DEBUNKING FAD DIETS Consumers are spending upwards of 70 billion dollars on nutrition and physical activity-related products and devices, but do diets even work? The short answer: NO. Certain ones seem to “work” in the beginning because they offer quick results typically in the form of weight loss; however, diets tend to be unsustainable and can have negative long-term effects that outweigh any short-term “success.”
Breaking down the most popular diets anticipated in 2022…
• Weight/fat loss without food restriction
• Q uick weight loss
• I mproved insulin sensitivity, glucose homeostasis, brain functioning, blood pressure/triglyceride/cholesterol levels
• C ure digestive issues
• Reduced inflammation
• R id the body of so-called “toxins”
• I mprove energy and concentration
• Energy boosts • Greater longevity
THE RISKS • Decreased muscle mass • Poor muscle recovery, especially if your training schedule doesn’t align with your fueling window • Low energy levels • Increased hunger • Digestive issues • A potential trigger for disordered eating • Nutrient deficiencies leading to long-term health implications
• G I distress including cramping, bloating, and nausea. • E liminating protein, fiber, and fat diminishes satiety and may affect blood sugar levels. • F ruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals; however, juicing eliminates important nutrients such as fiber. • T he lack of nutritional balance can lead to many side effects including decreased energy, muscle mass, and immune system functioning. • I ncreased likelihood of binge eating
• Weight regain and weight cycling
• Slowed metabolism
• T he diet industry is a marketing powerhouse working to convince you that something is wrong with your body so you’ll buy their products.
• Missing out on social events that include food because the timing doesn’t fall within your eating window
THE SCIENCE • I ntermittent Fasting feels like freedom because it allows you to include all food groups, but consider the sustainability of working against your body’s innate cues along with the costs listed above. • Remember: Intermittent fasting happens naturally while you sleep. • M any of the health claims about Intermittent Fasting are based on animal studies, and the limited number of human studies show mixed results. More extensive research on humans is needed. 36
• Y our kidneys and your liver detox your body each day, for free! Research does not support the use of detox or cleanses. • E xpect to regain any lost weight quickly after discontinuing the juice cleanse.