Teaching medical theory through practical demonstration – the laboratory comprises of nine student work stations and a main teaching station
A collaborative venture between the University of Glasgow
teacher and student stations. This camera feed can also
and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of
be relayed into the overflow area in the adjacent Jeffray
Glasgow, the new Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre is an
laboratory, allowing additional students to see and hear the
outstanding facility designed to further establish the city
proceedings via the dual projection system. Alternatively,
as a world leading centre for the training of healthcare
the teacher can also select the camera feed from any of the
professionals. Located in the listed Thomson Building
student stations and send it to all displays in the facility,
at the University of Glasgow, the Clinical Anatomy Skills
should he or she so wish.
Centre will help to form an enhanced understanding of human anatomy; enabling existing and future medical
A 10” AMX Modero tabletop touchpanel located on the
professionals to develop their skills in medicine, surgery,
main teaching lectern connects the teaching professionals
dentistry and a range of other allied health professions in
using the laboratory to the range of audio-visual resources
a safe, simulated environment. This state-of-the-art centre
at their disposal; including the two Panasonic HD projectors,
is enhanced with a wealth of audio-visual technology, all of
two Eyeline projection screens, whiteboard, Wolfvision
which plays an important role in maximising the learning
visualiser, Sony Blu-Ray player, PC, analogue and digital
experience. Leading Glasgow-based systems integrator
laptop and Polycom HD VC system. The Enova DGX 16
Mediascape Ltd was procured to design, supply and
Digital Media Switcher provides an unrivalled HD digital
install the digital audio video system for this impressive
video distribution solution while enabling these connected
building. Needing a reliable, end-to-end digital audio
devices to be centrally monitored, managed and controlled
and video distribution solution for the Centre’s Thomson
over the IT infrastructure. The DGX’s integrated NetLinx
Clinical Anatomy Laboratory, Mediascape Ltd harnessed
Controller and embedded Ethernet switch, allows the
the power of AMX Enova technology to provide a robust
laboratory’s staff to manage, monitor and control the entire
technological backbone for this anatomical facility.
solution all from this single user interface. With the powerful combination of analogue-to-digital signal conversion, video
Teaching medical theory through practical demonstration,
scaling and high speed digital switching; this hybrid system
the laboratory comprises of ten work stations, made up
allows the medical students using the facility to view perfect
of one teaching station and nine student stations. A high-
video every time, regardless of signal type. A comprehensive
definition camera on a MediLED arm located above the
set of hot swappable boards have been used in conjunction
main teaching station captures the didactic demonstration,
with 12 DXLink Transmitters and 12 Receivers to provide
which is in turn displayed onto the ten Mitsubishi 42” full
an end-to-end distribution system sending analogue
HD wall-mounted screens installed above each of the
and digital plus control, Ethernet and power up to 100
The Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre is a vitally important innovation for postgraduate students and medical practitioners. The skills that will be developed and honed at this new collaborative venture between the University of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow will not only benefit the profession but will also lead to improved treatment and care of patients. Professor Anna Dominiczak, Head of the University of Glasgow’s College of Medical, Veterinary, and Life Sciences Enova technology ensures that video is perfectly scaled, automatically, for each connected display
metres around the laboratory over one twisted pair cable. Exclusive AMX features, such as InstaGate Pro, allows any sources with key limitations to be switched freely to connected HDCP compliant displays, eliminating HDCP key limitations that plague large applications. Whilst built-in SmartScale Technology on every output ensures that video is perfectly scaled, automatically, for each connected display; preventing the inferior video quality which occurs when sources and displays have different supported resolutions. Head of the University of Glasgow’s College of Medical, Veterinary, and Life Sciences, Professor Anna Dominiczak said, “The Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre is a vitally
Touchpanel-driven control connects the teachers with the full range of audio-visual devices at their disposal
important innovation for postgraduate students and medical practitioners. The skills that will be developed and honed at this new collaborative venture between the University of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow will not only benefit the profession but will also lead to improved treatment and care of patients.” So, by providing the most reliable, end-to-end analogue plus digital audio and video distribution solution available today, the Enova DGX is allowing the teachers and students using the Thomson Clinical Anatomy Laboratory in the Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre to focus on the anatomical structure before them, safe in the knowledge that the technological infrastructure behind the scenes offers all
The Enova DGX provides an unrivalled video distribution solution to a range of displays including the Eyeline projection screens
the bullet-proof reliability that has become synonymous with AMX. A U T O M AT E
The new Thomson Clinical Anatomy Laboratory within the Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre is a vitally important innovation for postgraduate students and medical practitioners
A collaborative venture between the University of Glasgow
Teaching medical theory through practical demonstration,
and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow,
the laboratory comprises of ten work stations, made up
the new Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre is an outstanding
of one teaching station and nine student stations. A 10�
facility designed to further establish the city as a world
AMX Modero tabletop touchpanel located on the main
leading centre for the training of healthcare professionals.
teaching lectern connects the teaching professionals
This state-of-the-art centre is enhanced with a wealth of
using the laboratory to the range of audio-visual resources
audio-visual technology, all of which plays an important role
at their disposal; including the two Panasonic HD
in maximising the learning experience. Leading Glasgow-
projectors, two Eyeline projection screens, whiteboard,
based systems integrator Mediascape Ltd was procured to
Wolfvision visualiser, Sony Blu-Ray player, PC, analogue
design, supply and install the digital audio video system for
and digital laptop and Polycom HD VC system. The Enova
this impressive building. Needing a reliable, end-to-end
DGX 16 Digital Media Switcher provides an unrivalled
digital audio and video distribution solution for the Centre’s
HD digital video distribution solution while enabling
Thomson Clinical Anatomy Laboratory, Mediascape Ltd
these connected devices to be centrally monitored,
harnessed the power of AMX Enova technology to provide a
managed and controlled over the IT infrastructure.
robust technological backbone for this anatomical facility.
LOCATION Glasgow, Scotland
Mediascape Ltd designs, supplies, installs and maintains integrated audio-visual systems throughout Central Scotland. Mediascape takes pride in providing the best possible products and services, closely tailored to the needs and budgets of its customers.,, 0141 333 0110.
+44 (0)207 652 9450 |