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Bonnie Voldeng’s Electrifying Transformation
In just 11 months, Bonnie Voldeng, 45, got the kind of results people dream of. She dropped her body fat by 35% and reduced her visceral fat by more than 45%. Even her doctors were impressed.
How did she do it? Her answer may be simple, but the science behind it is complex.
Manduu is a way of working out that uses electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). Participants wear a bodysuit fitted with carbon fiber electrodes that generate an electrical pulse that penetrates deep into muscles as they complete a series of simple exercises. The electric pulse activates almost 100% of the muscle versus around 60% when relying on impulses from the brain.
It is often compared to the electrical stimulation (e-stim) a physical therapist might use to engage and repair muscles while improving circulation.
Bonnie’s busy schedule and the need for more exercise led her to try Manduu, but it’s the data, the changes in her body, and the positive reinforcement from her doctors that keep her coming for more.
Why Manduu?
When I started in December 2019, I basically had not been exercising to the level that I needed. It came down to, “Do I get a trainer who will hold me accountable? Or should I try Manduu?” I did the math of the costs, and it was more economical and efficient for me to do Manduu.
How often?
I try to go three times a week. Back when I traveled extensively last winter, it made it a little challenging to hit that goal. When businesses shut down during Shelby County’s mandatory stayat-home order, I wasn’t able to go then. Since they reopened in May, I go as often as I can and mostly hit that three times per week goal.
Did you have any doubts?
I figured I’d get some exercise and spend a short amount of time doing it. I read a lot of articles about what EMS does for your body. I knew they used equipment similar to the type used in physical therapy, so I felt it would work based on my own personal research.
How was your first session?
My first session was the weekend after Thanksgiving when I consumed way too much food. It was a little shocking to do the InBody™ composition scan and see my weight and body fat percentage. After working out only 15 minutes, I was amazed at how physically exhausted I was and how much I needed water. I could feel the effects instantly.
What kind of results have you seen since you started?
I’ve lost 10% of my actual weight and reduced my body fat by 35% (or 20 pounds). Weight and BMI can only tell you so much, but you gain much more information when you see the full picture including body fat percentage and skeletal muscle. The InBody™ scan also measures visceral fat, and I’ve reduced that by more than 45%.
What other wins have you had since starting Manduu?
A personal goal that I had going into this was to build muscle. Based on my physical composition and family history, I am highly prone to osteoporosis. Not only have I been able to build my skeletal muscle, but I actually have muscles now. I’m about the same size I was when I was in my early 20s, but I look different in that I actually have muscle and definition. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life.
What do you do in addition to Manduu in order to maximize your results?
I started walking more and changed some of my eating habits. Manduu is a piece of the puzzle. One of the trainers tells me all the time, “Bonnie, you’ve got to eat more food. You have to consume more protein.” I had to change my mindset to not focus on my weight, and focus on all the pieces that the InBody™ technology gives me and create goals from that.
Advice for those hearing about Manduu for the first time?
It is different, so it’s important to share what the process is like. The fact that you have to get squirted down with water so the electricity can actually stimulate the muscles sounds scary, but it’s not. The trainers have degrees in exercise science, kinesiology, or even nursing and they are doing something they went to college to do. That also provides a level of comfort. I’m a little bit of a germaphobe, so I love that they have air purifiers and sanitizers in their studios. I was probably one of the first people to come back when they reopened after the mandatory shutdowns, but I never felt uncomfortable because I knew all of the sanitization steps that they took even prior to COVID-19.
How does Manduu affect the rest of your life?
I feel stronger and healthier. When I got my annual physicals, my doctors complimented me on my weight loss. I typically hear that I’ve gained a few pounds, but I went in the opposite direction this year. My doctors were proud and excited to see this reversal in my weight. Physical activity is just so important to your overall health. I feel better, and when I feel better, my confidence is better and I feel happier in general. It’s a big circle.
By Kelsey J. Lawrence Photo by Tindall Stephens