Your role as an initial investigator

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UNDERSTAND YOUR ROLE AS AN INITIAL INVESTIGATOR As a first responding officer, you need to gather as much information as possible before you pass the case along to a detective.


their attention on any one of the "Five W" questions. Detectives often spend days if not weeks at a time trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together in order to complete the investigation. Take interviewing a witness, for example. Because of the nature of the job, first responding officers have to get the basic information, handle the call, and move on to the next call as quickly as possible. Detectives, on the other hand, can spend all day with a witness if they think it will help. Though the time restrictions for first responders and detectives might be different, their goals remain the same. Each It's helpful to develop a working relationship with detectives assigned to your area. one tries to do the best they can with their part in the investigation. Of the two, I believe the first responder's role is more ims first responding officers, our job consists of conducting an initial investigation that will either be cleared up on portant because the beginning always determines the end. the scene by an arrest, by filing of charges afterwards, or will What any first responding officer does or fails to do will ulhave to be followed up on by someone else. The follow-up is timately determine the outcome of the investigation. For done by someone other than a first responder who is a spe- example, if a first responding officer makes any mistake in cialized crime investigator like a property crimes detective. obtaining witness information or the handling of evidence, Conducting an investigation revolves around knowing your or inadvertently violates someone's constitutional rights, first responder responsibilities and in knowing what the fol- the case can be lost long before it ever gets to trial. low-up investigator (detective) will be looking for. In other words, you need to know your role in the investigation and FROM THE OFFICER'S PERSPECTIVE The best investigative template I have ever used involves understand that where you leave off someone else begins. trying to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how. If you can answer all of these questions, you have obviously DIFFERENT RESPONSIBILITIES, SAME GOALS Most first responding officers are in some type of road pa- solved the case and your investigation is complete. On the trol unit. They go from call to call and how much time they other hand, if you can only answer a few of these questions, spend on each is always an issue. Time is a luxury that first then you have given a detective a great place to start. As the initial investigator, you are responsible for answerresponders don't have. They have to try to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how as fast as they can. Detectives ing each of these questions in some way. It's a relatively simdon't share the same time restraints. They can focus all of ple task as long as you remember that each question has but




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