HOW TO DEAL WITH WITNESSES Be thorough and compassionate when finding and contacting those who may have information about a crime.
s first responders, we seldom get to see everything that happens related to an incident. This creates gaps in the story. The only way to fill in these gaps is with help from those who were there. That means that identifying, finding, and interviewing witnesses becomes a factor in any investigation. The success or failure of your investigation will depend on how you deal with witness information. It might seem like a relatively simple task, but being simple doesn't necessarily translate into being easy. In general, dealing with witness information consists of three parts: finding them, earning their trust, and asking the right questions.
FINDING THEM In most cases, finding your first witness is
simple because it will be the victim. But after that initial contact, you have to work at finding more. In general, there are three ways to find witnesses. You can ask the victim or the other officers who responded who else was there, you can canvass the immediate area, or you can search for some type of technology that uses surveillance footage or other electronic signature. Sometimes we forget to ask the victim if they know of any other witnesses. This is especially true if the victim has left the scene for a safer place or went home to call the police. This is also true if the victim has been hurt and can't respond. If they can't talk to you when you first arrive, you have to note that in your report and be specific as to why. You also have to pass that information on to the detective if one is called out. You need to ask fellow officers as well or you risk losing the information they have. For example, maybe they saw something while driving to the scene. Something that didn't seem important at the time might end up being the one clue you need to track down the suspect. You also need to ask your backup officers if they heard or saw anything while on scene. For example, spontaneous statements are very useful 14
under the right circumstances. Another thing primary reporting officers often forget to do is take some type of statement from anyone present at the scene when they arrive. Even if all they write is they didn't see anything, it puts them there at the scene. At a minimum, try to get their names and contact information. You'd be surprised what an investigation turns up once you start checking on the validity of those who say they weren't involved. Another point to remember is if you do develop a suspect from those who say they didn't see anything, they can no longer successfully claim they weren't there. Another usual tool to find witnesses is to canvass the area. A good rule of thumb is to do a 360-degree check starting from the crime scene. If they live or work close enough to the crime scene, someone might have heard or seen something. If you are in a residential neighborhood, check with the neighbors in front, behind, and on either side of the victim's house. It's not only important to ask if they've seen anything suspicious but equally important to ask if they've For more on legal issues go to