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Allergy Season Has Arrived
Spring Allergy Season is in Full Bloom
Did you know that Memphis consistently ranks in the top three worst cities for seasonal allergies? When April approaches, there is a lot of pollen in the air, which is the biggest cause of seasonal allergies. Bear this in mind and be well prepared as allergy season springs upon us.
Seasonal allergies are not a trivial condition and can range from being a mere inconvenience to affecting your day-to-day function. They can disrupt sleep, causing fatigue and lost productivity. Allergies can develop at any age, and some of this has to do with changes in exposure or the intensity of a particular pollen season. Hay fever is the most common condition that occurs with seasonal allergies. Major symptoms of hay fever include sneezing; stuffy nose; runny nose; watery eyes; and itching of the nose, eyes, and roof of mouth.
It’s Not the Flowers’ Fault
Pollen is the most likely culprit of seasonal allergies, and pollen season is longer than it used to be by two weeks compared to 1995 and earlier. Higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere help plants grow more quickly, causing them to release more pollen.
Flowers are not to blame for most seasonal allergies. Instead, it’s grasses, weeds, and trees that are more likely to present allergy problems. Also, pollen can travel hundreds of miles, so even if you go to the beach, you have not escaped the presence of pollen.
Proper Prep for Allergy Season
It’s best to pre-empt symptoms by taking an over-the-counter antihistamine (like Zyrtec). Since the release of pollen varies from year to year, Mid-South allergists recommend starting an antihistamine regimen in February. Keep in mind, while antihistamines help with sneezing and itchiness, they usually don’t help with stuffy noses. When immediate relief is needed for inflamed sinuses and nasal congestion, a sinus cocktail shot is the most effective solution. When allergy season is in full swing, it’s a good idea to wear a mask when working in the yard and change the filters on your air conditioning units. Mold spores that have remained inactive during the winter months will spring back into action, causing a fresh round of allergic reactions if you aren’t proactive. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the daily pollen count when planning your day. This information is found online by zip code.
Estes Folk is the owner of Pro Health Clinic. For More Information about sinus cocktails, visit Prohealthmemphis.com or call 901.417.6551.

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Staying Fit With David Quarles
At 20 years old, David Quarles found himself living inside a shell— overweight, defensive, without selfconfidence, and in need of change. With a family history of diabetes and other weight-related ailments, he began making changes to his diet and increasing his regular activity through Zumba classes, weight lifting, and becoming less sedentary. Today, at age 30, David has lost 126 pounds, going from 296 to a steady 170.
The Daily Grind Five to six days a week, David is weight training; however, during the warmer months, he prefers to take his workouts outdoors. Whether running, swimming, biking, or doing bodyweight moves, he always seeks new training methods to keep things interesting.
A typical day begins with cardio and core training, then he does a class in the evenings and weight training at night. On Sundays, he makes enough food to knock out enough meals for about four days of the week. He typically eats three full meals per day, with light snacking in between and proper hydration.
David adds: “I’m one of those gallontoting people. So, I make it a goal to drink a gallon or a gallon-and-a-half of water each day, especially on the days I have multiple workouts scheduled.”
Back in 2014, David competed in his first men’s physique competition during the Dexter Jackson Classic, his most proud fitness accomplishment. Competing took him completely out of his comfort zone, helped him realize and accept the amount of work it took to stay committed, and served as the culminating point of his overall weight loss journey.
Let’s Dance In addition to his own personal workouts, he teaches three Zumba classes a week and sometimes on the weekend. He strives to provide an experience and adds a little theatrics in each of his classes that vibe with the songs on his playlist.
“I like for my students to leave feeling empowered and accomplished. If I can make it as fun as possible in the process, I consider my job done!”
David teaches at the St. Jude Wellness Center on Mondays and at Jack Robinson Gallery on Thursdays. He also teaches the Haus Party class at Mind Body Haus on Tuesdays.
Moving Forward David says his main focus is maintaining his healthy lifestyle and keeping the weight off. However, he admits to toying around with the idea of competing again. He’s working on building up muscle mass— which can be challenging at times for a vegetarian who teaches and loves cardio.
For more information, follow David on Instagram: @_david.iv and @ivbydavid
A Man of Many Talents Never short on creativity, David’s true passion is art and design. He runs an independent interior styling company, Concept 417; serves as the in-house interior stylist for Stock & Belle; and is a jewelry artist for his brand, IV. In 2004, he began making jewelry, and by 2018, he was able to leave office work behind to focus solely on his brand and teaching classes.

“All designs of IV are based on the modernization of my family’s ancestral history. The colors I select for each piece are influenced by my chromesthesia. I mentally process musical sound and numbers as color. Whenever I’m making, I set a playlist and allow the melody to drive my color selection,” David says.

You can find his work at Stock & Belle, Joseph and Dixon Gallery and Gardens, the Memphis Modern Markets, and online at ivbydavid.com.