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Boost Your Immunity
Protect your Body and Boost Your Immune System
It goes without saying that 2020 has definitely been eye opening for humanity. The COVID-19 virus reminds us that our species can still be vulnerable to things we cannot even see. It's shown us that we live in a crowded world with stressful lifestyles and unbalanced diets that make us weaker.
As we practice social distancing, we can use this opportunity to invest in ourselves and begin again. During this slow period, we can care for own bodies and use our minds to create wellness habits that fuel happy, healthy spirits. We are our best protection. Make the decision to power up your wellness and offer your body an extra natural armor.
It’s rare to see health tips that don’t place diet at the top. Without a good diet, it is hard for the body to have the tools it needs to fight and stave off infection. The greatest defense for any viral infection is what we put in our bodies. Let’s start with our plate.
Some foods can promote/lengthen viral infections. Foods high in arginine, nuts and seeds, dairy, and grains seem to fuel viruses and lower the amino acid lysine in the body. Lysine has been clinically proven to suppress viral growth. Viruses cannot live in alkaline systems. Adding certain foods and eliminating aggravators can help your body stay strong. Consult your doctor, but a small addition of the amino acid lysine can help to strengthen the immune system. Use as directed.
AVOID Nuts and seeds, caffeine, dairy, sugar, grains, peanuts, soybeans, whole wheat
Add Nature’s Medicine: Herbs In a documented case study, oregano oil reduced a virus in 20 minutes. This oil has impressive medicinal qualities and is being studied by allopathy for its anti-viral properties. You can find oregano oil at health food stores. Take as directed. It is nature’s antibiotic so take probiotics and keep them two hours from your oil intake.
Herbs like sage, basil, fennel, garlic, lemon balm, mint, and rosemary have been used in holistic medicine for centuries. Add these spices to fresh food, add mint to water, or use tea versions to boost your immunity naturally.
INCLUDE Grass-fed meat (3–5 oz), eggs, avocados, vegetables, potatoes, lemons, limes, cranberries, seafood, cooked greens
Sunlight We can still enjoy the outdoors while avoiding others. Viruses thrive in environments with low levels of vitamin D. Take a 20-minute walk every day without sunscreen to boost your body’s production of it. Using a FAR infrared sauna for 30 minutes also creates vitamin D and detoxes the body at a cellular level.
While the last couple of months have been scary, they are also a great chance to change the way we think, eat, and drink. Use the darkness we have been through to create the light that will change all generations to follow.

Right now, just turning on the TV can be stressful. The constant news reports about the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is fraying the collective nerves of the entire country.
Now more than ever, it’s important to remain calm. The key to all of us making it through this crisis is preparation, not panic.
Keeping yourself safe is easier than you think. Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare reminds you that by following just five simple steps, you can do your part to help protect yourself, and help to limit the spread of COVID-19 through our community.
WASH YOUR HANDS. A LOT. It may seem almost too simple, but just washing your hands can go a very long way toward keeping you healthy. And yes, there is a right way to wash your hands.
As often as possible. Before you eat. After you use the restroom, cough, or sneeze.
Under warm or cold water, with soap if possible, and for at least 20 seconds. The top, the palms, in between fingers—everywhere. Even if soap isn’t available, wash your hands.
STAY HOME IF POSSIBLE Because COVID-19 spreads from person to person, remaining at home can be key. Self-isolation not only helps you and your family avoid infection; it can slow the spread of the virus through the community. This can limit the number of cases in our community and prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. Avoid unnecessary travel.
PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING “Social distancing” is sure to be 2020’s phrase of the year. We are now seeing and hearing it everywhere, but it’s important to know exactly what “social distancing” really means. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines social distancing as “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.” “Mass gatherings” have now been defined as groups of more than 10 people. Remember, COVID-19 has a long incubation period and many of those who carry the virus may not be experiencing symptoms.

COVER COUGHS AND SNEEZES COVID-19 can spread through respiratory droplets in the air after a cough or sneeze. Don’t spread your germs. Avoid coughing or sneezing into your hands if you can. Instead, use the inside portion of your elbow. If you cough or sneeze into a tissue, throw that tissue away immediately. And of course, be sure to wash your hands afterward.
CLEAN YOUR HOME OFTEN Spring cleaning has never been so important. Many of us are spending a great deal of our time indoors; use that time to thoroughly clean high-touch surfaces in your homes. Not once, but often. Counters, tabletops, doorknobs, phones, keyboard, and especially bathroom surfaces. If you touch it on a regular basis, make sure to disinfect it. Follow the instruction labels on household cleaning sprays.
The spread of COVID-19 has caused a great deal of disruption for everyone, complicating many aspects of daily life. But protecting yourself from the virus is simple. By following the guidelines of the CDC and local healthcare facilities, we can all get through this crisis together.