Natural Health Guide

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Natural health


A Different View Of Cancer

Leading A Stress Free Life

Natural Healing For Dogs

Top 5 Natural Remedies

Contents 1.

Does Holistic Healing Really Work?



A Different View Of Cancer



Healing Your Body From Birth



Using Natural Alternatives For Depression



Guided Mediation CDs



Leading A Stress Free Life



Gaining A Natural Healing Cancer



Why Liver Detoxification?



The Secrets To Homeopathy



Zero Point Energy Experience



Natural Healing Remedies



Natural Healing For Dogs



Top 5 Natural Remedies



How Botanical Medicine Works



Are Natural And Holistic Pet Care Products Better?



Does holistic healing really work?


olistic healing works to balance all parts of a person.

It encompasses physical wellness, emotional balance, mental health, your environment and even your spiritual life. Holistic health care is a wonderful support in self-healing and development. When we look at our self holistically we are looking at all aspects of our being. If we are out of balance in any one area we will be functioning less optimally than we could be, and this may even lead to a breakdown or health challenge down the road. It requires that you actively participate in your healing process. This means you must take responsibility for your health and life by asking questions of your holistic physician, and taking the action steps she suggests. 1



Everything that happens to us has an effect on our overall being. Some things help us and some hurt us - it is up to us to do more of the one and less of the other. One example is the doctor that smokes. He knows it is not good for him and yet the addiction is so great he cannot stop. Why do people do things they know are bad for them? If you look at it from a holistic perspective you will find they are out of balance in one or more areas of their life. Holistic practitioners work to balance your mind, body and spirit through natural selfhealing practices. Such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, Ayurveda, chiropractic, exercise, herbal remedies, massage, proper nutrition meditation, reflexology, Visualization, vitamin supplements, yoga to name the most common ones. Now with time we have come to not only realize the benefits of these previously misjudged techniques, but modern science is starting to verify their value. There have been numerous cases where Yogis have gone into a medical facility for scientific testing and proven what the mind can do. A good example is meditation. 25 years ago it was looked upon with suspicion and hostility by traditional medicine. Today doctors from every corner of the world are recommending meditation because it has proven to reduce blood pressure, to help patients with asthma to breathe more easily, as a natural sleep aid and to quiet our minds and emotions. Holistic healing can give you all that and more naturally.


A Different View Of Cancer


hat if cancer is not an alien invasion into a healthy

body but rather the body's response to an area of congestion that is suffocating groups of its cells? What if cancer cells, like all other cells in the body, are concerned about the body's health, and tirelessly vigilant? Then their action would demonstrate the marvellous ingenuity and adaptability of the body. A Last Ditch Attempt Disease, including cancer, comes as a result of a blockage, or breakdown of circulation in the body. When this congestion advances to the extent that oxygen is seriously restricted, cancer cells come to the rescue. 3



These are normal cells that the body ingeniously alters genetically to be able to survive in a low oxygen environment. Without this drastic attempt to continue to live in a toxic environment, death would certainly come more quickly to that part of the body. If They Cannot Keep Her Afloat, They Will Go Down With Her So cancer cells would not cause, but prevent death, at least as long as they can. If the cause of congestion is not removed, their heroic efforts would be in vain as advancing loss of function ultimately causes the entire organism to perish. Dealing with the causative issues of paralysis and blockage in the body, mind, and spirit will help to prevent such an outcome. When All Else Fails Could we have it backwards? Perhaps the obstruction of an organ's lines of nutriment isn't chiefly the result of a cancerous tumor. Instead, it is its main cause. In that case, cancer is not an enemy, it is a friend. It is the body's final, desperate tactic to survive when all other measures have failed. It Could Be The Truth This understanding of cancer certainly isn't without support. The views of great natural healers such as Antoine Bechamp, Dr. John Christopher, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, Dr. Bernard Jensen, and Dr. Richard Schulze could certainly support such an understanding. Sometimes the truth can be the most unlikely thing around. The most important thing is to keep the mind open.


Healing Your Body From Birth


ontinuing on from our look at Arnica and Hypericum (St

Johns Wort) to help manage pain from birth, we now explore other techniques such as deep breathing and restorative herbs to help you on your journey. Approaching healing after birth naturally will ensure that you are treating your body and your baby with respect and kindness, just what you need if you are not yet feeling one hundred percent! 1. Soothe Yourself The journey of pregnancy and birth can leave a woman chronically exhausted. So it is important to make use of the many herbs that soothe the nervous system and promote a better quality of sleep. 5



Such as Oats (Avena sativa), Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata). Oats strengthens the adrenals, restores bone and muscle mass, supports normal hormone balance and enhances the health of capillaries and the circulatory system. Well known herbalist Susan Weed recommends it especially for woman after birth. Take it in extract form for best results. Valerian and Passionflower improve quality and duration of sleep so that energy levels and endurance during the day are improved. Both are thought to reduce insomnia and can be used in tea or tincture form for good results. Valerian is an especially good recovery tonic for states convalescence where fatigue and anxiety are present. 2. Healing On The Inside When it comes to healing tissues and preventing infection the delightful marigold flower, known as Calendula officinalis can provide these with virtually no known side effects. So it is completely safe and natural. Use Calendula cream to keep your skin soft and supple as pregnancy can dehydrate the skin, and use it prior to the birth in perineal massage to reduce the risk of a perineal tear during birth. To support healing from an episiotomy or any injury to the body, introduce calendula into your daily cleansing regime by diluting a strong organic Calendula lotion with water and applying as a wash. A couple handfuls of dried calendula herb can also be added to bath water for skin soothing activity or drink the herb as an infused ear for a cleansing and healing hot drink. Calendula has a long history of being used in casseroles and soups for a similar purpose. The herb witch-hazel is also useful in sitz baths to aid recovery from an episiotomy. If you find that swelling occurs or worsens, switch to cold water. Any pus or foul smelling discharge from the episiotomy location may indicate an infection and you should contact your care giver for assistance. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a powerful healing herb that prevents bacterial and fungal infections. Applied to the skin in the form of oils or creams, it provides deep nourishment and protection. It can be used for pre-birth massage of the perineum to lower the risk of episiotomy, and post birth in sitz baths to aid healing and prevent infection.

Healing Your Body From Birth


3. Deep Breathing The use of deep breathing to ease pain in birth is well known, however it is also a fabulous way to relieve pain and reduce anxiety after birth too. It floods the body with lots of oxygen, which in turn speeds up healing at a cellular level and relaxes you. Deep breathing is something that you can do at every opportune moment to provide some rest in short bouts so it is free and accessible to everybody. Finding a breathing technique that works for you is a personal journey. You might even find that humming works better than a deep exhalation. Your lungs should fully inflate and your breath should be connected with your abdomen (belly breathing) for best results. In the first week after birth your uterus will be shrinking its way back to a pre-pregnant state. This is a natural process triggered by the hormone oxytocin, which kicks into gear to enable breastfeeding. However the recurrent muscular spasm can be uncomfortable and painful. Try deep breathing to take some charge out of the pain and soothe you. The breathing technique below encourages the release of endorphins, proteins that relieve pain, reduce anxiety and encourage a sense of well-being. This gratitude meditation can be done at any time, sitting or standing: Relax your pelvis and knees and soften your weight into both feet evenly. Closed your eyes and bring your awareness into the present moment. Breathe in through your nose. As you do this, feel your abdomen expand to receive the air, and soften your eyes. When you have inhaled fully for a count of 4 to 10 seconds, then slowly exhale as you smile and think of something or someone you really appreciate and feel grateful for. If you open your eyes here, keep your gaze soft. Repeat as many times as you like.


Natural Alternatives For Depression


illions of people around the world are turning to

natural alternatives for depression because they are healthier and do not have the side effects of prescription drugs. In this article, you will learn about these supplements, how to find a good one and what other steps you can take to lift your mood and make depression a thing of the past. With all the controversy around taking anti-depressants, it's no wonder that there is a movement in this country to find a healthier way of dealing with a problem that seems to be part of the human condition. Let's face it: things happen and some of those things are events that are out of our control that send us into a tailspin. When you are in this place, you do not need to be medicated into a zombie-like or fakehappy state, you need a natural method to regain your footing. 8

Natural Alternatives For Depression


Drugs have side effects that can make depression worse. Like weight gain and even suicidal thinking. Plus, there is no drug that cures depression; drugs only suppress the symptoms and with all the potential side effects, you have to ask yourself, At what risk? Unlike drugs, supplements along with other measures afford a natural healing for depression approach. That said, it is important to realize that natural alternatives for depression are not new. They have been around for centuries. But we have forgotten this because we are constantly being bombarded by advertisements from the pharmaceutical companies. Even those remedies are not new, they are not all created equal, so here is what to look for in a good remedy. This is for you to make sure that you find one that works the first time. First, look for natural alternatives for depression that contain clinically proven ingredients including Passion Flower and St. John's Wort. Next, look for a manufacturer that offers a one year, no questions asked, money back guarantee. This shows you a company that believes in and stands behind their product. This is one of the best indicators that the product will work. Next, make sure that you are eating a proper diet. Good food will boost the action of a natural healing for depression supplement by giving you the nutrients your brain needs to produce feel-good neurotransmitters that elevate the mood. Also, it is important to realize that junk food contains chemicals which can adversely affect your mood and also wreak havoc on your health. Focus on eating lean meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit in season, nuts, beans and whole grains. If you have been eating a junk food diet, add healthy foods in slowly, so you don't feel overwhelmed. Finally, once the natural alternatives for depression have you feeling better and more motivated. Add exercise to your routine. Just a walk around the block or in the park can do so much to clear your head, put worries in perspective and rejuvenate your body. As you walk, take in the beauty of the sights and sounds around you and think about the little things in your life that you are grateful for. Focus on how good it feels to be alive. Such as exercise which does not have to hurt to be good but fun for you instead.


guided meditation cds


editation has been useful for years to guide people to

throttle down and have improved lives. Meditation can be unique for every person, some choose to hear music, sing, chant, and others just want to relax quietly and rest their minds and muscle groups. Most of the people that use guided mediation CDs are searching for a way to get rid of some sort of discomfort. Medication sometimes lacks to present people the pain relief they are searching for. This could be physical, mental, or emotional pain and discomfort. There is not always a cure when going into a doctor's office. That is why people switch to guided meditation CDs. There is constantly a outcome with the CDs, the cause for this is that a person is operating on their own system and doing it in their own time, as extreme as they want to target. 10

Guided Mediation CDs


Guided meditation CDs don't put people into catalepsy so they no longer sense what's annoying them. Rather it works over time to emphasize that unfavourable attention on something else, something favourable. The CDs help a person to construct their own surroundings where recovery is achievable. Employing a guided meditation CDs is a excellent way to target energy on curing rather than what's tearing a person’s situation out on a day by day basis. Sometimes people that have a difficult time focusing seem to enjoy these CDs. Maybe it is because over time they will make a person more powerful and more adapted of dealing with the disturbing situations in their lifestyle.


Leading A Stress Free Life By Taking Up Meditation Classes


ave you ever thought that you could lead a stress-free

and a peaceful life?

Surely, not! At least in amidst of chaos and turbulence of day to day life, it seems a distant dream. Not anymore, because with meditation classes, one can reduce stress levels to great extent and create a perfect harmony between work and home. People wonder that can there be a peaceful way of living life in all the chaos of all the hustle bustle of daily life. Surely, there is a way that leads to creating harmony in life and simultaneously helping an individual to carry on his responsibilities effectively and with enthusiasm. 12

Leading A Stress Free Life By Taking Up Mediation Classes


It is called meditation which has a great healing effect on a person- in both spheres of life- personal and professional. The following are the benefits that meditation classes have to offer in abundance: 1. Reduced Stress Levels With meditation workshops, one can achieve a perfect balance between professional and personal life. This is possible by reducing stress levels and then an individual is able to concentrate more on a particular aspect of life. Thus, a person can give 100% of himself at the workplace and home. This leads to a great deal of improvement in quality of life and making the individual happy and content. Increased mental concentration and awareness: Natural healing meditation helps in the inner awakening of an individual and gives him the ability to view things from an impartial point of view. Thus, it increases his mental concentration and makes him fully aware of his life. He is able to view things from a different perspective and thus able to provide solutions to his problems. 2. Increased Efficiency At Workplace Meditation classes help in enhancing the productivity and effectiveness at the workplace. This gives an individual an opportunity to explore and make use of his abilities and skill in the best possible manner. The individual is motivated to work to the best of his ability and in this process, his efficiency increases to a great extent. Fostering team spirit: Healing Meditation helps an individual to navigate tense situations and find ways to deal with pressure at workplace. His communication skills are enhanced thus, prompting him to work with the team in the best interests of the organization. Meditation helps in fostering team spirit and thus goals and objectives of the company are achieved effortlessly. 3. Improve Overall Health Meditation classes have a direct and a positive effect on the health of a person. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body and thus increasing efficiency at the workplace. This reduces absenteeism and the well-being if an individual is improved drastically. With several advantages of meditation, one is keen to reap the benefits.


Gaining A Natural Healing Career Preparation Education


hen you decided to choose a career in the field of

natural healing, you may be required to gain an accredited education. Training in the natural healing field is available at numerous areas and levels of specialized study. You can gain the education needed to enter into a profitable career by enrolling in a fully accredited educational training program. Certificates and degrees can be earned in numerous areas and levels of training when you choose to acquire a higher education. 14

Gaining A Natural Healing Career In Preparation Education


There are a number of things you should know prior to enrolment in a natural healing program. 1. When pursuing an accredited education you should make sure the school or college you choose offers the training you desire. Training can be fulfilled in numerous areas of study such as: 1. Ayurveda 2. Chiropractic 3. Massage Therapy 4. Aromatherapy 5. Hydrotherapy 6. Traditional Chinese Medicine And many other specialized areas of study. You can pursue the career you long for by gaining an accredited education in this field. Training is accessible at various levels depending on the desired career. You can choose to complete a: 1. Certificate Program 2. Associate Degree Program 3. Bachelor Degree Program 4. Master Degree Program 5. Doctoral Degree Program The specific length of training will vary based on the area and desired profession. You can expect to spend anywhere from six months to eight years on educational training in natural healing. 2. Accredited schools and colleges offer you the chance to gain skills and knowledge in a number of areas. Leaning may consist of subject such as nutrition, anatomy, reflexology, exercise, herbology and many other related course subjects. By gaining an accredited education in these areas you will be prepared to seek out the career you yearn for.



There are numerous career options in natural healing including working as a massage therapist, chiropractor, naturopathic doctor, herbologist, hypnotherapist, nutritionist, iridologist and many other related professions. By choosing to gain an accredited education in this field you can expect to acquire the skills you need to enter into the career you long for. 3. Continuing education and online studies may also be available depending on the career and level of education being pursued. Continuing education is available to professionals that wish to enhance their skills in a specific area. Accredited schools offer continuing education through various forms including online. Training online allows students to gain the knowledge they desire from the comfort of home. Some natural healing programs may offer online career training programs. Accredited natural healing training programs can offer you the quality education you need and deserve. Full accreditation is provided by agencies like the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training to schools and colleges that provide the best training. You can research available programs to find the one that is right for you and start your natural healing career by enrolling in a learning program. Start the path by to a great career by enrolling today.

8 Why Liver Detoxification?


e are not going to run a marathon when we are sick

Our livers are our first lines of defense. They are online 24/7 to protect us from a constant barrage of toxins that threaten our lives. It is a malfunctioning liver that is often the cause of our threatening or nagging chronic problems. How much do we feel like doing things when you are sick? How well can we suppose our livers are going to clean the myriad of things that threaten to poison us out of our blood if it is sick? Attack From All Sides Our liver is under attack just by virtue of living on this polluted and stressful planet. A huge threat comes from prescription drugs which kill tens of thousands of people every year. 17



There are multitudes of hurtful substances in the processed foods we eat. The air that we breathe is not pure and the water that we drink and bathe in is polluted. A Bucket of Bolts Without Maintenance It doesn't matter whether we live well or not. Our liver, like our car, needs periodic maintenance or it will break down. A big part of that maintenance is a doing a liver detoxification. To Hold The Ship Together This is where we do things to support the liver in its function. Some of the components of a good liver cleanse detoxify it. Other elements protect it like the defensive shields on the Starship Enterprise. Doing a liver detoxification often will not only revive our liver like an invigorating shower but will protect it and ultimately hold our ship together longer-a lot longer.

9 The Secrets To Homeopathy


atural healing for me could not come in a more

appropriate way than homeopathy. Homeopathy is a natural form of health care, complete in virtually all aspects. Although at first glance, homeopathy can challenge your existing preconceptions, it stands up to the scrutiny well. Homeopathy is as capable of treating deep seated and serious conditions as it is at treating common-and-garden, minor health issues. New and yet unnamed diseases can easily be treated, because homeopathy doesn't treat disease. It treats you. You are out of balance. You don't have a disease. 19



You are simply out of natural harmony. Since homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system, you restore your balance. Homeopathy is simply the catalyst that made it happen. When you are out of balance, your immune system can't do the job it was designed to do. It has hit a blockage and cannot move forward. The appropriate homeopathic medicine removes the blockage, allowing you to heal you. This means that the effect of homeopathy can be instantaneous, with improved energy, better sleep, more easily able to deal with people and situations along with the improvement of the initial problem. Homeopathy is also a highly flexible modality of health care. You can learn to use some of the common remedies for home prescribing those minor and not-so-minor health problems that happen to families on a daily basis. And you can see a professional homeopath for those more difficult, serious or complicated problems. Homeopathy is a gentle, deep and highly effective way to keep all members of the family healthy. It makes no difference if the patients are human or other animal. It is probably one of the most cost effective modalities of health care too.

10 Zero Point Energy Experience


he term Zero Point Field was pointed at the beginning of

last century. There were number of quantum physicists looking at the Zero Point Field, and one of them was Albert Einstein. The hypothesis was, if you took the high power of microscope and you look down deep enough - through atoms, electrons and protons - you ultimately get to this Zero Point Field. Originally we thought it was a void empty space. But science changes! We used to think the world was flat, and then we realized actually it is round. We used to think this Zero Point Field was a void empty space, and now we realize actually it is a reservoir - a reservoir for all the energy! I went to the presentation for the Zero Point Energy product last night. Although I watched the presentation on the website, the live demo was even more interesting! My dad, Don, is 80 years old. 21



He was in a state of confusion and he fell asleep during most of the demo. Don had heart bi-pass operation and hip replacement surgery years ago. He was in a coma at the beginning of this year. Doctors thought he had a mini stroke, and finally they came to the conclusion that Don suffers from dementia. His situation was getting worse and worse, and he stayed in the hospital for over half of this year. There was a Zero Point Energy product called Wand. After I winded Don for about 15 minutes, he suddenly woke up and started talking. At that moment I thought the wand was really working! He was really energized last night even after he came back home. The people around us were so surprised to witness the change in Don. Compared with his confusion at the beginning of the demo, he was really showing a big difference after getting the energy from the Zero Point Field. Although I knew Don had been on and off several times this year, this experience might be just a coincidence. But something he was talking about I had not heard from him in over a year. Either he suddenly got all this memory back by coincidence or it is the overall result of the natural healing ability of the body from the Zero Point Field. I began to search online for all the information available of the Zero Point Energy and it sounds too good to be true. Spaceship with no fuel but can fly forever. A few centuries ago, travelling around world was too good to be true. Just a few decades ago, flying to the moon was too good to be true. Our reality at the moment is based on our dreams years ago. I would like to be a pioneer to discover the Zero Point Energy and apply to my life. I believe the energy can change our family, our community and our future. Article Written By William Wu On May 25, 2010

11 Natural Healing Remedies Using Peppermint Oil


f you enjoy natural healing remedies, but you have not used

peppermint essential oil yet, you are missing out! There are so many great benefits of this aromatic oil! Let's start with energy which is what many of us are lacking. The common solution to this is caffeine, and lots of it, to get us through the day. However, that has its cons, including those pesky jitters. Peppermint oil is a great alternative to this! A few sniffs of peppermint oil can give you a nice boost of energy, as well as clearing your cluttered mind, which makes it a great choice when studying or working hard! You get a nice energy boost, free of those annoying jitters that come with caffeine overuse. 23



Another great use for the oil is to help clear up congestion. Since peppermint oil contains menthol, it is an excellent choice for congestion due to colds, allergies, or sinus infections. There are a couple ways to do this. One way is to mix a few drops into hot water, and inhale. Another way is to mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub into your chest. Always mix with coconut oil or olive oil, as putting it on straight can irritate the skin, or even burn! Peppermint oil can be an excellent diet aid! A lot of people swear that a few sniffs of it really helps to curb cravings! If you have ant problem, put a few drops onto a cotton ball and place it where they gather. Ants detest peppermint oil! If you suffer from headaches, mix a drop or two with coconut oil or olive oil, and massage into the temples. This is an excellent, natural way to heal a headache! Speaking of aches and pain, are digestive problems dragging you down? If so, try massaging the oil onto your stomach area. It's very beneficial for any kind of digestive problem, from stomach pain, to nausea. As always, dilute with another oil first! Is bad breath an issue for you? This humiliating problem can be cured by placing a drop of this oil onto your tongue. It freshens breath, and kills bacteria which causes it in the first place! You can't get much better than that. Placing a few drops into your bath is said to give a spa-like experience. Only a drop or two will do, otherwise it can make your water too cold. This would be a great bath for energy! On a final note, the oil is great for fevers. Massage into the bottom of your feet to break a fever.

12 Natural Healing For Dogs With Congestive Heart Failure


hat is canine congestive heart failure?

It is the abnormality of the function and structure of the dog's heart. Usually because of thickened and enlarged heart chambers-the efficacy of the organ's ability to pump blood is reduced. Unfortunately, by the time this ailment is correctly diagnosed; the condition is in its latter stages already. It is important for the owner to learn the symptoms of this disease so he can detect the signs early and go to his vet as soon as possible. These include laboured breathing, undue coughing fits and having a blue tinge in its tongue and mouth. 25



You need to treat this right away. If you are not comfortable in administering medicinal drugs to your pet-there are natural healing for dog with congestive heart failure remedies you can try. The best and natural way to get your dog healthy is through giving him the right exercise and diet. Another symptom of congestive heart failure is exhaustion of the canine even after light exercise so consult an expert in regards to the proper activities the animal can participate in. Homemade meals for dogs are usually better than the commercial pet feeds that are going around. This is especially true if you are dealing with one with an ailment that needs care in its specific nutritional content. Boneless lean meat and grains are good ingredients to include in Fido's meals. Add the meat into vegetables like squash, cucumber, carrots, zucchini, beets, broccoli and yams into his food. Avoid vegetables that might lead to digestive problems like beans, tomatoes and bell peppers. Chop these into bite-size pieces that the dog can easily chew. The dog's meals should always be low in sodium and high in other minerals like calcium which is said to slow down the heart rate and help in the ability of the heart to pump blood more effectively. Other important nutrients include Taurine and L-carnitine, Coenzyme Q 10 or CoQ 10, Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids (seafood is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids). The right nutrients go a long way in improving your pet's cardiovascular well-being as most of the previously mentioned minerals are credited to prolonging the life expectancy of dogs with heart conditions. Another natural supplement good for your dog is the herb Crateagus oxycantha or Hawthorne which contain properties that promote artery strength and general cardiovascular health. Calcium fluoride, Kalium phosphate and Arnica Montana are also known to encourage good blood pressure for the animal. Take note that these natural healing for dog with congestive heart failure should always be verified by a trusted vet to see if it applies to your pet. Some animals have special cases in which certain ingredients may not prove to be beneficial to its particular condition. It is better to err in the side of caution, especially in dealing with something as serious as your dog's heart health.

Natural Healing For Dogs With Congestive Heart Failure


Canine congestive heart failure is an ailment one must never take lightly. However don't let that stop you from enjoying your dog and don't let that deprive him of the pleasure of your company. Take good care of him and love him the best way you can-this way you have nothing to regret in the years you do have together.


Top 5 Natural Healing Remedies


here are a number of natural healing remedies that can

assist to help you overcome and beat anxiety and depression. Some of these are herbs and potions such as Bach's Rescue Remedy, which is a homeopathic remedy which is somewhat effective in reducing anxiety and depression. Yet these herbs and potions do nothing to naturally heal and remedy the "cause" of the anxiety and depression. 100% pure Lavender Oil is another excellent and often underrated natural healing remedy that can significantly reduce the effects of anxiety and depression. Using this oil in a massage or rubbing it on your palms and then using your hands to wipe over your body, your temples and your aura is very beneficial along your path to overcome and beat anxiety and depression. 28

Top 5 Natural Healing Remedies


You should also strongly consider burning a pure high quality lavender oil candle daily and playing spiritual relaxing music. Lavender oil has been used as an effective natural anti-depressant in hospitals and there are many studies you can view on the Internet that have demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. Still, as effective as lavender oil is in healing the aura of negative energy and dark spirits that aggravate depression and anxiety, like other herbs and potions, the original cause of anxiety and depression still remains. Below are the top 5 natural healing remedies to overcome anxiety and depression. 1. Emotional Freedom Technique Depression is always unresolved grief. EFT is highly effective in permanently removing the grief that causes depression. When the grief goes, so too does the depression. Patients with chronic depression who have been on strong anti-depressants for many years have been able to come off their drugs and remain free of depression after only a few EFT sessions. And the results are just as effective in overcoming anxiety. Anxiety is always unresolved fear. EFT is highly effective in permanently removing the fears that cause anxiety. 2. Hypnotherapy Regression During a hypnotherapy regression session, patients with anxiety and depression are able to successfully reconnect to their source of emotional pain that is causing their anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy regression and EFT are both equally successful when used as natural healing remedies to help overcome depression and anxiety. 3. Writing Your Feelings This is a great technique you can do on your own and it is very effective in releasing negative feelings from within your soul. Depression is always unexpressed grief and anxiety is always unexpressed fear. When you take the time to express your grief and your fears in a journal you can initiate a very successful healing on your own. 4. Reconnecting To Your Source Of Love This will require you to be open minded to the spiritual side of life. Depression and anxiety can only exist within your soul when you have cut off your spiritual connection to your Higher God Self.



You are always connected to your Higher Self via an invisible silver cord that is your Source of Love, yet when you stop focusing on your Higher God Self and only focus on your human self. You become a Being of Need instead of a Being of Love and you soon develop anxiety and depression because you feel cut off from your Source of Love. When you reconnect to your Source of Love, anxiety and depression will very soon disappear. 5. Meditation What most people do not realize, even those who meditate, is your human consciousness and the consciousness of your Higher God Self merges during a meditation. And you feel the peace, the love, the inner calmness and oneness of your Higher God Self. Try it for 5-10 minutes and notice the peace and calmness that envelopes your soul as you reconnect to your Source of Love through meditation. All anxiety is: a fear you are disconnected from God and are all alone. All depression is: a belief you are disconnected from God and are all alone. When you reconnect to your Source of Love through daily meditation, you re-establish the vital flow of love into your soul and this becomes the natural healing remedy that removes all fear, anxiety, grief and depression. This is because you are now focusing on your real self and not what others want you to be.


How Botanical Medicine Works


n herb is described by botanists as a small seed-bearing

non-woody plant, this is where the term herbaceous comes from. 1. Synergy Herbs synthesize specific compounds that work together in a synergistic effect. In nature, multiple Herbs combine to produce a greater effect than each herb would provide alone. Herbs can stimulate simultaneous needs at once while the body extracts the compounds it needs from each Herb and discards the compounds it does not need. This is why most herbal remedies combine multiple herbs in their whole forms, seeds, leaves, flowers, stems, barks, and roots. 31



2. Grouping Most herbs are grouped into taste categories as the taste most often corresponds to certain qualities used in healing modalities. These include but are not limited to acrid, aromatic, bitter, pungent, salty, sour and sweet herbs. 3. Active Plant Constituents No one herb cures any one specific ailment. The medicinal effect depends on the active plant constituents of the herbs that act to restore balance in the internal environment of the body. Listed below are the most common plant constituents: 1. Acids are sour and antiseptic, found in Citrus species 2. Alkaloids are bitter and aid the central nervous system, found in Solanaceae family. 3. Bitters are bitter that stimulate appetite and digestion, found in Gentianaceae family 4. Coumarins are earthy and antibacterial and anticoagulant, found in Melilotus species 5. Flavonoids can be bitter or sweet, are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, found in Vaccinium species 6. Gums and Mucilages are bland and softening, found in Malvaceae family 7. Quinones are bitter and laxative, found in Rhuem species. 8. Resins are acrid and antiseptic, found in Commiphora myrrha. 9. Saponins are sweet and hormonal stimulants, found in Saponaria officinalis 10. Terpenoids are bitter and are often present as Saponins, found in Asteraceae family 11. Volatile oils are aromatics that are fungicidal, found in Thymus vulgaris Warning: Plant extracts are extremely potent which is why all substances have what is called the Therapeutic Index. The chemistry of herbs are complex and as unique as an individual fingerprint. The unique constituents are even effected by season, whether, soil fertility and moon phases. This is why it is important to work with an herbalist and a trusted botanical company for proper usage of quality herbs to produce optimal result for optimal benefit and safety.

15 Are Natural And Holistic Pet Care Products Better For Your Pet's Health?


ave you ever wondered if natural holistic pet care

products are better for your dog or cat? Are they more cost effective? It is certainly reasonable to wonder whether these products compare to the widely used and available mass produced products on the market today. What are the facts you should consider when you are dealing with these products for your pet. Safety for your pet would be the number one concern as always with either natural products or commercially available products. Holistic pet products provide several major advantages for your dog or cat. Firstly, it is important to understand what they contain. 33



Unlike over the counter products, they do not contain harmful chemicals or preservatives found in many of the commercial pet products on today's market. Natural or holistic products will contain mostly elements found in nature, including herbs. This benefit means that your pet will not be at risk for suffering from adverse side effects that can occur when using many commercial products that can often cause allergic reactions. Also, they are beneficial because they are very effective in giving much needed relief. Holistic products and practices have been used for many years and in many cultures to treat a variety of different medical problems in people as well as animals. Their effectiveness has not diminished over the years and have become more mainstream if anything. When you seek out a remedy or a treatment for an issue that your pet is suffering from natural healing products can supply you with the solutions that you desire. To conclude, they are beneficial for your pets because they are often more readily available than store bought, over the counter products. As some of these are already in your home, they can be cost effective. There can also be a timing issue - if your pet wakes you up at 3AM it can be difficult as well as expensive to have them treated. At times like these, it is important that you understand how to provide a safe, fast and effective remedy for your pet. Natural pet products can supply you with that opportunity.

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