Ppp3 ouil602 student module evaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA(hons) Illustration Module Code: PPP3 OUIL602 Name: Amy Choi Student ID: AC255737 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note- This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive) Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Sketchbook, Roughs Final Illustrations, development sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

6A3 Demonstrate specific knowledge and specialist understanding of the professional and contextual location of their practice. Knowledge and Understanding - RESEARCH

Blog, live artist/illustrator talks, visiting professionals Very good talks, Career Track Tuesday/Start up Wednesday workshops, visits to exhibitions and galleries, visits to stores with illustrated products, AOI talk, Illustration conventions, print fairs, emailing illustrators, agencies and companies

6B2 Undertake research to identify and evaluate their personal and professional skills and the career or progression opportunities available to them. (Cognitive Skills EVALUATION & REFLECTION

Blog, entering competitions, Career Track Tuesday/Start up Wednesday workshops, live artist/illustrator talks, visiting professionals talks, Illustration conventions, print fairs, emailing illustrators, agencies and companies, presentation, Etsy

Very good

6C2 Develop and implement a personal promotion strategy to communicate to relevant organisations. Practical & Professional Skills - VISUAL QUALITY)

Blog, business cards, mailers, portfolio, creative presence- website, social media- Instagram and Tumblr, networking sites- Behance, the Dots and Linkedin, Invoice, logo, creative CV, presentation at print fairs, Out of Order exhibition, Etsy

Very good

6D2 Use a range of appropriate communication methods to present themselves as a professional practitioner to a relevant audience. Key Transferable Skills PROFESSIONALISM & COMMUNICATION

Blog, sending out emails, illustrators, agencies and Very good companies, website, social media, creative CV, creating a logo, creating an invoice, mailers, business cards, entering competitions, Career Track Tuesday/Start up Wednesday workshops, live artist/illustrator talks, emailing illustrators, agencies and companies, presentation

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