London is the UK’s capital with a population of approximately 8.6 million people living within its boundaries. So many different people live there with so many different faces all creating this mass population. Photographing around popular locations in London such as Oxford Circus, Embankment, Piccadilly Circus Trafalgar and Leicester Square. These particular locations in London are always busy with a variety of people whatever day of the week or what ever the time is. Taking photographs of people on the streets of London capturing the impact of the City through the sense of disorder that can be made. The similarity between how people behave when in crowds and busy places becomes apparent when observing upon the streets. This can be seen through the use of people’s facial expressions as well as their ability to how they can perform when in a crowded or busy area. People around London can be used to this sense of chaos that the city brings in everyday. Showing the mass population and overall chaos caused everyday in London. People create this busy atmosphere, forcing crowds and chaos to be made through people they do not know. Captured through the eye of the lens are the faces of people in London.
Amy Jones 2016. All Rights Reserved.