Friends of Johnson County Public Library - April 2015

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FRIENDS of Johnson County Public Library April 2015

What’s Inside… President’s Message National Library Week Getting to Know Our Friends Book Sale Schedule Spotlight on April Programs Book Review by a “Friend”

President’s Message


April showers bring May flowers. Hopefully the showers won’t bring down pours. I am looking forward to green grass, leaves on trees, and plants coming back to life. April also brings National Library Week from the 12th through the 19th. The Friends will be signing up new members and renewing past memberships in the lobbies of all four branches. Special programs will be offered during week. We look forward to seeing old Friends and making new ones. Jane Bingham, Friends President


Johnson County Public Library

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jane Bingham, President Merilee Allen, Vice President Betsy Schmidt, Secretary Gary Kiesel, Treasurer Judy Misiniec, Membership Chair Patti Treadway, Volunteer Coordinator Phyllis Reynolds, Book Sale Committee Co-Chair

All JCPL Branches will be closed on Sunday, April 5 in observance of Easter.

Roger Robey, Book Sale Committee Co-Chair Gregg Biberdorf Cathy Daily Macie Martin Mary Jane Rose Neal Treadway

Unlimited Possibilities @ Your Library! It’s National Library Week and all you need to celebrate is your Johnson County Public Library card! Every time you use your JCPL card this week at any JCPL Branch, you can register to win prizes which celebrate the unlimited possibilities that can be found at your public library. Plus, we’ll have lots of exciting programs and activities to make this week extra special. JOHN SO PUBLI N COUN TY C LIB R A RY




Beverly Martin, Library Liaison Philomena Ross, Director Emeritus

2015 Board Meeting Schedule May 26

White River Branch

July 28

Clark Pleasant Branch

September 22

Trafalgar Branch


Annual Meeting (TBA)

November 24

Franklin Branch

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of Johnson County

Public Library

FRIENDS make all the difference!

Hello Friends… My name is Neal Treadway, and since I am the newest Friends board member, I was “volunteered” to write a short profile of myself…. so here goes. I grew up in northeast Tennessee (Cumberland Gap) way back in the “sticks” - a place I still love. My family consisted of five sisters, two brothers, my mom, and my dad, who was disabled. Even though I loved Tennessee, I knew I would eventually have to leave because there just wasn’t a way to make much of a living in that area. In 1969 I moved to Indianapolis where some of my older sisters had moved. My plan was to get a summer job at Eli Lilly and return to Tennessee in the fall to complete my college education. With no summer jobs available, I applied for a full

If you are not a Friends member, why not "FRIEND" the FRIENDS OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY? Go to this link: You can also "Friend" JCPL on Facebook by searching for "Johnson County Public Library (Indiana)" or click the Facebook logo on the Library's page. You can join the Friends for a very small amount. You can also support the Friends in their goals of providing resources to the library, especially with programs like the Summer Learning Program by coming to the library book sales.

time job but still planned to return to Tennessee in the fall. After a while, I decided I would be crazy to leave such a good company so I decided to stay in Indiana and complete my college education (with Eli Lilly paying for it). Initially I worked full time and went to school full time but decided that was too much and started going to school part time. Eventually I completed my degree in Computer Science and spent many years at Eli Lilly as a Systems Analyst. Lilly is also the place where I met my lovely wife, Patti, who is also a Friends board member. In 2002, I decided to retire and begin a new phase in my life and in 2007, Patti joined me in retirement. We now spend a lot of time volunteering including book sales for the Friends. We also enjoy reading, photography, traveling, hiking, geocaching, and several other activities in our “spare” time.

2015 BOOK SALE SCHEDULE May 14, 15, 16, 17 Trafalgar Branch August 27, 28, 29, 30 White River Branch November 12, 13, 14, 15 Clark Pleasant Branch


CPR Certification Class

Tuesday, April 7, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Clark Pleasant Branch We’ll read and discuss, Mansfield Park, and watch select movie clips, drink tea, and play Regency era games. To obtain a copy of the book (print, audio, or large-type) contact a librarian. Open to adults. PLEASE REGISTER

Wednesday, April 15, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Clark Pleasant Branch Participants earn infant/child/adult CPR Certification at the Heartsaver/General Public Level upon successful completion of the training. All materials provided for an $11.00 fee, which attendees will pay to the presenter at the program. Open to adults. PLEASE REGISTER

Craft Night: Coffee Scrub Wednesday, April 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. White River Branch Scrubbing with coffee is a great way to smooth skin and start your day with an energizing scent. Make your own with natural ingredients. Open to adults.

More Color in Your Garden Saturday, April 11, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Trafalgar Branch Join Sarah Hanson from Purdue Extension and discover how to add more color in your summer garden. Open to adults.

The Gift of Life! Organ Donations Monday, April 13, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Trafalgar Branch More than 3.5 million Hoosiers have registered their decision to be an organ and tissue donor. What do they know that you don’t. Learn the facts. Open to adults.

Explorer’s Club: Famous Artists Wednesday, April 15, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Franklin Branch Explore the work of artists from different eras, then create your own masterpieces based on Van Gogh, Michaelangelo, Picasso, and more! Open to grades 3-6.

Voices from the Past: Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder Saturday, April 25, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Johnson County Museum of History Learn about the history of flight as told through music. We’ll start with “Come Josephine in My Flying Machine,” and continue with the many songs written about flying over the years. Paul Feinman will also play songs written about flying during WWI & II. Commercials for airlines (some of which are defunct) will also be included. You’ll go home humming! Open to Adults.

Book Discussion: Loving Frank by Nancy Horan Wednesday, April 29, 1:30-3:30 p.m. White River Branch Open to Adults.

Essential Oils Workshop Thursday, April 30, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Clark Pleasant Branch What’s all the buzz about essential oils? Join Stacy Quasebarth as she discusses what essential oils are and how her afamily uses them for personal wellness. Open to adults. PLEASE REGISTER

For a listing of all programs please visit

Reading With Our Friends Have you ever had a friend that recommended a book? Well, this is your opportunity to get a book suggestion by a new "Friend" - one of the Friends of the Johnson County Public Library‌that is. My great interest lies in history. I love reading or listening to good books uncovering the who's, how's, why's, when's and even wherefore's of pivotal points of American and World History. As I commute to and from my job daily, I normally have anywhere from one to two hours in which I can enjoy a good book on CD. It really helps me ignore the 46 traffic lights from my house to the office. I recently completed a volume by James D. Hornfischer entitled Neptune's Inferno: The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal (Call Number 940.56265933 HOR and ISBN 978055386700). At 516 pages, it is a satisfyingly heavy and thick history of a truly epic turning point in World War II. The US Navy and Marines captured the hot, stinking island of Guadalcanal that the Japanese were investing as an airfield stepping stone to total control of the Pacific-which ultimately would have included Australia and Hawaii. The consequences of failure for the U.S. in this campaign would have devastated the chances of the American forces of preventing more of the disasters such as befell the Allied forces following the attacks on Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. The author gives a strong and gripping account of the Naval side of the battle that is already known as one of the first

Review by Greg Biberdorf

major steps in the U.S. Marine Corps long legacy of tremendously costly victories. What many don't realize is that the U.S. Navy lost five sailors for every single Marine lost on the Island. The intense battles fought in the "Slot" that proved to be the graveyard of so many ships and men from both sides are detailed and gripping and include many personal anecdotes from survivors of both sides. The many decisions by naval commanders on both sides are analyzed critically including the abundant mistakes that caused many who sailed into that sea to never return. The story of the U.S. Navy's large leap forward from Naval strategy of past wars into a new way of fighting battles on, over and under the seas, while simultaneously still providing support for the raggedy Marines left, seemingly abandoned on the "Canal", are both fascinating and deeply moving. The stories of bravery are not uncommon as are the stories of maddening cases of "if only". I found this book to be a great way to pass along the miles over two weeks of commuting! If you prefer your history in written form, the library has two printed copies of the book on the shelves at Franklin and White River. If you enjoy books of this sort, I highly recommend these other titles: The First Heroes - The Extraordinary Story of the Doolittle Raid - America's First World War II Victory by Craig Nelson 109 East Palace: Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos by Jennet Conant The Storm of War - A New History of World War II by Andrew Roberts

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. -- Aesop

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