Amy Chiu Landscape Architecture Portfolio, 2014

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2014 Amy Chiu Landscape Architecture Portfolio



CH I U , L U J IE C/ + 886 978 608 532 H/ + 886 4 23215267 E/

Seeking to obtain a full time position as a landscape architectural designer, in a design enriched atmosphere. I would like to find a place where I can continue to expand my design knowledge as well as professional skills, in a collaborative and dynamic environment.

EDUCATION YEAR 2000- 2004 Li Zen Bilingual High School / junior high school department English as Second Language Program YEAR 2004- 2008 Ivy Bilingual High School Intensive- English - Program YEAR 2009- 2013 Tung Hai University Department of Art and Design, Landscape Architecture

EXPERIENCE AECOM, Shengzhen (2011 summer internship) Department of International Architect - GALAXY CBD Concept Deisgn - Private apartment Architecture Concept Design - Business Tower Concept Design + CORE SKILL: hand sketches| google sketchup | 3D max | photoshop |indesign|independent work |team work AECOM, Shengzhen (June - November, 2012 ,part-time) Department of International Architecture - Ningbo Beilun New Town, Meishan Bay - Marriot Hotel Design - Marriot SABA beach hotel design + CORE SKILL: hand sketches| google sketchup | 3D max | photoshop |indesign| illustrator| rhino|independent work |team work AECOM, Hong Kong ( November 2012- January 2013, internship ) Department of Landscape Architecture - Tiedong old stadium, Anshan- Landscape Concep Design - Sham Shui Po Urban Renewal K20-23 - Yue Kwong Chuen Community Concept Design + CORE SKILL: hand sketches| google sketchup | photoshop |indesign| rhino| illustrator |field research|independent work |team work Landgene Landscape Architecture Studio, Taichung Taiwan (Febuary 2013 - present, full- time ) - Harbin Multi- Function Eco- farm Concept Design, China / proposal - Quan Zhou China Town ( Walking street ) Design, China / proposal - Multi- algriculture mixed- use green house, China, Chong Qing/ proposal - Multi- algriculture mixed - use research - Yichun-EXPO center / proposal - Aquaculture Tech. Center/ proposal - Tempus Hotel Farming Resort, Kenting Taiwan - Burma Bio Agrculture Design - Back Longwan Ecological Restoration Project/ proposal + CORE SKILL: photoshop |indesign | illustrator|autocad|conceptual idea development |research |independent work |team work Fablab Dynamic Open Source Furniture Design Workshop (2014) + CORE SKILL: CNC machine |Lazar cut machine| illustrator FutureWard-Coworking Space Co-working Space, Space- Redesigning Workshop (2014) + CORE SKILL: CNC machine |Lazar cut machine| illustrator

ACHIEVEMENTS & AWARDS Student concil member in Landscape Architecture department. Space design (graduation exhibition) in Student gradutaion consil. Editor- in - chief of Tung Hai University Landscape Architecture Magazine. Editor- in - chief of Landscape Architecture 2012 project review. ( Published ) Screenplay of Landsacpe Architecture 2012 graduation exhibition introducing film. 2010 Life & Design Competition A+.


1998 A+, YAMAHA Piano Competition. 2002, 2003, 2004, Seidof Piano Competition 4th, 3rd, 2nd place. 2001 Austin Solo Piano Competition, 2nd place. 2002 Taiwan Students Music Competition, 3rd place. 2007 Taiwan Students Music Competition, 1st place. 2009 Taiwan Students Music Competition, 3rd place. 2001 Austin, Texas Grisham Middle School A+ awards. 2006 Mingdao High School English Writing Competition, 1st place 2007 Ivy Bilingual High School English Writing , Speaking Competition, 1st place. 2008 Ivy Bilingual High School English Writing , Speaking Competition, 1st place. 2009 TOEIC 740.











Listening to Music(indie, post-rock, indie-rock, neu-soul, classical, musical...etc), Ukuele, Guitar, Piano, Calligraphy, Lettering, Photography




Taichung City, TAIWAN

PROJECT No.1 BREATHE GREEN Redeveloping the Old Town




RECOVER Door way to Taichung City

PROJECT No.3 MUTATION Transformation of


ISSUE/ 1. Broken spaces 2. The opportunity of changing the way of living around the site


There are 3 educational buildings around the site. Including 2 schools, and a military training center.

Transportation systems that’s happening around the site hold major position near the site. Including Taichung’s main train station, numerous bus transportation center around the train station, and one bus transportation at the opposite direction of the train station.

Mixed-use space take down the most of the space around the site. Mixed-use space is also to provide the needs for various kind of users: the travelers, the short stayings, the nearby residents... etc. Mixed- use space is also very common in Taiwan. Because of the packed urban space.

COMPLEX CITY/ 1. Using public transportation to transit passengers from spaces. 2. To reduce space 3. Save the spaces for greens.

IDEA CONCEPT/ In this design, I conceived people as indivisual molecules moving from through space. By using the vessel shape bridge as the artery that runs through the heart of the site to connect all parts. Whoever enters the rapid circulatory system will refresh/ revitalize this dynamic site.

SECTION A-A’ section of the gate of Taichung City Using the design of the high way train as a symbol of the gate of Taichung





Extreme sport ground Transit bridge The gate way of Taichung City

transit point

bio- walkway Dog Park

To use the natural water resource in the site. The pond is kept but plant various kind of water plants to produce

The bio- pond

The exhibition center







Hiking routes Earthquake memorial park

The trails from #1 to #5 are located in the eastern - and higher - part of the Scenic Area. These are the steepest and most challenging trails.

Urban Area officially known as Taichung City, is a city located in western Taiwan, with a population of over 2.7 million people, making it the third largest city on the island after New Taipei City and Kaohsiung. On 25 December 2010, it merged with Taichung County to form a single special municipality. The city’s motto is “economic, cultural and international city.”

Rural Area

The 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan combines an Exhibitions Building with the geological changes and destroyed structures in one place to present a clear impression of the damage that was caused by the earthquake. The site takes what happened in different areas during the earthquake and reduces it to the most basic logic and then presents it to the visitor. Visual images of structures throughout the area are used to display the upper layers of the ground and to determine how far away the safe zone would be from each one.

Trails #1, 2, 3 and 4 are on different ridges - roughly parallel - each of them climbing for less or more 400 meters of altitude (from 400 to 800 meters above the seal level approximately). Trail #5 is on the main ridge of Touke Mountain and connects the tops of each of previous trails ...

Nearby the site

The entrance

concept idea

Hand sketches


The Edge

Sky Walk Outdoor Performing Space

Exhibition Center

Bio Garden

Cherry Blossom Corridor Bio Pond

Site Plan

The Edge The edge is left as how it was from the original site. The path is created for the visitors to site seeing the view of the roads down on the cliff. Visitors are allow to see the whole scenary of Da Kun from the spot within the outdoor concert space on the other side of the cliff.

The road The road down the cliff is one of the main road of Da kun. And it’s connected to the park and the other hiking routes. It holds an important role around the site.

The Bio garden

The Gate

The site is stuffed with various kind of plants, and most of them are aged but grown very lively in the site.

The front of the exhibition center is imitating the shape of the cherry blossom trees. The shadow that the wooden structure created is supposed to show the image of the cherry blossom streets.

In order to keep them with a productive/ biological ways. In my design, I gather them up into a certain area and provides water reproduction system with them.

The Outdoor Performing Stage In order to provide an open space for the weekend market and live performances in the site. In my design, I dig a underground space to make the performing area more intimate.

The Sky walk It allows visitor to see the view down the road, and the walk ways are also connected to each other so the visitors are allow to travel freely to any spots in the site.


synonyms: alteration, change, variation, modification, transformation, metamorphosis, transmutation, trandsfiguration, sea change, evolution; 1. the action or process of mutation "the mutation of pink's energy into something more thuggish and mindless." 2. the changing of the structure of gene, resulting in a variant form which may be transmitted to subsequent gernerations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion , insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. "mutation is, ultimately, the only way in chich new variation enters the species." sysnonyms,

The site which locates at the key of the center Taichung, surrounding by various types of use and participants. The Northern- west of the site faces the largest hospital in Taichung city, along with the medical school and school’s dormitory,(noted that the residential area neighbouring the dormitory is also seen as part of students dormitory. ) The West- south side of the site is next to the commercial area, which provides necessities to the near residential areas, and the hospital. The Eastern – south side of the site towards the shops, which supply the Funeral Parlor needs with flower shops, candle shops, and Taiwanese funeral gift shops etc. At last, the Northern – east side front on to the pure residential area.

As for the inside of the site, the site includes with 4 types of uses: the Taichung Park, Taichung Chung Shan Music Hall, the Taichung Funeral Parlor and the activity center.

The world’s

population continues to grow, resulting in a steady migration from rural to urban areas. Within the increasing numbers of people and cities, the resources that we are all sharing together is much more limited than what we can imagine. We have become fixated with preservation. Not only do we have a tendency to want to save the limited natural resources, but we are also trying to save wasted fragmented spaces which have resulted from the unplanned and disorganized expansion of the urban edge. Every year, more and more cities are felling the devastating impacts of this situation. What can we do to both prevent the loss of natural





01. The space underneath the trees are mostly taken by the elders who are always sitting on the bench in the park. It's really shady, yet it can be a little bit gloomy.

Activity diagram

The roots beneath my feet amost tripped me if I am concentrating on the people walking their dogs and some old men playing chinese chess in the park.

The Open Green Space. - Dancing - Dog walking - patients - medical students - residents nearby the site

Defining the space A. A chaotic corner, but not so emotionless. The nearby residents: They walk casually around the site everyday. The visitors from the hospital: Patients, hoptitalized patients, visitors...etc. Most of the people that are traveling in and out the hospital are all moving with their heavy feet and empty eyes. Stepping on the only green field of this nearby space with their driblets and their injury. And if you walk close to the side of the road. You can see a bunch of university students using the reflection of the glass building to practice their dancing moves (for school activities). And if you walk furhter, you can see the whole site has been linked by numerous jogging people around the site.



Nervous system sensed the hot object and signaled your muscles to let it go. Nervous system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and autonomic nerves, coordinates all movements, thoughts and sensations that you have. In this article, we'll examine the structure and functions of your nervous system, how nerve cells communicate with each other and v a r i o u s t i s s u e s a n d w h a t c a n g o w ro n g w h e n n e r v e s b e c o m e d a m a g e d o r diseased.


Dendrites Nucleus

Cell body



The site is full of abundant of resources and different meaning of uses. My idea, is to use a biological way to combine the whole site into a productive green space. To link up the shatter spaces in the site. I use the nerve cell as a solution to this broken site. I use the user reasearch to identified the meaning of spaces for the users. And to link the differences is to find the same character of each area.

Dynamic Walking Path

Tennis Court High point Sport Center

Memorial Center Plaza of the Music Hall

The project proposes to “bridge�everything together. Starts with the center part of the site- the swimming pool.

a b' b c



The landform of the new sport center is now extent to the 4 different theme location of the site. And every mutation that the bridge effect to the themes will soften the difference between the 4 absolutely distinct area.

The Recovery Space

Section a-a'

The Spiritual Way

Section b-b'

Life Living Space

Section c-c'

section a- a'

The recovery walkway

The memorial plaza The Underground Parking Space

The memorial plaza

The Sport center

The memorial plaza

1. 2. 1.

The underground parking space, takes out 1/3 spaces underneath the iste. It has the potential to link the various spaces throughout the site. This angle provides the view of the activities spcace with the bridge that's connected to the pool (the gym center) also, you can see the tennis court at the opposite of the site.


The perpective view is to show the relationship between the activiy space and the underround parking space.

迴龍江園區復育計畫 SITE: 迴龍江 WORKING PERIOD: 3 months CONTRIBUTION: Idea development, 3D modeling, photomontage

植物塔 WORKING PERIOD: 2 months CONTRIBUTION: 3D modeling, idea development, photoshop

東海水產養殖科技 館 WORKING PERIOD: 2 weeks CONTRIBUTION: photomontage

緬甸北緯十八度大農業計畫 SITE: 緬甸 WORKING PERIOD: 3 months CONTRIBUTION: photomontage

FutureWard-Coworking Space Co-working Space, Space- Redesigning Workshop (2014) + CORE SKILL: CNC machine |Lazar cut machine| illustrator

Fablab Dynamic Open Source Furniture Design Workshop (2014) + CORE SKILL: CNC machine |Lazar cut machine| illustrator

各部物件介紹 : 1.座板/ 背板: 將木材內部裁兩道約 10cm 的平行線, 讓部分木材懸空, 僅一邊連至主體, 當人的重量加 上時, 使之具有彈性舒適感提升. 2. 上邊加固條 : 以卡接(如細部圖)的方式加固左右側板, 使結構穩定. 3. 下邊加固條 : 以卡接(如細部圖)的方式加固左右側板, 使結構穩定. 4. 左側板: 以特殊活動卡榫(如細部圖)連接座板/背板, 使之固定. 5. 右側板: 以特殊活動卡榫(如細部圖)連接座板/背板, 使之固定.

Calligraphy works/ Lettering works


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