Barricaded Suspect, Mutual Aid.

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BARRICADED SUSPECT, MUTUAL AID You're helping another agency whose tactics you don’t agree with. How will you respond?


n every call for service, you should think things through before you begin your response. Each call can be broken down into three phases: pre-response, response, and postresponse. The following scenario is designed to help you think things through rather than give you a specific way to handle the call.

SITUATION You are on patrol when you get a call for assistance from the

local PD in your jurisdiction. Apparently they have a "frequent flyer" who threatened his mother, took the phone away

when she called 911, and won't let anyone talk to her. He has been drinking, has been known to resist with violence, and a firearm has been implied. The suspect has advised that if anyone comes near his mother he "will take them out." In past clashes with law enforcement, he has thrown around officers as if they were rag dolls. The requesting agency has formed a perimeter and one of their officers is talking directly to the suspect. They are requesting support in the form of your agency's less-thanlethal 40mm multi-round launcher. Since you are on SWAT and have the launcher, your sergeant sends you. He is busy on an in-progress call so he confirms mutual aid has been approved and to respond.

INITIAL THOUGHTS You have dealt with the suspect one time before. He is gen-

erally not a problem except when he's been drinking. This is the first time a weapon has been implied. You are concerned that it's in a mobile home park, as over penetration of rounds is a big concern in this environment. You also know the sergeant asking for help uses poor tactics and will count heavily on his personal relationship with the suspect.





Think It Through Questions • Is the scene secure? • Do they have a command post set up? • Do they have a staging area? • Has SWAT been notified? You switch radio channels and speak to the sergeant at the scene. You need to confirm what it is they want and authority from their side for use of the 40mm has been granted. You find out there is no command post, no staging area, and SWAT has been ruled out. The sergeant tells you to come and meet him at his car, which is parked near the suspect's house.

RESPONSE Think It Through Questions • What are my options if I don't like what I see? • What can I do as an officer to help the situation?

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