Flat Plans This flat plan shows a quick sketch of my front cover it shows my masthead, a skyline, a flash, cover line, lead article and a main image this shows the beginning of my ideas and put all my thoughts together.
This is my flat plan of my contents page looking back on my research many contents pagesare very neat usescolumns and imagesnext to that particular artist’s description. It will relate to my front cover. It will also use the same font, for example ‘contents’ will be the same as ‘rock chick’. Also the colour will be consist and I will use purple and blacks as I want to stick with the typical rock magazine colours but also being a bit unique using purple.
This is my flat plan of my double page again using neatnessby using columns and using the same font so ‘title’ will be the same font as ‘rock chick’ also the lead image will be the same artists as the main image on the front cover and on my contents page, this double page will be an interview looking at the classic rock magazine interview it shows neatnessusing columns and drop caps and the colour will be consist and the same as the contents page.