"Top Notch" logistics

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Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves

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This document aims to provide the reader with insight knowledge of the logistical implementations put in place to successfully hold a large scale exhibit, to result in a smooth HUK WLYMLJ[S` Ă„UPZOLK V\[JVTL

Key sections to logistical planning are: Choice of venue Cost of venue hire Budget PR strategy Marketing strategy Branding

TOP NOTCH is an exhibition created to support and promote the emerging talent of northern design graduates, providing them with a platform to engage with the industry HUK \U JV]LY [V [OL ^VYSK [OLPY MHU[HZ[PJ [HSLU[ JYLH[P]L ÅHPY HUK PUUV]H[P]L designs. ;OL ZLJVUKHY` YVSL VM [OL L_OPIP[PVU PZ [V YHPZL [OL WYVÄSL VM [OL 5VY[O HZ H design led region of creativity, and put it on the map as being centre for innovative and artistic talent that is reputable within the industry. The exhibition will last for seven days from 17th-21st June and is based in PJVUPJ KLZPNU JP[PLZ [OYV\NOV\[ [OL UVY[O Z[HY[PUN ^P[O P[Z ]LY` ÄYZ[ L_OPIP[PVU PU Manchester and moving on to Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh in the years to follow. Each exhibition is to be held in a building that is synonymous to that particular city in a building with heritage, great history and character. Renovated mills, rail Z[H[PVUZ HUK ^HYLOV\ZLZ HYL [OL JOVZLU WYVWLY[` ZWLJPÄJH[PVU ;OL HWWLHS VM moving the venue each year is to show case each city to the design world and bring out its brilliant facilities it offers. The aptly named “Top Notch” is exactly what is says on the tin-top quality KLZPNUZ JYLH[LK I` [HSLU[LK NYHK\H[LZ M\SS VM WHZZPVU HUK ÅHPY The exhibition sees all disciplines of design-from fashion to landscaping, graphics to DFI-now categorised together to exhibit under one roof ;OL ILULÄ[Z VM [OPZ L_OPIP[PVU HYL [OYV\NO [OL \UP[` YLHMÄYTLK HTVUNZ[ [OL different programmes of study and also through the strong bonds created between schools that leave scope for future projects Top Notch hopes to banish the old negative stereotypes often associated with the North and instead, re-brand and promote the region by introducing it as the creative hotspot for design that is brimming with talent waiting to be shown

Amy Kate Hargreaves



<&,"-%&' Amy Kate Hargreaves

The “Top Notch” exhibition will be held in four popular Northen cities, starting in Manchester from 17th-21st June 2013 and subsequently moving to Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh in the proceeding years. Each venue has been chosen due to their location of proximity to the heart of city that aided with excellent transport links makes it easily accessible to visitors. ;OL ]LU\LZ OH]L HSZV ILLU ZWLJPÄJHSS` JOVZLU K\L [V [OL UH[\YL OPZ[VY` HUK appearance that the buildings themselves possess- the character and charm they attain evoke a powerful British and more importantly Northern feel thats key to the concept of the exhibition. The venues synonymous to each city are; The Manchester Central in Manchester The Baltic mill in Newcastle The Loft in Leeds Out Of The Blue in Edinburgh ;OL ÄYZ[ ¸;VW 5V[JO¹ L_OPIP[PVU PZ [V IL OLSK HM[LY [OL ÄUHS `LHY Z[\KLU[Z OH]L graduated to enable time for them to prepare their work for exhibiting. Its also a week after the provised schedules of competitors London Fashion week and Free-range, to achieve maximum attendance from the graduates due to exhibit there.


Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves


Manchester Central Convention Complex is an award-winning exhibition and conference venue, situated in the centre of the city of Manchester. It dates back to the late1800’s, where it was built to adhere to the demands of the public that frequented the rail service and city of Manchester. The station VWLULK VMÄJPHSS` PU HUK ZVVU ILJHTL H O\I VM HJ[P]P[` IVHZ[PUN VU H]LYHNL arrivals and departures throughout the day. With the build of the impressive station brought H ULLK MVY LTWSV`TLU[ HUK ZVTL Z[HMM TLTILYZ ^LYL OPYLK ;OL Z[H[PVU ILJHTL HU iconic building synonymous to Manchester, attracting a whole host of names throughout a variety of industries Having ran successfully as a thriving travel centre for almost 90 years, due to the need VM YLWHPY HUK H[ OPNO JVZ[Z P[ ^HZ KLLTLK Z\YWS\Z HUK ÄUHSS` JSVZLK [V [OL W\ISPJ VU [O May 1969. It was granted the title of a grade II listed building, protecting the exterior shell from any destruction. -VY[\UH[LS` ZL]LYHS `LHYZ SH[LY HUK ^P[O ULHYS` V]LY ‰ TPSSPVU ZWLU[ VU YLUV]H[PVU [OL building has been transformed into a centre of excellence for conference and exhibition hire, winning numerous awards.

Travel by car Travel by rail Take the Metrolink from either Piccadilly or Victoria (in the Altrincham or Eccles direction) and alight at St Peter’s Square, which is within H TPU\[L ^HSR VM 4HUJOLZ[LY Central.

M60 exit at Junction 12 and join the M602 signposted towards the city centre. -VSSV^ [OL ( Z[YHPNO[ VU MYVT [OL LUK VM [OL M602 passing under a railway bridge before taking the left OHUK L_P[ [V TLYNL VU[V [OL ( Bridgewater Way. Turn right onto Whitworth Street West at Deansgate station and then turn left onto Albion Street. The entrance to the Manchester Central Car Park is through the next set of [YHMĂ„J SPNO[Z VU [OL SLM[ VWWVZP[L ;OL Bridgewater Hall.

Travel by air Manchester airport is a major PU[LYUH[PVUHS HPY [YHMĂ„J O\I 0[ PZ TPSLZ RT V\[ZPKL [OL JP[` centre, taking HWWYV_PTH[LS` TPU\[LZ I` [H_P

>N$%F%-%&' VB",: Manchester Central boasts an array of conference and exhibition spaces, varying in size, shape and purpose to suit a multitude of uses that creates this impressive and award winning venue, located in the heart of one of the UK’s most vibrant and design led cities. The venue possesses a large variety of ofsuites to accommodate a broad client base, no matter the scale and size of exhibition or budget. With room sizes ranging from 1,800m2 to 10,000m2 and accommodation for up to 9,000 people, it is the perfect venue choice for ¸;VW 5V[JO¹ [V LUHISL HSS HZWLJ[Z VM [OL L_OPIP[PVU [V Ä[ [VNL[OLY “Top Notch” plans to host a multitude of events occurring for the duration of the exhibition that will consist of: - An exhibition hall that the exhibitors can present their work to their peers, members of the public and industry professionals - Workshop rooms where allocated time slots for hands-on work shops will take place *VUMLYLUJL YVVTZ MVY PUK\Z[Y` VMÄJPHSZ [V WYV]PKL SLJ[\YLZ [V ]PZP[VYZ - A presentation room where the competition entries from each design school will be presented and prize award ceremonies will take place. The exhibition opens 9 am-6pm.




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COST OF ROOM HIRE ÂŁ3000 for the Ă„YZ[ OV\YZ then

‰ W O Total Cost: 8am-6pm =9 Hrs



Central 1 TĂľ Central 2 TĂľ

Central Hall is the most important space within the venue for the exhibition. This will be the main area for all exhibitors to set up their stand within their allocated booth space and present their work to their fellow design graduates exhibiting, industry professionals and members of the public. With maximum capacity of 9,000 and an L_WLJ[LK L_OPIP[VYZ HUK TLTILYZ VM [OL W\ISPJ PUK\Z[Y` H[[LUKPUN [OPZ ZWHJL PZ [OL ideal environment for the graduates to show their work and interact with potential clients and employers. (exhibition stands provided)

Floor area: 10,000m -SVVY SVHKPUN! RU T Single span arch apex max height: 26m Ducted services: power, water and waste, communications Announcement PA system Lighting to TV broadcast standard ,]LU[ Ă…VVKSPNO[PUN Daylight

The foyer will be used as the entrance for visitors to the exhibition to sign in for entry allowance.

Foyer With Central meeting rooms out -SVVY ZWHJL! T Drinks reception: 1600 capacity

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Charter 1 Classroom: 198 capacity Boardroom: 66 capacity Charter 2 and 3 combined ;OLH[YL! JHWHJP[` *OHY[LY Classroom: 60 capacity )VHYKYVVT! JHWHJP[` Gallery Floor area: 760m2 Drinks reception: 600 capacity Charter Foyer Gross metres squared: 1,000 Drinks reception: 1,000 capacity

Charter rooms 2 & 3 will be combined together to JYLH[L H T YVVT [OH[ OHZ [OL HIPSP[` [V OVSK WLVWSL ;OLZL rooms will be used as workshops where member of the public can interact with the exhibitors and learn design skills. Each discipline and school of design will be allocated time slots for their workshops that will occur throughout the week. Charter rooms one and four will be left divided and individual. These Z\P[LZ ^PSS IL \ZLK [V OVZ[ JVUMLYLUJL [HSRZ ^P[O PUK\Z[Y` VMĂ„JPHSZ regarding their line of work. It will be open to all attendees of the exhibition and occur throughout the week.

COST OF HIRE ‰ MVY [OL ÄYZ[ 6 hours then

‰ W O

Total Cost: for one day 8am-6pm =9 Hrs



COST OF HIRE Total Cost: for one day ‰ MVY [OL ÄYZ[ 8am-6pm 6 hours =9 Hrs


‰ W O



-SVVY HYLH! TĂľ -SVVY SVHKPUN! RU TĂľ /LPNO[! T Âś T Point suspension loading of 1,000kg In hall vehicle access Ducted services: power, water & waste, communications +HUJL Ă…VVY H]HPSHISL Air-conditioned ,]LU[ Ă…VVKSPNO[PUN HUK dimmable tungsten lighting Blackout facility

The Exchange Hall will be used to hold the “New British Designer’sâ€? exhibit- a collaboration of entries from each discipline of design from the variety of design schools exhibiting. The large spacious area of the exchange hall creates the perfect space to create the installations of work. No extra lighting will be needed as the room is full equipped with tungsten SPNO[PUN HUK L]LU[ Ă…VVKSPNO[PUN [OH[ ^PSS be used to present each of the schools’ entries.


>N$%F%-%&'(#,$:E+K: Exhibition Hall Located in Central Hall Exhibition stands for all design graduates and design schools to display their work to industry professionals Workshops Located in charter rooms 2&3 (combined) Workshops allowing visitors to interact with graduates and take part in workshops to discover how to achieve a new design skill Each graduate exhibitor will have an allocated slot throughout the week. Industry talks 3VJH[LK PU JOHY[LY YVVTZ ZLWHYH[L Industry professionals will be conducting talks to provide information about the industry and their job role. Allocated industry professionals will have an allocated slot throughout the week New British Design exhibition Located in Exchange Hall An exhibit created from the competition entries of the design graduates showing at top notch. Each school were set a brief to collaborate within their disciplines to create a piece of work. Each entry have a common theme that connects them, but are shown in different mediums through the variety of skills and creativity from the graduates and the courses they are on.

Amy Kate Hargre



Incorporated into part of the graduates syllabus will be a competition to create an entry for the “New British Design" exhibition. Each school will JVTIPUL P[Z JV\YZLZ ^OV HZ VUL ^PSS OH]L [V KLZPNU H ÄUHS LU[Y` [V W\[ MVY^HYK The competition requires each discipline to work together, using their different skills to proK\JL VUL ÄUHS WYVQLJ[ [OH[ YLWYLZLU[Z [OLT HZ H `LHY NYV\W ;OLYL PZ HSZV ZJVWL MVY JVSSHIoration between the schools, building lasting connections and networks for future projects The competition’s aim is to reinforce a unity between the design disciplines in a bid to unite the design world and establish a new design movement creating the New British Design from young talented individuals



Urban OUtitters, London


Urban OutÄtters, London

Droog Store NYC

With competition from other graduate events such as Free-Range, it is very important “Top Notch” has a strong conceptual idea as its driving force to help create its own identity and make it stand out in the industry. The purpose of the exhibition is to ultimately promote and support the emerging talent of Northern design graduates, to create a platform for the graduates to showcase their creativity to the industry collectively, HUK [V WVZP[PVU [OL 5VY[O VM ,UNSHUK ÄYTS` HZ H O\I VM JYLH[P]L excellence and home to design led creatives. ;OL JVYL ]HS\LZ VM [OL L_OPIP[PVU HJ[ HZ H ÄYT IHZL [V Z[HY[ ZLHYJOPUN MVY PUZWPYHtion of the design of the venue and theme of exhibiting space. The overall desired effect is to make the visitor instantly have the feeling of being in north with every detail of the event reinforcing this. Every aspect from the furnishings, to atmosphere, smell and food served will all have a strong Northern feel to reinforce this concept. Prominent themes of factories, mills and warehouses will make for the base of the design. These areas of production are infamous around parts of the North-of which created a strong heritage for the cities. Developing the concept further, inspiration has been taken from expanding further from just northern UK, to that of Northern Europe and the Scandinavian countries. Their use of locally sourced materials create a beautiful image-juxtaposing traditional, heritage elements with modern design and shape.

Inspiration has also been taken from clothing stores such as the Droog store in 5@* HUK <YIHU 6\[Ä[[LYZ )V[O [OLZL Z[VYLZ OH]L Z\JJLZZM\SS` TP_LK [VNL[OLY old and new, legacy and innovation, to create a store that looks, smells and feels disused and rustic, and yet is extremely modern in its function, spacial design and product. Using humble, simple, economic materials like brick, stone, wood and combining them with cutting-edge technology and gadgets. The desired atmosphere of the space is to hone in to people’s senses of touch, discovery and exploration.

!%N-+8:#("'E(J%--%'9# X&&-$#(P(JK&&8%'9(P(K%9$-%'9 Each exhibitor group will have an allocated area within the Centrall Hall of Manchester Central. Within this area, the individual design courses will then have their own booth and stand in which to showcase their work. The booths will be plain white in design, to allow each exhibitor to design and customise their stall to promote themselves and their work

UK Exhibition Stands will supply the booths- complete furniture, reception counter, SPNO[PUN SP[LYH[\YL YHJR HUK HU L_OPIP[PVU Ă…VVY PUZ[HSSLK MVY [OL K\YH[PVU VM [OL L_OPIP[PVU for ÂŁ2760 per booth, Each booth will be: 6m x 2 m x 3 m x 12m2 (wi x d x h x sq m)

66 booths x ÂŁ2760


)"-:8%'9 To reinforce the whole concept of the exhibition as having a strong northern MLLS¹ [OL JH[LYPUN MHJPSP[PLZ OH]L ILLU ZWLJPÄJHSS` ILLU JOVZLU ^P[O [OPZ PU TPUK ( UVZ[HSNPJ YL[YV ÄZO HUK JOPW [YHT [YHKP[PVUHS `VYRZOPYL KPUULY [YHPSLY HUK afternoon tea catering facilities from KK Catering will be positioned inside the Gallery and Charter Foyer suites.

2000 servings per day from each menu from KK Catering would be: WLY ÄZO HUK JOPW VYKLY £7000 per yorkshire dinner order WLY JVMML [LH HUK JHRL VYKLY This price is all in and includes all the food, hire of 2 to 3 units per cuisine, travel costs and staff to cook and serve. They will arrive 60 to 90 minutes before required service time to cook and prepare the food and then leave 60 minutes after serving stops.



X8"'E%'9 As this exhibition is a new concept to the design industry, a key element to the success of Top Notch will be through the use of effective branding tools, to create a website, logo, typography and graphics synonymous to the company.

A$:(D"*: “Top notch - of the highest quality” adj. The term “top notch” is northern slang for high quality and something being the best. The use of this as the company and exhibition title is a play on words to emphasise the northern theme linked to the concept, its is something jovial and gimmicky that will make it easily rememberable which is positive aspect that will help to creating a well established and recognised brand.

Studionorth, a creative design and brand communications agency will work to help design aspects that will give the company the credibility within the industry.

A brand logo, graphics, typography and website will be designed through taking the base fundamental values and core concept of the brand and building on them to create a successful, strong company that will not only elevate the brand but set apart the business from its competitors. The usage of the website will be monitored through Yahoo! Pulse in order to record how many hits the site receives and provide data for us to work on to make sure we maintain high numbers of people visiting the site.

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The Domain name for the website is:

www.topnotch.co.uk as both them being the same reinforces the strength ILOPUK [OL I\ZPULZZ HUK THRLZ P[ TVYL VMĂ„JPHS


Cost: ÂŁ9,000


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A free brochure available for visitors will be located on tables as they enter the exhibition. It will provide information about all exhibitors showing and personal details. It will also provide information about what they can expect to see at the event and in which room the exhibits will be shown in, as well as the times of the workshops and industry talks. Key information as to exhibition times, opening and closing, location map and calendar of open days will also be provided. Sponsorship information will be displayed and advertised throughout the brochure. All printing will be done through Native print & design in Newcastle,

Full Colour Litho


Total Price: ‰


2000 copies

X8&,$+8:(K"6&+-(%E:"# Key: Image Text

The tote bag will be canvas, produced by company Bagitdontbinit.com and custom made to Top Notch Inside the tote bag will be merchandise consisting of: Flyers from exhibitors Business cards from Industry professionals “Top Notch” poster “Top Notch” Booklet Postcards Sponsorship merchandise




All visitors to the exhibition, including those exhibiting will receive a free tote bag. The design and prints on the bags will have the “Top Notch” logo on the front and date of exhibition, venue and website on the back. Tote bags a a great way to gain lots of publicity through the person wearing it and the WSHJLZ HUK WLVWSL [OL` ^HSR WHZ[ PU[LYHJ[ ^P[O

X"'E# Wrist bands will be used as a security measure to label the groups of people attending the exhibition. Each group of individuals will wear a different coloured band so they are easily locatable. The band grouping will be: Exhibitors Visitors Industry professionals Catering staff Venue staff Security The bands are made from Tyvek- a material that is waterproof, hypoallergenic and lightweight. They will be issued to people as they enter the exhibition in the Central Hall Sponsors’ logos will be printed onto the wristband to show their support for the event.

Wristbands printed x 2000 at £0.066 each £132 1st Class Post & Packing for 1.16 kg total weight ‰ ,_WYLZZ 7YPU[PUN VU [PJRL[Z H[ ‰ LHJO £70.00 VAT ‰



Dimensions: JT _ JT

Amy Kate Hargreaves

YZ(#-8"-:96 A press release for the “Top Notch” exhibition will be written and sent out to Northern uni]LYZP[` KLZPNU ZJOVVSZ WYVMLZZPVUZ ^P[OPU [OL KLZPNU PUK\Z[Y` HUK PTWVY[HU[ ÄN\YLZ MYVT these areas of design. A promotional video made up of snapshots from the production of the exhibition, talks from university lecturers and company members about the event, revealing a sneak preview of what to expect will be posted on the website . A Tumblr blog will be set up to report about entries, images and inspiration for the exhibition, as well as announcing snippets of information about events occurring in the build up to the exhibition. The blog will continue throughout the exhibition as display works of the designers, key moments of the exhibition and images of the venue and events there. A website- www.topnotch.com, will provide information about exhibition, who’s showing there, what the event schedule is, sponsors and information about the company. The website will use colloquial language to make it user friendly to all, and be brightly coloured with freelance illustrations and graphic designers work to attract attention. The design of the website will change each year and designers will be invited to submit deZPNUZ [OLPY V^U KYH^PUNZ PSS\Z[YH[PVUZ HUK PTHNLZ [V IL [OL OVTL WHNL IHJRNYV\UK ;OL logo and typography of the brand will stay the same. Posters will be displayed in and around university buildings in the North to attract the target audience of graduates. They will also be displayed in trasnport bus train and coach They will be bold and colourful to catch attention, and the image used will have a concept of design and the north to continue the branding and image of the exhibition. Advertisements in local northern newspapers will occur and student magazines to again reach out to the target audience of the student population

Objectives of the PR strategy

To build awareness around Top Notch and the exhibition ;V KL]LSVW [OL JYLH[P]L ÅHPY VM `V\UN HUK L_JP[PUN [HSLU[ LTLYNPUN MYVT UVY[OLYU NYHK\H[LZ in the design industry To provide detailed information about the exhibition, its core values and its aspirations To create a positive and successful marketing campaign

U"8H:-%'9(#-8"-:96 “Top notchâ€? will create a prominent and favorable presence through the internet with the use of blogs, a website and the powerful tool of social networking sites. The two most currently and widely used social networking sites are currently Facebook and twitter. An account and page will be designed on both sites to achieve maximum exposure. >P[O YLNHYKZ [V [^P[[LY ¸;VW UV[JOš ^PSS MVSSV^ PUĂ…\LU[PHS PUK\Z[Y` WYVMLZZPVUHSZ W\ISPJH[PVUZ and organisations, and will “tweetâ€? relevant promotional information regarding the occurrences of events linked with the exhibition. On Facebook, industry, publication and organisation professionals will again be added, with content regarding the brand and activities posted on the “wallâ€? of the group and that of PUĂ…\LU[PHS ¸MYPLUKZš The website created will be the base for information on the brand and exhibition. Lists of sponsors, dates, exhibitors lists will be provided, as well as photos and viral videos providing a taster of what to expect at the exhibition. A link to a blog on instagram and Tumblr will also be available information on the website that is to be updated regularly with promotional material and images to create a buzz an interest around the event.

Think Tank Marketing www.ttmarketing.co.uk Cost: ÂŁ12,000 3LHK [PTL! TVU[OZ

VB&'#&8#$%B(I(J+'E%'9 Sponsorship from popular named brands are key to the funding of this exhibition. Large companies often favor sponsoring educational programmes as it has a very positive effect on their company A grant will be put in to the National Lottery for funding to help with initial start up costs. Grants are also an option and due to the nature of the exhibition relating to arts and education, there are numerous grants available to help.

Proposed sponsors would be: <YIHU 6\[Ă„[[LYZ Morrisons Popular design university Arts council Paperchase The Baltic Mill

L'#+8"',: Top Notch will be covered by Public liability insurance & eEmployers liability cover This is to protect the company against law suits from accidental bodily injury of those attending the event, for accidental bodily PUQ\Y` [V HU`VUL `V\ LTWSV` H[ HU L]LU[ HZ [OPZ ^V\SK HSS YLĂ…LJ[ negatively on the company.

Ecclesiastical Insurance


2 years Exhibition proposal research Venue research Finalise concept

I year 10 months Design marketing campaign Design promotional campaign Book venue Arrange meeting with venue to discuss technicalities

1 year Book insurance- public and employer liability


month 10 launch promotional campaign draft press release draft e-release contact sponsors ÄUHSPZL I\KNL[

month 8 Design brochure ÄUHSPZL ZV\YJPUN MVY L_OPIP[ IVV[O OPYL Finalise catering Push marketing campaign- daily blog, facebook and twitter feed

1 year 11 months Hire models for marketing campaignposters Book photoshoot :OVV[ WYVTV[PVUHS ÄST Begin search for sponsors Approach grant and funding 1 year 9 months Contact graphic design company Contact web design company Pay deposit for venue Research sourcing exhibitors Set up facebook page, twitter and blog to create interest

month 11 Launch website Draw designs for exhibition plan budget :WVUZVYZ JVUÄYTLK month 9 Launch marketing campaign- advertisements through webspace and paper Å`LYZ HUK WVZ[LYZ WYPU[LK merchandise designed release press and e-release Finalise exhibitors

month 7 staff hiring and training for event contact door men contact caterer’s ÄUHSPZL ZWVUZVYZ Create competition entry rules

TVU[O send invites to industry professionals push marketing campaign TLL[ ^P[O ZWVUZVYZ [V ÄUHSPZL KL[HPSZ *OLJR JVUÄYTH[PVU ^P[O L_OPIP[VYs

month 3 health and safety checks Security checks month 2 push marketing campaign health and safety checks Send out updated press release and E release month 1 Distribution of exhibition booths run magazine advertising health and safety checks ÄUHSPZL HSS WSHUZ ^P[OPU [OL WYVQLJ[ [V IL Z\JJLZZM\SS` up and running 3 weeks Chase up things missing from planning sheet 1 week Set up exhibition booths Connect lighting, electricity and furniture Set up central hall, exchange hall, gallery, charter foyer and charter suites 2 days Exhibitors move in to customise stalls

1 day Run through with staff Health and safety Check over everything is ready to strt at 9 am tomorrow


month 6 push marketing campaign source merchandise- tote bags, wristbands Caterer’s booked



Price breakdown

Qua ntity

Total Price

Exhibition Venue Hire

Manchester Central

6 rooms Price per room per hour 7 days

7 £72,100 Days 6 room s

Exhibition shell suites

UK Exhibition Stands

£2760 each

66 boot hs



KK Catering

£15,500 per day

7 days


Delivery Transport







Native Print

A5 | Colour Litho | 150 gsm

2000 £1508.40

Tote Bags


Canvas bespoke tote bags

2000 £2880

£0.066 each Postage: 1.16 kg £8.34 Express printing at £0.035 each = £70 VAT £ 42.07

2000 £252.41



£796.76 £9,000




Think Tank Marketing


Variety of media


Ecclesiastical insurance


£12,000 £5000 per year

Included in price- insurance premium tax £78 Policy fee £6



Amy Kate Hargreaves

B%,-+8:(8:J:8:',:# Picture references in order of appearance: Inspiration board Newcastle bert hardy O[[W! TLKPH [\TISY JVT [\TISYFSUKN__O__- XOXM^ V F QWN Northern hemisphere O[[W! `V\^VYRMVY[OLT JVT Factory O[[WZ! WS\Z NVVNSL JVT WOV[VZ HSI\TZ &IHUULY$W^H Scandinavian O[[W! ^^^ WOV[VNYHWO`ZLY]LK JVT NHSSLY` :JHUKPUH]PHU 3HUKZJHWLZ Letterpress O[[W! WYPU[ZOVW \YIHUV\[Ä[[LYZ JVT WYVK\J[ WYPU[Z&JS$ Map O[[W! ]PU[HNLTLVOT` JVT &W$ Angel of the north O[[W! ^^^ KPNP[HSJHTLYH^VYSK JVT MVY\T Newcastle O[[W! ^^^ ÅPJRY JVT WOV[VZ ]PZ\HSHK]LU[\YLY PU MH]LZ '5 Location Out of the Blue O[[W! ^^^ V\[VM[OLIS\L VYN \R The Loft O[[W! ^^^ IPN]LU\LIVVR JVT ]LU\L PTHNLZ THPUFPTHNL QWN The Baltic Amy Kate Hargreaves Manchester Central O[[W! ^^^ YLZLY]H[PVU OPNO^H` JV \R PTHNLZ TJJ QWN Manchester library O[[W! \WSVHK ^PRPTLKPH VYN ^PRPWLKPH JVTTVUZ M ML 4HUJOLZ[LYF*LU[YHSF3PIYHY` QWN Manchester city aerial O[[W! ^^^ ^LIIH]PH[PVU JV \R THUJOLZ[LY HLYPHS THUJOLZ[LY QWN Bridge Amy Kate Hargreaves Manchester canal O[[W! WOV[VL]LY`^OLYL JV \R IYP[HPU THUJOLZ[LY ZSPKLZ THUJOL[LYFJHUHSF[V^WH[O7* QWN Manchester central logo O[[W! JKU PUZPKLYTLKPH JVT JTZFTLKPH PTHNLZ SVNVFTHUJOLZ[LYFJLU[YHS QWN Exhibition Amy Kate Hargreaves Manchester central O[[W! PTHNLZOHJR \Z WOV[V T` PTHNLZ THUJOLZ[LYJLU[YHS ]Z QWN Manchester central O[[W! TJYWLYZPHUZ JVT ZP[LZ KLMH\S[ ÄSLZ 4HUJOLZ[LY*LU[YHS7HUVYHTH QWN Google map of manchester O[[W! THWZ NVVNSL JV \R THWZ&JSPLU[$ZHMHYP YSZ$LU X$THUJOLZ[LY VL$<;- YLKPYFLZJ$ \T$ PL$<;- 8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wl 4HUJOLZ[LY *LU[YHS ÅVVYWSHUZ JV\Y[LZ` VM 3PZH *HY[LY L]LU[Z JV VYKPUH[VY H[ 4HUJOLZ[LY *LU[YHS

Tile wall Amy Kate Hargreaves Droog NYC store www.drooglab.com Mill O[[W! THWZ NVVNSL JV \R THWZ&JSPLU[$ZHMHYP YSZ$LU X$THUJOLZ[LY VL$<;- YLKPYFLZJ$ \T$ PL$<;- 8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wl Bunting O[[W! H[LSPLYKLJVY ISVNZWV[ JVT [HSSLY KL HYX\P[LJ[\YH KL YPJHYKV O[TS Warehouse O[[W! [OLW\YZ\P[HLZ[OL[PJ [\TISY JVT Cement factory O[[W! H[LSPLYKLJVY ISVNZWV[ JVT [HSSLY KL HYX\P[LJ[\YH KL YPJHYKV O[TS Factory O[[W! PPKLZ\ [\TISY JVT Exhibition space | design for download www.drooglab.com <YIHU V\[Ä[[LYZ O[[W! UL^ZWHWLY SP Z[H[PJ IH I H IIK II J QWN O[[W! ^^^ KLÄHU[PTHNPUH[PVU JVT ^W JVU[LU[ \WSVHKZ <YIHU6\[Ä[[LYZ QWN Droog store nyc O[[W! ^^^ JVVSO\U[PUN JVT KLZPNU KYVVN UL^ `VYR WOW MacBook O[[W! ^^^ SHW[VWYLWHPYÄ_ JV \R THJ YLWHPY PTHNL THJIVVR YLWHPY QWN Top notch typography O[[W! MHYT Z[H[PJ ÅPJRY JVT FJ J HH QWN Top notch logo O[[W! ^^^ [VWUV[JO HYJOP[LJ[Z JVT F4LKPH [VWFUV[JOFSVNV QWLN Studionorth.co.uk Branding and client page Publications O[[W! MMMMV\UK JVT PTHNL M K KHM K II L K J J LH Brochure O[[W! MMMMV\UK JVT PTHNL M K KHM K II L K J J LH O[[W! ZOVW RLTPZ[Y`NHSSLY` JV \R Native print O[[W! ^^^ UH[P]LWYPU[ JV \R WYVK\J[FPUMV WOW&J7H[O$ F WYVK\J[ZFPK$ Alphabet tote O[[W! ^^^ J\S[\YLSHILS JVT Z UH[\YHS [V[L O[TS Bag it dont bin it logo O[[W! H [^PTN JVT WYVÄSLFPTHNLZ IHNP[ QWN Wristbands O[[W! ^^^ [PJRL[WYPU[LYZ JV \R ^YPZ[IHUKZ O[TS Facebook logo O[[W! YLK[VV[OWVRLY JVT ISVN ^W JVU[LU[ \WSVHKZ MHJLIVVR SVNV WUN Twitter logo O[[W! ^^^ JV\Y[UL`S\] JVT ^W JVU[LU[ \WSVHKZ ;^P[[LY 3VNV QWN


Amy Kate Hargreaves

Amy Kate Hargreaves Amy Hargreaves 08016372 Fashion Communication Year 3 Logistics

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