Think it Through

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CHECK ON THE WELL-BEING A complainant is worried that a family member won't return his phone calls, but there is little evidence to base an investigation on. How will you respond? INITIAL THOUGHTS


Although you have been on hundreds of check the well-being calls,

this one has a component that doesn't make sense. Why hasn't he just called back when given the message by the girlfriend? You also wonder how old the girlfriend is. You are not suspicious at this point but you do remember that one of your mentors said that a police officer should always be curious and have a sense of urgency when handling calls. For right now, you go with curious.



n every call for service, you should think things through before you begin your response. Each call can be broken down into three phases: pre-response, response, and post-response. The following scenario is designed to help you think things through rather than give you a specific way to handle the call.

SITUATION Dispatch sends you to check the well-being of a 55-year-old

male who lives with his long-term girlfriend of eight years. A family member is concerned that he has not been able to speak to him for over a week, which is very unusual. They usually talk at least two or more times a month without fail. When the family member speaks to the girlfriend, she always says he is sleeping or out of the house running an errand, or that she doesn't know where he is because she is at work. The girlfriend is a nurse and works shiftwork at a local hospital. It's around 2100 and the complainant just got off the phone with the girlfriend, who is currently at home. 14


Think It Through Questions • What kind of questions will you ask the girlfriend? • Are you going to ask neighbors if they have seen him? • What will you do if she is not cooperative? • What are your legal rights to search the home? At this point you focus on what you will say to the girlfriend. You do a call history on the house and note there was one verbal disturbance call earlier in the year for which no report was taken. You also find out the girlfriend is in her 50s as well. You have dispatch call back the complainant and ask about the family member's car. You also ask if dispatch knows of any problems the couple has been having. They tell you he owns a dark-colored van that, if there, should mean he is there as well. The complainant is not aware of any relationship issues and has been led to believe the couple is quite happy together.

RESPONSE Think It Through Questions • Do you ask for backup so they can interview neighbors while you focus on the girlfriend? • Do you have dispatch do a standard hospital check for the guy or wait until after? • How will you approach the girlfriend?

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