Forward thinking communications
Innovative AMX technology allows TSB to manage, monitor and control its meeting room assets, and the technology within them
When Britain’s first major new high street bank for decades
AV issues for digital video distribution while enabling
launched recently in the resurrected form of TSB, it claimed
connected devices to be centrally monitored, managed
to herald a return to traditional banking values. But, although
and controlled over an IT infrastructure, the Enova DGX
its brand values may be traditional, TSB’s approach is most
allows FitzPro Ltd to deliver the most reliable, end-to-end
certainly forward thinking. Boasting an infrastructure based
analogue plus digital audio and video distribution solution
on the latest technological advancements, this emerging
to its client.
bank is investing for the future with an AMX Enova DGXdriven solution for the control and management of its own
This award-winning system extends the boundaries of
assets, for optimum operating efficiency. The bank, which
modular matrix switching with an integrated NetLinx
was absent for 18 years after it was merged with Lloyds
controller and embedded Ethernet switch, so TSB can
in 1995, has its headquarters at 20 Gresham Street, on
manage, monitor and control its technological solution,
the site of the former London office of the original TSB.
which includes the connected source and display devices in
Located opposite the City of London’s Guildhall entrance,
nine boardrooms and two centrally located signage screens,
20 Gresham Street marks a significant transformation in
all from a single point of control. Exclusive InstaGate Pro
the redevelopment of the area and now, thanks to leading
technology resolves HDCP limitations, while SmartScale
systems integrator FitzPro Ltd, these prestigious offices
perfectly scales video for each connected display.
have been further enhanced with the addition of innovative AMX technology.
Fingertip control is afforded by stylish 7” Modero X tabletop touchpanels located in each of the nine main meeting
Needing a robust solution capable of distributing multiple
rooms. These elegant panels, with their low profile, edge-
sources of analogue and digital audio and video over long
to-edge glass and capacitive touch capabilities, give
distances around the building, FitzPro Ltd harnessed the
TSB a control surface that’s unobtrusive and easy to use,
power of AMX’s HDCP-solving Enova DGX 16 digital matrix
providing intuitive control of the in-room audio-visual
switcher, together with a range of DXLink HDMI transmitters
technology, including the Polycom video conferencing
and receivers, for simplified distance transport of TSB’s
system, Samsung screens and Hitachi projectors. Additional
HDMI with HDCP signals. Developed specifically to resolve
7” Modero X panels located outside each of these nine
rooms, plus a further 19 rooms, provide an intuitive room
Seamless integration with the Just Ask platform delivers an intuitive room booking solution, allowing room bookings to be made and managed at the touchpanel, as well as the PC.
booking solution, interfacing seamlessly with the Just Ask platform to allow room bookings to be made and managed at the touchpanel, as well as the desktop. The touchpanels facilitate three main functions: the Home screen displays what’s currently booked or coming up and gives users the ability to check in, check out and extend bookings; the Bookings screen displays who is in the room now and next and shows the status i.e. checked in, checked out and no show; finally, the Book Now screen allows users to book the next available slot. Additional control capability is afforded by an AMX iPad Application. Developed in conjunction with AMX’s authorised product partner Touch Panel Control, this innovative App transforms the iPad into a fully functioning wireless touchpanel. Connecting as a native AMX device to the AMX NetLinx master, the Application provides TSB staff with real-time touch control of automation functions. Behind the scenes, a NetLinx NI3100 master processor and three NI700s provide additional processing capability for
Behind the scenes, NetLinx controllers provide additional control capability
the control of the room booking system. Integration of a NetLinx Power Management Power Distribution Unit (NXAPDU-1508-8) gives TSB technicians the ability to monitor, manage and control the power consumption of audiovisual and IT devices. This rack-mounted unit adds innovative power control by monitoring energy consumption of each connected component, and restricts power to any or all devices when not in use. And, the system’s inherent flexibility has already paid dividends. With minimal disruption, the system has been recently extended to incorporate another director’s room, complete with touchpanel and receiver with 55” screen.
Wall mounted Modero panels provide an intuitive room scheduling solution
No additional cabling was required, other than some simple re-patching of cat6 to the matrix and some remote programming configuration. Furthermore, two temporary screens were added into the system for the use of the media team during TSB’s recent brand reveal, simply by patching in two additional DXlink receivers. No control was required with matrix switching control already in place on the iPad - it really was as simple as plugging in a PC! So, by adopting a unified AMX approach and harnessing the power of the award-winning Enova DGX, FitzPro Ltd have delivered a technological solution for TSB which saves time, resource and energy – now that’s what we call
Elegant tabletop panels give TSB a control surface that’s unobtrusive and easy to use
a sensible investment!
Award-winning AMX technology makes it possible for TSB to manage and monitor its audio-visual systems, all from a single point of control
When Britain’s first major new high street bank for decades
Needing a robust solution capable of distributing multiple
launched recently in the resurrected form of TSB, it claimed
sources of analogue and digital audio and video over long
to herald a return to traditional banking values. But, although
distances around the building, FitzPro Ltd harnessed the
its brand values may be traditional, TSB’s approach is most
power of AMX’s HDCP-solving Enova DGX 16 digital matrix
certainly forward thinking. Boasting an infrastructure based
switcher, together with a range of DXLink HDMI transmitters
on the latest technological advancements, this emerging
and receivers, for simplified distance transport of TSB’s HDMI
bank is investing for the future with an AMX Enova DGX-
with HDCP signals. Developed specifically to resolve AV
driven solution for the control and management of its own
issues for digital video distribution while enabling connected
assets, for optimum operating efficiency. Thanks to leading
devices to be centrally monitored, managed and controlled
systems integrator, FitzPro Ltd, the bank’s prestigious 20
over an IT infrastructure, the Enova DGX allows FitzPro
Gresham Street headquarters has been systematically
Ltd to deliver the most reliable, end-to-end analogue plus
enhanced with the addition of innovative AMX technology.
digital audio and video distribution solution to its client.
LOCATION London, UK Forward thinking communications
By adopting a unified AMX approach and harnessing the power of the award-winning Enova DGX, FitzPro Ltd have delivered a technological solution for TSB which saves time, resource and energy – now that’s what we call a sensible investment.
+44 (0)207 652 9450 | www.amx.com/eu