A passenger train collides with a truck stuck on the railroad tracks. How do you respond?
n every call for service, you should think things through before you begin your response. Each call can be broken down into three phases: pre-response, response, and postresponse. The following scenario is designed to help you think things through rather than give you a specific way to handle the call.
SITUATION An escorted 82-ton jet gas turbine motor is being trans-
ported by truck through a small, lightly populated area of your jurisdiction. It is supposed to be delivered to the power company in the next city over. It has successfully made nine other railroad crossings before getting to yours. The entire length of the rig is 184 feet consisting of a truck-tractor and modular transporter: three pieces hooked together with the load in the middle piece. The downward grade of the crossing causes the middle section of the transport rig to bottom out and get stuck on the train tracks. After 15 minutes of work to free the stuck transport, an eight-car commuter train carrying 90 people rounds the bend and slams into the turbine, derailing four of the eight cars. The turbine is separated from the transport and lands 100 yards away. There are at least 60 people injured. You are the only supervisor available that day. 14
INITIAL THOUGHTS You know from experience that any plan is better than no
plan at all. You fall back on your training and stick to the basics. You need to get officers going, advise emergency medical services (EMS), and have dispatch put out the information to your surrounding agencies; you can't do it alone. The first hour is going to be filled with good intentions but very chaotic. Communication and coordination are the only goals at this point.
PRE-RESPONSE Think It Through Questions • What should I do first? • How do I manage the injured? • How do I lock down the area? • How do I coordinate what will be a multi-agency response? Step back, focus, and use response to a bad traffic crash as your model. The only difference is scale; your objectives and priorities remain the same. You have two immediate priorities: Get help to the injured and secure the scene. That means traffic control, clearing routes for ambulances, finding landing zones for helicopters, and applying first aid until you are relieved by EMS. It also means setting up a command post and at least one staging area. You need people on hand, so