'Grandad Project' First Draft Edit

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Living with Dementia

My Grandad has always been a quiet man, at family gatherings and meal times he would always be quiet, joining into occasional conversation but was never a big talker. He would be content and happy with his family around him but since he has developed dementia this has become different. He’s still very quiet but now he tends to get confused with certain situations, remembering simple tasks such as how to use the remote control or remembering to take his eye drops. He also can become confused regarding people and people’s names this can even apply to some family members particularly if he hasn’t seem them in a long time or if there is a lot of people around him it can become confusing for him. As well as these concerns he has also become fragile and unsteady when walking or standing up from sitting. This is due to the dementia which also effects his mobility, causing him to become weaker, this is also due to old age.

Grandad & Nana married for 61 years

Grandad making a speech with deep concentration

Walking hand in hand into their anniversary party

A natural smile shown, disguising that fact he has dementia

Happy moments captured between two friends


Engagement and Wedding rings

Family Portrait Grandad looking relaxed showing affection towards his wife

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