HOW TO OBTAIN A SWORN STATEMENT Well written accounts from victims and witnesses can serve as valuable evidence.
very police academy recruit is taught the importance of writing a good report. Later, the same is done during orientation and field training when hired by an agency. Unfortunately, obtaining quality statements is sometimes not equally stressed. What officers soon forget is not necessarily the importance of obtaining information but that information has different levels of importance. Most of what a law enforcement officer reports on is considered hearsay. What is written in a sworn statement is considered evidence. Hearsay and evidence are not the something. Therefore, the importance of obtaining well written statements from victims or witnesses can't be overstated. Let's go over what a sworn statement is, what its purpose is, and what factors are needed to make it worthwhile in an investigation for court purposes.
a notarized statement taken with the clear understanding that giving false testimony is considered a crime of perjury and punishable by law. Ideally the witness statement should be legible, clearly understood by anyone who might read it, and contain important information relevant to the case at hand. The information should be presented in a logical sequence. If at all possible, a statement should follow the rules of writing a good police narrative. It should be written with the journalistic approach of trying to answer who, what, when, where, why, and how. Obviously, there will be times when you have very little information, but the object lesson here is to get as much answered as possible.
USES FOR SWORN STATEMENTS As I stated earlier, the importance of a properly obtained
SWORN STATEMENT DEFINED A sworn witness statement is simply a written statement of
the evidence a person is able to render in relation to a particular circumstance he or she is somehow involved in. It is
sworn statement can't be overstated. After you have been on the job for a while, it's easy to become too comfortable with required paperwork. The need for obtaining a sworn statement gravitates to one of becoming something you do over than something that you need. It's at that point in your career that a review of what a sworn statement can be used for will help bring you back into focus about its importance. Besides being the evidence you may need to help set up and prosecute a case, sworn statements have at least three other uses. The first revolves around it being considered a recorded recollection. The statement itself can be read at a deposition or trial without its author being present. As for the second, it can be used to refresh a witness testimony. And lastly, it can be used to question the credibility of testifying witnesses, otherwise known as impeachment. The sworn statement is as much a valuable tool as it is a piece of evidence.
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