Of the Earth
Eight Statements
Nine Sins
Most Powerful Sycophants Unite Feminism Feared Dark Love Victims Sincerely
Greetings, Ms. Leigh:
Frankly, the texts and graphics on our web site are copyrighted and you should have asked for our permission to use any of our materials.
Fair use allows for brief quotations, but appropriating essays and graphics is clearly a violation. While this may be a class assignment, such things tend to get “out there” on the Internet and such a book project cannot legally be released even for free as it could potentially be a violation of numerous copyrights.
It is wonderful that you’ve found meaning in aspects of our philosophy – it is intended as a tool for creative, responsible and intelligent individuals, but we cannot give you permission to do this. Additionally, posters - while you intend them as a means for iconoclasm, shattering pre-conceptions they also can be interpreted as proselytizing, and we are firmly against that. We appreciate your positive intentions, and imagine that you may have the skills to make such a project interesting, but we’d rather that you did not do this. Sincerely, Magus Peter H. Gilmore High Priest Church of Satan
1. Indulgence instead of abstinence. 2. Vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams. 3. Undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit. 4. Kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.
5. Vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
6. Responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires. 7. Man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,� has become the most vicious animal of all! 8. Represent all of the socalled sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. 2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. 3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
10. Do not kill nonhuman animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy. 5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. 6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved. 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. 9. Do not harm little children.
1. Stupidity It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. People must learn to see through the tricks and cannot afford to be stupid.
2. Pretentiousness Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn’t applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic. On equal footing with stupidity for what keeps the money in circulation these days. Everyone’s made to feel like a big shot, whether they can come up with the goods or not. 3. Solipsism Can be very dangerous. Projecting your reactions, responses and sensibilities onto someone who is probably far less attuned than you are. It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy and respect that you naturally give them. They won’t. Instead, “Do unto others as they do unto you.” It’s work for most of us and requires constant vigilance lest you slip into a comfortable illusion of everyone being like you. As has been said, certain utopias would be ideal in a nation of philosophers, but unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from a Machiavellian standpoint) we are far from that point. 4. Self-deceit Another cardinal sin. We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play
ourselves. The only time self-deceit should be entered into is when it’s fun, and with awareness. But then, it’s not self-deceit! 5. Herd Conformity It’s all right to conform to a person’s wishes, if it ultimately benefits you. But only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many. 6. Lack of Perspective You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence. We are making history right now, every day. Always keep the wider historical and social picture in mind. That is an important key to both Lesser and Greater Magic. See the patterns and fit things together as you want the pieces to fall into place. Do not be swayed by herd constraints— know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world. 7. Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies Be aware that this is one of the keys to brainwashing people into accepting something new and different, when in reality it’s something that was once widely accepted but is now presented in a new package. We are expected to rave about the genius of the creator and forget the original. This makes for a disposable society.
8. Counterproductive Pride That first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bathwater. If it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you’ve painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, I’m sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow, then do it.
9. Lack of Aesthetic This is the physical application of the Balance Factor. Aesthetics is important in Lesser Magic and should be cultivated. It is obvious that no one can collect any money off classical standards of beauty and form most of the time so they are discouraged in a consumer society, but an eye for beauty, for balance, is an essential tool and must be applied for greatest magical effectiveness. It’s not what’s supposed to be pleasing— it’s what is. Aesthetics is a personal thing, reflective of one’s own nature, but there are universally pleasing and harmonious configurations that should not be denied.
SYCOPHANTS UNITE! by Blanche Barton ©1995 I hate to write this article. I hate to have to address these issues because they make me angry and I hate to be angry. And I especially hate to be angry when I have been purposely baited into being angry - forced to waste my precious adrenal output, drained of my psychic/ creative force, and maneuvered into writing an article like this. But there is something going on right now in the Satanic community that must be addressed, a phenomenon that must be cut out like the vile cancer that it is. Our supporters and advocates must be prepared to recognize and battle our enemies, especially when they’re wearing black robes. Bear with me and let’s get this down on paper, out into the ethers and ritualized out of our systems so we can move on to real issues confronting us. In our general information packet we have a “Satanic Bunco Sheet.” You’ve all read it, but let me highlight a couple of pertinent points. Tip Number Four states: The most parasitic “Satanic” newsletters invariably contain a liberal dose of LaVey-baiting. Their editors’ masochistic requirements are exercised as ‘lively exchange.’ Their mainstay is often the reprinting of any letter, pro or con, from anyone capable of grasping a writing implement or poking at a computer or typewriter key. When responding to such transparent tactics, it’s our policy to preface rebuttals with two acknowledgements: A) “I know you’re a masochist and delight in hostile banter,” and B) “Anything I write or say to you will keep you going for another six months.” The Satanic Bible advises to “question all things” - but it helps to be able to think, first.”
Further in the flyer, inquirers are warned: All of the above are subject to bitch-fights, petty jealousies, and rivalries. They are safe havens for small-minded people trying to play head games, preferring the protection of groups rather than really working to apply what Anton LaVey wrote. There is a creeping pestilence of divisiveness weaving its way into our ranks that we must ruthlessly halt before it strangles us all. This divisiveness and contentiousness isn’t perhaps apparent to the untrained eye, hence the need for this article. It takes the form of “honest inquiry,” “challenging debate,” and “stimulating dialogue.” It takes LaVey’s dictum of “question all things,” and uses it to justify stirring up useless and counterproductive intellectual turbulence, all for the good of the philosophy. Anyone who refuses to be drawn into these stimulating debates, or who has a kind or supportive thing to say about his philosophy’s founder, Anton LaVey, is quickly labeled a “sycophant,” a “LaVey fanatic,” and “overly adulatory.” One is, thereby, incapable of objective, independent thought and can be relegated to the role of empty-headed, brainwashed moron. There aren’t many of these instigators of “lively exchange” yet, but one or two have wormed their way into the good graces of the Satanic network, leeching off of our growing above-ground system of newsletters and correspondents, yet snidely refusing to align themselves with our progenitor organization. Now that Satanism is becoming an alternative, the “lot lice” are sniffing around at ways to sneak in under the tent flap without putting themselves on the line. We must recognize their insidious techniques before they undermine us irreparably. They pride themselves on being “unaffiliated,” implying that “affiliated” forums, like The Black Flame,
are so contaminated with admiration for Anton LaVey that they might slant or censor serious debate such as the sort they encourage. Of course, they don’t send courtesy copies of their insightful newsletters to the Church of Satan, as most Satanically-oriented editors do, or someone might recognize them for the vile Quislings that they are. Many brashly depend on exposure in The Black Flame to generate a mailing list, won’t commit themselves as Church of Satan members, but challenge our policies in the innocent guise of stimulating debate. Recent articles in one or two of these newsletters have advocated rape, bestiality, and incest as viable Satanic alternatives, as well as providing a forum for hashing out such burning issues as pedophilia and fascism. In doing this, they create conflicts where none need exist, just for the sake of rhetorical gymnastics. I figured out such actions are wrong when I was a little kid; things like rape, pedophilia and bestiality are unacceptable in civilized society because they are harmful, disruptive, unjust and they hurt innocent creatures. End of discussion. Is that so hard to figure out? Don’t we all know this already? Of course we do. We’re being baited and goaded into debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. As for the danger of fascism infiltrating the Satanic movement, what are we supposed to be? A bunch of kindergarten babies? Are we supposed to be such self-righteous prigs that we can’t stand to see a swastika? By accusing us of fascism, are we supposed to be distracted from the fact that we live in an extremely puritanical, fascistic society? From all reports, Church of Satan members have never been intimidated by swastikas, or any other emotionally-charged symbol. Those who have worn both attest to the greater power of the Baphomet to scare and mystify viewers. We don’t need school marms to hover over us with rulers to slap our little hands and say, “naughty,
naughty.” It seems preposterous to me that such desktop critics think fascism can harm the movement, whereas their advocating rape and incest can do us no end of good. One popular posture is that of the “intellectual” Satanic alternative. It’s an elementary debating technique used to create a false dichotomy - claiming your opponent is something he isn’t (i.e. fascist, racist, chauvinistic, non-intellectuals), thereby showing yourself to be pure by contrast, and forcing your opponent into a defensive position. If an “alternative” Satanist boldly declares himself to be against animal sacrifices, Satanists who have read The Satanic Bible are forced to debate this non-issue. Upon examination, the “intellectual” alternative might be draped in perplexing, spiritualistic language but it still advocates the same Satanism you read in The Satanic Bible: indulgence, individualism, challenging the status quo, reward based on merit rather than race, and intelligence. Gee, how different that is from the LaVeyan nonsense. I am deeply offended by irresponsible, obfuscating mental masturbation. If this were the kind of thing going on in the Church of Satan in 1976, I never would’ve joined. It’s distasteful and juvenile - like a toddler who’s just discovered he has a wee-wee and wants to play with it all the time. It doesn’t reflect a finely-honed mind as some might think; on the contrary, it indicates someone who is intellectually insecure - the equivalent of the schoolyard bully who has to pick on other kids to show how tough he is, an intellectual bully who intimidates and goads those who might be a bit insecure themselves. I enjoy the odd game of mental fencing as much as the next Satanist, but this line of “exciting open discussions” are an offensivemisapplication of logic and rhetoric which should be recognized for what they are: shit-disturbing. Playing the Socratic gadfly, stinging us all into clarifying these issues before our detractors use them against us, is supposed to create turbulence for our own good. Thanks but no thanks.
Worse than a simple waste of time and brainpower, this kind of insidious undermining creates a ripple-effect of problems we all eventually have to clean up. Here’s a hypothetical progression: 1) Mr. Q starts Darkness Visible, yet another Satanic newsletter. He’s not a member of the Church of Satan, but he advertises in all the respected, openlyaffiliating newsletters. He is seldom overtly critical of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey or The Black Flame so loyal compatriots thinks he must be all right. 2) Mr. Q publishes adherents’ articles, and compliments others on their various projects. People see their names in print, bask in his praise, and figure he must be an exceedingly perceptive fellow. 3) Mr. Q pays for ads for Darkness Visible, not solely by subscription exchange, but by that time-honored inducement called “money.” To an enterprising editor/publisher of a fledgling Satanic newsletter with extremely limited funding, apaid advertisement can be a welcome insert, no matter how insulting its wording. 4) After a few issues, Mr. Q appoints himself supreme arbiter of Satanic philosophy, providing a forum for “forms of Satanism” which might not meet the approval of the Church of Satan. What does Anton LaVey know anyway? He only created the philosophy. Why should his organization have any final word in defining the religion? 5) People who might be moderately interested in Satanism pick up a copy ofDarkness Visible, see advocacy of bestiality, and drop the whole idea as something they’d want nothing to do with. 6) Satanophobic groups get a hold of a copy of Darkness Visible advocating bestiality, rape and incest and use it to confirm all of the Christian hysteria we’ve had to fight so hard to dispel. We get to clean up the shit, we get flack at work, we get our children jeopardized and our
cars egged, not Mr. unaffiliated, ethicalinquiry, what-who-me?. 7) Our most supportive, productive, stalwart members get tired of being called “sycophants,” tired of being drawn into pointless interchanges, get tired of defending and justifying themselves and their chosen leader, and quietly move on to less complicated, more productive advocacies. 8) Members of our hierarchy begin to debate about how best to handle these psychic vampires - whether it’s better to make people aware, publish a shit list of people to freeze out of the network, or whether it’s better to shine a glaring light on them, allow them all the forum they can handle, thereby showing themselves for the slime they are. We are therefore divided. How could an infiltrating Christianagent provocateur bent on destroying the Satanic movement undermine it more efficiently? The only reason I’ve gone into such detail concerning these methods is so that you’ll be equipped to recognize such divisive maneuverings when you see them. So far, we’ve all done a pretty good job of weeding out this sort of contentiousness. But now, since the Satanic movement is gaining more steam than ever, we need to tighten our ranks. There is no room in the Church of Satan for hairsplitters and nitpickers. If you have a policy question, you can call or write to the Church of Satan and ask what the Church’s stand on pedophilia or bestiality is (if you haven’t read The Satanic Bible yet); we
don’t need BBS bickerings or pointless newsletter interchanges “to hammer these issues out.” Go to the source and ask what Satanic policy is. Because Anton LaVey wanted his philosophy to be accessible to those without stultified minds, anyone can go into a bookstore, pick up a copy of The Satanic Bible, read, understand, and apply Satanism to better her life. As for group activities, newsletters and the like, the Church of Satan has maintained a laissez-faire policy over the past three decades. Official membership isn’t demanded, just simple acknowledgement of the source and accurate codification of LaVeyan principles. This in itself is Satanic, placing the responsibility for your own “salvation” and entertainment squarely on your own shoulders where it belongs instead of on a “Priest” who’ll talk to God for you or reveal the Great Mysteries - for a price. There will always be jealous, unethical, subversive, self-loathing, counterproductive, life-sucking parasites who will want to scavenge from our viable organization. They are shallow, without vision, and probably incapable of commitment or loyalty to anything or anyone. They will continue to use whatever ploys they can to obfuscate, disable and defuse us. Don’t be swayed, flattered or ghettoized. The Satanic network is not the real world; our power lies in having an effect in the real world Satan’s true realm. Dare to be a big fish in a bigger pond - you have the power to do so. You’re a Satanist, and can proudly declare, “I have taken thy name as a part of myself...” The Church of Satan was formed as a mutual admiration society, not as an encounter group. We are energized by and supportive of each other. Of course there are going to be differences among us. Satan is representative of the reconciliation of apparent irreconcilables. We’re driven individualists with our own obsessions and directions. One of our greatest
PRETTY FLY FOR A SATANIST strengths is that we can’t be neatly pigeonholed and dismissed. Anton LaVey intended his organization to be a meeting of minds, where a highly-evolved black man could stand forth in front of a Baphomet and curse his “brothers” for forcing him down to their level, and a white man could stand beside him and curse his self-hating race who has undermined itself to the brink of extinction by perpetuating the lie of Christianity for 2,000 years. We can choose to concentrate on our differences, worry them and pick at them like scabs until they pus and infect, or we can concentrate on our similarities, our mutual goals, and our relief to be among others of like mind where, as Milton wrote, “Here at least we shall be free... though in Hell.” Because Anton LaVey has maintained the standard of “what you are inside is dictated by what you are outside,” we have become more of a professional cabal than just another occultic circlejerk. Like the Masons, we pass secret signs or mention certain names that open doors. When one says he’s an affiliate of the Church of Satan to the right people, assumptions are made that he’s a product-oriented, no-bullshit kind of person who’ll get things done. To protect that status, we cannot allow those who will dilute our growing reputation to ride on our coattails, wheedling their way into others’ good graces at our expense. We are the only cohesive international movement on the horizon today. We have one book, one man, one organization to stand behind. That’s more than the Wiccans can accomplish, or the Republicans, or the Democrats, or the Christians. We are invincible as an organization, as a movement - but not as feuding, factionalized splinter groups. For that kind of cohesion, we need a leader. There have been countless psychological studies focusing on group dynamics. One person always emerges as the leader, otherwise nothing gets done. Someone doesn’t set himself up as leader by posturing and preening; leaders
are appointed by those in whom they engender loyalty, admiration, trust, and confidence. Only those who are secure in their own egos can unreservedly commit their allegiance to a man they respect. It’s an unpopular stance these days; read the newspaper. We’re lucky to have a leader like Anton LaVey. He has ensured that his philosophy will not die with him; it has been and will continue to be codified, expanded and applied in new areas by his organization. The Church of Satan cannot be defined as a personality cult. We are not dependent on the personality of Anton LaVey; the philosophy he established and still codifies will survive the centuries. But we do respect him and acknowledge him with unswerving loyalty - not blind faith, but educated admiration. In these days of electing our sacrifices and tabloid crucifixions, it’s blasphemous to respect a leader and not try to tear him down almost as heretical as calling forth Lord Satan Himself. That kind of loyalty comes naturally to a trueSatanist; it rankles those with a lingering Christian agenda. Our most productive people are “LaVey fanatics,” those who say, “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. I’ll throw in my lot with the ones who started it, who sustain it, and I’ll do my part by applying Satanism in my own life toward product and satisfaction.” Sycophants are the ones who make it worthwhile for Dr. LaVey to continue writing, to keep recording his music. They encourage further productivity and let him know his perseverance isn’t in vain. Anton LaVey doesn’t need to justify or defend himself to anyone; his strength and his talent
PRETTY FLY FOR A SATANIST justify him. He is a noble, creative man who remains steadfast in his convictions. That’s what his detractors can’t stand. His words and his music only ring truer because of their efforts to defuse him. Sycophantic praise is more valuable to him than people who want to start their groups or their newsletters, “all for the good of the Church.” Start them, fine. But admit unabashedly it’s to feed your ego and your pocket, not Dr. LaVey’s. Apply your enthusiasm toward larger practical goals. Put taxation of churches on a ballot, invest your mind and money in the development of Artificial Human Companions, virtual reality, and total environments... do something. You are aligned with powerful forces - utilize them. We are responsible for the Renaissance, the revolution, if there is to be any at all. We are the leaders, not the gossips, critics and commentators. As we accelerate along this electronic superhighway, there are fewer artisans, more kibitzers and packagers feeding off the rare tidbit of creativity. Product has become more precious than gold. Don’t get bogged down in networking and he-said/she-said accusations, spending so much time playing the game we lose sight of the objective. Examine motives, not smokescreen “issues.” So the next time someone accuses you of being a “sycophant,” smile portentously, give a slight nod and know you’ve identified an enemy. Our detractors want to undermine your confidence, your principles, and our cohesion by throwing such words around. We have direction and focus. We cannot afford to have our energy siphoned off and sabotaged from within. We’re out for bigger game. Don’t fall for cheap ploys of the jealous and weak. Don’t submit. Just say, “No. You’re a scumbag, I don’t like you, get away from me, you stink, I don’t want to hear what you have to say, I’m not interested, you are not welcome here, go find another sucker.” At this juncture, we cannot tolerate dissension, skeptical inquiry or inciting to mutiny. The stakes are too high. If this is to be called tyrannical, despotic and ruthless, so be it. Internal strife is our only significant enemy. Now you can recognize these agitators’ sleight of hand, and their motives. We know who we are and they know who they are. Yes, it is an us-vs.-them world, even when they try to call themselves Satanists. And don’t expect me to be drawn into further angry response when this article is dissected by “honest inquirers.” My ritual is complete. I have more important things to do - and so do you.
SATANIC FEMINISM by Blanche Barton ©1997
The smartest, most passionate, most beautiful women I’ve met have been Satanists. I don’t mean “beautiful on the inside where it really counts;” I mean gorgeous, vibrant, curvy women. Most non-Satanic men find Satanic women intimidating - too intelligent or too pretty, or worse yet, both at the same time. It takes a special woman to be a Satanist. Only the most truly liberated are summoned to Satan’s legions. Up until quite recently, the ratio of Satanic men to women had been about 10 to 1, but that seems to be shifting. More and more young women are going through the process of exploring feminism and Wicca, seeking feminine pride, identity and power, and discovering only impotence, limitations and puritanical self-righteousness. Wicca and feminism share a flaccid, lackluster attitude and presentation. Satanic women like drama/adventure and know how to conjure it for themselves. Satanists have an innate complexity of mind that hungers for uncompromising examination and speculation, not superficially-comforting pap. We don’t need to be comforted; we prefer the invigorating, bracing winds of truth and terror. Our culture has been influenced enough by Anton LaVey and his books so that it’s now cool for young women to dress like Satanic witches and think like the Devil Himself. Camille Paglia and others now get honorifics for challenging traditional feminism, defending women’s rights to wear heels and makeup. Those who study such trends are calling this “lipstick feminism” (from the more honest “lipstick lesbians”), “nontraditional feminism” or “antifeminist feminism.” Big news. So The Satanic Witch came out 26 years ago, girls. Did you just get around to reading it? To me, it’s still the same old game of cribbing from Anton LaVey’s books, catering to the new Satanic generation, but not wanting to acknowledge those blasphemous philosophical roots. Jayne Mansfield recognized that, for the first time in her life, she had found a philosophy through which she could be a businesswoman, an intellectual, a mother and a sexpot all at once. She wouldn’t be criticized for committing the ultimate sin of reconciling irreconcilables. Satanic women don’t want to gain their strength by castrating men, or by making themselves out as victims. Whether they’re providing healing and inspiration to those under their roofs, cracking the whip in corporate circles, managing their own home-based businesses or maneuvering whatever they need to survive, all are applying and increasing their power - not whining about why they don’t have any! We don’t need “feminism” on our sleeve as our primary identity. We have our identity as Satanists. Satanic women are fierce; fierce
defenders of their men, of their children, of their ideas and values. Wiccans understand the female archetype in a completely different way than Satanists do. We know that Woman is Nature - Darwinian law as well as peaceful, awe-inspiring sunsets. Women can be conniving and ruthless, plotting and vengeful. “Mother Nature” isn’t loving and all-embracing. She’s selective, cruel and unyielding. Wicca is trying to keep up with Satanism by sprinkling in Valkyries, the Dark Goddess, and other more menacing images of the Mother Goddess. But it still remains lackluster and uninspiring because it’s isolated dependent on internal references and icons. It becomes shallow, stilted and flaccid. By trying to ignore or deny the authority or existence of great men, they’re disconnecting their religion from ennobling music, poetry, literature, art, architecture, science and philosophy. Satanists recognize that the force of Western civilization has always been a masculine, heroic, Promethean drive toward adventure and exploration. Feminist/ Wiccan cant is ultimately “soul candy,” like the term that’s evolved for pop-science and psychology - this is the equivalent. You may seek it out when you need bolstering up, thinking that you’ll be inspired and spurred to greater achievements, lured by promises of unique feminine perspective and strengthening. But ultimately it’s not satisfying. The illusion of strength is superficial; the nagging victimization becomes insulting. Not like reading Dostoevsky or Will Durant, Wuthering Heights, or Jane Austen, or Plato’s Dialogues or Erasmus “The Praise of Folly”, or, obviously, The Satanic Bible. I refuse to limit my role models only to other women just because I happen to be one. I gain power from the metaphors and heroes I choose, regardless of their gender. Our decisions are based on real-world concerns, not in defense of an inadequate ego. When a Satanic woman and her mate decide if they’ll have children, or who will work in the outside world and who will stay home with the kids, it’s a pragmatic question - who has more earning power? Who’s invested more money and time developing their career? Who’s more capable of earning money at home as opposed to in the workplace? Who’s better able to have the patience and other attributes necessary to raise a child? The Satanic woman doesn’t need a job to define her capabilities; nor does she need to have children to feel fulfilled. She reserves her “nurturing” for those who deserve her help and encouragement namely: herself, her mate, and those few she chooses to call friends. She finds a man who can express her
Demonic or she conjures up a Lover for herself; she isn’t desperate for love, vulnerable to ploys from fast talkers.Many young bottom-of-the-clock women who are looking for gothic strength in a man, can’t find it in the simpering she-males around them - so they manifest their Demonics themselves, dressing in black leather, black stockings and carrying a big black whip. A compleat, Satanic witch can best spend her time in constant, intimate spiritual and sexual contact with her strongest Demonic archetype - Satan Himself. In practicing her arts of enchantment, manipulation, inspiration, and protection in the real world, she strengthens both herself and those she chooses to love. She becomes a direct line to our Source. That’s why a powerful sorceress must be cautious about aligning herself with, and transferring power to, unworthy men.Identity and stimulation. Dr. LaVey has pinpointed these two elements as primary commodities. Satanism provides us with both. I don’t need to be pigeonholed as a “feminist,” or any other convenient label. None of us are so charitable to the weak-minded that we allow ourselves to be so easily categorized and dismissed. I am proud to call myself a Satanist, thereby aligning myself with the strongest minds, bodies, and Will on Earth. 23
Satanism: The Feared Religion by Magus Peter H. Gilmore When Anton Szandor LaVey shaved his head and created the Church of Satan on April 30, 1966, he knew that soon he would be the focal point of attention for people throughout the globe. Now that the thirtieth anniversary of that fateful night has passed, has the world begun to understand the real meaning behind the only organized religion in history to take as its symbol the ultimate figure of pride and rebellion, and to many, of Evil? And are there truly some grounds for people to feel fear at the ever growing phenomenon of contemporary Satanism? As a long-time priest in the Church of Satan and media representative, I can candidly say, “Yes!” However, what the general populace has decided to fear is a ludicrous portrait that has been painted in lurid technicolor by media hypesters intent on titillation, evangelists struggling to fill their coffers and keep their mistresses in jewelry, and most distressingly, by a segment of the therapeutic community who have found a gold-mine in the treatment of so-called ritual abuse survivors who provide no evidence of their tales of terror (remarkably similar to stories told by women labelled by Freud as hysterics), save for their fervent belief that they were victimized. I shall not waste time in refuting the absurd claim that there is an international conspiracy of generational Satanists bent on enslaving the world through drug use and sacrifice of babies bred for that purpose by emotionally unstable women. That mythology has been thoroughly exploded by other sources (The FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime: Investigator’s Guide to Allegations of Ritual Child Abuse, January 1992; the Committee for Scientific Examination of Religion’s report Satanism in America, October 1989; the British Government’s Department of Health report: The Extent and Nature of Organised and Ritual Abuse, HMSO, 1994 ). Let us instead look at contemporary Satanism for what
it really is: a brutal religion of elitism and social Darwinism that seeks to re-establish the reign of the able over the idiotic, of swift justice over injustice, and for a wholesale rejection of egalitarianism as a myth that has crippled the advancement of the human species for the last two thousand years. Is that something to fear? If you’re one of the majority of human mediocrities merely existing as a mediabesotted drone, you bet it is! The philosophy of Satanism is delineated in the writings of Anton Szandor LaVey. His books include The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Satanic Witch (originally published asThe Compleat Witch), The Devil’s Notebook and Satan Speaks. All are currently in print and should be consulted by anyone interested in a complete picture of the views held by the Church of Satan. One can obtain further information by reading two books by Blanche Barton (consort to Mr. LaVey, mother of his son Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey, and the High Priestess of the Church), The Secret Life of a Satanist, the authorized biography of Anton LaVey (Feral House) and The Church of Satan (Hell’s Kitchen Productions). These works have a great deal of material regarding the history and contemporary practices of the Church of Satan. For those who have yet to study this literature, there are three sets of brief guidelines issued over the years by the Church and authored by LaVey, which can give the uninitiated a capsulized version of Satanic philosophy. The first are the “Nine Satanic Statements” which open The Satanic Bible and give a firm foundation for the Satanist. The next statements, “The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth”, were written at about the same time, but were then considered too frank and brutal for general release and issued only to the membership. Here is decreed the “Lex Satanicus,” a law of the jungle for social interaction. Since we have been issuing statements of
what we are seeking, it was considered time to make a list of behaviors that we wish to see avoided in the Satanic community. Satanists acknowledge that we are human and work towards perfection, but can sometimes fall into negative patterns of action. Thus was born the list of The “Nine Satanic Sins”, guidelines for what Satanists consider to be non-productive behavior to be recognized and eliminated from one’s daily existence. Please take the time to follow the links to read these three documents before proceeding on with this essay. This basically sums up the rudiments of Satanic philosophy. It certainly has nothing to do with the prevailing JudeoChristian outlook of altruism and selfsacrifice, and can thus seem quite alien and frightening to one brought up in that world view. Realistically, the Satanic code of behavior is based on human nature as it is and thus comes naturally to most people who have not been deeply indoctrinated in anti-life and anti-rational belief systems. It is a fact that many people today call themselves Christians but really have no clear concept as to what that philosophy fully entails, so they generally behave in a Satanic fashion. We think that it is high time that this is recognized and that people call themselves what they truly are, not what is socially convenient for them. As you can see, there are no elements of Devil worship in the Church of Satan. Such practices are looked upon as being Christian heresies; believing in the dualistic Christian world view of “God vs. the Devil” and choosing to side with the Prince of Darkness. Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, in neither God nor the Devil. To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. The reality behind Satan is
simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will. Thus any concept of sacrifice is rejected as a Christian aberration—in Satanism there’s no deity to which one can sacrifice. Satanists do have experience of the super-normal in their practice of ritual or Greater Magic. This is a technique for influencing the outcome of human events to desired ends via reaching an extreme emotional state in the context of a ritual, sending forth a vision of what you want to occur (the Is To Be), which, if your levels of adrenaline are high enough, will permeate the unconscious minds of those you wish to influence, causing them to behave as you Will when the time is right. This does not mean that anything is possible, for it takes a great deal of energy to make a strong sending, and it is often difficult to influence events from the inertia of their present directions. Awareness of your abilities and what is possible to achieve is the hallmark of a successful Satanic magician. The theory and practice for Greater Magic is to be found in The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals. Satanists also practice Lesser Magic which is basically the day to day manipulation of your fellows to obtain your ends. Detailed techniques are given in The Satanic Witch. Recently we have seen certain evangelists and even academics calling Satanism a neo-Nazi movement. This is an innacurate label. The Nazi movement drew much of its power from a racist doctrine of Aryan superiority. Satanism is far more discerning than that. While there are provable biological differences between the races and statistically demonstrable performance levels in various activities, it is quite irrational to think that someone can be elite or not simply because of the color of their skin. Even if one comes from promising genetic stock, and by that we mean from ancestors who have
Satanism: The Feared Religion
proven their abilities to be superior in performance, this does not guarantee an individual’s advancement. No, we Satanists only recognize an individual as elite if they prove it by cultivating their natually endowed abilities to the highest extent possible. This is something that requires the Satanic virtue of discipline, a quality we try to instill in our own iron youth. There are elite individuals from all ethnic backgrounds, and they are embraced by Satanism for the superior beings that they are—creating a uniquely Satanic ethnic. Satanists treasure individualism, hardly something to be gained goose-stepping down thestrasse. Yet we do not embrace an “anything goes” atmosphere wherein all values are relative and nothing rises above a sludge of commonality. Satanism encourages a return to more traditional values in art and literature such as mastery of technique and emotional communication, of form and function, design and execution. Satanists find a wealth of material in Western culture to be treasured for the pinnacle of human achievements that they are, and not to be buried under the swill of multiculturalist attempts to displace them with dubious achievements simply because they are non-Western as has become rampant in some academic circles of late. We call to each individual to seek human greatness wherever it can be found, from the vaults of history and from the talented producers of the present, and to deride the trendy sham for the shallow façade that it is. Since Satanism stands for acceptance of Man as an animal, there have often been creators in many past cultures who embraced this insight and explored it in the context of their society, thus we seek out these artisitic and philosophical expressions and see them to be the roots of our current awareness. Satanists see the social structure of
humanity as being stratified, thus each person reaches a level commensurate with the development (or lack thereof) of their natural talents. The principle of the survival of the strong is advocated on all levels of society, from allowing an individual to stand or fall, to even letting those nations that cannot handle themselves take the consequences of this inability. Any assistance on all levels will be on a “quid pro quo” basis. There would be a concommitant reduction in the world’s population as the weak are allowed to experience the consequences of social Darwinism. Thus has nature always acted to cleanse and strengthen her children. This is harsh, but that is the way of the world. We embrace reality and do not try to transform it into some utopia that is contrary to the very fabric of existence. Practical application of this doctrine would see the complete cessation of the welfare system, an end to no-strings attached foreign aid and new programs to award and encourage gifted individuals in all fields to pursue personal excellence. A meritocracy will replace the practice of such injustices as affirmative action and other programs designed to punish the able and reward the undeserving. Satanists also seek to enhance the laws of nature by concentrating on fostering the practice of eugenics. This is not some exotic doctrine hatched in the brains of
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Third Reich medical madmen. It is the practice of encouraging people of talent and ability to reproduce, to enrich the gene pool from which our species can grow. This was commonly practiced throughout the world, as even a text on eugenics endorsed by the Women’s Christian Temperence Union can prove, until it was given a bad name by Nazi excesses. Until the genetic code is cracked and we can choose the character of our offspring at will, Satanists seek to mate the best with the best. Satanists who know that they are defective refrain from reproducing. Satanists are particulary disgusted by the extraordinary level of criminal activity which abounds today and thus advocate a return to the Roman “Lex Talionis”; let the punishment fit in kind and degree the crime. To achieve this, we would be pleased to see the institution of an elite police force, of men and women in peak physical and mental condition, trained in advanced techniques of crime fighting who would be truly equipped to handle the vermin that make so many of our cities into little more than concrete jungles. Man is by nature a social creature and makes his social contract with his fellows, thus rules of conduct are established to allow maximum freedom for individuals to interact. Disobey those rules and punishment must be swift and sure, and most probably public as well. This does not mean the incarceration of individuals in institutions at the expense of the victims for so called rehabilitation. No, these criminals must be put to some use, perhaps as forced labor to even clean up the environment that has so carelessly been soiled under the dominance of Christian spiritual philosophy that sees man as superior to other living creatures with a God-given right to abuse them at will. Man is an animal, and must go back to acting like one—not soiling his own lair as only twisted humans do. The Church of Satan pursues a five point plan to move society in directions that are considered to be beneficial to Satanists. The first point is the advocation of general recognition and acceptance
PRETTY FLY FOR A SATANIST of stratification, which is no less than the elimination of egalitarianism wherever it has taken root. Mediocrity shall be identified and despised. The stupid should suffer for their behavior. The truly beautiful and magnificent are to be cherished. Each individual must choose for himself his own aesthetic standards, but we think that there are certain elements of achievement that are undeniable, even if they are not satisfying to everyone. For example, one cannot deny the superior accomplishment inherent in a Beethoven symphony, a Michelangelo sculpture, a daVinci painting, or a Shakespeare play. Many Satanists are working to create their own citadels of excellence outside of the cultural mainstream and have preserved the worthy from the past and continue to create new works of power to be unleashed to those who will be appreciative. The second point is the enforcement of strict taxation of all churches. This would remove the government sanction of religion and force these parasites to live off of their own members alone, and if they can’t, then they will perish as they should. The Church of Satan has never pursued tax-exempt status and challenges all the rest of the world’s churches to stand on their own feet. Let us expose the vampiric nature of the organized religions and see if they can withstand the light of day. Third, we call for the re-establishment of Lex Talionis throughout human society. The Judeo-Christian tradition which exists secularly under the guise of liberal humanism has exalted the criminal over the victim, taking responsibility away from the wrong-doer with their doctrine of forgiveness. Such thinking is a disgrace towards the ideal of justice. This must stop! Individuals must be held accountable for the consequences of their actions, and not be allowed to scapegoat society, history, or other supposed “outside” influences. It should come as no surprise that many Satanists are part of
Satanism: The Feared Religion
law enforcement agencies, and a large number of people throughout this and other criminal justice systems who fully agree with Satanic philosophy on this point. If the law is not being enforced, Satanists advocate the practice of seeking personal justice, but you are warned to be fully aware of the consequences of such actions in today’s corrupt society. With the present state of affairs, the outcry may yet come to welcome justice back to stay. Fourth, Satanists advocate a new industry, the development and promotion of artificial human companions. These humanoids will be constructed to be as realistic as possible, and available to anyone who can afford one. Recognizing that the human animal often raises himself up throught the denegration of another, this would provide a safe outlet for such behavior. Have the lover of your dreams, regardless of your own prowess; every man a king who can purchase his own subject; or contrarywise, buy the master you wish to serve. Freedom of choice to satisfy your most secret desires with noone to be bothered is now at hand. What could be better for blowing-off the tension that exists throughout our society, and promoting healthier interaction among true humans? Finally we advocate the construction of total environments, technologically upto-date but theatrically convincing, to be literal pleasure domes and places of amusement and delight. We have seen the beginnings in some of the major theme parks, but let us take them on to the heights depicted in films like Westworld. Here you will be able to indulge in whatever environment you can imagine. Re-creation of past history would not only be ripe for these constructions, but science fiction and fantasy will provide fertile sources for many of these playgounds. Even now such projects are gearing up. Would the average person be able to spot a member of the Church of Satan? Since Satanists cover the total spectrum of economic and professional achievement, unless someone is sporting a sigil of
Baphomet medallion, or wearing the Baphomet lapel pin signifying an official representative, you really can not pin down a Satanist by appearance and behavior alone. In their daily practices, Satanists are individuals who are enjoying their lives in the here and now. They eat what they please, dress as they please, and generally follow whatever life style suits them best, so long as it is within the laws of their country of residence. There is no requirement for participation in ritual activity. The techniques presented in our literature are for members to make use of as they so desire. Some Satanists enjoy the social atmosphere of group ritual and seek out others for this purpose. Many Satanists find their ritual activity to be very personal and prefer to remain solitary. Either path is acceptible to the Church of Satan. Indeed, there are no rules for frequency of ritual activity. Some celebrate the equinoxes and solstices as holidays, but of course one’s own birthday is the highest Satanic holiday of the year. The ritual process is often used as a cathartic, to cleanse the individual of desires that could turn into compulsions if they remained unfulfilled, thus such practices take the place of therapy. Satanists cherish their individuality and do not try to conform to others’ standards of normality. Also, Satanists do not proselytize so you will not find yourself approached by someone in a black cloak waving tracts in your face. We have our literature readily available, and should someone find the philosophy to be to their liking, they may approach us to investigate the possibility of affiliation. The general public would probably be surprised to find that they have been interacting with Satanists for many years, and that these Satanists will be some of the most interesting, fair, trustworthy, and enjoyable people that they know. The world, when fully permeated by Satanism, will provide a challenging environment wherein you can achieve much, or little, based on the level of input you can muster and the extent of your natural abilities. Yes, this is frightening
Satanism: The Feared Religion
to the masses who wish to sit back and be herded from one mediahyped product to the next. Our world challenges you to think, and do something with those thoughts! As ulimate realists, we do not expect a large percentage of the human population to have the energy and discipline needed to excell, nor would a Satanic society attempt to force people to do that which is beyond their capabilities—but we will not refrain from judging these people by our standards. Those who wish to lead a drugged existence, whether the addictive element is chemical or media, shall be recognized for the slaves that they are and held in contempt. They can continue their self-destructive paths if so desired, but they shall not be allowed to hold back those who want to achieve greatness. Don’t worry, you who have been fooled into believing the paper tiger displayed by today’s media; we Satanists aren’t after your children, for they are probably as hopelessly mediocre as their parents. But we are moving the world towards a state wherein the freeloaders will either work or starve, and the parasites will be removed to wither and die. So, you need only fear real Satanism if you are a criminal, a parasite, or a wastrel. Are you afraid?
SATANIC VICTIMS? by Magister Michael Rose
From time to time, I hear from people who claim to be Satanists, bemoaning the dreadful persecutions that they endure, referring to the medieval witch hunts as a scourge against Satanism that is being restored by modern Christians, and otherwise lamenting the fact that they are being, or at least feel as if they are being, victimized. Since a “Satanic victim culture” is a contradiction in terms, one can only assume that these victims are somewhat lacking in Satanic attributes. To cite a true example of such thinking, and the parties involved shall remain nameless, some people had their products refused by the shops where they had been printing them. What did they do? Rather than taking their business elsewhere they sat down, proclaimed that they were being victimized and closed up shop. They had other options open which they could have tried but they did not do this. I have had printers give me a hard time over various things when I was starting to do my magazine From The Pit, but I did not complain about persecution. I went to a different printer and when he gave me a hard time I went to yet another. I refused to lie down and give up because someone didn’t like what I was doing. I refused to behave like a victim. Anyone who does so deserves only our contempt. Amongst the wretched multitudes of herd-things, such victimization is seen as a badge of honor. Amongst us it must be regarded as a stain of shame. A consistent mark of the victim is that they are constantly complaining about how they are being denied their rights. Such complaints are foolish since it is impossible to deny anyone their rights. Rights are something that you have. They are not what you want to have, or feel that you ought to have. They are not what somebody else says that you should have. A right is something which you are strong enough to keep, or it is that which has been granted to you by those stronger than yourself. In the first case, they cannot be taken from you if you are truly strong enough to hold onto them. In the second case, they are not really yours. They are, in fact, the rights of the stronger power and this power has permitted you to enjoy these rights at their discretion. They can give or take these privileges at will. Those who complain about being denied their rights are basing their complaint on a philosophy founded on such foolish and abhorrent notions as egalitarianism. To thus complain is tantamount to declaring to the world “I am not a Satanist.” “I know my rights!” is the battle cry of the worthless. Anton LaVey has said that Satanists are born, not made. It is equally true that victims are born rather than made. Satanists are not victims and victims are most certainly not Satanists! 37