Memphis Health+Fitness Magazine December 2018

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Regina Buckner Grizzlies Wife and Mother of 4 Shares Her Yoga Journey


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H+F DECEMBER ON THE COVER 6 Improve Your Focus 12 Beat The Holiday Blues 20 Look Amazing! Glowing Skin & Sexy Hair

24 Regina Buckner

Grizzlies Wife and Mother of 4 Shares Her Yoga Journey

LIVING WELL 8 Be Present

Tips on Mindfulness

10 Happy Feet

Post-Marathon Recovery

14 Surviving Grief During the Holidays 16 Exercise to Ease Depression

COACH’S CORNER 22 Gadget and Gear Gift Ideas

FIT PROFILES 26 Former U of M Center Will Coleman

at the Forefront of Fitness

28 Weekend Warriors:

— Danielle Nickum, Runner — Bryan Roberson, Ultrarunner

FOOD + NUTRITION 32 10 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain 34 Warm Maple Roasted Squash Salad 36 Emotional Eating

24 38

38 Persimmon Blood Orange Mimosas

IN EVERY ISSUE 5 Starting Line

Tips, Shoutouts and Products for the Fitness Minded

40 Events Calendar 42 Photo Finish 2

— Shelby Farms 10miler & Buffalo 5k — Sugar Run 5k

On the Cover: Regina Buckner Photo by Tindall Stephens. Shot at Sumits Yoga Memphis.

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22 Years and Running Strong Amy Goode

Hailey Thomas

Laurenne Hom

When not beating the streets looking for the next fitness craze, Amy enjoys running, cycling, and swimming, and is always on the lookout for the best cheat meal. Sharing inspiring fitness stories encourages her to stay healthy.

Hailey has been running over half her life fortunately not from the law! She has run marathons and half-marathons in Dublin, NYC, LA, Anchorage, Seattle, Red Woods, Big Sur, New Orleans, Sylamore 25K, Shelby Farms 50K and Memphis (6 times). Trails are her new love along with interviewing Weekend Warriors with the same passion for fitness.

Laurenne is a freelance web designer, graphic designer, writer, and editor who has worked her way through 11 different countries and 24 states. She’s an avid cyclist, who biked 1500 miles across half the country in 2014. She also loves pilates and never does the same workout twice!

Publisher Amy Goode


CONSULTANTS Executive Editor Hailey Thomas


Advertising & Marketing Amy Goode 901.218.4993 Hailey Thomas 901.335.6005 Copy Editor Laurenne Hom

Tindall Stephens

Caroline Sposto

Christin Yates

Tindall has been shooting for over 20 years, specializing in weddings and portraiture. She currently is a super busy mom of three teenagers,wife of a Memphis firefighter/ Paramedic, and entertainer of two boston terriers .....among running a full time photography business.

Caroline Sposto is a writer and actor. She’s been published by The Saturday Evening Post, Family Circle Magazine, and literary magazines and anthologies. She won the Alpine International Fellowship for Short Fiction in 2017 and writes for

A freelance PR/Marketing professional, Christin began running in 2010 and hasn’t stopped since. She now runs everything from 5Ks to marathons, and is an RRCA certified running coach. When not on the pavement or trails, you can find her hanging out with her rescue dogs. Visit her website at

Contributing Writers Christin Yates Caroline Sposto Andrea LeTard Blair Mize Graphic Design Brian Williams Photographers Philip Murphy Tindall Stephens Jen Russell

740 N. Evergreen Street Memphis, Tennessee 38107 Send articles and photos to H+F reserves the right to edit all materials for clarity, space availability and suitability for publication. First copy free, additional copies, $1. Mailed subscriptions: $25 per year. Back issues, $5. Memphis Health + Fitness Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does Publisher assume any responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. Readers are encouraged to notify Publisher when they suspect false advertising. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2018.


Andrea LeTard

Philip Murphy

India Nikotich

Andrea is the creator and author of Andrea’s Cooktales, an heirloom cookbook being released Spring 2018. She is also a personal chef, small party caterer, and cooking instructor. Andrea has been featured on Cooking Channel, Today Show, and Local Memphis Live. She was chosen as a Top 100 Contestant on MasterChef Season 6. Follow Andrea on Facebook, Instagram (@andreas_cooktales), and her video blog series at

Phillip has been living in Memphis for over ten years and started in photography and videography six years ago. Although he didn’t go to school for his craft, he’s a storyteller at heart. “I love to tell my version of your story and to get to know what it is that inspires you and makes you.”

India is a senior at Rhodes College and originally from San Antonio, TX. She’s made Memphis her home through community service, pulling espresso at local coffee shops, and rowing down the Wolf River with her college’s crew team. MemphisHealthFitnessMag @MemHealthFitMag please recycle

Read us online at




Rome Delasalas ran the New York City

Daniel Yeh ran & Stephanie Bridges swam and

Olivia Lomax of Delta Groove Yoga practiced yoga among the Sequoia

Marathon in 3:17:05. He says, “The weather

biked in the 70.3 NOLA Ironman. Stephanie says

trees in Sequoia National Park (CA) in the Southern Sierra mountains.

was good, but the bridges were tougher

her goal was ”to be out of the water, off the bike,

than I anticipated.” Rome qualified for

and walking across the finish line within the

Boston and will run it next year.

8-hour time limit.” Check!

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COMING TO THE JANUARY ISSUE OF H+F • Annual Gym Yoga & Fitness Studio Guide • Weight Loss & Nutrition • New Year’s Resolutions TO RESERVE AD SPACE CALL Hailey Thomas @ 901.335.6005 or Amy Goode @ 901.218.4993


LIVING WELL By Dale Foster

Train Your Brain for Focus and Peak Performance Juggling the fast-moving parts of life requires the ability to pay attention and focus well. However, many factors make it more challenging than ever for us to do that.

Factors that impact the ability to pay attention: • information overload • the effects of blue light technologies and LED lighting • poor diet • lack of time in nature and sunshine • insufficient physical activity • strained relationships • environmental toxins

Why are brains suffering? Although many factors play a role, the overuse of screens is a big one. Computer screens, smartphones, and tables emit a blue light, which can have quite a negative impact on the brain. These lights negatively impact dopamine and melatonin, which makes your mood erratic and negatively impacts focus. Sleep also suffers, so the body and brain don’t self-heal as they would normally. Increasing numbers of adults and children are having poor attention and focus habits, unhealthy sleep patterns, and mood problems, including anxiety and depression.

What can you do? Limit your exposure to blue and LED lighting by using glasses that block blue light. Get out in the sunshine as much as possible, and use red light therapy like TheraBulb Near Infra Red lights or GembaRed lights at night to counteract the effects of overusing blue lights. If not being able to focus or concentrate is severely impacting your daily life, check in with a neurofeedback provider who is BCIAcertified and provides 19-Channel 3D Z Score neurofeedback. It’s a drug-free and enjoyable way to re-train the brain to function well. Neurofeedback is an interactive and enjoyable brain-training technique that helps the brain re-regulate itself into more effective, functional habits. With Z Score neurofeedback, you wear a 19 channel EEG cap during training so the computer can constantly read your brainwaves. You pick out a movie for your feedback. When your brain improves, the movie plays large and loud. When the brain is not improving, the movie stays small and quiet. Through this feedback, the brain learns new brainwave habits. With the proper amount and type of training, those habits stick.


Neurofeedback has helped retrain brains to show improvement in people with: • ADHD

• dementia

• migraines

• anxiety

• depression

• memory loss

• autism

• epilepsy


• brain injury

• insomnia

• stroke recovery

• concussion

• learning disorders

• tinnitus

People who just want to improve their cognitive function to feel and perform better can also receive neurofeedback. To learn more or receive a complimentary consultation, call 901.624.0100 or visit

Dale S. Foster, PhD is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and the founder of NeuroSource, LLC. He specializes in using a wide range of applied neuroscience techniques like functional brain mapping, Neurofeedback, and non-invasive brain stimulation.

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LIVING WELL By Kimberly Baker

Tips on Mindfulness Give Yourself the Gift of Being Present for the Holidays This time of year, people often find themselves overdoing it. OVERspending. OVEReating. OVERindulging.

1. Take a breath.

The problem isn’t so much in breaking with routine around the holidays, but that self-regulating during celebration doesn’t happen as much as it should. Have you ever felt that you’re so busy shopping for gifts, traveling to parties, or preparing food that you don’t actually enjoy the moments of rest, family, and friends that the holidays are supposed to bring? You’re not alone.

If you picture people sitting in the lotus position under a tree, it’s time to expand your vision! Mindfulness can happen anywhere or anytime. Sit upright and relax your shoulders. Close your eyes. Take in three deep breaths. When ready, open your eyes.

Research supports that practicing mindfulness allows you to be more aware, more productive, and more confident when making decisions. Everyone can benefit from this, especially around the holidays. Mindfulness practices bring many benefits—and the more we practice, the better we get. You don’t have to be an expert at mindfulness to get the benefits. Mindfulness can begin in small doses and in a variety of ways until you hit your stride.

2. Enjoy one bite at a time. Mindful eating is a practice where you really get to experience tasting your food. Slow down as you’re eating. Take time between bites to put down your utensil. Notice what is on your plate and be grateful for it. As you savor the flavors, consider how every bite is providing nourishment to your body.

3. Make intentional lists. Be mindful as you prepare for the holidays. When you make a list and check it twice, give yourself permission to sit down in a quiet place. Take a deep breath, ask yourself what is most important about this list, and then start writing. Slowing down to set a plan can give you clarity and help you prioritize.

4. Practice mindful giving. Mindful giving is a concept where you consider the gift of your presence, time, or money. For instance, choose to do an activity with a friend or family member and give them your full attention. When making homemade gifts, think about the people who will receive them, and imagine their joy when they open it. Does your favorite aunt love rescue dogs? Is your neighbor passionate about mental health? Consider giving a financial donation in their honor to an agency that does work in those areas.

5. Meditate. One of my favorite mindfulness practices is called the Loving Kindness Meditation. The purpose is to increase positivity toward oneself and others. My favorite words to use are: “May I be healthy. May I be happy. May I be safe. May I be at peace.” Once you state those words for yourself, then you alter the words for others: “May you be healthy. May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be at peace.”

Church Health at Crosstown Concourse has a variety of weekly classes and workshops that blend mindfulness practices into daily life. Classes include weekly mindfulness sessions, Mindful Yoga, Tai Chi, and more. These classes are open to all members of the community, and many are free. Go to to learn more. Whatever mindfulness practice you try or wherever you decide to do it, view it as a gift that you are giving to yourself. You will feel the benefits while you are practicing it, and, more importantly, it will start to help you move through your daily life.


Kimberly Baker is the Founder of The Well, home to Church Health wellness programming for children and families. She has served as Manager for the last 19 years. She is passionate about creativity, movement, and mindfulness and loves spending time with her family.

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LIVING WELL By Julie Kate Webster, DPM, FACFAS

Post-Marathon Recovery How to keep your feet healthy for your next training season With the St. Jude Marathon behind many Memphis runners, some of you may be suffering post-marathon blues due to common injuries that occur during training season and race day. As a podiatrist, I treat sports injuries in the foot and ankle resulting from overuse activities, such as running a marathon. Some of the most common foot and ankle injuries include stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, and tendonitis. Understanding these common foot injuries is the key to preventing them, so that you stay healthy and strong in your next training season.

Stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, and tendonitis can definitely ruin your marathon training. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent these injuries before they prevent you from running. Here are some tips for making your next run as successful as possible:


• F ollow a training program, making sure you increase frequency, duration, and intensity of your workouts gradually over the course of weeks or months. A good rule to follow is to increase your mileage about 10% each week until you reach your goal.

Stress Fractures, or hairline fractures, usually occur in the long bones of the foot called metatarsals. Stress fractures occur when repetitive stress on the foot (such as training for a marathon) outpaces the bone’s ability to heal and repair itself. Patients experience a dull to severe pain with activity in the area of the fracture. The treatment consists of rest for four to eight weeks to allow the bone to heal. A cast or walking boot and/or non-weight bearing with crutches may be required for healing a stress fracture.

• W ear good quality shoes that are supportive, have good shock absorption, and fit your feet properly. You may also benefit from orthotics or an arch support, especially if you have an abnormal foot structure or have suffered from plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, or a stress fracture. Make sure you get new shoes at least every 500 miles of running.

PLANTAR FASCIITIS Plantar Fasciitis is a common overuse injury in the foot when the fascial band supporting your arch becomes inflamed, usually at its attachment to the heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain, which is usually isolated to the heel but can radiate to the arch. Common symptoms include heel pain with your first step in the morning and pain after long periods of activity. It is treated by rest, wearing supportive shoes with a good arch support or orthotic, taking an anti-inflammatory, stretching, and physical therapy.

TENDONITIS Tendonitis is another overuse injury. The Achilles tendon (at the back of the heel) and the extensor tendons (on top of the foot) are the most common tendons in the foot to develop tendonitis. When a tendon works too hard or in the wrong way for too long, it can become damaged and inflammation occurs. Tendonitis causes pain during activity and swelling in the area of inflammation. Healing may take many weeks. The treatment consists of rest, ice, compression, and anti-inflammatory medication. Often patients must wear a walking boot to immobilize the injured tendon.

For more information go to or call Mid-South Foot and Ankle Specialists at 901.309.7700



• M aintain good core strength. Your “core” includes your abs, glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and oblique muscles. Core strength increases stabilization of the torso, helping with balance and allowing your entire body to run more smoothly and efficiently. Core strength is especially important in long-distance runners to help reduce injuries toward the end of the race when lower extremity muscles become fatigued. Some common core strengthening exercises include planks, windshield wipers, hollow rocks, and superman. • E at a healthy diet! While foods like potatoes and bananas, which are high in potassium and carbohydrates, are great for quick energy during your runs, you also need to be eating foods to stay healthy during training. You need 80-100 grams of protein per day to maintain and build your muscle mass. Important vitamins and minerals that help reduce risk of injury and help maintain your musculoskeletal strength include zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Following these guidelines will help prevent future foot and ankle injuries so you can enjoy the many winter running series which are now underway! And remember…healthy feet are happy feet!



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LIVING WELL By Jennifer Weaver, NBCC, MS

Coping with the Holidays and Winter Blues “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!” That may be true for many people, but for some, the holidays and winter can be difficult. People struggling with mental health and addiction symptoms often feel triggered during this time of year. From stressful family encounters to exposure to substances like alcohol at parties, or even cold weather keeping you indoors, all of these can lead to an increase in feelings of depression and anxiety or increased substance use.

What does depression or anxiety even look like? Often times, people don’t know exactly what anxiety and depression look like, and everyone experiences symptoms differently.

Anxiety symptoms may include: • nervous feelings you can’t shake • thoughts that go circle in your head • inability to concentrate • sleeping too little or too much • feelings of panic • shortness of breath • feelings of being overwhelmed • gastrointestinal issues • headaches

Depression symptoms can include: • having trouble getting out of bed • feeling low more days out of the week than not • crying episodes • feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness • lack of motivation • inability to concentrate • sleeping too much or too little • loss of appetite • thoughts of self-harm or suicide

If you are currently experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others, immediately seek help by calling 911, going to your nearest emergency room, or dialing 1.800.273.8255.


Jennifer Weaver has a Master’s degree In Counseling and is a National Board-Certified Counselor. She is the Director of Intensive Outpatient Services at Foundations Memphis IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program), a multidisciplinary approach program that helps treat individuals struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues. To make an appointment for a clinical assessment with her, call 901.722.3975.


How do I know if my substance use has gotten out of control? If your substance use is negatively affecting your life in any of the following ways, it might be time to reach out for help: 1. I t’s causing you problems in your relationships with others, specifically loved ones. 2. I t’s causing you problems at work. You have been late or missed any days within the last month because of substance use. You are in danger of losing your job because of your substance use. 3. Y ou are driving while under the influence. 4. Y ou have lost interest in things you used to like doing because of your substance use. 5. Y ou are experiencing any health problems because of your substance use. 6. You have to use your substance at any point during the day, just to “get through/cope with the day.”

How can I cope? What can I do? There are options. Healthy coping skills aren’t developed overnight, just as mental health and addiction symptoms aren’t either. It takes time, practice, and patience. Everyone’s coping skills look different, but here are a few options if the holiday or winter seasons have you feeling overwhelmed: 1. E xercise. It can be tough to want to exercise when busy with holiday functions or with the lack of sunshine. Even a 15-minute walk three times a week is a step in the right direction. 2. Find time for meditation/mindfulness/gratitude exercises. This can seem like a daunting task during the season of “go go go.” Even 5-10 minutes of meditation/mindfulness/gratitude or 20 seconds of deep breathing can do wonders if you give yourself the time. Plenty of mobile apps can get you started. (“Calm” or “Gratitude 365” are options.) 3. S et boundaries. “No” is a complete sentence. Recognize when you are stretching yourself too thin. If certain family members or friends are triggers for you, it’s okay to allow yourself not to engage with those individuals if it means protecting your well-being.

7. You experience any kind of withdrawal symptoms (nausea, shaking, anxiety, vomiting) when you are not using.

4. T alk to your loved ones. Often, loved ones either don’t know or have no idea where to start to help. It can feel scary to take this step, but often times loved ones just want to help.

8. You are binging on your substance during the weekend. For alcohol use, this includes: consuming five or more drinks on a single occasion for men four or more MSD-AD-111918.pdf 1 or 11/19/18 5:10 PMdrinks on an occasion for women.

5. Seek outside help. Therapy can seem intimidating if you have never been. As a mental health professional, even I see a therapist twice a month. It’s important to normalize seeking out treatment and to break the stigma around mental health and substance abuse issues.

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LIVING WELL By Wanda Hall-Myers, Ph.D., Psychologist

Surviving Grief During the Holidays With the holidays upon us, there are festive parties, elaborate decorations, gift giving, and other reminders that this is a time of celebration. However, for many who have experienced loss, this season triggers pain and loneliness. Instead of celebrating, they find themselves in darkness looking for an escape. It’s hard to experience joy and appreciation when grieving.

The Nature of Grief

Tips for Managing

Grief is a natural response to any loss. It is a process that results from some type of disruption in our routine. It could be from a permanent disruption (such as death) or temporary disruption (such as loss of a job). Generally, the more significant the loss, the more intense the grief. Grief impacts feelings, behaviors, and thoughts—which impact physical health.

• A llow yourself to grieve and don’t suppress your emotions. In other words, cry as much as you need.

Loss During the Holiday

• I f this is your first holiday without your loved one, expect that things will be different. Give yourself permission to be okay with that fact.

Grief at any time of year is difficult, but grief is generally heightened during the holiday season. For many, the time between Thanksgiving and New Years cues emotional memories of a loss. Even if the death occurred several years ago, it can still be especially hurtful during the holidays. For this reason, participating in holiday events and traditions can take a toll on grievers.

• L ean on your support system and let them know what you need. For example, say if you need help or if you need space.

Loss of a loved one through death is a highly stressful period of time. In addition to death, other losses in life may be just as difficult. For example, loss of a spouse through divorce, loss of some other significant relationship, loss of a pet, loss of a job, loss of a house, or loss of good health can also become overwhelming. In addition to the tangible losses, there are the intangible losses of security, trust, stability, and support.

• M ake a plan and be in control of how you choose to spend your time. You may not feel like attending some holiday gatherings. • H elp others. It’s rewarding and therapeutic to spend time helping others in need. • T reat yourself to relaxation, pampering, or some activity that would make you happy. • A void self-medicating, excessive drinking, or using drugs.

Professional Help The sadness may never go away completely; however, the time will come when the emotions become less intense. If you cannot move forward, you may need professional help. Be aware if the grief continues to keep you from resuming your life. If the pain is so intrusive that you cannot carry out usual activities despite the grief, seek professional help.


Wanda Hall-Myers, Ph.D., Psychologist is the owner of Hall-Myers Consulting. This firm focuses on helping organizations fulfill their missions by developing their leaders and creating cultures that are adaptive and responsive to change. For more information contact 901.230.6363 or email






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LIVING WELL By Anita Varma, M.D.

How Exercise Eases Depression Depression is a debilitating mood disorder that may affect one in five Americans in their lifetime. It can cause feelings of sadness or hopelessness that last anywhere from a few weeks to years. People may experience mild depressive symptoms only once in their lives, while others are prone to frequent severe episodes over their lifetime. The more serious, intense, and long-lasting form of depression is known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Symptoms of MDD Symptoms of MDD may include a persistent feeling of sadness and hopelessness, loss for your usual interests and hobbies, isolating yourself from family and friends, changes in sleep and appetite patterns, fatigue, inappropriate or excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness, difficulty with decision making, thinking and concentration, and/or thoughts of suicide.

Long-Term Effects of MDD The hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala are the three parts of the brain that play a role in MDD. The hippocampus stores memories and regulates production of cortisol — a stress hormone released during times of physical and mental stress, including depression. People with MDD experience long-term exposure to increased cortisol levels, meaning decreased production of new neurons. This causes the hippocampus to shrink and leads to memory issues. The prefrontal cortex regulates emotions, decision making, and forming memories. Exposure to increased cortisol can cause the prefrontal cortex to shrink as well. The amygdala facilitates emotional responses, such as fear and pleasure. MDD causes the amygdala to enlarge and becomes more active when exposed to elevated cortisol levels over time. This affects sleep patterns and can cause the body to release irregular amounts of hormones and other chemicals.

Treating Symptoms of MDD Balancing the amount of cortisol and other neurochemicals in the brain can help reverse the affects on the brain and reduce MDD symptoms. Psychotropic medications and psychotherapy can help balance those chemicals. Consult with your doctor about which treatments may be best for you.


Exercise to Ease Symptoms

Ways to get in physical activity

Exercise can make a big difference, even if it seems like the last thing you want to do. Although the link between depression and exercise is not entirely clear, working out and other physical activity can ease symptoms of depression and prevent them from coming back.

• Walking or running

Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers and help you feel good. Exercise helps take your mind off the cycle of negative thoughts. Meeting exercise goals, even small ones, helps you feel better about yourself. Physical activity can make you interact with others more, easing social isolation. When you do something positive like exercise to cope with symptoms of depression and make it a habit, you have created a healthy coping strategy.

• Household chores or washing your car

Anita Varma, M.D has been conducting research since 2006 in clinical trials for schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and anxiety. Her experience includes adult, geriatric, and pediatric treatment. For more information about clinical research and to see if you qualify for a current study, call Research Strategies Memphis at 901.685.8890 or visit

• Going to the gym • Team sports (basketball, softball, etc) • Gardening

• Taking the stairs Research shows that 30 minutes of exercise three to five days a week may significantly improve depression, but even 15 minutes a day can improve your mood. Regular exercise can reduce symptoms of depression, and the effects can be long-lasting. A vigorous exercise session can help alleviate symptoms for hours, and a regular routine may reduce symptoms over time. Exercise and physical activity improve mental health by helping the brain “cope” better with stress.


Here are some tips that can help you stick to regular physical exercise: 1. F ind forms of physical activity that are enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to try new things and change up your routine throughout the week. Do what you enjoy to help you stick with it. 2. S et reasonable goals. Be patient with yourself when starting a new exercise program. Set small and reasonable goals and aim for consistency rather than perfect workouts. A 20-minute walk five times a week is better than only being a “weekend warrior.” Frequency is key when it comes to maintaining mental and physical health. 3. D on’t think of exercise as a chore. Instead, think of it as a tool to help you get better and maintain your best self. Try not to look at exercise as another “should” in your life that you are not living up to; you’ll associate it with failure. Even just parking your car further away at work and the store will allow you to walk more in your daily routine.

4. Analyze your barriers. Figure out what is stopping you from being more physically active. If you feel self-conscious, start by exercising at home. If you have a small budget, look at free options like walking. If you can think about what is stopping you, then you can probably find a solution. 5. R ecruit an “exercise buddy”. You are more likely to stick to your exercise routine when you have to stay committed to a friend, partner, or colleague. 6. L isten to music, audiobook, or podcasts while exercising. Many people find listening to something they enjoy makes exercising more fun. 7. Prepare for setbacks and obstacles. Give yourself credit for every step in the right direction, no matter how small. If you skip exercise one day, that does not mean you can’t maintain an exercise routine and should quit. Just try again the next day.

Like all forms of therapy, the effect can vary. Some people respond positively, while others may experience only a modest, short-term benefit. If you exercise regularly but depression symptoms still interfere with your daily living, see your doctor or mental health professional. Exercise and physical activity are great ways to ease symptoms of depression, but they aren’t a substitute for psychotherapy or medications.

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BEAUT Y By Hailey Thomas

Holiday Glow All of our experts agree! To achieve dewy, youthful skin in the winter, stay hydrated, eat a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, and exfoliate regularly. To look extra radiant during the holidays, here are the best medical facials for a luminous look.

The HydraFacial™ treatment is the newest advance in non-laser skin resurfacing. HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer and more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive, and non-irritating. The HydraFacial™ treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation, and brown spots. $190, Available at Solutions Medical Center. 901.853.6428,

The Glo Polish Medical Facial is a customized exfoliating treatment with a deeper cleansing of the skin. Dull, uneven complexions will become brighter, tighter and more toned just in time for your holiday events. Minimal to no downtime. $150, Available at Glo Medical Aesthetics & Hair Spa. 901.552.3461,

The 4D Laser Facelift is a premium laser service offering immediate results with no incisions, no injections, and no downtime. The treatment utilizes a four-layer technique to lift and plump the skin for an instantly smoother, more youthful look. Noticeable results are achieved after just one treatment, making the 4D Laser Facelift an ideal treatment for the day of a big event! $750, Available at Ashtoria Aesthetics & Wellness. 901.310.3530,

Sexy Hair for the Holidays 20

Be the blonde bombshell. Popular with celebrities, Balayage is a technique of hand painting blonde highlights in vertical, sweeping motions on darker hair. The result is a more natural, sun-kissed look that creates a soft gradation of lightness towards the end. The technique is also lower maintenance and faster than traditional foils.

“Balayage can look super natural or super extreme depending on what look you want. It gives you a modern, beautiful look that blends seamlessly,” says Holly Woods, Master Colorist/Balayage Specialist with Shapow Parlor. “I just want my clients to have beautiful hair.” For an appointment call 901.626.5976, Shapow Parlor, 1995 Madison Ave.

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FLEET FEET’S FIT HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE From gadgets to gear, spread holiday cheer with this season’s perfect gifts for the outdoor enthusiast.

PATAGONIA JACKETS PATAGONIA Retro Pile P/O (mens) and Los Gatos (womens) deep pile polyester fleece and a full-length front zipper are go-to jackets for post-run cozy comfort. From the trails, to the coffee shop, to the pub; there’s no sacrificing function for fashion here. They’re like wearing the Cookie Monster if he were a jacket. And not blue. $129

GOODR SUNGLASSES Performance running sunglasses have long suffered from being expensive, over-engineered, and, more often than not, ugly. GOODR sunglasses are reasonably priced, simple, and look good. They are lightweight, slip- and bounce-proof, include polarized lenses, and will up your style game more than a velour jumpsuit. $25–$35

GARMIN 235 No two runners are alike, and neither are their goals. Download advanced workouts and training plans from GARMIN connect to your watch. A built-in accelerometer captures distance and pace data when you’re running on an indoor track or treadmill, with no need for a separate foot pod accessory. Once you’re done running, it doubles as an activity tracker, counting your steps and calories throughout the day. $250

Do you have questions about getting started or finding a plan to work for you? Stop in and talk to anyone on our staff. We’ll be happy to help!

BOCO LOGO HAT Did you know that wearing a hat can dramatically reduce the amount of body heat that leaves through your head? BOCO’s stylish and technical headwear helps you stay warm and be the best at your training with a personalized Fleet Feet Boca hat! $25

Rachel Randall is the go-to girl for all marketing, media, and events at Fleet Feet Sports. She has run more marathons that she can count, including the 2017 NYC marathon in November.





TREKZ AIR HEADPHONES Trekz Air Wireless Headphones by Aftershokz are the next generation of bone conduction technology is what’s inside the lightest and most organically designed open-ear headphones to date. Aftershokz cut the bulk and used titanium everywhere possible to ensure they fit more securely and sound better too. Trekz Air is inspired by the demands of elite and aspiring athletes motivated by their music and their world. $150

VISIBILITY ESSENTIALS Being safe and seen is of utmost importance when running in the dark. It isn’t a bad thing to be cautious when running after sunset, which makes you more aware of your surroundings. Visibility essentials are just that—essential. $10-$80

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Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD and PTSD 23


By Caroline Sposto Photo by Tindall Stephens. Shot at Sumits Yoga Memphis.

Grounded in Yoga

Regina Buckner as a Wife, Mother & Yogi Last August, the Memphis Grizzlies brought the Buckner family to Memphis when Regina’s husband, Gregory, became the new assistant coach for the team. Regina, and their four children, now call the Mid-South home. Basketball has always been at the heart of her and Gregory’s relationship. They started dating when he played for the Dallas Mavericks, and they’ve stayed together through his career. Radiant, youthful, and strikingly fit, Regina turned 38 this month. She’s a hands-on mother who even does her own housework alongside being involved in community outreach through Grizzlies-related initiatives. “I was never a dancer, cheerleader, or athlete,” she says, and her passion for fitness didn’t blossom until after her first two kids were born. At 27, she had two young children at home. The Buckners thought their family was complete. However, they received a “surprised” in the form of twins. Because this pregnancy was considered “high risk,” Regina sought out a personal trainer. “I trained for the entire nine months,” she says, and that the recovery from her cesarean was easier than she had imagined. “That was when I fell in love with fitness. There’s science behind the mental and emotional benefits of exercise, but I didn’t know that at the time.” Mental and emotional health are important because the Buckners have moved several times during Gregory’s career. When they moved to Minneapolis in 2007, Regina had to leave her personal trainer behind. “I ended up taking a lot of classes to push my body, and I fell in love with group fitness and the kinetic energy from it.” After a subsequent move back to Dallas, she found herself giving yoga a try. At first, she was hesitant because it’s not something she felt comfortable with in the past, but it was different this time. “That class rocked my world! I found myself on the mat that day! There were 30-40 women in the studio, but I felt I like I was there by myself.” Regina advises everyone who struggles with fitness to find an activity they love. “Yoga brings a whole new level of calm, peace, and patience to everything I do.” Her deep interest in the practice led her to become a certified instructor. “Certification is a big commitment,” she explains. “It takes 200 hours of study. I now have my 500-hour certification.” She feels a tremendous level of gratitude to her mentors and the people who supported her along the way. Her journey took on a new dimension during instructor training. That’s when she became committed to daily meditation. “I need to keep balance in my life to be the person I need to be for my family, my students, and myself.” When it comes to her students, her philosophy is emphatic. “Yoga should be what you make it. People should shop around and find the studio and instructor that best suits them and their lifestyle.”

“ I fell in love with group fitness and the kinetic energy from it.” 24

She hates to hear people say they’re shying away from yoga because they’re not flexible. “It’s a practice, not a perfect. Every human being is unique, and there’s no point in any of us comparing ourselves to others.” Now that her family has settled in, Regina is ready to start teaching yoga in Memphis. Check out Regina’s yoga practice and upcoming schedule, follow her on instagram @yogalovingjuicegirl

Happy Holidays!

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A division of Women’s Care Center of Memphis, MPLLC 25


By India Nikotich Photo by Tindall Stephens

Will Coleman at the Forefront of Fitness Will Coleman is a Georgia native, but Memphis became home when he was a center at the University of Memphis. He turned down a chance to play professional basketball in Europe to focus his passion in the city he loves. Will, age 30, now works as a development representative for the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC) whose sole mission is to raise funds and awareness for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He also runs his own boot camp class three times a week out of the gym at Colonial Park United Methodist Hospital and spends his weekends teaching spin at Germantown’s CycleBar. “If you can run, jump, skip or hop on it, I’m usually involved in it,” Will says. Will has been building up his own “one-stop shop” over the last year to provide affordable opportunities for Memphians to keep their nutrition in check and meet their fitness goals. It’s called Coleman and Company. “Being healthy and staying in shape has to be a priority because it is expensive,” he says. “It costs a dollar to buy a cheeseburger, but five times as much for a salad. The whole reason I started Coleman and Company was to keep it simple: two dumbbells and a yoga mat.” His vision is to expand to personal training, group fitness, nutrition education, kettlebell training, and TRX training. “I have goals, and I’m willing to do what I need to do to meet them,” Will says. “I started this fitness journey to help people. I want to get people from point A to point B with a little hard work. That varies through different methods fit for different people, and that’s the beauty of fitness: getting to see what works for you.”

The Workout

“ I have goals, and I’m willing to do what I need to do to meet them” 26

What works for Will is keeping up with his clients. “I can’t tell someone to do 10 pushups if I can’t do 10 myself. I feel like I need to double it, to be a leader, to put in more work than anyone else,” he says. Because he is teaching six days a week on top of his work at ALSAC, he consistently pulls 12- or 14-hour days. Interval training is what he loves, and he advocates it for everyone. “It’s ideal: flat surface, quick results, modifications if you need it.” “The human body is one of the few things you have 100% control over, with the proper discipline and determination,” he says. “The most important thing I like to preach is balance. Not everyone wants to have a raging six-pack and bulging biceps. Some just want overall health, and that’s okay.”

The Diet Will’s active lifestyle requires upwards of 4,500 calories a day, the majority of which come from lean proteins and vegetables. Typically, he eats two breakfasts, one with meat and one with eggs, and pasta for lunch. Snacks are bananas, protein bars, and LoveGrown cereal with low-fat milk. Dinner is chicken, steak, or maybe bison, with a side of beans and rice.


“My metabolism still moves at an alarming rate because I am young and so active. It’s a blessing to run around and eat how I want.” For the average Memphian, Will advocates sticking to the basics: water and rest. “A lot of people underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep and proper nutrition. Just get your proteins and your greens. Keep it real simple,” he says. “Only when you’re trying to gain muscle or lose weight is when you need to worry about weighing out your macros and all that fancy talk.”

Motivation His daughter Charli, age 7, is a huge source of motivation for him. Occasionally they share Chick-Fil-A or Jerry’s Sno Cones, but he says she’s “very conscious of what’s going on” when it comes to healthy eating. “She sees how much I work out, how much her stepfather loves CrossFit, and her mother working at Lululemon. She’s in soccer now and about to start basketball,” he says proudly. Will fully appreciates the Memphis community, always giving credit to the people who have supported him: Gibson’s Donuts who gave him his first job after college, his friends at diversiFIT, contacts at the hospital, and old coaches. “I am so grateful for Memphis. I’ve shown my loyalty to this city, and they’ve shown it back,” he says. “I’ve been here almost 10 years. I’m still trying to show my appreciation and give back the encouragement and positivity.”




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DANIELLE NICKUM Runner, 55, Lead Medical Technologist of the Immunology Lab at Methodist University Hospital, Coach for MRTC Kids, Volunteer for Med South Canines for Vets



I spent 24 years with Mr. Wrong, but now I am open to finding Mr. Right.

My father died at age 56 during his second coronary bypass, and my mother died of Alzheimer’s disease. I was her caregiver for 10 years so I know how tough the disease can be. I decided that I needed to increase my odds of a long, happy life. Anne Forbus encouraged me to start running to get healthier. That’s the best advice I have ever had. I encourage everyone to get out and run, walk, or bike. It’s never too late to start!

2 I started running at 53 with Women’s Run Walk Memphis, which is an excellent training program. I have gone from huffing and puffing after a few hundred yards to running several half marathons. My first marathon was in April at Derby Festival in Louisville. I was so proud to cross that finish line!

6 I was registered for the Panama City Marathon in December, but Hurricane Michael caused so much damage that it was canceled. Virginia Beach Marathon on St. Patrick’s Day will be my next full.

3 Hands down, the Bourbon Chase in Oct 2017 was my favorite event. We had a team of 12 fantastic women and 36 hours of relay running. It was so high energy!



I recently had the pleasure of dining at Mardi Gras Memphis on N. Watkins. They have the most amazing shrimp & grits, corn chowder, and margaritas. If you love Cajun food, this is the place to go!

I have made so many new friends through my running group, the Sassies, MRTC, Breakaway Running, and MRTC kids. Runners are the most caring and amazing people who truly love the sport and encourage everyone to have lots of fun and enjoy the run! Runners never leave a man down! There is always a runner’s hand reaching out to help another.


“Runners never leave a man down.” Interview by Hailey Thomas. Photo by Philip Murphy.


My passion is trying the new brews at Meddlesome Brewery in Cordova. They always have interesting beers, and the staff is awesome! Also, I love Memphis Tiger Football and tailgating! Go Tigers Go!

To nominate a Weekend Warrior, email us at

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BRYAN ROBERSON Ultrarunner, 29, Owner/Manager of Breakaway Running, Race Water Station Volunteer



My last race was a beer mile and I came in 2nd. Before that, I placed 2nd at the Sylamore 50k and 2nd and 3rd at the Full Moon 50k… Also 1st in another beer mile.

I have a goal to do some kind of running or hiking adventure on every continent. I have done a ton of stuff in North America, climbed Kilimanjaro last year, and will be going to South America in December. Four more left.

2 One of my favorite adventures was hiking the John Muir Trail with two friends. We went from Mt. Whitney to Yosemite, which was around 220 miles. It was the most beautiful trail I have been on.

7 My favorite restaurant in Memphis is Kwik Check on Madison Avenue. Everything is good, but my favorite is the Veggie Delight. I am pretty sure I have been ordering that same sandwich for 20 years.

3 I really love the simplicity of running. You get out of it what you put in. There are no shortcuts to improvement.

8 Most people assume I grew up running track and cross country. My main sports growing up were hockey and soccer. I played soccer in college. My first race was the New York City Marathon.

4 My family owns Breakaway Running so I am lucky to have a community around me that keeps me motivated. Most days, Breakaway has group runs. Fortunately, I have a group of friends that do not like to sit still.

9 “Every path is the right path. Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.” — Tennessee Williams



I had multiple heart surgeries when I was younger. Doctors told my parents that I would probably not be able to be very active. They never tried to limit anything I did and encouraged me to play sports.

“I really love the simplicity of running. You get out of it what you put in.” Interview by Hailey Thomas. Photo by Philip Murphy.

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‘TIS THE SEASON TO EAT 10 TIPS to enjoy holiday treats while avoiding the weight gain Feeling and looking your best during the holiday season is about finding the right balance between resisting every dessert and eating all the delicious things in sight. Here are some steps to help you find that balance this holiday season:


1 2 3 4

Losing weight requires eating fewer calories than what you burn, which can be difficult with so many highcalorie goodies around. Rather than getting frustrated that you’re not losing weight, shift your focus to maintaining weight by eating approximately the same amount of calories that you’re burning each day.

DECIDE IF IT’S WORTH IT It’s tough to be constantly surrounded by homemade cookies and treats at the office. Only indulge in those foods you really want. If it’s not a favorite, skip it!



If you’re offered a treat that you don’t deem “worth it,” have a go-to line for how to politely decline food to anyone putting pressure on you. No need to justify your actions. Just smile and say “No thank you, I’m not hungry right now,” and then redirect the conversation.

Set some rules for yourself before you go to a social event. Limit your alcoholic beverages or commit to eating a full serving of vegetables before having dessert. Whatever your rule, stick to it. Ask a spouse, cousin, or friend to help keep you accountable if needed.

DON’T LEAVE THE HOUSE HUNGRY If you arrive at a dinner or party starving, it’s harder to make smart decisions. Drink lots of water and have a snack before you go so you can eat mindfully once you arrive.






Whether you’re at a buffet-style party or plated dinner, load up your plate with protein (turkey, chicken, fish) and vegetables first. Fill up on healthier options before going back for more calorie-dense sides or desserts.



6 32

Do your best to eat slowly. Have a conversation someone you haven’t seen in a while, or challenge yourself to put down your fork between bites. Load up your plate and then sit down to eat rather than standing near the food and grazing.


While there are no “bad” foods that you should avoid entirely, stay clear of foods that trigger you. If having a bite of your favorite chocolate cake will inevitably lead to eating multiple pieces, go for another dessert instead.

STAY MOVING The holidays are busy, and it’s easy to skip exercise. Even if you can’t make it to the gym, try to stay active by going on a walk or spending time doing yoga or stretching at home.

MOVE ON Overindulging is sometimes inevitable. Don’t punish yourself with extra exercise or eat less the next day. Just brush it off and make the next day better!

Kate Lyman, MPH, CHES is owner and head coach of an online nutrition coaching business. She and her team at KLN believe in ditching restrictive diet rules and building flexible eating habits that allow you to eat the foods you enjoy while still working towards your aesthetic, performance, and health-related goals. She provides individualize and group nutrition coaching and also instructs corporate nutrition seminars. Get in touch at or on follow along at @klnutrition.

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MAPLE ROASTED SQUASH SALAD This warm roasted squash salad is a great side dish to bring to a party or family dinner. It’s easy to prepare, full of nutrients, and packed with flavor.



q 6 cups mixed greens

1. Preheat oven to 375F. Cut butternut squash into 1-inch cubes and toss in a bowl with maple syrup, salt, and pepper.

q 4 cups butternut squash

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Makes 6 servings

2. Spray a baking tray with olive oil. Roast squash for 30 minutes until soft and caramelized on the bottom.


q O live oil spray

3. Add greens, pomegranate seeds, and feta to a large bowl. Top with warm butternut squash and serve immediately.

• 4g Protein

q 2 Tbsps Pure maple syrup

For a dairy-free option, substitute walnuts or pecans for feta cheese.

• 19g Carbohydrates

q ½ cup pomegranate seeds q ½ cup feta cheese

• 120 calories • 3g Fat

q S alt and pepper


Kate Lyman, MPH, CHES is owner and head coach of an online nutrition coaching business. She and her team at KLN believe in ditching restrictive diet rules and building flexible eating habits that allow you to eat the foods you enjoy while still working towards your aesthetic, performance, and health-related goals. She provides individualize and group nutrition coaching and also instructs corporate nutrition seminars. Get in touch at or on follow along at @klnutrition.

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Eating Your Emotions Emotional eating is a behavior we’re taught to avoid or extinguish, but I’d argue that it’s actually a normal part of life. At times, food can be a celebration, a comfort, a way to unwind—not just a means to satisfy hunger. It isn’t until eating (or not eating) becomes the primary way of coping with stress or managing feelings that it truly becomes a problem.

Tank A or Tank B? Sometimes, people aren’t even aware of the ways they are using food to cope with emotions and stressors. Consider the following metaphor: Imagine you have two tanks, Tank A holding food and physical nourishment and Tank B holding emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. These two tanks are completely separate from one another, and one tank cannot help to empty or fill the other. Still, our brains can begin to have trouble differentiating between Tank A and B, potentially leading to: • Increased urges to eat when not physically hungry in order to self-soothe or cope • Eating past a point of physical fullness to numb emotion • Poor appetite, lack of interest in food, or unwillingness to eat when feeling so full of emotion or stress

By Blair Mize, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN

What type of hunger am I experiencing?

Leaning into Emotional Hunger & Fullness

In order to begin distinguishing between the two tanks again, try asking: “Am I experiencing physical or emotional hunger?”

If hunger or fullness signals are coming from Tank B, get curious about what’s happening. “What am I feeling? Am I lonely, tired, angry, excited, happy, bored, embarrassed, stressed, _________?” After naming the emotion, ask yourself, “What do I need?” and find emotional nourishment or a way to empty Tank B through self-care, support, distraction, or dealing directly with the emotion.

Pinpointing Physical Hunger & Fullness To help with identifying physical hunger, consider gauging hunger or fullness on a 1-10 scale (1 = ravenous and 10 = painfully full). Notice where in your body you feel hunger or fullness. • A t a 4 or below? Think about what tastes, textures, and temperatures sound good. Respond to the hunger cue by eating, staying present throughout the experience, and stopping at a point of fullness (around a 6 or 7 most of the time). • I f you’re at a 5 or above prior to eating, Tank B may be playing a role…

When Tank B is still driving the bus… • Perhaps you still decide to eat in the absence of physical hunger or past the point of satisfaction. A helpful compromise can be committing to slow down, stay present, and consider “Is the food helping? How will I feel after eating this? How does the food taste?” Remain curious about your experience. • Are you someone who loses your appetite in emotional or stressful times? When Tank B feels like it’s overflowing into Tank A, try sticking to a schedule with eating and planning meals and snacks you’ll be able to tolerate throughout the day. French writer and philosopher Voltaire once said, “Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.” Food is meant to be more than fuel alone; It is meant to be savored and enjoyed! If all of your enjoyment is coming from food and you’re struggling to find fulfillment in other ways, or if nothing sounds good to eat because you’re too full of feelings, consider reaching out to Memphis Nutrition Group and a therapist or counselor who is trained to help with the untangling of Tank A and Tank B.


Blair Mize, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN is co-owner of Memphis Nutrition Group, a nutrition & lifestyle counseling practice operated by registered & licensed dietitians/nutritionists. Memphis Nutrition Group believes in a non-diet approach that promotes overall health and optimal performance without compromising the enjoyment of food. For more information call Memphis Nutrition Group at 901.343.6146 or visit

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Persimmon Blood Orange


By Andrea LeTard

A unique twist on the traditional mimosa, this cocktail screams holiday. It’s light and fruity and won’t feel heavy when enjoying an abundance of food. The persimmon cardamom simple syrup gives the drink a warm, cozy winter spice aroma and a little effervescence to your celebration. Make it in individual servings or as a punch.

MIMOSA, 1 serving q 2 oz persimmon simple syrup q 1 1/2 oz freshly squeezed blood orange juice (about 1/2 of a blood orange) q C hampagne or sparkling wine q P omegranate seeds - optional To a champagne flute or coupe, add the simple syrup and the blood orange juice. Top with champagne or sparkling wine. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

PERSIMMON SIMPLE SYRUP q 2 ripe persimmons - chopped q 1 /2 tsp cardamom q 3 /4 cup granulated sugar q 1 cup water In a medium saucepan, bring the persimmon, cardamom, sugar, and water to a boil. Let steep for 10 minutes. Transfer liquid to a food processor and combine until smooth. Strain the mixture into a container with a lid and discard persimmon chunks. Simple syrup will keep in the fridge for up to 1.5 weeks.


Andrea LeTard is the creator and author of Andrea’s Cooktales, an heirloom cookbook being released Spring 2018. She is also a personal chef, small party caterer, and cooking instructor. Andrea has been featured on Cooking Channel, Today Show, and Local Memphis Live. She was chosen as a Top 100 Contestant on MasterChef Season 6. Her recipes are “next-generation southern”—fun and fundamentally southern with a modern twist. Follow Andrea on Facebook, Instagram (@andreas_cooktales), and her video blog series at


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DECEMBER EVENTS 12/1/18 St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend Memphis, TN

12/8/18 Run Run Rudolph 5k

12/29/18 BuffaGlo 5K

For races details go to

1/5/19 Hill and Dale 8 Miler

Memphis, TN Bartlett, TN

1/6/19 Memphis Winter Off-Road Series – 3k

Millington, TN Memphis, TN

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November 17 | 9am

1 9 9 5 M A D I S O N AV E # 1 0 2 SHAPOWLABS.COM

$450 cash prizes & awards, chip timing, tech long sleeve tee, Firehouse Chili, music by Bethany & Kevin Paige


TENNESSEERUNS.COM | SHELBY FARMS KIDS DASH 8:45AM | 5K 9AM | NOV. 22, 2018 cinnamon roll at the finish and long sleeve tee

37th Annual Memphis in May Triathlon MAY 18 & 19, 2019 | REGISTRATION OPENS DECEMBER 1, 2018




SHELBY FARMS PARK 10 MILER AND BUFFALO 5K Benefiting Shelby Farms Park










1. Robin Beavers

7. Eric Jenson and Shannon Jenson

2. Mike Spradlin

8. Brooke Sain

3. Jill Fuhrman

9. Noel Alsbrook

4. Anna Bernardini

10. Jane Cox (80 years old)

5. Tonya Sherrod, Brad Sherrod, and Anthony Brown

11. Sam Wrigley

6. Jackson Beall and Susan Beall




Photos taken by: JEN RUSSELL

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Dr. Jeremy Jessop DC

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Deck the Halls with Bow (Wows) of Holly 2265 Central Ave 901.276.3210 “Where Dogs Learn to Play and Play to Learn” 43



SUGAR RUN 5K Benefiting Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation










1. Adam Higham

7. Melissa Flaskamp, Jeff Garland

2. Matt Weickert, Emma Neigel

8. Carolyn Spencer, Natasha Kennedy

3. Patrick and Kerry Williams

9. Yanawn Johnson, Stacey Greene

4. Bernice Humphrey

10. Andrew Wade

5. Megan Ryan, Martina Sala, James Montgomery

11. Laurie McClain, Rebecca Kerman

6. Kelcey Bolton, Amanda Ribley




Photos taken by: CHRIS HOPE

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Regional One Health East Campus 6555 Quince Road | Memphis, TN 38119

Located at the Kirby Exit of 385

Injuries don’t clock out at 5 p.m. Just because you’re injured outside normal office hours doesn’t mean you have to make a trip to the ER. The specialists at Campbell Clinic are available to treat your breaks and sprains on evenings and weekends. Mon – Thurs, 5-8pm | Sat, 8-11am | 1400 S. Germantown Rd. | Germantown Mon – Thurs, 5-8pm | 7545 Airways Blvd. | Southaven

©2016 Campbell Clinic P.C. All rights reserved. Campbell Clinic is a registered trademark of Campbell Clinic P.C.

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