
At Re gi onal One He al th , we ’re el ev at ing canc er c are throug h experti se a nd inn ov ati on . O ur ded icat ed te am p rovides comp re hensiv e treat men t op ti on s th a t en s ure op t imal o utc om es an d enhance d wellb ei ng, s o you c a n ge t bac k to the li fe y ou l ov e. Mid -Sout h p atient s h ave a ne w par tne r i n exc ep tional canc er care. Mid -Sout h p atient s h ave a ne w par tne r i n exc ep tional canc er care. M id- So ut h patient s have partne r n ex ce ptional c anc car e.

Enhance your recovery before, during, and after the St. Jude IRONMAN 70.3 Memphis with the specialists from Accel Performance and Wellness and Campbell Clinic. THE RECOVERIRONMANULTIMATETEAM-UPWITHTHEBESTTOPERFORMATYOURBEST. IRONMAN events can be especially hard on your body. That’s why the region’s best orthopaedic specialists and the Mid-South’s best performance coaches have teamed up to give you exclusive 3-day access to recovery facilities designed for elite athletes. This deal is only offered to St. Jude IRONMAN 70.3 Memphis participants and allows you to take advantage of: Scan this QR code with your phone’s camera to take advantage of this deal. • Hot/Cold tubs • Manual massage therapy – via Hypervolt • Cryotherapy • NormaTec recovery boots ENJOY A 3-DAY PERFORMANCE RECOVERY PACKAGE FOR ONLY $99!

42 ON THE COVER 70 Stephanie Beliles, Triathlete 28 “Best Of ” Readers’ Poll LIVING WELL 14 Unveiling Veneers 16 Turning Down the Heat While Keeping the Spark 18 Preventive Scans to Protect Your Health BEAUTY 20 Youthful Skin At Any Age 22 Non-Invasive Skin Toning 24 Rock Your Skin 26 The New FDA Approved Weight Loss Drug that Works MEMPHIS FIT 38 Born to Run 40 Ken Strong: Living Up to the Name 42 Dr. Sharwil Bell: Hold the Ropes, This is Bouldering H+F SEPT 2220 Publisher Amy Goode amygfitness@comcast.net901.218.4993 CONSULTANTS Advertising & Marketing Amy Goode Editor901.218.4993inChief Angelique Nihen Contributing Writers Lucy AlexandraKelseyModzelewskiLawrenceMcCrayShlomitOvadiaColleenMay Graphic Design Brian Williams Digital Designer Jeremy Crooks Social Media Editor Lucy Modzelewski Photographers TindallDanielSamStephensSikesScruggs 648 Riverside #421 • Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Send articles and photos amy@memphishealthandfitness.comto H+F reserves the right to edit all materials for clarity, space availability and suitability for publication. First copy free, additional copies $1. Mailed subscriptions: $25 per year. Back issues, $5. Memphis Health + Fitness Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial content, nor does Publisher assume any responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. Readers are encouraged to notify Publisher when they suspect false advertising. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2022. 26 Years and Running Strong Read us online Memphishealthandfitness.comat 44 Age with Strength, A Mindful Approach to Fitness 46 Rocking Recovery with Liz Amick 48 Setting the Pace with Vic 50 Alexandria Overton, 4-Time Bikini Competitor 52 Darla’s Determination FOOD+ NUTRITION 56 Glow from the Within 58 Tortellini Summer Salad 60 Mini Roasted Eggplants 62 Super Food Salad 64 Food First, Supplement Second COACH’S CORNER 68 Want to Go Long? Better Carb it Up! IN EVERY ISSUE 6 Fit News 72 Weekend Warrior: Thomas Jackson, Cycling and Weight Lifting 74 Trainer Spotlight: Nancy Robertson 2

Kelly Metaxas
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Sherri Schmid

Angelique Nihen | Editor
Kelsey Lawrence | Contributing Writer
Lucy Modzelewski | Contributing Writer
Shlomit is a freelance writer and editor, having studied English Literature extensively in university. Her original work has appeared in literary journals such as Prometheus Dreaming and the Op-ed section of Israel National News, in addition to an array of published ghost writing projects and press releases. Shlomit resides in Denver, Colorado, where she enjoys living an active lifestyle that includes equestrian sports and recreational running.
Amy is passionate about growing the health and fitness community, as she’s done for the last 26 years. Along with triathlons, cycling tours, and road/trail races, she’s marked off several bucket list marathons in Chicago and New York City. When not working out, she is always looking for the best cheat meal. 1
1 Amy Goode | Publisher
Jeremy is a South Carolinian turned native Memphian with almost 15 years of digital and print design experience. As a passionate endurance athlete, he loves participating in marathons, triathlons, and even a good hike with his wife and two pups, Brooklyn and Chloe. 6
Angelique is an editor, writer, graphic designer, and advertising/marketing professional. A long-time SAG-AFTRA member, she also works and performs professionally as an actress, singer, and dancer. A Temple University graduate, she enjoys swimming, biking, painting, sewing, reading, and traveling. 3
Sam Sikes | Photographer
Tindall Stephens |
Morgan is a freelance writer, yoga teacher, and marketing professional. She is from the sweetest place on earth, Hershey, PA but now calls Memphis home. She enjoys reading, spending time outside with her fiancé and their dog Ronan, and baking.
An award-winning journalist with a love for outdoor adventure, Kelsey is a Memphisbased freelance writer who enjoys telling stories that inspire others to get outside and explore beyond their comfort zones. She enjoys camping, hiking, yoga and winter waterskiing. She did grow up in North Dakota, after all. 9
Shlomit Ovadia | Contributing Writer
Jeremy Crooks | Digital Designer
Lucy is a branding and marketing professional and native Memphian. An avid runner, she enjoys running on the Green Line with her husband and participating in races throughout the year.
2 48 976 3 5 4
Tindall has been shooting for over 20 years, specializing in weddings and portraiture. She is a super busy mom of three teenagers,wife of a Memphis firefighter/Paramedic, and entertainer of two boston terriers …among running a full time photography business. 2
Morgan Stritzinger | Contributing Writer
Sam is a professional photographer in the greater Memphis area. He and his team specialize in wedding photography and videography, along with portraiture. You can find his website at When Sam is not working you will either find him in the gym or playing spikeball at Shelby Farms!


Girls on the Run (GOTR) Memphis is currently recruiting program participants for the Fall 2022 season. Girls on the Run is an international nonprofit organization that offers programming that strengthens third- to eighth-grade girls’ social, emotional, physical, and behavioral skills. Led by volunteer coaches who are mentors committed to the holistic development of young girls, the program inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experienced-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Photo by Stephanie Ramirez, Sprinkle Creative 6
Girls On The Run Memphis Fall Recruitment Underway
Since its inception in Memphis, the organization has served over 750 girls at approximately 15 program sites-including local parks, community centers, and public, private and charter schools. Each season the program culminates in a celebratory 5K, which will be held on November 13 at the Overton Park Shell. The race gives the girls a tangible sense of accomplishment. About Girls on the Run Girls on the Run Memphis is a subsidiary of the national nonprofit Girls on the Run International, a physical, activity-based, positive youth development program for 3rd-8th grade girls. Participants develop and improve competence, feel confident in who they are, develop strength of character, respond to others and themselves with care, create positive connections with peers and adults, and make a meaningful contribution to the community and society. Each session is led by trained volunteer coaches that guide and mentor the girls. The ten-week program concludes with all participants completing a celebratory 5k event, giving them a tangible sense of achievement and a framework for setting and achieving life goals. Girls on the Run has served over two million girls since its inception in 1996.
Girls on the Run will bring its social and emotional programming to girls ages 8-13 in the Mid-South, twice a week for ten weeks, from September 6 - November 7. Online Registration is now open for program participants through September 5 at
Together with their coaches, girls explore topics and participate in activities that empower them to understand and value their physical and mental health. Girls on the Run targets the development of the WHOLE girl through mind, body, and spirit. The cost for the entire season is $150 per student. That fee includes a t-shirt, water bottle, cinch sack, and the 5K entry. Financial assistance is available to all girls, and no girl will be turned away for an inability to pay the total amount.
“At Girls on the Run, we envision a world where every girl recognizes her inner power, embraces her individuality, and activates her limitless potential,” said Lipman. “Access and inclusion are our priority, and we don’t want to miss out on any opportunity to change someone’s life.”

The Shops of Chickasaw Oaks 3086 Poplar Avenue 901.433.9024 | Weight Loss Looks Different Here! Comprehensive Weight Loss for Body and Mind with a Medical Approach Individualized plans to fit your needs • Now Offering Semiglutide (Wegovy, Ozempic) injections • Ideal Protein is a Doctor Designed, Individual One-on-One Coaching plan using Ketogenic Weight Loss protocol • Rx Phentermine, Qsymia, Adipex-P, Lomaira • IV mineral and Vitamin Therapies to Help Burn Fat and Improve Overall Wellness Get Your Body To the Next Level! PHYSIQ is the latest technology in Body Contouring and Muscle Toning. This pain-free, no downtime body treatment uses four applicators to target stubborn fat where exercise and diet may not be enough. Renee Pinlac, M.S.N./F.N.P With over 25 years of weight loss coaching experience before after

Dance for Parkinson’s is crucial to those who need it. And it’s not slowing down anytime soon. In July, the program was one of two organizations in Memphis to be awarded a Community Grant for $12,000 from the Parkinson’s Foundation. This funding will help expand the program, even further enriching the lives of those with Parkinson’s Disease. For more information, call 901.737.7322 or visit Lucy Modzelewski
Enter Julie Niekrasz, 39, and Kristen Lucas, 38, trained dancers passionate about serving their community through dance. Julie is a classically trained dancer who retired from professional dance in 2018 and now serves as Ballet Memphis’ rehearsal director. Kristen is a modern dancer and professor at the University of Memphis. They both trained in New York City, where a fellow dancer introduced them. They reunited in Memphis to create Dance for Parkinson’s at Ballet Memphis, the only program of its kind in the area. Held every Friday at 10:00 a.m. at Ballet Memphis’ midtown location, the class offers Parkinson’s disease fighters and their caretakers an opportunity to connect with their bodies and community through Watchingdance.Julie and Kristen in action, you can see they’re passionate about what they do, working together seamlessly to bring joy to the dancers. “For this hour, we don't focus on the disease - we focus on laughter and dance,” Kristen says. “We don’t take ourselves too seriously because this is a chance to think and feel light for a There’smoment.”aclearweight off the class’s collective shoulders as Julie and Kristen guide them through dances stimulating the brain and body. However, seeing the laughter and smiles on everyone’s faces makes it clear that physical stimulation isn’t the only benefit of this program. Despite some of the dancers being newcomers and some having been around since the program’s inception, the entire group has a clear sense of “Parkinson’scamaraderie.can be such an isolating disease,” Julie remarks. “I think that’s why the sense of community is so important, and that’s what’s so special about this class.”
Dance for Parkinson’s was one of the first adult programs to come back post-COVID because the participants demanded it. They needed not only the movement but the social time and connection. This community is so strong that it even led to the creation of a new nonprofit: 901 Parkinson’s Fighters. Its mission is to connect people with Parkinson’s in the Memphis community and to empower them to live active lives through educational programs and activities that are essential for their quality of life.
With a disease like Parkinson’s, finding joy through motion can sometimes feel impossible. It can also be an incredibly lonely disease. Experts in the field recognize the stigma around Parkinson’s, noting that specific symptoms like tremors and difficulty walking can make going out and socializing more difficult.
Imagine suffering from tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, and eventually struggling with walking and talking - all because of a brain disorder entirely out of your control. Unfortunately, this is the reality for more than 10 million people worldwide who have Parkinson’s disease.
Dancing for Parkinson’s

Leighton has been volunteering for the St. Jude Walk/Run since 2019 and is thrilled that this year’s event will finally be back in person.
“There’s nothing like experiencing the St. Jude magic in person, especially here in Memphis where people feel connected with the mission,” she says. Their goal is 2,500 in-person participants for the Memphis event.
Leighton also loves how accessible and familyoriented this event is. You don’t have to be a serious athlete or a frequent runner to participate - whether you prefer to sprint or take a leisurely stroll, you’ll be in good company at the St. Jude Walk/Run. Plus, it’s fun for the whole family - even your furry friends. That’s right - this year, leashed dogs are welcome at the event since it’s at Shelby Farms! Walkers, runners, and everything in between can also enjoy a family fun center with games, art projects, music, and event experiences inspired by the hospital. You’ll even have the opportunity to hear from a St. Jude patient family speaker and hear firsthand what your support means to families like theirs.
By Lucy Modzelewski
St. MemphisWalk/Run
To register, scan the QR code or visit
Saturday, September 24th Shelby Farms Park 10
Celebrate Childhood Cancer Awareness Month at the St. Jude Walk/Run
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, an annual national health campaign organized by childhood cancer organizations to increase awareness of pediatric cancer and to raise funds for research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure. You can help support the cause this year by signing up for the St. Jude Walk/Run in Memphis on Saturday, September 24, at Shelby Farms Park. The St. Jude Walk/Run is an excellent opportunity to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. Many Memphians would agree that St. Jude is one of the crowning jewels of our city. Their dedication to finding a cure for childhood cancer and other lifethreatening diseases is invaluable to kids here in Memphis, as well as 400,000 children around the world each year. For St. Jude supporters who enjoy staying active or are looking for an excuse to enjoy some fresh air and family fun, the St. Jude Walk/Run is the perfect event for you. And you can register today at zero cost! We sat down with the Development Chair of the St. Jude Walk/Run volunteer committee, Leighton Wright, to get the scoop on the event and learn more about what in-person participants can expect.

Have you celebrated your 45th birthday? If so, it’s time for yourcolonoscopy!screening Baptist Medical Group-GI Specialists Foundation Edward S. Friedman, MD • Paul S. Bierman, MD • Rande D. Smith, MD Kenneth I. Fields, MD • Gaurav Kistangari, MD The most effective way to prevent and detect colon cancer is a colonoscopy. Our highly skilled medical professionals at GI Specialists are experts in helping prevent, diagnose and treat everything from heartburn, food allergies and hemorrhoids, to colon and pancreatic cancers. Please contact us to schedule today! memphisgastrodocs.com901-761-3900

Dash & Flash 5k and Boulder Competition
The second annual Dash and Flash endurance event kicks off on September 10 at 9 a.m. at Highpoint Climbing and Fitness. The event starts with a 5k race on the Wolf River Trails, followed by an endurance boulder competition. The 5k race time and boulder climbing competition time will be combined to determine overall winners. The event has beginner, intermediate, and advanced categories for males and females. Registration is $30 and includes a custom event tank top. In addition, there will be a live band and DJ, food, drinks, prizes, and an after-party! To learn more about the event, our run club, The Trail Trippers, at High Point every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m.
Photos by Keith Gressel
SEE MORE LIVE BETTER Why do so many active Memphians choose Eye Specialty Group for their Advanced LASIK treatments? WITH ADVANCED LASIK The surgeons at Eye Specialty Group understand the importance of High Performance Vision, and they offer the experience and technology to help you achieve the crisp, clear vision you want. Whether you’re a pro athlete or a weekend warrior, Advanced LASIK can have a profound impact on all aspects of life. So take the first step: Call 901.443.3600 or visit to book your consultation now. Official Partner of the Memphis Tigers READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER 12


How do I care for my veneers?
If veneers are not right for you, or another treatment would be better, we will advise accordingly. At times, we may suggest Invisalign and cosmetic whitening to reach a patient’s smile goals. On the other hand, if a patient’s teeth are small or misshapen, whitening and Invisalign may not be sufficient for the result they are hoping to achieve.
What conditions would make someone not a good candidate for veneers?
Unveiling Veneers
What can damage veneers?
Pre-existing fillings, decay, or damage to the teeth could indicate the need for full crowns in the future. Other signs we look for are periodontal disease, unhealthy gums, or a compromised foundation. If present, we would not recommend veneers.
DDS 14
During the consultation process, our team will discuss your goals and expectations, assess your current smile, and create a treatment plan.
Do veneers discolor or stain like natural teeth? No, they do not stain like teeth do. Of course, regular at-home care like brushing and flossing is still important, but you can drink your coffee without worrying about staining.
Dr. Wade Clayton and Dr. Dana Henry from Bellano Dental practice at two of their multiple area locations in Germantown, East Memphis, and Bartlett. Visit to request an appointment. As we head back to school and say goodbye to summer, it’s a great time to tune up your smile! For some patients, veneers are a perfect option. before after Wade Clayton,
We start with a digital scan of your teeth to send to the lab. This will create a simulation of what your new smile could look like, and we will create a model so you can see the smile in 3D. Patient feedback helps us make any needed
What is the process of getting veneers?
Insurance typically does not contribute to the cost of veneers, as it is deemed a cosmetic procedure. However, the Bellano Savings Plan does include a discount on elective procedures such as veneers and can be a great option. To learn more, visit
Next,adjustments.wereduce or “prep” the front of the tooth. This etching process creates a surface for the bonding agent and is a permanent procedure. After this point, you’re committed to finishing the Onceprocess.the tooth is prepped, we apply a composite resin bonding agent and the veneer.
How do I know if veneers are right for me?
What are veneers, and what are veneers made of?
Any trauma that would have broken a natural tooth will likely damage your veneer. If one does break, the lab can usually match the new veneer to the surrounding teeth. Decay around the veneer can also cause it to fail, which is further reason to continue your regularly scheduled hygiene appointments. Does insurance cover veneers?
Normal brushing and flossing still apply even when you have veneers. Regular at-home care and dental cleaning appointments are usually enough to keep them looking great, and if applied correctly, you shouldn’t get decay under the veneer.
Veneers are a thin, porcelain shell that covers the front surface of a tooth (or teeth) to improve its appearance.
Patients with significant stains on their teeth (or spaces between) may consider veneers to improve their smile. We see some patients who had orthodontic work earlier, but the spaces returned. Veneers provide a permanent solution with the added benefit of stain resistance.

CEL E BRA T IN G H EA LTH Y AGI NG & LO NG EVITY WIT H OUR 36 0° S ERV IC ES 901-752-400 0 mmc wh360. com 7205 Wolf River Blvd #150 & #155 Germantown, TN 38138 — Bio-Identical Hormone Therapies, Pellets, Injections — Body Contouring with Emsculpt NEO and Emtone — Integrative & Aesthetic Gynecology — Sexual Wellness Solutions (w kly injection) — Hair Restoration: PR P, PRF, & Laser — IV Cocktails — Medical grade su pp lement bar — Premium skincare products — And so much more! READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

Lifestyle modifications can decrease hot flash symptoms. Try reducing stress and anxiety by using relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and practicing paced respiration - a form of deep breathing as well as exercise for general health benefits.
Mary N. McDonald, MD FACOG is co-founder of McDonald Murrmann Center for Wellness and Health. For appointments, call 901.752.4000 or visit for more information.
There are also non-hormonal vaginal treatments to help regain vaginal moisture. My partners, Dr. Heather Donato and Dr. Susan Murrmann, and I at McDonald Murrmann Center for Wellness & Health, offer ThermiVa - a quick, non-invasive treatment to the vaginal area that stimulates and regenerates collagen, promoting moisture, lessening mild incontinence, and improving sexual sensation. No downtime - just three in-office treatments, and results can last up to a year! We also offer V-fit for purchase, an at-home device that uses a patented combination of a red LED light, gentle heat, and sonic technology to promote natural moisture, improved sensation, pleasure, and intimacy.
A direct consequence of low estrogen is vaginal thinning, which can cause dryness, itching, discharge, and painful intercourse.
Midlife transition is the time to be your best self and enjoy life!
Pelvic floor strengthening has shown to be successful. BTL’s Emsella is an electromagnetic energy chair that causes patients to contract their pelvic floor muscles. The treatment takes about 30 minutes and usually requires six sessions scheduled twice per week. There are two modalities - one focused on incontinence and the other on improved sexual sensation.
Turning Down the Heat, While Keeping Your Spark WELL
How women experience menopause varies greatly. About 90% of women experience four to eight years of menstrual cycle changes before their periods are gone completely. These changes may include cycle length, heavier or lighter flow, spotting, or skipping periods altogether.
Alternative treatments are compounded bio-identical hormones that are available in creams and implanted pellets. Transdermal forms of estrogen have lower risks of blood clots and may be safer for use. Estrovera by Metagenics is an alternative supplement that can help to calm menopausal symptoms.
There are certain non-hormonal prescription medications such as antidepressants, antihypertensives, and antiepileptic drugs that have been shown to be effective for women who are unable to take hormone replacement, but these can have potential side effects.
By Mary N. McDonald, MD FACOG
After menopause, some women see a decrease in their libido. This is often due to a decline in testosterone. Current testosterone options for women are injectables, compounded topical creams, and implanted pellets. Regular monitoring is required and adjusted as needed. Our providers at McDonald Murrmann Center for Wellness & Health provide personalized treatment plans with these options.
The most common symptoms associated with menopause are hot flashes, night sweats, sleep difficulties, and mood swings. Management depends on the severity of these symptoms. Hot flashes are characterized by perspiration, flushing, chills, anxiety, and on occasion, heart palpitations. Common FDAapproved treatments include estrogen in oral form, patches, and topical creams along with progesterone.
There are several types of prescription vaginal estrogen products and alternative over-the-counter lubricants available for additional relief, such as Replens, Revaree, Luvena, and KY.

FREE advantageGetvipveinteam.com901.747.1007timeTheFallSCREENINGVEINwillbeherebeforeyouknowit.coolerweatheristheperfecttotreatveindisease.aheadstartonveinseasonbytakingofVIP’sFreeVeinScreening.CallorscanthisQRcodetoscheduleyourfreeveinscreening. READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

“These are quick, non-invasive tests,” Dr. Afzal said. “There is some radiation, but it’s such a low dose that health implications are next to zero.” He said mammograms and bone density scans are essential for women. “Studies show yearly screening mammograms starting at age 40 significantly reduce cancer mortality,” Dr. Afzal said. “They identify cancer early;
While each patient is different, Dr. Afzal said everyone could benefit from preventative care. “It identifies diseases before they become difficult or impossible to treat. You have to invest time and effort, but it is part of a healthy lifestyle and prevents you from having something go unchecked when it could have been treated.”
“We know smoking has a direct link to lung cancer, so if you smoke or used to smoke, you should get this scan every year to look for lung nodules,” Dr. Afzal said. “If identified, further detection is needed to identify cancer potential early and improve outcomes.”
“As you age, healthy living takes an active effort,” said Regional One Health diagnostic radiologist Muhammad Afzal, MD. “That includes paying attention to your physical and mental wellbeing and staying on top of regular screenings.”
When it comes to serious illness, prevention is more effective, less grueling, and less costly than treatment. That’s even more important as you age, and doctors say four easy, noninvasive imaging scans can help.
Patients with a strong family history, comorbidities, and other risk factors for a disease may need additional screenings.
For more information, contact East Campus Imaging Center (6555 Quince Road) at 901.515.3600.
when you have more treatment options and one can achieve complete remission rather than just containing the disease.”
arteries to determine your heart disease risk,” Dr. Afzal said. “That helps with treatment decisions, like starting cholesterol medication or making lifestyle changes like eating healthier and Withexercising.”allthe tests, you should start by talking with your primary care provider about your risk factors and how they affect your screening needs.
A coronary calcium scan, meanwhile, is for average-risk, asymptomatic patients. “It shows how much calcium is in your
Expertsdecisions.recommend a low-density lung CT for anyone 50 or older with a 20-packper-year history of smoking – the equivalent of smoking one pack per day for 20 years or two packs per day for 10 years. It is recommended for current and past smokers.
A DEXA scan is suggested for women 65 and over to prevent fractures tied to osteoporosis. He said, “If the scan shows your bones are thinning, you can take medicine to improve bone mass and prevent fractures.”
Bone density scans (DEXA), mammograms, lung cancer screenings, and coronary calcium scans can offer early warning about diseases linked to aging.
Lung cancer screening and coronary calcium scans can also inform treatment
By Kelly Josephsen
These Four Imaging Scans Can Help Protect Your Health As You Age
“Your primary care provider can read the results and discuss your treatment options,” Dr. Afzal explained. “They can also help with non-imaging tests, like colonoscopies and pap smear tests.”

800 E. Pkwy S. | Memphis, TN YOU BELONG HERE. Indoor Turf Youth & BasketballRecreationAdultLeaguesCourtsChildWatchYouthCampsAfterSchoolProgrammingAndMUCHMORE!DROPBYFORAFREETOUR READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

LIVING WELL Youthful Skin At Any Age
Retinoids are potent anti-aging products for all skin types. Regular use increases cell turnover and boosts collagen, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture, and evening pigmentation. Other powerful products are alpha-hydroxy acids. They accelerate cell turnover to exfoliate the skin. Vitamin C is also amazing. It increases collagen formation, minimizes UV and environmental pollutant effects, and evens pigmentation.
Since aging affects all these layers, a facelift needs to do more than remove excess skin to give the best and longestlasting results. In my practice, I tighten not just the skin but also the muscle layers underneath and often combine this with fat grafting or laser resurfacing for a full rejuvenation.
At what age should I get a facelift or neck lift?
I recommend going straight to the source. You can spend a little bit more money and get a much more effective and sometimes safer product if you buy directly from a medically licensed office.
Previously, it wasn’t uncommon for patients to have three facelifts in their lifetime, starting in their 40s. Since neuromodulator and dermal filler treatments have become more common, many patients now put off surgery until their 60s or 70s, or perhaps never, depending on their aesthetic goals. The decision is personal. Many people can maintain healthy, smooth skin into their 50s and 60s with the proper topical and injectable regimen.
Most of what gives us an aged or “tired” appearance results from degenerative changes that occur over time. Skin ages from extrinsic factors (UV radiation, environmental pollutants) and intrinsic factors (nutrition, hydration, hormonal changes, nicotine use). Our bodies start decreasing collagen production in our late 20s. The subcutaneous fat that plumps and smooths the skin thins out. Natural areas of fullness in the face drop due to gravity and decreased elastin. The bone resorbs, leaving the soft tissues with less support. This all leads to undereye bags, jowls, crows’ feet, and overall sagging and heaviness of the face.
Most patients say pain control isn’t an issue. I’m more concerned about my patient’s healing, swelling, and limiting activity to decrease complications such as bleeding. Even though they feel fine within a few days, they must keep certain restrictions for over a week. I see them in the office 2-3 times in the first week to monitor healing and remove sutures. Swelling and bruising subside after 2-3 weeks. Full resolution of swelling takes about three months, so patients need to plan around social events.
What is the recovery time for a facelift?
By Dr. Sarah Hammond
What happens in facial aging, and how does a facelift help?
Q&A with Dr. Sarah Hammond, plastic surgeon
I’m over 55 - are facial injectables still effective for me?
What skin rejuvenation products do you suggest for anti-aging?
As a plastic surgeon and aesthetic provider, my job is to meet each patient where they are. Results will always be better if you start as soon as you see signs of aging, but neurotoxins and fillers will still soften lines even later. If you are over 55 and just starting skin care, there will be some catching up. But we have a wide range of injectables with unique physicochemical profiles, enabling us to tailor each treatment to your face and aesthetic goals.

Do facial exercises work for wrinkles?
What non-surgical procedures do you suggest for sagging skin?
Botox makes your face look frozen, and fillers look fake. However, they can be done artfully and mindfully to give a natural, refreshed look.
Currently, the most effective non-surgical procedures are chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and radiofrequency energy devices. The ideal candidate for a chemical peel has mild skin sag, fine lines, wrinkles, or uneven pigmentation. A chemical peel thickens the skin, increases collagen, and evens pigmentation. The result is brighter, softer skin with fewer, less noticeable wrinkles. An ablative laser treatment has similar effects but in a more precise manner. These are most effective for patients with lighter skin tones, but patients of color can achieve results with modifications. Radiofrequency treatments can be done in the office or the OR. They apply the energy either externally or from the inside with a tiny probe to tighten the skin and burn away fat. Dr. Sarah Hammond is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery as well as pediatric plastic surgery. She is happy to answer more of your questions in person! To schedule a consultation, please call Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis at 901.761.9030.
What products should I start early to combat aging?
What’s a common myth about facial anti-aging?
Many facial muscles attach directly to the skin; when activated, they pull on the skin to create facial expressions. The lines we develop on our faces are from repetitive smiling, laughing, frowning, etc. Exercising a muscle will temporarily increase its circulation and size. This can create the appearance of smoother skin. But ultimately, the more you move your face, the more you’ll form wrinkles.
Sunscreen is the number one product to use daily, regardless of skin type. Also, never start smoking or vaping.

Cryo T-Shock is a cryogenic, thermogenic safe, painless, and noninvasive treatment to remove cellulite and undesired fat by alternating warm and cold at different times, temperatures, and sequences. This technology naturally destroys fat cells. Some fat cells are destroyed during the session, while most will be eliminated within two to three weeks. In addition, it's been proven to help with micro circulation and a significant increase in collagen due to the thermal shock caused by the hot and cold. The cells are then naturally passed through the body’s lymphatic system and excreted through sweat and urine. So whether you're looking to remove unwanted fat or cellulite, reinvigorate loose, aging skin, turn back the clock on your face, neck, and decollete, or treat inflammation caused by hormonal acne and Rosacea, the Cryo T-Shock machine and its affordability compared to other more invasive procedures appeals to a wide range of clients. Prices range from $150-200 for facials and $350 for body treatments. Sessions can be purchased in packages, reducing the cost per session. Most clients see results after 3-5 sessions. Sessions last between 45 minutes to one hour and can be performed from every other day intervals up to two weeks between treatment sessions. Cayley Lawhon, the owner of Cryo-Contour of Germantown, has been trained and certified by the Pagani Cryo T-Shock master trainers and is the main operator providing consultations and treatment plans for all clients. For more information, visit or call 901.268.1163.
BEAUTY New Non-Invasive Skin Toning with Visible Results Double Chin and Tissue Stimulation (Neck) Treatments Special Event Facial 1 Double Chin Treatment 1 CelluliteTreatmentReduction Cayley Lawhon 22

Morpheus8 can be used on any area of the body that can benefit from resurfacing and subdermal renewal. Morpheus8 has customizable device tips, meaning the treatment can be performed on large, easily accessible areas and smaller, more delicate areas such as the eyelids. The most commonly treated areas include the face, eyes, neck, abdomen, thighs, legs, and buttocks.
What sets Morpheus8 apart from other RF Needling treatments is the depth of the needles, with depths of 4mm on the face and 8mm on the body! Morpheus8 has the deepest heat profile compared to any other device on the market. It is the only device that can destroy fat under the skin and simultaneously tighten the surrounding tissues. By contouring and remodeling the subdermal layers, Morpheus8 offers unparalleled results!
Dubbed the “Non-Surgical facelift”, Morpheus8 is a safe and effective, minimally invasive, fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production in the underlying layers of the skin. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, resulting in wrinkles, lines, and a sagging appearance. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and body can be remodeled to reveal a more radiant and youthful appearance. How does it work?
Anyone looking to correct, reduce, or prevent the signs of aging may be a candidate for Morpheus8. The benefit of Morpheus8’s colorblind technology is that it can be used on all skin types, and even darker skin tones can be treated.
Morpheus8 combines needling, radiofrequency technology, and fractionated treatments to address various skin problems, such as laxity, wrinkles, and unwanted fat. Tiny needles penetrate the skin, creating thousands of micro-channels and stimulating the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in collagen production. Radiofrequency simultaneously heats the surrounding tissues, prompting remodeling that thickens and tightens the skin. ROCK YOUR SKIN with Morpheus8
Why Morpheus8 vs. other microneedling treatments?
Who is a candidate for Morpheus8?
What can Morpheus8 treat?
Morpheus8 is a versatile treatment that can address any of the following concerns: Unwanted fat below the chin or on the body Jowls at the jawline Skin laxity Skin texture such as acne scarring, wrinkles, and cellulite Stretch marks Surgical scars Which areas can be treated?
What is Morpheus8?
By Brandi Rish, RN, BSN

Is Morpheus8 painful? To ensure your comfort, we apply a strong topical numbing cream one hour prior to your procedure. We also have Pro-Nox Nitrous Oxide available with each treatment. Discomfort varies from patient to patient. However, any discomfort felt during the treatment is often very tolerable.
How can I schedule a consultation? You can call Glo Medical Aesthetics and Hair Spa
to schedule a no-cost consultation with Brandi or Erica. Brandi Rish, RN, BSN @redhotinjector Erica Jancelewicz, RN, BSN @avantgardeinjector Lisa Street, MSN, NP-C (Owner) @rockstarinjector 25
Morpheus8 begins to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin immediately after the first treatment. The number of treatments depends on the extent of improvement desired by the patient. Treatment times and frequency are determined by your provider and are specific to each patient. Treatment series can range from 2-6 treatments every 4-6 weeks until the series is complete, with 1-2 maintenance treatments annually. How quickly will I see results? Results can be seen days after your first treatment, with the most noticeable results appearing around weeks 3-4 following each treatment. Improvements continue up to six months after treatment as the collagen and elastin build.
BEAUTY How many sessions arerecommended?
Downtime and recovery: Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive treatment penetrating the deeper layers of the skin, so recovery and downtime are minimal. The patient’s skin will be very red and feel hot, like a sunburn, on the day of treatment. Most of the redness subsides within the first 24 hours. Other side effects that may occur include swelling and bruising. These side effects can vary depending on which areas are treated.
Is there any post-proceduralcare needed?
Each Morpheus Series includes Alastin Skin Regenerating Nectar. This post-procedure serum will be applied to the treated areas two times daily for two weeks following each treatment. We also recommend broad-spectrum sunscreen and medicalgrade skincare following treatments. at 901.552.3461

Elevated blood sugar levels are a key symptom of prediabetes and diabetes, and lower blood sugar levels are associated with a healthy metabolism. People with Type 2 diabetes often have GLP1 hormone levels that are lower than they should be.
Weight loss pills, pens, and other diet products flood the market yearly, but do they help?
The New Weight Loss Drug That Works
Are you a good candidate?
Semaglutide suppresses appetite and increases satiety by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1.
A drug that the FDA approved in 2005 for people with diabetes had some surprising results. Semaglutide helped stabilize blood sugar and made their disease manageable, but it also caused substantial weight loss without dieting. People with diabetes lost 20% or more of their body weight, a benefit that taking insulin alone didn’t Semaglutideprovide.mimicsa
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 70% of Americans are overweight or obese. Because these conditions are considered a major contributing factor to many chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer, bringing that percentage down has been a focus area for public health Despiteinitiatives.the constant barrage of ads that promise weight loss, there has never been an FDA-approved drug that produces lasting results. That’s all changed.
Over 85% of the original Wegovy study participants experienced “clinically significant weight loss.”
Visit 26
According to Margaret Sangfry, a registered dietician, “GLP-1 is a hormone secreted by the intestinal tract. It stimulates insulin secretion, which thereby lowers blood sugar levels.”
natural drug produced by the body, GLP-1, that lowers blood sugar levels and makes us feel full after eating. Many people who have difficulty dieting have insufficient GLP-1 in their bodies, so they keep eating even when they are full and have intense cravings for sugar-based snacks after and between meals.
Wegovy has minimal side effects, such as nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. However, gastrointestinal symptoms often improve as patients begin to tolerate the doses. Additionally, your doctor can prescribe other medications to help treat side effects if needed.
The hormone GLP-1 slows down how quickly the stomach empties, so you’ll feel full longer after eating. It also suppresses appetite by sending signals from the gut to the brain that you're full and no longer hungry. Semaglutide that mimics GLP-1 is sold under the brand name, Wegovy.
You may be a good candidate if you are ready to lose weight and have been unsuccessful with other weight loss programs.
If you have had trouble losing weight in the past and are searching for an alternative to other weight loss options, Wegovy could be an excellent option for you! Have questions or want to learn more?
In healthy people, the pancreas secretes insulin when they eat food, which helps process sugars in those foods and naturally keeps blood sugar at a healthy level.

LOOKINGFORWEGOVYFORWEIGHTLOSS? 3445 Poplar Ave #18 • Memphis, TN 38111 • 901-417-6551 1213 Ridgeway #104 • Memphis, TN 38119 • 901-509-8205 Wegovy works by sending a message to your brain that says, “I am full. Stop eating.” On Wegovy, you’ll feel fuller faster, so you’ll eat less, resulting in weight loss. Wegovy releases a natural peptide that suppresses appetite. FDA APPROVED • FEEL FULLER LONGER

SPECIAL EDITION 2022 READERS’ POLL From shops to docs and the cafes in between—you voted for the people and places that keep the Mid-South a great place to live! BEST ( FULL SERVICE) RESTAURANT TO ENJOY A MEAL 1. Coastal Fish Company 2. Flight Restaurant and Wine Bar 3. Hog and Hominy BEST FAST CASUAL 1. City Silo 2. Pimento’s Burgers, Bar & Grill 3. Cheffie’s Cafe BEST FOOD TRUCK 1. Taco Nganas 2. RAWGIRLS 3. New Wing Order BEST JUICE/ SMOOTHIE BAR 1. RAWGIRLS 2. City Silo Table + Pantry 3. Smoothie King Coastal Fish Company 28

Memphis Obstetrics and Gynecological Association,COMEP.C. VISIT US AT ANY OF OUR FOUR LOCATIONS 6215 Humphreys Blvd., #401 Memphis, TN 901-684-6260901-767-844238120-fax GERMANTOWN 7705 Poplar, Bldg. B #210 Germantown, TN 901-755-7232901-755-869638138-fax WOLFCHASE 8110 N. Brother Blvd. Bartlett, TN 901-202-5994901-373-922138133-fax DESOTO 7900 Airways, Bldg. C #2 Southaven, MS 662-349-5570662-349-555438671-fax (901) 843-1500 / Schedule your annual screenings at MOGA today and feel confident knowing your health and safety are in good hands. WELCOME our newest providers! stagecareCompassionateforeveryoflife. Visit our website to learn more and to schedule on-line. Emma Frank, M.D. Kristin Owens, M.D.READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

SPECIAL EDITION BEST BEER 1. WISEACRE Brewing Company OG 2. Hampline Brewery 3. Grind City Brewing Co. BEST COCKTAIL 1. Hen House 2. Southern Social 3. C ameo Cocktail Bar BEST COFFEE 1. Ugly Mug 2. City & State 3. French Truck Coffee Hampline Brewery BEST PLACE TO BUY WORKOUT CLOTHES 1. Grivet Outdoors 2. Breakaway Athletics 3. Athleta BEST BIKE SHOP 1. V ictory Bicycle Studio 2. Outdoors Inc. 3. L atting Speed Shop Grivet Outdoors 30 | @grivetoutdoors 699 S MENDENHALL RD MEMPHIS, TN READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

SPECIAL EDITION BEST HAIR SALON 1. Pavo Salon 2. R yan Patrick Salon 3. Salon 387 BEST VETERINARIAN 1. The Pet Hospitals 2. Walnut Grove Animal Clinic 3. Germantown Animal Hospital BEST MED SPA 1. Glo Medical Aesthetics 2. McDonald Murrmann Skin and Laser 3. De La Belle Wellness & Spa BEST DOGGY DAYCARE 1. Browndog Lodge 2. C amp Bow Wow 3. Walnut Grove Animal Clinic Pavo

SPECIAL EDITION BEST MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL 1. Savannah Burton, My Memphis Therapist Counseling and Consulting, LLC 2. Kardia Collective 3. Dr. Frank Masor BEST CHIROPRACTOR 1. Dr. Brad Cole, Cole Pain Therapy Group 2. Dr. Charles Hogan, Memphis Spine and Sport 3. Dr. Jeremy Jessop, Active Health Chiropractic BEST MASSAGE THERAPIST 1. Trey Horrell, Raptor Therapy LLC 2. Shawn Coopwood 3. Jenny Max BEST PHYSICAL THERAPIST 1. 9 01 Physical Therapy 2. David Grigsby, MidSouth Orthopaedic Rehab 3. MOJO Pelvic Health BEST PODIATRIST 1. Christopher Hendrix, DPM 2. Darrell Croft, DPM 3. Gary Mantell, DPM BEST ORTHOPEDIC PRACTICE 1. C ampbell Clinic Orthopaedics 2. OrthoSouth 3. Tabor Orthopedics BEST OBGYN 1. McDonald Murrmann Center for Wellness and Health 2. MOGA (Memphis Obstetrics & Gynecological Association, P.C.) 3. Adams Patterson Gynecology and Obstetrics BEST DERMATOLOGIST 1. Dr. Alan Levy, Levy Dermatology 2. Mid-South Dermatology 3. Dr. Emily Overholser, Memphis Dermatology Clinic BEST COSMETIC SURGEON 1. Dr. Neumon Goshorn, Goshorn Aesthetics 2. Dr. Robert Chandler, Plastic Surgery Group of Memphis 3. Dr. Roberto Lachica, The Langsdon Clinic BEST DENTIST 1. Dr. Jodi Rump, Main Street Dental 2. Dr. Wade Clayton, Bellano Dental Health 3. Dr. Daniel Bird, Crosstown Dental Group BEST OPHTHALMOLOGIST/OPTOMETRIST 1. Focal Point 2. Eye Speciality Group 3. Dr. Emily Graves, Duncan Eye BEST VASCULAR SURGEON 1. Dr. Anton Dias Perera, Vascular and Vein Institute 2. Dr. Henry Dalsania, Vascular Interventional Physicians 3. Dr. Steven Gubin, Stern Cardiovascular 34
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SPECIAL EDITION BEST GYM 1. ATC Fitness 2. Germantown Athletic Club 3. KROC Center Memphis BEST BOUTIQUE FITNESS STUDIO 1. Club Pilates 2. Delta Life Fitness 3. F45 Training Germantown BEST TRAINING STUDIO 1. Accel Performance and Wellness 2. CrossFit Hit & Run 3. LivLimitless BEST YOGA STUDIO 1. Hot Yoga Plus 2. Better Bodies Yoga 3. SANA Yoga (formerly Sumits Yoga Memphis) 36

MEMPHIS FIT By Lucy Modzelewski
Now 57, Lynn has taken her running career from a casual hobby to a full-blown lifestyle.
Who could have predicted that the teenager who once hated running would one day wake up in the wee hours of the morning to get a run in every day?
Although she’s physically capable, Lynn has never focused on winning races. For her, it’s truly all about the mental health benefits.
“If I didn’t run every day, I think I would go insane,” she explains. “It’s my therapy, and the only time of the day that’s truly my own.
Whatever’s stressing me out that day, once I lace up my running shoes and get out there, I’m truly in my own world.”
Every single day, even when it rains or snows, Lynn can be found on the Shelby Farms Greenline, blaring Bruce Springsteen and running with a smile on her face. She averages roughly 35 miles a week and every month runs her own personal 10K. Although she challenges herself to hit specific distance goals each month, she’s not chained to an Apple Watch or Strava each day obsessing over her mile time or trying to one-up herself constantly.
Photo by Daniel Scruggs
Much like we give our dogs medicine hidden in a spoonful of peanut butter, sometimes we have to trick ourselves into doing what’s best for us. This is how Lynn Harrison started her 39-year running career at 18: she would run laps around her block with a bag of M&Ms, popping a handful in her mouth each time she completed a lap. That’s how much she dreaded running - however, she knew she wanted to stay fit as she began college and forced herself to get up and run.
Instead, it’s just Lynn, her music, and occasionally her trusty sidekick, Ellie, her dog.
Upon learning of Lynn’s intense running regimen, people often assume she’s an ultracompetitive runner training for marathons.

Although her daily commitment may seem overly rigorous to some, Lynn jokes that she’s been able to turn an addictive personality into something positive. Whether it’s one mile or ten, Lynn knows she’ll be the best version of herself after she gets a run in, and it’s the anchor that keeps her afloat through life’s many challenges. “I’ve learned that sometimes you must push yourself out of your comfort zone to find what truly makes you happy and keeps you going,” Lynn says. “You might think you hate running, biking, reading, meditating, or whatever it may be, but give it a shot. It may just be the thing that saves you.”
“I’ve learned that sometimes you must push yourself out of your comfort zone to find what truly makes you happy and keeps you going.”
THANK YOU for recognizing us as one of the top orthopedic providers in our area. Our goal, at OrthoSouth, is to be the best orthopedic practice in the Mid-South by focusing on YOU. THANK YOU for letting us help you get better! | 901.641.3000 39

Photo by Daniel Scruggs
KEN STRONG: Living Up to The Name MEMPHIS
By Alexandra McCray
Ask Ken Strong, 74, his secret to staying fit and healthy, and he’ll give you an honest answer. “I’ve been very lucky,” he says. But, of course, the ability to go on 14-mile hikes, kayak fish in the Florida gulf and the Louisiana marshes, and do 10 repetitions up and down the 116 stairs at Crosstown Concourse as a senior doesn’t just happen.
The retired psychologist has been active most days since, after many failed attempts, he permanently put down cigarettes in the late 1970s. However, he’s realistic about what’s beyond his control and how those factors contribute to his current health and fitness. Ken says, “I think genetics and luck are equally important because many of my friends have had serious medical problems, and they’re folks who have exercised and otherwise taken good care of themselves — so, some of it’s just a crapshoot.”

Adaption is the Name of the Game
East Memphis • Germantown • Bartlett • BELLANODENTAL.COM MEMPHIS FIT
Ken traded the pavement for the Rhodes College pool and gym. “I started swimming, which I never much liked ’cause I wasn’t good at it. I tend to sink,” he says with a laugh. Though his dedication to swimming was relatively short-lived, the facility’s Stairmaster became a favorite. The machine helped him train for hikes in Glacier National Park, the Teton Range, and the Grand Canyon. Today, he and his wife, Sue, are members of the Christ Church Fitness Center, where they work out five days a week and volunteer twice weekly with the Rock Steady Boxing program to support its “Parkinson’s Fighters,” as Ken calls them. His hourlong routine includes 30 minutes of interval work on the elliptical, aiming for a heart rate of 130bpm, then alternating leg and upper body strength and core training. In addition, he often uses the center’s rowing machine. “I do onehanded rows, kind of a crossover, to keep my back and shoulders strong enough to paddle a kayak,” he says. As health issues have popped up, Ken’s adapted. He credits a few things with helping him continue to move even with old shoulder, knee, and hip injuries, plus bouts of plantar fasciitis and Morton's neuroma. “I use a foam roller on my back twice a day. It helps,” he says. Applying Kinesio tape to his shoulder and knee helps — as does ibuprofen, visits to his physical therapist, and wearing HOKA shoes. “And I try not to do things with a lot of lateral movement now,” Ken adds. It's remembering his age that’s been one of the biggest challenges, evident through attempts by the former tennis player to pick up racquetball and pickleball, that both led to reinjuring himself.
Major health problems haven’t impacted him, but injuries and the effects of aging have made Ken change key parts of his exercise routine. The most notable was a knee injury from his first marathon roughly four decades ago, preventing him from running altogether. Lower back pain and spinal issues soon followed. “I’d been running on streets all those years wearing lousy shoes,” he says.
The Ultimate Motivation
From preventive and cosmetic care to restoration, we know that feeling good about your smile makes a huge difference in your confidence and quality of life. Our caring team is available at multiple convenient locations to support your smile.
We Love to Make You Smile
Though he can’t do everything he wants, Ken is committed to doing the things he loves most, namely playing with his three grandchildren, all under the age of 6, pursuing activities like hiking, paddling, and camping with his wife of 51 years, and “staying mentally healthy in difficult Hetimes.”tells others to focus on what they can control and do what he and Sue have — just keep moving. For more information or to volunteer for Rock Steady Boxing, visit

When Dr. Sharwil Bell, 31, isn’t working with clients at 901 Physical Therapy to treat and manage injuries, you’ll likely find her bouldering in a #12 Grizzlies jersey at High Point Climbing & Fitness in East Memphis. The former collegiate basketball player likes to think Ja Morant gives her a little extra strength while in the gym. Dr. Sharwil’s passion for climbing began in 2018 after a coworker invited her to try it for the first time. The combined physical and mental challenges of the sport hooked her almost instantly. “That’s the fun of it to me,” she adds. “It’s a puzzle, and everybody can get to the solution differently.”
MEMPHIS FIT By Colleen May
Hold the Ropes,
Photo by Daniel Scruggs
These days, Dr. Sharwil spends an average of three days a week climbing, while also carving out time for strength training and light cardio. One of the unique features of High Point that keeps her coming back is the sense of community to be found there. “I can easily spend two or three hours in the gym now. It just depends on who you bump into,” she says. Lately, Dr. Sharwil has been filming her climbing sessions to understand better which areas need to be more activated the next time. Her key to overcoming mental roadblocks is a good old-fashioned pep talk and some positive thoughts. “How you think something’s going to go has a big impact on how that thing actually goes,” she explains. No matter the difficulty level, she tells herself to go for it, relying more on courage than fear. Dr. Sharwil participated in her first climbing competition at High Point last February and won first in her category. She recalls one bouldering route during the sixweek-long league that she had to attempt nearly 15 times before finally mastering it. For her, personal victories like that are far
This is Bouldering

When you’re a mother in crisis, you don’t think about the state-of-the-art technology or the decades of training that will save you. You think about your children. When Maggie began hemorrhaging at home, she thought she may never see them again. But her outlook changed as soon as she arrived at Methodist. From the front desk receptionist to the operating room staff, each Associate eased her fears with their quick responses, skilled treatment and individually focused care.
21-MLB-068_AD_Maggie_7-7x5.indd 1 1/7/22 11:29 AM 43
Thankful mother
“I’ve never been so scared, but you put my mind at ease. Thank you
21-MLB-068_AD_Maggie_7-7x5.indd 1 1/7/22 11:29 AM
“I’ve never been so scared, but you put my mind at ease. Thank you
Read Maggie’s story of thanks at
Read Maggie’s story of thanks at
When you’re a mother in crisis, you don’t think about the state-of-the-art technology or the decades of training that will save you. You think about your children. When Maggie began hemorrhaging at home, she thought she may never see them again. But her outlook changed as soon as she arrived at Methodist. From the front desk receptionist to the operating room staff, each Associate eased her fears with their quick responses, skilled treatment and individually focused care. At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we don’t just provide exceptional healthcare, we give every patient the comfort, support and care deserve.
more important than the prize itself. “To continue to put forth the effort and give it your best shot…you get it, or you don’t, but either way, you’re stronger for it,” she adds. From a recovery standpoint, Dr. Sharwil’s full-time job as a physical therapist comes in handy. If anything in her body starts to feel off, she’ll have one of her coworkers dry needle the area for instant relief. Other key components for her recovery are proper nutrition, mild to moderate daily activity, and, most importantly, rest. Looking ahead, Dr. Sharwil is gearing up for the Dash & Flash race on September 10, which will consist of a 5k run on the Wolf River Trails, followed by a Bouldering Competition at High Point Climbing Gym. Her ultimate goal in climbing is to worry less and to continue trying hard things. High Point Climbing & Fitness in East Memphis features over 30,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor climbing space, with 52-foot climbing walls and over 100 different boulder routes. Yoga and group fitness classes are also available to members at no additional cost. For more info on their amenities or to sign up for your first climbing visit, head to or call 901.203.6122.
Read Maggie’s story of thanks at
When you’re a mother in crisis, you don’t think about the state-of-the-art technology or the decades of training that will save you. You think about your children. When Maggie began hemorrhaging at home, she thought she may never see them again. But her outlook changed as soon she arrived at Methodist. From the front desk receptionist to the operating room staff, each Associate eased her fears with their quick responses, skilled treatment and individually focused care.
At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we don’t just provide exceptional healthcare, we give every patient the comfort, support and care they deserve.
MAGGIE LEWIS – Thankful mother “I’ve never been so scared, but you put my mind at ease. Thank you.”
At Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, we don’t just provide exceptional healthcare, we give every patient the comfort, support and care they deserve.
21-MLB-068_AD_Maggie_7-7x5.indd 1 1/7/22 11:29 AM

Inspired by an active lifestyle while studying abroad in Nagoya, Japan, Lisa dove into fitness during her junior year of college. Beginning with running 5ks, she quickly moved on to triathlons, marathons, and even ultra marathons. However, in 2015 after discovering Olympic Weightlifting, a style of lifting that involves successfully bringing a heavy-weighted barbell from the ground overhead with competitions divided by weight classes, Lisa knew she had found her sport.
After receiving her Master’s Degree in Exercise Science from the University of Memphis, Lisa worked in cardiac rehabilitation and then as a personal trainer at numerous gyms before becoming a trauma nurse at Regional One Health. “It's always something different every day. You never get bored," says Lisa.
Age with Strength: A Mindful Approach to Fitness
Photo by Daniel Scruggs
Last year, after experiencing some nagging right shoulder pain, Lisa was surprised to discover she had a pretty substantial rotator cuff tear, revealed by an MRI done at Campbell Clinic by an orthopedic surgeon and shoulder specialist, Dr. Brolin. Ovadia
Trauma Nurse, NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist, and lifting champion Lisa McKnight is all about injury prevention. Through dynamic movements, proper form, and good nutrition, Lisa shares how people can maintain their health and fitness over the years, setting up for healthy aging.
When it comes to workouts, Lisa values quality over quantity. The Olympic lifter works out about three times a week while clocking in at least 10,000 steps during hospital days.

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“People often think they shouldn’t use their muscles when something is hurting, but you want to get those muscles moving to increase blood flow to the area, improving circulation and alleviating pain.”
She stresses the importance of preventative care as a crucial investment in one’s long-term health. “With aging, especially among women, we lose muscle and bone mass, which become harder to build up over time because of decreases in estrogen and testosterone.” Without optimal nutrition, however, the body cannot fully benefit from these Nutrientsworkouts.areneeded to heal the micro tears and breaks our muscles and bones experience when we exercise, allowing them to rebuild stronger. Nutritional intake also affects the body’s ability to heal from injury and illness, which becomes increasingly harder to recover from with age.
Excited for her future with Strong Man, Lisa is not deterred by any setbacks. Preventative care and an open mind are the true heavy lifters. For more information visit or call 901.759.3111
Dr. Brolin designed a physical therapy regimen that helped Lisa strengthen the surrounding tissue and muscles. She then went on to win Strongest Woman, Middle-Weight Division.
Not her first rodeo, Lisa had won Women’s Novice a few months prior at the Strong Man on Beale. In February, Lisa returned to Campbell Clinic to undergo surgery and has taken the past several months to gradually build back up muscle, despite some initial pains.
Lisa’s goals for the upcoming year have pivoted to focus less on Olympic Weightlifting and more on Strong Man, a strength-based event that includes dynamic movements such as Sandbag to Shoulder, Husafell Stone Carry, and Keg Lifting, to name a few.
Poor posture and thus comparable mechanics when she first entered the sport had led to a slow tear over time. Determined to still compete in the Arkansas Strong Man this past October, Lisa decided to push off shoulder surgery by a few months.

Photo by Tindall Stephens
Liz was diagnosed at 14 years old, and through her teens and most of her twenties would yo-yo between being “fine” and regressing into super restrictive eating habits and over-exercising. By Lucy Modzelewski
Liz Amick, 29, is an accomplished singer and songwriter, a successful content creator with more than a million followers across her various social channels, and an actress newly signed to a talent agency. Talking to her for only minutes, you feel like you’ve known her forever. Still, you’d never know this lively woman who seems to have everything going for her has spent the last fifteen years battling an eating disorder and exercise addiction. Liz is not shy about naming her disease. “I will say it - anorexia. It’s not just disordered eating or ‘oh, I’m on a diet,’” Liz explains. “It’s an actual disease, dangerous to many people, especially women.”
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anorexia has an extremely high mortality rate compared to other mental illnesses and impacts an estimated 20 million women in the U.S. alone.

Liz also shared an exercise she learned in therapy, an important reminder to women who struggle with body insecurity.
If you or someone you know suffers from an eating disorder, there’s help available. Contact the National Eating Disorder helpline at 800.931.2237
“The main thing I learned in recovery is that you are much more than just your body and weight.”
Liz Amick
“It’s truly an addiction. No matter how much my mom and my sister wanted me to stop, I literally couldn’t,” she says. She explains that especially working in music and social media, the external validation and praise she received for being thin made it particularly difficult. Outsiders had no idea how much she was suffering behind the scenes.
“If you were to describe your best friends, you would say they’re bubbly, kind, or funny. You’d never mention their body or how much they weigh,” she explains. “It literally doesn’t matter.”
Liz hit her breaking point during the pandemic. Stuck at home, she found herself restricting every single thing she ate and spending hours of the day “Iexercising.finallyhad to look at myself and say… what are you doing?” she says. “This disease was affecting my marriage, my relationship with my sister, and quite literally ruining my life.”
Rocking Recovery with
In late 2020, she decided to take control and reached out to a therapist specializing in eating disorder recovery, specifically anorexia. She spent a year in intensive weekly therapy sessions with a therapist and nutritionist that completely changed her life. Despite periods of being “fine” in her midtwenties, Liz says this is the first time in her life she’s felt like she’s entirely in recovery. Those closest to her have noticed a shift in her energy since being in recovery, a lightness and sense of peace that was missing Learningbefore.toenjoy her favorite foods again and exercise for enjoyment instead of punishment has been part of her recovery. However, because her exercise addiction was so severe, she was worried about being able to find a healthy balance when it comes to working out. She’s been able to ease back into exercising healthily by giving herself grace. She no longer wears a fitness tracker that encourages an obsession with closing rings or hitting a daily step count. She’s also gotten comfortable with not pushing herself to do every exercise when attending group fitness classes. She’s made peace with the fact that sometimes she needs modifications or breaks.
“The main thing I learned in recovery is that you are much more than just your body and weight,” she says emphatically.

A good sense of humor and a love for daily movement set the cadence that has steadily carried Victor G. Butcher to the victory lap of healthy aging. While the 71-year-old cyclist has always enjoyed playing sports, his journey with running began after a post-college ulcerative colitis diagnosis. To counteract weight gain as a side effect of his medicines, cardio recommended.was
By Shlomit Ovadia
Photo by Daniel Scruggs

Vic is currently training for the Multiple Sclerosis Ride on September 10-11, and the Big Dam Bridge Ride on September 24.
The natural athlete reminisces about his early days cycling through the streets of Plano, Texas, with his babies in tow. “They were on bikes before they could even talk,” he remembers. His son, Clark, used to race road and mountain bikes and is the owner of Victory Bicycle Studio in Memphis. Unfortunately, Vic discovered he had fibrillation after a surgeon could not operate to remove a deep skin growth. His heart kept stopping and some electrodes weren’t sending signals to his heart.
After receiving a pacemaker and subsequently undergoing surgery to remove the tumor, Vic took a little time to rest.
Vic credits decades of weight-lifting to maintaining his strength, posture, and mobility over the years. He also says his humor keeps him young, backing up the statement with a few wisecracks that had me chuckling.
Over the years, Vic has seen many childhood friends and peers be diagnosed with or die from various illnesses and diseases. “Some people let themselves go with age. It’s important for me to stay healthy. I’ve gotta stay healthy for my wife, too.”
While the cyclist has had to make some adjustments, like trading in running for shorter bike rides, the pacemaker is not a deterrent to his fitness regimen. Vic averages 125-150 miles per week. If the weather drops below 40, he will opt to exercise indoors at the Memphis Jewish Community Center.
Vic is the primary caregiver to his wife of 41 years, Lynn, who has multiple myeloma and became completely handicapped after a car accident 12 years prior. He says, “It was never about me. I only thought, how will I take care of my wife.”
Vic was shocked, “I rode my bike 200 miles the week before.”
Vic’s Ride group meets every Saturday at 7:00 a.m. at Davies Plantation.
“I do it because it helps me feel good. I’m among the oldest of 200 cyclists in Victory Bicycle Studio’s Sunday training groups. Keeping up with everyone is definitely a confidence boost,” he says.
Dry eyes causing you discomfort? Working from home or spending too much time on digital devices can worsen dry eye symptoms. Visit our dry eye doctors at FocalPoint at Crosstown Concourse! 901-252-3670 | | Inside Crosstown Concourse A SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY CLINICAL FACILITY
To date, the CPA has completed 35 marathons in 28 states plus the Athens Marathon and regularly cycles in 100+ mile races. Vic has also participated in the Memphis Road Race Series for over 30 consecutive years and runs his own cycling group, Vic’s Ride.

MEMPHIS FIT By Colleen May
by Tindall Stephens 50

“It’s hard. It does take a mental toll. But at the end of the day, I chose to do this. And I choose to do this every day because it makes me feel better, and I’m very passionate about it.”
“The women were strong, muscle-bound, and powerful,” Alex recalls. “To put in that much effort and work to get onto a stage…I was just mesmerized.” Upon returning home, Alex hired a coach and began training for her first bikini competition that summer. By October 2019, she was posing in five-inch heels in front of a table of judges in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. This past June, Alex competed in the Mid-South Muscle Showdown in Southaven and won first in her division. With four competitions behind her, she’s stepping into a well-deserved off-season, but her training is far from over. Outside her full-time job at Stretch Zone in East Memphis, Alex spends roughly six days a week in the gym. “I am always striving for progressive overload, so I’m trying to get better with every rep, muscle group, and movement,” she adds.
4-Time Bikini Competitor Aspiring for the Pro League READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER 51
Alexandria Overton: MEMPHIS FIT Alexandria Overton, 25, admits she’s always had a minor obsession with Arnold Schwarzenegger, particularly his career as a professional bodybuilder. In March 2019, she attended her first bodybuilding competition in person, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Strongman Classic in Columbus, Ohio, and was hooked.
Weightlifting is a key component of her routine, but she also adds light cardio four to five times a week, primarily in highincline treadmill walking. Born with a heart condition known as Atrial Septic Defect (ASD), Alex underwent two open heart surgeries before she was seven. She currently has mild to moderate leaks in her aorta, mitral, and tricuspid valves, which are monitored regularly by her cardiologist. Despite some physical limitations surrounding workouts, her condition hasn’t slowed her down from achieving her fitness goals.
“We all hop up on each other’s tables, so I try to get stretched at least once a week,” she adds. Alex is also a big believer in listening to her body, so rest days are crucial to avoid burnout.
Leading up to a show, competitors often cut back on calories to get as lean as possible for the stage. But now that Alex is taking a “full improvement season,” she’ll be doing the opposite. With the help of her coach, Pamela John, she has slowly started introducing more calories into her diet every few weeks. “I’m constantly getting critiques to grow my shoulders, so we decided to move into a leaner kind of bulk,” she explains.
One of the added bonuses to Alex’s job at Stretch Zone is utilizing their patented stretch equipment for muscle recovery.
For her next competition season, Alex says one of her goals is to make it to her first National show. After that, ultimately in the five-year mark, she’d love to turn pro. As for now, she’s got her eyes set on the next Memphis bodybuilding competition in April 2023.

MEMPHIS FIT By Shlomit Ovadia
Photo by Tindall Stephens
“I’m stronger now than ever in my life.”

As a Doctor of Pharmacy for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Darla advocates diet and exercise over prescriptions for patients experiencing hypertension, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, she recommends supplements such as glucosamine, fish oil, multivitamins, and herbal supplements like zinc and magnesium.
Darla is also ISSA Certified in Personal Training and Nutrition and trains clients out of Total Body Gym in Olive Branch. You can book a training session with Darla’s business, Body RX, by contacting her via email:
Personal trainer and gym owner Lawrence Muruako helped shift that mindset.
Darla grew up in a household that did not practice a healthy eating lifestyle. However, after seeing her father pass away prematurely from congestive heart failure, Darla decided she did not want to go down that road, subsequently dialing into nutrition and making healthy changes in her 20s. Her most significant shifts were increasing protein and water intake, reducing dairy, swapping grains for complex carbohydrates, and controlling portion sizes. However, it was not until about a decade later that Darla began to dabble in exercise for the first time in her mid-30s, after undergoing back surgery and a hysterectomy.
Strength training offers several long-term benefits for aging, such as metabolism support, bone density preservation, and injury prevention. Darla stresses the importance of not becoming complacent about one’s physical health with age and that a poor diet cannot be out-exercised.
“I did not have an athletic background, so I figured my body wouldn’t be able to do those things. I didn’t know if I could push my body’s limits.”
When Darla first signed up, she made a pact to not self-sabotage, putting her faith in the long-term results. She began seeing results after about two months.
Darla took her fitness to the next level four months ago by training for her first bikini competition with Casey Nelson of Hustle House Gym in Bartlett.
Never missing a day in the gym, Darla now enjoys the challenge of moving towards a goal while being pushed out of her comfort zone.
Darla’s Determination
“It took me a while to get the confidence at 47 to get into a competition suit.”
Now she's gearing up for the Tupelo, MS 2022 NPC Total Body Championship in Women’s Bikini and Wellness categories for those over 35 and 40. Her workout regimen began modestly with the treadmill and elliptical at Rebel Body Fitness in Oxford. She recalls feeling intimidated by the machines and weights.
Dr. Darla Winburn, PharmD, 47, proves that it’s never too late to begin your fitness journey.
The pharmacist explains that those experiencing menopause or other age-related hormonal fluctuations can still start with small dietary changes while their bodies adjust.
“If you don’ constantly challenge yourself, especially at this age, you’ll just stay stagnant and never achieve the goals you want.”

THANK YOU MemphisForReadersHealth+FitnessVoting Dr. Dias Perera as #1 Vascular Surgeon CALL US TODAY 1-833-LEGDOCS OR VISIT Do you Suffer From: • Leg Pain • Varicose Veins • Aortic Aneurysms WE CAN HELP! Germantown • Memphis • Bartlett Millington • Senatobia • Oxford Grenada • West Memphis READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

THANK YOU MemphisReadersHealth+Fitness For Voting Dr. Hendrix #1 Podiatrist in the Mid-South! CALL US 1-844-FEETDRS Podiatry Services: • Foot & Ankle Deformity • Heel Pain • Foot Surgery • Bunions • Diabetic Foot Care • Plantar Fasciitis • Hammertoes • Achilles Tendinitis • Trauma & Sports Injuries Memphis • Bartlett • Millington West Memphis • Senatobia READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER

#1: Understanding what factors influence skin aging helps direct our attention to those actions we can take to have healthier-looking skin. The skin undergoes both intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is due to factors we do not have much control over, AKA genetics and skin composition. Extrinsic aging are factors we do have some influence over, such as nutrition, environmental toxins, lifestyle, and UV exposure. UV (sun) exposure, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, dehydration, smoking, pollution, inflammation, and stress can all cause oxidative damage to our skin, promoting skin aging and disease. Knowing what contributes to skin aging, we can start to tackle those factors that can help to preserve our skin’s youth! Let’s dive into three ways to have healthier skin as we age.
Understanding what factors influence skin aging helps direct our attention to those actions we can take to have healthier-looking skin. The skin undergoes both intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Intrinsic aging is due to factors we do not have much control over, AKA genetics and skin composition. Extrinsic aging are factors we do have some influence over, such as nutrition, environmental toxins, lifestyle, and UV exposure. UV (sun) exposure, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, dehydration, smoking, pollution, inflammation, and stress can all cause oxidative damage to our skin, promoting skin aging and disease. Knowing what contributes to skin aging, we can start to tackle those factors that can help to preserve our skin’s youth!
#3: Be sure you’re getting your vitamins! Especially vitamins A, C, and E (think ACE). These powerful antioxidants help protect against UV-induced skin damage. Adequate vitamin C intake has been associated with fewer wrinkles. It stimulates collagen production and removes harmful toxins from skin cells. Grab an orange, dip some bell peppers in hummus, or snack on some cruciferous dipping veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. Vitamin C is quite fragile, so cooking vitamin C-containing foods at high temps or long durations can destroy vitamin C content. And just so you know, men need at least 90 mg of Vitamin C, women 75mg. For reference, one sweet yellow pepper delivers 380% of the necessary daily value for vitamin C!
Let’s dive into three ways to have healthier skin as we age.
#2: Hydrate! Think about a grape vs. a raisin. Both are delicious, but one lacks water and is therefore wrinkled! Adequate hydration will minimize wrinkles and fine lines by providing moisture to the skin. Did you know the average adult female needs about 90 ounces of water daily? That’s just under ¾ gallon of water! Our skin is our largest organ, and like our other organs, our skin will certainly reflect what we put into our bodies! And skin is incredibly personal. What impacts one person may not impact another. For example, I love chocolate, and up until about two years ago, I ate it every day, multiple times a day. And my acne NEVER cleared. I would get horrible cystic breakouts that didn’t correlate to my monthly hormonal cycle. I ate healthy, hydrated, worked out, and did everything I was “supposed” to do. It wasn’t until I eliminated chocolate that I experienced a break in breakouts, even having weeks of clear skin. My skin is far from perfect, and I am continuously learning what will help my skin age healthfully, using the help of skin professionals and my growing knowledge of nutrition. If we can help you learn more about how to nourish your skin through food, please visit our website,, and book a free consultation with us.
Erin Dragutsky is the co-founder of 901 Nutrition, LLC and a licensed, registered dietitian in Memphis. Erin specializes in helping clients with eating disorders and disordered eating habits. She is passionate about helping clients ditch their diets for good, find food freedom, and develop a positive relationship with food., 901.800.9526.56
By Erin Dragutsky, MS, RD, LDN

East Memphis • 901-682-5642 6005 Park Ave., Ste. 309 Bartlett • 901-791-0347 2996 Kate Bond Rd., Ste. 301 Call to schedule an appointment today Relief marathonfor pain It’s hard to be happy – or active – when you hurt. Our orthopedic specialists have the skill and experience to get you moving pain-free in no time. We also offer a full range of orthopedic procedures for knees, hips, shoulders and ankles. Skilled physical therapists will help you recover more quickly so that you won’t miss any of those special moments.Facebook: East Memphis Orthopedic Enjoy WithoutLifeLimitations Health is Vital to Living Life to its Fullest. Your Well-Being is Our Top Priority. Our experienced physicians specialize in Orthopedics, Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine. Get Back on Your Feet Again PROVIDING QUALITY ORTHOPEDIC CARE SINCE 1969 Club Pilates East Memphis Club Pilates Collierville Club Pilates Memphis-Lakeland Best Boutique Fitness Studio THANK YOU FOR VOTING US AS9915(901)THE586-8352Hwy64,Suite 106 Memphis, TN 38002 MEMPHIS-LAKELAND (901) 255-0606 3660 S. Houston Levee Rd., #108 Collierville TN 38017 COLLIERVILLE (901) 646-5054 6300 Poplar Ave., Ste. 103 Memphis TN 38119 EAST MEMPHIS To express our gratitude for the Memphis community, we would like to invite you to book a FREE Intro with any of our studios! 57

Ingredients: q 4 cups arugula q 2 cups boiled tortellini q 2 tablespoons basil pesto q 1 cup sliced cherry tomatoes q 1 cup mozzarella pearls q 1/3 cup olive oil q 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar q 1 tablespoon honey q 1 teaspoon salt q 1 teaspoon pepper q 1/2 teaspoon oregano q 1 garlic clove, minced Directions: Prepare the dressing. In a small bowl, combine 1/3 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon oregano, and 1 minced garlic clove. Whisk to combine and set aside. Prepare the salad. In a large bowl, add arugula, tortellini, tomatoes, and mozzarella. Drizzle the dressing and add 2 tablespoons of pesto. Toss to combine. Serve chilled and enjoy!
Prep Time: 25 minutes Makes 4-6 Servings
By Mary Alexander Satterfield
Mary Alexander Satterfield is a Memphis-based recipe developer and content creator. She runs a food blog called @the_hungry_hooker inspired by her maiden name Hooker. MA takes recipes you love and lightens them up with clean ingredients giving them a healthy twist. Learn more at and follow on Instagram @the_hungry_hooker.
Summer Salad 58

FEEL BETTER MOVE BETTERPERFORM BETTER 2637 Broad Ave. Memphis 38112 (901) 310-3901 Voted #1 PHYSICAL THERAPISTS in Memphis THANK YOU, MEMPHIS! 59

Ingredients: q 4 mini eggplants, halved and scored q 1/4 cup olive oil q Cumin q Harissa q Za’atar q Salt q Pepper q Fresh coarselyparsley,chopped q 1 half halvedlemon, q 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
Directions: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place eggplant halves (scored side up) on the sheet. Pour olive oil generously over eggplants, adding more if needed. Liberally sprinkle spices over eggplant. Roast for 30-40 minutes until soft and golden. Remove from oven, and sprinkle with feta and parsley. Squeeze lemon over vegetables and drizzle extra olive oil, if desired.
Mini Roasted Eggplants with Lemon and Feta
Cara Greenstein celebrates intentional and exceptional cuisine in her award-winning food and lifestyle blog, Caramelized, which offers recipes and restaurant reviews, food-focused travel itineraries, and endless tablescape tips. Follow @cara_melized on Instagram for daily inspiration and bookmark her recipes at
By Cara Greenstein

ACTIVE andWeCHIROPRACTICHEALTHofferafullspectrumoftreatmentstherapiestoaddressmostachesandpainsassociatedwithanactivelifestyle 7844 Farmington blvd Germantown • 901.340.1837 Dr. Jeremy Jessop DC • Manual Medicine such as Chiropractic, Active Release Technique (ART), Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, Fascial Distortion and many other techniques • Solutions for Myofascial Pain, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Plantar Fasciitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis, sprains/strains, trigger points and other musculoskeletal problems • Dr. Jeremy Jessop has over a decade of experience dealing with sports injuries, is master certified in ART, and is an Ironman himself 901.850.5756 At Lendermon Sports Medicine & Stem Cell Center, we believe that stem cell therapy can be used successfully for a variety of issues, including degenerative joint conditions. If you have been told you have “bone on bone” arthritis, or that you are headed for joint replacement surgery, stem cell therapy may be a viable alternative for you. Please call us today to schedule an appointment! Tried WantKneeseverything?stillhurt?toavoidsurgery? Let’s talk. sports medicine & stem cell center LendermonSportsMedicine.com9950CrookedCreekDrCollierville,TN38017 61

Emilee Hudsmith McKinney is a recipe developer, workout enthusiast, and creator of Take Off For Good seasonings and the Take Off app (found on the Apple and Google Play store).
This salad is light, refreshing, and packed with antioxidants. It’s perfect as a main course or a simple side salad and easy to throw together quickly. Enjoy!
Salad Ingredients: q 2 cups lettuce, chopped q 2 cups spinach, chopped q 1 avocado, diced q 2-4 radishes, thinly sliced q 1 can chickpeas, washed and drained q 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
Super Food Salad
Dressing Ingredients: q 2 tablespoons olive oil q Juice of half a lemon q Salt and Pepper to taste 62
To learn more, visit @takeoffforgood on Instagram,, or download the Take Off app.
Directions: Add lettuce, spinach, avocado, radishes, chickpeas, and cucumber in a bowl. Toss together. Mix the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a small bowl to form the dressing. Add the dressing to the salad mixture and enjoy!
Prep Time: 10 minutes Makes 2-4 Serving(s)
By Emilee Hudsmith McKinney

Fitness Expo & Member Appreciation Event Sunday, October 2 • 9am–4pm • FREE Sample our most popular group fitness classes. ATHLETA GIVEAWAYS & ITEMS FOR SALE! Drop off the kids (Ages 5–11) while you try out a couple of our fitness classes. $25 membership registration fee if you join on Oct. 2 ($75 savings) 6560 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38138 • (901) 761-0810 Join us for a FREE Thank you so much Memphis and the MidSouth for trusting us to help you be more active, do more of what you love to do and live more with knowledge of how to control your pain. 256 Germantown Bend Cove, Suite 102 • Cordova 364 New Byhalia Rd, Suite 1 • Collierville 901.522.MOR1 (6671) • READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 • 1PM - 11PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 • 1PM - 11PM DRINK SPECIALS 3 MILE FUN RUN • FREE BBQ HAMPLINE BREWING COMPANY • 584 TILLMAN ST., SUITE 1 LIVE MUSIC SEMI AVERAGE JOE HEARTBREAK HILL • JAMES GODWIN RELENTLESS BREEZE • DJ XANDER 63

Sweet Potatoes,
creatine. • Vegans: Pumpkin
the central nervous system • Aids in red
VITAMIN B-12 FUNCTION • Development and
• Pair
Dates • Pair
foods of
IRON make red blood cells which carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body SOURCES Tofu, Spinach, Beef, Turkey, Beans, Pumpkin Seeds, Broccoli, Shrimp, Peas, Kale, Whole Wheat Bread, with vitamin C to maximize in skeletal muscle and used during physical activity with the production of energy in Beef, Tuna, Eggs, milk, and cheese help body liver synthesize seeds, Tofu, Brazil cellular yolks, Salmon, Milk, Sardines, Herring, Canned Tuna, such as cow’s milk, juice, soy milk, cereal, oatmeal with calcium Live microorganisms that help balance the bacteria in your digestive tract
• Fortified breakfast cereals and fortified nutritional yeasts
sources to maximize absorption of calcium PROBIOTICS FUNCTION •
• Citrus
Dried Apricots,
• Lentils,
B-12 is
C FUNCTION • Protects
poultry, eggs,
formation • DNA
Mushrooms • Fortified Foods
By Alisha Parker, MS, RDN, LDN function of blood cell synthesis itamin naturally present in animal origin, including fish, meat, and dairy products. are readily available sources of B12.
FOOD SOURCES Yogurt, Kefir, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Tempeh, Miso, Pickles, Buttermilk, Mozzarella, and Cottage Cheese
• Maintains
Food SupplementFirst,Second FOOD+NUTRITION
When it comes to supplementation, an emphasis on consuming supplements like creatine, probiotics, and BCAAs can overshadow the importance of fueling with real foods that already contain the same nutrients. While supplementation can be an amazing tool to fill nutritional gaps and correct deficiencies, it’s important to prioritize obtaining essential nutrients from food first. Whole foods have a greater nutritional content than their supplemental counterparts. In some cases, the vitamins and minerals in food are better absorbed than those found in supplements. We’ve highlighted specific nutrients and everyday foods that offer just as much or more nutrition than the supplement (likely at a lower cost!):
working muscles FOOD SOURCES • Salmon, Pork,
VITAMIN the cells healthy blood vessels, bones, and cartilage SOURCES fruits, Strawberries, White potatoes, Bell peppers, Kiwi, Green chili peppers, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Papaya, Guava.
absorption CREATINE FUNCTION • Stored
growth and immune function FOOD SOURCES • Egg
nuts, Beans, Quinoa, Spinach, Almonds VITAMIN D-3 FUNCTION • Promotes calcium absorption to enable bone mineralization • Helps in the reduction of inflammation • Supports
• Helps
Cod • Vegetarians:

READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER The Beaty/Averwater Fitness and Sports Center includes a full-size gymnasium, Fitness Training Center, Yoga Studio, Pilates Reformer Studio, Cardio Studio with Fitness On Demand, a platform of virtual fitness offering 400 workouts in a non-intimidating environment including: For more info, call 901-261-2169 or email SeniorPilatesBarre USMCStrength/CardioAerobicsBootCamp RockTaiZumbaTabataChiSteady Boxing FOOD+NUTRITION BRANCHED-CHAIN AMINO ACIDS (BCAAS) FUNCTION • Aid in muscle protein synthesis • Decrease exercise-induced fatigue FOOD SOURCES • Brown Rice, Whole Wheat, Chickpeas, Lentils, Eggs, Fish, Chicken, Almonds, Cashews, Pumpkin Seeds, Corn. SUPPLEMENTSPRE-WORKOUT FUNCTION • Claim to support energy levels prior to exercise • Typically multi-ingredient formulas with no set standard for ingredients FOOD SOURCES • A pre-workout meal or snack • Beet Juice, Matcha Powder, Fruit, Other Carbohydrate Sources • Remember: Caffeine is a stimulant, not a substitute for the energy or fuel that comes from food. • C aution! Be mindful of pre-workout powders and energy drinks. BEFORE YOU SUPPLEMENT… • Adopt a “food-first” approach. Schedule a nutrition check-up with your Registered Dietitian. The RDs at Memphis Nutrition Group evaluate individual nutrition and advise food-related adjustments prior to recommending supplementation. • Look for 3rd party tested logos to ensure that the dietary supplements you choose have been tested and certified for quality, purity, and safety. The gold standard is NSF’s Certified for Sport, and other options include Informed Choice for Sport and USP. READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER 65

PROTEIN SMOOTHIES + PLANT BASED FOODS + COLD PRESSED JUICES 5502 POPLAR IN EAST MEMPHIS 150 S. SECOND STREET, SUITE 118 DOWNTOWN NEXT TO SHRED415 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK READER’S CHOICE MEMPHIS HEALTH+FITNESS ★ WINNER Compassionate care for the entire family! Come visit Dr. Ari Zelig at our new East Memphis location @ 5270ChrishanaTammyPoplarMcCulley,MDAriZelig,MDOgilvie,MDAmandaNelson,FNPSheaMcCloskey,FNP Germantown, Bartlett, Arlington, Southaven, Olive Branch & East Memphis 901.623.3323 | 901-646-0073 | | BROADCOLLECTIVECORE@corecollectivebroadEmpowering wellness through whole body mindful movement that can be sustained throughout life. We are a fully equipped Pilates studio offering private & small group sessions. Visit our website to getPhoto:started.Sélavie Photography 66


The source is up to you, but things with too much fat, fiber, and protein don’t digest as quickly, and they digest even slower when your body is pumping blood to the working muscles. So you have to find the right source, but the key is carbs.
COACH’S CORNER In the fitness industry, many things tend to catch a bad rap: too much fat, salt, and carbs. The pendulum seems to swing to the next extreme every few years, but the warnings generally stem from recommendations for the general population. As an athlete, you are different, with different needs to fuel your training and recover from that training as quickly as possible. As we tell our athletes, you’re fueling for this session and the next.
Under 30 min If you’re doing 30 minutes or less, you should have plenty of glycogen stored to get you through your training, even if it’s really intense, as long as you’ve been eating normally.
30-60 min Again, if you’ve been eating normally, you should have the glycogen stored to make it through the session without performance decline. However, there’s evidence that suggests a small amount of carbs or even just rinsing your mouth with a carb-based solution or sports drink can be beneficial.
Dale Sanford is the co-founder of BPC Performance, Inc. and has been coaching endurance athletes all over the world since 2009. From first-timers to world championship competitors and everything in between. Dale is also BPC’s bike fit and movement specialist. He is an avid triathlete himself, earning USA Triathlon All-American honors and qualifying for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships. You can catch up with Dale @bpcperformance,, or listen to the Coaches on Couches Podcast.
I'm not a registered dietician or nutritionist, but I’ve been in the sports performance world for 15 years and have relationships with talented people that help us keep our clients fueled and hydrated. Whether you are a cyclist, runner, or triathlete, there’re basic targets for carb intake during exercise. These targets span most endurance sports and have been a significant target for research over the last five years. These targets are the same regardless of size, gender, or sport. Most people have similar absorption rates when it comes to carb uptake. Evidence suggests people with less body mass benefit more from these higher carb targets than their larger training buddies. Abby Coleman of Precision Fuel and Hydration provided this handy infographic:
For everyone looking to optimize performance, it’s recommended that you have a carb-dense snack or meal 2-3 hours before any exercise. This can easily be your typical breakfast or lunch, but if your exercise is more intense, watch out for too much fat, fiber, and protein in these meals. Those nutrients don’t digest as quickly as carbs and can sit heavy on your stomach.
Want to Go Long? Better Carb it
By Dale Sanford, Performance Coach
1-2 hours Here’s where lacking carbs can be tricky. Most people can store enough glycogen to power 90-120 minutes of moderate activity. Crank up the intensity, and you can blow through your glycogen, stored form of carbs, in a little over an hour. Keep it pretty light, and you might make it closer to 3 hours. Remember, we are looking to optimize our performance, so getting in 30-60g of carbs per hour is recommended. That’s not a calorie recommendation; it’s simply grams of carbs.

2+ hours
Olympic triathlon champion and Ironman record holder Kristian Blummenfelt has been known to take in over 100g of carbs per hour during his ultra events.
2. Taking in this level of carbohydrates will likely take some training of your gut. Do you think Joey Chestnut took down 63 hot dogs on his first try?
If you’re going long, carbs are not something to neglect, and the longer you’re going, the more your deficits add up. So this is where the recommendations jump to 60-90g carbs per hour OR MORE. Take note:
1. OR MORE means there have been some athletes who can intake more than 90g an hour, and it shows a positive trend in their blood glucose or ready-to-use fuel in the blood. Based on their feedback, they felt their energy stayed higher for the duration of their event relative to their previous fueling strategy.
A major key to peak performance is practicing fueling exactly as you plan on race day. It’s not just something you can figure out the night before. Have a plan, tweak it, dial it in, and execute!
If you’re close to a goal race when you read this, you have time to increase your intake if needed and dial in your final fueling strategy.
Lucky for you, carbs are easier to digest than mystery meat. As you get closer to your goal race, keep increasing your intake slowly until you’ve reached your range.

INSPIRATION TO BE FIT: My mother, Maria, was always moving and eating healthy. I’d watch her in Cheri Ganong’s step aerobics classes, and she and her friends would have so much fun! My brother and I were signed up for every sport, and it was the best thing my parents did to create healthy, long-standing habits for their children. My mom still exercises regularly, and because of it, she’s healthy and looks great.
RECENT RACES: Big River Crossing 5k (2nd OA) and Annie Oakley 2nd AG.
FITNESS PET PEEVE: Recovery is as important as a brick workout. Listen to your body!
Stephanie Beliles, Cycling, Running, Triathlon WARRIOR
BUCKET LIST: I want to go to Tour de France and ride some of the segments! Bikes, Beaujolais, and a baguette.
Photo by Tindall Stephens
BINGE-WATCHING: Peaky Blinders
QUOTE: Your health is your wealth!
UP NEXT: I’m one of those annoying last-minute registrations, but I have a Half IM in Augusta as my A race this month.
SPEED BUMPS: Covid gave me plenty of time to train. It also caused me to overtrain and burn out when races began to amp up again. Being mindful of balancing working hard for the accomplishment and having fun is a fine line. I also have arthritis, so I train with that in consideration.
ON MY NIGHTSTAND: Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
BEST EATS: Los Comales on Madison: fajitas and margaritas. DREAM DINNER COMPANY: Neil Gaiman. I love his books, whimsy, and his fascination with mythology and the existential.
GO-TO GEAR: Shimano Di2 – I’m not going back to mechanical. FAVE FITNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT: Getting comfortable in group rides and making friends with wonderful, active people.
MOST MEMORABLE FITNESS EVENT: My first triathlon post-Covid: Annie Oakley. I was nervous and hadn’t swum in ages. But it felt great being back in the saddle!
MY GROUP: Los Locos Multisport Team
37; Communications at Sullivan Branding, Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, and Group Fitness Instructor at YMCA of MidSouth I f MY SPORTS: I love the community aspectsencouraging your friends and helping them reach a common goal, even to finish a group run or ride! Also, here for the beer afterward.

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62; IT Architect at International Paper
BUCKET LIST: I'd like a top 10 finish at the USA Cycling National Championship event. I'd also like to cycle across the State events and cycle 10K miles in one year. The most I’ve completed is 9K. I'd also like to become a competitive Cat2 or Cat3 cyclist. 72
SPEED BUMPS: My struggle with weight loss is my most significant hurdle. Getting down to and maintaining a healthy weight has been my largest struggle. Keeping up with cyclists younger than my children is a huge challenge, too.
RECENT RACES: This year, I did the TN State Criterium Championships and placed first place; last year, I did the St. Louis Gateway Cup Criteriumand and placed second.
FITNESS EVENT: Competing at the Cheaha Challenge Grand Fondo - a 100-mile timed race through the mountains of Cheaha National Park - with a top 5 finish in my age group. I also completed the 100-mile distance in less than 4:30 minutes.
BINGE-WATCHING: P-Valley, Snowfall, Marvel Universe, Star Wars (Disney+), and Star Trek movies/series.
GO-TO GEAR: When cycling, I like to coordinate my kits. High quality, fit, and comfort are a must for me.
Photo by Tindall Stephens
I f MY SPORTS: I love the process of training and conditioning my body to perform at my best within any environment.
MY GROUP: I’m currently a member of four cycling groups: Major Taylor Memphis, Grind City Cycling, Memphis Hightailers, and Grind City Racing.
BEST EATS: Folk’s Folly, Houston’s, and Memphis Barbecue Company. I love a marbled medium rib-eye steak with a chilled bottle of Blue Moon Belgian-white.
Thomas Jackson, Cycling and Weight Lifting WEEKEND WARRIOR
INSPIRATION TO BE FIT: Maintaining a healthy and physically active lifestyle will add years to one’s life. I love life and want to live it to its fullest under the best conditions possible. Being physically and mentally active will keep life interesting, adventurous, and full of opportunities.
UP NEXT: I’m doing the Gateway Cup Criterium Series in St. Louis and the TN State Time Trial Championships in Henderson.
DREAM DINNER COMPANY: I would love to have another meal with my parents, Thomas Sr. and Bernice. I would also enjoy dinner and conversation with Warren Buffett.
FAVE FITNESS ACCOMPLISHMENT: The journey of physical fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


MY MOTIVATION: My family and the amazing ladies at Delta Life.
Not my idol, but I genuinely admire my husband and his constant mental push. Once he sets his mind to a goal, he is relentless.
BIGGEST FITNESS MYTH: Workouts must be super intense to be effective. Even for the highest-level athletes, most of their work is done at submaximal intensity levels. Keep showing up every day, but you don’t have to destroy yourself in a workout. Just do something.
GermantownFitness ROBERTSONNANCY 74
SETBACKS: A challenge I've met in life is constantly being forced to face change. My husband was in the military, and we moved seven times. I was raising kids alone while my husband was deployed. It was hard, but it forced me out of my comfort zone, and the strength that came from those hard times is valuable to who I am now.
MY GOALS FOR THE YEAR: I want to run over 1,000 miles and train for a 50K.
ALWAYS IN MY GYM BAG: I always have a banana, protein shake, and dry shampoo.
Photo by Tindall Stephens
FAV WAY WORKOUT:TO Running is my favorite. I love how it makes you feel physically and mentally, it's a workout that requires little equipment, and you can do it anywhere and in just about any weather. Are you a fitness trainer, workout instructor, or influencer in the industry and would love to share your knowledge with our readers? Send a brief bio and picture to:
I enjoy getting up early and running up to eight miles daily. I try to run 20-25 miles a week. On my lighter running days, I'll incorporate cross training, including weights, or I'll take one of our 30-minute HIIT classes.
MY DREAM WORKOUT PARTNER: My family loves to watch the CrossFit games. Tia Toomey is a beast. I would love to witness her daily workout routine.
41, Delta Life
MY DIET: A diet that's common sense - protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy carbs. A diet that matches consumption with output and that you can maintain daily. Portion control is also a method that works for me.
FAVORITE EQUIPMENT: Kettlebell or weighted battle ropes.
That carbs and fat are bad. Both are essential components of a healthy body.

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FOOD To Fit Your HEALTHY Lifestyle Wild Beet offers salads and wraps, with an emphasis on fresh ingredients and attentive preparation. We’re open for lunch and dinner, dine in or carry out. Catering available. 6641 Poplar Ave Suite Germantown#106 901.552.5604 BENEFITING WEST CANCER FOUNDATION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 SHELBY FARMS PARK 1 MILE WALK � 5K RUN/WALK � 20 MILE BIKE RIDE + 5K RUN COMBO 20 MILE BIKE RIDE � 40 MILE BIKE RIDE � 60 MILE BIKE RIDE West F ight On. orgREGISTER TO CYCLE, RUN, WALK, VOLUNTEER OR DONATE: SPONSORED BY: 76