to help an officer with the initial investigation.

Check with dispatch for any call history and any useful patterns. Ask for backup early for your initial search and obtaining information. Notify your supervisor. Start thinking about the quesChildren ages 3 to 6 understand the concept of being lost and may attempt to return home or to a familiar place, but they tend to keep going in one direction. tions you need to ask. Consider that you might be heading into a crime scene. Limit access and establish a command post As children get older (ages 3 to 6), they begin to develop and an initial staging area, even if it's just located near your the concept of being lost and will attempt to return home or vehicle. Pay close attention while driving in case you spot to a familiar place. They will follow tracks, trails, and short the child or identify areas you want to search later. cuts not noticeable to adults. They may panic and become more lost as they don't understand the concept of turning UNDERSTANDING MISSING CHILDREN BEHAVIOR around so they tend to keep going in one direction. They are Studies show that children behave alike when they get lost. more mobile and cover more distance than younger chilUnderstanding some common behavior will help you get or- dren. They may be drawn away by animals, older children, ganized and establish priorities. or exploration. When tired, they will look for a sleeping spot. Children up to three years of age are unaware of the con- They pay more attention to instructions to stay away from cept of being lost. They have little or no navigational skills. strangers so they may not respond or might hide when they They don't have a sense of direction and tend to wander aim- see you coming. lessly. However, they tend to have good survival instincts Children between the ages of seven and 12 are more adand often seek shelter. They may lie down and go to sleep venturous. They may have wandered up to five miles away under thick brush, inside a log, or under a picnic table. even though their navigational and direction skills are more



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