How to Choose a Helicopter for Your Agency Focus on the missions you need accomplished before picking a model. AMAURY MURGADO
THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN a two-sided argument with regard to using helicopters in law enforcement. The arguments for helicopters include the added value they bring to enforcement operations. The arguments against helicopters include cost factors and the negative impact they have on budgets. The question of value then becomes subjective and depends on what side of the argument you are on. Because perception is reality, perception ultimately becomes the driving force in decision-making. If you are looking into the possibility of buying a helicopter at your agency, you need to consider both sides of the argument to come up with a balanced decision. You must include all the factors that apply to your situation. Picking the model, believe it or not, should be one of your last considerations. Here are some topics you need to explore in your journey toward achieving flight operations.
In general, helicopter operations fall under four main categories: emergency response, patrol duties, back-up, and pursuits. Within these categories, some aviation units have eWven more specific missions because of their location or special needs. Your first order of business is to define your mission and identify what it is you want the helicopter to do. In other words, you must determine the scope of your flight operations and match the helicopter's capabilities to them. Stay away from uninformed opinions and people who don't care how they spend taxpayer monies. For example, every agency has its own unique set of geographical factors based on location, weather patterns, altitude above sea level, and types of terrain. Identifying factors like your desired flight time, how much payload you need to carry, and what types of auxiliary equipment you need will start you in the right direction. An agency that flies mostly at sea level in urban environments will have different considerations than one that flies mostly in high elevations and in mountainous terrain.
TRAINING Who will conduct your unit training is another key factor. Are you going to train in-house, contract out, or use a com-