Evaluation Of My Music Magazine

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Evaluation of my Music Magazine. My evaluation include music which is the type of music which is in my music magazine throughout the presentation. Also this presentation it is containing research which I presented via SurveyMonkey.com. Also answering the questions provided and presented them in a visual way.

Magazines that inspired my magazine. • Q

Comparing my magazine. •

Looking at these magazines, they all use similar techniques which I have used, by using a simplistic looking magazine but producing as much information the reader desires. The front cover are all been well thought out i.e. location, mice en scene etc. they all use a very simple look which makes the magazine itself focus on the lead image. Using the same styles and forms as my rival magazines such as or or However the magazine industry all work together for example the photographers only focus on the images, the interviewers only focus on the interview, the editors only focus on constructing the magazine and so on, with my magazine having to do everything was a challenge however completed on time and completed as I planned. My magazine I wanted to be a unique and different looking and consistency in my magazine. With ‘Q’ and ‘Karrang’ magazine they both use opposite styles because of the target audience, Karrang magazines target audience is that of a younger audience and that of people who like modern rock music with this the magazine itself is full writing and images and any white space is used up with more images. ‘Q’ however uses a more simplistic image and it’s target audience as a more vast and older audience and more Varity with it’s music. Classic Rock magazine is completely focused on the music with a simplistic outlook it targets fans and their music tastes. With my music however I looked into these magazines with detail and picked some ideas from them for example I loved ‘Q’s’ magazine idea of simplicity but I love ‘Karrang’s’ idea of the lead image of the artist dominating the magazine and I also like ‘classic rock’ magazine idea of the understanding the fans and their love of music so I used these ideas and created a magazine of my own. My magazines target audience is young females as comparing other rock magazines they all very male domineering and very masculine the music genera is rock music through the ages it’s specialties is the love of music from the 70s to the present day comparing this to other magazines they are very limited with their music (excluding Q magazine) usually only focussing on one type of music and ether from the present day or the past.

Media interest and their products use. •

How my magazine challenges forms and conventions is looking at magazines in times of today they all target their audiences for example ‘Karrang’ magazines audiences is that of a younger audience so they use a more crampt and crowded look no white space at all comparing with other music magazines such as ‘Q’ magazine which targets a more older audience use a more simplistic outlook, with my magazine my target audience is yet a younger audience however I believe that the minimalist look is so affective and that I believe that the image is the most important part of the magazine so I wanted my magazine focused on the artist rather then the text. The question how my product represents particular social groups is a difficult question for my magazine because it covers a vast amount of audiences but looking at the full picture the social group which my magazine covers is the young rock chicks in society and representing them as artistic and creative and represent this in music. Thinking about the media institution on who might distribute my media product is any music based organization of all kinds as my magazine is for music lovers they are likely to go to festivals, watch music videos, buy CDs, buy posters and other merchandise, huge corporations such as the BBC as they are known to play live festivals, HMV to sell posters, CDs and other merchandise BSKYB (sky) as they are known to play documentaries and would be approved for a more sympathetic look into bands and their live stories and live shows or behind the scenes, looking at the music side of my magazine they may also be artistic intuitions seeing the music at an art form.

The Audience. •

The audience is the most important aspect into creating a magazine because if the audience are not happy with the magazine or not drawn to the magazine then they will not buy it and the magazine industry will lose money, so the the question is how do they know how to keep their audiences happy? It is down to research , with my research I have found what my audience wants to find in their magazines i.e.) posters,CDs etc. My audience is that of a younger audience and female as looking at my research in my preliminary research have found that rock magazines are aggressive, male dominating and violent and little for the female readers , so with my magazine is aimed at a female audience who love rock music through the ages and looked through a more artistic eye as my audience looks at music as an art and a passion rather then another aspect of day to day life. How I attracted the audience is with a more artistic view on rock music , to explain my point is with my front cover as u can see the artist is clearly mentioned however she is shown as a more artistic way, looking into the abyss, the reader wants to know more at this point .

How I addressed my audience is a more talkative manor as I wanted the reader to be involved in the interview and to be apart of the music itself, looking in many magazines I have found that the interview and the interviewee is the only aspect in the interview I have tried to evaded this.

Front Cover. Masthead The masthead is the identity of the magazine.

Flash A freebee to draw the readers to the magazine

Main Image Lead Article. The main story in the magazine, with a little description.

The main aspect of the magazine it also indicates the image is

The Barcode The black and white serial number so it can be prosiest though a computer.

The Price. To show the reader how much the magazine is.

Contents. Lead Image.

The Contents Title The title of the contents page is important to keep it in contrast to the house style of my magazine, I did this and it ‘s style is fluent through ,y magazine.

The image itself shows the artist as innocence and interested . The photo is connected to the front cover as it is in the same location. I wanted to make my magazine more pictorial rather than textual as my audience is that of a younger audience and that they would prefer more images and less text.

The Writing The contents page is an important part in any magazine as it is the part in the magazine that helps the reader navigate throughout the magazine, I used columns to keep it together and used the page numbers in red to make it stand out

Support and orderly. When creating this part of this magazine this was useful for support in fact I called this a ruler as it was guidance for the writing and it also make it look neater and fills up the white space.


Double page spread.

A slight introduction to the interview for the reader to begin to understand of what it’s about. I also used a drop cap to make the introduction stand out

By Line The journalist name

Font Change Aimed to make the page look interesting and different.

The Writing. I used columns for orderly and neatness which as researched is in every magazine. I also made the questions in red to make them stand out and made them eye catching.

Pull Quote This pull quote ties in with the lead image of the artist.

Lead Image. The lead image I wanted to make it look a little different so using Photoshop I turned it negative and I think it works really well with the genre.

Page Number For the benefit for the reader as it is navigation and location in the magazine.

Results from audience feedback from SurveyMonkey.

Audience Evaluation •

Using SurveyMonkey I created a survey to collect people’s thoughts of my music magazine, the audience are the same people I got my past research from. As my audience feed back are all young females that is my target audience a young female audience, other rock magazines are all very bold, not artistic and very aggressive with my magazine it uses the simplistic way but more artistic and more softer and less aggressive. Looking into other rock magazines I have found that they are all male dominating and very masculine even though Women do read these magazines as well I felt as if they weren't invited into extras and experiencing the Rock N Roll world. How I interacted with the audience is with a more talkative, flowing style of writing as I wanted the magazine to talk to the reader other magazines don’t do this and making the reader feeling ignored so for example I wanted the interview to be with three people the interviewer, the interviewee and the reader. The audience is the most important part in the music and magazine industry as without them no profit can be made. Looking at my results I have found a fairly positive outlook of my magazine this is a positive outcome in any magazine industry as my audience is happy with their magazine.

What I have learned •

Throughout working with new formats such as Photoshop I have learned new techniques and tools which help create my magazine. I have learned how to crop, using curves, using lens correction, using marquee tools, paint brush, history brush, filtering, rulers and eye dropper tool. All these techniques has helped me create my music magazine and have also helped me improve myself. It has also taught me how the magazine industry survives and what it needs to do this, to survive it need to know what their audience want in their magazine and also what they don’t want. I have also learned that I had to think outside the box the magazines that are famous and do well are those which are unique and different, they want to make a stand in the industry so they create a unique image and present this to us. Looking back at my preliminary task I have improved greatly as a beginner using Photoshop and my knowledge of constructing a magazine with magazine styles has improved greatly, my college magazine was very basic and no attracting audience techniques i.e.) flashes , and also far to much white space to make it look unfinished and rushed, now practising and rehearsing techniques which are posted onto my blog have inspired me and a good way to practise before adding these to my final music magazine. What was the first thing I did before any intention of creating my magazine was an idea of mine to gather ideas for my magazine and to also practise any ideas which I liked i.e.) lens correction. I have also learned that the first thing to do before creating a magazine was to find my identity or a house style as this can influence the rest of the magazine.

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